Results in Optics: Ankit, Kamal Kishor, Ravindra Kumar Sinha
Results in Optics: Ankit, Kamal Kishor, Ravindra Kumar Sinha
Results in Optics: Ankit, Kamal Kishor, Ravindra Kumar Sinha
Results in Optics
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Keywords: This paper reports the design and performance characteristics of perfect reflector tunable metamaterial (MTM).
Metamaterial (MTM) The reported MTM parameters are optimized to achieve nearly 100 % reflection at resonance wavelength (λr )
µ-negative (MNG) metamaterial 1550 nm. The propagation characteristic of the proposed MTM structure was obtained by the finite element
Effective permittivity (εeff.)
method (FEM). The electromagnetic parameters such as effective permittivity (εeff.), effective permeability (µeff.),
Effective permeability (µeff.)
Effective refractive index (ηeff.)
and effective refractive index (ηeff.) are calculated using Nicolson-Ross-Weir (NRW) method and analysed for the
Effective medium ratio (EMR) 1400–1700 nm wavelength range. It has been observed that the proposed MTM structure exhibits µ-negative
(MNG) metamaterial characteristics as well as a negative effective refractive index at λr . Further, it has also been
shown that by varying the number of arrays of unit cells and using a mirror image of the unit cell, the operating
wavelength can be easily tuned as required for different applications. The overall perfect reflectance and the
tunable performance of the proposed MTM has a potential applications in the design and development of
compact photonic devices such as optical resonators and antennas.
* Corresponding author at: TIFAC-Center of Relevance and Excellence in Fiber Optics and Optical Communication, Department of Applied Physics, Delhi Tech
nological University, Bawana Road, Delhi 110042, India.
E-mail address: [email protected] (R.K. Sinha).
Received 15 November 2022; Received in revised form 20 December 2022; Accepted 18 January 2023
Available online 21 January 2023
2666-9501/© 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Ankit et al. Results in Optics 10 (2023) 100366
Fig. 1. (a) Designed MTM structure and (b) setup arrangement for scattering parameters.
is their suitability for large-area applications due to the absence of of 2.23, proving its significance in designing and developing compact
periodicity requirement for truly homogeneous media (Smith et al., tunable photonic devices such as perfect reflectors, antennas and filters,
2005). etc.
Our primary focus in the present research work is to design an MTM
unit cell with nearly 100 % reflection for operating wavelength at 1550 2. Metamaterial design and simulation geometry
nm in the C-band of the optical communication window. The operating
wavelength can also easily be tuned by varying the number of arrays and The proposed MTM unit cell consists of 90 nm thick silicon
using the mirror image arrangement, resulting in a significant shift in (permittivity (ε) of 11.7 (Shur, 1990) over an 1180 nm × 690 nm silica
resonance wavelength from the C-band to the S-band of optical ((ns ) = 1.45Malitson, 1965) substrate. The schematic scenario of the
communication. The proposed MTM structure exhibit µ-negative (MNG) MTM unit cell is represented in Fig. 1, wherein Fig. 1(a) exhibits the
metamaterial characteristic and negative effective refractive index at λr . perspective view of the MTM unit cell, and Fig. 1(b) shows the setup
The effective medium ratio (EMR) is calculated and achieved to a value with input and output ports for the measurement of scattering
Fig. 3. (a) The Reflection (S11) and (b) Transmission coefficient (S21) for the different designs step (design 1 to proposed design) with respect to wavelength from
1400 nm to 1700 nm.
Ankit et al. Results in Optics 10 (2023) 100366
Fig. 4. Variation of (a) reflection coefficient (S11) and (b) transmission coefficient (S21) with the incident wave with the change in the different dielectric substrates.
Table 1
Various properties and S21 parameters results from different substrate materials.
Sr. No. Substrate Relative permittivity Resonance wavelength of S21 (nm) Optical wavelength band Magnitude (dB)
Fig. 5. Variation of different substrate thicknesses (ts ) of the designed MTM with the incident wave resulting in its impact on (a) reflection coefficient (S11) and (b)
transmission coefficient (S21).
