Ca1 TFN Prelim

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Curriculum Era (1900-1940s) - Focuses on health promotion and

- emphasis on what courses nursing treatment of the disease.

students should take, with the goal - Caring is central to nursing
of arriving at a standardized practice and promotes health
curriculum. better than simple medical cure.
Mid 1930s - standardized curriculum
Marilyn Anne Ray
Research Era (1950-1970s) - Theory of Bureaucratic Caring
- Nurses began to participate in - Caring as relational bonds which
research and research courses can be intentionally focused to
began to be included in the nursing cocreate desired outcomes.
curricula. - A spiritual ethical caring

Graduate Education Era (1950-1970s) Patricia Benner

- Master’s degree programs in - “From novice to expert”
nursing emerged to meet the - Proposes that expert nurses
public need for nurses with develop skills and understanding of
specialized clinical nursing patient care over time through a
education. proper educational background as
well as a multitude of experiences.
Theory Era (1980-1990s) - Knowledge and experience to
- Doctoral education in nursing become an expert.
flourished with an emphasis on Stages:
theory development. 1. Novice - only knows the rules and
concepts. (ex. basic nursing knowledge;
Theory Utilization Era (2000-present) educational foundation)
- Emphasis was placed in middle 2. Advanced Beginner - acceptable
range theory on theory-based performance and gain experiences from
nursing practice, as well as on actual nursing situations. (ex. vital signs
theory development. w/out supervision)
3. Competent - understands actions
regarding long term goals; gains
Florence Nightingale perspective when planning their own
- Environmental Theory actions. 2-3 yrs of experience. (ex. don’t
5 Environmental Factors: rely on what is on the book; can make
a. Clean water their own NCP)
b. Clean air 4. Proficient - can perceive and
c. Basic sanitation understand situations as a whole;
d. Cleanliness interconnectedness. Knows what to
e. Light expect in certain situations. (ex. prepares
- Her observations taught her that equipments and meds when a situation
unsanitary environments contribute arise)
greatly to illnesses. 5. Expert - have intuition; no longer relies
- Improve conditions to allow healing on principles and guidelines to connect
to occur. situations and determine action. (ex. You
- Changed the face of nursing to already know what to do without relying on
create a sanitary condition for the the guidelines)

