Masonry Specs Halcrow

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Section 04 00 00




Part Item Page


1.1 Description of work 3

1.2 Submittals 3
1.3 Delivery, Storage and handling 3
1.4 Project Condition 4
1.5 Masonry Unit 5


2.1 Materials 6


3.1 Proportioning of ingredients 7

3.2 Making of Concrete Block 7
3.3 Mortar 7
3.4 Laying of Block Masonry 8
3.5 Coordination 9
3.6 Protection and Cleaning 9
3.7 Samples 10
3.8 Testing 10
3.9 Construction Tolerance 10
3.10 Masonry Joint reinforcement 10
3.11 Anchoraging Masonry to Structural Members 10
3.12 Control and Expansion Joint 11
3.13 Field Quality Control 11
3.14 Repairing, Pointing and Cleaning 11
3.15 Masonry Waste Disposal 11


The Work covered by this section of the Specifications consists of all work required in
connection with construction of block masonry portions of structures and partition walls
including but not limited to furnishing of precast solid or hollow cement concrete blocks,
cement mortar, all related items and appurtenances including all items supplied by other
trades and customarily built-in and installed under masonry work or required to complete
masonry work, all labour, plant, tools, scaffolding, hoisting equipment and all other
materials, and in performing all operations in connection with block work, i.e., erecting,
placing, bedding, building in, curing and protecting all masonry works, complete in
accordance with requirements of Drawings, Bill of Quantities, Specifications as stated
herein, and to the entire satisfaction of the Engineer and subject to the terms and
conditions of this Contract.


A. Samples: Submit to site samples of each shape and type of concrete blocks including
100mm, 150mm, 200mm thick, insulated block, insulation material, damp-proof flashing
and lap cement, joint packing, joint reinforcement, and anchors and anchor slots.

B. Inspection Company Reports:

1. Submit inspection Company reports as specified for source and field quality
2. Each consignment shall be accompanied with the following documents:

a. The producer must identify his production by a distinct trade mark grooved on
every block or by other means.
b. A certificate of compliance proving that this consignment complies with the
standard specifications and that the producer has undertaken the necessary
arrangements to test this production over regular intervals of time.
c. A certificate or invoice by the producer specifying the following:

i) Type and dimensions of the blocks.

ii) Average compressive strength of this consignment sample.

3. Provisions of Technical Compliance

1. The lot shall be considered as complying with the specifications if all

compulsory tests stipulated in the specifications detailed herein have been
carried out thereon, provided that the broken blocks of the representing sample
shall not exceed 10%. Any block chipped at more than two edges shall be
considered broken.
2. If the tested samples fail all or one of the tests detailed in the specifications,
other samples shall be selected and if these also fail, the lot shall be
considered non-conforming with the specifications.


A. Isolate masonry units from contact with ground and other materials until laid, to prevent

B. Ensure that moisture content of concrete masonry units is maintained within specified
limits from time of shipment from plant to time of installation.

C. Cover masonry unit stockpiles while stored to prevent exposure to weather.

D. Handle and store masonry units to prevent soiling and chipping.

E. Deliver products to the place on site as directed, and to meet installation schedule.

F. Do not dump block upon delivery, but carefully unload and stack by hand or
appropriate mechanical means.

G. Store masonry units on elevated platforms in a dry location. If units are not stored in
an enclosed location, cover tops and sides of stacks with waterproof sheeting, securely
tied. If units become wet, do not install until they are dry.

H. Store cementitious materials on elevated platforms, under cover, and in a dry location.
Do not use cementitious materials that have become damp.

I. Store aggregates where grading and other required characteristics can be maintained
and contamination avoided.

J. Deliver pre-blended, dry mortar mix in moisture-resistant containers designed for lifting
and emptying into dispensing silo. Store pre-blended, dry mortar mix in delivery
containers on elevated platforms, under cover, and in a dry location or in a metal
dispensing silo with weatherproof cover.

K. Store masonry accessories, including metal items, to prevent corrosion and

accumulation of dirt and oil.

L. Moist cure units a minimum of seven days. Do not deliver units to site before 30 days
have elapsed following production.


A. Environment Conditions:
1. Adapt techniques approved by the Engineer to ensure that storage, handling and
execution methods suit environmental conditions that are encountered at the site,
and cause no damage to the products specified in this Section or to the
2. Follow recommendations of the supplier of the products.
3. Environmental conditions shall include, but shall not be limited to, ambient
temperature; moisture in the air and on the products and surfaces with which they
are in contact; moisture content of the products and materials with which they are
in contact; and temperature of the products and the materials with which they are in

B. Protection of Masonry: During construction, cover tops of walls, projections, and sills
with waterproof sheeting at end of each day's work. Cover partially completed masonry
when construction is not in progress.

1. Extend cover a minimum of 600 mm down both sides and hold cover securely in
2. Where one wythe of multiwythe masonry walls is completed in advance of other
wythes, secure cover a minimum of 600 mm down face next to un-constructed
wythe and hold cover in place.

