Chapter 2

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Chapter 2


Related Literature

According to Evangelista et al., (2020), a "grouping" is one of the main concerns

of an irregular student because it requires them to speak or talk to the regular students.

They believe that dealing with regular students frequently affects both their academic

performance and the effectiveness of their work. Other people outside the community

of 5 irregular students, as well as irregular students themselves, begin to recognize that

being one may have a significant impact on lives. Depending on that particular person,

it may be either positive or negative (Orwell, 2016).

Agbay (2015) states that college students typically fall into the 18 to 21 age range and

according to their research, the majority of irregular students have changed their majors, have

transferred, and/or are employed.

An article from Paner (2012), named “the causes and effect of being an Irregular

Student”, he stated that irregular students are commonly misconcepted as students who

they call “repeaters” or those who failed their classes and were not able to attend

summer class.

Irregular students frequently have a greater course load each semester than

regular students because they are making up for missed classes as their extra loads. So,

in order to excel, they consider time management as a friend. And while it can be

difficult to balance everything and decide what to put first, doing so can help the
irregular student to succeed in their future pursuits if they become used to it (Golamco,


According to the blog of Claudine Roque (2016), it was quoted that there’s a lot

of reasons of being an irregular student. It was emphasized that not all irregular

students have poor or low averages in academics because being an irregular student

comes with many reasons. Being an irregular student means you’ll have to deal with

classmates who may be younger or older who are from different levels and be prepared

for challenges faced by irregular students.

Irregular students often encounter many problems with their academic subjects

(Problems Encountered by Irregular Students, 2018). The nature of the problem can be

marked as serious to a simple type of problem encountered. Failing grades, dropped or

withdrawn in a subject can be viewed as a severe problem academically by an irregular

student. Having a conflict class schedule can be considered as a simple problem

encountered (Problems Encountered by Irregular Students, 2018).

Higher education institutions sometimes follow different attendance policies and

practices: some make it compulsory, and many institutions believe in its positive effect

in academic performance (Guleker and Keci, 2014). Oghuvbu (2010) found a positive

correlation between attendance and academic performance. The findings by Andrietti et

al. (2008) are supported by (Chishima 2016) who hypothesized that regular present of

students in class positively affects the learning outcomes (Chishima 2016).

The irregularity of the students in University has been a recurrent issue. In most

cases, many of these students come late in the morning. They leave class before closing

hours for other unofficial actions and in some cases too (DeKallb 1999).

The irregular students are the ones who have back subjects and/or advance

subject, depending to their units allowed, which it may classified into four categories:

transferee students (the ones who are from other university/other PUP

Campus/Branch/System), shiftee students (the ones who are from other program)

returnee students (the ones who were discontinued to their study for a period of time

that they can be considered for re-admission depending on their previous academic

performance and availability of slots), and students who dropped/withdrawn/failed

their subject/s which they need to re-take it in order to proceed them to take pre-

requisite subjects (The PUP Student Handbook, 2013).

According to Bobiles and others in their thesis in 2004, irregular students are the

students that are having hard time coping with their academic problem the most. They

experience discrimination, not having an organized schedule of classes, have lesser

number of subjects and units, and other factors that make them different form being a

regular student. And these factors affect their academic performances which lead to

grade results. Also, irregular students are feeling ‘out of place’ inside their classes

where in most of their classmates are regular students that’s having group of peers.

Irregulars are misunderstood people”, this was according to Streegan, et. al

(2011) in their statistics report on The Causes and Effects of Being an Irregular Student.
It was stated in the study that some people think that irregular students do not have

high regard for their education even without knowing why they really became


Regular attendance is one of the primary reasons for students’ success in

education. Attendance at class is not merely being bodily present but including

participation in the work and activities of the class (Fagbente & Elegbeleye 2014)

The cause of irregularity of university students around the globe is categorized

and linked student with factors, university factors, economic and family factors

(Fayombo et al. 2012).

According to Problems Encountered by Irregular Students (2018), based on

Denyle’s and Maureen’s statement, having a complicated or conflict class schedule can

be classified as their problem encountered in their college life since they are an irregular

student. Being an irregular student, it is very hard to have a conflict class schedule in

order to enroll the subjects they need to take and to be with different types of people in

a class.

Irregular students are those who are not part of a blocked section of students.

Blocked section is a group of students of the same course or degree that have the same

schedule and professors in all subjects. Those who do not belong to a blocked section

are called irregular students. They will unlikely to see the same faces and usually meet

different classmates in each subject

According to the American Planning Association (APA,2018), Irregular students

have a very complicated class schedule just to enroll subject they need and to with

different type of people in class.

Al-Busaidi et al. (2011) found out that entry into new class marks the first time

that many irregular students have lived away from their first school, course and section.

These irregular students have to face the new environment on their own without the

security of a safe support system. Consequently, many irregular students report feelings

of loneliness and homesickness as a result of their lack of adjustment to college (Prancer

et al., 2009).

Students viewed as “different” for being irregular often fall into stereotypes,

which can hinder their success and cause stress (Graduateway, 2016).

Being an irregular student doesn't always be seen negatively, according to

Streegan, et. al (2011). All students have different problems during their academic years,

and it occurs which results to become an irregular status in college. Their situation as an

irregular student is being discussed in this study which begins to understand that being

an irregular student could affect their lives, and it could have a positive impact or a

negative impact, depending on that certain person.

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