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INDIA – 125077
(Affiliated to Chaudhary Devi Lal University, Sirsa, Haryana)

Computer Science and Engineering

Industrial Training/Internship in Networking

B. Tech
CSE – 5th Semester
Session 2022-23

Submitted To: Submitted By:

Ms. Sonam Ashutosh Tripathi
Ms. Varsha 202012
Assistant Professor 200980772012
CSE Department
I, hereby declare that the proposed work presented in this training report
entitled as " Implementation on how to provide telephones or internet to all in an
hospital or hotel" under the guidance of Dr. Sanjay Dahiya, Head of Department
and Ms. Sonam & Ms. Varsha Assistant Professor was carried out at the
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Ch. Devi Lal State Institute
of Engineering and Technology, Panniwala Mota (Sirsa), Haryana, India –
125077. It is also certified that no part of this project work has been submitted,
either in part or full for any other degree of Chaudhary Devi Lal University, or
any other University/Institution.

DATE : Ashutosh Tripathi

College Roll No. – 202012
University Roll No. – 200980772012

I greatly appreciate the guidance and academic support of my mentors whose contribution in
suggestions and encouragements helped me complete my training tasks in a convincing
manner in all respects. I am awfully thankful to them for their painstaking efforts in arranging
experimentation and open discussions on several networking topics that enabled this duration
of training a memorable opportunity ushered on to me for learning and sharing newer
dimensions to my thinking process in networking technologies as a wonderful opportunity

In the end, I would like to thank ALTTC faculty and other staff for arranging needful
exposure to me during my training.
Page No.
Chapter 1: Introduction to Networking …………………………………………………. 8 - 11
1.1: Intro
1.2: Benefits of Industry Networking
1.2.1: Internet Connection Types
1.3: Components of Computer Network
1.4: Networking Devices
1.5: Why is Networking so Important?
1.6: Advantages & Disadvantages of Networking

Chapter 2: Telecommunication ………………………………………………………… 12 -13

2.1: Intro
2.2: What is an IT?
2.3: Intelligent Devices
2.4: Intelligent Networking Devices
2.5: Difference Between Smart and Intelligent Devices
2.6: Intelligence Types

Chapter 3: Transmission Medium …………………………………...…………………..14 -15

3.1: Intro
3.2: Types
3.3: Difference between Wired Media and Wireless Media

Chapter 4: Telecom Regions in INDIA …………………………….…………………..16 - 18

4.1: Telecom Regions of INDIA
4.2: Circles in each Region
4.3: International Cable Routes

Chapter 5: SoC & NoC …………………………………………...…………………… 19 - 21

5.1: SoC
5.2: Advantages & Disadvantages of SoC
Page No.
5.3: NoC
5.4: Purpose of NoC
5.5: Advantages & Disadvantages of NoC

Chapter 6: Typical Call ………………………………………………………………. 22 - 25

6.1: Typical Call Path
6.1.1: Typical Call Path (Part 1)
6.1.2: Typical Call Path(Part 2)
6.2: Trunk Call Inter City
6.2.1: MDF(Main Distribution Frame)
6.2.2: Server Room:
6.2.3: TRUNK
6.2.4: SIP Trunk

Chapter 7: Multiplexing ………………………………..……………………………… 26 - 29

7.1: Intro
7.1.1: FDM(Frequency Distribution Multiplexing)
7.1.2: WDM(Wavelength Distribution Multiplexing)
7.1.3: TDM(Time Distribution Multiplexing)
7.2: Modulation
7.3: Modulation Techniques
7.4: Types of Modulation
7.5: Demodulation

Chapter 8: Old/Traditional Network vs Current Network …………………………… 30 - 33

8.1: Comparison
8.2: Router
8.2.1: Distribution of Router in INDIA
8.3: Media Converter
8.4: Types of Media Converter
8.5: Advantages of Media Converter
Page No.
Chapter 9: Telephony ……………………………….…………………………………. 34 - 39
9.1: AAA Policy
9.2: Telephone No. Distribution
9.3: Range of Telephone
9.4: IP Address
9.5: Subnet
9.5.1: Subnet Mask
9.6: Routing Protocol
9.6.1: Types of Routing Protocol
9.7: Router Rules

Chapter 10: Software Requirement …………………………………………………… 40 – 43

10.1: CISCO Packet Tracer
10.2: Key Features
10.3: Why do companies use Packet Tracer?
10.4: Full Form of CISCO
10.5: Demonstration

Project ………………………………………………………………...………………. 44 - 52
References & Bibliography ……………………………………………………………….. 53
Chapter 1: Introduction to Networking

1.1 Intro:
Networking, also known as computer networking, is the practice of transporting and
exchanging data between nodes over a shared medium in an information system.
An example of networking is sharing and acquiring information between different divisions
of the same company to share information and solve business problems. An example of
networking is linking the entire network of computers to a print server to allow each
workstation to have the ability to print documents.
Computer networks can also include multiple devices/mediums which help in the
communication between two different devices; these are known as Network devices and
include things such as routers, switches, hubs, and bridges.
Two basic network types are local-area networks (LANs) and wide-area networks (WANs).
LANs connect computers and peripheral devices in a limited physical area, such as a business
office, laboratory, or college campus, by means of links (wires, Ethernet cables, fibre optics,
Wi-Fi) that transmit data rapidly.
1.2 Benefits of industry networking
● Strengthen your network business connections.
● Tap into your network for ideas.
● Raise your professional profile.
● Grow your personal brand.
● Get access to job opportunities.
● Exchange best practice knowledge with your network.
● Get career advice and support.
● Build your confidence.

1.2.1 Basic characteristics of a Computer Network

● Security. Security is one of the most essential characteristics of a computer network.
● Reliability.
● Scalability.
● Flow of Data.
● High performance.
● Fault tolerance.
● Quality of Service (QoS)

● Compatible With Hardware and Software Components.

