MM Report Kideal

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Marketing Management
Master in Management












Kids are one of the greatest gifts in the Of course, you will always want to
world. They are innocent and keep the first baby shoes, the favorite
benevolent. They have their whole life toy, the first tennis racket. But what
ahead of them. You love them. You want happens to all the other things you
to give them everything. And you just have too much off? You may not
shower them with every possible gift. have the space to store it. You may
Baby and kid's stuff looks so much cuter not have the need to keep it. And you
anyways. The tiny shoes. The mini toys. may want to make other kids and
The small bike. You just have to get it. parents really happy with it. All while
Then you realize that kids grow up so doing good for the planet.
quickly. It almost feels like it happens in
the blink of an eye.



This is why we introduced kideal.

The P2P-platform for sustainable
selling and purchasing of second
hand kid's products.

our kids. our future, our planet.


The brand name, kideal, is inspired

by the words kid, deal and ideal.
The name is simple and easy to
PRODUCT pronounce, it stays in the minds of

the customers. The platform is
"ideal" for finding good "deals" for
your "kids".

The logo of lideal shows different

coloured and rather flashy letters,
which indicates dynamism and a
childish side. The blue frog on the
letter "i" is also a reminder of
kideal's recreational and child-
oriented side. It can be said to be a
wordmark as it represents
something positive about the brand
and its image.
The slogan is presented as an
anaphora with the word "our"
repeated so that the phrase
resonates in the customer's head. KIDEAL MOCKUP ON
Then it reminds us of the core WEB AND
business of kideal, namely children,
parents and their sustainable



The platform takes the form of a

website with different sections
available depending on what the
customer is looking for. He can be a
seller or a buyer. The seller trades THE PLATFORM
with the buyer via the platform. Peers
can also exchange via forums and ask
lambda questions from parents.
We want the platform to bring together
There will also be sample questions
everything that parents need. After all,
and parental help. The items available
they are already very busy with work,
range from prams, beds and clothes
and the children need a lot of attention.
to books and games for children.
So having everything about children in
one platform is more efficient.

Clothes : All the clothes are sorted by

category (trousers, skirt, ski clothes,
jacket...) and there are filters to choose


the brand, colour etc.
Equipment : All children's equipment
such as pushchairs, baby carriers, beds,
The concept: Kideal only acts as a etc.
mediator between 2 peers; a buyer and a
seller. The entire sales process from Books : Used books in good condition
conversation to purchase to delivery sorted by category (manga, novels)
takes place via the kideal platform. Peers
can select a product and then engage in Toys/Art : All play items and activities
a conversation to negotiate price or for children
obtain information. Then the transaction
is possible via the application and the Forum : A place to talk to other parents
delivery is done in partnership with in the Kideal community about
transport companies. children's topics



kideal's value proposition, on the The items sold are those that the
seller's side, is first of all to be sellers no longer use and the
able to sell quickly second hand sellers rather than throw them
objects and clothes worn by away. It is also good for the
children. This allows sellers to planet and sustainable.
avoid going to a flea market, sell
quickly and when they want. This
generates an additional income
without additional costs.




kideal's value proposition, on the The transaction is made with the

buyer's side, is first of all to be money the buyer has on his
able to buy quickly second hand kideal account or via his credit
objects and clothes worn by card. Transport costs are at the
children. Children grow up buyer's expense but there are
quickly and buying clothes or several price ranges depending
equipment can quickly become a on the size of the parcel and the
big budget. Second hand is an delivery companies.
eco-friendly and cheaper
alternative for parents. It allows
buyers to avoid going to the
shop, buy quickly, when they
want, with a wide range of offers.



For the smooth running of a company and good internal and external cohesion.
This enables it to position itself in relation to its competitors and attract a loyal
clientele that identifies with its values. kideal also focuses its communication
strategy around these values for its brand image. kideal's values are; trust,
creativity, socializing, engagement.

