Part 3

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P a r t 3 : C o n v e r s a t io n s


Directions: You will hear conversations between two or more people spoken only one time.
The conversations will not be printed in your text book. You will see three questions on each
conversation and four possible answers. Choose the best answer to each question and fill in the
corresponding oval on your answer sheet.


In this chapter, you will learn how certain words will help you identify the purpose of
a question. These are the purposes you will learn about:

• identifying time
• identifying people

• identifying intent

• identifying the topic

• identifying a reason

• identifying a location

• identifying an opinion

• identifying meaning in context

The words you will learn in this chapter will help you develop strategies to choose the
correct answer.

In Part 3, like in Parts 1 and 2, some answer choices are designed to trick you. They
are written to seem like the correct answer. You must learn to recognize the way the
answer choices may seem correct:

• Some choices have words that sound similar to the correct answer.

• Some choices have words like the correct answer, but with a different meaning.

• Some choices have w ords used in a different context.

• Some choices have incorrect details.



In this chapter, y o u will learn how certain words will help you identify the purpose of
a question. These are the purposes you will learn about:
• identifying tim e

• identifying people

• identifying intent

• identifying the topic

• identifying a reason

• identifying a location
• identifying an opinion

• identifying meaning in context

The words you will learn in this chapter will help you develop strategies to choose the
correct answer.

In Part 3, like in Parts 1 and 2, some answ er choices are designed to trick you. They
are written to seem like the correct answer. You must learn to recognize the w ay the
answer choices m ay seem correct:

• Some choices have words that sound similar to the correct answer.

• Some choices have words like the correct answer, but with a different meaning.
• Some choices have words used in a different context.
• Some choices have incorrect details.

• Some choices make incorrect inferences.

• Some choices have irrelevant details.

____ __________________________ _________________________________________________

Look at these examples:

Example 1

Spea k er A: The prices at this restaurant are low, but the food's always cold.
Spea k er B: I know, and the people who work here aren't very friendly.
Spea k er A: Let's eat somewhere else.
What do they say about the restaurant?
(A) The people are friendly. (incorrect detail)
(B) The prices are low. (correct answ er)
(C) The food is old. (sounds like correct answer)
(D) The service is slow. (sounds like correct answer)

Example 2

Sp e a k e r A: W e'd like to book a flight to Santiago.

Sp e a k e r B: Certainly. When would you like to leave?
Spe a k e r A: N ext Monday.
Spea k er C: W e'll need hotel reservations, too. Can you make those for us?
What is Speaker B's occupation?
(A) Travel agent (correct answer)
(B) Pilot (incorrect inference)
(C) Hotel manager (incorrect detail)
(D) Librarian (incorrect inference)

Some questions include a graphic that is related to the conversation. You will
have to use information from both the conversation and the graphic to answ er
the question.

Example 3

Spea k er A: Did you sign up for any classes at the Business Institute this
Spea k er B: Yes. I'm taking Accounting.
Spea k er A: I took that class last year. It was very good.

Business Institute Class Schedule

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

Word Processing Business Law Marketing Accounting

Look at the graphic. What day will Speaker B go to class?

(A) Monday (not indicated in conversation)

(B) Tuesday (not indicated in conversation)
(C) Wednesday (not indicated in conversation)
(D) Thursday (correct answer - requires information from the conversation
[class title] and from the graphic [day of the week])
On the TOEIC test, one of the three questions for a conversation may ask about time.
For example:
When will he go?
How often does she come?
How long will they stay?
Look for these words in a question that asks about time:

how often
how soon
how long ago
what time


Read the questions and the answer choices quickly before you listen to the
conversation. When you listen to the conversation, listen for answers to the
questions about time.

Example 1
S peaker A : Tomorrow's Tuesday. That's when Jeff's coming, right?
S peaker B: No, he won't be here until Wednesday afternoon.
S peaker C: Good. S o he can still go to the reception that evening.
When is Jeff coming to visit? CjD (2 ) (JL)
(A) Today
(B) Tomorrow
(C) Tuesday
(D) Wednesday
The correct answer is (D) - Speaker B says the Jeff will be here on Wednesday. Choice
(A) confuses similar-sounding words today and Tuesday. Choices (B) and (C) are when
Speaker A thinks Jeff is coming, but Speaker B corrects this.
Practice: Identifying Time

d ir e c tio n s : Listen to the conversation and then choose the statement that best answers
the question.

