CS 083 Python 5 Sets of Papers

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For Board Examination (2020-2021)

Class- XII
Subject- Computer Science
Time Allowed: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 70
General Instructions:
1. This question paper contains two parts A and B. Each part is compulsory.
2. Both Part A and Part N have choices.
3. Part-A has 2 sections:
a. Section-1 is short answer questions, to be answered in one word or one line.
b. Section-II has two case studies questions. Each case study has 4 case based sub-parts.
An examinee is to attempt any 4 out of the 5 subparts.
4. Part-B is descriptive paper.
5. Part-B has 3 sections:
a. Section-I is short answer questions of 2 marks each in which two questions have
internal options.
b. Section-II is long answer questions of 3 marks each in which two questions have
internal options.
c. Section-III is very long answer questions of 5 marks each in which one question has
internal option.
6. All programming questions are to answer using Python Language only.

Q.No PART -A Allocat
Select the most appropriate option out of the options for each question. Attempt any 15
questions from question no 1 to 21.
1) Which value type does input () return?
(a) Boolean (b) String (c) Int (d)Float
2) Which of the following is valid arithmetic operator in Python:
(i)in (ii) !=(iii) &(iv) %
3) Which of the following is valid logical operator in Python:
1 (i) not in (ii) = (iii) << (iv) // 1
4) Which value type does bool () return?
(a) Boolean (b) String (c) Int (d)Float
5) Which of the following is valid membership operator in Python:
(i) and (ii) not (iii) is (iv) in

1) What will be the value of the expression?

14 + 13 % 15 (a) 14 (b) 27 (c) 12 (d) 0
2) What will be the value of the expression?
14 ** 12 %10 (a) 4 (b) 7 (c) 12 (d) 10
3) What will be the value of the expression?
2 1
14 %10*3 (a) 14 (b) 10 (c) 12 (d) 30
4) What will be the value of the expression?
(12 +10+30)%10 (a) 4 (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) 3
5) What will be the value of the expression?
(12%10%3)**3 (a) 4 (b) 2 (c) 8 (d) 12
1) Following set of commands is executed in shell, what will be the output?
print("corona virus" [4 : 8]) : (a) ona (b) na v (c) coro (d) ona v
2) Following set of commands is executed in shell, what will be the output?
print("corona virus" [2 : ]) : (a) ona virus (b) ona virus (c) ona viru (d) ona F
3) Following set of commands is executed in shell, what will be the output?
3 1
print("corona virus" [ : 5]) : (a) coron (b) coro (c) oron (d) coron virus
4) Following set of commands is executed in shell, what will be the output?
print("corona virus" [2: 5:3]) : (a) n (b) r (c) i (d) o
5) Following set of commands is executed in shell, what will be the output?
print("corona virus" [2 : 4]) : (a) r u (b) n v (c) c o (d) o a
1) What is the use of load() function?
2) What is the use of reader() function?
4 3) What is the use of shuffle() function? 1
4) What is the use of check() function?
5) What is the use of dictreader() function?
1) A tuple is declared as T1 = (5,15,20,35) What will be the output of print(sum(T1)) ?
2) A tuple is declared as T1 = (5,15,20,35) What will be the output of print(min(T1)) ?
5 3) A tuple is declared as T1 = (5,15,20,35) What will be the output of print(max(T1)) ? 1
4) A tuple is declared as T1 = (5,15,20,35) What will be the output of print(sum(T1)+min(T1)) ?
5) A tuple is declared as T1 = (5,15,20,35) What will be the output of print(max(T1)+min(T1)) ?
1) A list is given as Age=[10, 20,30,40,50,60] , What will be displayed as Age[:2] + Age[2:]
2) A list is given as Age=[10, 20,30,40,50,60] , What will be displayed as Age[-2] + Age[1]
6 3) A list is given as Age=[10, 20,30,40,50,60] , What will be displayed as Age[4] + Age[-3] 1
4) A list is given as Age=[10, 20,30,40,50,60] , What will be displayed as Age[:3] + Age[3:]
5) A list is given as Age=[10, 20,30,40,50,60] , What will be displayed as Age[:] + Age[::-1]
1) In SQL, what is the use of distinct keyword?
2) In SQL, what is the use of is null keyword?
7 3) In SQL, what is the use of like keyword? 1
4) In SQL, what is the use of values keyword?
5) In SQL, what is the use of change keyword?
1) Identify the invalid variable names from the following: Roll No, 10marks, _sum, name
2) Identify the valid variable names from the following: Roll No, 10marks, _sum, name
8 3) Identify the invalid identifier from the following: STU ,True ,2ab ,Py 1
4) Identify the valid identifier from the following : STU ,True ,2ab ,Py
5) Identify the valid identifier from the following : x+y , xy2xy, x2y2x, _x_y
1) Name the protocol which is helpful in transferring the files.
2) Name the protocol which is helpful in Video conference.
9 3) Name the protocol which is helpful in E- mail. 1
4) Name the protocol which is helpful in Video conference.
5) What is the use of MAC Address?
1) Expand the term ISP.
2) Expand the term FTM.
10 3) Expand the term HTTPS. 1
4) Expand the term BROADBAND.
5) Expand the term URL.
1) What will be the value of the expression? 37 // 5: (a) 7.4 (b) 7 (c) 7.0 (d) 7.40
2) What will be the value of the expression? 37 %5: (a) 2 (b) 5 (c) 1 (d) 7
11 3) What will be the value of the expression? 37 / 5: (a) 7.4 (b) 7 (c) 7.0 (d) 7.40 1
4) What will be the value of the expression? 37 % 5*2: (a) 4 (b) 14 (c) 2 (d) 10
5) What will be the value of the expression? 37 % 5**2: (a) 4 (b) 14 (c) 2 (d) 10
1) What do you mean by a primary key?
2) What do you mean by a foreign key?
12 3) What do you mean by a candidate key? 1
4) What do you mean by a alternate key?
5) What do you mean by a RDBMS?
1) Identify the valid declaration of test: test=['Python' ,10, 'Good', 25.45] :
(a) Tuple (b) Dictionary (c) List (d) String
2) Identify the valid declaration of test: test=('Python' ,10, 'Good', 25.45) :
(a) Tuple (b) Dictionary (c) List (d) String
3) Identify the valid declaration of test: test={'Python' :10, 'Good': 25.45} :
13 1
(a) Tuple (b) Dictionary (c) List (d) String
4) Identify the valid declaration of test: test='Python' +str(10)+ 'Good'+ str(25.45):
(a) Tuple (b) Dictionary (c) List (d) String
5) Identify the valid declaration of test: test=['Python' ,10, 'Good', 25.45,[12,22,43]] :
(a) nested Tuple (b) nested Dictionary (c) nested List (d) nested String
1) In SQL, Which command is used to see the list of databases?
2) In SQL, Which command is used to see the sum of a column of databases?
14 3) In SQL, Which command is used to count rows in a table 1
4) In SQL, Which command is used to count rows have null values in table
5) In SQL, Which command is used to see the list of tables in database
1) Write a statement to declare a dictionary whose keys are 'Apple', 'Mango', 'Banana' and
values are 100, 250, 60
2) Write a statement to declare a nested list whose first values are 'Apple', 'Mango', 'Banana' and
second values are 100, 250, 60
3) Write a statement to declare a dictionary whose keys are any 5 months and values are
number of days.
4) Write a statement to declare a dictionary whose
keys (Countries) values (Capital)
5) Write a statement to create list of Countries & Capital as follows
1) Siya want to connect her office with the office of the same building. Suggest her a suitable way
to connect (in terms of transmission media)

