The Grape Group (Acquisition) : Cfap 1: A A F R
The Grape Group (Acquisition) : Cfap 1: A A F R
The Grape Group (Acquisition) : Cfap 1: A A F R
(5) During the year non-current assets additions of Rs. 700,000 were acquired under finance
leases. Payments on finance leases are made in arrears. The net book value of noncurrent
assets disposed of was Rs. 720,000, With sale proceeds of Rs.810,000.
(a) Prepare the group statement of cash flows of Bishop in accordance with IAS 7 together with any required
notes for the year ended 31 December 20X2.
(b) Explain why external users of financial statements benefit from receiving a statement of cash flows.
Current assets
Inventory 11,657 10,530
Receivables 7,209 6,936