1.2.2 Internet Connection Types:

1. Wi-Fi,
2. Broadband,
3. DSL,
4. Cable.

1.3 Components of Computer Network:

fig 1.1

1.4 Networking Devices: -

Connecting devices act as middleware between networks or computers, by binding the
network media together. Some of the common connecting devices are:
a. Routers
b. Hub
c. Switch
d. Bridge
e. Repeater
f. Gateway

a. Router: - Routers are networking devices operating at layer 3 or a network layer of

the OSI Model. They are responsible for receiving, analysing, and forwarding data
packets among the connected computer networks. When a data packet arrives, the

router inspects the destination address, consults its routing tables to decide the optimal
route and then transfer the packet along this route.

b. Hub: - A Network Hub is one of the most commonly used networking devices can be
easily found on any small networks such as home or office. Hub operates at the
physical layer of OSI model. It is the simplest networking device hence has low cost.
Basically, a hub is a repeater with multiple ports. The function of a hub in networking
is similar to the repeater. It transfers data in the form of binary bits and uses for
broadcasting data.

c. Switch: - A switch is a Networking device in a computer network that connects other

devices together. Multiple data cables are plugged into a switch to enable
communication between different networked devices. Switches manage the flow of
data across a network by transmitting a received network packet only to the one or
more devices for which the packet is intended.

d. Bridge: - Bridge is termed as a network device which is helpful in filtering the data
load of the traffic by dividing it into segments or packets. They are used to lower the
load of traffic on the LAN and other networks. Bridges are passive devices because
there is no interaction between bridged and the paths of bridging. Bridges operate on
the second layer of the OSI model that is the data link layer.

e. Repeater: - A repeater is a network device that retransmits a received signal with

more power and to an extended geographical or topological network boundary than
what would be capable with the original signal repeater is implemented in computer
networks to expand the coverage area of the network, re propagate a weak or broken
signal and or service remote nodes. Repeaters amplify the received/input signal to a
higher frequency domain so that it is reusable, scalable.

f. Gateway: - The link between two computers to connect to internet or another

network is called gateway. The gateway works like a portal among two programs by
means of communications between protocol and permit them to share data on same
computers or among different computers. Gateways are also known as protocol
converter that can perform at any OSI model layer. The task of a gateway is very

1.5 Why is networking so important?

The purpose of networking is to make new friends, industry acquaintances, and even business
partners. Through these new relationships, you can make progress on your career path
quickly. When you look at it that way, it's clear why networking is such a powerful tool —
for introverts, too.

fig 1.2
Networking is the process of making connections and building relationships. These
connections can provide you with advice and contacts, which can help you make informed
career decisions. Networking can even help you find unadvertised jobs/internships.
Networking can take place in a group or one-on-one setting.

1.6 Advantages & Disadvantages of Networking


● Sharing devices such as printers saves money.

● Site (software) licences are likely to be cheaper than buying several standalone
● Files can easily be shared between users. Network users can communicate
by email and instant messenger.
● Security is good - users cannot see other users' files unlike on stand-alone machines.

● Data is easy to backup as all the data is stored on the file server.

● Purchasing the network cabling and file servers can be expensive.

● Managing a large network is complicated, requires training and a network manager

usually needs to be employed.
● If the file server breaks down the files on the file server become inaccessible. Email
might still work if it is on a separate server. The computers can still be used but are
● Viruses can spread to other computers throughout a computer network.

● There is a danger of hacking, particularly with wide area networks. Security

procedures are needed to prevent such abuse, e.g., a firewall.

Chapter 2: Telecommunication

2.1 Intro
Telecommunications are the means of electronic transmission of information over distances.
The information may be in the form of voice telephone calls, data, text, images, or video.
Today, telecommunications are used to organize more or less remote computer systems into
telecommunications networks.
Telecommunication is communication at a distance using electrical signals or
electromagnetic waves. Examples of telecommunications systems are the telephone network,
the radio broadcasting system, computer networks and the Internet.
The range of telecommunications applications is broad and includes telephony and video
conferencing, facsimile, broadcast and interactive television, instant messaging, e-mail,
distributed collaboration, a host of Web- and Internet-based communication, and data

2.2What is an IT?
Information technology (IT) is the use of any computers, storage, networking and other
physical devices, infrastructure and processes to create, process, store, secure and exchange
all forms of electronic data.
IT Device means any computing or communications hardware with information storage
capability (e.g., computers, servers, PDAs, cellular telephones, tablets, smart phones, fax
machines, printers, and copiers).

Examples of Information Technology:

1. Telephone and radio equipment and switches used for voice communications.
2. Traditional computer applications that include data storage and programs to input,
process, and output the data.

What are the basics of IT?
There are four primary elements for information technology as a whole:
● Information security.

● Database and Network Management.

● Technical support.

● Business software development

2.3 Intelligent devices

Any type of device that has its own computing capability. Intelligent devices in an automated
system are composed of a range of control elements, actuators, information processing
devices, storage systems, and operator displays as well as measurement devices.

Fig 2.1

2.4 Intelligent network devices

An Intelligent Network Interface Device, more commonly known as an "INID", is a system
that provides triple play media services to customer homes. The system provides digital
subscriber line access, advanced TV, and voice over internet protocol (VoIP) phone services
to subscribed customers.

2.5 Difference between smart and intelligent devices

SMART devices perform tasks based on pre-defined algorithm without any user intervention.
On the other hand, INTELLIGENT devices perform task based on algorithm which has
adapted/improved itself on past learning with user.

2.6 Intelligence types

Eight types of intelligence

● Logical-mathematical intelligence. ...
● Linguistic intelligence.
● Spatial Intelligence.
● Musical Intelligence.
● Bodily-kinesthetic Intelligence.
● Intrapersonal Intelligence.
● Interpersonal Intelligence.
● Naturalistic intelligence.

Chapter 3: Transmission Medium

3.1 Transmission Medium:

A communication channel that is used to carry the data from one transmitter to the receiver
through the electromagnetic signals. The main function of this is to carry the data in the bits
form through the Local Area Network (LAN). In data communication, it works like a
physical path between the sender & receiver. For instance, in a copper cable network the bits
in the form of electrical signals whereas in a fiber network, the bits are available in the form
of light pulses.
The quality as well as characteristics of data transmission, can be determined from the
characteristics of medium &signal. The properties of different transmission media are delay,
bandwidth, maintenance, cost and easy installation.
A transmission medium is a route that transmits information from a source to a receiver.
Transmission mediums lie underneath the physical layer and the physical layer regulates
them. Communication channels are another name for transmission medium.
In data communications, the definition of the data and the transmission medium is more
precise. The transmission medium is generally free space (i.e., air), metallic cable or fiber-
optic cable. The data is frequently a signal that is the result of a conversion of data from
another form.

