기출문제 영어 비상 홍민표 3단원 1회
기출문제 영어 비상 홍민표 3단원 1회
기출문제 영어 비상 홍민표 3단원 1회
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An eco-friendly way of life is not about changing What can you do to go green when you have 500
the entire would overnight. It is about becoming photocopies to make? Many green strategies focus
aware of your own wasteful ways and then ⓐhelping on using less paper, like printing on both sides.
others become aware of theirs. After awareness ⓑ Another green strategy is to use less ink, which is
comes the process of adopting slightly different ways what many people already do. But what if you could
of doing some daily tasks. When you do these take it a step further? That's what Ecofont is. A
things, you are keeping your environmental bank designer thought that if he could create fonts that
account ⓒfull. When you go one step further and have tiny holes in them, he might be able to make
help others ⓓto do them too, you are an activist more efficient use of the amount of ink used. In fact,
and big changes can ⓔbe happened. Ecofont uses about a fifth less ink than traditional
fonts without ruining readability. The brilliance of
① ⓐ ② ⓑ ③ ⓒ ④ ⓓ ⑤ ⓔ Ecofont is the different perspective it takes on going
green: the use of less ink by the font.
1. 14단어 이내로 작성할 것(It is because 포함).
2. It is because로 시작할 것.
3. that / again을 사용할 것.
4. 문맥에 맞게 영어로 작성할 것.
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영어 비상 홍민표 – Lesson 3. Contribute 기출문제 1회
① ⓐ ② ⓑ ③ ⓒ ④ ⓓ ⑤ ⓔ
[outside on the pavement / makes / available /
placing the bag / whatever is in it]
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영어 비상 홍민표 – Lesson 3. Contribute 기출문제 1회
An eco-friendly way of life is not about changing According to the Food and Agriculture Organization
the entire would overnight. It is about ⓐbecoming (FAO) of the United Nations, a third of global food
aware of your own wasteful ways and then helping production goes into trash bins annually. In Germany
others become aware of ⓑtheirs. After awareness ⓒ alone, around eleven million tons of food are wasted
come the process of adopting slightly different ways every year. Having been founded to tackle this
of doing some daily tasks. When you do these problem on a local scale, the online platform,
things, you are keeping your environmental bank "foodsharing.de" allows extra food in your fridge or
account ⓓfull. When you go one step further and cupboard to distribute to neighbors. The basic
help others ⓔdo them too, you are an activist and concept is simple: people sharing food. The only rule
big changes can happen. is not to pass anything on to others that you
wouldn't eat yourself. This project may change the
① ⓐ ② ⓑ ③ ⓒ ④ ⓓ ⑤ ⓔ way people think about food: _________________________.
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영어 비상 홍민표 – Lesson 3. Contribute 기출문제 1회
11. 다음 글의 흐름상 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 (C) Probably not. Some innovators have taken on the
것은?11) challenge of "going green," and have come up with
some brilliant ideas to make "going green" easier
① do not let food go to waste, but be shared and simpler.
② if food is fresh, people are satisfied with that
③ people are responsible for their food consumption ① (A) - (B) - (C) ② (A) - (C) - (B)
④ serving food at the table makes you a better ③ (B) - (A) - (C) ④ (B) - (C) - (A)
person ⑤ (C) - (A) - (B)
⑤ people give food to the poor despite their love
for it
① ⓐ ② ⓑ ③ ⓒ ④ ⓓ ⑤ ⓔ
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5 https://bbemsenglish.tistory.com
영어 비상 홍민표 – Lesson 3. Contribute 기출문제 1회
"Going green" seems to be all the rage these days. "Going green" seems to be all the rage these days.
Stores and companies use phrases like this to Stores and companies use phrases like this to
promote their businesses as eco-friendly. ⓐIt makes promote their businesses as eco-friendly. It makes
sense to try to live in a way that does not harm the sense to try to live in a way that does not harm the
environment, but is it easy to go green? In your environment, but is it easy to go green? In your
home, for example, do you always unplug your TV home, for example, do you always unplug your TV
when you aren't watching it? ⓑDo stores in your when you aren't watching it? Do stores in your
neighborhood always keep their doors shut when neighborhood always keep their doors shut when the
the heaters or air conditioners are on? Probably not. heaters or air conditioners are on? Probably not.