1. When did the package arrive?

(A) This morning
(B) Two days ago
(C) Last Tuesday
(D) On Friday

2. How long ago did the speakers visit Paris? ® CjD C£) CD
(A) A month ago
(B) Two months ago
(C) A year ago
(D) Eight years ago

Movie Theater Show Times

Early show 5:00
Second Show 7:00
Third Show 9:00
Late Show 11:00

3. Look at the graphic. What time will the speakers

go to the movies? CD <T) CD CD
(A) 5:00
(B) 7:00
(C) 9:00
(D) 11:00

4. How often does the woman travel to Tokyo?

(A) Once a month
(B) Four times a month
(C) Once a year
(D) Four times a year


5. How soon will the contract be ready?
(A> CD <£) CD
(A) By morning
(B) By this afternoon
(C) In three days
(D) In nine days

6. How long ago did the man buy the cell phone?
(A) A week ago
(B) Three weeks ago
(C) A year ago
(D) Five years ago

On the TOEIC test, one of the three questions for a conversation may ask about people
and their occupations. For example:
Who are the speakers?
What is his job?
Look for these words in a question that asks about people:

*rarely used on the TOEIC test


Read the questions and the answer choices quickly before you listen to the
conversation. When you listen to the conversation, listen for answers to the
questions about people.

Example 1

S peaker A: Ms. Cho is arriving by plane on Monday morning.

Speaker B: Someone should pick her up at the airport. Who's available for that?
Speaker A: Check the driver schedule. There should be someone on duty then.
Speaker B: Right. I see who it is. I'll let him know Ms. Cho's arrival time.

Driver Schedule

Monday Joe
Tuesday Abdul
Wednesday Lee
Thursday Pierre

Look at the graphic. Who will pick up Ms. Cho? (A ) (JL ) <3D (5 )
(A) Joe
(B) Abdul
(C) Lee
(D) Pierre
L o o k for th e se w o r d s in a q u e s tio n t n a t asics a o o u t p e o p le :

‘ rarely used on the TOEIC test


Read the questions and the answer choices quickly b efore you listen to the
conversation. When you listen to the conversation, listen for answers to the
questions about people.

Example 1
S peaker A: Ms. Cho is arriving by plane on Monday morning.
S pea k er B: Someone should pick her up at the airport. Who's available for that?
S pea k er A: Check the driver schedule. There should be someone on duty then.
S pea ker B: Right. I see who it is. I'll let him know Ms. Cho's arrival time.

Driver Schedule

Monday Joe
Tuesday Abdul
Wednesday Lee
Thursday Pierre

Look at the graphic. Who will pick up Ms. Cho? (7 ) (T ) (£ ) (TT)

(A) Joe
(B) Abdul
(C) Lee
(D) Pierre
The correct answer is (A) - the speakers say that Ms. Cho will arrive on Monday, and Joe
is the driver scheduled for that day. Choices (B), (C), and (D) are the names of drivers
scheduled on days not mentioned by the speakers.

Example 2

S peaker A: Laura, can you help me figure out how many chairs we need for the
S peaker B: Y ou should direct all your questions to John. He's the one in charge of this
S peaker A: S o rry . I ju st th o u g h t s in c e y o u 're the o ffice m an ag er, you w o u ld kn ow .

Who is responsible for organizing the event? CD CD CD CD

(A) Laura
(B) The director
(C) John
(D) The office manager
The correct answer is (C). Choice (A) mentions Laura, but she says she is not in charge.
Choice (B) tries to confuse you with the similar-sounding word director for direct. Choice
(D) is Laura's occupation, and she has said she is not in charge.

Practice: Identifying People

0 d ir e c tio n s : Listen to the conversation and then choose the statement that best answers
the question.

