TBE - R-1910 - 0318 Rev 0

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Date: 26/July /2007 Sheet

REQ NO. R-1910-0318
Rev: 1 1 of 1
PHENOLICS FACILITIES Daekyung Machinery Daekyung Technos Gulfsteelworks Seoul Machinery Wooyang HC Zamil Steel

1 Confirm full compliance with:

2 TRSA Requisition. Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

3 TRSA Mech. Data Sheets (MDS)/ Drawings Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

4 Local Authority Regulations/Requirements

5 Project Standards & Specifications , procedures ( as listed in clause 3,0) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

6 Applicable design Codes(specified in MDS) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

7 Wind & Earthquake Design Data(Clause & & MDS) wind and seismic codes use ASCE 7-02 wind and seismic codes clarify use ASCE 7-02 Cat III wind and seismic

8 Mechanical Design
9 Mechanical Design as per applicable codes, stds & specification Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

10 Design check & Conformance of Preliminary Vessel Design as per TRSA MDS. Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

11 Alternate design proposed by Vendor N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

12 Supply of Civil Design Loads ( Forces & Moments), after order Yes Yes clarify Yes Yes clarify

13 Compliance to Material as per TRSA MDS. Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Design of Nozzles to comply with Nozzle Piping Loads and Moments(Clause
clarify Yes clarify WRC 107 to Annexure 1 WRC 107 to ANNEXURE 1 clarify

15 Support design - Conformance & check of TRSA design Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

16 Design of Lifting Devices(Lifting Lug, Tailing Lug), Pipe davit(if applicable) Yes Yes clarify Yes Yes Yes

17 Specific/Additional Design Requirements

18 Alternate Material for V-51051 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

19 Fabrication and Scope of Supply

20 Fabrication & Manufacturing drawings for approval Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

21 Shell/Dished ends/Cone Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

22 Cladding/Weld Overlay N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

23 Stiffener rings Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes

24 Nozzles(size & qty as per datasheets) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

25 Manway with Davit, Bld flg, Set of Bolts & Gaskets, Ladder rungs & grips Yes Yes clarify No Yes clarify

26 Vessel Support Yes Yes clarify Yes Yes Yes

27 Base ring template Yes Yes clarify No Yes clarify

28 Skirt template of same dimensions as anchor chair Yes Yes clarify No Yes clarify
Supply of Vessel internal piping and other internals as indicated in Scope of
29 supply(marked in MDS)
except EDUCTOR except EDUCTOR except EDUCTOR except EDUCTOR except EDUCTOR except EDUCTOR

30 Internal Supports for Trays, Packing support plate, others as applicable clarify N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

31 Chevron type Demister clarify N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

32 Johnson Wire filter screen clarify N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

33 Catalyst retaining screen clarify N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

34 Outlet collector clarify N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

35 Pipe distributors Yes Yes clarify Yes Yes clarify

36 Vortex breaker Yes No clarify Yes Yes clarify

37 Pipe Davit(for columns as applicable), optional quote Yes Yes clarify clarify Yes clarify

38 Support clips for Piping, Platform and Ladder(Estimated wts as per Requisition) Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes

39 Earthing lugs Yes Yes clarify Yes Yes clarify

40 Insulation Supports (if applicable) Yes Yes clarify Yes Yes Yes

41 Fire proofing Supports Yes Yes clarify Yes Yes Yes

42 Nameplate and bracket Yes Yes clarify Yes Yes Yes

43 Lifting devices(Lifting lug, Lifting trunion) Yes Yes clarify Yes Yes Yes

44 Tailing lug Yes Yes clarify Yes Yes Yes

45 Surface Preparation, Painting & Final Coat(s)(Ref clause 5.3.6 of Requisition). Yes Yes Yes Yes, except final coat Yes, Final coat excluded Yes, clarify specification

46 Cleaning & drying Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

47 Saddle support for Transportation, Delivery exworks see 000-55S-0001 Yes 000-55S-0001 000-55S-0001 Yes, transportation saddles ? 000-55S-0001

48 Fabrication and transportation in one piece Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

49 Preparation & packing for Export Shipment see 000-55S-0001 Yes 000-55S-0001 Yes Yes 000-55S-0001

50 Pickling/Passivation Yes Yes No Yes No No

51 Internal filing for corrosion protection see 000-55S-0001 Yes 000-55S-0001 Yes N/A 000-55S-0001

52 ASME U-Stamp Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes


Date: 26/July /2007 Sheet

REQ NO. R-1910-0318
Rev: 1 1 of 1
PHENOLICS FACILITIES Daekyung Machinery Daekyung Technos Gulfsteelworks Seoul Machinery Wooyang HC Zamil Steel

