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ELECTORAL ROLL 2023 S01 Andhra Pradesh (SC) (SC) ‘No. Name and Reservation Status of Assembly Constituency : 93 - Prathipadu Partnumber 121 No. Name and Reservation Status of Parliamentary Constituency(ies) in which the Assembly [Constituency is located : 13 - Guntur of Revi Year of Revision 2023, Qualifying Date 01-01-2023, i Special Summary Revision Type of revision hes Date of Publication 05-01-2023, Roll Identification Basic Roll of Special Summary Revision-2022, integrated with all its Supplements including Continuous Updation preceding Special Summary Revision-2023 and supplement-1 of additions, deletions and modifications under SSR-2023 1. B.6.COLONY 3. OC. COLONY 2.. Details of part and polling area No. and name of sections in the part 2 NARASINA SWAMY TEMPLE 4. RAMALAYAM CENTRE, Mandal Distnct Pin Code ‘Main Towrvvitage Poice Staton Revenue Dnision KURNUTHALA, Vaticherukura \VATTICHERUKURU ‘Guntur Guntur 520017 3. Polling Station Details i ion: Type of Polling Station GENERAL No. and Name of Polling Station : Yiicrem scene) 121-KURNOOTHALA i ion: Number of Auxiliary Polling Address of Polling Station : elon nine bec 5 |Mandal Parishad Primary School WESTERN SIDE R.NO.3 KURNUTALA 4, NUMBER OF ELECTORS Starting Ending Net Electors Serial No. Serial No. Male Female | Third Gender Total 1 667 318 334 0 648 Signature of Electoral Registration Officer “Total Pagos 29 Page 1Assembly Constituency No and Name : 93-Prathipadu (SC) (SC) Part number : 121 - 7 = = — ne 2 om og “5 2 Is “la “la ‘Ago as on 01.01.2023, #- Moditiad as per supplement Dato of Publication -05-01-2028 “Total Pagos 29 - Page 2Assembly Constituency No and Name : 93-Prathipadu (SC) (SC) ‘Section No and Name : 1-8.C.COLONY Part number : 121 ‘SAATIT2S09 ‘SAATSI2SI7 z ‘SAATSI2545 Name SHABEIR DUDEKULA Name RASOOL DUDEKLLA. Niamey RASULU DUDEKULA Fathers name" RASOOL DUDEKULA Famers tare CHNNA MEERA VAL! Husband stiame " RASOOL. House ree 00 BUDEXULA DUDEKULA face: 22 Gonder» MALE protois || Bouse umber: 02 Protois || House Nunber | 00 Photos ralabie |[iage 47 Gander” MALE ‘valable [Age 43 Gander” FEMALE ‘elatle o ‘SAATST2578 J 'SARTATEASS 4] “SAATOBE97 Name TASTHAN SEE SHAK ame aha karan kaneharia Name7 RUSSAN SHAN Faner'sName KASH SHAK Hseands kame istnah arenas ethers Name UASTHANAUA House nurs 00 House under 00 SHAK hee: 62 Gender: FEMALE Protois |] age" 27 Gender FEMALE Photois |] vee Number - 000 Photo >ralabie ‘vale || Age" 27 Gander” MALE ‘lable 7 'SAADASIATO 7 “JBV2004200, a JBV2004073 Name REKHANERELLA Name KoteSwara Patapctns Name= PramilaPatapatns Faners name BV HANUSESWARA Famers tame verkarayudu Husbands tame »xctesiararo RAO