Asthmatic Granulomatosis 2012
Asthmatic Granulomatosis 2012
Asthmatic Granulomatosis 2012
nationally. Despite patients receiving an extensive evaluation phase (FEF25–75% predicted) who did not improve or worsened over time
and optimization of treatment, many of these patients remain were recommended for VATS biopsies. Most of the surgeries were per-
poorly controlled. We suspected that larger-volume lung tissue formed by a single surgeon (M.S.). Because these patients had no local-
biopsies obtained through video-assisted thorascopic surgery ized or parenchymal radiologic abnormalities by chest CT, multiple
random biopsies were taken from each lobe of a single lung. Double-
(VATS) could identify novel histopathologies with distinct
lumen endotracheal intubation with single-lung ventilation was used for
immunoinflammatory elements to suggest new approaches to all patients. Care was taken to ensure that generous wedge resections
therapy. We report 10 adult patients, all previously diagnosed were done to include deep tissue. Tissue samples were sent for culture
with severe asthma, whose lung tissue revealed small airway (all negative for bacteria, fungus, and mycobacteria) and pathologic anal-
disease in association with poorly formed nonnecrotizing inter- ysis. Initially, patients gave consent using general lung tissue repository
stitial granulomas. In addition to their clinical, inflammatory, and consent. However, since 2010, consent was obtained using an airway
physiologic characteristics, we report their improvement with disease–specific consent to collect lung tissue for future research proto-
alternative nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs. Some of these cols and to allow use of clinical, physiologic, radiologic, and immunoin-
results have previously been reported in abstracts (13, 14). flammatory data. The protocols and consents were approved by the
University of Pittsburgh Institutional Review Board.
Pathologic Analysis
All biopsies were entirely processed in formalin; embedded in paraffin;
Patients were referred for evaluation of severe corticosteroid (CS) re- and stained with hematoxylin and eosin, Verhoeff-van Gieson, acid-fast,
fractory asthma to the Difficult Asthma Clinic at the Comprehensive and Gomori methenamine silver stains. Immunohistochemistry for
Lung Center of the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. Asthma L26/CD20, CD3, CD4, CD8, Beta F1, TIA, CD79, CD138, S100 protein,
was defined using American Thoracic Society criteria and severe asth- Langerin, and mast cell tryptase were performed as previously described
ma defined by the American Thoracic Society workshop definition, in- (15). The ratio of CD4 to CD8 cells was calculated by manually count-
cluding use of high-dose inhaled (.880 mg fluticasone or equivalent) ing the number of T cells in three identical fields adjacent to the small
or systemic CSs with at least two of seven minor criteria (1, 5). airways (16).
All received a standardized evaluation, with extensive history and
physical examination; pulmonary function testing with bronchodilator
reversibility to 720 mg of inhaled albuterol using an Aerochamber Follow-up
(Monaghan, Plattsburgh, NY); diffusing capacity of carbon monoxide Seventeen of the 19 patients were offered treatment with alternative
(DLCO); chest CT and in some cases high-resolution CT (HRCT); antiinflammatory or cytotoxic medications: azathioprine (Imuran),
IgE and specific IgE/allergen skin testing; complete blood count; and methotrexate, or anti–tumor necrosis factor-a (Remicade). Treatment
evaluation of CS side effects. Most patients had measurement of with these antiinflammatory medications was instituted for 3 months
exhaled nitric oxide (FENO), C-reactive protein, antinuclear antigen, and continued for 12–48 months if response was seen. Treatment was
rheumatoid factor, screening precipitins for hypersensitivity pneumo- stopped if ineffective or poorly tolerated. A patient was considered
nitis (HSP), quantitative immunoglobulins, and sinus CT scans. They a “responder” to alternative therapy if he or she (1) was able to reduce
were asked questions on age at asthma onset, use and adherence to his or her prednisone dose to 5 mg or less, (2) maintained or improved
CSs, existence of other chronic diseases including sinusitis, environ- their FEV1 % predicted despite lower oral CS doses, and (3) had one
mental exposures, and family history of allergic and autoimmune dis- or fewer oral CS-requiring exacerbations during the year following.
eases. All met with a certified asthma educator. Patients were assessed Patients were monitored monthly with complete blood counts, liver
for 3–24 months to optimize asthma therapy and to better understand function, and pulmonary function tests.
their disease, its variability, and need for systemic CSs. All CT scans
were overread for this study by a chest radiologist (D.C.S.). Approxi-
mately 170 unique patients with severe asthma have been followed in
the Difficult Asthma Clinic from 2007 to 2011. Demographics and Clinical Characteristics
Demographics and clinical characteristics are presented in Table 1.
