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Materials Today: Proceedings 43 (2021) 1009–1017

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Sustainable pavement technologies - performance of high RAP in WMA

surface mixture containing nano glass fibers
Elchuri Rochishnu a, Adepu Ramesh b,⇑, Varanasi Venkat Ramayya c
PG Student, Dept. of Civil Engineering, VNR Vignana Jyothi Institute of Engineering & Technology, Bachupally, Hyderabad, India
Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, VNR Vignana Jyothi Institute of Engineering & Technology, Bachupally, Hyderabad, India
Associate Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Technology, Gandipet, Hyderabad, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Pavement engineer is facing challenging task for curtailing the energy consumption, natural resources,
Received 16 June 2020 and emissions without a compromise in pavement performance characteristics. Warm Mix Asphalt
Received in revised form 14 July 2020 (WMA) technology is one among the solution and has attained a great recognition in pavement construc-
Accepted 27 July 2020
tion. In this article base binder was modified with a wax compound (Sasobit) to reduce the overall energy
Available online 14 September 2020
consumption and toxic emissions during pavement construction. Bituminous Concrete mixture was pre-
pared with varying packing characteristics, using Bailey’s method of gradation. It was observed that 3%
sasobit dosage when blended to the base binder showed the better results in comparison to the other
Warm mix asphalt (WMA)
Bailey gradation
dosages. A comparative study on volumetric properties, mix stiffness, moisture susceptibility, and rutting
Reclaimed asphalt pavements (RAP) characteristics were performed. Mix combinations were prepared with conventional and modified bin-
Nano glass fibers ders with different proportions of Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP) and containing Nano glass fibers.
Fourier transform infrared A Higher percentage of RAP up to 80% and with 5% rejuvenator as vegetable oil was used in the study.
spectroscopy (FTIR) The results obtained showed that 70% RAP mix displayed a drastic increment in the performance prop-
Marshall parameters erties by almost 25% when compared to the conventional mix. Additional reinforcement in the form of
Nano Glass Fibers was utilized to enhance the properties of RAP mixes. The performance properties of
the 70% RAP mixes was observed to have an additional increment by almost 15% with the addition of
0.3% Nano glass fibers thereby laying a path for sustainable pavement technologies in the pavement con-
struction industry.
Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Confer-
ence on Advanced Materials Behavior and Characterization.

1. Introduction Warm-Mix Asphalt (WMA) aims to cut back the viscosity of the
liquid asphalt at a certain temperature leading to an overall reduc-
Sustainable pavements assure an overall reduction in the con- tion in the toxic discharges [6]. Sasobit, a wax-based additive has a
sumption of natural resources, energy consumption, and reduction fine crystalline long aliphatic hydrocarbon network that has a
in toxic gases during pavement construction thus creating an melting point ranging between 85 and 115° C and is solvable in
impact on the ecology and economics [10]. Flexible pavements asphalt at elevated temperatures [14]. Sasobit aims to reduce the
consist of a combination of well - graded aggregates and liquid viscosity of the binder and enhances theflowing ability. When mol-
asphalt cement in measured quantities that are liable for a stimu- ten sasobit cools down and hardens, it forms a continual network
lating fraction of the energy consumption and also the discharge of assembly within the binder [15]. Higher sasobit addition ends up
toxin gases like Green House Gasses (GHG), Volatile Organic Com- in the brittleness of the binder. Hence it is very vital to utilize
pound (VOC), carboxides (COX), sulfoxides (SOX) and nitroxides the sasobit dosage as low as possible at varied temperature
(NOX), etc. In 2019 the net CO2 emissions in India from energy con- ranges [7].
sumptions increased by 7.0% [4]. Aggregate gradation has a significant role in building up supe-
rior pavement layers. In India, we generally adopt the MORTH mid-
point gradation, which doesn’t accommodate the variation in
⇑ Corresponding author. packing characteristics of aggregates. Bailey gradation and also
E-mail address: [email protected] (A. Ramesh).