Some innovators have taken on the challenge of Some innovators have taken on the challenge of
"going green," and have come up with some brilliant "going green," and have come up with some brilliant
ideas to make "going green" easier and simpler. ⓒ ideas to make "going green" easier and simpler.
For example, according to the Food and Agriculture
Organization(FAO) of the United Nations, a third of ① The term 'going green' has been popular these
global food production go into trash bins annually. days.
In Germany alone, around eleven million tons of ② Some companies have begun to describe
food are wasted every year. ⓓHaving been found to themselves as environmentally friendly.
tackle this problem on a local scale, the online ③ The author thinks that readers tend not to unplug
platform. "foodsharing.de" allows extra food in your appliances when they are not in use.
fridge or cupboard to be distributed to neighbors. ④ The author explains why stores cannot but keep
The basic concept is simple: people sharing food. The their doors open while their cooling systems are
only rule is not to pass anything on to others that running.
you wouldn't eat yourself. ⓔThis project may change ⑤ The author points out that some innovators have
the way how people think food: if food is not played a role in promoting eco-friendly practices.
shared, it is wasted.
____________ → ________________________________________ (B) However, some of the things that get thrown out
are still useful to other people. Goedzak is a Dutch
____________ → ________________________________________ way of allowing people to get second-hand things
that might otherwise be thrown away.
____________ → ________________________________________
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영어 비상 홍민표 – Lesson 3. Contribute 기출문제 1회
(C) It is a special garbage bag that can be filled with (A) (B) (C)
used, but still usable items. Placing the bag outside ① is being whom
on the pavement makes whatever is in it available to ② is to be which
anyone in the community. Goedzak's bright color ③ are being which
attracts attention. Yellow is used to make the bag ④ are being whom
stand out. ⑤ are to be which
7 https://bbemsenglish.tistory.com
영어 비상 홍민표 – Lesson 3. Contribute 기출문제 1회
24. 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?24) 25. 다음 <보기>를 참고하여, 주어진 (A), (B) 문장을 의
미가 같은 다른 문장으로 변형하시오.25)
An eco-friendly way of life is not about changing
the entire world overnight. It is about becoming
Because he had seen the movie before, Carl
aware of your own wasteful ways and then helping
knew that it would soon end.
others become aware of theirs. After awareness
→ Having seen the movie before, Carl knew that
comes the process of adopting slightly different ways
it would soon end.
of doing some daily tasks. When you do these
things, you are keeping your environmental bank (A) Since I forgot the password, I can't use my
account full. When you go one step further and help computer right now.
others do them too, you are an activist and big → _________________________, I can't use my
changes can happen. computer right now.
① How to Change Your Life in Just One Day (B) As I had been surrounded by many people, I
② Some Stress When Making Choices to Benefit the couldn't go outside.
Earth → _________________________, I couldn't go outside.
③ Environmental Awareness: Change Your Habits and
Help Others (A) _____________________________________________________
④ The Necessity of National Environmental Policies
and Strategies in Korea (B) _____________________________________________________
⑤ How to Calculate the Annual Interest on Your
Environmental Bank Account
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영어 비상 홍민표 – Lesson 3. Contribute 기출문제 1회
1) ⑤
2) ⑤
3) ①
4) It is because electronics waste has lots of
resources that can be used again.
5) ④
6) ③
7) Placing the bag outside on the pavement makes
whatever is in it available.
8) ⑤
9) ③
10) ②
11) ①
12) (A) wasted / (B) share
13) ①
14) ④
15) ①
16) ④
17) ⓒ, ⓓ, ⓔ
18) ⓒgo → goes
ⓓfound → founded
ⓔhow → 삭제
19) ④
20) ③
21) ③
22) ⑤
23) ④
24) ③
25) (A) Having forgotten the password
(B) Having been surrounded by many people
9 https://bbemsenglish.tistory.com