53 National Board Registration clarify clarify clarify clarify clarify clarify

54 Ladder & Platforms(optional quote) Yes No clarify Yes Yes Optional

55 Conformance to
56 Vendor Drawing & Data Requirements( 01910-133-001-02) clarify Yes clarify clarify clarify clarify

57 Documentation requirements as per Clause 5.8 clarify Yes clarify clarify clarify clarify

58 Final Documentation as per 500-00Z-0031 clarify Yes clarify clarify clarify clarify

59 Welding Requirements of Clause 5.3.5 clarify Yes clarify clarify Yes clarify

60 Supply of Spare parts (Ref Clause 5.3.7 & Procedure no. 500-00Z-0009) Yes Yes except 2 years spares clarify Yes Yes (optional) Yes

61 Inspection & Testing Requirements

Conformance to Inspection & Testing requirements as per IAP-1910-133-FA000-
62 05 Rev 0 clarify clarify clarify clarify clarify clarify
To be checked again by Inspection/Materials/QA-QC/HSE

63 Conformance to all the Inspection requirements as listed in Clause 5.4.3 clarify clarify clarify clarify clarify clarify

64 Conformance to all the Testing requirements as listed in Clause clarify clarify clarify clarify clarify clarify

65 Positive Material Testing(PMI) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

66 Radiographic Testing Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Dye Penetrant Testing(DPT), Magnetic Particle Testing(MPT), Ultrasonic
67 Testing(UT) as required Yes Yes clarify Yes clarify Yes

68 Shop Hydrotest( Hydrotest Pressure as per clause Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

69 Stress Relieving(SR) & Post Weld Heat Treatment(PWHT) Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes

70 Welding Procedure qualification and records Yes Yes Yes clarify Yes Yes

71 Other Requirements
72 Additional ¨Scope of Services¨ as per Clause 5.4 of MR clarify clarify clarify clarify clarify clarify

73 Quality Requirements as per 500-00Z-0024 clarify clarify clarify clarify clarify clarify

74 HSE Requirements as per 500-30Z-005 & Clause 5.7 of MR clarify clarify clarify clarify clarify clarify

75 Sub-supplier List(from approved list of suppliers) clarify clarify clarify clarify clarify clarify

76 Free access to Vendor´s shop for inspection of fabrication clarify clarify clarify clarify clarify clarify

77 Information Required with Quotation:

78 Delivery Time (after receipt of P/O) 12 months 10 months 12 months 10 months 12 months 12 months

79 Detailed Manufacturing Schedule clarify clarify clarify clarify clarify clarify

80 Reference List of Similar Supplies clarify clarify clarify clarify clarify clarify

81 Deviation List Eductor Eductor Eductor Eductor Eductor Eductor

82 Design Check confirmation clarify Yes clarify clarify clarify clarify

83 Recommended list of spare parts(Start up, commissioning and 2 years) Yes Yes, 2 years optional clarify Yes, except 2 years Yes (optional) Yes
Compliance to all requirements specified in Clause 5.10 ¨Information required
84 with quotation¨ clarify clarify clarify clarify clarify clarify

85 Prices (Received with the Bid or Not).

To be checked & confirmed again by Procurement/Purchase

86 Total Price Item by Item.

87 2 Years Operation Spare Parts
88 Bid option for design through alternate code, only if applicable
89 Bid option for design through alternate material, only if applicable
90 Separate price of Spare parts(item by item) E DEP
91 Unit Prices (Received with the Bid or Not) for RCHAS
92 Nozzle of sizes 2¨ to 26¨ for applicable rating & material
93 Manhole 24¨ size, including blind flanges, bolts, gaskets & davit CO
94 Modification in Length of Shell and/or Skirt KED
95 Piping, Ladders & Platforms Clips (deviation from estimated wt) E
96 Ladders, Platforms & Handrails
97 Shop trial assembly of ladders & platforms
98 Optional prices (Received with the Bid or Not)
99 Anchor Bolts(optional supply)
100 Finite Element Analysis No No No No Yes No

(1) All the reference clauses are referred from the above mentioned
(2) MDS = Mechanical datasheet

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