Sofia Rachid - 01 Student Pages

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Name: ____________________

[ENERGY|TRANSFORMATIONS] Date: __________ Per: ____

Directions: Read each action/question and circle the correct answer. Then, color the picture using the
colors that correspond to each correct answer. You may color unnumbered sections of the picture any
color you like.

Ac t i o n / Q u e st i o n C ho i ce A C ho i ce B C ho i ce C
kinetic energy thermal energy kinetic energy
1. Rubbing your hands together
to thermal energy to kinetic energy to potential energy
on a cold winter day
[yellow] [light blue] [light purple]
thermal energy electrical energy chemical energy
2. Toasting a bagel to electrical energy to thermal energy to thermal energy
[blue] [yellow-orange] [purple]
chemical energy mechanical energy potential energy
3. Running a marathon to kinetic energy to kinetic energy to kinetic energy
[pink] [purple] [orange]
potential energy sound energy to mechanical energy
4. Playing the piano to sound energy mechanical energy to sound energy
[yellow-green] [light pink] [red-orange]
electrical energy heat energy chemical energy
5. A glowing firefly to light energy to light energy to light energy
[purple] [blue] [orange]
chemical energy to
kinetic energy potential energy to
6. Mowing the lawn with a sound &
to chemical energy mechanical energy
gas-powered mower mechanical energy
[green] [purple]
electrical energy kinetic energy to chemical energy
7. A wind turbine blades
to kinetic energy electrical energy to sound energy
[light purple] [yellow-green] [orange]
8. Water falling from the top to chemical energy kinetic energy to potential energy
the bottom of a mountain to kinetic energy potential energy to kinetic energy
(a waterfall) [light pink] [light green] [light blue]
9. Photosynthesis transforms
thermal energy chemical energy mechanical energy
electromagnetic energy from the
[pink] [green] [blue]
sun into what?
10. A battery-operated alarm potential energy mechanical energy chemical energy
clock waking you up in the to sound energy to sound energy to sound energy
morning [light pink] [light blue] [light green]
11. Which of the following is a battery operated solar panel
burning a candle
© Morpho Science

conversion from chemical to heat toy car spinning powering a house

and light energy? [blue] [light purple]
12. Chemical à Thermal à Light firecracker nuclear bomb flashlight
à Sound [light purple] [yellow-green] [orange]


8 8 8
1 1
1 7
10 10 10
9 1 1 7 6
11 1 12

12 11

1 1 1
2 5 3

3 4

4 3
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