Trust Socializing

kideal bases its strategy on a This value aims to bring kideal's

relationship of trust between peers. customers together to create a
Indeed, it is the users of the platform community of parents. They can
themselves who describe the for example exchange via forums
condition of the products they sell etc. Kideal is also a one-to-one
and whether they are counterfeit or
platform that encourages
not. When registering on the
conversation, if only for the
platform, users must sign a charter
negotiation part.
certifying their good faith.
On the one hand, Kideal relies on
trust between peers and on the other
hand, buyers pay a 50 cent insurance Engagement
fee for all transactions regardless of
the amount. This allows for a refund kideal aims to be a responsible
to unsatisfied customers if the item is company committed to sustainable
in poor condition. development. Its offer is
sustainable and does not involve
Creativity the manufacture of new products
but recycling. The company is
kideal is listening to its users and has involved in the sharing economy,
launched an idea box for them to i.e. the peer-to-peer economy
submit ideas. Finally, Kideal plans to inspired by barter. Thus, it reflects
develop a peer-to-peer babysitting kideal's ecological commitment to
service soon on the platform so that a sustainable world.
it can bring together everything
parents need.



eCommerce & Online Markets

SEGMENTATION eCommerce increases its market

share by 2 percentage points,
accounting for more than 20% of all
infant goods sales. Despite the
increase in market share, overall
eCommerce sales fell, albeit not as
much as sales at brick-and-mortar
Market & Consumer characterization stores.

To better understand purchase behaviors in Gains in eCommerce share were

the infant needs products area, we performed recorded across the board,
a detailed analysis. This is a $30 billion including at,
business, and we wanted to look at trends like,, and
where people buy baby items and who buys even the now-defunct
them, aside from families with small children. The demise of
Understanding how frequently consumers demonstrates that
acquire baby products through specialty even advances in eCommerce
(Toys "R" Us, Babies "R" Us) and eCommerce market share were insufficient to
channels were given specific attention. reverse overall revenue declines.

Having children in the home does

not increase the likelihood of
purchasing - only 15% of families
without young children purchased
something in the five baby sectors,
whereas 68% of homes with
children did. However, when
looked at the majority of buyers in
the sectors, 58% were single-
parent households. [Dr. Kurt Jetta
in 1998,]



Product Category

TARGETING Baby Product Sales Drop


In terms of overall consumer

purchasing, we sought to compare
Targeting Middle Income Classes the baby sector to the other sectors.
Several categories, including as
Baby product penetration was down by clothing, beauty, electronics, pets,
double digits across practically all and office supplies, remained
categories — age, ethnicity, region of the largely consistent in terms of the %
country, and presence of children in the of adults making purchases from
family. 2016 to 2017.
A few categories, such as books,
Only one group — those with salaries of jewelry, and athletic goods, saw
more than $150,000 – had a higher rate of measurable drops of 4 to 6
penetration. In the past year, 57 percent of percentage points. These drops
these high-income consumers, who were expected, as those industries
account for nearly a quarter of all buyers, have notable vulnerabilities,
made at least one purchase of baby particularly as customers shift to
supplies. When compared to the lowest eBooks and the athletic goods
income groups, just 13% to 14% of people market has been shaken by Sports
earning less than $50,000 bought a baby. Authority's bankruptcy.
Purchase rates continue to climb with
income, rising from 19% for those earning But nowhere were the decreases
$50,000 to $74,000 to 30% for those more pronounced than in the baby
earning $100,000 to $149,000. product industry, which saw a 10% to
15% year-over-year drop. In the $30
billion baby industry, this
corresponds to a drop in revenues
of $3 billion to $4.5 billion in just a
[Dr. Kurt Jetta in 1998,]



Purchasing Habits

TARGETING A Detailed Look at Purchasing by


Products having broad appeal, such

as wipes, disposable diapers, toddler
feeding, and cups, have the highest
penetration levels. While total
purchasing may be low, once in the
segment, individuals purchase a
higher percentage of other types.

What's intriguing is that there isn't

much of a difference in the amount of
products purchased in each sector
by households with and without
young children. The percentage of
households with small children is just
Given the above demographics, it's no surprise 10% to 15% higher.
that baby products were the greatest loss,
with consumers of all ages, income levels, Consumers acquire a large number
races, and geographic areas reporting reduced of other varieties once they've
sales in the past year. Diapering, feeding, and entered a section. Cross purchasing is
safety all fell 8 percentage points, while baby certainly higher in households with
needs and food/formula fell 6 %. small children, but only by about 10-
We feel that the changes in the infant industry
are a microcosm of the broader changes in The percentages of the general
retail, politics, and the economy. population purchasing a certain
product inside a segment, as well as
the percent of those already in the
segment purchasing a specific
product, are shown below.