2) Jitesh want to connect her office with the office of the other building in other city. Suggest her
a suitable way to connect (in terms of transmission media)

3) Jitesh want to connect her office with the office of the other building in other Country. Suggest
her a suitable way to connect (in terms of transmission media)

4) Janish Khanna used a pen drive to copy files from his friend’s laptop to his office computer.
16 Soon his computer started abnormal functioning. Sometimes it would restart by itself and 1
sometimes it would stop different applications running on it. Which of the following options
out of (i) to (iv), would have caused the malfunctioning of the computer? Justify the reason
for your chosen option.
Computer Virus
Spam Mail
Computer Bacteria
Trojan Horse
5) Ms. Raveena Sen is an IT expert and a freelancer. She recently used her skills to access the
Admin password for the network server of Super Dooper Technology Ltd. and provided
confidential data of the organisation to its CEO, informing him about the vulnerability of their
network security. Out of the following options (i) to (iv), which one most appropriately
defines Ms. Sen? Justify the reason for your chosen option:
Network Admin
1) The device that can operate in place of a hub is a
2) The device that can operate in place of a Switch is a
17 3) The device that can operate in place of a Router is a 1
4) The device that can operate on the broadband speed is a
5) The device’s used in the video conferencing
1) Write short note with example on Co-axial Cable.
2) Write short note with example on Untwisted Wire.
18 3) Write short note with example on Telephone Lines. 1
4) Write short note with example on Fibre Optic
5) Write short note with example on satellite data transmission.
1) INSERT INTO command is a DML command. (True/False)
2) Alter command is a DML command. (True/False)
19 3) Update command is a DDL command. (True/False) 1
4) Drop command is a DML command. (True/False)
5) Delete command is a DDL command. (True/False)
1) Rearrange the following terms in increasing order of data transfer rates.
2) Rearrange the following terms in decreeing order of data transfer rates.
3) Rearrange the following terms in increasing order of size.
20 1
1 GBPS, 100 GBPS, 100*100 KBPS, 1010*1010KBPS
4) Rearrange the following terms in decreeing order of size.
1 GBPS, 100 GBPS, 100*100 KBPS, 1010*1010KBPS
5) Rearrange the following terms in increasing order of length.
[1,2,3,4,5], [[1,2],[3,4],[5,7],11,15, [11,23]], [[1,2,3,4],[1,3]], [1,2,3,[1,2,2,4,],[4,3,9]]
1) Write short note with example on GROUP BY command.
2) Write short note with example on SELECT command.
21 3) Write short note with example on WHERE cause. 1
4) Write short note with example on having cause.
5) Write short note with example on sub query.
Both the case study based questions are compulsory. Attempt any 4 sub parts from each
question. Each question carry 1 mark.

