Butt, 2013
Butt, 2013
Butt, 2013
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All content following this page was uploaded by Muhammad Tahir Butt on 24 September 2017.
(Received on 12th November 2012, accepted in revised form 18th April 2013)
Summary: This study was conducted on the wastewater of PCSIR Laboratories complex Lahore.
Both single as well as blended form was used in order to achieve maximum results and to reduce the
cost. These experiments were conducted in Hudson Jars of one liter capacity using the coagulation
technique for the removal of total suspended solids (TSS) and turbidity. The pH range was 6-8 and
4-10 for treatment. Four coagulants were used such as FeCl3, AlCl3, Alum, and FeSO4, to remove
the turbidity in single and blended form. Results of single coagulant are FeCl3 from 39.7 to 11.51
NTU; AlCl3 from 47.48 to 11.8 NTU. Alum 43 to 25.3NTU.FeSO4 showed increasing trend in
turbidity 53 to 120 NTU.The blended set of coagulants AlCl3+Alum turbidity from 45 to 18.55
NTU. The Alcl3 and Fecl3 showed almost similar results but after overnight settling results were
excellent and alum showed also good results. The turbidity was removed from 54 to 27 NTU, 48 to
22 NTU, 44 to 17 NTU, and after overnight settling 33 to 4 NTU. The results of blended coagulants
Fecl3+Alcl3 after one, two and three hours settling were also studied and found best and blend
AlCl3+Alum showed also similar trend and the blend of Alum+Fecl3 after overnight settling was
excellent. The same coagulants and its blended form were used for TSS removal and results are 278
to 7 mg/L, in blended form Alcl3+Alum show similar results but Alum + Fecl3 showed excellent
results. The TSS and turbidity removal was 87 %, 97.5%.
The reuse of wastewater has become an organic pollutants, industrial chemicals, and
absolute necessity. Demands to the cleaning inorganic wastes. Sewage treatment is the process of
industrial and domestic wastewater to avoid removing contaminants [4].The strength and
environmental pollution and particularly composition of wastewater changes on hourly, daily
contamination of pure water are becoming national and seasonal basis, with average strength dependent
and international issues. New, economical and on per capita water usage [5].
effective methods of purifying and cleaning
wastewater before discharging into any other water Turbidity removal is one of the important
systems are needed [1].Water is undoubtedly the steps in water and wastewater treatment and
most vital element among the natural resources generally is achieved by coagulation - flocculation -
.Water quantity and quality issues have led many sedimentation. Common coagulants like alum and
countries to explore water reclamation and water iron salts have been widely used in conventional
reuse as alternatives to provide water for direct use in water treatment process [6].
industrial applications and agricultural purposes to Turbidity is a measure of the cloudiness of
supplement the water reservoirs [2]. Pakistan is water Or Turbidity is the reduction of clarity in water
among the countries most affected by water shortage due to the presence of suspended or colloidal
due to no proper storage. Therefore Pakistan is in the particles. Turbidity is measured by the amount of
process of setting the water treatment plants for light which is reflected by the particles. Turbidity
sewage and industrial wastewater to supplement the measurements are reported in NTU units [7, 8].
water resources and recharge the underground water.
Turbidity may be harmless, but may be
Sewage is 99.9 % water with the material indicator of harmful water constituents, is
that requires to be removed amount to just 0.1% by aesthetically unpleasant, and is likely, to cause,
volume .This solid material consists of a mixture of colour and odor problems. Turbidity can harbor or
faces , food particles, greases, oils, soaps, salts, carry pathogens, and can interfere with disinfection
metals, detergents, solvents, dyes, and other by taking up or using the disinfectant intended for the
chemicals, sand and grit. [3]. Wastewater of a pathogens in water. The pathogens which are not
research and testing laboratory contains micro killed can result in several water borne diseases [8].
To whom all correspondence should be addressed.
MUHAMMAD TAHIR BUTT et al., J.Chem.Soc.Pak.,Vol. 35, No.3, 2013 637
Recent studies have pointed out many results reducing turbidity 45.21 to 18.55 NTU in Fig
serious drawbacks of using these coagulants. 3. The results AlCl3 and FeCl3 shows good and
Production of large sludge volume, reduction in pH almost similar results but after overnight settling time
and low efficiency of coagulation are some of the results were excellent and alum showed also good
problems faced with these coagulants [9, 10].Under results in decreasing order of turbidity 54 to 26.45
proper agitation, the bound particulates then grow in NTU,48 to 22 NTU,45 to 17.54 NTU, and after
size to form the flocks, which may be left to settle by overnight settling time 33 to 4 NTU but Feso4
gravity or may be removed by sedimentation. The showed the increasing trend in turbidity. The results
suspended or colloidal particles, commonly referred of coagulant and blended coagulant are in Fig. 2 and
to as total suspended solids ,are all extremely small 3 and with different settling time are 4 to 5.The
suspended solids in water which will not settle out by results of blended FeCl3+AlCl3 after one, two, three
gravity[9]. hours settling time were best and the blend
AlCl3+alum shows also similar trend and the blend of
The suspended particles vary considerably alum+Fecl3 after overnight settling time was
in source, composition charge, particle size, shape, excellent.
and density. Correct application of coagulation and
flocculation processes and selection of the coagulants
depend upon understanding the interaction between
these factors. The small particles are stabilized by the
action of physical forces on the particles themselves.
One of the forces playing a dominant role in
stabilization results from the surface charge present
on the particles. Most suspended solids in water are
with negative charge and, surface has also same type
of charge, as similar charges repel each other when
they come close together. Therefore, they will remain
in suspension rather than combine together and settle
out of the water [11].
Fig. 1: NTU instrumental reading.
The water used for different purposes in
PCSIR Laboratories complex Lahore is estimated to
be one hundred and fifty thousand (4.54609 litres, SI
units of UK) daily and the wastewater generated is
approximately 40 thousand gallons per day and is
disposed of in sewer without any treatment.