- It is the end of bodily function which signals the end of a person’s life. it also
refers to the separation of the body and the spirit.
-Human person is an embodied spirit.
-The body grow and dies, while the soul continues to exist even after the body
has passed.
-This makes a persons life limited in time but no one really knows when life
will end. this has given rise to various expression such as #YOLO
How does the reality of death define our lives?
Is the capacity to choose and act for one self .
While there is no FREEDOM in the inevitability of death, we have the
freedom to live well or not. Temporarily challenge us to make
choices that will be good for us and the people around us. although
we are oriented towards our death,death is not the goal of life.
The challenge here is to live a meaningful life.
TELOS- Which means TERMINUS- which
“Goals, purpose, or means “ The full
fulfillment.” stop or end of a
A state of being and not merely an emotional experience or a
chosen mental attitude. We do not really choose happiness because
we choose the means to achieve it.
A Good is a source of happiness and it has three kinds:
Good or Sources of Happiness
-NOBLE GOOD Is considered good so long GOOD
Is one which is pursued as it serves as a means to an Is good so long as it provides
for its own sake; It is end; its goodness is found some form of pleasure,
good in itself. only from what it can though it does not have to be
provide. physical.
Negative experience are part of our lives. without it, we are unable to
grow and improve. and our positive experience lose meaning and
significance. Its important to remember that difficulties are not
without reason . more often, our hardship brings about realizatios and
opportunities for us, Even if the outcome of a difficulty is
unfavorable, dealing with suffering can improve our attitude towards
life and other people.