Examining The Role of Weather in Aircraft Accidents

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Volume 8, Issue 12, December – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Examining the Role of Weather in Aircraft Accidents

Qais AlBesher and Saud AlMusallam
High Institute of Telecommunication and Navigation

Abstract:- This study explores the pivotal role of weather ● To analyze the mechanisms through which weather
in aircraft accidents, aiming to analyze its impact and impacts different phases of flight, from takeoff and landing
suggest mitigation strategies. Weather conditions, to en-route navigation.
acknowledged as significant contributors to accidents, can ● To explore existing strategies and technologies employed
cause disruptions leading to human error and technical to mitigate weather-related risks in aviation.
malfunctions despite advancements in technology (Bueso ● To identify potential gaps in current safety measures and
et al., 2017; Rodriguez-Paras et al., 2021). Focusing on propose recommendations for improvement.
commercial fixed-wing aviation accidents, this study ● To contribute to the development of a more robust
scrutinizes prevalent weather phenomena like low understanding of the weather-accident relationship,
visibility, wind shear, turbulence, and icing. By delving ultimately leading to enhanced aviation safety globally.
into specific aspects, it offers insights into the complex
interplay between weather and accidents, aiming to  Scope of the Study
enhance aviation safety. This study will focus on a limited scope, primarily
focusing on:
Keywords:- Weather, Aircraft Accidents, Aviation Safety, ● Commercial aviation accidents involving fixed-wing
Mitigation Strategies, Flight Phases. aircraft.
● Specific weather phenomena include, but are not limited
I. INTRODUCTION to, low visibility, wind shear, turbulence, and icing.
● Geographic regions with a high prevalence of weather-
Aviation safety remains a paramount concern in the related accidents.
modern world, and understanding the contributing factors to ● Recent advancements in weather forecasting and
aircraft accidents is crucial for its continuous improvement. mitigation technologies applicable to aviation.
Among these factors, weather plays a significant role, often
posing hidden dangers and unexpected challenges to pilots and By focusing on these specific aspects, the study aims to
air traffic controllers (Airbus, 2023). This study aims to delve provide a detailed and focused analysis of the complex
into the complex relationship between weather and aircraft interplay between weather and aircraft accidents, offering
accidents, analyzing its impact and exploring potential valuable insights and actionable recommendations for
mitigation strategies. improving aviation safety.
 Statement of the Problem In subsequent sections, we will delve deeper into the
Weather conditions have long been recognized as a specific weather phenomena that pose threats, explore case
major contributor to aircraft accidents (Bueso et al., 2017). studies of weather-related accidents, analyze existing safety
Adverse weather phenomena such as low visibility, strong measures, and propose recommendations for future research
winds, and turbulence can significantly impact flight and development.
operations, leading to human error, technical malfunction, and
ultimately, tragic accidents. Despite advancements in II. CONTENT
technology and safety protocols, weather continues to pose a
significant threat to aviation safety (Rodriguez-Paras et al.,
Aviation safety is profoundly influenced by a myriad of
weather conditions, contributing significantly to accidents and
operational disruptions within the industry (Gültepe et al.,
 Aim
2019). This thesis examines the multifaceted impact of various
This paper aims to provide a comprehensive examination
weather phenomena on different flight phases, elucidates
of the role of weather in aircraft accidents. Its key objectives
strategies and technologies for mitigating weather-related
risks, highlights existing gaps in safety measures, and
● To investigate the specific weather conditions that most
proposes avenues for improvement. By synthesizing insights
frequently contribute to aviation accidents.
from scholarly works by Gültepe et al. (2019), Josh (2023),

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Volume 8, Issue 12, December – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
and Burt (2014), this thesis aims to underscore the imperative deadliest weather-related aviation accidents based on the
of comprehensive weather management in augmenting information provided by Burt (2014):
aviation safety standards. Table 1 summarizes the top 10

Table 1: Deadliest Weather-Related Aviation Accidents

Rank Fatalities Incident Description Date

1 583 Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain: Collision of Boeing 747 aircraft in dense fog on runway March 27, 1977

Iran Ilyushin Military Aircraft near Kerman, Iran: Jet crashed into mountainside in poor
2 275 February 19, 2003

Arrow Air Flight#1285 near Gander, Newfoundland, Canada: McDonnell Douglas DC-8
3 256 December 12, 1985
crashed after takeoff due to icing

Garuda Indonesia Flight #152 near Medan, Indonesia: Crashed into hillside due to thick
4 234 September 26, 1997
haze and low visibility

Korean Air Flight #801 in Guam: Crashed during landing approach in heavy rainfall and
5 228 August 6, 1997
high winds

Air France Flight #447 over the Atlantic Ocean: Encountered thunderstorms causing
6 228 June 1, 2009
pilot error leading to a stall

7 203 China Air Flight #676 in Taiwan: Pilot error led to a crash during landing in rain and fog February 16, 1998

TAM Airlines Flight #3054 in Sao Paulo, Brazil: Hydroplaned upon landing due to wet
8 199 July 17, 2007

Chartered aircraft landing in Kano, Nigeria: Skidded off runway due to high winds
9 176 January 22, 1973
during landing

Cubano de Aviacion Flight #9646 near Havana, Cuba: Downburst forced aircraft to
10 171 September 3, 1989
ground in heavy rain and high winds

 Weather Conditions and Aviation Accidents

The gamut of weather conditions—ranging from wind
and visibility/ceiling to thunderstorms, lightning, and
beyond—constitutes crucial factors contributing to aviation
accidents (Gültepe et al., 2019). Understanding the specific
nuances of each weather element's influence on flight safety is
fundamental to devising effective mitigation strategies.

