BCT Material
BCT Material
BCT Material
Public blockchains are open networks that allow anyone to participate in the network
i.e. public blockchain is permissionless. In this type of blockchain anyone can join the
network and read, write, or participate within the blockchain. A public blockchain is
decentralized and does not have a single entity which controls the network. Data on a
public blockchain are secure as it is not possible to modify or alter data once they have
been validated on the blockchain.
Some features of public blockchain are :
High Security –
It is secure Due to Mining (51% rule).
Open Environment –
The public blockchain is open for all.
Anonymous Nature –
In public blockchain every one is anonymous. There is no need to use your
real name, or real identity, therefore everything would stay hidden, and no
one can track you based on that.
No Regulations –
Public blockchain doesn’t have any regulations that the nodes have to follow.
So, there is no limit to how one can use this platform for their betterment
Full Transparency –
Public blockchain allow you to see the ledger anytime you want. There is no
scope for any corruption or any discrepancies and everyone has to maintain
the ledger and participate in consensus.
True Decentralization –
In this type of blockchain, there isn’t a centralized entity. Thus, the
responsibility of maintaining the network is solely on the nodes. They are
updating the ledger, and it promotes fairness with help from a consensus
algorithm .
Distributed –
The database is not centralized like in a client-server approach, and all nodes
in the blockchain participate in the transaction validation.
Full Privacy –
It focus on privacy concerns.
Better Scalability –
Being able to add nodes and services on demand can provide a great
advantage to the enterprise.
Let’s say you can buy small, medium and large burgers and their respective costs are
$1.50, $2.50 and $3.50.
A hash function turns an input (for example text) into a string of bytes with a fixed length
and structure. The output or value created is called a ‘hash value’ or ‘checksum.’ Any
hash value created from data using a specific hashing algorithm is always the same length
and one-way - it cannot be reversed.
What is hash function in blockchain?
What is hash function in blockchain?
What is hash function in blockchain?
After Diffie and Hellman first identified the need for a one-way hash function in
their 1976 seminal paper on public-key cryptography, over the next two decades
developments in cryptography progressed rapidly. In 1990, cryptographer and MIT
professor, Ronald Rivest, invented the MD4 hash function and later the MD5 and MD6
functions. In 1995, the NSA (National Security Agency) designed the SHA-1 (Secure
Hash Algorithm 1) based on Rivest’s design, followed by the SHA-2 update in 2001.
SHA-2 is the standard that inspired SHA-256, which served as the baseline for Bitcoin’s
consensus algorithm.
Calculating a (short) checksum for an object, such as the checksum for an ISBN
(International Standard Book Number)
Identifying any content almost without ambiguity but still “briefly”, without
revealing anything about the content in cryptographic applications
Properties of hash functions
A cryptographic hash function should be computationally efficient, meaning that it must
be quick in performance to create the hash value. It has to be deterministic - every time
you put in a certain input, it has to produce the same output and to be pre-image resistant
which means it cannot reveal any information about the input in the output.