5 - 2020 - 07 - Tank Design 07!11 - 38 - 36 - AM

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7-Design of Circular Tanks

For purpose of design, circular tanks can be divided into following categories:
1-Tanks with sliding or flexible joint between floor and wall.
In this case, the wall is free to move outward when internal water pressure is applied.
Hence the wall is subjected to hoop stress (T) only.
T=Coff.*wH*D/2 (D=Internal Tank Diameter)
Maximum hoop stress= Coff. *w(H-h).D/2
Maximum hoop stress occurs at (h=H/3 or h=1m) from the base (whichever is more),

Figure (7) Sliding or flexible base

2- Circular tank with rigid joint between floor and wall.
Since the wall in this case is fixed with floor slab, circumferential elongation of wall is not possible at its junction
with floor slab and hence hoop stress is (0) there and the entire liquid pressure is resisted by cantilever action.
1-At a certain point (D) at a height (h), above base slab, full hoop stress develops and cantilever effect is (0).
2-At midway between (D) and base slab, liquid pressure is resisted partly by hoop action and partly by cantilever

Figure (8) a-shows likely deformation of wall, b-shows Load distribution on wall, c-shows B.M Diagram
8-Precast Concrete Institute (PCI) Tables
8-1-RC Circular Tanks
8-1-1-Tension Force (T) Assume y=radial displacement, εt=Tangential Strain

8-1-2- Shear (V) and Bending Moment (M)
8-1-2-1-Load Equation
According to principles of Strength of Materials, the load equation is:-

Figure (11) Water Pressure

There are four unknowns, (C1), (C2), (C3), and (C4), therefore, four boundary conditions are required.
8-1-2-2-Boundary Conditions
@ x=0, M=0, V=0
@ x=H, θ=0, y=0
8-1-2-3-Apply Boundary Conditions

The above differential equations are solved and presented in table forms which can be used directly to compute
(M), (V), and (T)
8-1-3-Section Subjected to Hoop Tension and Shrinkage
8-1-3-1-Stresses due to Shrinkage
8-1-3-2-Stresses due to Hoop Tension (T)

fc= Total tensile stress in concrete.
T= Tensile force per unit height.
c= Shrinkage strain.
As= Area of steel reinforcement.
A= Gross section area.
n= Modulus ratio= Es/Ec
Approximate value of shrinkage strain in concrete, is c=0.0003
Example (1)
Find the required wall thickness for the required data:-
c= Shrinkage strain=0.0003, Es=200x103MPa, fs=70 MPa, n=10, fc=2.5MPa (tension), T=500 N/m
𝑐. 𝐸𝑠 + 𝑓𝑠 − 𝑛. . 𝑓𝑐
𝑡= ∗𝑇
𝑓𝑐 ∗ 𝑓𝑠
0.0003𝑥200𝑥103 +70−10𝑥2.5
𝑡= ∗ 500 = 300𝑚𝑚

Example (2)
Find the maximum reinforcement for the circular tank having the following data:-
Base: fixed, H=6m, D inside=16m, γw=10kN/m3, c= Shrinkage strain=0.0003,
Es=200x103MPa, fc=2 MPa, f'c=20 MPa, fs (hoop)=95 MPa, fs (vertical)=135 MPa, n=10
Assume t=250mm

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