International Sales Strategy - 2022

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Table of Contents

Main Strategy - 2022 ................................................................................................................................................. 2

5 Year Plan ..................................................................................................................................................................... 2
1. Bangladesh ........................................................................................................................................................... 7
Market Analysis ............................................................................................................................................................ 8
SWOT Analysis ............................................................................................................................................................. 7
2. Pakistan.................................................................................................................................................................. 9
Market Analysis .......................................................................................................................................................... 10
............................................................................................................................................................. SWOT ANALYSIS
.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 13
3. Other Countries (Iran, Peru, Tunisia) ......................................................................................................... 15
4. Densurf Business Plan .................................................................................................................................... 17
Market Analysis .......................................................................................................................................................... 18
5. Communication Strategies ........................................................................................................................... 21
6. 2022 Improvement Objectives .................................................................................................................... 21

**Data until 15/11/2021

Main Strategy - 2022
With years of experience in the field of manufacturing and bringing innovative ideas to the
market, we have devised a sales strategy for the next five years to escalate our sales and
presence in the international arena. Our strategy revolves around;

1. growing our influence in two major markets, i.e. Bangladesh and Pakistan,

2. improving our stance in countries such as Iran, Peru and Tunisia,

3. having an aggressive policy to raise awareness regarding the Densurf products

4. increasing our outreach to customers in all parts of the world

These action plans will guide us throughout the year for the direction that needs to be
taken or to remind us to not to deviate from track.

5 Year Plan
Below are the sales targets for the next 5 years along with the main actions to be taken.
Denge International 2021-2025 Satış Hedefleri ve Taslak Ana Faaliyetleri
2020 2021 % 2022 % 2023 % 2024 % 2025 %
1 Bangladesh $1,513,000 $2,075,000 37% $2,700,000 30% $3,500,000 30% $4,200,000 20% $5,000,000 19%
2 Pakistan $540,000 $800,000 48% $1,150,000 44% $1,500,000 30% $1,800,000 20% $2,200,000 22%
3 İran $241,000 $350,000 45% $550,000 57% $850,000 55% $1,250,000 47% $1,800,000 44%
4 Tunus $214,000 $200,000 -7% $300,000 50% $400,000 33% $500,000 25% $600,000 20%
5 Peru $125,000 $150,000 20% $250,000 67% $350,000 40% $420,000 20% $500,000 19% DNG
6 Diğer Ülkeler $90,000 $200,000 122% $400,000 100% $650,000 63% $900,000 38% $1,200,000 33%

Toplam $2,723,000 $3,775,000 39% $5,350,000 42% $7,250,000 36% $9,070,000 25% $11,300,000 25%

5 Yıl Toplam $36,745,000

7 DENSURF $32,500 $200,000 515% $400,000 100% $750,000 88% $1,100,000 47% $1,500,000 36%

5 Yıl Toplam $3,950,000

DNG+DENSURF $2,755,500 $3,975,000 44% $5,750,000 45% $8,000,000 39% $10,170,000 27% $12,800,000 26%

5 Yıl Toplam $40,695,000

Note: All numbers are Gross Sales.

2020 2021 2022 2023
1. Denge 1. Bangladeş'te 1. İranda 1. Her ülkede
Ihracat Fabrika yada Depo üretimin Agresif büyüme
ofisinin Kurulması sağlanması. yılı.
2. (5 yıllık) 2. Pakistan Denim 2. Pakistanda 2. Diğer
stratejilerin Distiribitörünün üretimin Ülkelerin
geliştirilmesi. belirlenmesi. sağlanması. durumuna göre
(DNG, Hedeflerin
Densurf) yükseltilerek
3. Denge Int. 3. Ticari ürün 3. Asya (India, güncellenmesi.
Ekibinin gamının (Yeni Indonesia,
Kurulması ürünler) Vietnam & Sri
Ana Faaliyetler

1.Refik oluştutulması. Lanka ve Çin) ve

2.Emre 4. İran Bayisinin Güney Amerika
3.Selen belirlenmesi. da geliştirilecek
4.Ali büyüme
5.Deniz 5. Tunusta bayii stratejileri.
6.Satış organizasyonunun
Elemanı yeniden
(Gelecek değerlendirilmesi.
yıllar için)
6. Pakistan Satış
belirlenmesi. Satış
7. İran’da yeni
Densurf Bayiliği
(Mr. Ahad Ahmedi
2 .5 1 .4 1 .

Note: Data is Net Sales except November of 2021.

