The global e-commerce market size was valued at USD 9.09 trillion in 2019 and is
expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 14.7% from 2020
to 2027. Increasing penetration of the internet is bolstering the Smartphone-using
population across the world. Digital content, travel and leisure, financial services,
and e-tailing among others constitute a variety of e-commerce options available
to the internet accessing customer base that is gaining momentum with increased
internet usage. Hence, technological awareness among customers is expected to
have a positive impact on market growth. The growing importance of faster
browsing has led to the development of connectivity, thus leading to the
development of 4G and 5G technology.
The e-commerce industry has grown exponentially, with total e-commerce sales
expected to reach $1.065 trillion by 2023. As an e-commerce owner, you have
unique challenges compared to brick-and-mortar shop owners. E-commerce
businesses have unique rules and regulations to follow, and cyber security is a top
priority to ensure all data stored online is protected.
6. visibility-
How are you supposed to get quality traffic to your site and turn visitors into
customers if people can’t find your site? It’s a significant issue for e-commerce
businesses and one that could make or break a business. “If the company doesn’t
show up on the first page of Google’s search results for relevant keywords, then
it’s unlikely that prospective customers will find them,” said Michael Anderson,
marketing and SEO specialist at GeoJango Maps. “The best way to overcome this
challenge is to invest in SEO. E-commerce companies should conduct keyword
research, implement on-page SEO best practices, and work on building high-
authority links to their website.” Anderson said if all of the above is done
correctly, it will lead to higher search visibility and optimized lead generation.
1. Cyber-security-
Victor Congionti, chief information officer and co-founder of Proven Data,
knows that small e-commerce sites need the proper cyber security
practices and tools in place. “Small businesses that focus their attention in
the e-commerce space need policies and procedures to create a solid cyber
security framework for the organization,” Congionti said. “In the case of a
cyber attack, a small business cannot afford to have downtime in
operations and sales, because every transaction is a marginal financial
success that the business depends on.” Because a small business depends
on that income, Congionti said business owners need the proper cyber
security framework to keep data safe and secure while helping employees
feel empowered to implement policies and tech to combat cyber attacks.
2. Competition-
“As a small business, you can overcome price competition by having a very
clear company value proposition that consumers can’t get elsewhere,” said
Calloway Cook, founder of Illuminate Labs.
The e-commerce space has become so saturated that standing out from
other e-commerce businesses is challenging, through no fault of your own.
“Distinguishing yourself from your competitors is crucial to standing out
and attracting new customers for your business,” said Harsha
3. Order fulfillment-
Not everything has to fall on the small business owner’s back. You
could be inundated with more orders than you are prepared to handle
on your own. In this case, outsourcing order fulfillment and e-
commerce shipping can ease your workload and streamline the
customer experience. “Order fulfillment should be outsourced to a
third-party fulfillment company whenever possible for increased
4. Customer experience-
How are you supposed to get quality traffic to your site and turn
visitors into customers if people can’t find your site? It’s a significant
issue for e-commerce businesses and one that could make or break
a business. “If the company doesn’t show up on the first page of
Google’s search results for relevant keywords, then it’s unlikely that
prospective customers will find them,” said Michael Anderson,
marketing and SEO specialist at GeoJango Maps.
It’s hard to imagine a modern middle to large size ecommerce business that
operates without big data. Also, you don’t need to create overly complex
algorithms to bring benefits to your business. There are lots of ready third-party
solutions you can integrate into your shopping app or website to start getting
information about your customers.
AI can also help you to predict demand so you can manage your supply chain
efficiently. AI and big data are rather costly investments, but they can bring lots of
benefits to your business.
Social media is extremely important for both small and large ecommerce brands.
Integrating social media is a baseline requirement for modern ecommerce
solutions, but it’s not enough.