Tanvisree Sai's Evaluation
Tanvisree Sai's Evaluation
Tanvisree Sai's Evaluation
School code : 3560 Grade MYP 1 A- Spanish- Ph 1
Unit : Vacacinoes
Author : Suman Mondal
42 out of 72
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Criteria A: Listening
i. identify The student The student The student The student The student
explicit and does not identifies identifies identifies identifies
implicit reach a minimal some stated most stated explicit and
information standard stated information information implicit
(facts and/or
described by information (facts and/or (facts and/or information
any of the (facts and/or opinions) in opinions, and (facts and/or
descriptors opinions) in simple supporting opinions, and
details) in a
wide variety below. simple authentic details) in a supporting
of simple authentic texts variety of details) in a
authentic texts simple wide variety
texts authentic of simple
texts authentic
ii. analyse The student The student The student The student The student
conventions does not identifies identifies interprets analyses
in a wide reach a basic basic conventions conventions
variety of standard conventions in simple in simple
described by in simple in simple authentic authentic
any of the authentic authentic texts texts
descriptors texts texts
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Criteria B: Reading
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Criteria C: Speaking
i. use a wide The student The student The student The student The student
range of does not uses a uses a basic uses a uses a wide
vocabulary reach a limited range of range of range of
standard range of vocabulary vocabulary vocabulary
described by vocabulary
any of the
ii. use a wide The student The student The student The student The student
range of does not uses a uses a basic uses a uses a wide
grammatical reach a limited range of range of range of
structures standard range of grammatical grammatical
described by grammatical structures structures structures
any of the structures with some with a few generally
descriptors withmany errors which errors which accurately
below. errors which sometimes do not
often hinder hinder hinder
communicati communicati communicati
on on on
iii. use clear The student The student The student The student The student
pronunciatio does not uses uses uses uses clear
n and reach a pronunciatio pronunciatio pronunciatio pronunciatio
intonation in standard n and n and n and n and
described by intonation intonation intonation intonation
any of the withmany with some with a few which makes
ble manner
descriptors errors which errors which errors. the
below. often hinder sometimes However, communicati
comprehensi hinder these do not on easy to
on comprehensi hinder comprehen
on comprehens d
iv. The student The student The student The student The student
communicat does not during during during during
e all or reach a interaction, interaction, interaction, interaction,
almost all standard communicat communicat communicat
the required
described by es limited es some es most es all or
any of the relevant relevant relevant almost all
clearly and
effectively descriptors information. information. information. the required
below. information
clearly and
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Best fit rating for Criteria C: Speaking 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
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Criteria D: Writing
i. use a wide The student The student The student The student The student
range of does not uses a uses a basic uses a uses a wide
vocabulary reach a limited range of range of range of
standard range of vocabulary vocabulary vocabulary
described by vocabulary
any of the
ii. use a wide The student The student The student The student The student
range of does not uses a uses a basic uses a uses a wide
grammatical reach a limited range of range of range of
structures standard range of grammatical grammatical grammatical
described by grammatical structures structures structures
any of the structures with some with a few generally
descriptors withmany errors which errors which accurately
below. errors which sometimes do not
often hinder hinder hinder
communicati communicati communicati
on on on
iii. organize The student The student The student The student The student
information does not presents organizes organizes organizes
effectively reach a some information information information
and standard information in a in an effectively
coherently in
described by in a recognizabl appropriate and
any of the partially- e format format using coherently
descriptors recognizabl using a simple and in an
format using
a wide range below. e format range of some appropriate
of simple using some basic complex format using
cohesive basic cohesive cohesive a wide
devices cohesive devices devices range of
devices simple and
iv. The student The student The student The student The student
communicat does not communicat communicat communicat communicat
e all or reach a es limited es some es most es all or
almost all standard relevant relevant relevant almost all
the required
described by information information information the required
any of the with some with some with a sense information
with a clear
descriptors sense of sense of of audience with a clear
sense of
audience below. audience audience and purpose sense of
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0 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8
and purpose and purpose and purpose to suit the audience and
to suit the to suit the to suit the context. purpose to
context context. context. suit the
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