4th Grade Math Framework

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Grade 4 – Crosswalk (Summary of Revisions): 2016 Mathematics Standards of Learning and Curriculum Framework

Additions (2016 SOL) Deletions from Grade 4 (2009 SOL)

 4.1a – Read, write, and identify nine-digit numbers in standard form and written form  4.3b – Round decimals to nearest tenth and hundredth
 4.1b – Order whole numbers expressed through millions (limited to four) [Included in 5.1]
 4.1 EKS – Identify the range of numbers that round to a given place  4.5c – Solve multistep problems with fractions [Included in
 4.4a – Fluency with multiplication facts through 12 x 12, and corresponding division facts [Moved 5.6a]
from 3.5; representation of facts through 10 x 10 and fluency with facts for 0, 1, 2, 5, 10 included in  4.6b – Identify equivalent metric measurements for mass
3.4] [Included in 5.9a]
 4.7b – Identify equivalent metric measurements for length
 4.4 EKS – Apply strategies, including place value and the properties of multiplication and/or addition,
[Included in 5.9a]
to +, -, ×, and ÷; use context in practical problems to interpret the quotient and remainder
 4.8a – Estimate and measure liquid volume [Included in
 4.4d – Create single-step and multistep practical problems for addition, subtraction and
multiplication; create and solve single-step practical problems involving division
 4.11 – Investigate congruence and recognize
 4.7 – Solve practical problems that involve determining perimeter and area [Moved from 5.8 EKS]
transformations [Moved to 5.14]
 4.10 EKS – Use symbolic notations to name points, lines, line segments, rays, and angles; use
 4.12 – Identify polygons with 10 or fewer sides [Moved to
symbolic notation to describe parallel lines and perpendicular lines
3.12 – except for quadrilaterals]
 4.11 – Identify, describe, compare, and contrast plane and solid figures [Moved from 3.14]
 4.12 – Classify quadrilaterals; EKS – define quadrilaterals; compare, and contrast properties of
quadrilaterals; use geometric markings to denote properties of quadrilaterals
 4.13c – Create a model or practical problem to represent a given probability
Parameter Changes/Clarifications (2016 SOL) Moves within Grade 4 (2009 SOL to 2016 SOL)
 4.1 EKS – Compare numbers using words greater than, less than, equal to, and not equal to  4.5c – [Moved to 4.6a]
 4.2 EKS – Compare and order limited to no more than four fractions; Identify the division statement  4.5d – Single-step and multistep problems with decimals
that represents a fraction with models and in context [Moved to 4.6b]
 4.3 EKS – Compare two decimals expressed through thousandths using words greater than, less than,  4.6ab – [Moved to 4.8bc]
equal to, and not equal to; order a set of up to four decimals expressed through thousandths  4.7ab – [Moved to 4.8ac]
 4.4 EKS – Determine the product of two whole numbers limited to two digits each  4.16 – [Application of properties moved to 4.4 EKS]
 4.5b – Add and subtract fractions and mixed numbers; EKS - estimate sum or difference of two
fractions; subtraction with fractions limited to problems that do not require regrouping
 4.5c – Solve practical problems with fractions and mixed numbers limited to single-step
 4.5 EKS – Determine common denominators limited to 60 or less
 4.8c – Given the equivalent measure of one unit, identify equivalent measures of length,
weight/mass, and liquid volume between units within the U.S. Customary system
 4.8d – Solve practical problems that involve length, weight/mass, and liquid volume
 4.13 EKS – Determine the outcome of an event that is least likely to occur or most likely to occur
where there are no more than 24 possible outcomes
 4.14c – Compare two different representations of the same data
 4.15 EKS – Solve practical problems that involve single-operation input/output rules, limited to +, -,
× of whole numbers and +, - of fractions; identify a numerical pattern found in a list or table
EKS = Essential Knowledge and Skills, referring to the column on the right side of the Curriculum Framework

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US = Understanding the Standard, referring to the column on the left side of the Curriculum Framework
Comparison of Mathematics Standards of Learning – 2009 to 2016
2009 2016
Number and Number Sense
*On the state assessment, items measuring this objective are assessed without the use of a calculator.
4.1 The student will 4.1 The student will
a) identify orally and in writing the place value for each digit in a whole a) read, write, and identify the place and value of each digit in a nine-digit whole
number expressed through millions; number;
b) compare two whole numbers expressed through millions, using symbols (>, b) compare and order whole numbers expressed through millions; and
<, or = ); and [Symbols included in EKS] c) round whole numbers expressed through millions to the nearest thousand,
c) round whole numbers expressed through millions to the nearest thousand, ten thousand, and hundred thousand.
ten thousand, and hundred thousand.

4.2 The student will 4.2 The student will

a) compare and order fractions and mixed numbers; a) compare and order fractions and mixed numbers, with and without models;*
b) represent equivalent fractions; and b) represent equivalent fractions;* and
c) identify the division statement that represents a fraction. c) identify the division statement that represents a fraction, with models and in

4.3 The student will 4.3 The student will

a) read, write, represent, and identify decimals expressed through a) read, write, represent, and identify decimals expressed through thousandths;
thousandths; b) round decimals to the nearest whole number; [Round to tenth and hundredth
b) round decimals to the nearest whole number, tenth, and hundredth; included in 5.1]
[Rounding to tenth and hundredth included in 5.1] c) compare and order decimals; and
c) compare and order decimals; and d) given a model, write the decimal and fraction equivalents.*
d) given a model, write the decimal and fraction equivalents.
Computation and Estimation
*On the state assessment, items measuring this objective are assessed without the use of a calculator.