1. A company, Sunrise Ltd. Is considering to manage the records of their employees using SQL to
store the data. As a database administrator, Harish has decided that:
Name of the database: Employee
Name of the table : Empl
The attributes of Empl are as follows:
EmpId - Numeric
Empname - character of size 20
Salary - Numeric
22 Date_of_Joining - Date
EmpId Empname Salary Date_of_Joining
1001 Mr. Khanna 50000 23-10-2018
1002 Mr. Roy 35000 22-04-2017
1004 Ms. Sehgal 25000 23-08-2016
1008 Mr. Pahwa 30000 15-10-2019
1006 Ms. Sharma 20000 14-12-2019
1005 Mr. Bhalla 25000 12-09-2020
(a) Identify the attribute best suitable to be declared as a primary key. 1
(b) Write the degree and cardinality of the table Empl. 1
(c) Harish want to delete all the records of the table Empl. Structure of the table should not be
removed. Write the query for the same. 1
(d) Write a query to increase the salary of all the employees by 5000.. 1

2. Given below a table, write SQL query for part (i) to (v)

Harish wants to see the structure of the table ‘Empl’. Help him to do the same

i) Display title of all books with price between 100 and 300
ii) Display title and author of all the books having type “Prog” and published by BPB.
iii) Display number of books and average price for each type of publisher
iv) Display title, price in descending order of price
v) Display all the books where title starts with “D” and qty is more than 3.

3. A departmental store MyStore is considering to maintain their inventory using SQL to store the
data. As a database administer, Abhay has decided that :
• Name of the database - mystore
• Name of the table - STORE
• The attributes of STORE are as follows:
ItemNo - numeric
ItemName – character of size 20 Scode
- numeric
Quantity – numeric

1 Identify the attribute best suitable to be declared as a primary key, 2

Write the degree and cardinality of the table STORE.
3 Insert the following data into the attributes ItemNo, ItemName and SCode respectively in the given
table STORE.
ItemNo = 2010, ItemName = “Note Book” and Scode = 25
4 Abhay want to remove the table STORE from the database MyStore.
Which command will he use from the following:
a) DELETE FROM store;
b) DROP TABLE store;
c) DROP DATABASE mystore;
d) DELETE store FROM mystore;
5 Now Abhay wants to display the structure of the table STORE, i.e, name of the attributes and
their respective data types that he has used in the table. Write the query to display the same.

4. Given below a table, write SQL query for part (i) to (v)

i) Display publisher wise total stock value (Qty * price)

ii) Display title of the book which is costliest.
iii) Display number of books and total price for each type of publisher
iv) Display all the books where subject starts with “D” and qty is less than 3.
v) Display all information of books whose price end’s with 0.

5. Given a table Order, write the following queries using SQL.

1. List Companies listed in the table Ans select distinct cname from order.
2. Insert a column Discount_percent type int (4)
3. Add values under Discount_percent column such that 10% discount is given to those
companies who have made full payments.
4. Find number of companies and average orders given to then city wise.
5. List all orders given between 1/1/2008 to 12/10/2008.
1. Radhika is writing a program to create a CSV file “books.csv” which will contain the book
name and author name. She wants to display the details of all the books.
(a) Name the module she should import in the program.
(b) In which mode, she should open the file to read all the data.
(c) Name the in-built function which is used to read the data from csv file.
(d) Write a function to close the csv file.
(e) If Radhika wants to add a new record in the csv file, write the statement to help her
in opening the file.

2. Ranjan Kumar of class 12 is writing a program to create a CSV file “user.csv” which will
contain user name and password for some entries. He has written the following code. As a
programmer, help him to successfully execute the given task.
import # Line 1
def addCsvFile(UserName,PassWord): # to write / add data into the CSV file
f=open(' user.csv',' ') # Line 2
newFileWriter = csv.writer(f)
#csv file reading code def readCsvFile(): # to read data from CSV file
with open(' user.csv','r') as newFile:
newFileReader = csv. (newFile) # Line 3
for row in newFileReader:
print (row[0],row[1])
newFile. # Line 4
23 readCsvFile() #Line 5
(a) Name the module he should import in Line 1.
(b) In which mode, Ranjan should open the file to add data into the file
(c) Fill in the blank in Line 3 to read the data from a csv file.
(d) Fill in the blank in Line 4 to close the file.
(e) Write the output he will obtain while executing Line 5.

