The Trauma of First Episode Psychosis
The Trauma of First Episode Psychosis
The Trauma of First Episode Psychosis
Objective: First episode psychosis can be a distressing and traumatic event which has
been linked to comorbid symptomatology, including anxiety, depression and PTSD symp-
toms (intrusions, avoidance, etc.).
However, the link between events surrounding a first episode psychosis (i.e. police involve-
ment, admission, use of Mental Health Act, etc.) and PTSD symptoms remains unproven.
In the PTSD literature, attention has now turned to the patient’s appraisal of the traumatic
event as a key mediator. In this study we aim to evaluate the diagnostic status of first episode
psychosis as a PTSD-triggering event and to determine the extent to which cognitive factors
such as appraisals and coping mechanisms can mediate the expression of PTSD (traumatic)
Method: Approximately 1.5 years after their first episode of psychosis, patients were
assessed for traumatic symptoms, conformity to DSM-IV criteria for posttraumatic stress
disorder (PTSD), and their appraisals of the traumatic events and coping strategies.
Psychotic symptomatology was also measured.
Results: 31% of the sample of 35 patients who agreed to participate reported symptoms
consistent with a diagnosis of PTSD. Although no relationship was found between PTSD
(traumatic) symptoms and potentially traumatic aspects of the first episode (including place of
treatment, detention under the MHA etc.), intrusions and avoidance were positively related to
retrospective appraisals of stressfulness of the ward (i.e. the more stressful they rated it the
greater the number of PTSD symptoms) and the patient’s coping style (sealers were less
likely to report intrusive re-experiencing but more likely to report avoidance).
Conclusions: The results call into question whether it is possible to make claims for a
simple causal link between psychosis and PTSD. Instead patients’ appraisals of potentially
traumatic events and their coping styles may mediate the traumatic impact of a first episode
of psychosis.
Key words: appraisals, first episode psychosis, PTSD, recovery style, trauma.
Over the past few years a number of studies have been argued that a significant number of patients fulfil
suggested that the diagnosis and experience of psychosis the criteria for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
can be a devastating and traumatic event; indeed it has [1–4]. These studies claim that between a third and a half
of patients with psychosis can become so traumatized by
Chris Jackson, Senior Research Fellow and Consultant Clinical Psychologist the experience, that they meet DSM-IV or ICD-10 crite-
(Correspondence); Claire Knott, Research Assistant; Amanda Skeate,
Research Fellow and Clinical Psychologist; Max Birchwood, Service ria for a diagnosis of PTSD. Only Meyer et al. [5] using
Director and Research Professor a Finnish inpatient sample, found a significantly lower
University of Birmingham and Early Intervention Service, Harry rate at 11%.
Watton House, 97 Church Lane, Aston, Birmingham, B6 5UG, UK.
Email: [email protected] While both anecdotal [6] and empirical evidence [7]
Received 24 April 2003; revised 17 October 2003; accepted 20 December attest to the traumatic nature of psychosis, there is less
2003. support for its diagnostic status as a PTSD triggering
event [8]. In order to fulfil the DSM-IV criteria for a mechanisms [15,16] as there are often large individual
diagnosis of PTSD, an identifiable stressor which is differences in response to the same traumas. In relation
potentially life-threatening needs to be defined and the to psychosis, we have little knowledge about the mediat-
content of the symptoms should refer to the stressor [9]. ing effects on traumatic symptoms of the appraisal of
Posttraumatic stress disorder-type symptoms (intrusive psychosis and the objective events (e.g. the degree to
re-experiencing, avoidance, hyper-arousal, etc.) on their which the patient appraised an admission to hospital as
own, without a connection to the stressor (Criterion A in stressful and how she or he coped with it).
DSM-IV) would not qualify for a PTSD diagnosis [10]. Finally, there has been some debate as to the most
(They may, however, be indicative of other comorbid appropriate methods of sampling: Most studies, with the
emotional disorders such as depression or anxiety which exception of McGorry et al. [2], have used multiple
can overlap with PTSD [11].) According to DSM-IV episode samples. This may be problematic because it
[12], to qualify for a diagnosis of PTSD, the patient must confounds the impact of diagnosis and how it is appraised
have experienced an event defined by Criterion A: with the impact of multiple episodes of psychosis.
Mueser et al. [17], found high rates of PTSD (43%) in
The person has been exposed to a traumatic event in
275 patients with long psychiatric histories which were
which both of the following are present: (1) the person
linked directly to multiple trauma events such as assault.
experienced, witnessed, or was confronted with an event
This suggests that there may be a cumulative impact of
or events that involved actual or threatened death or
psychosis-related ‘traumatic’ events. Furthermore, for
serious injury, or a threat to the physical integrity of self
some groups (i.e. dual diagnosis of psychosis and sub-
or others; (2) the person’s response involved intense
stance misuse), the experience of everyday trauma may
fear, helplessness, or horror. (pp. 427–428)
be even higher [18]. In view of reports that non-psychosis-
Criterion A has recently been criticized for being too related trauma can be significantly lower in first admis-
restrictive [13] and not acknowledging the psychological sion samples than multiple episode samples [19], a first
impact of events such as psychosis [1] and interpersonal episode psychosis cohort was used in the present study
trauma such as childhood abuse [14] which are not to explore the impact of the diagnosis, the pathway to
themselves life-threatening, but traumatic nonetheless. care and the experience of treatment. In the only pro-
In Criterion A, the emphasis is clearly placed upon spective study to date, McGorry et al. [2] reported a
threats to physical and not psychological integrity. PTSD rate of 35%, 11 months after the first episode.