4.4 The student will 4.4 The student will

a) estimate sums, differences, products, and quotients of whole numbers;* a) demonstrate fluency with multiplication facts through 12 x 12, and the
b) add, subtract, and multiply whole numbers;* corresponding division facts;* [Moved from 3.5]
c) divide whole numbers, finding quotients with and without remainders;* b) estimate and determine sums, differences, and products of whole numbers;*
and c) estimate and determine quotients of whole numbers, with and without
d) solve single-step and multistep addition, subtraction, and multiplication remainders;* and
problems with whole numbers.* d) create and solve single-step and multistep practical problems involving
addition, subtraction, and multiplication, and single-step practical problems
involving division with whole numbers.

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2009 SOL 2016 SOL
Computation and Estimation
*On the state assessment, items measuring this objective are assessed without the use of a calculator.

4.5 The student will 4.5 The student will

a) determine common multiples and factors, including least common multiple a) determine common multiples and factors, including least common multiple
and greatest common factor;* and greatest common factor;
b) add and subtract fractions having like and unlike denominators that are b) add and subtract fractions and mixed numbers having like and unlike
limited to 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, and 12, and simplify the resulting fractions, denominators;* and
using common multiples and factors;* [Denominators and simplify included c) solve single-step practical problems involving addition and subtraction with
in EKS] fractions and mixed numbers.
c) add and subtract with decimals;* and [Moved to 4.6a]
d) solve single-step and multistep practical problems involving addition and
subtraction with fractions and with decimals.* [Decimals moved to 4.6b;
solve multistep problems with fractions included in 5.6a]

4.6 The student will

a) add and subtract decimals;* and [Moved from 4.5c]
b) solve single-step and multistep practical problems involving addition and
subtraction with decimals. [Moved from 4.5d]
Measurement and Geometry
4.6 The student will
a) estimate and measure weight/mass and describe the results in U.S.
Customary and metric units as appropriate; [Moved to 4.8b]and
b) identify equivalent measurements between units within the U.S. Customary
system (ounces, pounds, and tons) and between units within the metric
system (grams and kilograms). [Metric equivalencies included in 5.9a; U.S.
Customary equivalencies moved to 4.8c]
4.7 The student will
a) estimate and measure length, and describe the result in both metric and
U.S. Customary units; and [Moved to 4.8a]
b) identify equivalent measurements between units within the U.S. Customary
system (inches and feet; feet and yards; inches and yards; yards and miles)
and between units within the metric system (millimeters and centimeters;
centimeters and meters; and millimeters and meters). [Moved U.S.
Customary to 4.8c; Metric included in 5.9a]

4.7 The student will solve practical problems that involve determining perimeter and
area in U.S. Customary and metric units. [Moved from 5.8 EKS]

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2009 SOL 2016 SOL
Measurement and Geometry
4.8 The student will 4.8 The student will
a) estimate and measure liquid volume and describe the results in U.S. a) estimate and measure length and describe the result in U.S. Customary and
Customary units; and [Included in 3.7b] metric units; [Moved from 4.7a]
b) identify equivalent measurements between units within the U.S. Customary b) estimate and measure weight/mass and describe the results in U.S. Customary
system (cups, pints, quarts, and gallons). and metric units [Moved from 4.6a];
c) given the equivalent measure of one unit, identify equivalent measures of
length, weight/mass, and liquid volume between units within the U.S.
Customary system; and
d) solve practical problems that involve length, weight/mass, and liquid volume
in U.S. Customary units.

4.9 The student will determine elapsed time in hours and minutes within a 12-hour 4.9 The student will solve practical problems related to elapsed time in hours and
period. minutes within a 12-hour period.

4.10 The student will 4.10 The student will

a) identify and describe representations of points, lines, line segments, rays, a) identify and describe points, lines, line segments, rays, and angles, including
and angles, including endpoints and vertices; and endpoints and vertices; and
b) identify representations of lines that illustrate intersection, parallelism, and b) identify and describe intersecting, parallel, and perpendicular lines.

4.11 The student will

a) investigate congruence of plane figures after geometric transformations,
such as reflection, translation, and rotation, using mirrors, paper folding,
and tracing; and
b) recognize the images of figures resulting from geometric transformations,
such as translation, reflection, and rotation.
[Moved to 5.14]

4.11 The student will identify, describe, compare, and contrast plane and solid figures
according to their characteristics (number of angles, vertices, edges, and the
number and shape of faces), using concrete models and pictorial representations.
[Moved from 3.14]

4.12 The student will 4.12 The student will classify quadrilaterals as a parallelograms, rectangles, squares,
a) define polygon; and rhombi, and/or trapezoids.
b) identify polygons with 10 or fewer sides. [All polygons excepts
quadrilaterals moved to 3.12]

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2009 SOL 2016 SOL
Probability and Statistics

4.13 The student will 4.13 The student will

a) predict the likelihood of an outcome of a simple event; and a) determine the likelihood of an outcome of a simple event;
b) represent probability as a number between 0 and 1, inclusive. b) represent probability as a number between 0 and 1, inclusive; and
c) create a model or practical problem to represent a given probability.

4.14 The student will collect, organize, display, and interpret data from a variety of 4.14 The student will
graphs. a) collect, organize, and represent data in bar graphs and line graphs;
b) interpret data represented in bar graphs and line graphs; and
c) compare two different representations of the same data (e.g., a set of data
displayed on a chart and a bar graph, a chart and a line graph, or a pictograph
and a bar graph).
Patterns, Functions, and Algebra
4.15 The student will recognize, create, and extend numerical and geometric 4.15 The student will identify, describe, create, and extend patterns found in objects,
patterns. pictures, numbers, and tables.

4.16 The student will 4.16 The student will recognize and demonstrate the meaning of equality in an
a) recognize and demonstrate the meaning of equality in an equation; and equation.
b) investigate and describe the associative property for addition and
multiplication. [Application of properties moved to 4.4 EKS]

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