Thoracoscopic Biopsy Ten of the 19 patients with a clinical diagnosis of severe asthma
Nineteen patients with severe asthma with CT scans without parenchymal who underwent VATS biopsy between 2007 and 2011 had a com-
abnormalities and atypical asthma presentations (low DLCO), adult onset, bination of asthmatic small airway changes with nonnecrotizing
persistent eosinophilia, or very low forced expiratory flow midexpiratory interstitial and airway-centric granulomas on pathology. All
#1 49 29 63 60 28 15/9 78
#2 60 5 56 82 53 13/61 56
#3 59 23 84 74 52 22/50† 68
#4 62 50 57 63 27 12/19 57
#5 36 30 39 42 10 12/16 108
#6 52 45 73 78 46 5/4 75
#7 30 5 86 72 58 1/26‡ 62
#8 55 5 69 69 36 20/35 67
#9 63 60 97 62 32 24/22† 95
#10 56 28 45 52 16 19/73 96
Mean 6 SD or SEM 52 6 11 28 6 20 66 6 6 65 6 4 36 6 5 12 6 3 and 26 6 9 76 6 6
Definition of abbreviations: DLCO ¼ diffusing capacity of carbon monoxide; FEF25–75% ¼ forced expiratory flow, midexpir-
atory phase.
* % BD response for FEV1/FEF25–75.
Positive methacholine challenge PC20 ¼ 3.6 mg/ml (#3), 0.4 mg/ml (#9).
Patient with greater than 12% reversibility to prednisone.
Wenzel, Vitari, Shende, et al.: Asthmatic Granulomatosis: A New Disease? 503
Definition of abbreviations: CRP ¼ C-reactive protein; CT ¼ computed tomography; FENO ¼ exhaled nitric oxide.
patients had been diagnosed with severe asthma by referring (n ¼ 1) during inspiration. In some cases, 1.25-mm thin HRCT
physicians, were oral CS dependent (5–60 mg/day), and had images (n ¼ 4), 0.625-mm source images (n ¼ 10), or chest CT
no evidence for other respiratory disease. One patient was on performed during end-expiration (n ¼ 1) were available for
omalizumab, none on methotrexate. All patients were white, 9 review. One or more comparison chest CTs, to include expira-
of 10 were female, and 8 of 10 were middle-aged. The cases tory CT (n ¼ 1), were available in six cases. Five patients had
were referred from western Pennsylvania, upstate New York, a normal CT. The other five CTs revealed nonspecific findings
and Maryland. Most were diagnosed with asthma as adults and of bronchiolar dilation (n ¼ 5); bronchiolar wall thickening
all had a history of sinus disease (see Figure E1 in the online (n ¼ 4); patchy predominantly subsegmental air trapping
supplement). The patients were all currently symptomatic with (n ¼ 2); subsegmental atelectasis (n ¼ 2); tree-in-bud opacities
cough, wheeze, chest tightness, and shortness of breath. There (n ¼ 1); or small mucosal nodules in the central airways (n ¼ 1)
was no history of untreated and symptomatic gastroesophageal (see Figure E2). Focal or extensive bronchiectasis, thoracic
reflux or aspiration, whereas 1 of 10 reported aspirin-exacerbated lymph node enlargement, and consolidation were absent.
respiratory disease. All were treated with traditional asthma Peripheral blood eosinophilia was present in most and high
medications, including inhaled CSs, long-acting b-agonists and, FENO despite systemic CSs. There were no consistent or sugges-
leukotriene modifiers. Nocturnal awakenings were not com- tive environmental exposures, the IgE was not consistently
mon. Three or more exacerbations in the previous year were elevated, and precipitating antibody screens for HSP were neg-
common and often triggered by worsening sinus disease. All ative. Although IgG levels were occasionally low (likely on the
smoked less than 10 pack-years and none had smoked in the basis of chronic systemic CS use), pre- and posttetanus and
last year. Although wheezing was common, no crackles were pneumococcal pneumonia vaccination titer responses were nor-
heard on examination. mal. Atopy was present in 6 of 10. Nine of 10 had significant
sinus disease by CT scan, with 5 of 10 having a history of sinus
Physiologic, Radiologic, and Immunologic Findings surgery. Of the 10 patients, 60% had a family history of auto-
immune disease: rheumatoid arthritis (two); Crohn disease
Physiologic, radiologic, and immunologic findings are presented (one); mixed connective tissue disease (one); CRST syndrome
in Table 2. All 10 cases had evidence of airflow limitation, re- (one); and dermatomyositis (one). Two patients had a personal
versibility, and in two cases a provocative concentration of
methacholine less than 8 mg/ml despite high-dose inhaled and
systemic CSs. The FEF25–75% predicted was disproportionately
low compared with the FEV1 % predicted and FEV1/FVC.