2214-7853/Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Conference on Advanced Materials Behavior and Characterization.
E. Rochishnu et al. Materials Today: Proceedings 43 (2021) 1009–1017

the maximum density line gradation techniques consider the pre- 10 mm IS mesh), 32.56% of CA – 2 (Passing IS 10 mm mesh and
vailing site conditions, thus allows changes in the packing charac- retained on 4.75 mm IS mesh), 45.17% of FA (Passing 4.75 mm IS
teristics of aggregates gradation and results in improved aggregate mesh) and 4.68% (Passing 75 - mm mesh) of mineral filler.
system [1,8]. Additional advantages of the Warm Mix technology Flexibility, compatibility and continuousness of the gradation
comprises the utilization of Recycled asphalt pavement (RAP) are the problems that are significantly considered in the Bailey gra-
material at a higher replacement percentage, construction of pave- dation technique through three different Bailey parameters i.e.
ments possible in the offseason, escalation of material transporta- Coarse Aggregate ratio (CA ratio), Fine Aggregate coarse ratio (FAc
tion distance, speedier inaugural of pavements for through ratio) and Fine Aggregate fine ratio (FAf ratio), these parameters
movement, and superior moisture susceptibility due to lower tem- are arrived from the following equations [12].
peratures [5]. Rejuvenators like oils and aromatic extracts, etc., are  
PP Half Sieve  PP pcs
accustomed to rejuvenate the old binder properties that are lost CA ratio ¼ ð1Þ
100  PP Half Sieve
over the years. [9]
Nano glass fibers are mostly used as reinforcement, which are of
PP scs
low cost and possess high flexural strength. The fiber elongates up FAc ratio ¼ ð2Þ
to 3–4% and after elongation, its recovery to the normal state is
PP pcs
100% [3].
PP tcs
Most of the literature studies are confined for preparation of FAf ratio ¼ ð3Þ
asphalt mixaes using MoRTH gradation. The use of RAP was also PP scs
restricted for 50 percent replacement. In this study an attempt Where: PP – Percent Passing; PCS – Primary Control Sie-
was made to understand the (i) ageing characteristics of modified ve = 0.22  NMPS; SCS – Secondary Control Sieve = 0.22  PCS;
binders, (ii) use of varying packing characteristics of aggregate gra- TCS – Tertiary Control Sieve = 0.22  SCS; NMPS – Nominal Maxi-
dation. The concept of Bailey gradation was introduced to incorpo- mum Particle Size.
rate the aggregate packing characteristics meeting the site As per the BC – II gradation mentioned in table 500 of MORTH
conditions requirements, (iii) higher proportion of RAP in lieu of revision 5 the NMPS value to be considered is 13.2 mm. The
virgin aggregate for the preparation of WMA mixes. RAP material obtained Bailey parameters (CA ratio, FAc ratio, and FAf ratio) for
up to 80% was replaced with virgin aggregates and (iv) inclusion the collected aggregates are 0.539, 0.389, and 0.3966 respectively.
of glass fibers in asphalt mixes as reinforcement. This additional The Bailey parameters are within the desired ranges which were
reinforcement shall strengthen the existing of higher RAP content. utilized to improve the mix blend and are presented in Fig. 1.
The main aim of this research work is to bring in the concept of Fig. 1 represents the sieve size raised to 0.45 power gradation
sustainability in pavement construction by maximizing the use curvature presenting the maximum density line alongside with
milled of RAP material with the inclusion of fiber. Thus improving MORTH’s recommended ranges and the designed gradation fulfill-
the mix performance and also reducing the overall energy con- ing both Bailey’s and MORTH gradation requirements.
sumption. The modified and reinforced asphalt mixes shall
describe the efficacy when these are proportioned with bailey 2.2. Materials collection
method gradation. The experimental details of the study are pre-
sented in the following section. Bitumen grade VG – 40 was procured from HPCL, refinery. Saso-
bit pellets were procured from M/s KPL International Limited, New
2. Experimental details Delhi. Crushed rock aggregates and rock dust was collected from
the local quarry. RAP aggregates were collected from NH 44 High-
2.1. Gradation of mix using Bailey’s method way at Shamshabad, Hyderabad. Rice Bran oil was used as a reju-
venator and Nano Glass Fibers were shredded from Fiberglass of
In this research work BC – II gradation as specified in table 500 CSM mats.
of MORTH 5th revision was chosen and a new blend mix has been
generated based on Bailey approach and maximum density line. 2.3. Material testing
Based on the job mix formula the aggregate blend were gener-
ated: 17.59% of CA – 1 (Passing IS 19 mm mesh and retained on Tests on aggregates and bitumen were conducted following the
pertinent IS/BS standards for determining the engineering proper-
ties and chemical compositions which were verified for acceptance
criteria for BC mixes. The RAP aggregates were obtained from the
NH 44 Highway at Shamshabad, Hyderabad utilized as replace-
ment to virgin aggregates, and the properties are summarized in
Table 1. The optimum percentage of Rice Bran oil that has been uti-
lized to rejuvenate the RAP aggregates is 5% of the RAP binder pre-
sent in the RAP aggregates. Three trials were conducted for each
combination in the study and the average values were reported.
Bitumen of VG – 40 grade was procured from HPCL Vishakhap-
atnam refinery and its properties are summarized and presented in
Table 2. RAP bitumen was obtained from the RAP aggregates using
extraction techniques. The results of RAP binder was summarized
and presented in Table 2. Three trials were conducted and the aver-
age values were reported. The results obtained for binder consis-
tency properties are well under the desirable standard deviation
The Nano glass fibers were shredded from fiberglass CSM mats
to provide additional reinforcement to the modified mixtures.
Fig. 1. Bailey’s Design Mix Blend with MORTH’s recommended ranges. Table 3 summarizes properties of Nano glass fibers.
E. Rochishnu et al. Materials Today: Proceedings 43 (2021) 1009–1017