C. Do not apply uniform floor or roof loads for at least 12 hours and concentrated loads for
at least 3 days after building masonry walls or columns.

D. Stain Prevention: Prevent grout, mortar, and soil from staining the face of masonry to
be left exposed or painted. Immediately remove grout, mortar, and soil that come in
contact with such masonry.

1. Protect base of walls from rain-splashed mud and from mortar splatter by coverings
spread on ground and over wall surface.

2. Protect sills, ledges, and projections from mortar droppings.

3. Protect surfaces of window and door frames, as well as similar products with painted and
integral finishes, from mortar droppings.

4. Turn scaffold boards near the wall on edge at the end of each day to prevent rain from
splashing mortar and dirt onto completed masonry.

E. Hot-Weather Requirements: Protect unit masonry work when temperature and humidity
conditions produce excessive evaporation of water from mortar and grout. Provide
artificial shade and wind breaks and use cooled materials as required.

When ambient temperature exceeds 38 deg C, or 32 deg C with a wind velocity greater
than 8 mph (13 km/h), do not spread mortar beds more than 1200 mm ahead of
masonry. Set masonry units within one minute of spreading mortar.


A. Manufacture concrete masonry units, with Stone aggregate to meet specified

requirements of BS 6073 except where otherwise specified herein, and as approved by

B. Blocks of all thicknesses shall match approved samples.

C. Only smooth faced units with no visible checks, cracks, spells or other defects will be

D. Hollow Units: Two cells with area of cells no greater than 40% of total cross sectional

E. Solid Units: Entirely solid.

F. Sizes:

1. Nominal 400 mm x 200 mm .

2. Nominal 400 mm x 150 mm .
3. Nominal 400 mm x 100 mm .
4. Thickness indicated on Drawings.

G. Compressive Strength: Concrete blocks when tested according to specification shall

have an average compressive strength of not less than 12.5 N/mm² with a minimum
individual strength of not less than 10 N/mm² for load bearing blocks and an average
strength of not less than 7.5 N/mm² with a minimum individual strength not less than 6
N/mm² for non-loading blocks.

H. Include all special shapes, such as end, bond, sash block, and lintel units, required for
complete masonry installation. Use sash block for incorporation of control joints. Use
bull nose corner block at all exposed block jambs, vertical external corners, sills as
indicated, and where otherwise indicated on Drawings.

I. The percentage solids of hollow concrete blocks is considered as a percentage of solids

by volume of concrete block as defined in the British codes and not by area. When non-
standard hollow blocks have to be produced to meet the percentage solid requirement,
substitution by solid block could be considered by the Engineer.


2.1.1 Portland Cement

All Portland cement for concrete block and mortar shall conform to the stipulations and
requirements specified in Section “Cast-In-Place Concrete”.

2.1.2 Sand and Coarse Aggregates

All aggregates, sand and coarse aggregates for concrete block and mortar shall conform to
the stipulations and requirements specified in Section “Cast-In-Place Concrete”.

2.1.3 Water

Water used for making concrete blocks, mortar, laying of masonry, or any other operation
of constructions shall conform to the stipulations and requirements specified in Section
“Cast-In-Place Concrete”.
2.1.4 Admixtures

a. Mortar plasticizers shall comply with the requirements of BS 4887.

b. Admixtures used in the manufacture of blocks shall comply with BS 5075.

2.1.5 Mortar

Pre mixed mortars shall comply with the general requirements for materials and mix
proportions shall be as given in this Specification.

2.1.6 Damp-Proof Course

Flexible damp-proof course materials shall comply with BS 743 where applicable and shall
comprise of the following:

i) bituminous roofing felt not less than 3 mm thick, or

ii) polyethylene sheeting not less than 0.5 mm thick, or
iii) any other approved material

The damp-proof membrane shall be laid on an even bed of cement sand mortar (1:1) and
lapped 150 mm at all joints. The damp-proof membrane shall cover the full width of the

2.1.7 Bonding Ties

Bonding Ties shall be expanded metal strips as shown on the Drawings or as directed by
the Engineer.

2.1.8 Wall Ties

Wall ties shall comply with BS 1243 and shall be hot dip galvanized steel as approved by
the Consultant.


The blocks will be made using a concrete mix of 1:3:6 (cement, sand and aggregate), or as
modified by the Engineer based on the inspection and testing of trial concrete blocks.


3.2.1 All solid and hollow blocks shall be machine moulded of required sizes as shown on
Drawings and approved by the Engineer and shall generally conform to the requirements of
British Standard 6073 “Precast Concrete Masonry Units” unless specified otherwise. The
ingredients shall be well worked into the moulds, vibrated, tamped and pressed to ensure
that the blocks are dense and free from voids.

3.2.2 In case of the hollow blocks, the cavities shall be true to the shapes and sizes specified and
shall have uniform wall thickness on the outside of the cavities. The cavities in hollow blocks
shall not be more than 25% of the total volume.

