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BRAND/ISSELHARD: Anatomy of Orofacial Structures:

A Comprehensive Approach, 8th Edition
CHAPTER 12: Incisors

Review Questions
1. A permanent maxillary central incisor, compared with a maxillary lateral incisor in a
proximal view, is
a. thicker at the incisal edge.
Maxillary central and lateral incisors are similar at their incisal edges from a proximal
view, but the crown of the central is larger and thicker. Maxillary laterals are smaller. The
lateral incisors appear as smaller, more rounded versions of the central incisors.
2. Which of the following is not characteristic of the maxillary central incisors?
d. Rounded mesioincisal line angle
Maxillary centrals have a mesioincisal line angle that forms a right angle; it is not
rounded. The incisal edge of a maxillary central incisor slants slightly to the distal in
facial view, so the distolabial line angle is slightly shorter than the mesiolabial line angle
from the facial view. Maxillary central incisors have a rounded distoincisal angle.
Maxillary centrals have crowns that usually looks symmetrical and normally formed and
have a nearly straight incisal edge and a mesial side with a straight outline.
3. With normal wear, the incisal edge of the maxillary incisors
b. flattens and c. slopes toward the lingual side.
Normal use eventually wears down the rounded incisal ridge, making it flatter and
slanted toward the lingual. The incisal edge of maxillary incisors starts rounded and
flattens with normal wear as the mamelons are worn away. The mandibular teeth wear
the maxillary incisor’s incisal ridge down toward the lingual. The incisal edge of maxillary
incisors starts rounded and flattens with normal wear as the mamelons are worn away.
The incisal ridge wears toward the lingual because the mandibular teeth wear down its
lingual edge. It wears of the lingual surface of the incisal edge because it wears against
the mandibular teeth. The incisal edge of maxillary incisors starts rounded and flattens
with normal wear as the mamelons are worn away.
4. The mesiofacial line angle of the maxillary central incisors differs from the distofacial in
that it is
d. all of the above: a. less rounded, b. longer, and c. sharper.
The mesiofacial line angle of the maxillary centrals is less rounded than the disofacial
line angle. The incisal edge of a maxillary central incisor slants slightly to the distal in
facial view, so the mesiolabial line angle is slightly longer than the distolabial line angle.
From the facial aspect, the mesioincisal angle forms a right angle, and the distoincisal
angle is more rounded; this makes the mesial to appear to be a sharper angle than the
more rounded distal.
5. In contrast to maxillary lateral incisors, maxillary central incisors usually have how many
pulp horns?
c. Three
All of the other incisors maxillary or mandibular, including the maxillary central incisors
have three pulp horns; maxillary laterals can have one to three pulp horns. No maxillary
incisors have four pulp horns.
6. Which of the following anatomic features of the mandibular incisors provides evidence of
the four developmental lobes of these teeth?

Review Questions Answer Key

Brand/Isselhard: Anatomy of Orofacial Structures, A Comprehensive Approach, 8th Edition
Copyright 2019 by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Brand/Isselhard 8e Review Questions Answer Key 2

c. Mamelons, faint developmental lines at eruption, and cingulum.