3.2 Types of transmission medium:

● Air:
Vacuum or air constitutes a good transmission medium for electromagnetic
Its range is 30-50 metre.
● Copper:

Networks use copper media because it is inexpensive, easy to install, and has
low resistance to electrical current. However, copper media is limited by distance and
signal interference. Data is transmitted on copper cables as electrical pulses.
Its range is 5/6 km.
● Co-axial Cable:
Coaxial cable (or coax) carries signals of higher frequency ranges than those
in twisted pair cable. It has a central core conductor of solid or stranded wire (usually
copper) enclosed in an insulating sheath, which is, in turn, encased in an outer
conductor of metal foil, braid, or a combination of the two. The outer conductor is
also enclosed in an insulating sheath, and the whole cable is protected by a plastic
Its range is 30-60 km.
● Microwave or EM Wave:
It is a line-of-sight transmission i.e., the sending and receiving antennas need
to be properly aligned with each other. The distance covered by the signal is directly
proportional to the height of the antenna. Frequency Range:1GHz – 300GHz. These
are majorly used for mobile phone communication and television distribution.
Its range is 1/3/5/15 kms.
● Satellite:
A communication satellite is an artificial satellite that transmits the signal via
a transponder by creating a channel between the transmitter and the receiver at
different Earth locations.
3 Satellites cover the whole world.
● Optical Fiber Cable:
A fiber optic cable is a network cable that contains strands of glass fibers
inside an insulated casing. They're designed for long-distance, high-performance data
networking, and telecommunications. Compared to wired cables, fiber optic cables
provide higher bandwidth and transmit data over longer distances. Fiber optic cables
support much of the world's internet, cable television, and telephone systems.
There is no limit of distance for Optical Fiber Cable.
3.3 Difference between Wired Media and Wireless Media
Wired Media Wireless Media

The signal energy is contained and guided The signal energy propagates in the
or propagated inside a solid medium. structure of unguided electromagnetic
waves in the air.
It can be used for point-to-point It can be used for radio advertising in all
communication. directions.

It makes discrete network topologies. It makes continuous network topology.

This capacity can be further increased by In this capacity of transmission cannot be
inserting more cables for transmission. increased beyond the limit.

It is expensive, time-consuming and Its installation is less time-consuming.

difficult to install.

Examples are twisted pair, Co-axial cable, An example is Radio & Infrared Waves.
and Optical fiber.

Chapter 4: Telecom Regions in INDIA

4.1 Telecom regions of INDIA

India's telecommunication network is the second largest in the world by number of telephone
users (both fixed and mobile phone). t has one of the lowest call tariffs in the world enabled
by mega telecom operators and hyper-competition among them. India has the world's second-
largest Internet user-base with 747.41 million broadband internet subscribers in the country.
India Broad Divided in 4 Regions
1. Northern Telecom Region
2. Western Telecom Region
3. Eastern telecom Region
4. Southern Telecom Region

4.2 Circles in each Region

Then further divided in circles in each region.

● At present there, are 23 Telecom circles or Services Areas. They are broken down into
4 groups: ‘metro circles’ and then, ‘A’, ‘B’, and ‘C’ circles.

● The ‘metro’ circles cover very dense population centres in the very largest Indian:
Delhi, Kolkata, and Mumbai.
● The ‘A’, ‘B’, and ‘C’ circles cover various geographic territories of varying
population sizes. ‘A’ circles are the largest in terms of population coverage. ‘C’
circles contain smallest population.

Circle name Code Category Geographic area(s) covered

State of Andhra Pradesh,
Andhra Pradesh AP A
of Telangana and Yanam
Assam AS C State of Assam
State of Bihar and State
Bihar & Jharkhand BR C
of Jharkhand
Union Territory
of Delhi, Faridabad
district and Gurgaon
Delhi DL Metro
district in Haryana, Ghaziabad
district and Gautam Buddh
Nagar district in Uttar Pradesh
State of Gujarat and Union
Gujarat GJ A Territory of Dadra and Nagar
Haveli and Daman and Diu
Himachal Pradesh HP C State of Himachal Pradesh
State of Haryana (excluding
Faridabad district, Gurgaon
Haryana HR B
district and Panchkula
Union Territory of Jammu
Jammu and
JK C and Kashmir and Union
Territory of Ladakh
State of Kerala, Union
Kerala & Territory
Lakshadweep of Lakshadweep and Mahé
Karnataka KA A State of Karnataka
Kolkata KO Metro Kolkata (including parts
of Howrah district, Hooghly

district, North 24 Parganas
district, South 24 Parganas
district and Nadia district)
Maharashtra & of Maharashtra (excluding
Goa Mumbai, Navi Mumbai and
Kalyan) and State of Goa
Madhya Pradesh & State of Madhya Pradesh and
Chhattisgarh State of Chhattisgarh
Mumbai, Navi
Mumbai MU Metro
Mumbai, Thane and Kalyan
State of Arunachal Pradesh,
State of Manipur State
of Meghalaya, State
North East NE C
of Mizoram, State
of Nagaland and State
of Tripura
Odisha OR C State of Odisha
State of Punjab, Union
Punjab PB B
of Chandigarh and Panchkula
Rajasthan RJ B State of Rajasthan
State of Tamil
Tamil Nadu TN A Nadu, Puducherry
district and Karaikal district
UP (East) UE B Eastern Uttar Pradesh
Western Uttar
Pradesh (excluding Ghaziabad
UP (West) UW B district and Gautam Buddh
Nagar district) and State
of Uttarakhand
State of West
Bengal (excluding Kolkata),
West Bengal WB C State of Sikkim and Union
Territory of Andaman and
Nicobar Islands

4.3 International Cable Routes

International Cable Routes is shown in below picture:

fig 4.1


Chapter 5: SoC & NoC

5.1 System on chip (SoC):
A system-on-a-chip (SoC) is a microchip with all the necessary
electronic circuits and parts for a given system, such as a smartphone or wearable computer,
on a single integrated circuit (IC).
It may contain digital, analog, mixed-signal, and often radio frequency signal processing
functions (otherwise it is considered only an application processor).
Compared to a multi-chip architecture, an SoC with equivalent functionality will have
increased performance and reduced power consumption as well as a smaller semiconductor
die area. This comes at the cost of reduced replaceability of components.

