3 Example For WHAI

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Q1: Which artisan command would you use to create a new Laravel Controller??

a php artisan create:controller controller_name

b php artisan make:controller controller_name

c php artisan controller:make controller_name

d php artisan controller create controller_name

e None

f None

Q2: You can also get the Ansible documentation directly via your terminal by using:?

a None

b ansible-documentation

c ansible-doc

d ansible -d

e None

f ansible --doc

Q3: What is the correct JavaScript syntax to change the content of the HTML element

a None

b document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = "Hello World!";

c document.getElementByName("p").innerHTML = "Hello World!";

d document.getElement("p").innerHTML = "Hello World!";

e #demo.innerHTML = "Hello World!";

f None

Q4: Which of the following is NOT a valid mode fopen() mode :?


b x+



e r+


Q5: Which command is used to create resources in Kubernetes??

a None

b None

c kubectl create -f ./my-manifest.yaml

d kubectl fuse -f ./my-manifest.yaml

e kubectl deploy -f ./my-manifest.yaml

f kubectl apply -f ./my-manifest.yaml

Q6: How to write an IF statement in JavaScript??

a if i == 5 then

b if i = 5 then

c if (i == 5)

d None

e None

f if i = 5

Q7: Which Process Validates And Configures Data For The Api Objects Like Pods, Services??

a kube-apiserver process validates and configures data for the gui objects.

b kube-apiserver process validates and configures data for the cli objects.
c kube-apiserver process validates and configures data for the api objects.

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

Q8: Kubernetes uses _____________ to connect to ouath 2 providers to offload the

authentication to external services.?

The correct Answer is: None

b OpenID Connect Tokens

c Authentication Proxy

d Webhook Token Authentication

e Keystone Password

The correct Answer is: None

Q9: How can we destroy a PHP session:?

a session()

b destroy_session()

c destroySession()

d session_destroy()

e sessionDestroy()

f startD()

Q10: Is there a hard limit for the number of containers that you can run and if there is which
is number of total containers that you can run??

a None


c None
d None


f Even though there is no limit of containers that can run on Docker, hardware
limitations come into the picture.

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