3. Sanyam Arora of class 12 is writing a program to create a CSV file “contact.csv” which will
contain contact names and contact numbers of his friends and relatives. He has written the
following code. As a programmer, help him to successfully execute the given task.
import # Line 1
# to write / add data into the CSV file
def addcontact_csvFile(ContactName,ContactNumber):
f=open('contact.csv',' ',newline='') # Line 2
newFileWriter = csv.writer(f)
newFileWriter. ([ContactName, ContactNumber]) # Line 3
# to read data from CSV file
def readcontact_csvFile():
with open('contact.csv','r') as newFile:
newFileReader = csv. (newFile) # Line 4
for row in newFileReader:
print (row[0],row[1])
addcontact_csvFile ("Arnav","9897967890")
addcontact_csvFile ("Aryan","99078678901")
addcontact_csvFile ("Chirag","8806789056")
readcontact_csvFile () #Line 5
(a) Name the module he should import in Line 1.
(b) Fill in the blank in Line 2 with the mode, Sanyam should open the file in, to add data into the file.
(c) Fill in the blank in Line 3 to write the data to the csv file.
(d) Fill in the blank in Line 4 to read the data from the csv file.
(e) Write the output he will obtain while executing Line 5.

4. Manoj Kumar of Admin of XYZ school is writing a program to create a CSV file “info.csv”
which will contain names ,Class and section and fees of all students.
He has written the following code.
As a programmer, help him to successfully execute the given task.
import # Line 1
# to write / add data into the CSV file
def addcontact_csvFile(Name,Class_and_section,Fee):
f=open('infp.csv',' ',newline='') # Line 2
newFileWriter = csv.writer(f)
newFileWriter. ([Name,Class_and_section,Fee]) # Line 3
# to read data from CSV file
def readcontact_csvFile():
with open('info.csv','r') as newFile:
newFileReader = csv. (newFile) # Line 4
for row in newFileReader:
print (row[0],row[1],row[2])
addcontact_csvFile ("Arnav","10 A","2350")
addcontact_csvFile ("Aryan","10 B","2400")
addcontact_csvFile ("Chirag","10 C","2430")
readcontact_csvFile () #Line 5

(a) Name the module he should import in Line 1.

(b) Fill in the blank in Line 2 with the mode, Sanyam should open the file in, to add data into the file.
(c) Fill in the blank in Line 3 to write the data to the csv file.
(d) Fill in the blank in Line 4 to read the data from the csv file.
(e) Write the output he will obtain while executing Line 5.

5. Mr. Shiv Sharma of Math's teachers of Silver Shine school he want to store data of his maths
students of commerce in “CS_12th_Com.csv”
He what to store Name,PT1, PT2, PT3, HY & Total.
As a programmer, help him to successfully execute the given task.
(a)Name the module she should import in the program.
(b) In which mode, she should open the file to read all the data.
(c) Name the in-built function which is used to read the data from csv file.
(d)Write a function to close the csv file.
(e) If Mr. Shiv Sharma wants to add a new record in the csv file, write the statement to help her in
opening the file.



