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Research Journal of Engineering Sciences ___________________________________________ ISSN 2278 – 9472

Vol. 1(4), 21-26, October (2012) Res. J. Engineering Sci.

Dyeing of Bamboo with Tea as a natural Dye

Kaur Satindar1, Chattopadhyay D.P.2 and Varinder Kaur3
Department of Food Sciences and technology, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar, INDIA
Department of Textile Chemistry, Faculty of Technology and Engineering, The M. S. University of Baroda, Vadodara, INDIA
Department of Applied Chemical Sciences and Technology, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar, INDIA
Available online at: www.isca.in
Received 3rd October 2012, revised 16th October 2012, accepted 20th October 2012
Dyeing of bamboo fabric with green tea as a natural colorant had been investigated. The dyeing process was carried out
(with and without mordanting) using pre-extracted dye stock employing either 100% water or solvent: water (1:9) mixture as
the extraction medium. Three different qualities of tea leaves were used as source of colour extraction. The dyeing properties
on bamboo fabric had been evaluated. Dye exhaustion, colour depth in terms of K/S, washing fastness, light fastness, etc
were compared for dyeing performed at 90oC for 1hour using four extracted dye stocks on pre-mordanted and unmordanted

Keywords: Bamboo, tea leaves, fastness properties, solvents.

Introduction Bamboo is a naturally occurring composite material as it

consists of cellulose fibres embedded in a lignin matrix. It
Textile materials are coloured for value addition, looks and grows abundantly in most of the tropical countries. Cellulose
fulfilling the desires of the customers. Anciently, this purpose of fibers are aligned along the length of the bamboo, providing
colouring textile was initiated using natural sources, until maximum tensile strength and rigidity in that direction. It is an
synthetic dyes were invented. Almost all the synthetic dyes environmentally friendly product5. Through a process of
being synthesized from petrochemical sources through hydrolysis-alkalization and multi-phase bleaching, starchy pulp
hazardous chemical processes pose threat to the environment. is refined from Bamboo. Chemical fibre factories then process it
However, worldwide environment protection and safety into bamboo fibers. Repeated technological analysis has proved
renewed the interest of the people on natural products like that this kind of fiber has thinness and whiteness close to finely
natural fibres and natural dyes1. bleached viscose and has a strong durability, stability and
tenacity6. Some work on the application of tea on wool, silk7,
For successful commercial application of natural dyes for any jute and cotton8 are available in the literature. Applications of
particular fibres, the appropriate and standardized techniques of heena extracts on polyester9 and tea on wool10 using solvent as
dyeing for that particular fibre dye system need to be adopted. dyeing medium are also reported in the literature.
Relevant scientific studies and optimization of dyeing process
variables, dyeing kinetics study and test of compatibility of In the present work, natural tea was used to dye bamboo fabric.
selective natural dyes are very important2. The colour of the tea leaves was extracted using four different
extraction mediums viz. 100% water, water: acetone (9: 1 v/v),
Tea is a mixture of variously processed leaves of an evergreen water: methanol (9:1 v/v) and water: acetonitrile (9:1 v/v).
shrub, Camellia sinensis, which is the most popular non- Green tea plants11 are classified as Camellia sinensis. The
alcoholic beverage in the world. Flavonoids, flavonols and different classes of compounds found in green tea include amino
phenolic acids make up approximately 30% of dried Camellia acids, catechin, caffeine, carbohydrates, carotenoids,
Sinensis by weight. Most of the polyphenols present are chlorophyll, lipids, minerals, nucleotides, organic acids,
flavonols commonly known as catechins, with epicatechin and saponins, polyphenols, unsaponifiable and volatile
its derivatives being the most predominant forms. The gallic compounds12. The dyeing was carried out with the dye extracted
acid ester epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) is present in the from three different qualities of tea leaves using four different
highest concentration, making up over 61% of the epicatechin solvents. Dye exhaustion, colour depth in terms of K/S, washing
derivatives included in the green tea leaves3. Other green tea fastness, light fastness, etc were compared for dyeing carried
polyphenols include flavonoids, and their glycosides, depsides out using pre-extracted dye in different extraction mediums.
such as chlorogenic acid and coumarylquinic acid, and a The effect of mordanting in such dyeing was also investigated
phenolic acid unique to tea, theogallin. Caffeine makes up an and compared.
additional 3%, and there are trace amounts of the
methylxanthines theophylline and theobromine, and an amino
acid unique to tea, theanin4.

International Science Congress Association 21

Research Journal of Engineering Sciences________________________________________________________ ISSN 2278 – 9472
Vol. 1(4), 21-26, October (2012) Res. J. Engineering Sci.

