Privacy & Big Data Infographics by Slidesgo

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Privacy &

Big Data
Here is where this template begins
Privacy & big data infographics
E-mails Firewall Website
Mars is actually a cold place Jupiter is the biggest planet Venus is hotter than Mercury

Shop Password Download

Saturn has several rings Mercury is the smallest planet Earth is where we all live on
Privacy & big data infographics

1 2
Mercury Jupiter
Mercury is the closest Jupiter is a gas giant
planet to the Sun and
the smallest one
2 and the biggest planet in
the Solar System

3 3 4
Earth 4 Venus
It’s the third planet from Venus has a beautiful
the Sun and the only one name and is the second
that harbors life planet from the Sun
Privacy & big data infographics
75% 50% 80% 95%
Mars Mercury Saturn Jupiter
Despite being red, Mars It’s the smallest planet Saturn is a gas giant It’s the biggest planet in
is actually a cold place in the Solar System and has several rings the Solar System

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Privacy & big data infographics

Mars Venus
Mars is actually a Venus is hotter
cold place than Mercury

Earth Uranus
Earth is the planet Uranus is the
where we all live on seventh planet

Mercury Jupiter
Mercury is the Jupiter is the
smallest planet biggest planet
Privacy & big data infographics
Why is big data analytics so important?

1 2 3 4 5 6

Volume Variety Velocity Value Veracity Variability

Mercury is the Saturn is the only Earth is where Jupiter is a gas Despite being Venus has high
closest planet to planet with rings we all live on and giant and the red, Mars is a temperatures
the Sun and the of the entire the only planet biggest planet in cold planet full of and a very
smallest one Solar System that harbors life the Solar System iron oxide dust beautiful name
Privacy & big data infographics

Mars Venus
Mars is a cold place Venus is terribly hot

Saturn Earth
Saturn has several rings Earth is where we live on
Privacy & big data infographics
Mercury is the closest planet to
Big data the Sun and the smallest one Decisions

Mercury is the smallest planet

of the Solar System
Analytics Venus has a beautiful name
and high temperatures
Privacy & big data infographics

It’s a gas giant and it's mostly
composed of hydrogen and helium

It’s the third planet from the Sun
and the only one that harbors life

Venus has a beautiful name and is
the second planet from the Sun

Mercury is the closest planet to the
Sun and the smallest one
Privacy & big data infographics

Jupiter Mercury
Jupiter is the Mercury is the
biggest planet smallest planet

Neptune Mars
Neptune is very Mars is actually a
far from the Sun cold place

Saturn Earth
Saturn has Earth is where
several rings we all live on
Privacy & big data infographics

Machine learning Data science

Venus has a beautiful Despite being red, Mars

name and is the second is actually a cold place
planet from the Sun full of iron oxide dust
Privacy & big data infographics

Mercury is the closest planet to
the Sun and the smallest one

Venus Best
Venus has a beautiful name and is
the second planet from the Sun

Despite being red, Mars is actually
a cold place full of iron oxide dust
Privacy & big data infographics


Diagnostic Why did it What is likely Predictive

analytics happen? to happen? analytics

Descriptive What is What should I do Prescriptive

analytics happening? about it? analytics

Privacy & big data infographics
Big data VS business intelligence VS business analytics

Business Business
Big data
intelligence analytics

Saturn is the only Mercury is the Earth is where we all

planet with rings smallest planet live on

Jupiter is the Pluto is now Mars is actually a

biggest planet considered a dwarf cold place

Neptune is very far Venus is even hotter Mercury is very

from the Sun than Mercury close to the Sun
Privacy & big data infographics
Four types of big data analytics

Prescriptive analysis
Venus has a beautiful name and
is the second planet from the Sun
Value to your business

Predictive analysis
Earth is the only planet that
harbors life in the Solar System

Diagnostic analysis
Jupiter is a gas giant and the
biggest planet in the Solar System

Descriptive analysis
Despite being red, Mars is actually
a cold place full of iron oxide dust

Privacy & big data infographics

Uranus Venus
Uranus is a cold planet Venus is hotter than Mercury

Neptune Mars
Neptune is made of ice Mars is actually a cold place

Mercury Saturn
Mercury is a small planet Saturn has several rings

Earth Jupiter
Earth is where we all live on Jupiter is the biggest planet
Privacy & big data infographics
Levels of big data maturity

Level 5 Analytics as a service Mercury is the closest planet to

the Sun and the smallest one

Level 4 Enterprise adoption Jupiter is a gas giant and the

biggest planet of them all

Level 3 Business adoption Earth is where we all live and

the only planet that harbors life

Level 2 Technical adoption Venus has a beautiful name and

high temperatures

Level 1 Infancy period Despite being red, Mars is a

cold place full of iron oxide dust
Privacy & big data infographics
Why is big data analytics so important?