**Data until 15/11/2021

1 .
Denge Kimya – Bangladesh Reports

Denge Kimya – Pakistan Reports

1. Bangladesh
The sales figures make quite evident the fact that Bangladesh is the most important market
for Denge Kimya’s international sales. Our DNG range of products is the best performing
here. In 2021, USD $1.56 million** of sales were generated despite the problems arised by
the Covid-19 pandemic.

The sales in 2021 for Bangladesh can be analysed by the graphs below;

USD Total
2018 - 2021*


$1,560,000 $1,274,196
$1,159,443 $1,128,355
Sales in 2021*

2018 2019 2020 2021

**Data until 15/11/2021

Market Analysis
The market of Bangladesh can be understood from the charts below.

S ector P rofile, Garments and Textiles, Bangladesh,

2018-19 FY
No. of export oriented
garments industries
T otal garments export 34.13 billion $
% of total exports 84.21%
Labor force 4 million
% contribution to GDP 11.17%
% of value addition 63.23% 1. Export Growth Chart to Different Markets.
T-shirts, polo shirts,
Major products
jerseys, pull overs, trousers
Major markets E U, US A, C anada
No of textile units Yarn Manufacturing – 425
Fabric Manufacturing – 796
Dyeing-printing-finishing –
Investment in primary
Over 6 billion $
textile sector
229 million $ (April-S ept,
E xports of textiles

333 million $ (April-S ept,

E xports of jute goods

2. Avg. minimum worker wage in Garments 2. Product cluster wise growth, %.

Manufacturing Country.

**Data until 15/11/2021

4. Year wise change in the number of garment factories.
Table. List of Textile Chemical Manufacturers in Bangladesh.

❖ Dystar (Germany) The total dyeing and finishing auxiliaries

❖ Swisscolor (Switzerland)
market for Bangladesh is 124 million
❖ Merk (Germany)
❖ Archroma (Switzerland) USD. Of this, Denge contributes to more
❖ Kisco-kyunin synthetic corporation (Korea) than 1% of the market share.
❖ Novozymes (Denmark)
❖ Britacel (India) The top textile apparel exporters for the
❖ Global chemicals Co., ltd. (China) year 2019 were China, India,
❖ Tian huiquan fine chemical co. ltd. (Korea)
Bangladesh, Turkey, Indonesia, and
❖ Huntsman ( Singapore)
❖ Chuan Hawlle Hubei Dyestuffs Co. ( China) Vietnam, accounting for over 70% of the
❖ Modern Dyestuffs Company ( Thailand) total world textile apparel exports.
❖ Tanatex
Global Textile & Apparel market for the
year 2019 was (761 + 1641) billion USD.

**Data until 15/11/2021

SWOT Analysis
The SWOT analysis clearly outlines the strategy and the actions needed to be taken.
Güçlü (Strength) Zayıf (Weakness)
Dıffıcult for us to penetrate ın the market due to not having
Access to production facilities due to great relationships
the BS Cert. for some products
Denge Kimya achieves timely customers expectations, hence Denge Kimya needs to produce a complete product range
SWOT known as a consistency supplier (intro of some commodity products)
Denge Kimya has multiple sustainable solutions in the
No local warehouse / stock availability for Denge Kimya
denim range

Flexibility in account system is poor in Denge Kimya


Denge Kimya can support the clients for establishing

Strategy Action Plans
production areas

Denge Kimya can find a parnter for supplying leather

Have production facilities in Bangladesh for customers.
chemicals for the producers in Bangladesh
As Denge Kimya, we have a high chance to offer our
Put more focus on the woven fabric production facilities. Great opportunity in this area.
products for woven fabric production
Reduce our business a lot if there is a new competition in Will increase the reliability and trust on Denge Kimya if we
Trading of commodity chemicals for Bangladesh.
the market for most sold products can be the one solution to all problems.

We are dependant on our distributor for our operations in

Achieve required product certifications. Increased penetration in to the market.
Tehdit (Threath)

Unstable political scenario of Bangladesh can have Will cut the supply times, we will always have a solution on
Depo/storage in Bangladesh.
detrimental effect on our business. the go.
New or the current pandemic can effect our business Innovative solutions for better financial practices. Help us gain trust of the client.
Will reduce our business's dependancy on a few products.
Diversify product range to reduce fear of loss of market. This will allow us to take bolder steps and more risks in the
market. Reduced uncertainty, less fluctuation.

To get a better understanding of the image Denge Kimya

Measure the brand reliability of Denge Kimya.
portrays in the Bangladesh market.

Introduce leather chemical products. Diversification of products.