NERELLA Fouse number 1-4 House hunter 1-4 Fuse arcer 116A, Protois |] Age" £0. Gender MALE Protois |) Age: 40. Gonder: FEMALE Photo ages 31 Gender FEMALE >ralabie ‘lable ‘voable 3] ‘SAAt1 04663 ]L_"] ‘SAAIIO4579 7] “SAATIOIOST ame VENKATESH PALLAPOTHU Name _OURGA BHAVAGE Name DVYAPPALLABOTHULA [Pater'sName" KOTESWARARAO PALLABOTHULA. Fathers Name. KOTESWARARAO PALLAPOTR: Fathers Name | KOTESWARARAO PLLABOTHULA House moor: 1-4 Photo's. |] PALLABOTHULA Potois |) use lumber Photos Jape 25 Gender MALE Bralatic | [Foxe number 1-1 ‘valeble |]age" 28 Gender” FEMALE smvaatle Age" 27 Gender” FEMALE (a ‘saaoo2i76 |___"] ‘sanoou2as4 |__| 'SAAI770624 Name Durpa Bastar ans Name Ang rota Name Stina. Arora Peters Name Seataramaiah Husband's Name. Durga Bhaskar Father's Namo Vorata Kishraiah Feuseurger: 13 Fuse numbers 1-11 Rouse hurber 411 (2 Genser” MALE Photois 22 Gender FEMALE Photois 8 Gander” MALE Photos fee rotate ||“* pata ||“ ladle a ‘SAADDATEST 7 ‘SAAQOAZOTT 'SAADOAZIT9 Name Seethallahlacehi Via Name RamabishanAota Name; Barista Ahota Father's Name" Punachanarak Fathers are’ Enotes Fathers Name Eratstwart ‘8 Gonder” FEMALE Photo's AW Gender MALE Protos 41 Gender MALE Photos ree pratacie || osiebie ||P ‘eslacie a "SAATTTO6R2 EI ‘SAATITO540 a “SARDOEZION Name, BruLachans Athos Name, Enkstestmary lots Names Stireesha Anata Hisbend's Name Eniateshwarhs Pater are" VerkataKrstnaiah Husband's Name” Baal Kshan 61 Gonder” FEMALE Photo's 2 Gender MALE Photos 36 Gender FEMALE Photos ree pratacie || osiebie ||P ‘eslacie 2 ‘SAADDATSAT Ey “SAADOAZI6E 2] ‘SARDOIZI25 Name Sandhyaran Kata Name Varah Kata Names Sarbaiah Path Fisbord's Home" Sewasarao Hastand's tame Venkatappaish Fathers Nome Anan House ue 1-2 House number 1-12 House number 1a 49 Gonder: FEMALE Prato is (8 Gender FEMALE Pretois 74" Gonder MALE Photos fe pratae ||? piataoe ||“ voaole 2 'SAADDAZ259 Ei ‘SAAOITTI2 7 ‘SAATTTOOTS ame Kave Pan ame Ramanamma Pan Niamey ARIUNADEW PATHUR Husband's tare» Shuresh Hctand's Name” Sambaah Husbend's nme» SATISSH House nee 1-18 House tunber 1-14 House number 1-14 Ages 40 Gender: FEMALE Protois |] age" 60 Gender FEMALE Protois |) Agen 44 Gonder: FEMALE Photos ratavie vate voaole = 'SAATTTOOST =] 'SAATTT605 = “SAATTTOOTS ame Suresh Pan ame sats Pan Name Ramadzew wannava Feira ame Sembaish Faterstiame Samish Husbands Name" Gopalaa House iuraor: 18 House umber: * House lumber 114 4 Gander” MALE Phetois 45 Gender MALE Photois 25 Gonder FEMALE Photos fe prataie || poate || ‘table ‘Ago as on 01.01.2023, #- Modified as por supplement Dato of Pubication-05-01-2023 “Total Pagos 29 - Page 3Assembly Constituency No and Name : 93-Prathipadu (SC) (SC) ‘Section No and Name : 1-8.C.COLONY Part