Reactive Proactive

Business Big data

1 Big data BI 2 3 Big analytics 4
intelligence analytics

Venus has a Mercury is the Earth is where Jupiter is a gas

beautiful name, smallest planet we all live on and giant and the
but also high in the entire the only planet biggest planet in
temperatures Solar System that harbors life the Solar System
Privacy & big data infographics

Mercury Venus
Mercury is the smallest Venus is terribly hot, even
planet in the Solar System hotter than Mercury

Jupiter Earth
Jupiter is the biggest Earth is the only planet
planet in the Solar System with life of them all

Saturn Mars
Saturn is a gas giant and Despite being red, Mars is
has several rings actually a cold place
Privacy & big data infographics
Despite being red, Mars is
actually a cold place


Big data
Venus is terribly hot, even
hotter than Mercury Best New
decisions products
making & services
Earth is the third planet
and is where we all live on
Privacy & big data infographics

Jupiter is the biggest Big data Artificial Neptune is very far

planet of them all analytics intelligence from the Sun

35% 15%

25% 25%

Mercury is the Business Cyber Despite being red,

smallest planet intelligence connectivity Mars is cold

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Privacy & big data infographics
Why do companies use big data?
Saturn is a gas It’s the biggest Venus is terribly Earth is the third It’s the smallest Despite being
giant and has planet in the hot, even hotter planet and is planet in the red, it’s actually
several rings Solar System than Mercury where we live on Solar System a cold place

Saturn Jupiter Venus Earth Mercury Mars

1 2 3 4 5 6
Privacy & big data infographics

Manage data risk Staff awareness Implement framework

Mercury is the smallest planet Venus has a beautiful name, but Earth is the only planet with life
in the Solar System high temperatures of them all

Implement controls Data issue management Data risk assurance

Despite being red, Mars is a Jupiter is a gas giant and the Pluto is now considered
very cold planet full of iron biggest planet of them all a dwarf planet
Privacy & big data infographics


Business Business
Big data
intelligence analytics

Mercury is the smallest Despite being red, Mars Earth is where we all
planet in the entire is actually a cold place live, it’s also known as
Solar System full of iron oxide dust the blue planet
Privacy & big data infographics
Venus Neptune
Venus is hotter Neptune is very
than Mercury far from the Sun

Mercury Earth
Mercury is the Earth is where
smallest planet we all live

Saturn Uranus
Saturn has Uranus is
several rings an ice giant

Jupiter Mars
Jupiter is the Mars is actually
biggest planet Data privacy impacts a cold place
Venus has a beautiful name and is
the second planet from the Sun
Privacy & big data infographics
Why do companies use big data?

New Employee
Customers Optimising Financial
business collaboratio
outcomes operations management
models n

75% 70% 85% 65% 50%

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Privacy & big data infographics

Volume Variety
Venus has a beautiful Mercury is the
name, but it’s hot smallest planet

Value Variability
Saturn is a gas giant Smart data Despite being red,
and has several rings Mars is cold

Veracity Velocity
Earth is the third planet Jupiter is the biggest
and is where we live on planet of them all
Privacy & big data infographics
The six personal privacy threats

Mercury is the Venus is terribly Despite being Earth is the third Saturn is a gas Jupiter is the
smallest planet hot, even hotter red, Mars is planet and is giant and has biggest planet of
of them all than Mercury actually cold where we live on several rings them all

Abolishment of Shame of Government Data Data

anonymity breaches exceptions brokerage misconstruing

1 2 3 4 5 6
Privacy & big data infographics
Privacy breaches around the world

Mercury Venus
Mercury is the closest Venus has a beautiful
planet to the Sun and the name and is the second
smallest one planet from the Sun

80% 65%

Earth Mars
Earth is the third planet Despite being red, Mars
from the Sun and the only is actually a cold place
one that harbors life full of iron oxide dust

55% 90%
Privacy & big data infographics
What are organizations expecting from big data?

60% Decreasing in operational costs

90% Increasing the revenue

65% New innovations & disruptions

75% Accelerate new capabilities

90% Transform business for future

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Privacy & big data infographics

Saturn Venus Neptune Uranus Earth

Decision 1 Decision 4
Mercury is the Earth is the planet
smallest planet where we all live on

Decision 2 Decision 3
Despite being red, Jupiter is the biggest
Mars is actually cold planet of them all
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