Ankit et al. Results in Optics 10 (2023) 100366
Fig. 6. Variation of silicon dielectric resonator thickness (tm ) of the designed MTM with the incident wave resulting in its impact on (a) reflection coefficient (S11)
and (b) transmission coefficient (S21).
6002 and RT 6202) and Silica have been considered as substrate. The
Table 2
obtained reflection and transmission coefficient are plotted in Fig. 4.
Unit Cell Dimension.
From Fig. 4, we observed that MTM is resonating at 1412 nm, 1661
nm, 1667 nm, and 1550 nm for FR-4, RT 6202, RT 6002, and Silica, Parameters Values (nm) Description
respectively, as substrate materials. All the above findings are summa bs 1180 breadth of substrate in y
rized in Table 1. The resonance shifted towards the lower wavelength ls 692 length of substrate in x
lm 425 material length in x
when we used FR-4 and Silica substrate instead of Roger’s versions,
bm 949 material length in y
which indicates that the MTM performance depends on the substrate ts 157 substrate thickness
selection, as shown in Fig. 4. The impact of silica substrate on the wc 47 width of central line
resonance wavelength is highly noticeable and it is showing nearly 100 tm 90 thickness of material
% reflection. Using Silica as a substrate in the proposed MTM structure, wm 94 width of MTM strip
Ankit et al. Results in Optics 10 (2023) 100366
Fig. 7. (a) Reflection (S11) and (b) Transmission (S21) coefficient have been calculated from both COMSOL and CST software (c) calculated reflectance spectra of the
proposed metamaterial from COMSOL.
Fig. 8. (a) The real parts of μeff . (effective permeability) and εeff . (effective permittivity), (b) neff . (effective refractive index) curves of the proposed MTM structure.
method. NRW method extracts the εeff. , μeff . and neff. using the trans
Table 3
mission coefficient (S21 ) and reflection coefficient (S11 ). The following
Comparison of % reflectance of the designed MTM structure with previous
literature data.
simplified equations are being used (Rothwell et al., 2016; Islam et al.,
2015; Ziolkowski and Heyman, 2001; Chen et al., 2004):
Ref. Period Shape Resonance Reflectance
(nm) wavelength (%) 2 (1 − V1 ) c (1 − S21 − S11 ) λ (1 − S21 − S11 )
εeff . = × = = (2)
(Slovick 820×820 Silicon cubes 1500 nm 99.9 jk0 d (1 + V1 ) jπνd (1 + S21 + S11 ) jπ d (1 + S21 + S11 )
et al.,
2013) 2 (1 − V2 ) c (1 − S21 + S11 ) λ (1 − S21 + S11 )
(Moitra 660×660 Silicon cylinder 1450 nm 99.9 μeff . = × = = (3)
jk0 d (1 + V2 ) jπνd (1 + S21 − S11 ) jπd (1 + S21 − S11 )
et al.,
2014) √̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅
√{ }̅
(Moitra 820×820 Silicon cylinder 1530 nm 99.7 √̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅ c √ (S − 1) 2
− (S ) 2
et al., neff . = εr μr = √ 21 11
jπνd (S21 + 1)2 − (S11 )
(Chen 720×720 • Si disk array • 1050–1110 nm >97 √̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅
√{ } ̅
et al., Diamond 1040–1100 λ √ 2 2
√ (S21 − 1) − (S11 ) (4)
2020) disc array nm = 2
Our work 692×1180 Silicon structure 1550 nm 99.8
jπd (S21 + 1)2 − (S11 )
Ankit et al. Results in Optics 10 (2023) 100366
Fig. 9. A plot of normalized (a) Electric Field and (b) Magnetic Field Distribution of the MTM structure atλr
permeability (μeff. ) and effective refractive index (neff. ) is calculated with The EMR of the reported MTM unit cell is achieved to 2.23 at the
respect to the operating wavelength and plotted in Fig. 8. operating resonance wavelength, 1550 nm. The relatively high value of
From Fig. 8(a), it can be seen that at λr , 1550 nm, εeff. has a positive EMR ensures the compactness of the devices assembled using the re
value whereas μeff . has a negative value. Also, the μeff . exhibits entirely ported MTM.