Table 1
Aggregates physical properties.

Property Test Results (%) MORTH Specifications (%) Test Reference

Virgin RAP
Toughness Aggregate Impact value 16 20.30 30 IS 2386 (Part IV)
Strength Aggregate Crushing Value 23.80 20.20 30 IS 2386 (Part IV)
Hardness Los Angeles Abrasion value 22 24.50 30 IS 2386 (Part IV)
Water Absorption Water Absorption 0.32 0.7 2 IS 2386 (Part III)
Particle Shape Combined (EI + FI) Index% 21.20 22 30 IS 2386 (Part I)

Table 2
Binder consistency properties and chemical composition.

Consistency Characteristics Value obtained Specifications Test Reference

Virgin RAP
Penetration @ 25 °C, 100 g, 5 s, 0.1 mm 47 33 35 IS 1203–1978
Softening point (R &B), °C 52.5 48.5 50 IS 1205–1978
Specific gravity 1.03 1.025 0.99 IS 1202–1978
Absolute viscosity @ 60° C, Poises 4160 4380 3200–4800 IS:1206 (Part 2)
Kinematic viscosity @135° C, cSt 460 720 400 IS 1206 (Part 3)
Asphaltenes (%) 23.25 33.5 >35 ASTM - D4124  2018
Flash point (Cleveland open up) °C 255 240 220 IS 1209–1978
Viscosity ratio, 60 °C 1.1 1.0 4 (max) IS 1206 (Part 2)
Aged binder kinematic viscosity @ 135 °C, cSt 510 550 400 IS 1206 (Part 3)
Aged bitumen ductility at 25 °C, cm 80 90 25 IS 1208–1978
Centrifugal Extraction (%) – 2.6 – IRC: SP 11 – 1988
Soxhlet Extraction (%) – 2.62 – IS 13826–7 (1993)