 Impact of Weather on Flight Phases

Distinct flight phases, such as takeoff, landing, and en
route navigation, are uniquely susceptible to adverse weather
effects. Takeoff and landing phases are particularly vulnerable
to wind shear and low visibility, posing critical challenges for
aircraft operations (Gültepe et al., 2019). En route navigation
introduces concerns related to turbulence and icing, pivotal in
maintaining control and aerodynamic efficiency during flight.
According to the U.S. Department of Transport records from
the National Aviation System 50% of all delayed flights in
2017 are due to weather conditions (Bureau of Transportation Fig 1: Causes of National Aviation System Delays
Statistics, 2017).

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Volume 8, Issue 12, December – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
 Strategies and Technologies for Mitigation detection and forecasting technologies directly accessible
Advancements in weather forecasting technologies, to flight crews is crucial. Integrating these tools into
exemplified by Next-Generation Weather Radar (NEXRAD) aircraft systems empowers real-time decision-making and
and high-resolution weather models, have significantly enhances situational awareness.
bolstered the accuracy of predictions (Josh, 2023). In-flight
adjustments, facilitated by real-time weather updates and CONTRIBUTION TO ENHANCED AVIATION SAFETY
equipped aircraft systems, empower pilots to circumvent
hazardous conditions, thus mitigating risks during flight. By acknowledging and addressing the specific weather
phenomena contributing to accidents, the aviation industry can
 Gaps in Current Safety Measures bolster safety measures comprehensively. Focused efforts on
Despite notable progress, significant gaps persist in regions susceptible to weather-related accidents and the
forecasting and managing microbursts, clear-air turbulence, integration of cutting-edge weather forecasting technologies
and rapidly evolving thunderstorms (Burt, 2014). into daily operations will pave the way for a safer operational
Additionally, the global dissemination of weather information, environment. This collaborative approach, coupled with
especially in remote regions, remains a pressing concern ongoing advancements in weather prediction and
within aviation safety protocols. communication systems, is fundamental to ensuring global
aviation safety.
Weather remains an incontrovertible element influencing
aviation safety, contributing significantly to accidents [1]. Airbus. (2023, December 7). Wind shear: an invisible
worldwide. The comprehensive analysis presented herein enemy to pilots? Safety First.
underscores the intricate relationship between various weather https://safetyfirst.airbus.com/wind-shear-an-invisible-
phenomena and their impact on different flight phases. enemy-to-pilots/
Adverse weather conditions, from wind shear to [2]. Bueso, J. M., Rojas, J. I., Lozano, M. G., Pino, D., Prats,
thunderstorms, present formidable challenges to flight X., & Miglietta, M. M. (2017). Influence of
operations, emphasizing the critical need for robust mitigation meteorological phenomena on worldwide aircraft
strategies. accidents, 1967-2010. Meteorological Applications,
25(2), 236–245. https://doi.org/10.1002/met.1686
While advancements in technology, exemplified by [3]. Bureau of Transportation Statistics. (2017, November 6).
improved weather forecasting tools and in-flight systems, have Airline on-time statistics and delay causes. Retrieved
significantly enhanced risk assessment and management, November 6, 2017, from https://www.transtats.bts.gov/
substantial gaps persist in anticipating and handling specific OT_Delay/ ot_delaycause1.asp?type=5&pn=1
weather-related hazards. Challenges persist in effectively [4]. Burt, C. (2014). Top 10 deadliest weather-related
predicting microbursts, clear-air turbulence, and rapidly aviation accidents on record | Weather
evolving thunderstorms. Furthermore, the accessibility and Extremes.Weather Underground.
dissemination of weather information in remote regions https://www.wunderground.com/blog/weatherhistorian/to
continue to pose a concern, hampering effective decision- p-10-deadliest-weatherrelated-aviation-accidents-on-
making in aviation. record.html
[5]. Gültepe, I., Sharman, R., Williams, P. D., Zhou, B.,
RECOMMENDATIONS Ellrod, G. P., Minnis, P., Trier, S. B., Griffin, S. M.,
Yum, S. S., Gharabaghi, B., Feltz, W. F., Temimi, M.,
Pu, Z., Storer, L. N., Kneringer, P., Weston, M., Chuang,
To fortify aviation safety and mitigate weather-related
H., Thobois, L., Dimri, A. P., . . . Neto, F. L. (2019). A
risks, the following recommendations are proposed:
review of High Impact weather for Aviation
 Enhanced Training: Comprehensive training programs Meteorology. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 176(5),
for pilots on interpreting complex weather data and adeptly 1869–1921. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00024-019-02168-6
managing adverse weather conditions are essential. This [6]. Josh. (2023, August 16). Advancements in weather
should encompass simulations of diverse weather scenarios forecasting for safer flights. E3 Aviation Association.
to enhance preparedness. https://e3aviationassociation.com/advancements-in-
 Improved Communication: Strengthening weather-forecasting-for-safer-flights/
communication channels among meteorologists, air traffic [7]. Rodriguez-Paras, C., McKenzie, J. T.,
controllers, and pilots is imperative. Timely and precise Choterungruengkorn, P., & Ferris, T. K. (2021).
sharing of weather information ensures informed decision- Severity-Mapped Vibrotactile Cues to Support
making and proactive risk mitigation. Interruption Management with Weather Messaging in the
 Advanced Technologies: Continued investment in the General Aviation Cockpit. Atmosphere, 12(3), 341.
development and deployment of advanced weather https://doi.org/10.3390/atmos12030341

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