number : 121 Ei ‘SAAITTS6B3 a ‘SAATZIBSE9 3 ‘SARATZI6728 me" Gopdarae sonar Name HYMAVATHITOKA Names PAVANI OEM TOKA Famers Name" Kokeswararao Husbends Name | MLLESWARA RAO Husband's ame GOPALARAD TOKA Rovsertunbe 114i roa House Kunber 114° ge 20 Gender MALE Pretois | Rowe tunber: 1-4/8 Protois || Age. 22 Gander. FEMALE Phot is Dralabie | [age 29 Gender” FEMALE ‘Aialble stale Ea ‘SAADESTA50 =] ‘SAADHS 408 = ‘SAAD2ABSA0 Name SVANNARAYANA GUNTUPALLL Name” VENKAYAMNA GUNTUPALL Name kc Tk Fatners Name NARAYAN Husbands Name.” SWVARNARAYANA Husband's ame" 8asaviah Rovseriunber tts House umber 1-10 House Runber 1148 ge” 73 Gender MALE rctois || Age 68 Gender. FEMALE Protois || Age. 52 Gender. FEMALE Phot is dralaie ‘Aialble stale >] ‘SAA00405653 |_] ‘5Aa0240561 )_=1 ‘SAAD2A67O Nome, Basan Toka Nome, WatesnwaraR Toko Name Gopaira0 Teka Fates Name" Erkatestuchs Fate's Ware" Sazarish Fate's ome. Basaveiah Rouse tuner MB House umber ia owe Number 18, 62 Genet MALE Pho ‘Gender MALE Photos 38 ender” MALE Photos fe droite || a ‘olatle ‘SAAOT2ISES sasor277s3 |L_=] ‘SAAQDETS58 Rome Ester Ro nannava Nome, Venkata Raman Warnara Name VENSATESHWARARAO Husbands Name Venkata Ramaish Fatia's Name" Desha Gn uanava Foose tiunser 1c House tuner sac Fate's Name: SESHAAA ge" 40 Gender FEMALE Pratois |age st Gender MALE Protois || house tamper: ss Photos Brattle siete |] age 47 Gender MALE ‘olatle = SAAIZI2684 =] SAMISIOSI1 =] ‘SAATE2IZ21 Re, SRIKANTH WANNA Name, PAIESH UANNAvA Name EDUKONDULU REDDY. Fathers Name VENKATESWWARA Fathers Hare" VENKATESWWARA Fate's Name VENKATESWARLU RAO MANNA RAD UAW Renoy House nomper 1-18 Protos || Fouse umber 115 Protois |] House number 7.5 Photos ge” 23 Gender MALE ‘rata |]Age 21 Gender MALE ‘stable || Age 20 Conder MALE ‘stale = ‘SAALZI256 = ‘SRATTT6699 a "SAAD042952 Nome” ANUSHA REDDY Name. Sede Manava Name Nageswaramma Rachsata Hisbands Name" YEDUKONDALU Husbands Name venkateshwarrao Husbands Name "shoo Negara REOOY House number: +15 oose wamber 1-16 House Number. 118 rotors | ge 46 Gender FEMALE Protois | age a7 Gender” FEMALE Photos ge 22 Gonder FENALE >alabie ‘stable ‘eslacie 'SAAOGOTTTI a] ‘SAAITTSTOT a 'SAAITTETIS Nar Sneobslerma Rachoara Name Shimagra Rachgatia Husbond's Name. sheoVeerabhahmem Falhe’'s Nome SheaVeraiohmam House unber 1-16 House tuner 1-76 Protois |age et Gender FEMALE Protois || Age" 40 Gender: MALE Phot is prataie ‘ialbie ‘ota ‘SAAITTOTZS 3] BV200855 = ‘SAAITTOTSI Name Shue KarkaCrara Name a verkataramana Nereta Husbond's Name" Heneroyane Husband's are stnach House number 1-17, House number 1671 Pretois |age et Gender. FEMALE Protois | Age" 82 Gender. FEMALE Phot is Dralie ‘alle ‘otal = SAATTTOTAD = ‘SAAOOET230 El “SAADESTAOT