1. Evaluate the following expressions:

a) 47 // 5 + 10 **2 – 25+12
b) 34 > 56 or 90 > 60 and not 21 > 10
2. Evaluate the following expressions:
24 2
a) 9 * 5 + 3**3 // 2 - 8
b) 10 < 15 and not 17 > 11 or 10 > 2
3. Evaluate the following expressions:
a) 47 % 5 - 10 *2 – 24//12
b) 3 > 6 or 9 < 60 and not 1 > 10
4. Evaluate the following expressions:
a) 47 / 5 + 10 % 2 – 25%12
b) 34 < 56 or 90 < 60 and not 21 < 10
5. Evaluate the following expressions:
a) 47 // 5 + 10 // 2 – 25 //12
b) 47 % 5 - 10 *2 – 24//12
1. Differentiate between hacker and cracker.
2. Differentiate between hub and switch.
3. Differentiate between Viruses and Trojan horses in context of networking and data
communication threats.
4. Differentiate between 3G and 4G Mobile Telecommunication Technologies.
25 5. Write two advantages and two disadvantages for STAR topology. 2
6. What is the difference between Message Switching technique and Packet Switching technique?
7. Define the term Bandwidth. Give unit of Bandwidth.
8. What do you understand by a backbone network?
9. Differentiate between BUS and STAR topology of networks.
10. Differentiate between VB Script and ASP
a) Expand the following terms: a) HTTP b. ISP c. ARPANET d. TCP/IP
b) Expand the following terms: (i) VoIP (ii)email (iii)FTP (iv) CDMA
26 c) Expand the following terminologies : (i) TCP/IP (ii) XML (iii) PHP (iv) WLL 2
d) Expand the following terminologies : (i)GSM (ii) CDMA (iii)DHTML (iv) GSM
e) Expand the following terminologies : (i)WWW (ii)HTTPS (iii)FTP (iv) URL
1. Differentiate between local and global variable with suitable example.
2. Differentiate between mutable and immutable data types with suitable example.
3. Differentiate between groups by and order by with suitable example.
4. Difference between PAN and LAN.
5. Differentiate the following : TDMA and CDMA
27 6. Differentiate the following: FOSS and OSS. 2
7. Differentiate between count () in python and count () in MySQL with suitable example.
8. Differentiate between insert () and extend () function with suitable example.
9. Differentiate between Twisted pair and coaxial cable function with suitable example.
10. What is protocol? Which protocol is used to search information from Internet using an
Internet browser?
1. Rewrite the following code in Python after removing all syntax error(s). Underline each
correction done in the code.
while Num >= 10:
if NUM =30:
Elif Num >30:
print(Num //10)
2. Rewrite the following code in Python after removing all syntax error(s). Underline
28 each correction done in the code. 2
While Num == "10":
if NUM =30:
elseif Num >30:
print(Num //10)
3. Rewrite the following code in Python after removing all syntax error(s). Underline
each correction done in the code.
Def chksum():
x=int(input("Enter a number"))
if (X%2 == 0):
for i in ranges(2*x):

4. Rewrite the following code in Python after removing all syntax error(s). Underline
each correction done in the code.
def chkSum():
x=INT(input("Enter a number"))
if (x%2 == 0):
for i in Range(2*x):
print( "I" )
print(' #")

5. Rewrite the following code in Python after removing all syntax error(s). Underline each
correction done in the code.
def chksum():
x=INT(input("Enter a number"))
if (f%2 == 0):
FOR i in range(2*X):
printf( "#' )
1. What are the possible output(s) of the following code? Also specify the maximum and
minimum values that can be assigned to variable PICKER.
import random
PICK = random.randint(0,3)
for x in CITY:
for y in range(1, PICK):
print (x, end = “ “)
29 2
(iii) DELHI (iv) DELHI

2. Observe the following program and answer the questions that follow:
import random
for i in range(N):
(a) What is the minimum and maximum number of times the loop will execute?
(b) Find out, which line of output(s) out of (i) to (iv) will not be expected from the program?
i. 0#1
ii. 1#2
iii. 2#3
iv. 3#4

3. Observe the following program and answer the questions that follow:
city= [ "DEL", "CHN", "KOL", "BOM", "BNG"]
for I in range(1,4):
Fly = random.randrange (0,2) + 1 ;
print( city[Fly] ,end=":")
(a) What is the minimum and maximum number of times the loop will execute?
(b) Find out, which line of output(s) out of (i) to (iv) will not be expected from the program?
#Output Options:
i. DEL: CHN : KOL : ii. CHN : KOL : CHN :
iii. KOL : BOM : BNG : iv. KOL : CHN : KOL :

4. Observe the following program and answer the questions that follow:
for I in range(3):
ToGo=random.randrange(0,2) + 1
(a) What is the minimum and maximum number of times the loop will execute?
(b) Find out, which line of output(s) out of (i) to (iv) will not be expected from the program?
#Output Options:
iii. SOUTH : EAST : WEST : iv. SOUTH : EAST : EAST :

5. Observe the following program and answer the questions that follow:
point =5
for i in range (1,5):
Number=low + random.randrange(0,point);
print(Number , end="")
(a) What is the minimum and maximum number of times the loop will execute?
(b) Find out, which line of output(s) out of (i) to (iv) will not be expected from the program?
#Output Options:
i. 29: 26:25 :28 : ii. 24: 28:25 :26 :
iii. 29: 26:24 :28 : iv. 29: 26:25 :26 :
1. Differentiate between Primary Key and a Candidate Key with suitable example.
2. Differentiate between Like “Char/string%” and Like “%Char/string%” with suitable example.
30 3. Differentiate between Delete and Truncate command with suitable example. 2
4. Differentiate between Alter and Update with suitable example.
5. Differentiate between Drop and Delete command with suitable example.
1. What is the use of dump () and load () functions with suitable example?
2. What is the use of reader () and writer () functions with suitable example?
31 3. What is the use of read () and readline () functions with suitable example? 2
4. What is the use of reader () and DictReader () functions with suitable example?
5. What is the use of index () and find () functions with suitable example?
1. What is use of ‘LIKE’ keyword in SQL? Explain with suitable example.
2. What is use of ‘heaving’ keyword in SQL? Explain with suitable example.
32 3. What is use of ‘union’ keyword in SQL? Explain with suitable example. 2
4. What is use of ‘values’ keyword in SQL? Explain with suitable example.
5. What is use of ‘between’ keyword in SQL? Explain with suitable example.
1. Find and write the output of the following Python code:
def fun(s):
33. 2
for i in range(0,k):