63.5 mm in thickness. Each casted sample weighed 1200 g which

Table 3
Nano glass fiber material properties. consisted of a mixture of well - graded aggregates and asphalt bin-
der. The asphalt and the aggregate mixture is filled and compacted
Properties Value
in the mould by applying 75 blows on each face of a sample by a
Tensile modulus (GPa) 72.4 4.54 kg steel rammer falling from a height of 45.7 cm. [4] Four
Tensile strength (GPa) 3.5
diverse combinations of specimens were casted as recorded in
Density (g/cc) 2.54
Softening Point (°C) 846 Table 4.
Thermal expansion (mm/m)(°C) 5
Specific strength (N m / kg) 1.38
2.6. Indirect Tensile Strength (IDT) test

Indirect Tensile Strength test (IDT) was conducted as outlined in

2.4. Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy test (FTIR) ASTM D 6931 [12] so as to determine the ductile and cracking
properties of the asphalt mixtures. Cylindrical samples were casted
FTIR was performed for all binder combinations as outlined in with 100 mm in diameter and 63.5 mm in thickness. Samples were
ASTM E168 – E 1252 utilizes an infrared spectrum of absorption placed in a water bath at 35 °C for 2 h and then the IDT test was
or transmission on any form of matter. FTIR is a popular method conducted as shown in Fig. 2.
to investigate changes in the chemical composition due to oxida- The Indirect Tensile Strength of mix is calculated using the
tive ageing [2]. formula.

2.5. Marshall mix design St ¼ ð4Þ
Marshall Samples were casted outlined in ASTM D 6926 – 04 for Where St = IDT Strength (MPa), P = Peak Load at Failure (N),
determining Marshall Parameters. Cylindrical Samples were casted t = Sample thickness before test in mm, D = Sample diameter in
in a steel mould of dimensions of 100 mm in diameter and mm.

Table 4
Various mix blends used in this research work.

Mix Kind Details Code Coarse Blend (%) Fine Blend (%) Binder content (%) RAP (%) Nano (%)
Virgin RAP Virgin RAP Filler
1 Mix with Base Binder BM 47.39 – 42.428 0 4.68 5.5 – –
2 Mix with 3% WMA WM 47.54 – 42.57 0 4.68 5.2 – –
3 Mix with 3% WMA & RAP % RM 38.07 –0# 9.50– 40.05– 2.5– 4.68 5.2 20–80 –
47.54# 10.08# 32.5#
4 Mix with 3% WMA, 70% RAP and Nano NM 0# 47.54 20.18 22.4 4.68 5.2 70 0.1–0.4
For RM mix blend the virgin and RAP aggregates content in coarse and fine blend has been varying according to change in RAP percentage. NM mix the fiber content is varying.