Building Directory

Suite 1 Dentist’s Office

Suite 2 Engineering Firm
Suite 3 Accountants
Suite 4 Lawyer’s Office

1. Look at the graphic. Who does the woman most

likely have an appointment with? CD CD CD CD
(A) A dentist
(B) An engineer
(C) An accountant
(D) A lawyer

2. What is Ms. Fujita's job? CD CD CD CD*

(A) She's the director.
(B) She's the accountant.
(C) She's the director's assistant.
(D) She's the accountant's assistant.
Spea k er A: Sorry. I just thought since you're the office manager, you would know.
Who is responsible for organizing the event? <2) CE) (£ ) ClD
(A) Laura
(B) The director
(C) John
(D) The office manager
The correct answer is (C). Choice (A) mentions Laura, but she says she is not in charge.
Choice (B) tries to confuse you with the similar-sounding word director for direct. Choice
(D) is Laura's occupation, and she has said she is not in charge.

Practice: Identifying People

@ d ir e c tio n s : Listen to the conversation and then choose the statement that best answers
the question.

Building Directory

Suite 1 Dentist’s Office

Suite 2 Engineering Firm
Suite 3 Accountants
Suite 4 Lawyer’s Office

1. Look at the graphic. Who does the woman most

likely have an appointment with? Ca ) CE) C<D (JL>
(A) A dentist
(B) An engineer
(C) An accountant
(D) A lawyer

2. What is Ms. Fujita's job? CD CD C£) dD

(A) She's the director.
(B) She's the accountant.
(C) She's the director's assistant.
(D) She's the accountant's assistant.

3. Who is the man talking to? C*) OD CsD (JLl

(A) A waitress
(B) A grocery store clerk
(C) A friend
(D) A specialist
4. Who left the telephone message? CD CD CD CD
(A) An accountant
(B) A painter
(C) A telephone operator
(D) An office manager

5. Whose office is at the end of the hall? CD CD CD CD

(A) Cindy's boss's office
(B) Cindy's office
(C) John's boss's office
(D) John's office

6. What is the new accountant's name? CD CD CD CD

(A) Bill
(B) Bob
(C) Mr. Wilson
(D) Mrs. Ortega

On the TOEIC test, one of the three questions for a conversation may ask about a
person's intent to do something. For example:
What will she do?
What does she plan on buying?
Look for these words in a question that asks about intent:

going to


Read the questions and the answer choices quickly before you listen to the
conversation. When you listen to the conversation, listen for answers to the
questions about intent.

Example 1

S pea k er A: I have to run down to the office supply store after lunch. Does anyone
want to go with me?
S pea k er B: S o rry , I c a n 't . I h a v e to sta y h e r e to an sw er th e p h o n e .
S pea k er C: I'll go. I w a n t to se e w hat k in d o f p rin ters th e y h a v e in stock.
S pea k er A: Great. It'll be n ic e to have your company. I just need to get pick up some

What does Speaker A want to purchase? (2 ) (JL) C£) ClD

(A) Food
(B) A phone
(C) A printer
(D) Envelopes
The correct answer is (D). Choice (A) uses the word food, which is associated with lunch.
Choice (B) repeats phone - Speaker (B) says she has to answer the phone. Choice (C) is
what Speaker C is interested in.

Example 2
Practice: Identifying Intent

(J) d i r e c t i o n s : L is te n to the c o n v e r s a tio n and th en c h o o s e th e s ta te m e n t th a t b e st a n s w e rs

th e q u e stio n .

Sofa Price List

Model A $300
Model B $500
Model C $750
Model D $1000

1. Look at the graphic. Which sofa will the

speakers probably buy? CD> CD (3D CD
(A) Model A
(B) Model B
(C) Model C
(D) Model D

2. What will the man probably do? (A) CD CD CD

(A) Buy a new rug
(B) Buy new furniture
(C) Paint the old furniture
(D) Get another office

3. What is the woman going to do? CD CD) CD CD

(A) Eat a pizza
(B) Pick up her office
(C) Put things in order
(D) Make a delivery

4. What will the man do next? CD CD CD CD

(A) Make the tea
(B) Turn on the heat
(C) Wash the teapot
(D) Clean the kitchen

What form of transportation will the speakers use?
(A) Train
(B) Walking
(C) Bus
(D) Cab

How will the woman pay?

