3093 0002

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aw DACO =paco pploall Uijtne a5 ui BomaanAtontorcen Yeeevreretr tpt AYE ES/E/S Es lal By bby hy ABMaLI Sh lteng ciijLasall yaa Re (mses) aaall Fg eed AA ay Halal GL gall IS t aan BaLall pat! doll gd AUN aes pl Class jee BaLaall 1451629 ati) Aaoy9 Sale pull (V9 £./0) 8 Jak! label alall Siggy Loall SoLailly Soll asl ghesisll Gash I SU pyaatl 8,L8l OLty (a) ££0/.1/1F) feylis (0.£-/1/0) Sy pecaalls LiLallg p¥.1T/\1/V0 galghl a) ££0/.0/11 eehs cdgall pay G ASLAM Gl esy SLjLisall waa Gye Spoleall (LEY SyLpN eall) Leal got sll] olazel (AA) (ple 59 de Ae gulae Sutky GrodUl Niue Sladbel i tage SSL) Joust gL sLall Jgull aaLai s (By Mall penis Jal laa alas cya (TY) 95, Soll! Lue lldg. pdLlls GeoLell Satbll cLegles ears 05) All orang «(a EL0/- 1/-1) eylig (£90/1/0) 5, Atal penis «(a ££0/. ¥/YT) eaylig (0. £-/1/0) Gly hobasll aig «(a £££/.4/ VV) aaplig (TAAA«/0) § GoGY yy eal!) lacie al WSL I canal! Gy dll! Jay Glaball Ot aed clea! © SAL Sum BEM GB gS Gack! eyloe olathe Gc ope O99 BHM! Spud Ek LAL Jgull eee Gated Sly (AM) ule A5p9 Je egal (QR) dass LLM joy pe SI ABET] dhe Gye aS Ageall Ayla pas5 BaplI J 59S loath ed Syolall OU oigsidl © lela Yl Sel ectny AyasSol palgSll Aero Lille tay diel Laytias Bll alah lw! ase ol © lls He AG All Alogial! dleerig Aled) gee, apollaill Ra yr ee Gurl de Gp dame ge = bammom Apert company"OACE" ‘pepstatin tie AO | eee carcy cc ero CS thcap bent collie ee000 Kingdom of Saudi Arabia “Eopauall yall Saal wdacosa 1: 9661328632000 F:+966128035000 4966198835000 yuStb 1966128832000 Ale WGACA 2 GACA psa ata lg PID ay get Sa gd O VELO-Y/YY Bay g (0°6+/17/08) iy uaadly But Appending to GACA Circular No. (5040/1/5) Dated 07/09/2023. ‘To: Allailines operatingin the airports of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, including Private Aviation Subject: The cancelation of (Work: Visit- Residence) visa stickers Issued by some of the Kingdom's Embassies and Diplomatic Missions, Reference: 1. Article No. (23) of the Civil Aviation Law. 2. GACA Cireuiar No. (5040/1/5) Dated 07/09/2023. 3, Gaca Circular No. (495/1/5) Dated 24/07/2023. 4, Gaca Circular No. (38890/5) Dated 18/04/2023. Background: Appending to the issued GACA Circular regarding the Cancelation of (Work-Visit-Residence) visas sticker issued by the Kingdom's Embassies and Diplomatic Missions in some countries. Countries have been added as mentioned in the attached table, the mentioned sticker has been replaced by an (A4) size paper containing the passenger's visa information. Instructions: 1. All airines are allowed to transport passengers coming to the Kingdom holding (Work Visit- Residence) visas from countries mentioned in the attached table, without the need for a visa sticker according to the starting dates of application ‘mentioned in the attachment. Airlines can verify the validity of the visas via the (QR) code printed on an. (4) size paper, which contains the passenger's visa information. 2. The visa stickers issued before the dates mentioned inthe attachment are still valid. 3. Failure to comply with circulars issued by GACA is an explicit violation of Government's orders, Legal Procedures shall be initiated against the violators who will be held responsible. Attachment(s): Ni eM gal gt Sai gg ah GD Lay Raogeesll Appl] all Cl pllnes doled gIyadall 1S 3a geam sash etl abl Jase stseaal OM all bal (AB L8-Jal) tyes $c ll Sal anny spas eal aS yo (PT) Sat ANE YT ey ast (LIVE) ay ell asd DNV St (92/V0) By Sell cast ANEU/AIIV Salis (YMC) 05) Zyl asd ool) lyst Go lal alasel shay stall anal Jie) Par Bb Bla Clanng Ola yo Spolall (ZABYl Eu Sleasal ei eae Sisal Joan 5 lal slaall Joall La] Joa 3s le degihe Byusiy orl Lia Blaally Lost 5 y,Ld1 laa ‘Shaall J] qunsll go SLaall Joe glyebll OIS52 grand clea) 9 PW aL oll 5 alg 3, Jel) yea gle Baba dyloy bead Sod ages go Shall Spun Sljpslil Zorbe oe asl afl eae all 8 bSiall (At) tia 3535, Je Segal (QR) Sagal asl ay ne Bll Lotal Sypsill Slasina uae sins ashes gas (MA) alia 2 Gall By sSiall Bulge JB Fyslell Howl olycldl onda yl tapas il laa pall ase gf oF Slalye i SSSI ag ZagSoul yale W 1S se AS Saul ay sags Slabs OM Executive Vice President for Air Tragsport and International Cooperation #36 WGACA gin Yaa ae) 22 ase gt aad Secball G07 ‘Joal pra UL daysga — Syleadl &sganll— ial Slaw Eagseer aS ~ Leyla Ayagar — Ly] Bao LIS Sata ~ losS dase — dabei lal ale deste ~ las dihias Sioa perrivne Syoue— Soba Lag) Liles Glas gh — ste pgall Sadhu! Rygqeail~ laugh Lendl Esgqae — Rabel JasIydl Rarsear Cary loo — lass Speer — Sohn By sge whsei per Sasatee = Ja geen = Wha clans sail dystar ~ gulb LSso)— balagy Jal — lawesl Ester (ots Lachell Sygpendl sepull Blan gypgell bes} ar ESR aca Ob agI claygllg gd Lala = le sia — dalail obeastsl Ssger Seppeas ~ Las ty sgee ~ pleaser Sgn — petal dagger —LIUl Roger — glia iS pare web Gj.t ll Sssgeall — pall apa Soar walakas O55 dayoter ~ Sylidgll hsb Aayagere Nyt Sygger — Ld Ey g4ar — dll Aan BSS Sa st4> ~ Lasl) Raster prreals Blas lesse = 23d Ras — Joe ase pas geil dayotar) ~ slate! Syggae ~ aug ll (alsa5~ Sea gual asst) (0555 ign Eb ~ gape dagger ~All psqee Lond igs gol anager ~ pala la gligy pea Sesser — Seton spe — lag Sls * uisetaise destin - oes Sete “US sll sb essgen Sal all So Syste Rapa Qyagenil- BBpall gobs oH Sssger Eats Jlagatl ysgue — dpa!

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