Crim 311
Crim 311
Crim 311
A 10175, it refers to the instruction, communication with, storing data in, retrieving data from,
or otherwise making use of any resources of a computer system or communication network.
A) Access
B) Communication
C) Service
D) Denial of Service
2. A criminal activity in which a criminal pose as a legitimate companies and automatically send mails to people
in order to obtain information needed in order for them to steal the identity of others
A) Identity Theft
B) Phishing
C) Packet Sniffing
D) Masquerading
3. Also known as the Cyber Crime Prevention Act of 2002.
A) R.A 8484
B) R.A 10175
C) R.A 8792
D) R.A 9165
4. A method of hacking designed to monitor network communications and selectively keeps records of sensitive
information such as passwords and credit card numbers.
A) Log Flood
B) Logic Bombs
C) Packet Sniffer
D) Cracking
5. An example of computer virus that was originated in Philippines, became famous and made its way around
the world in just a matter of hours causing billions of dollars damage.
A) Trojan Horse
B) Love Bug
C) Covid Virus
D) Back doors
6. An inter-agency body, under the administrative supervision of the Office of the President, for policy
coordination among concerned agencies and for the formulation and enforcement of the national
cybersecurity plan.
A) National Bureau of Investigation
B) Office of Cybercrime
C) Cybercrime Investigation and Coordinating Council
D) Philippine National Police
7. An inter-agency body, under the administrative supervision of the Office of the President, for policy
coordination among concerned agencies and for the formulation and enforcement of the national
cybersecurity plan.
A) Cybersecurity Investigation and Coordinating Agency
B) Cybersecurity Investigation and Coordinating Center
C) Cybercrime Investigation and Coordinating Agency
D) Cybercrime Investigation and Coordinating Center
8. As defined by R.A 8484,it simply refers to natural person.
A) Producer
B) Procedure
C) Consumer
D) People of the Philippines
9. Considered as the simplest, safest, and most common form of computer crime.
A) Data Alteration
B) Data Diddling
C) Data interference
D) Hacking
10. Cybercrooks use “bait” in the form of fraudulent messages to lure victims to fake sites where they unwittingly
enter personal information like usernames, passwords, or bank details.
A) Theft
B) Phishing
C) Identity theft
D) Loan Shark
11. Daniel with the intent to profit, used personal details belonging to another person. What crime did he commit?
A) Theft
B) Phishing
C) Identity theft
D) Loan Shark
12. If you’re connected to an unsecured, unencrypted public Wi-Fi network, hackers can steal your data by
“sniffing” your internet traffic with special tools.
A) Sniffing
B) Phishing
C) Pharming
D) Key logging
13. In computer crime investigation, investigator should always remember that computer crimes will involve
persons who communicate in a language that is difficult to understand.
A) True
B) False
C) Probably True
D) Probably False
14. In computer crime investigation, the search of information inside a computer is usually simple that
investigator don’t need or require the aid of an expert.
A) True
B) False
C) Probably True
D) Probably False
15. In cybercrime it is proven that most of the perpetrators are old because they have more experience in using
a computer.
A) True
B) False
C) Probably True
D) Probably False
16. In the composition of Cybercrime Investigation and Coordinating Center (CICC), who shall be the Vice
A) Chief, PNP
B) Head of the DOJ
C) Director, NBI
D) Executive Director, ICTO-DOST
17. Is define as the art of manipulating of information out of a given person with the view towards learning
information about or from a computer system.
A) Salami technique
B) Trojan horse
C) Salami attack
D) Social Engineering
18. It involves following an authorized person into a restricted area- building or a computer room.
A) Dumpster Diving
B) Masquerading
C) Piggy backing
D) Spying
19. It is a common hacker’s tool which generates millions of combinations of letter and numbers until it finds a
combination that matches a password and gets in.
A) Cracking
B) Hacker's tool.
C) Hacking
D) Hacker’s dictionary
20. It is a method for inserting instruction in a program so that program performs an unauthorized function while
apparently performing a useful one.
A) Back doors
B) Trap doors
C) Trojan Horse
D) Salami Attack
21. It is a quick way into a program, it allows program developers to bypass all of the security built into the
program now or in the future.
A) Back Doors
B) Social Engineering
C) Trojan Horse
D) Salami technique
22. It is a syndrome which stated that cybercrime perpetrator rationalized that they were only harming computer
and not causing any loss to people or organization.
A) Stockholm Syndrome
B) Robin Hood Syndrome
C) Robin Padilla Syndrome
D) Cybercrime Syndrome
23. It is a type of security attack which the perpetrator is scavenging through materials that have been thrown
A) Recycling
B) Dumpster Diving
C) Masquerading
D) Computer Vandalism
24. It is the central authority in all matters related to international mutual assistance and extradition.
A) Interpol
B) Office of Cybercrime
25. It means any card plate, coupon book, or other credit device existing for the purpose of obtaining money,
goods, property, labor, or services or anything of value on credit.