The strategies that can be inferred from the SWOT analysis performed above go as

Main Strategies;

1. Establish better facilities for the customers. (Local Production and Stock)
2. Increase the market share by adding new products.
3. Increase Marketing activities. (Increase the DNG brand value)

Strategy Main Actions

Innovative solutions for better financial practices.
Establish production facilities in Bangladesh for customers and acquire storage.
Initiate the selling of commodity chemicals for Bangladesh to dieversify the
product range to reduce fear of loss of market.
Identify more woven fabric production facilities.
Introduce leather chemical products.
Achieve required product certifications.
Measure the brand reliability of Denge Kimya in Bangladesh.

These are the main action plans for Bangladesh. Again, these will be updated throughout
the year.

To go through all the work we made to arrive to all these strategies, click the link below.

Bangladesh Strategic Plans - 2022

Bangladesh Biggest Accounts 2022

USD / year
Ahsan Composite 150,000
Tosrifa Industries 140,000
Bengal Hurricane 130,000
Chorka Textiles 120,000
Talha Texpro 115,000
Premier 1888 100,000
Alliance Knit 70,000
Gramtech Knit Dyeing 65,000
Akij Textile Mills 55,000
United Apparels 55,000
Total $1,000,000
2. Pakistan
The second best market for Denge Kimya is clearly of Pakistan. With over USD $332,000
of sales generated in the year 2021*, the potential to grow further is clearly outlined by
the fact that the textile industry has already received export orders for the next 6 months.
The sector is expanding it’s production capacity to meet robust demands from foreign

The sales in 2021 for Pakistan can be analysed by the graphs below;

USD Total
2018 - 2021*


$332,834 $487,483 $504,964

Sales in 2021* $332,834

2018 2019 2020 2021

Market Analysis
Pakistan has the 24th largest economy in the world and is the 4th largest producer of cotton.
According to the Pakistan Economic Survey 2018-19, Pakistan’s largest export industry was
the textile industry, with hosiery and readymade garments contributing 3.49 billion USD
to total trade.

24th 4th
largest economy largest producer of cotton

3rd 8th
biggest consumer largest exporter of textiles
of cotton in Asia

contribution to the global spinning capacity

The top 9 exported items from Pakistan in the year 2018-2019 were
Export Generalised Scheme of Preferences
Value-added Products Percentage (GSP) Plus
EU's Special Incentive Arrangement for
Knitwear Sustainable Development and Good Governance, GSP+,
9 is part of EU's unilateral tariff preferences in favour of
developing countries. EU’s GSP+ removes import duties
Bed Wear from products coming into the EU market from
2 vulnerable developing countries. This helps developing
countries to alleviate poverty and create jobs based on
international values and principles, including labour and
Ready-made Garments human rights.
Pakistan became a beneficiary in 2014,
becoming the second country in all of South and
Southeast Asia to receive the trade advantage, giving it a
Towels 10 to 14 percent duty advantage over major regional
1 competitors including China, India, Vietnam, Thailand,
and Indonesia. Its exports to the EU have averaged 32
percent, against 25 percent in the period prior to signing
Tents & Canvas 3 the scheme. However, the potential is much greater.
Pakistan can beef exports to the EU by 15 times and not
This table illustrates the percentage change for exports of
just in textiles.
certain items - FY19.

Pakistan's Garments Exports after GSP+ Status.

Established Capacity

The textile industry of Pakistan has a total established spinning capacity of 1550 million
Kgs of yarn, weaving capacity of 4368 million square metres of fabric and finishing capacity
of 4000 million square metres. The industry has a production capacity of 670 million units
of garments, 400 million units of knitwear and 53 million Kgs of towels. (2010)
2 locations working cotton 7 locations working cotton
1 location working leather 3 locations working leather
2 locations working woollen 2 locations working woollen
1 location working silk & rayon 2 location working silk & rayon

9 locations working cotton 18 locations working cotton

4 locations working leather 6 locations working leather
4 locations working woollen 7 locations working woollen
5 location working silk & rayon 5 location working silk & rayon
4 locations working jute 2 locations working jute

The majority of the industry is concentrated either in the city of Karachi or in the
province of Punjab.
Güçlü (Strength) Zayıf (Weakness)
Strong relationships with the country, hence affecting our Impresence of Denge in Pakistan, reduces our range of
sales in a positive manner. customers.
Strong relationships with the country, hence affecting our Loss of customers due to inavailability of products or not

sales in a positive manner. being able to deliver fastly.
Denge Kimya needs to improve the relationship with it's
More than 15 years of presence of Denge Kimya
Makes Denge stronger as we can generate more
opportunities with Pakistan that are missed by other Untapped market in Lahore and Faisalabad.
Good established relations with clients. If we invest in If Denge can have a local storage, sales can increase
Pakistan, we can have more advantages. gradually
We have a good marketing team for Denim
Simple and straighforward product range, not too many