Unlike traditional asthma, the DLCO was modestly reduced in
most cases (76 6 6 % predicted).
All patients had a chest CT performed within 10 months of
surgery. Images were reconstructed at 5 (n ¼ 9) or 2.5 mm
Figure 2. Asthmatic granulomatosis. Mucus plugs within the airways Figure 4. Asthmatic granulomatosis. A granuloma is seen within the
contain degenerating eosinophils, whereas the bronchiolar epithe- interstitium (hematoxylin and eosin, 3400).
lium shows goblet cell metaplasia, basement membrane thickening,
and a mixed submucosal infiltrate with eosinophils (hematoxylin and
eosin, 3200). all cases but was pronounced in five (Figure 2). A mild to mod-
erate submucosal chronic inflammatory cell infiltrate was noted
in all cases, with epithelial transmigration in eight. Eosinophils
history of autoimmune disease (psoriasis and inactive Crohn
were easily identified in 70% of biopsies (Figures 2 and 3) and
disease by recent colonic biopsy).
plasmacytoid lymphocytes and plasma cells were present in
aggregates in 60%. Patchy submucosal and peribronchiolar fi-
Pathologic Analysis brosis was noted in most cases and muscular hypertrophy of the
Multiple unilateral wedge biopsies from the right (three) or left bronchiolar muscularis was ubiquitous, but dramatic in eight
(two) lung were taken from all patients. The histopathology instances. No fibrous obliteration or significant compromise of
of the 10 cases is detailed in Table 3. Histologic changes con- airway lumens was observed.
sisted of an asthmatic bronchiolitis accompanied by a patchy A patchy interstitial mononuclear infiltrate associated with
interstitial infiltrate of alveolar septal mononuclear cells with the airway changes was localized primarily to the perivenular
poorly formed nonnecrotizing granulomas in all 10 (Figure 1). regions and alveolar septa, accompanied by airspace fibrin
Terminal bronchioles displayed papillary epithelial hyperplasia, and granulation tissue in 50%. Ill-defined, nonnecrotizing gran-
basal cell hyperplasia, and goblet cell metaplasia in all cases ulomas comprised of epithelioid histiocyte aggregates with or
(Figure 2). Mucous plugging was noted in 8 of the 10 cases without giant cells were noted in all 10 cases, but were relatively
(80%) as was a mild bronchiolectasia in 60%. Subepithelial base- infrequent (Figures 3, 4, and 5). Interstitial lymphoid aggregates
ment membrane thickening, consistent with asthma, was seen in were seen in four cases.
Figure 3. Asthmatic granulomatosis. Small airway changes were asso- Figure 5. Asthmatic granulomatosis. A patchy mononuclear infiltrate
ciated with a patchy alveolar septal mononuclear infiltrate with airspace with interstitial and bronchiolocentric poorly formed granulomas con-
granulation tissue and interstitial nonnecrotizing granulomas and loose taining giant cells, epithelioid histiocytes, and occasional asteroid bodies
aggregates of giant cells and epithelioid histiocytes (hematoxylin and (inset) is common (hematoxylin and eosin, 3200; inset, hematoxylin and
eosin, 3200). eosin, 3400).