(A) With a money order
(B) With a credit card
(C) With cash
(D) With a check

On the TOEIC test, one of the three questions for a conversation may ask about the topic.
For example:
What are they talking about?
What is the problem?
Look for these words in a question that asks about the topic:

talking about


Read the questions and the answer choices quickly before you listen to the
conversation. When you listen to the conversation, listen for answers to the
questions about the topic.

Example 1

S pea k er A : Would you like more coffee?

S pea ker B: N o thanks! This coffee tastes terrible.
S pea k er C: I wonder if the machine is broken again.
S pea k er A: No, it's working. It's probably just dirty.
S pea k er B: No one ever cleans it.

What is the problem? CD CE) C£) (JL)

(A) The coffee is cold.
(B) The machine is dirty.
(C) The machine is broken.
(D) There isn't any more coffee.
The correct answer is (B). Choice (A) repeats the word coffee, but the problem with the
coffee is its taste, not its temperature. Choice (C) is mentioned as a possibility but is not
the problem. Choice (D) tries to confuse you by repeating the word more.

Example 2

S pea ker A: Give me vour number and I'll call von latpr
Practice: Identifying the Topic

d ir e c tio n s : Listen to the conversation and then choose the statement that best answers
the question.

1. What is wrong with the car? CD CD CD CD

(A) It has broken glass.
(B) It has a flat tire.
(C) It doesn't run fast.
(D) It's out of gas.
2. What are the speakers talking about? CD CD CD CD
(A) A cake
(B) Some steak
(C) A diet
(D) The cook
3. What is the problem with the restaurant? CD CD CD CD
(A) It doesn't look nice.
(B) It's too far away.
(C) The service isn't good.
(D) The food is bad.
4. What are the speakers discussing? CD CD CD CD
(A) Airplane tickets
(B) Movie tickets
(C) A hotel reservation
(D) Books
5. What is the lecture about? CD CD CD CD
(A) How to speak in public
(B) How to save money
(C) How to buy a house
(D) How to live without a lot of money
6. What are the speakers talking about? CD CD CD CD
(A) Going to the movies
(B) A TV show
(C) E a tin g d in n e r
(D) A snowstorm

On the TOEIC test, one of the three questions for a conversation may ask about a reason
for doing something. For example:
Why is he going?
Why is she speaking softly?
Look for these words in a question that asks about a reason:



Read the questions and the answer choices quickly before you listen to the
conversation. When you listen to the conversation, listen for answers to the
questions about the reason.

Example 1

S peaker A: Maria, I hear you're moving away. Did you get a new job?
S peaker B: No, I'm going back to school. I'm going to get a degree in economics.
S peaker A: Oh, yes. I hear the university in that city is very good.

Why is Maria moving to a new city? CD CD CD CD

(A) Because she got a new job
(B) Because she wants to study at the university
(C) Because the economy is bad
(D) Because her old city isn't very good
The correct answer is (B). Choice (A) repeats the words a new job, but Maria says that is
not the reason she is moving. Choice (C) tries to confuse you by using the word economy,
which is similar to economics. Choice (D) tries to confuse you by repeating the words very
good in a different context.

Example 2

S peaker A: Two sweaters come to $120. Would you like them gift wrapped?
S peaker B: N o thanks. But I'd like to use this coupon for the ten percent discount.
S peaker A: Sorry. You can't use this. See? Today's the 26th.
S peaker B: Oh, I hadn't noticed. Well, here's my credit card.
WoxAmxwvy D epartm ent
10% off any item in clothing department

expires Nov. 24th

Look at the graphic. Why can't Speaker B use the coupon? (A) QD CID OD
(A) It has expired.
(B) It is for a different item.
(C) It is from a different store.
(D) It is not for credit card purchases.
The correct answer is (A). Choice (B) is incorrect because the coupon is for clothing and
Speaker B is purchasing clothing (sweaters). Choice (C) is not mentioned by the speaker;
Choice (D) repeats credit card, but that is not the reason given for rejecting the coupon.

Practice: Identifying a Reason

0 d ir e c tio n s : Listen to the conversation and then choose the statement that best answers
the question.

1. Why are there no chairs? OD CL) CiD

(A) The chairs haven't been ordered yet.
(B) Nobody wants to sit down.
(C) The chairs haven't arrived yet.
(D) People prefer to sit on the floor.

