Hoda Salah Ahmed El Said Ahmed: P Ersonal Data
Hoda Salah Ahmed El Said Ahmed: P Ersonal Data
Hoda Salah Ahmed El Said Ahmed: P Ersonal Data
ersonal Data
Date of Birth Place of birth Nationality Religion Gender .Current address Marital status Computer skills Characteristics Hobbies : 21/6/1984 : Egypt : Egyptian : Moslem : female : 2 El Azhary street El dawagen- Helwan- Egypt : Married : excellent : motive, hard worker, social and like work with team work : sport, reading, computer and movies, cooking
University : Helwan University Faculty : faculty of engineering Department : electronics and telecommunications Major : telecommunications Year of graduation : 2006 Grade : good Project : motion detection Our project aim is how to provide" "Supervision system for any environment Project grade : excellent Study topics : - Electronics fundamentals Computer and microprocessors basics Telecommunication fundamentals Broadcasting engineering Telephony systems Satellite basics and antenna systems (Digital signal processing (DSP Information theory and coding Computer networks essentials (Cellular networks (GSM, CDMA Cryptography and network security Radar and optical fiber communication -
Training courses
(MCSE(Microsoft certified system engineer :Which contain this titles Managing and maintaining Microsoft windows server 2003 environment* Managing and maintaining Microsoft* windows server 2003 network infrastructure Planning and maintaining Microsoft windows server 2003 network infrastructure* planning, implementing, and and maintaining Microsoft windows server 2003 active directory* infrastructure designing security for a Microsoft windows server 2003* implementing security in a Microsoft windows server 2003 network* implementing Microsoft internet security and acceleration (ISA)) server 2004* (CCNA(Cisco certified network associate
: (Telecom Egypt (fawala technical service center :introduction on the following subjects Network administration 1 ISDN basics 2 EWSD switching system 3 Optical network units 4 X.25 system overview 5 Next network generation 6 Operation and maintenance in job training 7 .Maadi satellite communication center "Satellite and its applications " "IT CENTER "Ain shams university "MS office"
.IT center at the central organization for accounting and statistics :Introduction on the following subjects Matlab 1 NW essentials 2 Computer maintaince -3
Working experience
I have worked as a network engineer at egynet company for one year