Name, Kishin Nera Nome PAUAUANEYULY NERELLA Name Pavan WERELLA Fates Name" Venkata Fates ane" RAIMNESWARARAO Fath’ Nome KRISHIANERELLA House funber. (¥8/ RERELLA oume Number 118 ge" 38 Gender’ MALE Protois |] Mouse tamper: +308 Potois |] Age" 23 Gonder” FeIMALe Photos ‘rata |]age 36 Gonder MALE ‘isle ‘state ‘SAAI228088 ‘SAMITTOTEO ‘SAAITTOT64 Nome, ADITYA NERELLA Nome sara Nera Name Baal Venkata Honumestwar20 Fathers Name” KRISHNA NERELLA Husbands Name "Beal Venkata Ne Rouse urbe 118i Haruno Fath’ Name Venatrao age" 28 Gender MALE Protois |] use umber 708 Pools |] use umber” +331 Photos arate ||age st Gonder” FEMALE ‘ratabe || age 28 Gonder MALE ‘state ‘Ago as on 01.01.2023, #- Modified as por supplement Dato of Pubication-05-01-2023 “Total Pagos 29 - Pago 4Assembly Constituency No and Name : $3-Prathipadu (SC) (SC) Part number : 121 Section No an Name : -8.6.COLONY a Sd ‘sannroas49 |= SAADISTISD Name RaamaiNereta Rare Vestas Nereta Nae WARUT KRISH NERELLA asters name" Ventteswarer eens me Shakar Fates ame "YE u Howse nore” 08 seman |fiotante ine [fesse on 8 Conde FEMALE ois EME wiois tos fee pratavie ||? Avalabie || ‘Avaliable = a ‘SaAITTO7@O || =e SAAITTOTIG Name LaKsina wor NERELLA Name Aruratima Kenoyna Namie Chan Kanboyna rend hare Naku nRonA eSoand same “cas Meneshiane omnes A owe none" 1100, Home nunber" 21 fuse waver ge" AY Conde. FEMALE havis |[Age Sender FEMALE ross ||pe 2s Prato is alate fae || mole _— I ‘SAAI069778 |__™] 'SAATO85255 3 'SAATSI2SO0 | Name BRAGYA RAW KATTEBORA Name vaHuna eATTEBORA Te VENATA RAMANA Fates Name. YENRATA PRASADA Fae Nar karresomn RAO KATTEGONA ENTATAPRAGADARAO KATTEBONA Hinbed's Nae VEMKATA Rowe nunee 22 emtois_| se tamer 22 Pris | eee norma tas ge 27 cence HALE salle |) age 20 Caner FEMALE arabic | foie ne 22 ‘volte age" #8" Gonder” FEMALE 'SAATTTEB0S ‘saaoroesse |[__=] ‘SAADHS 1483 Name _VENKATA PRASADA RAO Name Pare Yaraesa Name GOPRATH ya RATIESORA isang Name. Charuioya Fathers Nome DHANUNIAYARAO Faners Name: RAGHAVULU Fowse umber 28 fase tame ot areca pravis |[age 4 Conder FEMALE ratois || Agen 38 Conder MALE tas owe ntonee. 1.22 ralale rails es ge" AT Gender HALE 2 SAA0999039 4] SAAII757, 7) SAAIIT7419 Name HAVEEN YARRARLA Nae, MADAM YARRALA Nao, HADHU LATHA YARRAKUA Fates name ORANLMLAYARAO Faas are RANASWAIN fas ame” RAR asa fara areca owe nonce. 