E. Rochishnu et al. Materials Today: Proceedings 43 (2021) 1009–1017

3. Results and discussions

Sasobit pellets were heated to its melting point and were

blended to the base binder at various dosages of 1–4% with base
binder at an interval of 1%. The results are used to evaluate the
optimum dosage of sasobit percentage. The properties of the mod-
ified binder are summarized and graphically presented in Table 5,
Figs. 5 and 6. The binders used in the study were characterized as
per the FTIR test and were presented in Fig. 7. The modified binders
were performed for three trials and the average values were
reported. The results obtained for modified binder properties are
Fig. 2. Specimens performing Indirect Tensile Strength (IDT) test. well under the desirable standard deviation limits.
It was observed that penetration value was decreasing with the
increase in sasobit percentage, this is because at higher sasobit per-
Tensile Strength Ratio (TSR) is defined as the ratio of the tensile centage asphaltens increases and hardens the asphalt. A harder
strength of the water conditioned sample to the tensile strength of grade bitumen is generally not preferred as it becomes brittle
the unconditioned sample expressed in percentage. and lower fatigue life. As the percentage of sasobit increases, there
was an increase in the softening point of the asphalt binder. For
TSR ¼ ð5Þ Indian conditions an average of 60–65 °C of asphalt softening point
is preferred as the hottest temperatures in peak summers can
Where Sc = Indirect Tensile Strength of conditioned specimen shoot up to 50 °C. The viscosity of the asphalt binder was observed
(MPa) and Suc = Indirect Tensile Strength of unconditioned speci- to be decreasing as sasobit percentage increases. For 3% WMA
men (MPa). TSR value obtained if greater than or equal to 0.8 there was a decrease in viscosity value by 145 cP when compared
and less than 1 is desirable. to the base binder, which leads to an overall reduction in heating
temperature by almost 25 °C. Penetration index is a sign of the
2.7. Repeated load IDT resilient modulus test ability of bitumen to resist frequent variations in the temperature
of the pavement. A negative value of penetration index indicates
Repetitive load IDT Resilient modulus test shown in Fig. 3 was that it is susceptible to high temperatures and a positive value
performed on bituminous concrete mix as outlined in ASTM D indicates low temperature susceptible binders. Asphaltens content
7369 [13]. Repeated axial load in half sinusoidal waveform at was found to be increasing as sasobit dosage increases leading to
35 °C was applied on the cylindrical sample along the diameter higher asphalt oxidation and generally a lesser value is preferred
for a loading time of 0.1 s and a rest span of 0.9 s. The pavement by considering all other binder properties into comparison.
design considers the resilient modulus value as a primary input Generally, in the FTIR spectrum, the area defined between
and this value is also used to evaluate the quality of the material. bands ranging from 1660 cm1 to 1753 cm1 is the carbonyl group,
and the area defined between bands ranging from 970 cm1 and
1070 cm1 is sulfoxide group. The aliphatic compounds lie
2.8. Immersion wheel Rutting test
between the ranges of 1350 cm1 to 1525 cm1. Carbonyl group
in asphalt deals with the linear relationship generated between
Rutting is a permanent deformation created on the surface of
the level of asphalt oxidation and the escalation of the log of vis-
the road along the direction of the wheel path due to the presence
cosity and the increase in carbonyl concentration during bitumen
of water, increased traffic loads, and temperature variations. Rut-
ageing procedures. An escalation in the sulfoxide group leads to a
ting generally occurs when there is a formation of depression on
decline in the ductile property and also releases harmful toxins.
the top of the subgrade leading to a settlement of the top layers
The aromatic and aliphatic properties together show the adhesive
and forming a depression. It can also be caused due to improper
and cohesive nature of the binder [2]. From Fig. 7 and Table 6 it
mix design which does not lead to a depression on subgrade but
was observed that as sasobit dosage increases the carbonyl index
the corresponding layer that has been constructed with poor mix
increases. Higher the carbonyl index, higher is the ageing which
design [11]. The rut depth is directly measured by the use of LVDT
is not desirable. 3.5% WMA has a value similar to that of the aged
and is shown in Fig. 4.

Solenoid value cylinder

Load cell
Signal Conditioner with DAQ

Vertical LVDT’s

Temperature Chamber
Horizontal LVDT’s

Fig. 3. Repeated load test setup.

E. Rochishnu et al. Materials Today: Proceedings 43 (2021) 1009–1017

Fig. 4. Immersion Wheel Rutting Test.

Table 5
Modified Binder results - WMA.

Test Test Reference 1% Sasobit 2% Sasobit 3% Sasobit 3.5% Sasobit 4% Sasobit

Penetration at 25 °C IS 1203–1978 35 33 31.6 28.8 25.3
Softening point (R &B), °C IS 1205–1978 55 58 65 74 78
Ductility at 25 °C, cm IS 1208–1978 100 100 100 100 93
Specific gravity IS 1202–1978 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01
Kinematic viscosity 135◦ C, cP IS 1206 (Part 3) 440 395 315 300 235
Absolute viscosity at 60◦ C, IS:1206 (Part 2) 11,480 10,210 9160 8990 7950
Flash point (Cleaved up) °C IS 1209–1978 250 243 238 234 227
Viscosity ratio, 60 °C IS 1206 (Part 2) 1.31 1.29 1.25 1.23 1.19
Aged bitumen kinematic viscosity, cSt IS 1206 (Part 3) 580 510 395 370 280
Aged bitumen ductility, cm IS 1208–1978 98.2 96.5 93 92.2 88.6
Asphaltenes (%) ASTM - D4124  2018 22 24 25.5 26.5 27
Penetration retention rate (%) 74.46 70.21 67.23 61.27 53.82
Softening point increment, °C 2.5 5.5 12.5 21.5 25.5
Retained ductility (%) 100 100 100 100 93
Penetration Index 1.86 0.31 0.89 1.13 1.62

Fig. 5. Penetration – Softening for WMA binder.