Denge has good relationships with home textile producers Strategy

Denge can increase overall sales by selling denim products Increase our customer base for Home Textile producers.
Fırsat (Opportunity)

Untapped market in Lahore and Faisalabad. Search for a new denim distributor in Pakistan

Increase local activity by having a storage and a

If Denge can have a local storage, sales can increase

Good established relations with clients. If we invest in Improve relations with the distributor while looking for
Pakistan, we can have more advantages. alternatvies.

Greater logistics options for Denge (Turkey-Iran-Pakistan

Cargo Train)
increased competition for Denge

Delayed payment times, decreasing our total sales.

Main Strategy

1. Divide the Denim and DNG range sales pipeline. Find a new distributor for Denim.
2. Increase the sales above 1M USD/year.

The strategies that can be devised from SWOT Analysis above are as follows;

Strategy Main Actions

Search for a new denim distributor in Pakistan.

Increase our customer base for Home Textile producers.

Increase local activity by having a storage (or supporting the local production)
and a salesperson.
Improve relations with the distributor while looking for alternatives.

The business plan is set according to the needs of the clients for each different product.

Business Plan 2022

USD / year
Feroze 1888 280,000
M.N Textile 350,000
Master Textile 62,400
International Textile 90,000
Jamal Group/Madinah Textile 24,000
Distributor 300,000
Total ≈ $1.106.000

You can access all the workings for the strategic plan by the link below;

Pakistan Strategic Plan - 2022

3. Other Countries (Iran, Peru, Tunisia)
After Bangladesh and Pakistan, the most important markets for us come as Iran, Peru
and Tunisia, respectively. The possibilities to grow, not only in DNG range, but also for
our new projects such as Polyurethane or Densurf product range are endless.

Keeping in view our strong and historical ties with the connections we have established in
these countries over the years, we will have an approach of aggressive policy for sales.

Our connections will be

• proactive about their strategies

• help us build relationships/possibilities
• introduce digital marketing ways to do business

To achieve all this, meetings will be conducted with them on a monthly basis followed by
adding the action plans for the months ahead.

As an example, the following are the action plans for the month of January;


1. Have a daylong meeting/workshop with our team in Iran to discuss plans

2. Find other distribution channels
3. Look for production opportunities in Iran
4. 5-year plan

Peru; $692,845
1. Push them for a production in Peru Combined sales in
2. Have a strategy meeting with the distributor 2021*
3. 5-year plan


1. Zoom meeting with ITS

2. Zoom meeting with Mr. Kais Jaziri (distributor)
3. 5-year plan

1. New partnership with Cynosure Biotech. Great potential for both denim and
non-denim products.


2. Zoom meeting with Jorge

3. Zoom meeting with Zermatex
4. Denim with Victor
5. 5-year plan


1. We talked to a guy from Malaysia

Sri Lanka

1. Opportunity with Autus Chemicals.

All these plans will be added on our Google Drive each month, which can be accessed by
the link below;

Other Countries - Action Plans 2022

Sales in 2021*

4. Densurf Business Plan

There are great possibilities for performance chemicals worldwide. This is a growing
sector with Asia-Pacific dominating the global market, in terms of revenue.

As Densurf, the following are the key vital products to help increase international sales.

Densurf HR900
Densurf SM 101
Densurf SM 103 Marketing data*
Product List
Densurf HR 800 + Strategy

Densurf DA 405
Densurf AF 200

For these aforementioned products, we will be completing all the necessary

documents/literature and establish a strong medium for marketing and to provide on-
time information.

Densurf HR 700 A Products that

Potential have the ability
Densurf SM 135
Products to increase sales
Densurf DA 412 further.

These are the products with a high potential. Monthly action plans have been made and
work on them initiated. Updates will be definitely made along the way to take best

The total sales of various products can be observed from the graph below.

Total Sales
2021 (USD)
Market Analysis
The global value chain for the paints & coatings industry is describe in the infographic

The raw materials for producing paints and coatings include base chemicals, such as
additives, resins, pigments, and solvents.

The base chemical producers procure petrochemicals and oleo chemicals for the
production of base chemicals. There are numerous global suppliers in the market who
offer base chemicals for the production of paints and coatings.