In general, there are three distinguishable types of SoCs:

● SoCs built around a microcontroller,

● SoCs built around a microprocessor, often found in mobile phones;

● Specialized application-specific integrated circuit SoCs designed for specific
applications that do not fit into the above two categories.

fig5.1: Microcontroller-based system on a chip

5.2 Advantages & Disadvantages of SoC
Advantages of SoC:
● Size.

● Flexibility.

● Cost-Efficient.

● High Volume.

● Easy To Use.

● Verified Hardware.

● Adaptable.

● Single Source.

Disadvantages of SoC:
● Higher design and engineering costs when it comes to products of high-capacity
● Lack of flexibility to implement a lot of customizations.

● Board-level systems with separate DSP and CPU often require different toolchains to
support each device.

5.3 Network on Chip (NoC):

The term “network on chip” (NoC) refers to distributed connectivity of computing and other
resources that are configured as an on-chip computer network. At sub-32-nanometer
dimensions, increased electrical noise and cross-talk reduces the effectiveness of traditional
on-chip bus structures. The network on chip is a router-based packet switching network
between SoC modules.
The NOC architecture essentially is the onchip communication infrastructure comprising the
physical layer, the data link layer and the network layer of the OSI protocol stack. We define
the concept of a region, which occupies an area of any number of resources and switches.
A typical NoC architecture consists of multiple segments of wires and routers as shown in
Figure 1. In a tiled, city-block style of NoC layout, the wires and routers are configured much
like street grids of a city, while the clients (e.g., logic processor cores) are placed on city
blocks separated by wires. A network interface (NI) module transforms data packets
generated from the client logic (processor cores) into fixed-length flow-control digits (flits).
The flits associated with a data packet consist of a header (or head) flit, a tail flit, and a
number of body flits in between. This array of flits will be routed toward the intended
destination in a hop-by-hop manner from one router to its neighbouring router.

5.4 Purpose of NoC
A NOC or a No Objection Certificate is an essential legal document issued by an
organization, agency or even by individuals stating no objection to the covenants mentioned
in the certificate. This document serves many purposes including immigration, general
litigation and even employment.

Fig5.2: Typical NoC architecture in a mesh topology

5.5 Advantages & Disadvantages of NoC

Advantages of NoC:
● High scalability and versatility, high throughput with good power efficiency.

● Packet switching provide dynamic communication possibilities, which lead to


Disadvantages of NoC:
● Inability to offer the required latency

● Scalability

● Bandwidth

● Power consumption for supporting the huge number of on-chip resources.

Chapter 6: Typical Call

6.1 Typical call path

A call path is one call that can be handled on a hosted service. In many services, this equals
the number of users/extensions/lines of service. In some offerings, they may be separated. In
an example of this case, a customer can make 1000 extensions to provide employees.
Calls made from a cell phone to another cell phone on the same network travel to their
destination by being routed to the base station nearest to the destination phone, and finally to
that phone itself.

6.1.1 Typical call path (part 1):

fig 6.1

6.1.2 Typical call path (part 2):

fig 6.2
Officially, it’s an older, technical name for the long, inter-city circuits that commonly
used amplification and some form of tone signalling: ‘trunk lines’.
In everyday use, such as ‘trunk dialling’ or ‘trunk calls’, it is another name for ‘long
distance’. A trunk call was the term for long-distance calling which traverses one or more
trunk lines and involving more than one telephone exchange. This is in contrast to making
a local call which involves a single exchange and typically no trunk lines.
As a word, it means ‘the main, core, or central part’, before subsidiary parts diverge. A
tree trunk, not the branches; the trunk of a person’s body, before the arms and legs. Trunk
roads: inter-city highways, not distributor roads.
A trunk is a communications line or link designed to carry multiple signals
simultaneously to provide network access between two points. First, trunks can carry data
from multiple local area networks (LANs) or virtual LANs (VLANs) across a single
interconnect between switches or routers, called a trunk port.
Trunks are also called pre-wires by a few folks (whether they are used for power or
clocks or critical signals). Rather than let the tool or flow do its job which may not be
optimal in all cases, a person may elect to draw a wire (wires) by hand to serve as a guide
and let the tool finish the connections at the end of the trunk. This way, majority of the
route (or power) is "pre-routed" and the connections to this trunk (imagine branches) are
made by the tool.
Thus, a Subscriber can dial a number and connect in the same exchange. But to connect to
another exchange, i.e., another city subscriber has to book “Trunk Call”. The subscriber
dials to Telephone exchange of that particular city and asks them to connect to a
particular number of another exchange(city).

fig 6.3
6.2.1 MDF (Main Distribution Frame):
A main distribution frame (MDF) is the primary
hub or demarcation point that interconnects private or public IT and
telecommunication lines coming into a building to an internal network via any
number of intermediate distribution frames (IDFs).
The primary purpose of an MDF or main distribution facility is to connect and
manage the wiring used for telecommunication between a service provider and IDFs.
An example would be a business located across multiple floors of a building may
have an MDF on the first floor that connects to public lines from outside the building.
That MDF then connects those lines to the internal network via an IDF placed on each
individual floor.
The central point of the network is usually the main distribution frame or the MDF.
This is usually in your data center itself, and it's where you're terminating WAN
connections. It's where all of your network connections are terminating.

What is MDF in telephone exchange?

A distribution frame on one part of which the external trunk cables entering a facility
terminate, and on another part of which the internal user subscriber lines and trunk
cabling to any intermediate distribution frames terminate.

The MDF usually holds telephone exchange protective devices including heat coils,
and functions as a test point between a line and the exchange equipment.