Key Takeaway

Purchasing baby things based on

POSITIONING income is a microcosm of the major

trends we're seeing in retail, politics,
and the economy in the United States
and other Western countries. The
population's split based on income
growth, which results in inconsistent
growth across most income levels,
causes significant disturbance and
Going Beyond The Traditional Consumer
unrest. This perplexing significant
income skew requires more
Households with Kids Don’t have a Lock on
investigation. While having more
the Baby Market
disposable cash makes sense, diapers
and food aren't typically considered
Only 59% of those polled say they buy
discretionary purchases.
things for their own kids. This leaves a
sizable segment of the market who are
We estimate that 10% to 15% of
purchasing items for grandchildren,
revenues were lost in 2016, totaling $3
relatives, friends' children, or other children.
billion to $4.5 billion.
Parents of small children account for 42
percent of customers but 80 percent of
Now we can say that our services at
sales volume, according to our estimates.
kideal can offer an alternative to
[Dr. Kurt Jetta in 1998,]
traditional shopping for baby products
and gear, and this service is going to
target consumers based on their age
and income in broad channels,the
ideal consumer are younger age
middle class families.

kideal can generate revenue resulting

from products circulation by offering
the consumers affordable rates and
sustainable solution.



What do we want to achieve?

Knowing who our target customers will be and where we want to position ourselves,
we have to decide on the perfect marketing mix to get the maximum out of kideal. To
find out the perfect strategy, it is important to look closely at and analyze each "P" of
the marketing mix (McCarthy, 1960):


In the following we will take a closer look at each of them and analyze to find the best
marketing mix!


kideal is a Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Buyers who are looking for a sustainable

based platform for sustainable way to purchase kids goods can easily
selling and purchasing of second browse the different categories on the
hand kids goods. kideal platform, chat with the seller and
make a purchase decision.
The current product categories
that are offered include Shipping costs are defined by the seller
clothes & shoes and born by the buyer. If there is local
sports gear proximity between the buyer and seller, the
toys product does not have to be shipped. It can
games also be handed over in person, making
books and kideal even more sustainable solution for
instruments. the purchase of kid's products.

The platform will be offered as a To convey trust, kideal will rely on a review
webpage as well as an app for system for all users. After a purchase,
mobile use. Users can be sellers sellers and buyers will evaluate the
and buyers at the same time. transaction and rate the other user.

Sellers of kid's goods can easily In addition to the purpose of sustainably

upload the products they want to selling and purchasing used kid's products,
sell on the platform. Therefore, kideal also offers a forum that fosters the
they need to take pictures, add a exchange of like-minded people and
quick description and set the parents. This leads to exchange, trust and
price. an encouraging community.



kideal will be free to use for Those can be categorized in the

sellers and buyers. We want following points:
everyone to use the app easily
and without extra effort. Advertising
kideal will offer relevant
Still, we want to make revenue! companies that share our
Our revenue will be generated philosophy the option to place
through advertising as well as banner ads and sponsored posts
seller and buyer fees for extra on our platform in order to
services. generate revenue

Seller fees
Sellers will have the option to pay
in order to increase the visibility
of their posts and thereby
increase their sales volume.

Buyer fees
Buyers can pay a fee in order to
insure their transaction via our
platform for extra safety.



kideal will be available at the most common We expect users to use kideal
places for online platforms: we will have our in different situations.
own webpage as well as a
mobile app that can be downloaded For sellers, we assume they
through the Google Play Store and Apple would use it at home since
App Store. The mobile options are of high moste of the products that will
importance, since many purchases be made for purchase are
nowadays are made mobile (eMarketer, located at home (e.g., in the
2018). nursery, basement or attic).

First, we will launch kideal in Portugal to For buyers, we expect more

have a regional focus and be able to diverse usage locations. In
intervene quickly if necessary. After a addition to the usage at home,
successful launch phase in Portugal, we will buyers will use the app more
continue the rollout of kideal in other on the go than sellers. They
European markets, before going global. can e.g. use it when sitting in a
park or café, waiting in line or
hanging out.

Regardless of the place the

user opens kideal, internet
access will be necessary to
enable all features and allow
for the full user experience.