Material and Methods

Procedure for dyeing of Bamboo: 5gm sample of bamboo
Tea leaves of three different qualities viz., Hyson (Silighuri), fabric was dyed with the extracted dye liquor. The dyeing was
Kawa (Assam) and IHBT (Palampur) were collected from M/S performed as per the condition given in table 1 and the
Sethi Tea Trading Co. Amritsar. The quantitative temperature profile shown in figure 1.
estimation/analysis of the flavanols and polyphenols contents
were not performed. Plain weave bamboo fabric (EPI: - 168, Table-1
PPI: - 92, GSM: - 424 gm/m2) was used in this study. Conditions for dyeing of bamboo with tea
Parameters Conditions
Extraction of dye from tea leaves: 2 gram of tea leaves was Temperature 90oC
weighed. The dye was extracted in four different solvents viz. Time 60 minutes
water, acetone, acetonitrile and methanol by boiling the leaves pH Neutral
in 100ml solvent for 1 hour. Each solution was then filtered to MLR 1:30
remove the residual leaves. The filtrate was concentrated by
boiling until the volume left was one fourth. This solution was
Colour measurement: The K/S values of the dyed samples
again filtered so as to remove any suspended particle.
were measured (D65 illuminant, 10o observer) using spectra flash
600 spectrophotometer interphased with computer colour
Dyeing of bamboo: Dyeing was performed using two different
matching system.
ways viz. (a) Dyeing of pre-mordanted bamboo fabric (b)
Dyeing of bamboo fabric without mordanting.
Washing fastness: Colour fastness to washing was evaluated
using standard ISO 105:CO3 test13. ECE reference detergent
Mordanting: Pre-mordanting treatment was conducted using
and steel balls were employed during washing.
copper sulphate. Bamboo fabric samples were pre-mordanted by
treating it with 5.0% (owf) copper sulphate at 40 oC for 30
Light fastness: Light fastness was determined using ISO: 105
minutes with a material to liquor ratio of 1:30. After
B02: 2000 test13 using xenon arc lamp and blue wool reference
mordanting the samples were rinsed in cold water to remove the
excess of mordant and used for dyeing as described in the
following section.
Determination of exhaustion: The dye exhaustion % was
calculated using following equation.
Dyeing: Dyeing of the pre-mordanted samples was performed ୅଴ – ୅ଵ
for 1 h at 90 oC in an open bath beaker dyeing machine at 30:1 ‫=ܧ‬
× 100 (1)
liquor to material ratio. The dyed samples were rinsed in cold Where A0 = absorbance of dye liquor before dyeing, A1 =
water and dried in open air. absorbance of dye liquor after dyeing.

Dyeing cycle

International Science Congress Association 22

Research Journal of Engineering Sciences________________________________________________________ ISSN 2278 – 9472
Vol. 1(4), 21-26, October (2012) Res. J. Engineering Sci.

Results and Discussion of tea which also reduces the cost of dyeing. The shades as
presented in table 3 ranged from medium brown to dark brown.
The various conditions used in the dyeing of bamboo fabric The resulting wash fastness (table 5) of the dyed samples was
samples and their codes are given in table 2. For samples 1, 5 good to excellent in all the cases. The colour staining rating has
and 9, aqueous extracts of Kawa, Hyson and IHBT tea were been observed very good (4-5) in all the dyeing trails. Among
used. From table 3 and 4, it is clear that the exhaustions were the three qualities of tea, the light fastness of Kawa was found
satisfactory for all the three tea extracts used viz. Kawa, Hyson to be best which was further improved after mordanting in case
and IHBT for dyeing of bamboo. To explore the chances of of Hyson and IHBT due to the formation of coordination
better colour extraction beside 100% water the three other complexes of the dye with the mordants.
extraction systems viz. water: acetone (9: 1 v/v), water:
methanol (9:1 v/v) and water: acetonitrile (9:1 v/v) were tried. Conclusion
Among the four extraction systems, water: acetone system
produces highest colour uptake on bamboo. Among the three This study demonstrated that tea can be used as a colorant for
types of tea extracts used both Hyson and IHBT produced dyeing of bamboo using aqueous extraction of tea leaves.
higher colour yield compared to Kawa for the identical dyeing Among the various organic solvent extraction methods used,
conditions. The pre-mordanting treatment enhanced the dye water-acetone extraction system was found to be the best one.
uptake for all the samples. But pure aqueous system was also found to be equally
satisfactory so far as dye exhaustion and colour yields are
Significant increase in the brightness of the dyed samples was concerned. The dyed samples were of light brown to dark brown
observed in case of aqueous extracted dye stock. This shades and exhibited acceptable fastness properties. It was
comparison eliminates the requirement of solvent pre-extraction found that Hyson and IHBT tea generated maximum colour
of tea leaves and motivates us to use directly the aqueous extract depth among the three varieties of tea used. Kawa quality was
found to develop better light fastness on bamboo.

