New Braking System For Electric Vehicles
New Braking System For Electric Vehicles
New Braking System For Electric Vehicles
Engineering Services delivers the goods
Engineering Services, an 'inhouse' service CEGB construction and repair-and- lines solely on income from clients within the
company within the Central Electricity maintenance divisions as well as other clients in CEGB and elsewhere. The services offered
Generating Board, recently held an exhibition the UK and overseas. cover production assurance, quality assurance,
at the CEGB Headquarters in London. The In conjunction with British Electricity technical documentation and field services,
exhibition showed how the organisation International, the organisation recently with activities incorporated into packages as
operates as an independent company, provid- reached agreement with the Atomic Energy consultancy services, plant procurement, site
ing quality- and production-assurance services Organisation of Iran for the supply of a services and specialist services. The packages
to CEGB departments and external clients. complete package of specialist and consultancy are available individually or as a total service.
The organisation employs 600 staff, mostly services associated with the 23 GW Iranian At the exhibition, the first certificates of
qualified engineers, and its work is mainly nuclear-power programme. The package will compliance were awarded to a representative
concerned with mechanical and electrical plant include supervision of quality control and sample of manufacturing organisations which
for conventional and nuclear power stations. inspection at site and at manufacturers, have demonstrated that their systems meet the
The expertise available within the organisation, production assurance to ensure delivery to
programme of plant ordered, and complemen- relevant section of CEGB QA Standard 42
and on call from the CEGB resources, enables (Quality assurance system requirements
it also to undertake comprehensive contract tary technical documentation, design and
training facilities. applicable to CEGB contracts).
consultancy and supervision services on a
variety of high-technology process plant for the Engineering Services is run on commercial Encircle 75