2. Why will the man call the woman? CiD

(A) Because he needs some help
(B) To invite her to dinner
(C) Because he's bored
(D) To arrange a meeting
Welcome to the
Museum of Art

Open Tuesday - Sunday

11:00 AM-5:00 PM

Admission: $25

3. Look at the graphic. Why won't the speakers visit

the museum today? OD <© (3D
(A) It costs too much.
(B) They arrived too late.
(C) They do not have tickets.
(D) The museum is closed today.

4. Why did the woman arrive late? (A) (j D C£) QD

(A) She was in an accident.
(B) She had a flat tire.
(C) S h e f e lt tired.
(D) She was waiting for someone.

5. Why is the window closed? (A) 0D (3D (JL)

(A) It's cool outside.
(B) The air-conditioning is on.
(C) The room isn't warm enough.
(D) The street is very noisy.

6. What is the purpose of the man's phone call? (A) CjD (3D (JD
(A) To wish Wanda a happy birthday
(B) To find out if Wanda is busy
(C) To invite Wanda to dinner
(D) To ask Wanda for some help

On the TOEIC test, one of the three questions for a conversation may ask about the
location. For example:
Where are the speakers?
Where is the hotel?
Look for this word in a question that asks about location:



Read the questions and the answer choices quickly before you listen to the
conversation. When you listen to the conversation, listen for answers to the
questions about the location.

Example 1

S pea k er A: Are you going up?

S pe a k er B: Yes. Which floor do you want?
S p e a k er A: The fourth floor, please. I'm going to Dr. Roberts' office.

Where does this conversation take place? CD CD CD C!l)

(A) In an airplane
(B) In an elevator
(C) In a flower shop
(D) In a doctor's office
The correct answer is (B). Choice (A), in an airplane, is associated with going up.
Choice (C) tries to confuse you by using the similar-sounding word flower for floor.
Choice (D) repeats the words doctor's office, but that is where the speaker is going.

Example 2

S p ea k er A: I'll meet you at 3:00 at that new bookstore in the mall.

S pea k er B: I don't know where that is.
S p ea k er A: It's next to the shoe store, just across from the movie theater.

Shopping M all

Store A Store B

|Store C
Shoe Store I

Store D Movie

Look at the graphic. Where is the bookstore? C£) CjD CD CD

(A) Store A
(B ) Store B
(C) Store C
(D) Store D
The correct answer is (D) - the only location that is next to the shoe store and across
from the movie theater. Choice (A) is next to the shoe store but not across from the
movie theater. Choice (B) is not next to the shoe store or across from the movie theater.
Store (C) is across from the shoe store and next to the movie theater.

Practice: Identifying a Location

^ d ir e c tio n s : Listen to the conversation and then choose the statement that best answers
the question.

1. Where will the speakers get together? (A) CD CD CD

(A) Downstairs
(B) At the park
(C) At the office
(D) At a cafe

Blue Line Track 10
Yellow Line Track 15
Red Line Track 20
Green Line Track 25

2. Look at the graphic. Where will the woman

Look at the graphic. Where is the bookstore? CA) OD (3D (ID
(A) Store A
(B) Store B
(C) Store C
(D) Store D
The correct answer is (D) - the only location that is next to the shoe store and across
from the movie theater. Choice (A) is next to the shoe store but not across from the
movie theater. Choice (B) is not next to the shoe store or across from the movie theater.
Store (C) is across from the shoe store and next to the movie theater.

Practice: Identifying a Location

^ d ir e c tio n s : Listen to the conversation and then choose the statement that best answers
the question.

1. Where will the speakers get together? C£) (£ ) CjD

(A) Downstairs
(B) At the park
(C) At the office
(D) At a cafe

Blue Line Track 10
Yellow Line Track 15
Red Line Track 20
Green Line Track 25

2. Look at the graphic. Where will the woman

wait for the train? CA) Ct) (3D CjL)
(A) Track 10
(B) Track 15
(C) Track 20
(D) Track 25

Where does the conversation take place?
(A) In a hotel
(B) At an airport
(C) In a parking garage
(D) At a store

Where did the man leave his phone?

(A) In the office
(B) At a restaurant
(C) In a cab
(D) On a bus

Where will the man wait?