Wenzel, Vitari, Shende, et al.: Asthmatic Granulomatosis: A New Disease? 505
Immunohistochemical analysis revealed most inflammatory Although azathioprine is the first drug used (and most success-
cells to be Beta F1 CD3 positive T cells with a CD4/CD8 ratio ful), it is not always well tolerated, because three discontinued
of 4.2 (range, 2.8–5.1), with most intraepithelial lymphocytes for nausea and one for liver function test abnormalities. One
a Beta F1 CD3/CD4 positive, TIA-negative phenotype. L26/ patient has not been able to tolerate any alternative therapy to
CD20 stains highlighted lymphoid aggregates and scattered sub- date and therefore response cannot be evaluated. The nine res-
mucosal B cells, whereas CD79A and CD138 studies showed ponders have had improvements in FEV1, FVC, and FEF25–75,
plasmacytoid lymphocytes and plasma cells in aggregates in the in their level of symptoms and activity despite lower (or stable)
submucosa of those cases with the most prominent inflammatory CS doses. Despite frequent CS burst pre-VATS, no responding
infiltrates. S100 protein and Langerin stains displayed rare intra- patient has required more than one CS burst per year after
epithelial and submucosal Langerhans cells, whereas mast cell response to therapy. In three patients treated for more than
tryptase staining showed nonaggregated and scattered mast cells 1 year, attempts to taper azathioprine have been unsuccessful,
throughout the interstitium. leading to worsening clinical symptoms, worsening airway ob-
There was no evidence for microorganisms by silver and acid- struction, and increased CS doses. When the azathioprine dose
fast stains, vasculitis, necrosis, fibroblastic foci, honeycomb change, was increased back to 250–300 mg per day, the symptomatology
or aspirated material. and lung function returned to the prereduction baseline.
#1 (R) 10 5 63 71 AZ
#2 (R) 50 5 58 65 AZ
#3 (R) 20 5 84 91 AZ
#4 (R) 10 5 57 65 AZ
#5 (R) 5 5 39 44 AZ failure (nausea) now infliximab
#6 (R) 30 5 73 71 AZ
#7 (PR) 40 5 86 71 AZ failure (nausea) now MTX IM
#8 (R) 5 5 69 80 AZ
#9 (NE) 13 13 97 112 AZ, MP, MTX failures (nausea, LFTs)
#10 (R) 20 5 45 54 AZ failure (nausea)/now MP acid
Definition of abbreviations: AZ ¼ azathioprine; IM ¼ intramuscular; LFT ¼ liver function tests; MP ¼ mycophenolate; MTX ¼ methotrexate; NE ¼
not evaluable because not on any drug for a least 1 month because of side effects; PR ¼ partial clinical responder; R ¼ clinical responder.
patient who did not meet these criteria before diagnosis (patient Stains for microorganisms and all cultures were negative. This
#6) developed bronchodilator responsiveness after successful prominence of plasmacytoid and plasma cells might suggest a link
treatment with azathioprine. All 19 also met diagnostic criteria to autoimmunity, as does the presence of the nonnecrotizing gran-
for severe asthma, being on daily systemic CSs; high-dose in- ulomas themselves. An autoimmune link is further supported by
haled CS, usually with a long-term controller; having daily sym- the family or personal history of autoimmunity in 70%.
ptoms; and averaging three CS bursts in the previous year. Most Although patient #9 had inactive Crohn disease, she reported
patients reported either adult-onset disease or worsening in asthma since childhood, had a high IgE level, and had been
adulthood. VATS biopsies were performed on these patients treated with anti-IgE therapy with some improvement in symp-
to determine the presence of a traditional asthma masquerader, toms, also supporting an overlap in immune processes. Interest-
such as a limited Churg-Strauss syndrome or constrictive bron- ingly, genetic factors, including such genes as SLC22A5 and
chiolitis, and if not present, to better understand the pathobiol- RORA, which are shared by asthma and Crohn disease, could
ogy of their severe disease such that alternative therapies might predispose to granulomatous inflammation, perhaps through
be suggested. The biopsies were all done using a deep cone modulation of responses to microbial exposures (26).
approach to obtain the airways tissue vital to revealing the de- Four of nine female patients described onset or worsening of
scribed pathology. There have been no complications and all their disease during pregnancy, whereas the one man in the data-
have gone home within 3 days of the procedure. set is currently treated for low testosterone levels. The Severe
Ten of the 19 cases manifested a combination of three path- Asthma Research Program identified a cluster of women with
ologic findings not previously reported together (asthmatic air- late-onset disease and an association with hormonal influences
way inflammation, alveolar septal mononuclear inflammation, (4). Eosinophilic inflammation, as measured in sputum, was
and poorly demarcated nonnecrotizing granulomas). Seven of prominent, suggesting that at least some of the women de-
10 cases either had an elevated FENO (.30 ppb) or peripher- scribed here may have overlap with the predominantly female
al blood eosinophilia (.300 per milliliter) despite continuous cluster in the Severe Asthma Research Program. Women in
systemic CSs, consistent with an “asthmatic” Th2-like inflam- general are predisposed to autoimmune disease, supporting
matory process (17–19). Although the accompanying granulo- a complex role for hormones in autoimmunity, and perhaps in
matous process may be suggestive of HSP, these 10 cases have this newly described asthmatic granulomatosis (27). Although
asthmatic small airway changes including goblet cell metaplasia, asthma is not thought of as an autoimmune disease (and there
thick basement membranes, tissue eosinophilia, and marked were no increases in known autoantibodies), aspirin-exacerbated
muscular wall hypertrophy with mucus plugs that are not part respiratory disease and, more recently, nasal polyps have been
of the spectrum of infection, HSP, aspiration, or autoimmune associated with autoantibody formation (28, 29). Indeed, several
disease. The lack of interstitial or nodular changes on HRCT of the patients described here reported a history of nasal polyps
scan further argues against an HSP diagnosis (20). Crohn dis- in addition to severe chronic sinusitis.