1.24 rrnto's | Fouse rumor: 1.25 Protos | Novse wanber- 1.25 Fos ge 29 Genel MALE srataie || Age 21 Gender FEMALE ‘svatable || Age 23 Gender FEMALE ‘niiole Ea saatrroai4 | SAAITTE022 ‘SAADEO2AON| Nie Naas atesbwan Yara Name, Ramacvarn Yara Nao RAGA MALLESWARUETLURI aban tames earacvae faa’ Yalands Fas ame NAGESWARARAD Preto is Pro's c Pros oe 48 Goneet” FEMALE toss [Jae 80\Gener ALE ois [lage 31 Send FENALE = 7 od SAATTTE0 | 7 SAAITTEOAD| Rare GOPLAKRISHNA YARRAKLLA ara Harumayanma Yaraala Nara Tngaswararas Varta Fates Name’ NAGESWARARAD Hesbnd's Name Negenwrrso Fatt ame Rata we nonenr 25a. ooreonber +2508 fuse wan 135 ge. 20 Conde: HALE Phatoie |[Ago” 2 Gender. FEMALE Proois ||Agen 20 Gender MALE rata is rane robe mote = ‘SAnmGSTTAS | 5] 'SAATTTORSS a SAATIONSET ame Raseomac Yaraala ame VenkatappashKondnuarads Naper VESWANTHPALLAPOTHAA Fener'sNime " Negemwerors0 Panes Nae" Wreewore Falters ame | ADSESHA RAO owe nonce 288 rane number. Se PALAPOTMILA Age. 22 Garde: FEMALE ravi |[aven Pt Gender ALE Priois || ows near 25a rata is Pralble svsisle || Roe 25 Cand HALE ‘voile = ‘SAA1776863 a ‘SAAITT6871 7] ‘SAA1776889 ame SeoPanay Patna ane RamacsenKondowaata Nae SrvcaraionKertowarnca ston ame Audaecha shan ore starch far ame tesarham Patabonia Fowze umber 258 fess lume 1250 Rowe ioe: +26 frmtois | age 60 Gander FEMALE rmjois ||age be Gander HALE aos ge 48 Gonder FEMALE late sible Notte SAAITTO897 82068071 ‘SAADGO2O06 Rare Walesrwon Konda Name caksyrismakaman Nae VENATARAO KONDA tend ae onavarada anana erate ED SEER, somes Tarte: seanasi40 eos ermtois_| se tuner" 2 mois ||neuse naer aos oO pralaie |) age 49 Gender FEMALE ‘ralale || age 31 Gender HALE ‘sttle ‘Ago as on 01.01.2023, #- Modified as por supplement Dato of Pubication-05-01-2023 “Total Pagos 29 - Page 5Assembly Constituency No and Name : 93-Prathipadu (SC) (SC) ‘Section No and Name : 1-8.C.COLONY Part number : 121 7 sannese79e | Sr SARA Kame VAi00 KONDAVARDA Rare Kresvarammakondaveacha Name pon eraovarada Fars ke SRIRWAS mens nome’ erat ra wena Haizoends hen cen Rowse rmese 1:28 0 ruse winber “12, ge. 21 Garde: HALE Pravis |[feusenunber. 123 Proois |]Aze. 22 Gondor. 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FEMALE Fos ourenurcer. 191 ‘rataie || Age 23 Gender FEMALE Nabe Naa oe 28" Gendet” MALE ‘aH ‘SAAITTT683 “07 ‘yev2063105 |[__ 13] "SAA0002396 | Name, Baloch Yaratta Name Naparan Yaris Naor VEINELA KAGGA ates fume” Yalamana band are Soe Niches hare REDDYIMAKAGCA "Senet Preto is "Sone FEMALE Pro's "Sener Pros ge #8 Gensel" HALE raoie | age 20 . rate | age 20 MALE Pio 7a ‘saannazao4 |[_— 79 ‘saateoa4t2 || 'SAAITTEO54 ae REDO Kacca ane VEERAAHKaaGA Nae Sh Yalan Feiner’ Nme "POLAR KAGGA Fans Nae POLAAH KAGGA Fats ome "Rash owe nonce Se ane umber. 32 fuse numer 1 ge. 29 Conde: HALE Praoi [Tagen 22 Gender ALE Protis ||Agen 6 Gender MALE rata is rane robe mote a ‘saanasi518 ||__T] SAAGTEOTTO a SAATEOZA Name GoM vaRraKa.a Name SRIsha YaRRAKULA Napa VENMATESWARA RAO Fates Name SRIWASARAO cten's me. -GOP areata owe nonce 24 ete mrooie_||faterattane: sana on 2 Gender MALE ros EMME ois [Ih winie fee praia || ‘alae || ose tunber. 