(A) Upstairs
(B) By the front door
(C) Outside
(D) Near the elevator

Where does this conversation take place?

(A) On a bus
(B) In a cab
(C) At a fair
(D) In a store

On the TOEIC test, one of the three questions for a conversation may ask about a
speaker's opinion. For example:
Wha: is her opinion about cooking?
What does the speaker think about soccer?
Look for these words in a question that asks about an opinion:

think of
say about


Read the questions and the answer choices quickly before you listen to the
conversation. When you listen to the conversation, listen for answers to the
questions about an opinion.

Example 1

S pea k er I think I'll like working with the new manager. He's very efficient.
S peaker B: I agree with you Max. He really knows how to get things done.
S peaker C: He's also really friendly, so much nicer to work with than our former boss.
S peaker A: True, but I'm most impressed by his experience and his ability to organize
our work. Efficiency is really important, I think.
W hat is Max's opinion of the manager? (T) (IT) (7 ) (W)
(A) He's agreeable.
(E) He's friendly.
(C) He's efficient.
(D) He's inexperienced.
The correct answer is (C). Choice (A) tries to confuse you by using agreeable, related
to but different in meaning from agree. Choice (B) is the opinion of Max's friend. Choice
(D) sounds similar to what Max said but actually has the opposite meaning.

Example 2
a A . T ' ~ -------- 1 ^1- 1 1
Practice: Identifying an Opinion

d ir e c tio n s : Listen to the conversation and then choose the statement that best aaswers
the question.

1. What does the man think of the bus? CD CD CD Ce )

(A) It's inconvenient.
(B) It's relaxing.
(C) It's too expensive.
(D) It's fast.

2. What do the speakers say about Bob? ® ® (£) <ID

(A) His work is good.
(B) He's improving.
(C) He talks too much.
(D) He isn't doing a good job.

3. What is the speakers' opinion of the hotel? CD CD (2) CjD

(A) It's nice.
(B) It isn't comfortable.
(C) It's too big.
(D) Its service could be better.

4. What do the speakers think of the weather? CD CD CD CD

(A) It's too warm.
(B) There's too much snow.
(C) It rains a lot.
(D) It's too cold.

5. What do the speakers say about TV? CD CD C£) CD

(A) It's boring.
(B) There aren't many programs.
(C) It's funny.
(D) The programs are good.

6. What is the woman's opinion of the lecture? CD CD CD CD

(A) It wasn't enjoyable.
(B) It was terrible.
(C) It was interesting.
(D) It wasn't long enough.

On the TOEIC test, one of the three questions for a conversation may ask about the
meaning of a word or phrase in the context of the conversation. Words and phrases may
have different meanings depending on how they are used. For example:
I got the pens and notebooks you asked for.
She spoke quickly, but I goi what she meant.
In the first example, got means bought or obtained. In the second example, got means
Look for these phrases in a question that asks about meaning in context:
What does the woman mean when she says . . . ?
What does the man imply when he says . . . ?
Why does the woman say . . . ?


Read the questions and the answer choices quickly before you listen to the
conversation. When you listen to the conversation, listen for answers to the
questions about meaning in context.

Example 1

S peaker A: I'm running down to the supply store because we're completely out of
paper for the printer. Do we need anything else? Envelopes?
S peaker B: There are five boxes in the supply closet.
S pea ker A: Oh, OK. I'll just get the paper, then.

What does Speaker B mean when he says, "There are five

boxes in the supply closet"? GD C£) C?L>
(A) The supply closet is full.
(B) She needs help moving some boxes.
(C) Speaker B shouldn't buy envelopes.
(D) Speaker B can store his purchases in the boxes.
The correct answer is (C), meaning there are already five boxes of envelopes in the closet
so there is no need to buy more. Choices (A), (B), and (D) could fit the meaning of the
sentence, but not in this context.
Practice: Identifying Meaning in Context

0 d ir e c tio n s : Listen to the conversation and then choose the statement that best answers
the question.

1. What does the woman mean when she says, "You did”?
(A) She is surprised the man bought the coat.
(B) She wants to know what the man bought.
(C) She is happy the man bought the coat.
(D) She agrees the man got a good price. ,

2. What does the man mean when he says, "How's the conference room?"
(A) He wonders if there are. enough chairs in the conference room.
(B) He thinks the conference room is a good place for the meeting.
(C) He is concerned about the condition of the conference room.
(D) He wants to know the exact size of the conference room.