6.2.2 Server Room:

A good server room will provide an environment where computer
equipment can safely operate in one location so that networking and other activities
are made easier and more effective. Understanding the proper setup and configuration
of a server room will help with creating and maintaining it effectively.
Server rooms are enclosed spaces that provide a central point for organizations to
manage their network server resources. The design of these environments must take
into consideration network connectivity and power, room temperature control and

ventilation, room and rack security, and fire and seismic protection . An entire
building or station devoted to this purpose is a data center.
A server room is a necessary attachment for businesses (and some homes) to house
vital technological equipment such as computer networking devices and data storage
servers. They can range in size depending on needs, with some housing as few as ten
computers and others equipping over one hundred.

6.2.3 TRUNK:
A trunk, also known as a Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) trunk, is a high-
capacity communications line that delivers voice calls and data from a client location
to the Internet. Trunks have been around for decades and are used worldwide.

6.2.4 SIP Trunk:

Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) trunking is a service offered by a communications
service provider that uses the protocol to provision voice over IP (VoIP) connectivity
between an on-premises phone system and the public switched telephone network
A SIP trunk is the virtual version of an analog phone line. Using SIP trunks, a SIP
provider can connect one, two, or twenty channels to your PBX, allowing you to
make local, long distance, and international calls over the Internet.
A SIP line or channel is the individual phone line connected to the greater SIP
trunk. One SIP line can route one call at a time, but a SIP trunk can handle any
number of SIP lines. Best practice dictates that companies should have one SIP line
for every call the companies plan to place simultaneously.

How many trunks does a SIP have?

A SIP trunk can have as many channels as you need. Most SIP trunk providers sell
channel capacity in batches, but you could have 1 million channels in your SIP trunk
if that's how many calls you potentially had to and from your business.

How many calls can a SIP trunk handle?

Every SIP Trunk contains a number of channels, which are essentially virtual versions
of old-fashioned telephone lines. Each channel allows two concurrent calls: one
incoming or outgoing.

Does SIP trunk use internet?

SIP trunking uses your internet connection to make phone calls. As long as your
bandwidth is sufficient, you can keep adding phone lines and increasing your call

Are SIP trunks free?

In most cases, you'll get charged for a SIP trunk because the number of calls you can
make heavily depend on how many physical telephone lines you have. For that
reason, the added expenses of owning more telephone lines mean you have to pay
more for the SIP trunks.

Why do I need a SIP trunk?

It connects a business's on-site PBX system with the VoIP service provider. This way,
the client furnishes its own hardware (the PBX) in order to make and receive calls

through the SIP trunk. SIP allows for long distance calling, video calling, and even
Internet browsing.

Chapter 7: Multiplexing

7.1 Intro
Multiplexing is a technique used to combine and send the multiple data streams over a single
medium. The process of combining the data streams is known as multiplexing and hardware
used for multiplexing is known as a multiplexer.
Phone calls are a good example of multiplexing in telecommunications. That is, more than
one phone call is transmitted over a single medium. Multiplexing techniques include time-
division multiplexing (TDM) and frequency-division multiplexing (FDM).
The purpose of multiplexing is to enable signals to be transmitted more efficiently over a
given communication channel, thereby decreasing transmission costs. A device called a
multiplexer (often shortened to "mux") combines the input signals into one signal.

Where is multiplexing used?

Multiplexing is widely used in telephony, data communications, and audio/video
broadcasting. Telephone service typically use multiplexors to combine the various lines in a
neighbourhood into a single signal that is then carried to the central switching office for
routing and call management.

Multiplexing is achieved by using a device called Multiplexer (MUX) that combines n input
lines to generate a single output line. Multiplexing follows many-to-one, i.e., n input lines
and one output line.

● Multiplexing technique is widely used in telecommunications in which several
telephone calls are carried through a single wire.
● Multiplexing originated in telegraphy in the early 1870s and is now widely used in
● George Owen Squier developed the telephone carrier multiplexing in 1910.


Frequency Division Wavelength Division Time Division

Multiplexing Multiplexing Multiplexing

Synchronous Asynchronous

fig 7.1
7.1.1 Frequency Division Multiplexing (FDM)
● It is an analog technique.

● Frequency Division Multiplexing is a technique in which the available bandwidth of a

single transmission medium is subdivided into several channels.
● FDM is mainly used in radio broadcasts and TV networks.


7.1.2 Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM)

● Wavelength Division Multiplexing is same as FDM except that the optical signals are
transmitted through the fibre optic cable.
● WDM is used on fibre optics to increase the capacity of a single fibre.

● It is used to utilize the high data rate capability of fibre optic cable.

● It is an analog multiplexing technique.


7.1.3 Time Division Multiplexing (TDM)

● It is a digital technique.

● In Time Division Multiplexing technique, the total time available in the channel is
distributed among different users. Therefore, each user is allocated with different time
interval known as a Time slot at which data is to be transmitted by the sender.
● A user takes control of the channel for a fixed amount of time.

● In Time Division Multiplexing technique, data is not transmitted simultaneously

rather the data is transmitted one-by-one.
● In TDM, the signal is transmitted in the form of frames. Frames contain a cycle of
time slots in which each frame contains one or more slots dedicated to each user.


7.2. Modulation in communication

Modulation is defined as the process of superimposing a low-frequency signal on a high-
frequency carrier signal.
The process of varying the RF carrier wave in accordance with the information in a low-
frequency signal.
The process of changing the amplitude or frequency of an electrical signal by mixing it with
another signal, or a signal that has been changed with traditional radar, the modulation and
frequency of the signal can be fine-tuned to produce the easiest-to-read echo.
Modulation is simply a widely used process in communication systems in which a very high-
frequency carrier wave is used to transmit the low-frequency message signal so that the
transmitted signal continues to have all the information contained in the original message

What is the function of modulation?

Modulation is a term widely used in telecommunication or wireless networks. Modulation
basically is used to convert information (digital bit stream or analog audio signal) in the form
that can be physically transmitted over the air or cable. Information is referred as baseband or
modulating signal.
Modulation allows us to send a signal over a bandpass frequency range.