1-34 nlable ge 20 Conder” MALE a ‘SAAITTO962 | SAATTTONTO 7 “382008908 ame Ratakuran Yara Name smasaiao Yarn Nae Stan Aa stent sraerso FatersNare Seceaah ishend'stae hor Hoore urea “1 nso |e, 38 nine |]tetesanie a sow. 1 Gande FEMME o's ‘ode! wis 1 ne! FEMALE ‘s aa pratt ||" Ratti || Notte ‘SAAT49E278 ‘SAAIT70988 ‘SAAI770990 Name vamstnrsea 28a Name Ratna ata Nae Stew Ala Fans tte sas sivas Tisbans ome" Sambastiarao fates ame Srbastvrzo a0 Fowse umber’ 128 fave tuner 125 tues nance: +38 frmtois ||age os Gander FEMME rmjois ||Aage ae Caner HALE aos ge 20 Conde MALE rails sible Notte ‘Ago as on 01.01.2023, #- Modified as por supplement Dato of Pubication-05-01-2023 “Total Pagos 29 - Page &Assembly Constituency No and Name : 93-Prathipadu (SC) (SC) Part number : 121 ‘Section No and Name : 1-8.C.COLONY = ‘SAATTTTOG2 7] ‘SAAGNBAO 3 ‘SAATITIO35 ame Sarmbasnaroo Aaa ame Ventayamma Toka Name Hagendram Yoralla Fanersname’ asdnarayana Hustand's RameWatkarnaR Husbands Name. soadaian rouse ruuree 133 House tune +39. House Kunber126/ Rees 71 Gender MALE Protois |] age” 20. Gender FEMALE Photois |) Age. ¢8 Gonder: FEMALE Photo Dralatie valable ‘lable cz 'SAATTTTON. ry ‘SAATTTTOSH Ta ‘SAATTTTO‘O Name” Nagaraakumar Kendawarada Name Meharrae Kondawarada Name= Puramoa Toko stands Rame -Meranraa Famers Name Pumaioh Husbands tame shea Suoara0 House unter 1.308 Fouse number 338 House hiner 26 hee: £3 Gender FEMALE Protois |] Age” g8 Gender MALE Protois |) Age. ge: Gonder: FEMALE Photo Dralatie valable ‘lable __] ‘SAAITIT008 a ‘saaazaeott |___] ‘SAADOH1855 Name she S.para0 Toka Name wallraynra0 Toko Name Krshanamurty Gansoina Pater Name’ Sombaish Paters ame" SneoSbbarao Fathers Name. Ramarao House nunoer: 1-0 entore |[iouetimbe, F » Fovwe lumber 38a on G2 Genser” HALE ois 40 Gender” MALE ots 22 Gander HALE wos fee prota || pratabi ||“ ladle 73 'SAAT2I6405 ‘veveossaer |[__] ‘SAATOBEI54 Fame RATA KUMARI eANABONA Name Rama Yoru Name" PRANINORA YARRAKULA Husband tame KRISHNA MURTH! Faters Name Mrshanamarty Father's Namo- RAIUYARRAKULA BARABONA House Number 0 Rowse lumer ‘40, Fuse uamber: 1-4 rotois |] Agen 47 Gender ALE Potois |) Age" 27 Gonder MALE Photos Jape 30 Gender” FEMALE 2ralable ‘lable ladle 7 'SAATOG662 7 ‘SAATTTTO60 7 "JBV2082055 Name YUGANDHAR YARRAKULA Name Usharan aroha Name, VeerasarYarakla Father's Name "RAMU YARRAKUA Husband's Name” Ramu Fathers Name" Rarsimharaa 28 Gonder MALE Photo's 4 Gender FEMALE Photos 38 Gender MALE Photos ree pratacie || osiebie ||P ‘eslacie 1 ‘SAAQ397737 a ‘saaosores0|[ 5] ‘SAADA51344 Name Jet Vara Name Ramaree Yara Name; KRISHAMRAIU YARRAKULA Hisbend's Name. Vesraswam Pater