2. Find and write the output of the following Python code:

s="Cbse Exam 2020-2021"
for i in s:
if i.isupper()== False:
elif i.islower()== False:
3. Find and write the output of the following Python code:
s="Cbse Exam 2020-2021"
for i in s:
if i.isupper():
elif i.islower():
elif i.isdigit():

4.Find and write the output of the following Python code:

T= "Mind@work!"
print("Orignal : ",T)
for i in range(l):
if T[i].isalpha()==False:
elif T[i].isupper()==True:
R+= T[i+1]
print("Final : ",R)

5.Find and write the output of the following Python code:

poet= "SakESpHerE" ;
print("Orignal : ",poet)
for i in range(l):
if poet[i].islower():
elif poet[i].isupper():
if poet[i]=='S':
print(" Final : ",r)


1. Write a function Swap (num, n) in Python, which accepts a list num of numbers and n is
the number of elements. The function will interchange every alternate value.
If the list num contain: [11, 21, 31, 41, 51, 61]
Output: [21, 11, 41, 31, 61, 51]
2. WAP to input a Message and count the number of words beginning with ‘A’ or
‘a’. E.g
If the String is : “We are from Silver Shine School and I am in 12th Class ”
Output, 3

3. WAP to input a Message and count and display the number of capital and small letters in each
If the String is : “SiLver ShinE ScHOOl”
34 Words Small Cap 3
SiLver 4 1
ShinE 3 2
ScHOOl 2 4

4. WAP to replace all prime numbers by 0 in list items.

If the list num contain: [2,4,7,6,9,10,14,15,13]
Output: [2,4,0,6,9,10,14,15,0]

5. WAP to display highest and lowest item (integer) from

list. E.g
If the list num contain: [2,4,7,6,9,10,14,15,13]
Output: H: 15, L: 2

1. Write a function word4() in Python that displays 4 letter words present in a text file
If the ‘myfile.txt’ contents are as: ”We are here to learn python. Python has so many features which
make it more comfortable interface.
35 many 3

2. Write a function word3() in Python that displays 3 letter words present in a text file
If the ‘myfile.txt’ contents are as:
We are here to learn python. Python has so many features which make it more comfortable interface.

3. Write a function word5() in Python that displays 5 letter words present in a text file
If the ‘myfile.txt’ contents are as:
We are here to learn python. Python has so many features which make it more comfortable interface.

4. Write a function word2() in Python that displays 2 letter words present in a text file
If the ‘myfile.txt’ contents are as:
We are here to learn python. Python has so many features which make it more comfortable
interface. Output:

5. Write a function word1() in Python that displays 1 letter words present in a text file
If the ‘myfile.txt’ contents are as:
We are here to learn python. Python has so many features which make it more comfortable
interface. Output: None

1. Write a function count() in Python, which should count number of ‘This’ in a given text file
2. Write a function count() in Python, which should count number of ‘is’ in a given text file
3. Write a function count() in Python, which should count number of ‘we’ in a given text file
4. Write a function count() in Python, which should count number of ‘are’ in a given text
file ‘Sample.txt’.
5. Write a function count() in Python, which should count number of ‘a’ words in a given text
file ‘Sample.txt’.
1. Write the outputs of the SQL queries (i) to (iii) based on the following
Table ‘CABHUB’:
102 SX4 SUZUKI BLUE 4 14
36 108 INDIGO TATA SILVER 3 12 3
(a) To display the names of all the white colored vehicles.
(b) To display name of vehicle, make and capacity of vehicles in ascending order of their
seating capacity.
(c) To display the highest charges at which a vehicle can be hired from CABHUB.

2. Write the outputs of the SQL queries (i) to (iii) based on the following
Table : Employee
Eid Name Deptid Qualification Sex
1 Deepali Gupta 101 MCA F
2 Rajat Tyagi 101 BCA M
3 Hari Mohan 102 B.A M
4 Harry 102 M.A M
5 Sumit Mittal 103 B.Tech M
6 Jyoti 101 M.Tech F
(i) To display the frequency of employees department wise.
(ii) To list the names of those employees only whose name starts with ‘H’
(iii) To display all Female employee.