Fig. 6. Asphaltens for binder combinations.

base and aged 3% WMA binder. 4% WMA has higher value in com- the Marshall Parameters. Three samples were casted and tested
parison to 3.5%. The RAP binder showed lesser values of carbonyl and the average of these samples was summarized in Fig. 8. A total
index as it has already aged a lot and no further ageing is possible. of 36 samples have been casted and tested for 4 various comina-
The sulfoxide group generally for bitumen must be very less. The tions of mixes.
aromatic index has been increasing indicating better adhesion From Fig. 8 and Table 7 it was observed that the bulk density
and cohesion properties. From the above discussed results it is evi- value of BM mixes is lesser than the bulk density of WM mixes.
dent that 3% WMA showed best results in comparison to other Higher bulk density indicates higher packing of aggregates and
modified and base binder and hence chosen as optimum warm better would be the performance of the mixes. Air voids content
mix additive dosage. was reduced as the asphalt binder content increases. The optimum
binder content was chosen at 4% air voids. BM mix at 4% air voids
3.1. Marshall parameters has a binder content of 5.5% and for WM mixes has a binder con-
tent of 5.2%. The decrease in the binder content by 0.3% would lead
Marshall Mix design was conducted out for the BM and WM to the conservation of asphalt and reduce the overall pavement
mix combinations following the guidelines of MS – 2 to determine construction cost.
E. Rochishnu et al. Materials Today: Proceedings 43 (2021) 1009–1017

Fig. 7. FTIR analysis of base binder and 3% WMA modified binder.

Table 6 VMA value initially decreases as binder content increases and

FTIR values determined from graphs by integration method using baseline approach. then reaches a minimum and then increases. As VMA decreases
the packing of aggregates improve and leads to higher strength
Type of Binder Carbonyl Index Sulfoxide Index Aromatic Index
of mix. The stability value increases as binder content and
Base Binder 0.0382 0.0327 0.1236
reaches a maximum and then reduces and the maximum value
1% WMA 0.0320 0.0214 0.0861
2% WMA 0.0396 0.0404 0.0982 is recorded. Flow value increases as binder content is increasing
3% WMA 0.0480 0.0553 0.1249 and increasing flow indicates lesser the stiffness of mix. 5.5% BM
3.5% WMA 0.0998 0.0615 0.1253 mixes exhibited lowest Marshall Parameter’s values in compar-
4% WMA 0.1320 0.0885 0.1284 ison to other mixes and 0.3% NM exhibits the best results. 70%
Aged Base Binder 0.0909 0.1379 0.0767
Aged 3% WMA Binder 0.0957 0.1126 0.0998
RM mixes also showed very good improvement in comparison
RAP Binder 0.0561 0.0816 0.1338 to the BM and WM mixes.

Fig. 8. Marshall Parameters for Base Mix and 3% WMA mix.

E. Rochishnu et al. Materials Today: Proceedings 43 (2021) 1009–1017

Table 7
Summarized Marshall Parameters for mix combinations.

Mix Blend Bulk Density (g/cc) Air Voids (%) VMA(%) Stability (kN)
Trial Mean Std. deviation Trial Mean Std. deviation Trial Mean Std. deviation
5.5% BM 2.31 2.328 0.01154 4.20 4.16 0.7956 16.84 12.51 12.41 0.0916
2.33 3.35 12.33
2.33 4.94 12.39
5.2% WM 2.32 2.331 0.03055 4.28 4.21 0.1446 16.40 12.34 12.51 0.6323
2.36 4.30 11.98
2.30 4.04 13.21
70% RM 2.37 2.337 0.03214 4.21 4.17 0.0529 14.39 12.71 12.75 0.0781
2.31 4.11 12.84
2.32 4.19 12.70
0.3% NM 2.34 2.334 0.01 4.05 3.99 0.0721 12.99 13.07 13.01 0.0568
2.32 3.91 12.96
2.33 4.01 12.99