negative behaviour beyond 1560 nm however, effective permeability is
utterly negative in 1400–1700 nm confirming the MNG characteristic of 4.3. Analysis of normalized electric and magnetic field distribution
the proposed MTM. Also, achieving negative permeability at the reso
nance wavelength could be beneficial in long-distance communication. MTM unit cell is projected with a normal electromagnetic wave
Further, from Fig. 8(b) it is observed that neff is having a negative value along z-axis with a linearly polarized electric field along the y-axis. The
at λr . split gap of the proposed MTM builds the capacitance and generates
Furthermore, the EMR, one of the significant aspects for the design electric resonance, whereas the resonator strip creates the inductance,
and development of metamaterial which provides the compactness of resulting in magnetic resonance (Islam et al., 2014). The electric field
the metamaterial structure, is also calculated using the following for and magnetic field distribution of the MTM structure have been evalu
mula (Almutairi et al., 2019): ated for the λr and demonstrated in Fig. 9(a and b).
From Fig. 9(a), it is observed that the maximum accumulation of
Operating Wavelength for the unit cell
(5) electric field distribution is of the order of 108 V/m. Further, it is along
length of the unit cell the gap between the edge of the central line (wc ) and the edge of the
MTM resonator strip shown by the yellowish region enclosed by a black
Fig. 10. Top view of the arrays of the metamaterial (a) (1×1), (b) (1×2), (c) (1×3), (d) (1×4), (e) (2×1), (f) (3×1) and (g) (4×1) of the proposed MTM structure.
Ankit et al. Results in Optics 10 (2023) 100366
Fig. 11. Variation of (a) S11 (reflection coefficient), (b) S21 (transmission coefficient), (c) μeff . (effective permeability), (d) εeff . (effective permittivity) and (e) neff .
(effective refractive index) with wavelength for the proposed MTM structure’s (1×1), (1×2), (1×3) and (1×4) arrays.
Fig. 12. Variation of (a) S11 (reflection coefficient), (b) S21 (transmission coefficient), (c) μeff . (effective permeability), (d) εeff . (effective permittivity) and (e) neff .
(effective refractive index) with wavelength for the proposed structure’s (1×1), (2×1), (3×1) and (4×1) arrays.
dotted rectangle. However, the accumulation of magnetic field distri This investigation will help in design and development of tunable MTM
bution is maximum in the middle of the structure, of the order of 106 A/ for different applications.
m, shown in Fig. 9(b).
4.4.1. Design and analysis of (1×1), (1×2), (1×3), (1×4) and (2×1),
(3×1), (4×1) of the unit cell structure
4.4. Tunability characteristic of MTM unit cell We have studied (1×1), (1×2), (1×3), (1×4) and (2×1), (3×1),
(4×1) arrays structure of MTM unit cell shown below in Fig. 10. The
The arranging a number of MTM unit cells in a regular fashion is physical dimension of each unit structure of every assembly has similar
investigated to analyse the tunability of the reported MTM structure.
Ankit et al. Results in Optics 10 (2023) 100366
In Fig. 12, when we form arrays of (1×1), (2×1), (3×1) and (4×1),
the inductor of one unit cell is in series to the other. Therefore, the
equivalent inductance increases consequently resonance wavelength
increases, called red-shift (using Eq. (1)). It is also reported that when we
move in the column-wise increment in the array structure, i.e., (2×1),
(3×1) and (4×1) keeping the one row fixed, then the shifting in the
resonance wavelength is negligible. It indicates that making the array in
this form less affects the resonance wavelength. The variation of reso
nance wavelength with the array of the MTM unit cell is plotted and
shown in Fig. 13.
It is seen from Fig. 13 that the variation of resonance wavelength in
the view of the increase of column (i.e., (1×1), (1×2), (1×3) and (1×4))
is significant i.e., the resonance wavelength decreases from 1550 nm to
1466 nm however, with the row variation ((2×1), (3×1) and (4×1)) is
insignificant in the form of an array of the MTM structure.
Fig. 14. Variation of (a) scattering parameter i.e., S11 (reflection coefficient) and S21 (transmission coefficient), (inset shows the designed mirror image of the
metamaterial unit cell) (b) μeff . (effective permeability), (c) εeff . (effective permittivity) and (d) neff . (effective refractive index) of the mirror image of MTM structure
with wavelength.
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