7.3 Modulation Techniques

Modulation techniques are roughly divided into four types:
1. Analog modulation,
2. Digital modulation,
3. Pulse modulation, and
4. Spread spectrum method.

7.4 Types of Modulation:

The three types of modulation are

1. Amplitude,
2. Frequency, and
3. Phase modulation.

7.4 Demodulation in communication

Demodulation takes place to create an original information signal by separating the carrier
signal from the message signal.
Demodulation is defined as extracting the original information-carrying signal from a
modulated carrier wave. A demodulator is an electronic circuit that is mainly used to recover
the information content from the modulated carrier wave.
Based on this nonlinearity, the demodulation methods can be broadly classified as
● methods using rectification (non-synchronous detection) and

● methods using mixing with a reference oscillator signal (synchronous detection).

FM demodulation is a key process in the reception of a frequency modulated signal. Once the
signal has been received, filtered and amplified, it is necessary to recover the original
modulation from the carrier. It is this process that is called demodulation or detection.
Coherent demodulation consists in multiplying the received signal with a sinusoid of the
same frequency and phase of the carrier. A local oscillator generates this sinusoid.
Non-coherent means optical transmission system does not require coherent local oscillator
A common example of a demodulating device is a modem.

Chapter 8: Old/Traditional Network vs Current Network

8.1: Comparison
Old /Traditional Network Current Network

Telephone line Data Network (ex: NIB-I, NIB-II etc)

Telephone Number IP address

Telephone Instruments Computer, smartphone, tablet, router, switch etc

ISD+STD+Area code (i.e., Fix Part or same for Network Part of IP address
all subscriber in a particular area)

Customer Telephone Number Host ID

8.2: Router
● A router is a device that forwards packets between networks.

● A router is a device that connects two or more packet-switched networks or

● It serves two primary functions: managing traffic between these networks by
forwarding data packets to their intended IP addresses, and allowing multiple devices
to use the same Internet connection.
● This information is based on network layer information in the data and on routing
tables maintained by the router.
● A router inspects a given data packet's destination Internet Protocol address (IP
address), calculates the best way for it to reach its destination and then forwards it
● There are five main types of routers in the market according to the application
category. They are
1. wired routers,
2. wireless routers,
3. core routers,
4. edge routers and
5. VPN routers.
● In real scenario there are mainly three types of routers used by BSNL in INDIA
- Core router 12000 series in BSNL
- Provider edge router (P.E. or P router) 7600 series in BSNL
- Customer Edge router (C.E. Router) 2800/2500 etc.

8.2.1 Distribution of routers in India


8.3 Media converter

A media converter is a networking device that connects two different media, like Ethernet
copper and Ethernet fiber. Typically, they connect devices that are beyond 100 meters from
the nearest available switch.
An Ethernet media converter allows Ethernet communication to work properly despite the
difference in the network cabling media being used. Typically, it is used to connect fiber
media from an optical fiber network to a more conventional copper-based Ethernet network.
Media converters allow users to integrate new equipment into an existing cabling
infrastructure. In addition, they also increase the quality and strength of your network. In
doing so, they give networks the ability to expand beyond their current capabilities.

Why do we need media converter?

Media converters help reduce any potential electromagnetic interference by leveraging the
benefits of fiber optic cabling. Fiber optic cabling has complete immunity to electrical

Does a media converter need a IP address?

The Managed Media Converter must have an IP address. Before you start configuring the
Managed Media Converter, please note the Managed Media Converter is configured through
an Ethernet connection, make sure the manager PC must be set on same the IP subnet

Does a media converter have a MAC address?

Media converters are completely transparent to the network. There are no MAC or IP
addresses to consider; converters can be placed anywhere in the LAN without concern for
data degradation.

What is Ethernet media converter used for?

An Ethernet media converter is a device designed to interconnect different networking media
such as fiber and coaxial cables to facilitate communication between them. It often comes in
the form of a small box where the two different networking cables can be plugged in.

What is the example of media converter?

The most common type of media converter is a device that functions as a transceiver
converting the electrical signal used in copper Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP) network
cabling into light waves used in fiber optic cabling.


8.4 Types of Media converters

● Copper-to-Fibre Media Converters

● Fibre-to-Fibre Media Converters

● PoE Media Converters

● Stand-Alone vs. Chassis-Based Media Converters

● Managed vs. Unmanaged Media Converters

● Commercial vs. Industrial Media Converters

Media Converter Support a Variety of Fiber Cable and Connector Types:

● SFP, SFP+ and XFP Standard Wavelength Transceivers.

● SFP, SFP+ and XFP CWDM Transceivers.
● ST, SC, LC and MT-RJ Connectors.
● Single-mode and Multimode Fiber.
● Dual and Single Fiber.

Media converters are completely transparent to the network. There are no MAC or IP
addresses to consider; converters can be placed anywhere in the LAN without concern for
data degradation. "These features make media converters extremely inexpensive and easy to

8.5 Advantages of Media Converter

● Media converters support an above-average network speed.

● Financial advantage

● Media converters help reduce any potential electromagnetic interference by

leveraging the benefits of fiber optic cabling.
● Media converters allow users to integrate new equipment into an existing
cabling infrastructure.

Chapter 9: Telephony

9.1 AAA Policy

AAA stands for Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting. AAA is an important server
and policy control framework that enables CSPs to control how their subscriber’s access and
consume data service over any IP based broadband network.
1. Authentication: -
The process by which it can be identified that the user, which wants to access
the network resources, valid or not by asking some credentials such as
username and password. Common methods are to put authentication on
console port, AUX port, or vty lines.
As network administrators, we can control how a user is authenticated if
someone wants to access the network. Some of these methods include using
the local database of that device (router) or sending authentication requests to
an external server like the ACS server. To specify the method to be used for
authentication, a default or customized authentication method list is used.
2. Authorization: -
It provides capabilities to enforce policies on network resources after the user
has gained access to the network resources through authentication. After the
authentication is successful, authorization can be used to determine what
resources is the user allowed to access and the operations that can be
For example, if a junior network engineer (who should not access all the
resources) wants to access the device then the administrator can create a view
that will allow particular commands only to be executed by the user (the
commands that are allowed in the method list). The administrator can use the
authorization method list to specify how the user is authorized to network
resources i.e., through a local database or ACS server.
3. Accounting: -
It provides means of monitoring and capturing the events done by the user
while accessing the network resources. It even monitors how long the user has
access to the network. The administrator can create an accounting method list
to specify what should be accounted for and to whom the accounting records
should be sent.
The primary purpose of this operation is to grant specific, Authorized user's access to
network and software application resources. The AAA idea is widely used in regard to the

network protocol RADIUS. A technique for monitoring and controlling user access to
network resources on an IP-based network is authentication, Authorization, and accounting
(AAA). Frequently, AAA is configured as a dedicated server.