A) Credit Card
B) Identification card
C) Access Device
D) ATM Card
26. It refers to an electronic, magnetic, optical, electrochemical, or other data processing or communications
device, or grouping of such devices, capable of performing logical, arithmetic, routing, or storage functions
and which includes any storage facility or equipment or communications facility or equipment directly related
to or operating in conjunction with such device.
A) Computer Data
B) Data
C) Electronic Data
D) Computer
27. It refers to listening to, recording, monitoring or surveillance of the content of communications, including
procuring of the content of data, either directly, through access and use of a computer system or indirectly,
through the use of electronic eavesdropping or tapping devices, at the same time that the communication is
A) Eavesdropping
B) Interception
C) Wiretapping
D) Bugging
28. It serves as a quick way into a program which allows the developers to bypass all of the security built into the
A) Back doors
B) Salami
C) Packet Sniffer
D) Trojan Horse
29. Means any access device that is stolen, loss, expired, revoked, canceled, or obtained, with intent to defraud.
A) Counterfeit Access Device
B) Access Device fraudulently applied for
C) Counter Access Device
D) Unauthorized Access Device
30. Means any card plate, code, account number, electronic serial number, personal identification number, or
other telecommunications service, equipment or instrumental identifier, or other means of account access
that can be used to obtain money, goods, services, or any other thing of value or to initiate a transfer of funds.
A) Information Device
B) Counterfeit Access Device
C) Credit card
D) Access Device
31. Means any equipment, mechanism or impression, designed or primarily used for making or altering or
recording an access device or a counterfeit access device.
A) Device equipment
B) Device making equipment
C) Data access
D) Access device
32. On February 7, 2000 the website of Yahoo was subjected to unprecedented attack that effectively removed
the site from the internet for three hours. What type of computer attack did the perpetrator used in this
A) Denial of Service
B) Computer Vandalism
C) Packet Sniffing
D) Masquerading
33. refers to a computer or a computer network, the electronic medium in which online communication takes
A) Cyber
B) Hacking
C) Computer
D) Electronic
34. Refers to all kinds of online harassment, including stalking, sexual harassment, doxxing (exposing someone’s
personal information, like their physical address, online without their consent), and fraping (breaking into
someone’s social media and making fake posts on their behalf).
A) Access
B) Cyberbullying
C) Crypto Jacking
D) Cyber Extortion
35. Refers to the collection of tools, policies, risk management approaches, actions, training, best practices,
assurance and technologies that can be used to protect the cyber environment and organization and user’s
A) Access
B) Cybersecurity
C) Collection
D) Cyber crime
36. Refers to the modification or change, in form or substance, of an existing computer data or program.
A) Computer Vandalism
B) Denial of Service
C) Alteration
D) Amendment
37. Refers to the transmission of information from one computer device to another.
A) Communication
B) Interception
C) Access
D) Computer
38. Refers to unauthorized access into or interference in a computer system/server or information and
communication system; or access in order to corrupt or destroy using a computer or other similar information
or communication devices without the knowledge and consent of the owner of the computer or information
and communication system, including the introduction of computer virus and the like resulting in the
corruption, destruction, alteration, theft, or loss of electronic data messages or electronic document.
A) Espionage
B) Cracking
C) Piggy backing
D) Piracy
39. Refer to blackmailing victims using their personal info, photos, and video; or threatening businesses using
methods like botnet-driven DoS attacks.
A) Cyberbullying
B) Cyberespionage
C) Crypto Jacking
D) Cyber Extortion
40. Stealing classified intelligence and using malware to attack nuclear plants are just two ways in which state-
sponsored groups can do some frightening things on the world stage.
A) Cyberbullying
B) Cyberespionage
C) Crypto Jacking
D) Cyber Extortion
41. Taking it one step deeper than phishing, pharming uses malware to reroute unsuspecting internet surfers to
fake versions of websites, where they unknowingly enter their personal details.
A) Sniffing
B) Phishing
C) Pharming
D) Key logging
42. The acquisition of a domain name over the internet in bad faith to profit, mislead, destroy reputation, and
deprive others from registering the same.
A) Fraud
B) Cyber Squatting
C) Computer-Related Forgery
D) Computer-Related Fraud
43. The difference between computer crimes and other traditional crime is that in computer crime, offender can
easily commit the crime and at the same time can easily destroy evidence that might be used against them.
A) True
B) False
C) Probably True
D) Probable False
44. The intentional alteration or reckless hindering or interference with the functioning of a computer or
computer network by inputting, transmitting, damaging, deleting, deteriorating, altering or suppressing
computer data or program, electronic document, or electronic data message, without right or authority,
including the introduction or transmission of viruses.
A) Data Alteration
B) Alteration
C) Data diddling
D) System Interference
45. These agencies shall be responsible for the efficient and effective law enforcement of the provisions of R.A
A) National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) and the Philippine National Police (PNP)
B) Department of Science and Technology and CICC
46. These is a kind of attack which cause the computer’s storage space to fill.
A) Data flood
B) Denial of Service
C) Data Interference
D) Packet floods
47. These two personalities are responsible of creating destructive virus called love bug.
A) Onel de Guzman and Michael Buen
B) Oral de Buen and Michael Guzman
C) Orel de Gusman and Michael Buen
D) Orel de Buen and Michael Gusman
48. The unauthorized input, alteration, or deletion of computer data or program or interference in the functioning
of a computer system, causing damage thereby with fraudulent intent.