Given that the candidate traumas associated with psy- The aims of the present study were therefore threefold:
chosis are related either to the content of the psychotic (i) to establish the incidence of traumatic symptoms
symptoms [4], the pathways to care (e.g. police involve- (intrusions, avoidance etc.) in a sample of young people
ment, use of Mental Health Act, etc.; [2]), or experience with a first episode of psychosis (FEP), receiving help
of treatment, it is likely that the current operational from a community-based early intervention service which
definitions of PTSD will miss these potentially traumatic draws from a diverse multicultural, inner-city population
stressors entirely. It is still unknown at this stage base in the UK; (ii) to test the hypothesized link between
whether, apart from the diagnosis itself, non-life- objectively measurable and identifiable stressors such as
threatening, objective events such as police involvement, police involvement, involuntary admission and so on
compulsory admission and so on are actually related to and the presence of PTSD symptoms; (iii) to determine
the PTSD (traumatic) symptoms often observed in psy- whether traumatic symptoms which may follow an FEP
chotic populations. are mediated by coping style (e.g. sealing over versus
There is some evidence that this link may be tenuous. integration) and patients’ appraisals of the potency of
Priebe et al. [3] found no relationship between PTSD their trauma.
symptoms in 105 community care patients suffering
from multiple episode schizophrenia and a history of Method
involuntary admissions; nor did Frame and Morrison [4].
This would be important to establish because as pointed Participants
out above, it is difficult to make a case even for meeting
Patients with a first episode of nonaffective psychosis conforming to
the current criteria for PTSD diagnosis if there is no link
broad ICD-10 criteria (F20, F22, F23, F25) were approached to take part
between the PTSD type symptoms and the ‘objective’ in the study. These were incident cases from the inner city of Birming-
psychosis related events which are assumed to form part ham, UK, managed by protocol in a community-based early psychosis
of the trauma. assertive outreach service. There were no exclusion criteria. All patients
Current models of PTSD place at their heart the role of were assessed at intake using the PANSS [20] and were interviewed for
psychological appraisals of traumatic events and coping the study on average 18 months after their first episode.
above criteria for a PTSD diagnosis (mean intrusions = 21.4, SD = 3.5, Traumatic symptomatology (as measured by the IES) was not
mean avoidance =19.5; SD = 8.8). HADS anxiety, but not depression related to DUP, place of first treatment (home versus ward), police
ratings (Table 1), were significantly higher in the PTSD group involvement, use of MHA, or admission to a secure ward.
(p < 0.05). According to a ‘caseness’ cut-off of 8 or above on HADS- However, participants’ perception of the stressfulness of the admis-
anxiety [32], seven (64%) of the PTSD sample could be considered sion ward was higher in those with a diagnosis of PTSD (p < 0.05) and
‘clinically anxious’ (versus 25% for the non-PTSD group), while 45% those re-experiencing a ‘high’ level of intrusions (p < 0.01) following
of both PTSD and non-PTSD diagnosed groups were ‘clinically their first episode of psychosis. Perceived stressfulness of the ward
depressed’. correlated with IES intrusions (r = 0.61, p = 0.002) and with IES
Note was made of what clients were recalling when they were refer- avoidance (r = 0.48, p = 0.03).
ring to their intrusive memories and avoidance of those memories on Trauma symptoms (as measured by the PTSD scale and IES) were
the IES: 46% of the total sample reported that they were thinking back not correlated with residual psychotic symptoms rated on the KGV.
to the time of their ‘breakdown’, 11% to their ‘psychotic’ episode, 17% While psychotic symptoms were in remission for the majority of the
to ‘the time when they were ill’, 9% to ‘their schizophrenia’ and 17% to sample, there was no correlation between hallucinations and delusions
a variety of descriptions such as ‘when things got on top of me’. and IES scores for intrusions (hallucinations r = 0.23; p = 0.18; delu-
sions r = 0.20; p = 0.25) or avoidance (hallucinations r = 0.19;
Candidate traumas and ‘PTSD’ diagnosis p = 0.27; delusions r = 0.09; p = 0.59).
Twenty-two people (63%) reported that the police had been involved PTSD, traumatic symptoms and coping style
in their pathway to care. Five (14%) had been treated solely by a home
treatment team, while 22 (63%) had been admitted to the ward of a psy- According to the scoring criteria of Drayton et al. [25] and Tait et al.
chiatric hospital; 13 (37%) had experienced both and seven (20%) had [28], nine (26%) of the sample were considered to have a ‘sealing over’
experienced neither. Ten (29%) had been sectioned under the UK recovery style. The remaining 26 (74%) were classified as ‘integrators’.
Mental Health Act and 14 (40%) had spent time on a secure ward Inspection of the means (Table 2) indicates that while ‘sealers’ had
during their first episode. Of those who spent time on a locked secure less frequent intrusions about their first episode of psychosis than
ward, the average length of stay was 32 days. Of the 22 people who ‘integrators’ on the IES, although this did not quite reach significance
were admitted to a psychiatric ward, 18 (82%) described this time as at the 5% level (p =0.09), it was found that ‘sealers’, were significantly
either ‘fairly’ or ‘extremely stressful’. Overall, in response to a question more likely to adopt cognitive strategies to avoid these intrusions
on the Hospital Experiences Questionnaire [2], 77% of the total sample (t = 2.08; p = 0.04). There were no differences between the two recov-
described their first episode as ‘extremely stressful’. ery styles with regard to PTSD diagnosis, anxiety or depression.
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