3.2. Indirect Tensile Strength test (ITS) From Fig. 9 it was observed that the WM mix showed higher
TSR value in comparison to the BM mix. Considering the RM mix-
ITS test was performed for all mix combinations with three tures it is observed that 70% RM mixes showed the best results
specimens for each mix blend. The average value of three speci- when compared with other RM mixes. It is also observed that as
mens for each blend mix is chosen as the IDT and is summarized RAP percentage increases the tensile strength of both conditioned,
in Table 8 and the corresponding TSR results in Fig. 9. A total of unconditioned and TSR value increases up to 70% RAP replacement,
39 samples have been casted and tested for all the 13 combinations but beyond 70% RAP replacement the tensile strength decreased.
of blend mixes. 0.3% NM mix showed the best results in comparison to other mixed
blends. A higher tensile strength mix indicates a stronger crack
resistant mix.

Table 8
Conditioned and Unconditioned Tensile for various mixes blend combinations.
3.3. Repetitive load ITS resilient modulus test

Mix Blend Conditioned Tensile Unconditioned Tensile

The magnitude of load applied to determine the resilient mod-
Combinations Strength (MPa) Strength (MPa)
ulus is 10%, 15%, and 20% of failure load obtained from the IDT test
BM 0.976 1.257 at a constant frequency of 1 Hz. Three samples have been casted for
WM 1.184 1.334
20% RM 0.51 0.824
all mix combinations in the study. The average resilient modulus
30% RM 0.674 0.967 for each blend mix is summarized and presented in Fig. 10. A total
40% RM 0.752 0.981 of 39 samples have been casted and tested for all the 13 combina-
50% RM 0.824 1.03 tions of blend mixes.
60% RM 0.988 1.147
From Fig. 10 it was observed that the BM mix has the least resi-
70% RM 1.138 1.234
80% RM 0.902 1.113 lient modulus value in comparison to the remaining mixes. WM
0.1% NM 1.369 1.613 mix showed better results compared to BM mix. In RM mixes as
0.2% NM 1.531 1.744 RAP percentage increases, the resilient modulus was found to be
0.3% NM 1.647 1.777 increasing up to 70% and then decreases. In NM mixes as the fiber
0.4% NM 1.34 1.599
percentage increases, the resilient modulus value increases up to

Fig. 9. Tensile Strength Ratio for various mixes.

E. Rochishnu et al. Materials Today: Proceedings 43 (2021) 1009–1017

Fig. 10. Resilient modulus for various mix combinations.

0.3% and then decreases. As the ITS percentage value from 10% to RM mixes with a 5% rejuvenator addition had shown tremendous
20% was increasing the resilient modulus value was observed to improvement in rut depth when compared to the BM mix. 0.3%
be decreasing. Higher the resilient modulus value better is the per- NM mix showed the best rut depth results when compared to all
formance of the pavement. other mixes. Lower the rut depth better is performance of the
3.4. Immersion wheel Rutting test
4. Conclusions
A slab with a volume of 6000 cm3 (400 mm  300 mm 
50 mm) for the obtained bulk density was casted. The casted slab The obtained results from the laboratory tests conducted on
is immersed in water and the test is conducted at an elevated tem- binders and mixes are summarized for following conclusions:
perature 50 °C. A steel wheel of 47 mm dia., with a total load of
710 N is employed over the slab for 20,000 passes i.e. 72 wheel  3% WMA resulted in reduction of the existing toxic emissions
passes per minute for a simulated wheel path length of 230 mm. and the total cost of pavement construction as the overall heat-
The obtained results of the test are presented graphically in ing, mixing, and laying temperatures reduces by 25 °C.
Fig. 11. A total of 12 slabs have been casted and tested for all the  3% WMA ensued in reduction of viscosity by 145 cP and the
4 mix combinations. softening point value increased by 12.5 °C when compared to
From Fig. 11 it was observed that the rut depths obtained were conventional binder which led to higher workable conditions.
found to be decreasing in comparison to the BM mix. Considering  3% sasobit dosage resulted in best binder, rheological and mor-
the results of indirect tensile strength test and resilient modulus phological properties when compared with 1%, 2%, and 4% saso-
test 0.3% NM mix was chosen as the optimum blend mix for casting bit dosages. 3.5% sasobit dosage exhibited similar properties as
rutting slab to enhance the properties of the 70% RM mix. 70% of of the 3% sasobit dosage.