Mandibular incisors are derived from four lobes, three labial and one lingual. When
mandibular incisors erupt, mamelons can be seen on the incisal ridges; these mamelons
will align with faint developmental lines on the facial aspect of the teeth that distinguish
the three facial lobes. The cingulum present on the lingual aspect of the teeth provides
evidence of the one lingual developmental lobe. The lingual pit, marginal ridges, and
incisal edge show no evidence of the four developmental lobes.
7. The proximal contact area on the distal surface of a mandibular lateral incisor is located
a. slightly more gingival than the mesial.
The proximal contact area of a mandibular lateral incisor is located at the incisal third of
the tooth for both the mesial and distal contact area; however, the distal is slightly more
gingival than the mesial. The proximal contact area on the distal surface of a mandibular
lateral incisor is located at the incisal third of the tooth but not as far incisal as the
contact of the mesial.
8. The structure of mandibular lateral incisors, compared with mandibular central incisors,
c. almost identical but larger.
Mandibular lateral incisors are very similar in structure to mandibular centrals but are
bigger, wider, and longer than the mandibular centrals. They are almost identical, but the
laterals are rotated on their roots and more elongated on the distal.
9. The mesiodistal crown width of maxillary lateral incisors, compared with maxillary central
incisors, is
b. smaller.
Maxillary centrals are the widest mesiodistally of any of the anterior teeth. Maxillary
laterals have a smaller mesial to distal crown width.
10. The distofacial line angle of maxillary lateral incisors, compared with maxillary central
incisors, is
b. more rounded.
The distofacial line angle of maxillary laterals is more rounded than that of the maxillary
11. Which is the more acute incisal angle on the maxillary central incisors?
b. Mesial
The mesioincisal line angle forms a right angle and is the more acute incisal angle. The
distoincisal line angle is much more rounded compared to the mesioincisal angle.
12. In contrast to a mandibular incisor, a maxillary incisor can be identified by which of
c. Prominent longitudinal grooves on the root and d. Prominent lingual features of the
Mandibular incisors often present with prominent longitudinal grooves on their root
surfaces, giving the appearance of a root about to divide. Maxillary incisors have very
prominent lingual anatomy on their crowns compared with mandibular incisors. The
incisal edges of all central incisors mandibular and maxillary are not rotated. The
cingulum is formed from the fourth developmental lobe and is centrally located on all
13. Where does the height of contour of the facial and lingual surfaces of the anterior teeth
d. Cervical third
The height of contour, or crest of curvature, is in the cervical third of their crowns, both
on the labial and the lingual, for all anterior incisors, maxillary and mandibular.

Review Questions Answer Key

Brand/Isselhard: Anatomy of Orofacial Structures: A Comprehensive Approach, 8th Edition
Copyright 2019 by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Brand/Isselhard 8e Review Questions Answer Key 3

14. Which anterior teeth have the most prominent and widest crowns (mesiodistally) in the
permanent dentition?
d. Maxillary central incisors
Maxillary central incisors have the widest crowns (mesiodistally) of all the anterior teeth.
15. A more prominent cingulum is found on which tooth?
d. Maxillary lateral
Maxillary laterals have the most prominent cingulum. Maxillary centrals have a more
prominent cingulum than mandibular incisors but not as most prominent as the cingulum
of maxillary laterals incisors. Mandibular incisors do not have a prominent cingulum.
16. The curvature of the cementoenamel junction (CEJ) of the maxillary central incisor is
a. higher on the mesial aspect than any other tooth distally or mesially.
The cervical line indicating the CEJ is more curved on the mesial of this tooth than any
other tooth. The mesial cervical line of all teeth is curved more than the distal. The
cervical line indicating the CEJ is less curved on the distal surface than on the mesial on
all teeth. The cervical line indicating the CEJ crests slightly to the distal to the center of
the tooth from a facial view. The cervical line indicating the CEJ crests slightly to the
distal to the center of the tooth from a facial view.
17. Which incisor is more likely to be congenitally missing?
d. Maxillary lateral
The maxillary lateral incisor is the most likely of these choices to be congenitally missing;
only third molars are congenitally missing more often.
18. Which incisor can have fewer than three pulp horns?
d. Maxillary lateral
Maxillary laterals can have one to three pulp horns. Maxillary centrals, mandibular
centrals, and mandibular laterals have three pulp horns.
19. Which incisor occludes with only one tooth?
b. Mandibular central
A mandibular central incisor occludes only with one opposing tooth, a maxillary central
incisor. A maxillary central incisor occludes with the two opposing teeth, the mandibular
central and a lateral incisors. A mandibular lateral incisor occludes only with two
opposing tooth, a maxillary central and lateral incisors. A maxillary lateral incisor
occludes with two opposing tooth, the mandibular lateral incisor and canine.
20. Which incisor is the smallest in the crown and the root?
b. Mandibular central
The smallest teeth in the mouth are the mandibular central incisors. The maxillary
centrals have the largest crown of all anterior teeth. The mandibular lateral incisors are
bigger, wider, and longer than the mandibular centrals. The maxillary laterals are smaller
than maxillary centrals; however, they larger than mandibular incisors.

Review Questions Answer Key

Brand/Isselhard: Anatomy of Orofacial Structures: A Comprehensive Approach, 8th Edition
Copyright 2019 by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

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