How are we promoting kideal? Online marketing. Which social

media platforms are relevant for us?
Well, we have various methods. For
example, we will go to kid‘s specialty
stores, schools, etc. – everywehre,
where kids and parents are. Also, we
will make use of social media to target Facebook has been extremly
our users when they use their phones. popular for brand promotion and
has the most users world wide.
Offline marketing. Which locations are
important for kideal to do promotion?
mom meeting points
baby courses Instagram is a popular platform for
kids specialty stores brand promotion that allows us to
schools cooperate with "momfluencers"
sports clubs perfect for our target group.
music schools


TikTok is the social media platform

for younger people. Here we can
reach the future clients of kideal and
promote our platform.



The external people that make kideal On the internal side of kideal,
a great place can be divided into two there is one specific group of
main categories: employees that is valuable for
the platform:
Sellers are the main providers of Software Developers and
content on our platform. They are most User Experience Designers
likely parents of kids that have grown-
out their stuff and now want to give Since kideal is an online
them away. business and does not have
many physical touchpoints
Buyers with its users, an intuitive and
The Buyers at kideal are most likely functioning design of the
parents that value sustainability and platform is crucial to provide a
want to purchase products that are still great user experience. Our
in good condition for their own kids. In Website and our mobile Apps
addition, mindful people who not will be the most important
necessarily have own kids but want to place of interaction for users
buy presents for kids they know, kideal with the brand and therefore
also poses a great option. have to be on point.

The sellers and buyers are the people

that engage in the forum, share their
experiences and thereby create a



The most important processes at In addition to this, Google Analytics will

kideal will revolve around help us track the traffic and actions of
continuously enhancing the user users on our website.
experience, to attract and retain
users as well as building a strong To complement the information
community. Therefore, we will generated through Google, we will also
focus on UX Design and conduct market research to give our
Continuous Tracking of User users a voice. The quantitative market
Activities. research will be conducted through
well-placed customer satisfaction
As already mentioned under the surveys. The qualitative market
previous P, ("People"), User research will be conducted through
Experience Designers will ensure a activities such as focus group
good feeling when using our discussions as well as design thinking
platform. The Designers will get methods, such as "thinking aloud".
their insights from co-creation
workshops with users as we are Finally, our users will always have the
eager to hear their feedback and option to reach out to us and convey
develop and improve our product their ideas, concerns and suggestions
together. Involving users in the for kideal. This is how we want to
product development process has ensure a good, long-lasting
shown to lead to better products relationships that creates loyal users
as well as higher trust of the users who always come back to our kideal
since they feel valued (Shulga et platform.
al., 2021).



The physical evidence of kideal is mostly Interestingly, a large part of

focused on the digital platform itself because the actual physical evidence
it is an online business. Hence, the website are the goods sold and
and the mobile apps are the starting point for purchased through kideal.
all physical evidence. Therefore, it is crucial that
users upload good quality
In our appearance, cohesive branding takes items and provide a honest
up a major role. We want to make sure that description. The previously
everyone recognizes kideal based on the mentioned review and rating
colorful logo on all our platforms and system helps users to make
marketing activities. Additionally, we offer an the right selling and
appealing and intuitive user interface that purchasing decision.
motivates consumers to engage on the
platform. For the delivery of the
product, we will rely on the
In case the users have any questions, they can trustworthy national post
reach out to our staff via website, email, agency to provide buyers a
phone or social media. The staff will be good delivery experience
trained to answer the users questions in a way when they receive their
that also transports our brand values. We package.
want to finish every communication with users
with a smile. Our print marketing items
such as flyers also pose a
source of physical evidence.



Large product portfolio
Low impact on the environment
Low prices
User-friendly mobile application
Circular economy
Large accessibility to new brands
Creation of a strong community
Strong marketing
Easy and quick product upload for Low quality control
sellers Technical problems due to the
No commission on sales automation of the platform
Difficult to manage customer
service due to the numerous
complaints and the growing
number of customers


Growth opportunity : Possibility of

offering other services in the long
term (e.g. baby-sitting) if the
platform develops well
Global growth of the resale
Future market extansion to the
European countries
Use of new technologies to offer
an ever more accessible and user-
friendly platform


Increasing competition with

platforms and applications already
well established (Vinted,
New entrants to the market



of Items FACTORS


A critical success factor, also known as CSF, is an indispensable element

within an organization for its success. Each company must find its CSFs and
master them in order to ensure its competitiveness. Each CSF must benefit
the company and be directly linked to its strategy.