Fig. 11. Rut depth for various mix combinations.

E. Rochishnu et al. Materials Today: Proceedings 43 (2021) 1009–1017

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CRediT authorship contribution statement
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Elchuri Rochishnu: Formal analysis, Investigation, Methodol- [11] ASTM - D4124 – 2018 ‘‘Standard Test Method for Separation of Asphalt into
ogy, Resources, Writing - original draft. Adepu Ramesh: Conceptu- Four Fractions”
[12] ASTM D6931 – 17 ‘‘Standard Test Method for Indirect Tensile (IDT) Strength
alization, Formal analysis, Investigation, Methodology, Project ofss Asphalt Mixtures”
administration, Resources, Supervision, Validation, Writing - origi- [13] ASTM D7369-11 ‘‘ Standard test for Determining the Resilient Modulus of
nal draft, Writing - review & editing. Varanasi Venkat Ramayya: Bituminous Mixtures by Indirect Tension Test”
[14] A. Ramesh, M. Satish Goud, V. Venkat Ramayya, M. Kumar, V. Vinayaka Ram,
Conceptualization, Formal analysis, Investigation, Methodology, ‘‘Influence of Bitumen modification and gradation on Performance
Project administration, Resources, Supervision, Validation, Writing Characteristics of Asphalt Pavements” – Institute of Engineers (IEA)-
- original draft, Writing - review & editing. Springer, J. Inst. Eng. India Ser. A. 100 (2019) 1–10.
[15] A. Ramesh, M. Sreeram, V. Venkat Ramyya, M. Kumar, ‘‘ Laboratory assessment
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Declaration of Competing Interest characteristics and inclusion of fiber” – Indian, Highways. 47 (2019) 42–53.

The authors declare that they have no known competing finan- Further Reading
cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared
to influence the work reported in this paper. [2] AASHTO T – 19, American Association of State Highway and Transportation
Officials (2014)
[3] ASTM D6926 – 04 ‘‘Standard Practice for preparation of bituminous specimens
Acknowledgement using Marshall apparatus”
[4] ASTM D6927 -15 ‘‘ Standard Test Method for Marshall Stability and Flow of
Bituminous Mixtures”
The authors would like to extend their gratitude to Comprehen- [5] FHWA-RD-97-148 ‘‘User Guidelines for Waste and Byproduct Materials in
sive Research Scheme (CRS), TEQIP – III, project sanctioned by Pavement Construction” - US Department of Transportation, 2008.
JNTUH, for providing financial support (Sanction order No. [6] IRC: SP 11 –1988 ‘‘ Determination of Binder content for asphalt by centrifugal
JNTUH/TEQIP- III/CRS/2019/Civil/04). [7] IS 1202,03,05,06,08,09 – 1978 ‘‘ Methods for testing tar”
[8] IS 13826-7 (1993) ‘‘Determination of Binder content for asphalt felts by
References Soxhlet apparatus”
[9] IS 2386 (PART I – IV), 1963 ‘‘ Methods for tests on aggregates”
[10] MORTH’s, Specifications for roads and bridges, 5th revision, Ministry of Road
[1] B. Hofko, L Porot, X. Lu, H Grothe, L Poulikakos, L Huber, K Mollenhauer, A
Transport and Highways (2013)
Falchetto Cannone (2018) ‘‘FTIR spectral analysis of bituminous binders:
reproducibility and impact of ageing temperature” – Materials and Structures
51, Article 45 - Springer.


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