Various extraction mediums used for colour extraction
S. No. Code Colour Extraction medium used
1 AB1 Dyeing of Bamboo with Kawa tea extract using water as extraction medium
2 AB2 Dyeing of Bamboo with Kawa tea extract using mixture of water: acetone (9:1 v/v) as extraction medium
3 AB3 Dyeing of Bamboo with Kawa tea extract using mixture of water: acetonitrile (9:1 v/v) as extraction medium
4 AB4 Dyeing of Bamboo with Kawa tea extract using mixture of water: methanol (9:1 v/v) as extraction medium
5 BB1 Dyeing of Bamboo with Hyson tea extract using water as extraction medium
6 BB2 Dyeing of Bamboo with Hyson tea extract using mixture of water: acetone (9:1 v/v) as extraction medium
7 BB3 Dyeing of Bamboo with Hyson tea extract using mixture of water: acetonitrile (9:1 v/v) as extraction medium
8 BB4 Dyeing of Bamboo Hyson tea extract using mixture of water: methanol (9:1 v/v) as extraction medium
9 CB1 Dyeing of Bamboo with IHBT tea extract using water as extraction medium
10 CB2 Dyeing of Bamboo with IHBT tea extract using mixture of water: acetone (9:1 v/v) as extraction medium
11 CB3 Dyeing of Bamboo with IHBT tea extract using mixture of water: acetonitrile (9:1 v/v) as extraction medium
12 CB4 Dyeing of Bamboo with IHBT tea extract using mixture of water: methanol (9:1 v/v) as extraction medium

Mordanted samples are prefixed with M before the sample code. (Sample No.s 13-24)

International Science Congress Association 23

Research Journal of Engineering Sciences________________________________________________________ ISSN 2278 – 9472
Vol. 1(4), 21-26, October (2012) Res. J. Engineering Sci.

Photographs of Bamboo fabric samples dyed with Tea using mordant and without mordant

Sr. No. Sample Codes Samples without mordanting Sr. No. Sample Samples with mordanting
1. AB1 13. MAB1

2. AB2 14. MAB2

3. AB3 15. MAB3

4. AB4 16. MAB4

5. BB1 17. MBB1

6. BB2 18. MBB2

7. BB3 19. MBB3

8. BB4 20. MBB4

9. CB1 21. MCB1

10. CB2 22. MCB2

11. CB3 23. MCB3

12. CB4 24. MCB4

International Science Congress Association 24

Research Journal of Engineering Sciences________________________________________________________ ISSN 2278 – 9472
Vol. 1(4), 21-26, October (2012) Res. J. Engineering Sci.

Exhaustion and colour yield (K/S) of bamboo fabric samples dyed with tea colour extracted using different solvent systems
Sample Code K/S Exhaustion (%) Sample Code K/S Exhaustion (%)
MAB1 0.55 63.2 MAB1 1.53 70.1
MAB2 0.659 66.0 MAB2 1.66 71.3
MAB3 0.773 63.8 MAB3 1.53 72.1
MAB4 0.8106 65.2 MAB4 1.37 75.8
MBB1 1.18 66.8 MBB1 2.45 72.1
MBB2 1.136 67.3 MBB2 1.66 70.2
MBB3 1.039 63.7 MBB3 1.52 72.8
MBB4 0.812 65.2 MBB4 1.20 75.6
MCB1 0.83 64.8 MCB1 2.91 74.7
MCB2 1.039 69.1 MCB2 1.63 72.6
MCB3 1.317 66.6 MCB3 2.09 74.5
MCB4 1.212 66.2 MCB4 1.90 75.1

Fastness properties of dyed samples
Staining on different fibres
Secondary Light Fastness Rating
Code Cotton Polyamide PET PAN Wool
AB1 4/5 4/5 4/5 4/5 4/5 3/4 4/5
AB2 4/5 4/5 4/5 4/5 4/5 4/5 4/5
AB3 4/5 4/5 4/5 4/5 4/5 4 4/5
AB4 4/5 4/5 4/5 4/5 4/5 4 4/5
BB1 4/5 4/5 4/5 4/5 4/5 4 3/4
BB2 4/5 4/5 4/5 4/5 4/5 4/5 3
BB3 4/5 4/5 4/5 4/5 4/5 4 3
BB4 4/5 4/5 4/5 4/5 4/5 4 3
CB1 4/5 4/5 4/5 4/5 4/5 4/5 3
CB2 4/5 4/5 4/5 4/5 4/5 4/5 3/4
CB3 4/5 4/5 4/5 4/5 4/5 4/5 3/4
CB4 4/5 4/5 4/5 4/5 4/5 4/5 3/4
MAB1 4/5 4/5 4/5 4/5 4/5 4/5 4/5
MAB2 4/5 4/5 4/5 4/5 4/5 4/5 4/5
MAB3 4/5 4/5 4/5 4/5 4/5 4/5 4/5
MAB4 4/5 4/5 4/5 4/5 4/5 4/5 4/5
MBB1 4/5 4/5 4/5 4/5 4/5 4/5 4/5
MBB2 4/5 4/5 4/5 4/5 4/5 4/5 4/5
MBB3 4/5 4/5 4/5 4/5 4/5 4/5 4/5
MBB4 4/5 4/5 4/5 4/5 4/5 4/5 4/5
MCB1 4/5 4/5 4/5 4/5 4/5 4/5 4/5
MCB2 4/5 4/5 4/5 4/5 4/5 4/5 4/5
MCB3 4/5 4/5 4/5 4/5 4/5 4/5 4/5
MCB4 4/5 4/5 4/5 4/5 4/5 4/5 4/5

International Science Congress Association 25

Research Journal of Engineering Sciences________________________________________________________ ISSN 2278 – 9472
Vol. 1(4), 21-26, October (2012) Res. J. Engineering Sci.

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International Science Congress Association 26

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