Highly Competitive Environment
Highly Competitive Environment
Highly Competitive Environment
Competition has been characterized as a social practice in which people are rewarded
based on how their accomplishments contrast those of others performing the same work
or engaging in the same activity. A highly competitive setting can support a learning
environment that provides students with academic challenges in educational facilities.
Furthermore, competition can provide the kinds of experiences that promote the formation
of professional mindsets and work ethic, as well as psychological and emotional
development. Therefore, competition is believed to be effective in both academic and
professional environments since it contributes to one’s personal character development
and pushes an individual beyond barriers.
The rst effective side of the competition involves the desire of individuals to achieve
greater results and motivation to persist. Therefore, the rst bene t concerns building
mental strength and stronger character. Perseverance, adaptability, and courage are all
valuable characteristics that may be applied to any profession or life situation (Neubert,
2017). Students learn how to bend but not break under pressure via competitiveness. In
addition, students learn how to deal with challenging settings. Educational competitions in
the classroom provide students with secure environments in which they have the ability to
develop these qualities (Attle & Baker, 2007). For example, with the help of competition,
students become more productive since the incentive to succeed leads to better
management of tasks and priorities.
Similarly, a competitive environment in the work setting provides the same experience.
Firms search for personnel that can handle the pressure of working in a competitive
environment. The corporate world revolves around problem-solving and utilizing the
workforce to reach a better result which is only possible when an employee has a strongly
built character. In case when the competition is healthy, and employees do not disrespect
each other by trying to achieve their objective, competition helps to build character, which
can later help in other career paths or workplaces (Tebeanu & Macarie, 2013). Therefore,
the process of competing should start at school and navigate the person through chaotic
situations, teaching individuals to bypass obstacles.
The last discussed effective side of a competitive environment involves fostering inner
creativity. A competitive environment urges both students and employees to seek the best
strategies to win. In cases when the outcomes look bene cial, there is an incentive to test
and explore novel ideas to compete with peers for the reward (Ozturk & Debelak, 2008).
For example, students might nd creative ways to show their presentations. As far as
business goes, individuals will employ their talents to bring the new product to the market
to both satisfy the needs of customers and compete with their counterparts. Similarly,
employees try to compete with coworkers and nd creative solutions to the rm’s problems
for the sake of rewards, such as bonuses, promotions, and acknowledgment.
Nevertheless, the intrinsic meaning of competition that lies within the outcome can
produce negative effects on this environment. In case when an individual stops to control
such a competitive environment, there is a risk of worsening relationships with peers and
coworkers (He et al., 2014). This is the case of unhealthy competition, which shifts the
focus of a person to personal gain rather than fostering relationships and valuing the
journey. For example, in an academic setting, students might start to prefer the process of
receiving excellent grades and praise rather than communicating with peers and working
in a team. In this case, students disassociate themselves from the team and disregard the
feelings and needs of others.
The same scenario may be seen in the workplace with employees competing for
rewards or acknowledgment with the risk of creating a toxic environment. For example,
employees might begin to sabotage each other’s ideas and chances of succeeding. This
case will lead to stagnation of the team and the rm. As a result, such toxic competition
will push an individual against others and will make the person alienate everybody for the
sake of personal bene t.
The last negative side of the competition is focused on the inability to make further
improvements. Competition can only foster creativity when the intentions of a person are
not built solely on winning. In a situation when the only interest of a person is not the
development but reaching the outcome, people become blind to the improvements they
are making (He et al., 2014). For example, in order to achieve the desired grade, students
might study for the test, but after this, they will instantly forget the information. Therefore,
the in uence of unhealthy competition will make students’ efforts futile, and the information
will be retained for the purpose of receiving the grades or praise.
The same situation may occur in the workplace, with employees in ating their egos. In
this situation, employees will not be able to make any improvements due to their feeling of
superiority and unwillingness to work with others. As a result, such behavior might lead to
damages in projects and misunderstanding in the team. In cases when individuals focus
on individual output and personal gain, there are no processes of improvements which is
detrimental to personal growth.
The world has now become a competitive place for the people from various elds,
and the schools and universities are no difference. While some people think that the schools and
universities should be a competitive place and provide encouragement, others believe that the
competitive environment doesn't bring any good deed to the students. This essay will discuss
the need for the encouragement and a competitive environment across the schools and
One of the most important reasons competition can be harmful is that students are
encouraged not to help one another. If a student needs help on an assignment or exam,
another student would be less likely to help as they will be helping that person get a higher
mark. The student who helped is less likely to get in, or stay in the program now that others
are doing better. Often students care too much about the competition than helping their peers.
Generally, students in the universities and schools perform better in their studies when
there is a competition between them. There is a healthy ght among the students to get higher
marks in the exams. When such kind of activities is not encouraged, it does not motivate the
students to perform well in the academics. Hence, it is mandatory for the schools and
universities to form a competitive environment for the students to excel in their studies.
Also, such kind of a competitive environment among the students brings out their
potential in the extra-curricular activities. When the management does not encourage such an
environment, it is very tough to bring out the capabilities of the young hearts. For instance,
many students in various boarding schools perform to their full potential in the sports
activities since there are several other students with an equal or less potential. Hence, it is the
need for the management to encourage and create such an environment to see the budding
students achieve in the various elds.
Overall, this essay discussed how the students can perform better in the academics
and the extra-curricular activities if they are encouraged and provided with a competitive
environment. In my opinion, a competitive environment can bring the excellence and success
in the young students.