Motherboard: Circuit Board Chassis CPU RAM Hardware
Motherboard: Circuit Board Chassis CPU RAM Hardware
Motherboard: Circuit Board Chassis CPU RAM Hardware
Alternatively called
the mb, mainboard, mboard, mobo, mobd, backplane
board, base board, main circuit board, planar board, system
board, or a logic board on Apple computers.
The motherboard is a printed circuit board and foundation of a
computer that is the biggest board in a computer chassis. It
allocates power and allows communication to and between
the CPU (central processing unit), RAM (random-access
memory), and all other computer hardware components
Updated: 07/31/2022 by Computer Hope
Alternatively known as an address bus, data bus, control bus,
or local bus, a bus is a link between components or devices
connected to a computer. For example, a bus carries data
between a CPU and the system memory via the motherboard
Why is a computer bus called a bus?
You can think of a computer bus like public transportation or a
school bus. These types of buses are capable of transporting
people from one destination to another destination. Like these
buses, a computer bus transmits data from one location or device
to another location or device.
A computer bus maintains a strict schedule, "picking up" data
and "dropping it off" at a regular interval. For example, if a bus
operates at a frequency of 200 MHz, it completes 200 million
data transfers per second. This speed is called the bus width.