3. Write the outputs of the SQL queries (i) to (iii) based on the following
Table ‘CABHUB’:
102 SX4 SUZUKI BLUE 4 14
(a) To display the names of all vehicles their capacity more then 3
(b) To display name of vehicle, make and capacity of vehicles in descending order of their seating
(c) To display the lowest charges at which a vehicle can be hired from CABHUB.
4. Write the outputs of the SQL queries (i) to (iii) based on the following
Table ‘CABHUB’:
102 SX4 SUZUKI BLUE 4 14
(a) To display the names of all vehicles their capacity less then 3
(b) To display name of vehicle, make and capacity of vehicles in descending order of their
(c) To display the all information from table CABHUB by frequency of CAPACITY.
5. Write the outputs of the SQL queries (i) to (iii) based on the following
Table : Employee

Eid Name Deptid Qualification Sex

1 Deepali Gupta 101 MCA F
2 Rajat Tyagi 101 BCA M
3 Hari Mohan 102 B.A M
4 Harry 102 M.A M
5 Sumit Mittal 103 B.Tech M
6 Jyoti 101 M.Tech F
i. To display the frequency of employees sex wise.
ii. To list the names of those employees only whose name ends with ‘a’
iii. To display all male employee whose qualifications is ended by ‘A’.
Write a function in Python PUSH() to insert an element in the stack. After inserting the element
display the stack.
37 OR 3
Write a function in Python POP() to remove the element from the stack and also display the deleted
1. Sanskar University of Himachal Pradesh is setting up a secured network for its campus at
Himachal Pradesh for operating their day-to-day office & web based activities. They are
planning to have network connectivity between four buildings. Answer the question (i) to (v)
after going through the building positions in the campus & other details which are given


Number of computers:-
Building No. of Computers
Main 150
Admin 75
Finance 50
Academic 60

As a network expert, you are required to give best possible solutions for the given queries of the
university administration: -
(a) Suggest cable layout for the connections between the various buildings,
(b) Suggest the most suitable building to house the server of the network of the university,
(c) Suggest the placement of following devices with justification:
1. Switch/Hub 2. Repeater
(d) Suggest the technology out of the following for setting-up very fast Internet connectivity among
buildings of the university
1. Optical Fiber 2. Coaxial cable 3. Ethernet Cable
(e) The University is planning to connect its admission office in Haryana, which is more than 1000
KM from University. Which type of Network out of LAN, MAN or WAN will be formed? Justify your
2. Tech Up Corporation (TUC) is a professional consultancy company. The company
is planning to set-up their new offices in India with its hub at Hyderabad. As a
network adviser, you have to understand their requirement and suggest to them
the best available solutions. Their queries are mentioned as (i) and (iv) below. You
have to understand their requirement and suggest to them the best available
solutions. Their queries are mentioned as (i) and (v) below.

1. What will the most appropriate block, where TUC should plan to install
their server?
2. Draw a block to block cable layout to connect all the buildings in the
most appropriate manner for efficient communication.
3. What will be the best possible connectivity out of the following, you will suggest
to connect the new set-up of offices in Bangalore with its London based office?
• Infrared
• Satellite Link
• Ethernet Cable
4. Where in this network we can use repeter
5. Which of the following devices will be suggested by you to connect each computer
in each of the buildings?
• Gateway
• Sqwitch
• Modem

3. G.R.K International Inc. is planning to connect its Bengaluru Office Setup with its
Head Office in Delhi. The Bengaluru Office G.R.K. International Inc. is spread
across an area of approx. 1 square kilometres consisting of 3 blocks.
Human Resources, Academics and Administration. You as network expert have to
suggest answers to the four queries (i) to (v) raised by them.
1. Suggest the most suitable block in the Bengaluru Office Setup, to host the
server. Give a suitable reason with your suggestion.
2. Suggest the cable layout among the various blocks within the Bengaluru Office
Setup for connecting the blocks.
3. Suggest a suitable networking device to be installed in each of the blocks
essentially required for connecting computers inside the blocks with fast
and efficient connectivity.
4. Where in this network we can use Router
5. Suggest the most suitable media to provide secure, fast and reliable
data connectivity between Delhi Head Office and the Bengaluru Office

4. Expertia Professional Global (EPG) in an online corporate training provider

company for IT related courses. The company is setting up their new campus in
Mumbai. You as a network expert have to study the physical locations of various
buildings and the number of computers to be installed. In the planning phase,
provide the best possible answers for the queries (i) to (v) raised by them.
Physical Locations of the buildings of EPG
1. Suggest the most appropriate building, where EPG should plan to install
the server.
2. Suggest the most appropriate building to building cable layout to connect all
three buildings for efficient communication.
3. Which type of network out of the following is formed by connection the computers
of these three buildings?
(a) LAN
(b) MAN
(c) WAN
4. Where in this network we can use Switch & Hub
5. Which wireless channel out of the following should be opted by EPG to connect
to students of all over the world?
(a) Infrared
(b) Microwave
(c) Satellite