The quality of the goods exchanged on

the platform is paramount. Each seller
has to offer quality products for sale, and
must also underline if the product is in
excellent, good or satisfactory condition.
In these cases, the price will be adjusted,
and the offer will be fair for both the
buyer and the seller. Our platform is
based on a relationship of trust between
individuals, which means that the seller
only offers the item for sale if it is still
reusable. Even if our products are only
second hand, they must be in good
condition, and clean in order to respect
our hygiene standards.
Increasing and controlling the quality of
the products on sale on the platform is
our first critical success factor because it
meets our strategy of putting on sale
durable and qualitative products.

This CSF is an industrial factor, which

means that it results from the specific
characteristics of the industry:
controlling and having a certain quality
of the products put on sale allows to
stay at the top of the market.


High Customer
Satisfaction Rate - CRITICAL SUCCESS
Increase in Customer FACTORS

Type of critical success factor

Our next two critical success factors are focused on customer relations: they
represent for our company and the fast fashion industry the very basis of this
market. Those customers sell and buy, and the products for sale on the platform
never leave their hands. These two CSFs are achieving high customer satisfaction
and increasing customer feedback. Those are strategic factors that result from the
specific competitive strategy that we follow: putting the customer at the center of
the system.

We want to satisfy our customers, but

for that we need to know them.
Satisfaction questionnaires will be
submitted to them, whether they are
sellers or buyers, in order to receive
their feedback as regularly and
accurately as possible.
Trust is one of Kideal's most important
values, and we want to build it into all
our dealings. Moreover, if our
customers are satisfied, it will attract
potential future customers and
prospects, and reflect a good brand

Finally, these two CSFs allow us to set

concrete and quantified objectives in
order to see our evolution in the short
and medium term. This will also allow
us to determine our areas of
improvement and growth levers.



Type of critical success factor

Finally, our last critical success factor is to innovate in marketing: implementing

effective marketing strategies to attract new customers and enhance our
service. This CSF is a strategic factor, as it revolves around our strategy of
positioning ourselves around a second-hand market and offering sustainable

Our platform will only sell

products for children, but will
target their parents. The platform
will be colorful and cheerful, with a
friendly and easy-to-access logo,
to facilitate the use to all.

The marketing will be based on

the sustainability of the products in
order to raise awareness among
young parents and to make them
adhere to a fairer and more eco-
friendly consumption mode.



The purpose of this essay was to build the Marketing will be online on
marketing plan for a new product, a P2P- social media platforms as well
platform for sustainable selling and offline through direct marketing
purchasing of second hand kid's product: to adress our main targets:
sustainable parents and their
familys. Also we are going to
improve the platform with
continuous improvement pro-
All in all with analyzing the value proposition,
the market position and the targets kideal has In summary, our product is a
the potential to get an uprising platform for all future oriented, sustainable,
of us. socialising platform for the
future of our childen and world.
With our represented values Trust, Socialising,
Engagement and Creativity the promise of
kideal is on the one hand to make it as easy as
possible for the users to sell their children's
stuff quickly and without much effort and on
the other hand to offer the buyers cheap
second hand stuff that is still good to use. :
To define the positioning of the product, we
made a detailed description of the marketing
mix. kideal is going to be a free platform first
in Portugal (and rolling out after) avaiable in
the browser and as an app, gaining revenue
trough advertising and buyer & seller fees.

Seite 02


eMarketer. (2018). Revenue through m-commerce worldwide in 2016 and 2017 and a
forecast up to 2021. eMarketer. [Data set]. Cited after [online]
Available at:

INDUSTRY REPORT TABS Analytics (2017). Baby Products Study Executive Summary.
(n.d.). [online] Available at:

McCarthy, E.J. (1960). Basic Marketing: A Managerial Approach. R.D. Irwin.

Shulga, L. V., Busser, J. A., Bai, B., & (Lina) Kim,‌ H. (2021). The Reciprocal Role of Trust in
Customer Value Co-Creation, Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 45(4), pp.672–
696. [online] Available at:


The kideal-Team is
continuously working
on making the world
a better place for
our kids. our future.
our planet.


Marketing Management
Group 13

Kais Aljarf – 56172

Zoé Courgeon – 57226
Maja Mršo – 57015
Hyun-il Park – 57039
Julie Quessart – 57209



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