3. What does the woman mean when she says, "No-problem?"

(A) The train is running on schedule.
(B) She knows how to get to the train station..
(C) Traffic is not a problem at this time of day.
(D) She will pick up the man at the train station.

4. Why does the man say, "The subway runs until midnight"?
(A) To ask for a favor
(B) To explain a reason
(C) To make a suggestion
(D) To give instructions

conversations 77
5. Why does the woman say, "Would you"?
(A) To ask for advice
(B) To accept an offer
(C) To make an invitation
(D) To request an explanation

6. What does the woman mean when she says, "I have it"?
(A) She has already made the photocopies.
(B) She has money to pay for the photocopies.
(C) She has figured out a solution to the problem.
(D) She knows why the photocopier has broken down.


Talking About the Future

Listen for time expressions. Sometimes the simple present tense is used to express future
ideas, especially when talking about a schedule.
Our flight leaves at noon tomorrow.
The conference takes place next July.
The movie starts at 6:30 tonight.

Two-word Verbs with Back
Two-word verbs with back are quite common in conversation. They usually mean return.

Verb Meaning
be back return to a place
call back return a phone call
pay back return money
fly back return to a place by plane

I'm going to London tomorrow, but I'll be back next week.

Tell Mr. Kim that I'm going to call back later.
I can pay you back the $100 that you lent me next month.
They flew back to Tokyo last night.
Read the strategies for Part 3 on pages 55-56 again before you do the Strategy Practice.

0 Listen to the conversations. You will answer three questions about each
d ir e c tio n s :
conversation. Choose the best answer to each question. Listen again and see if you can
recognize how a choice tries to confuse you.

Office Directory
Department Director
Accounting Alma Gordon
Marketing Lee Chang
Production Mary Kim
Design Joe Griffin

1. When will the job interviews take place? CD CD CD CD

(A) This afternoon
(B ) Tomorrow morning
(C) Tomorrow afternoon
(D) Next Tuesday

2. Where will the job interviews take place? CD CD CD CD

(A) In the Human Resources Office
(B) In the conference room
(C) In the woman's office
(D) In the cafeteria

3. Look at the graphic. Who will help with the job interviews? CD CD CD CD
(A) Alma Gordon
(B) Lee Chang
(C) Mary Kim
(D) Joe Griffin

4. Where does the man usually go on vacation? CD CD CD CD

(A) To a lake
(B ) On a cruise
(C) To the beach
(D) To the mountains

5. What is the problem with the hotel? CD CD CD CD

(A) There are not any rooms available.
(B ) It is too far from the beach.
(C) The rooms are too small.
(D) It costs too much.
6. What will the man probably do next?
(A) Read a book
(B) Look for a hotel
(C) Put his things in order
(D) Reserve a plane ticket

7. Why did Tina miss the meeting?

(A) She was sick.
(B) She arrived too late.
(C) She had an accident.
(D) Her car wouldn't start.

8. What does the woman want to discuss with Tina?

(A) A news report
(B) A budget report
(C) A traffic report
(D) A weather report

9. What time does the woman want to see Tina?

(A) 2:00
(B) 7:00
(C) 8:00
(D) 11:00

10. Where is the woman's new job? ® ® © ®

(A) At a pool
(B) At a school
(C) At an office
(D) At a hospital

11. How does the woman feel about her new job? ® ® © ®
(A) She likes it.
(B) She's bored.
(C) She feels terrible.
(D) She's uncomfortable.

12. How often does the woman get a paycheck? ® ® © ®

(A) Once a week
(B) Once a month
(C) Every two weeks
(D) Every two months
13. What color is the jacket? CD CD CD Cl )
(A) White
(B) Green
(C) Blue
(D ) Red

14. Why is the man returning it to the store? CD Cl ) CD CD

(A) The woman dislikes it.
(B) It doesn't look good.
(C) It doesn't fit right.
(D) It lost a button.

15. How much did the man pay for it? CD CD CD CD

(A) $70
(B) $300
(C) $317
(D) $370

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