Jean Watson Nursing Conceptual Models - theories

- Transpersonal Caring that are regarded by some of the pioneers
- Main concern: how nurses care for in nursing; address the nursing paradigm
their patients and how that care and explain the relationship between
progresses into better plans to them.
promote health and wellness.
Myra Estrin Levine
- Conservation Model
- “Nursing is human interaction.” Dorothea Orem
- Main goal: Maintain the integrity of - Self-Care Theory
the system according to the - To improve human functioning at
respective function to achieve a the home level of effectiveness.
balance or equilibrium through the - Maintain some independence.
provision of nursing interventions. Subject Matter:
- Nursing action: To help the patient a. Wholly Compensatory - totally
achieve a balance or equilibrium. dependent. (ex. Comatosed;
Help the patient to adapt effectively paralyzed)
to the health challenges with the b. Partially Compensatory - need
least amount of effort. help for tasks that they can do
themselves. (ex. Acutely ill)
Martha Rogers c. Supportive-Educative - lacks
- Theory of Human Beings information.
- “Nursing is an art and science that
is humanistic and humanitarian.”
- “Science of Unitary Human Beings” Nursing Theorist of Historical
- Nursing focuses on human beings Significance - nursing theorist noted for
and the manifestations that their development of nursing theories
emerge from the mutual interaction during the pre-paradigm period.
of the human and environmental
field. Virginia Henderson
- Human and his universe is a single - Nursing Need Theory
unit therefore must be studied - Importance of increasing patient’s
together. (ex. A patient became independence to hasten their
sick because of his environment.) progress in the hospital.
2 Dimensions: - Basic human needs and how
a. Science of Nursing - knowledge nurses can assist them so that
b. Art of Nursing - skills progress would not be delayed.
- (ex. Give suppositories so that
Sister Callista Roy patient will be relieved from
- Adaptation Model constipation.)
- “Nursing focuses on human life - Goal: Helping the patient become
processes and patterns and as independent as possible.
emphasizes the promotion of 3 Roles of Nurses:
health for individuals, families, a. Substitutive - doing for the person
groups, and society as a whole.” b. Supplementary - help the person
- Aim: Increase compliance and life do it for themselves
expectancy. If you won’t adapt, you c. Complementary - working with the
will die. person
- Nursing goal: Promote patient
adaptation. Faye Glenn Abdellah
- 21 Nursing Problem Theory
Imogene King - From disease-centered to
- Theory of Goal Attainment patient-centered; include families
- “Nursing is a process of action, and elderly.
reaction and interaction by which - Focus on the effects of the disease
nurse and client share information to the patient not on the disease
about their perception in a nursing itself.
situation.” 10 Steps to Identify the Patient’s
- To create a mutual understanding Problem
to meet a common goal through 1. Learn to know the patient.
communication. 2. Sort out relevant and significant
- Focuses on nurse-patient data.
3. Make generalizations about - Improve practice by positively
available data in relation to similar influencing the health and quality
nursing problems presented by life of patients.
other patients. 3 Themes:
4. Identify the therapeutic plan. a. Meaning - understand the patient’s
5. Test generalizations with the perception on the situation; provide
patient and make additional advice regarding the situation
generalizations. b. Rhythmicity - the patient will
6. Validate the patient’s conclusions agree in managing the care;
about their nursing problems. acceptance
7. Continue to observe and evaluate c. Transcendence - there is
the patient over a period of time to improvement in the situation
identify any attitudes and clues
affecting their behavior.
8. Explore the patient and their Local Nursing Theories (Philippine
family’s reactions to the Setting) - Filipino nurses
therapeutic plan and involve them
in the plan. Rozzano C. Locsin
9. Identify how the nurses feel about - Technological Competency as
the patient’s nursing problems. Caring in Nursing
10. Discuss and develop a - Harmonious coexistence between
comprehensive nursing care plan. technologies and caring
- Focused on knowing persons
Lydia Hall Key Elements:
- Care, Cure, Core Theory 1. Technological Knowing - how
- Core- the patient (ex. you do the procedure using
Nurse-patient relationship) technology and the patient to
- Cure- the attention given to the understands the machine being
patient; treatment, meds. (ex. used on him
Diagnostic procedures, medication 2. Designing - the patient knows the
administration) purpose and accepts; gives the
- Care- management that nurses nurse opportunity to manage the
provide to the patient’s body. (ex. patient
Independent nursing actions; VS, 3. Participative Engaging- promote
bed bath) the opportunity for simultaneous
- Importance of total patient rather practice of shared activities that
than looking at one aspect. are crucial to the knowing person.

Nola Pender Carolina S. Agravante

- Health Promotion Model - Transformational Leadership
- Increasing a patient’s level of Theory
wellbeing. - focused primarily on the
- A tool to plan for behavioral educational and psycho-spiritual
modification intervention for aspect of nursing
improvement and prevention of - Leading and at the same time be
unhealthy behaviors of the patient. of service.
- Help patients prevent illnesses by - To create students with servant
promoting self-care and bold leadership behavior, compassion
alternatives. and competence.

Rosemarie Rizzo Parse Carmelita Divinagracia

- Human Becoming Theory - Theory of Composure Behaviors
- The person and environment is COMpetence
inseparable. Presence and Prayer
Respect and
- Patients need nurses who facilitate
wellness regardless of their social
- The wellness outcome of the
patient depends on the intervention
the nurse facilitates when
administering the care.

Letty G. Kuan
- Retirement and Role Discontinuity
- Factors that determine a “fruitful”
aging process
- The challenge of role transition that
aging people face.

Carmencita Abaquin
- Prepare Me Theory or Holistic
Nursing Interventions
- To address the multidimensional
problems of cancer patients that
can be given in any setting.

Cecilia Laurente
- Theory of Nursing Practice and
- Emphasizes on the importance of
proper handling of emotions by the
- Emphasizes that the other entry
point of helping the patient is
through the family

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