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Md-04 Combined Stresses

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Combined Stress and 330:148 (g) Machine Design

Nageswara Rao Posinasetti

Failure Theories
When parts have multiple types of loading or more than one type of stress from a single load


Grouping Types of Stresses

Axial and Bending Torsion and Shear
Appendix 1 p 466

stresses by type, separating the stresses into bending and axial versus shear and torsional stresses. Combine like types of stresses in an appropriate manner. Combine different types of stresses, using appropriate combined stress theories. Gain further understanding into how these combined stresses should be compared to the stress allowables for the materials being used in the design.

Combined Axial and Bending stresses

Summation of stresses taking the directions into account
Column with an eccentric load

Example Problem 4-1: Design of a Short Column with Eccentric Load

Determine the stress in the 2-inch diameter vertical column shown.

S = Saxial Sbending = F M A Z
Tensile + Compressive 5 6

Example Problem 4-1: Design of a Short Column with Eccentric Load

Determine the stress in the 2-inch diameter vertical column shown.

Example Problem 4-1: Design a Short Column with Eccentric Load (contd.)
Bending stress:
Fe M D4 S= = 32 Z = 10,000lb( 2in) (2 in) 4 = 25,460 lb / in 2 32

S = S axial S bending S = 3183 lb / in 2 25,460 lb / in 2

First, determine stresses. Axial stress column.

S = 28,647 lb / in 2
The bending stress and axial stress add on the inner side of the

S =

F 10,000 lb lb = = 3183 2 A in (2 in)2 4


Stresses subtract on the outer side so we are primarily concerned about the inner surface.

Coplanar Shear Stresses

Use vectorial addition

Example Problem 4-2: Coplanar Shear

Determine the stress in the 1/2-inch diameter pin.

As the bell crank is free to rotate, both forces create shear stresses in the pin.
Adding forces vectorially:
(perpendicular forces)


(F1 2 + F2 2) Ft

(600 lb)2 + (800 lb)2 Ft


1000 lb = 5093 lb/in2

S =

1000 lb F = A (1/2 in)2 4


Shear and Torsion

Use vectorial addition since the stresses are of the same type S = Storsion + Sshear

Example Problem 4-3: Combined Torsion and Shear

A roller chain system transmits 50 hp at a speed of 300 rpm. If the chain sprocket has an effective pitch diameter of 10 inches, calculate the combined stress in the 1-inch diameter shaft.



Example Problem 4-3: Combined Torsion and Shear

A roller chain system transmits 50 hp at a speed of 300 rpm. If the chain sprocket has an effective pitch diameter of 10 inches, calculate the combined stress in the 1-inch diameter shaft.

Example Problem 4-3: Combined Torsion and Shear (contd.)

Driving force in chain:
(2-5) F = T 10,500 in-lb = r 10 in 2 F = 2100 lb as: T = Fr

(2-6) 63,000 (hp) T = n T = 63,000 (50 hp) 300 rpm

Calculate shear and torsional stresses.

Shear in shaft:

T = 10,500 in-lb
Ss =

F 2100 lb = A (1 in)2 4

Ss = 2674 lb/in2



Example Problem 4-3: Combined Torsion and Shear (contd)

Torsional stress:
Ss = T Z' (Appendix 3) Z' =

Normal and Shear Stresses

Mohrs Circle = equivalent combined normal stress S = normal stress from bending or axial loads SS = shear or torsional stress
2 S 2 S = SS + 2 2 1/2

16 = .196 in3

Z' =

(1 in)3

Ss =

10,500 in-lb .196 in3

Ss = 53,570 lb/in2 (4-3) Stotal = Storsion + Sshear Stotal = 53,570 lb/in2 + 2,674 lb/in2 Stotal = 56,250 lb/in2

This value would be compared to shear stress allowable for the shaft material.



Normal and Shear Stresses

S = F / A for axial loads S = M / Z for bending loads SS = F / A for shear loads SS = T c / J for torsion shear

Example Problem 4-4: Combined Normal and Shear Stress

A center mounted chain drive system transmits 20 hp at a speed of 500 rpm. If the sprocket has a pitch diameter of 8 inches, would this be an acceptable design if the shaft is made of hot rolled AISI 1020 steel and a safety factor of 2 based on yield is desired?



Example Problem 4-4: Combined Normal and Shear Stress

A center mounted chain drive system transmits 20 hp at a speed of 500 rpm. If the sprocket has a pitch diameter of 8 inches, would this be an acceptable design if the shaft is made of hot rolled AISI 1020 steel and a safety factor of 2 based on yield is desired? Torque on shaft:

Example Problem 4-4: Combined Normal and Shear Stress


Force in chain:
F = T 2520 in-lb = = 630 lb r 8 in 2

63,000 hp n 63,000 (20 hp ) T = 500 rpm T = T = 2,520 in lb


Bending moment in shaft:

(Appendix 2) Mm = FL 4

Mm =

630 lb 12 in 4

Mm = 1,890 in-lb



Example Problem 4-4: Combined Normal and Shear Stress (contd.)

Calculating torsional and bending stresses
Torsional shear stress:
Ss = T Z' (Z' from Appendix 3) Ss = 2520 in-lb D3 16

Example Problem 4-4: Combined Normal and Shear Stress (contd.)

Combining stresses:
(4-4) S S 2 = 2 Ss2 + 2

2 2 9860 lb/in2 9860 lb/in + (6570 lb/in2) + 2 2 2

Ss =

(1.25 in) 3

2520 in-lb

= 13,150 lb/in2
(Appendix 4)
S = M 1890 in-lb = Z D3 32
(Z from Appendix 3)

Ss = 6570 in-lb

Sy = 30,000 lb/in2 Sy = 15,000 lb/in2 2 This is greater than the combined stress of 13,150 lb/in2, so it is acceptable.

Bending (normal) stress:

S =

(1.25 in)3

1890 in-lb

S = 9860 lb/in2



Combined maximum shear stress

= Maximum combined shear stress S = normal stress SS = shear stress
2 S = SS 2 + 2 1/2

Distortion energy theory

Also called as von Mises theory Closely duplicate the failure of ductile materials under static, repeated and combined stresses To use this determine the two principal stresses using Mohrs circle or other means

' = 1 + 2 1 2
23 24

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