ame Naresmnaceo Fathers Name NARASIHA RAO ‘30 Gonder FEMALE Photo's 22 Gender “MALE Photos 33 Gender MALE Photos ree pratacie || osiebie ||P ‘eslacie i ‘SAADSISEr i] ‘SAADOGOOAT a ‘SAAIITIOTT ame VENKAYAUMA YARRAKULA ame NAGA.VOHTIVARRAKULA Names Padaravath Yaris Fisbord's Nome RAMA RAO Hostond's Nome » KRISHNAIIRAIU Hosbends tine. Nerasimorno House nee 1-4 YARRAKOLA House hunber 1-43 Ages 33 Gender: FEMALE Protois |] Aouse umber: +41 Protois |) Age. €3: Gonder: FEMALE Photos arataole | [age 20 Gender” FEMALE aiable nitaole + 'SAATTTTOBS 75] 'SAAG2AG29 7 “SAATTTTO83 ame Narasimnarao Yara Name Nagaman Varta Name" Krshanamurty Yaratula Father's Name" Retains Husband's Name Dharunayarso Fathers Nome tixsmham Howse ruree House number 1-42 House tuner 1-0 hoes 68 Gender: MALE Protois |] age" 27 Gender FEMALE Protois || Age" 70, Gonder: MALE Photos >ratabie ‘vate ‘voable 73] 'SAAD26TTS 7] 'SAATI25268 = 'SAADASTI04 ame VENKATESWARANMuA KONDA ame VENKavAMUA TADISETT Name SRAVAN NELAPATI isbend's Name GOPARH KONDA usband's Name” VENKATA Husband's Name" PRASAD RAO House ruroer 1-6, INARASAAL TADISETTI House Hunbor 1-120 ace" 28 Gender” FEMALE Protois |] Mouse tumoer 7795! 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Gonder” FEMALE Bralatie | age 27 Gender” FEMALE Avalable |] age 29 Gender MALE ‘late ‘Ago as on 01.01.2023, #- Modified as por supplement Dato of Pubication-05-01-2023 “Total Pagos 29 - Pago 7Assembly Constituency No and Name : 93-Prathipadu (SC) (SC) Part number : 121 ‘Section No and Name : 1-8.C.COLONY = ‘SANDING Name KARYARSETTY SUNITA stands Name KARVANSETTY ]PRANOD KUMAR House uae 2239 Prato is lage" 25 Gender FEMALE Dralabie ‘Ago as on 01.01.2023, #- Moditiad as per supplement Dato of Publication -05-01-2028 “Total Pagos 29 - Page 8Assembly Constituency No and Name : 93-Prathipadu (SC) (SC) ‘Section No and Name : 2-NARASINHA SWAMY TEMPLE Part number : 121 Eo cavenei94 [___] saatrresoe |-__ = 7aV2085705 ps Kaeo ny Nae Sutnayanma armas Name Oranunjya Yaraka Fenersname ieeo"™ eens nome" Ratesaer Fats ome" tara jessie Home nber +2 fuse wumer 149, eee havis |[Ago Te. 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Vea nso |femmeimie, t nao ||teesoniwr sow. 2 Gander ALE o's ‘Sone! wis "Gonder FEMA = pee pratavie ||% prstabie || ‘Available ‘Ago as on 01.01.2023, #- Modified as por supplement Dato of Pubication-05-01-2023 “Total Pagos 29 - Page 9Assembly Constituency No and Name : 93-Prathipadu (SC) (SC) ‘Section No and Name : 2-NARASINHA SWAMY TEMPLE Part number : 121 = swnoeiaeet |__] | SaaiTTiTe Fess uoeaconn, Fae Vecara TEN Tere eda tanta esndohae"Saannces wana frspeegorme Sorat” enattors eae mane |[tctatstine sworaunnn | || RGRESe® o ee