Case Study: Company Analysis: Name of Company: Inaiscarves
Case Study: Company Analysis: Name of Company: Inaiscarves
Case Study: Company Analysis: Name of Company: Inaiscarves
First and foremost, all praises thanks to Allah, the Almighty, for His showers of
blessings who gave us power and strength throughout the progress to complete the report work
done successfully, Alhamdulillah.
We would like to express our deep and sincere gratitude to our lecturer for this subject,
Principles of Entrepreneurship (ENT530), Madam Siti Zaitun binti Saddam for giving us such
great opportunity to examine the case study assignment and providing us all nice support and
helpful guidance which help us completing the report on time given. Through this assignment,
we got to learn a lot of new things, especially knowledge on the perspective of
We are extremely grateful to Encik Muhamad Zul Fathi’i Bin Zakaria and Puan Siti
Nurzarifa Binti Norman Shah, the founders of Inaiscarves for giving us a chance to conduct
the online interview and providing a lot of information to be included in this report. A special
gratitude to our team members, Asyiqin, Afiqah, Miza, Syafiqah, Syafi for the commitment
and cooperation although most of the time discussion was done via online and not
communicating face-to-face but we still can organize the work together.
Last but not least, we are sincerely thankful to our family for their prayers, moral and
financial support, caring and understanding that has helped us a lot in finishing this report.
Alhamdulillah, we manage to complete this report after going through some challenges along
the way.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ......................................................................................................... 1
TABLE OF CONTENT ............................................................................................................ 2
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ........................................................................................................ 4
Overview ............................................................................................................................. 4
Highlights............................................................................................................................. 4
Problems ............................................................................................................................. 5
Proposed Solutions ............................................................................................................. 5
1.0 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................. 6
1.1 Background of The Study ........................................................................................ 6
1.2 Purpose of The Study .............................................................................................. 6
2.0 COMPANY INFORMATION ................................................................................. 7
2.1 Background ........................................................................................................... 7
2.1.1 Brand Positioning .............................................................................................. 7
2.1.2 Brand Slogan ..................................................................................................... 7
2.1.3 Vision and Mission of the Company .................................................................. 8
2.2 Organizational Structure ....................................................................................... 9
2.3 Products/Services ............................................................................................... 10
2.4 Business, Marketing, Operational Strategy ......................................................... 10
2.4.1 Marketing Strategy .......................................................................................... 10
2.4.2 Operational Strategy ....................................................................................... 11
3.0 COMPANY ANALYSIS ...................................................................................... 13
3.1 SWOT .................................................................................................................... 13
3.1.1 Strength ................................................................................................................ 13
3.1.2 Weakness ............................................................................................................. 13
3.1.3 Opportunities ........................................................................................................ 14
3.1.4 Threats.................................................................................................................. 14
4.0 FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION .......................................................................... 15
4.1 Findings ................................................................................................................. 15
4.2 Discussion ............................................................................................................. 16
5.0 CONCLUSION ................................................................................................... 17
6.0 REFERENCES .................................................................................................. 19
7.0 APPENDICES .................................................................................................... 20
7.1 Company Registration Form ....................................................................................... 20
7.2 Invitation for Interview ............................................................................................. 21
7. 3 Interview session .................................................................................................... 21
The case study is focusing on analysing and researching the small business or company
regarding their main problem they encounter and proposed a solution pertaining to the analysed
problem. It also focuses on the information gathering regarding the business in terms of
background, products, marketing strategies and SWOT analysis.
The company that we have chosen is Inaiscarves which is a local scarves brand in Malaysia
that has been serving the business industry. Inaiscarves is a specialist in producing ‘Bawal’
type of scarves with detailed designs and high-quality materials. In early 2021, they launched
their first Set Casual Suits for women in the market. This brand was founded on 4th August
2016, with the dedication and passionate husband and wife, Mr Muhamad Zul Fathi’ i Bin
Zakaria and Puan Mrs Siti Nurzarifah binti Nurman Shah. They are very active in promoting,
selling their products online by their own social media platforms such as official website,
Instagram, Facebook. Now, they are reaching five years in this business industry, still serving
their best quality products.
Based on our analysis by using SWOT analysis, one of Inaiscarves’ strengths we discover is
their active promotion, marketing techniques and skills in media social especially Instagram.
Besides, Inaiscarves’ agent services are very active and dedicated in interacting with
customers, asking for their feedback, actively posting in their social media, is one of the
recognized strengths of Inaiscarves. Then, one of the main contributions that lead to the
successfulness of the brand is the production itself. Inaiscarves own and control 100% of their
production process, the workers are originally belonging to the companies, these aspects will
give them freedoms in generating ideas, monitoring the quality performance, the process on
their own without interruption from other parties.
Meanwhile, the weakness of Inaiscarves could be highlighted based on a few aspects. The first
one is regarding their store in Bangi. The place is quite hidden from the people’ view and it is
not strategic. Furthermore, they do not have enough budget and financial coverage to support
the opening of other stores in more strategic places such as in malls, and places that are full of
crowds which will attract more people visiting their stores. Then, due to lack of financial
1.1 Background of The Study
The purpose of this case study is to identify the company’s problems and to
provide the solutions on each of the problems that students are able to identify during
interviewing the owner regarding the company. Especially during the outburst of the
Pandemic COVID19 last year. Inaiscarves has suffered greatly during the lockdown as
many problems arose because of the lockdown. After the interview, the company will
be analyzed according to SWOT analysis. This case study will provide the company’s
strength, weakness, opportunities and threats. After the analysis, the solutions or
suggestions for improvement will be provided in this case study. This case study also
required us to practice our knowledge, applying it on how to deal with real life
situations. What actions should be taken, what are the pros and cons for every action
taken, and how does it impact the company. Thus, our main focus on the case study is
to identify, analyse what are the problems the company is going through, conduct
SWOT analysis, and propose the best solutions to overcome those problems in a
detailed and oriented plan.