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Verona, Alyssa Ramel

Tolosa, Francis Nicolette B.

Villafuerte, Antonio

ID 433 Project Management

PM Output #5



The Office of the Building Official (OBO) provides an organized process for obtaining a
construction permit, which includes a thorough application review. According to the OBO, the
thorough checklist includes crucial components such as Barangay clearance, tax filing,
numerous permissions, a detailed construction logbook, and painstakingly produced
architectural, structural, plumbing, and electrical drawings. Each component is inspected to
verify regulatory compliance, resulting in a strong framework for the rapid and thorough
processing of construction permits.

According to the evaluation sheet, adhering to the defined structural method

necessitates the submission of three copies of each document, most notably a comprehensive
set of six complete building designs, as well as any required ancillary permits. This careful
requirement guarantees that the planned construction is thoroughly examined, emphasizing
the need to provide complete and comprehensive paperwork for a thorough and accurate

The materials provided will be subjected to technical evaluation to ensure that they
conform with building codes and regulations. Following that, inspections may be planned to
ensure that the intended construction is in accordance with the approved plans. The
building/construction permit will be approved once the plans have been assessed and meet
the essential conditions. Following that, a permit is given, allowing construction to begin.

During the construction process, periodic inspections may be performed to ensure

that the approved plans are followed. After the construction is finished, a final inspection is
usually performed, and an occupancy permit is obtained, allowing the building to be occupied
and used. Finally, post-construction compliance requires as-built plans to reflect any changes
made during the building phase, as well as final approval from local authorities.

Application-For-Building-Permit-Forms Tacloban-City. (n.d.). Scribd.


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