9.2 Advantages & Disadvantages

Advantages: -
● It enables the network to be more controllable and adaptable.

● It helps the network to Standardize its protocol usage.

● Each user is given their own set of credentials using RADIUS.

● There will be a single point of contact for the users and system authentication for IT
Disadvantages: -
● RADIUS server configuration, particularly the initial configuration, can be
challenging and time-consuming.
● It can be challenging to select the best RADIUS server software and deployment
strategy for your company.
● On-site hardware upkeep can be difficult and time-consuming.

9.3 TELEPHONE No. Distribution

For example: a number is given

● Starting three digits are fixed for “country code”. Country code is either of 1,2 or 3
digits. Here +91 is country code of INDIA. It is also called ISD.
● Next 4 digits are fixed for “area code”. Area code is either of 2,3or4 digits. It is also
fixed in a country for a specific area. Here 120 is the area code and it fixed for
GHAZIABAD and is also called STD.
● Next two digits decide the “sub area”. Here 27 is the sub area code and 27 in
● Next two digit tells about the “Telephone Exchange”. Here 55 in Raj Nagar is for the
Telephone Exchange of ALTTC.

A telephone exchange can provide 998 no. to consumers starting from 001 to 998. For
example, ALTTC exchange can give no. to its consumer from
+91-120-27-55-001 to +91-120-27-55-998.
Here we can see that two no. are missing one is +91-120-27-55-000 and +91-120-27-55-999.
The missing two no. s are not given two consumers.
1st no +91-120-27-55-000 is used as exchange id. So that if any other telephone exchange
wants to communicate with this exchange, then the other exchange should validate this id to

communicate with the exchange. So, for communication with two exchange there is proper
validation of exchange id.
2nd no +91-120-27-55-999 is used as broadcast id. It is used to broadcast messages in large
area or in large people. For example, in past twenty years communication changes so much
but before 20 years in INDIA prime ministers use this to broadcast messages on festivals.

9.3 Range of Telephone

fig 9.1

9.4 IP Address:
An IP address is a unique address that identifies a device on the internet or a local network.
IP stands for "Internet Protocol," which is the set of rules governing the format of data sent
via the internet or local network.
There are 4 types of IP Addresses- Public, Private, Fixed, and Dynamic. Among them, public
and private addresses are derived from their local network location, which should be used
within the network while public IP is used offline.

In essence, IP addresses are the identifier that allows information to be sent between devices
on a network: they contain location information and make devices accessible for
communication. The internet needs a way to differentiate between different computers,
routers, and websites.
An IPv4 is a 32-bit decimal address. It contains 4 octets or fields separated by 'dot', and each
field is 8-bit in size. The number that each field contains should be in the range of 0-255.
Whereas an IPv6 is a 128-bit hexadecimal address. It contains 8 fields separated by a colon,
and each field is 16-bit in size. An IPv4 is a 32-bit decimal address. It contains 4 octets or
fields separated by 'dot', and each field is 8-bit in size. The number that each field contains
should be in the range of 0-255. Whereas an IPv6 is a 128-bit hexadecimal address. It
contains 8 fields separated by a colon, and each field is 16-bit in size.

fig 9.2

9.4 Subnet
A separate and identifiable portion of an organization's network, typically arranged on one
floor, building or geographical location. A subnet, or subnetwork, is a network inside a
network. Subnets make networks more efficient. Through subnetting, network traffic can
travel a shorter distance without passing through unnecessary routers to reach its destination.
Subnetting is the strategy used to partition a single physical network into more than one
smaller logical sub-networks (subnets). An IP address includes a network segment and a host

9.4.1 Subnet Mask

A 32-bit number used to differentiate the network component of an IP address by dividing the
IP address into a network address and host address.
Network classes

● Class A networks use a default subnet mask of 255.0. 0.0 and have 0-127 as their first
octet. ...
● Class B networks use a default subnet mask of 255.255. 0.0 and have 128-191 as their
first octet. ...
● Class C networks use a default subnet mask of 255.255. 255.0 and have 192-223 as
their first octet.

What is a 24 subnet?
The subnet mask shows what part is which. /24 means that the first 24 bits of the IP address
are part of the Network number (192.168. 0) the last part is part of the host address (1-254).

How is subnet calculated?

The number of subnets is found by counting the number of bits by which the initial mask was
extended, also known as the subnet bits. Our initial address allocation was 192.168. 0.0 with
a mask of 255.255. 0.0.


A routing protocol specifies how routers communicate with each other
to distribute information that enables them to select routes between nodes on a computer
The specific characteristics of routing protocols include
● The way they avoid routing loops,

● The way they select preferred routes, using information about hop costs,

● The time they require to reach routing convergence,

● Their scalability, and

● Other factors such as relay multiplexing and cloud access framework parameters.

The ability of routing protocols to dynamically adjust to changing conditions such as disabled
connections and components and route data around obstructions is what gives the Internet
its fault tolerance and high availability.

9.6.1Types of routing protocols

7 types of routing protocols
● Routing information protocol (RIP)

● Interior gateway protocol (IGRP)

● Enhanced interior gateway routing protocol (EIGRP)
● Open shortest path first (OSPF)
● Exterior Gateway Protocol (EGP)
● Border gateway protocol (BGP)

● Immediate system-to-immediate system (IS-IS).

