Geospectrum Brochure

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Eruption of Taal Volcano, 2020 Mount Pinatubo, Philippines, 2016

Skysat Manila Bay Area, 2020 PlanetScope

Planet Labs PBC ICEYE SAR Planet Labs PBC

Ever Given container ship

Suez Canal, Egypt, 2021 Coast of South Korea
Satellogic MultiSpectral Satellogic HyperSpectral
Mt. Fuji, Japan
Powered by: Powered by:
AW3D Enhanced 2-meter DSM
©NTTDATA Included Digital Globe

Whether you are from the agricultural or OUR PRODUCTS & SERVICES:
government sector, academe, or any
Optical Satellite Imagery
other field that needs relevant and
accurate geospatial data to use for Synthetic Aperture Radar
different applications, GEOSPECTRUM,
together with our global partners, offers a 3D Dataset
wide range of products and services
tailored to your needs. AI Powered Monitoring Platform


Website: Contact Number: @GeospectrumPH

E-mail: [email protected] +632-8637-8026 / +63917-7915536 / +63920-9113418 Geospectrum Marketing Services

Optical Satellite Imagery
Our satellite shows captured images of your project location up to
50cm pixel resolution. With hundreds of orbiting satellites, you can
monitor every part of the planet up to four times per day. We offer
flexible ordering platforms that reduce the time required for
acquisition. Data captured can directly link to your available ground
receiving station.
Before and after the landslide in Guinobatan, Albay - 2020
Insights for your Industry: Skysat - 50cm pixel resolution

Agriculture Finance & Insurance

Forest & Land Use Science Research

Energy & Infrastructure Drought Response

Civil Government Mapping

Defense & Intelligence Environmental Monitoring

Beirut Port Explosion, Lebanon - 2020
Satellogic MultiSpectral - 70cm pixel resolution

Synthetic Aperture Radar Data

Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) constellation of satellites can capture images of your project location up to 1x1m resolution.
Because of the unique sensors of SAR fleets, you can monitor an area continuously, even at night, while ignoring cloud and
smoke cover. SAR data is ideal for land and sea monitoring with images of up to 10,000 per scene. We have options
for exclusive rights and direct data link availability, which means that no other customers or entities will have access to your

Manila Bay Area, July 2020 Changi Airport and vicinity, Singapore, 2019 Semaru Volcano, Indonesia, 2021 Suez Canal Obstruction - March 2021
ICEYE SAR - 1x1m resolution ICEYE SAR - 1x1m resolution PALSAR-2 Stripmap Fine, 10m resolution PALSAR - 2 Stripmap Ultrafine, 3m resolution

AW3D Data Sets

AW3D Standard AW3D Enhanced Ortho Image AW3D Building AW3D Telecom AW3D Airport
Terrain and obstacles
Off-the-shelf digital 3D The highest quality 3D datasets for
The highest precision Satellite-based 3D dataset optimized for
map covering the orthorectified imagery simulation of wireless
DEM in 0.5m Resolution building vector data ICAO aviation
entire global land area in the world signal propagation
standards (eTOD)

AI Powered Monitoring Platform

Spaceknow can
perform different
CARS TRUCKS SHIPS analyses such as:
Industrial Activity
AI Powered Monitoring Flooding
Platform with dedicated Air Pollution
Your front-row view to what's algorithms for land and sea Monitoring
happening on the ground - AIRCRAFT monitoring for detecting Building Height
based on sophisticated objects such as cars, trucks, Analysis
machine learning algorithms ships, boats, aircraft, cargo, WRUNCTR
interpreting satellite images. roads and urban activities. Dar es Salaam, Tanzania Analysis

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