Data Fusion For The Apache Longbow Implementation
Data Fusion For The Apache Longbow Implementation
Data Fusion For The Apache Longbow Implementation
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All content following this page was uploaded by Craig Stoneking on 29 May 2014.
The reason for the importance of periodicity in input Many sensors are expected to report only once on a
sensor data is twofold. First, Data Fusion makes the target, and others (most notably the FCR) report only on
assumption that a given sensor will never report twice activation by the pilot/operator. Without a reliable
on the same target within the same reporting interval, reporting interval for its contributing sensors, the
the length of which is a property of the sensor. For approach to the problem of determining when a track
example, a traditional rotating radar system has a should be declared lost and dropped needed to be
reporting interval equal to the period of rotation of the modified for WA Data Fusion. Through consultation
antenna, and during that period it can reliably be with Boeing engineers and pilots, we worked out an
assumed that the radar will not report twice on a target. approach that is consistent with the way the pilots
This allows Data Fusion to assume that two closely employ the sensors in an operational environment. For
spaced reports from the same sensor in that time interval those sensors that are expected to report only once on a
must be separate targets. For a sensor that does not target, in most cases the target is assumed by the pilots
report periodically, we must identify a time interval to be stationary and will never be dropped. Data Fusion
within which it can reliably be assumed that closely incorporates this assumption. In the case of the FCR, we
spaced reports are from separate targets. Our design implemented a track age-out rate that caused the track to
then accumulates input from that sensor over the go stale in about 30 seconds. This was selected based on
identified time interval and processes the accumulated pilot feedback as the period beyond which they did not
data as though that data represented a periodic reporting feel that the data was sufficiently reliable to be shown
of data. on the cockpit display.
The other reason for the importance of periodicity is to Radio Frequency Interferometer (RFI)
determine when a track can be dropped. In previous One of the most challenging aspects of the Apache
applications, Data Fusion could expect that if a sensor’s sensor data is the nature of the data from the RFI. This
regular reporting interval elapsed without a target’s provides directional indication of radar systems
track being updated by that sensor, then that track could employed by threats such as Surface to Air Missile
be considered lost. Once the track is lost, Data Fusion (SAM) batteries, and a high confidence identification of
continues to maintain the track, but with increasing the threat type. Currently the only information available
uncertainty in the track’s location. When the uncertainty to a pilot is the directional indicator on the display,
in the track location reaches a specified threshold, Data along with the threat type. One of the goals of the Data
Fusion “drops,” (stops reporting on) the track entirely. Fusion development was to implement a capability to
In the current WA application on the Apache, almost convert this directional information over time into an
none of the sensors have a regular reporting interval.
estimate of the target’s position, and – most importantly sensor is used to create a track that contains only
for the pilot – the target’s range, so the pilot can bearing information and ID.
immediately determine the magnitude of the threat 2. Bearing Association – A second LOB
posed by the system. measurement is associated with the LOB track
based on consistency of ID information and
As part of the development of the WA Data Fusion, we geometric feasibility. The geometric feasibility
designed and implemented a capability for RFI test verifies that if the two lines are crossed, the
Multilateration (Figure 5). resulting position represents a feasible target
location, i.e., one within the maximum range of
Step 1: Initial Line of Bearing (LOB) the emitters represented by the ID information.
measurement gives bearing with The result of the association of the two LOBs
error. LOB track is formed. gives a triangulated position with a positional
uncertainty ellipse that is typically fairly large.
This position and uncertainty are used to create a
tentative track that is not yet reported out of Data
3. Track Promotion – When additional LOB
measurements are detected and associated with
Step 2: Second bearing line is the tentative track, an Unscented Filter is used to
associated. Multilateration refine the position and uncertainty. When the
(triangulation) of second line of uncertainty reaches a threshold, the track is
bearing measurement
gives long narrow error ellipse,
promoted to Firm and is reported out of Data
creating tentative track. Fusion to WA or other applications using the
output of Data Fusion.
4. Continued Refinement – As additional LOB
data, or other reports, such as radar reports, are
received on the target, the position is refined
Step 3: Unscented filter further to produce the best possible Target
refines position with Location Error (TLE) from the available data.
additional LOBs, allowing
firm track to be formed
A significant amount of effort was devoted to
development and testing to demonstrate the utility and
performance of the RFI multilateration. During pilot
evaluation we were able to demonstrate that this
capability works well for a single target when the RFI
sensor is providing fine, or high resolution, LOB data.
Based on this testing the pilots specifically recognized
the particular value of the ability to quickly determine
the position of a hostile threat with the passive RFI
sensor. Further maturation is in progress to enable this
Step 4.
capability to work more effectively with less accurate
Multilateration over data and for multiple closely spaced targets so that this
time gives small capability can be integrated and evaluated in operational
TLE. testing.
WA Data Fusion
second. Each time Data Fusion executes, it is expected
to execute for no more about 8 ms before returning. Request
Request System
System Time