• Arkema, Evonik, and DowDuPont are some of the major resin providers in the
• AkzoNobel, BASF, Huntsman, Arkema, Chemours, Indorma, and Fine Organics are
some of the major companies offering additives & pigments to the paints &
coatings companies.

With the help of these base chemicals, paints and coatings are produced.

The Global paints & coatings market is expected to reach 50,585 kilo metric ton by
volume, and USD 151.66 billion by revenue, in 2018. It is estimated to reach 61,912 kilo
metric ton by volume, and USD 189.02 billion by revenue, by 2023, at estimated CAGRs of
4.12% and 4.54% respectively, over the forecast period of 2018-2023.
The volume consumed in metric ton, by application type can be inferred from the chart

Güçlü (Strength) Zayıf (Weakness)
TOWS S1 Denge Kimya can always supply on demand products
S2 Makes Denge Kimya competitive (Better logistic times
A gap of technical informations for densurf products in
As Densurf, we need to improve the quality of our products
S3 No high standards of certifications. Increases Denge Kimya needs to scale up it's production capacity to
O1 No sanctions on Turkey. Positive for Denge Kimya as we are a

Turkish based company Main Action Action Plans

O2 Shared border with Turkey along with culture, food etc. Easy to Turkey is the most important source for Iran. Denge has

O3 High stability of the existing customer. Hard to penetrate the We will improve our supply chain with Iran. Have an
Growth on sales by utilizing the strong relationships between the
O4 Greater opportunities for raw material markets, developing two countries. (No sanctions on Turkey & established transaction
facilities for Denge) STR1 Have an alternatıve for payment terms. T2, T3
market knowledge

Increase the share of marketing data generated from

Tehdit (Threath)

Densurf for targeting new and existing customers. Increase

T1 Hard for Denge to introduce itself in the market Better marketing management. STR2
the response rate and technical support to our
clients/distributors. W1, O3,
T2 Difficulty in payments Enforce quality control system. STR3 Deploy certain quality control parameters for enahnced
T3 Difficulty in coming to business terms REACH certification for the product range. STR5 Get REACH certification for our products. T1,
T4 High stability of the existing customer. Hard to penetrate
To be ready for bigger scale-up for the critical product's production. Have monthly forecasts by quantity to be proactive in
STR4 fulfilling customer orders. W3, T4, O3,

The strategies that can be devised from the SWOT Analysis above are as follows;

Main Strategies;

1. Develop the distribution channels in countries around the world. (Iran, Uzbekistan and
Europe. First Target is İran). (STR1)
2. Increase the sales above 0,4 M USD for 2022. (STR2)
3. Better product management. (STR3)
Strategy Main Actions
Growth on sales by utilizing the strong relationships between countries. (No
sanctions on Turkey & eastablished transaction facilities for Denge).
REACH certification for the product range.
To be ready for bigger scale-up for critical product’s production.
Better marketing management.
Enforce quality control systems.

To access all the raw data in making of this strategy, you can click the link below;

Densurf Strategic Plans - 2022

Business Plan 2022 - Expected

USD / Year
Iran 223,000
Gamma Color Service 53,500
Grup Barcelonesa 38,000
Trivium Trading 38,000
CJP Chemicals 37,000
Cateks D.D. 30,000
Total ≈ $419,500
5. Communication Strategies

Effective and timely communication with the clients should always be a key
priority for Denge Kimya. International sales require a continuous transfer
of data, knowledge and important ideas. We believe it is high time to not
only invest but also actively adapt to different modes of technology to
engage and keep our clients well informed.

The different methods we employ will ensure that there are no lags
caused in sample dispatching and eventually in conducting the trials.

We deem the following small-scale, yet essential, projects important for

the future of the organisation;
FEEDBACK WILL - E-mail marketing
- HTML E-mail formats
ONLY HELP US - Technical meetings
REALISE OUR o Customers
o Distributors
- Launch Meetings
QUICKER. o New Range Chemicals
o New Distributor/Partner
- Educational Seminars via the Platform of Denge Akedom

6. 2022 Improvement Objectives

To complement sales, certain fundamental marketing tools need to be

improved. They are outlined as such;

- Denge Kimya Marketing Team

o Gross Profit Margins by Product Group (Monthly)
o Planned Product Launches
o Technical Presentations
o A Complete Product List
o Product Selection guide
- Competitor
o Our Value/Advantage That We Provide; A comparison list
against all the major competitive products
o Competitor’s Market Activities
‘Chemistry for a better future’

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