eee: 189 wis | nuseisovene eos | ee ae at Age: 31 Gender: FEMALE Available |) House number 1.53 Avalable fee ‘Avaitable roe Sat Foun = swarTiet | sanaroonar | SARTRE ae Eee src Rana" Repateatatare fae Earache Peneehar Yopaussnoar ecactee earthn toners tae eanusnors ction rear, aca a bern sraots || eee es pris || Ne a eae ea Reise Ete] ‘SAAD127696 2] ‘saaosg7729 |[_735] SAA0614826 me ach wcrenone Rae Ses Nosoarome Fie Teer vewara Peng, kame A igh ene aRNoOn cere ine Ne. cesar (Seti sonnet sree f pao [fear siune. fa onsie |) Measae™, 2 a vel mont [SP ke met || SPS awe en (a ‘yev206t6st |L__=] ‘saatr7ri92 |___5] "SAADITOI22 Tome Sabon sos Rane brew Sot Fe Sunes uorasore Farce eran Ren Sesane™ Sr Beene GuBan emcee mang |fioeticone sae ||tsreiote a a Peet ine os [SP aSan Foun nos |] A ee oie fe Ayallable Ase ‘Available Ase Available #4] ‘SAA1777200 =] ‘SAAIT77218 1] ‘SAA1777226 Fe Fama atone Fare stiaunyuuorsscrn Keer tohanma tata Sa detne ten Parca ea Shee ae le! 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F Photos age: 35 MALE Protos lage 26 a Protos |/Age 62 MALE Prats Ea ‘SAAITTISSS a "SRADES209 Ea 'SAADZA6E13 Ne, Kateswararao Taso Name AADLAKSHA TADSETTL Namo Patra Jt Fathers Name’ Kesha Hisbands Name KOTESWARARAO Fee's Nome Ramah "Serve! Photo's "Sees FEMALE Protos "Gener Photos ges 4 MALE Protoss [lage 45 el Protos |/Age. 54 Wate Prats a 'SAAITTTSA1 a ‘SAAITIT388 ]|__= “182065198 Name Narasamma Jn Name Chinnarnayi Musrabina Name Niagara Klara Hisbend's Nome Pau Husbond's Name" Verkah Falhe’'s Nome Chemo Foose tunber 1-68 House number +64 House tuner -65 ges Bt Gonder» FENALE Protois |] age" 81 Gender FEMALE Protois |] Agen 43, Gonder MALE Phot is prataie ‘ialbie ‘ota a IBV2005195| =] ‘SAA0O#2201 = “SAADOIT21 Name" Ramana Katakots Name" Thrvpan Venkaan Musrabona Name Ana irabina Hsbonds Name Nogoess Fate's Name Koteswararoo Husband's are Shee Ramakstnn Foose tunber 1-65 House urbe 88 House number” 1-65 ges At Gonder» FENALE Protois |] Agen 27 Gender MALE Protois |) Age. 20\ Gonder. FEMALE Phot is Dralie ‘alle ‘otal = ‘saaor27068 |[_= ‘SAAT3B593 = ‘SAAITTTSB0 Fame Osta Ran iudabona Nome RAGAUALLESWARY Name Thtupsmamma Musrabana Hisbands Name ‘Thrupa Venksah oRABOnA Husband's tame Verkatco House rwrosr 88 Huseands tame Houwe Wmber” 1-66 age" 34 Gender FEMALE Photois |] TRUAPATHVENKARH MUDRABONA | Photois |] Age" s0'Gonder” FEMALE Protos aralabio | [House sumer 1-86 ‘isle ‘state ge" 27 Gender FEMALE ‘SAADESIA7S ‘saatrrrsr4|L__ =] ‘SAA0042598 Rome, GOPABH MJORABOINA Nome, Srshankar Mcraoina Name Dugamma Muabon Father's Name "SANKAR Fates Name." Ericgeshrs Husband's ame Shee Sankar Rouse urbe 1-668. 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