ease of the lung is usually seen with active ileocolonic inflam- These 10 patients were accumulated over a 4-year period of
mation, whereas patient #9 was asymptomatic with negative time (2007–2011). Although VATS biopsies are not routinely
colonic biopsies. Other autoimmune diseases, such as Sjögren performed in difficult or severe asthma, this novel finding of in-
and rheumatoid arthritis, and sarcoidosis may have granulomas terstitial granulomas, associated with a clinical response to non-
but lack the asthmatic reactive airway pathology described here. steroidal medications, suggests this procedure may be justified
No vasculitis was noted in any case excluding granulomatosis in a select group of atypical patients, especially given the risks
with polyangitis (Wegener’s) and Churg-Strauss syndrome. of these immunosuppressive agents. Over the 4 years of the
Thus, although we acknowledge the histologic (and clinical) accumulation of these cases, approximately 10% of the 170
differential diagnoses that need to be considered, it seems that patients with severe asthma seen in the Difficult Asthma Clinic
the clinicopathologic profile in these 10 cases is best encom- underwent VATS biopsy, 50% of whom manifested the unique
passed in the term “asthmatic granulomatosis,” reflecting the combination of pathologic findings reported here. Of the
asthmatic small airway changes and the granulomatous disease remaining nine biopsies, seven manifested one or more of these
processes. findings, suggesting that the 10 cases may represent the far end
These three inflammatory elements were present despite sys- of a spectrum of CS-refractory asthma. Although this pathology
temic CS use, confirming a profound CS resistance, findings and disease are not as common as traditional asthma, over the
previously noted in endobronchial biopsies and sputum from same period of time, in the same clinic, two cases of allergic
subgroups of patients with severe asthma (3, 6). Although the bronchopulmonary aspergillosis and only one case of Churg-
mechanisms for the CS-resistant eosinophilic, likely Th2, pro- Strauss syndrome have been identified, suggesting this new pa-
cess remain poorly understood, studies of severe eosinophilic thology or disease is more common than these typical asthma
subjects with asthma support a role for the Th2 cytokine masqueraders.
IL-5 (21, 22). However, the presence of granulomas suggests Of the 10 cases reported here, nine have responded from
the immune process reported here is more complex than Th2 a moderate to a high degree to cytotoxic and antiinflammatory
alone including elements of innate, Th1, or Th17 immunity, all therapies including azathioprine, methotrexate, anti–tumor ne-
of which have been identified with granulomatous inflammation crosis factor-a, and mycophenolic acid. The remaining one has
(23–25). These processes may be accompanied by IL-8 had difficulty tolerating these therapies. Importantly, three res-
or interferon-g, which have been identified with granulomatous ponding patients have attempted to taper their azathioprine, but
inflammation in endobronchial bioposies and sputum from sub- had to return to full or partial dosing because of deterioration in
groups of patients with severe asthma such as those with eosin- symptoms, increasing steroid requirements, and decline in lung
ophilic pneumonia, and which could contribute to the asthmatic function. In the 1980s, studies inconsistently suggested efficacy
granulomatous histopathology observed here. of methotrexate in some severe CS-dependent people with
Initial characterization of the inflammatory mononuclear cell asthma (30). No pathology was obtained, but it is conceivable
bronchiolitis in these patients identifies a CD31 lymphocyte infil- the therapeutic responses observed here may be similar to those
tration, predominantly of CD4 cells. Plasmacytoid lymphocytes noted to methotrexate in the previous reports. Of the six
and plasma cells were present in submucosal lymphoid aggregates patients who did not manifest all three of the pathologic findings
in the regions and patients with the most prominent inflammation. reported here, a more mixed response to immunosuppressive
Wenzel, Vitari, Shende, et al.: Asthmatic Granulomatosis: A New Disease? 507
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