A) Computer vandalism
B) Denial of Service
C) Computer-related Forgery
D) Computer-related Fraud
49. The willful engagement, maintenance, control, or operation, directly or indirectly, of any lascivious exhibition
of sexual organs or sexual activity, with the aid of a computer system, for favor or consideration.
A) Cyber pornography
B) Cybersex
C) Cyber prostitution
D) Sex Slavery
50. This refers to a criminal activity which uses electronic device with a connection to the internet.
A) Cybercrime
B) Electronic Crime
C) Internet Crime
D) Cypercrime
51. This technique causes small amounts of asset to be removed from a large pool. The stolen assets are removed
one slice at a time that the salami victim of salami fraud can’t even notice.
A) Back doors
B) Trap doors
C) Trojan Horse
D) Salami Attack
52. This technique causes small amounts of asset to be removed from a large pool. The stolen assets are removed
one slice at a time that the salami victim of salami fraud can’t even notice.
A) Fraud
B) Masquerading
C) Salami Technique
D) Trap Doors
53. This type of malware (or to be more specific, spyware) secretly logs everything you type, capturing your
account information and other personal details.
A) Sniffing
B) Phishing
C) Pharming
D) Key logging
54. This type of storage device is small, enough to fit inside a pocket but can hold more than enough information
to make a case.
A) Magnetic tape
B) floppy disk
C) Tape
D) Computer hardware
55. What does ISP means?
A) Inter-Source Processing
B) Internet Source Processing
C) Internet Service Provider
D) Intelligence Source Provider
56. Which of the following statement is false?
A) Computers can maintain extremely large amount of information in a small amount of space
B) Determining of evidence to be collected and to be preserved in computer crime investigation is easy because
investigator can seized evidence even if not specified in a search warrant
C) Determination of jurisdiction is important in computer crime investigation because often, a suspect computer
will have been used in facilitating a crime in another jurisdiction
D) Most perpetrators in cybercrime are young and were educated in colleges and universities where computer
attacks are common and sometimes condoned as educational activity
57. The willful engagement, maintenance, control, or operation, directly or indirectly, of any lascivious exhibition
of sexual organs or sexual activity, with the aid of a computer system, for favor or consideration.
A) Cyber pornography
B) Cybersex
C) Cyber prostitution
D) Sex Slavery
58. The counterpart of the Federal Bureau of Investigation in terms of combating cybercrime, this agencies shall
be responsible for the efficient and effective law enforcement of the provisions of R.A 10175.
A) National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) and the Philippine National Police (PNP)
B) Department of Science and Technology and CICC
59. An example of computer virus that was originated in Philippines, became famous and made its way around
the world in just a matter of hours causing billions of dollars damage.
A) Trojan Horse
B) Love Bug
C) Covid Virus
D) Back doors
60. The person responsible of creating destructive virus called I love you virus.
A) Onel de Guzman
B) Onal de Buen
C) Orel de Gusman
D) Orel de Gustavo
61. The difference between computer crimes and other traditional crime is that in computer crime, offender can
easily commit the crime and at the same time can easily destroy evidence that might be used against them.
A) True
B) False
C) Probably True
D) Probable False
62. It means any card plate, coupon book, or other credit device existing for the purpose of obtaining money,
goods, property, labor, or services or anything of value on credit.
A) Credit Card
B) Identification card
C) Access Device
D) ATM Card
63. In computer crime investigation, the search of information inside a computer is usually simple that
investigator don’t need or require the aid of an expert.
A) True
B) False
C) Probably True
D) Probably False
64. A criminal activity in which a criminal poses as a legitimate companies and automatically send mails to people
in order to obtain information needed in order for them to steal the identity of others.
A) Identity Theft
B) Phishing
C) Packet Sniffing
D) Masquerading
65. In computer crime investigation, investigator should always remember that computer crimes will involve
persons who communicate in a language that is difficult to understand, decode, decipher or decrypt.
A) True
B) False
C) Probably True
D) Probably False
66. In cybercrime it is proven that most of the perpetrators are old because they have more experience in using
a computer.
A) True
B) False
C) Probably True
D) Probably False
67. This refers to a criminal activity which uses electronic device with a connection to the internet.
A) Cybercrime
B) Electronic Crime
C) Internet Crime
D) Cypercrime
68. Which of the following statement is false?
A) Computers can maintain extremely large amount of information in a small amount of space
B) Determining of evidence to be collected and to be preserved in computer crime investigation is easy because
investigator can seized evidence even if not specified in a search warrant
C) Determination of jurisdiction is important in computer crime investigation because often, a suspect computer
will have been used in facilitating a crime in another jurisdiction
D) Most perpetrators in cybercrime are young and were educated in colleges and universities where computer
attacks are common and sometimes condoned as educational activity
69. The first ever recorded hacking or cybercrime in history was;
A) Using telephone
B) Using Telegraph
C) Using Text messaging
D) Unkown