5. Granuda consultants are setting up a secured network for their office campus at
Faridabad for their day-to-day office and Web based activities. They are planning to have
connectivity between 3 buildings and the head office situated in Kolkata. Answer the
questions (i) to (v) after going through the building positions in the campus and other
details, which are given below:
6. Suggest the most suitable place (i.e. block) to house the server of
this organisation. Also, give a reason to justify your suggested
7. Suggest a cable layout of connections between the building inside the campus.
8. Suggest the placement of the following devices with justification : ,
(a) Switch (b) Repeater
9. Use of Gateway in network.
10. The organization is planning to provide a high speed link with its head office
situated in the Kolkata using a wired connection. Which of the following cable will
be most suitable for this job? (a) Optical fibre (b) Coaxial cable (c) Ethernet
1. Consider the following tables STORE and SUPPLIERS and answer the following parts of
the questions:
Table: Store

39 5
2005 Sharpener Classic 23 60 8 31-6-2009
2003 Ball Pen 0.25 22 50 25 1/2/2010
2002 Gel pen premium 21 150 12 2010
2006 Gel Pen Classic 21 250 20 11/3/2009
2001 Eraser Small 22 220 6 19-1-2009
2004 Eraser Big 22 110 8 2/12/2009
2009 Ball Pen 0.5 21 180 18 3/11/2009
Table: Suppliers

21 Stationers
23 Soft Plastics
22 Tetra Supply
a. To display details of all the items in the Store table in ascending order of LastBuy.
b. To display itemno ItemName of those items from Store Table whose rate is more than 15 rupees.
c. To display the details of those items whose Suppliers code(Scode) is 22 or Quantity in Store(Qty)
is more than 110 from the table Store.
d. To display minimum rate of Items for each Supplier individually as per Scode from the table
e. To increase the Rate of all the items by Rs. 10
2. Write SQL commands for the queries (1) to (5):

1. To display those company name which are having prize less than 30000.
2. To display the name of the companies in reverse alphabetical order.
3. To increase the prize by 1000 for those customer whose name starts with „S?
4. To add one more column total price with decimal] 10,2) to the table customer
5. To display those company name which are having price started by ‘2’
3. Consider the following tables SCHOOL and ADMIN and answer this question :

Write SQL statements for the following:

1. To display TEACHERNAME, PERIODS of all teachers whose periods are more than 25.
2. To display all the information from the table SCHOOL in descending order of experience.
3. To display DESIGNATION without duplicate entries from the table ADMIN.
4. To display TEACHERNAME, CODE and corresponding DESIGNATION from tables SCHOOL and
ADMIN of Male teachers.
5. To display all the information from the table SCHOOL and ADMIN have same CODE.

4. Write SQL commands for the queries (1) to (5).

5. TO DISPLAY MAX and MIN from table WATCHES.

5. Answer the questions (1) to (5) on the basis of the following tables SHOP

Write the SQL queries:

1. To display Name and Price of all the Accessories in ascending order of their Price.
2. To display Id and SName of all Shop located in Nehru Place.
3. To display Minimum and Maximum Price of each Name of Accessories.
4. To display Name, Price of all Accessories and their respective SName where they are available.
5. To display Name and Price of all the Accessories where price between 1000 to 5000.

Any 2 or 3
1. Write a program to read entire data from the file "data.txt" and write only those lines to file
"dest.txt" which starts from word "The".
2. Write a python program to create a text file “employee.txt” that stores the records of
employees and display them one by one.
40 3. Write a python program read records from text file “employee.txt” to Display the records of 5
all those employees who are getting salaries between 30000 and 50000.
4. Write a python program to insert/append a new record in a binary file –“student.dat”. The
record can have Roll_no, Name and Fees.
5. Write a Function to count the number of words in a text file ‘DATA.TXT’ which is
started/ended with ‘A’, ‘t’, ‘T’, ‘E’, ‘I’, ‘i’.
6. Write a Function to count the number of lines in a text file ‘DATA.TXT’ which is
started/ended with ‘A’, ‘t’, ‘T’, ‘E’, ‘I’, ‘i’.
7. Write a Function to count the number of words in a text file ‘DATA.TXT’ which is
starting/ended with an word ‘The’, ‘the’, ‘my’, ‘he’, ‘they’.
8. Write a Function to read data from a text file DATA.TXT, and display those words, which
are less than 4 characters.
9. Write a Function to read data from a text file DATA.TXT, and display each words with number
of vowels and consonants.
10. Write a program to read data from "data.txt" and write those words are start with vowel from
11. Write a program to Reading data from MyCSV.csv Files as Dictionary.
12. Write a program to Reading data from binary file Files.

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