9.7 Router rules

Routing rules, which are also known as derivation rules, control workflow between tasks in a
process. In other words, they determine which is the first task in a process and how work
moves to the subsequent tasks, and so on until the process ends. Routing rules can move the
workflow along a single path or divide the workflow into multiple threads. They can also
evaluate conditions to determine which are the subsequent task(s) and even send the
workflow down subprocesses, which are separate workflows with their own set of cases.

What is route policy in networking?

A routing policy enables you to control (filter) which routes a routing protocol imports into
the routing table and which routes a routing protocol exports from the routing table.
Which routing protocol is most commonly used?
BGP and OSPF are two of the most common routing protocols. While BGP excels with
dynamic routing for large networks, OSPF offers more efficient path choice and convergence
Why we use BGP instead of OSPF?
Scale: BGP is more flexible and scalable than OSPF and it is also used on a larger network.
Preferred path: OSPF is used to determine the fastest route while BGP puts emphasis on
determining the best path.
Protocol: In OSPF, internet protocol is used. While in BGP, transmission control protocol is
What are the most popular routing algorithms?
Adaptive Routing Algorithms
● Centralized algorithm − It finds the least-cost path between source and destination
nodes by using global knowledge about the network.
● Isolated algorithm − This algorithm procures the routing information by using local
information instead of gathering information from other nodes.

Chapter 10: Software Requirements

10.1 CISCO Packet Tracer

Cisco Packet Tracer is a powerful network simulation program that allows students to
experiment with network behaviour and ask “what if” questions.
Cisco Packet Tracer is available free of charge to all Cisco Networking Academy®
instructors, students, and alumni.
Cisco Packet Tracer is Cisco's simulation software. It can be used to create complicated
network typologies, as well as to test and simulate abstract networking concepts. It acts as a
playground for you to explore networking and the experience is very close to what you see in
computer networks.

10.2 Key Features

● Unlimited devices.
● E-learning.
● Customize single/multi user activities.
● Interactive Environment.
● Visualizing Networks.
● Real-time mode and Simulation mode.
● Self-paced.
● Supports majority of networking protocols.

1) It may cause the loops by affecting the STP.
2) It doesn’t support the ether channel regarding the access layer switches.
3) With regard to the Frame relay it is low in command.

10.3 Why do companies use Packet Tracer?

Using a packet tracer application, simulation of data communication can be used to become
information about the state of the computer connection in the network and can be used to
retrieve solutions in handling problems that occur accurately.

10.4 Full form of CISCO

"CISCO" is short for San Francisco, the city where Stanford computer scientists Leonard
Bosack and Sandy Lerner founded the company in 1984. That's why in Cisco's early days,
Bosack and Lerner insisted on branding its products with the lowercase "cisco".

10.5 Demonstration
Now we use cisco packet tracer to demonstrate how there is setup of
network between customer end and provider end:
To demonstrate the setup of network between customer end and provider end we different
networking devices.

Step 1: We use two Routers (Router 2811) in cisco packet tracer.

Step 2: Now we rename both of them. One as Customer End Router and another one as
Provider end Router.
Step 3: Now we take two switches and connect them with routers respectively. And take
another switch and connect this switch with the switch connected to provider end router.
Step 4: Now we take one access point and connect it with the third switch. Now we connect
devices respectively with switches and access point respectively. Described in the picture.


Step 5: Now we take three servers. DHCP servers, DNS Server, WEB Server respectively.
And give them IP,, respectively.
Step 6: Now we provide IP to Routers. to Customer end router and
to Provider end router by writing commands in Command Line Interface.
Step 7: Now we configure Routers for DHCP servers. And also, for DNS Server.
Step 8: Now we provide Ip addresses to all the devices. And Check that there is
communication in PC0 to PC1.

Step 8: Now we open DNS server and add DNS service in configuration for example we add
‘’ to DNS service and save it.

Step 9: Now we open web server in laptop 2 and open ‘’ in laptop and it
opens but if we search any other server it doesn’t open.



Implementation on how to provide telephones or internet to all in an
hospital or hotel.
Step 1: Firstly, we take one router (Router 2811).


Step 2: We take a switch.


Step 3: We take two IP phones namely IPphone0 & IPphone1.


Step 4: Now we take one Pc


Step 5: Connect all of them with each other with cu wire.


Step 6: Now open CLI in router and type command

Router#conf t
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
Router(config)#int fa0/1
Router(config-if)#ip add
Router(config-if)#no shut
%LINK-5-CHANGED: Interface FastEthernet0/1, changed state to up
%LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface FastEthernet0/1, changed state to
Router(config-if)#do wr
Building configuration...


Step 7: configure router for DHCP service by following command:

Router(config)#ip dhcp pool phone
% Incomplete command.
Router(dhcp-config)#option 150 ip
Router(dhcp-config)#do wr
Building configuration...


Step 8: For activation of telephony service do following command

Router(config-telephony)#max-ephone 5
Router(config-telephony)#max-dn 5
Router(config-telephony)#ip source-address 10.0.1 port 2000
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.

Router(config-telephony)#ip source port 2000

Router(config-telephony)#auto assign 1 to 5
Router(config-telephony)#do wr
Building configuration...


Step 9: For allotment of telephone number:

Router(config)#ephone-dn 1
Router(config-ephone-dn)#%LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface ephone_dsp DN 1.1, changed
state to up
number 00001
Router(config-ephone-dn)#do wr
Building configuration...
Router(config)#ephone-dn 2
Router(config-ephone-dn)#%LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface ephone_dsp DN 2.1, changed
state to up
Router(config-ephone-dn)#number 00002
Router(config-ephone-dn)#do wr
Building configuration...

fig 11.8

Step 10: Configure switch by following command in CLI in switch:

Switch#conf t
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
Switch(config)#int range fa0/1-24
Switch(config-if-range)#switchport mode access
Switch(config-if-range)#do wr
Building configuration...
Switch(config-if-range)#switchport voice vlan 1
Switch(config-if-range)#do wr
Building configuration...


Step 11: Connect power adapter of both the telephones respectively:


Step 12: Now both of them get their phone No. respectively:


Step 13: Now dial one of the telephone No. you can see that another phone starts ringing:


References & Bibliography











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