3.2.3 For casting, the moulds shall be placed on a level platform cast from 50mm thick 1:3:6
concrete. The finished blocks shall be true to shape i.e. every face shall be perfect
rectangle exactly parallel to the opposite face and exactly perpendicular to the adjoining
faces. All the blocks shall be free from cracks, spalls, chips, rugged edges or other defects
detrimental to their use. Blocks with broken edges or which are skew will not be allowed to
be used on the Work and must be removed from the Site of Work within 24 hours of their
being rejected.

3.2.4 The blocks must not be lifted from the platform till they have been cured for a period of 2
days in addition to 10 hours required for setting. After 2 days the blocks must be removed
and stacked to reasonable height as directed by the Engineer. The block stacks are to be
kept wet for a period of 8 days and then shall be allowed to dry in shade for atleast twenty
(20) days before they are used in the Work. The blocks cast on different dates must be
separately stacked. The date of casting and number of blocks in each stack shall be
properly marked with non-washable paint.

3.2.5 The average compressive strength of any five solid blocks at random shall be not less than
1000 pounds per sq. inch.

3.2.6 The average moisture content of all the concrete masonry units shall not exceed 30% of
the total water absorption of units. The shrinkage of cement concrete blocks is much
greater at the time it dries for the first time after moulding and subsequent curing. It is,
therefore, essential that the Contractor shall take full care to see that blocks are sufficiently
and thoroughly dried so that their initial shrinkage is completed before the blocks are laid in
the Works. Not only well dried blocks shall be used, but the blocks shall also be laid dry
without wetting except with slightly moistened surfaces on which mortar is to be applied to
obviate absorption of water from the mortar and even during curing of the mortar joints. The
walls shall be slightly moistened and shall not be allowed to be excessively wet till they
receive any plaster or render.

3.2.7 The blocks shall be stored in such a manner as to avoid any contact with moisture on the
Site of Works. The blocks shall be stock piled on platforms or other supports free from
contact with the ground. If necessary, cover for protection against wetting shall be
provided. The blocks right from casting to curing, drying, stock piling and their subsequent
placing in masonry walls shall be handled with care.


3.3.1 All mortar for masonry shall be in proportion of one part of cement to six parts of sand (fine
aggregate) or as directed by the Engineer. The ingredients shall be mixed by volume in
purpose made gauge boxes. All mortar shall be mixed in mechanical mixers. Hand mixing,
when permitted by the Engineer shall be done on clean, hard platform of only such
quantities as required for immediate use with just sufficient water to produce mortar of
stiffest consistency and sufficient workability.
3.3.2 Cement shall be Portland cement as specified under the section “Cast-In-Place Concrete”.

3.3.3 Fine aggregate (sand) shall be clean, hard, durable, soft and free from flaky particles as
specified herein above shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer. Mortar shall be
mixed only in sufficient quantities for immediate use and all mortar not used within 30
minutes after addition of water to the mix shall be rejected. Re-tempering of mortar will not
be allowed.

3.3.4 The dry materials (cement and sand) shall be dry mixed for approx. two (2) minutes and for
three minutes after addition of water making total minimum time of five (5) minutes in a
mortar mixer. When hand mixing is permitted, dry mix, rake well; turn over materials for
each batch before adding water, until uniform colour of mixed materials indicated through
distribution of cementitious material. After dry mixing is complete, add water until the
correct consistency is obtained.

The sand shall meet the following B.S. Specifications:

a. Sand for mortar shall comply with the requirements of BS 1200.

b. The grading of sand for general purpose mortars shall be within the limits of Table 1 of
BS 1200. The grading of sand for reinforced blockwork mortars shall be within the limits
of Table 2 of BS 1200.
c. The clay/silt content, when determined in accordance with BS 812, shall not exceed
d. The Chloride and Sulphate contents shall not exceed the limits given in aggregates for


3.4.1 All block work shall be set out and built to the respective lengths, dimensions, thickness &
heights shown on the Drawings.

3.4.2 All block work should be true to lines, plumb and level. Chases, grooves, riglet block and
raked out joints shall be kept free from mortar and debris.

3.4.3 Block work shall be carried up in a uniform manner, no one portion being raised more than
1.0 meter above another at one time unless special circumstances render this
impracticable. All perpends, quoins etc. shall be kept strictly true and square and the whole
properly bonded together. The maximum height which is to be built in one day is 1.5

3.4.4 All horizontal and vertical joints shall be completely and solidly filled with mortar as and
when the blocks are laid. The thickness of joints shall generally be 12mm and at no point
more than 16mm. All cross joints shall also be filled well.

3.4.5 Any mortar which falls on the floor from the joints or removed due to raking of joints shall
not be reused and must be cleaned and removed from Work Site at the end of the day.

3.4.6 Where masonry abuts R.C.C. columns or walls, it shall be anchored thereto by means of
10mm diameter bars at a vertical spacing of 400mm and as shown on the Drawings or as
instructed by the Engineer.

3.4.7 Masonry shall be cured for atleast ten (10) days from the day it is laid.

3.4.8 Mortar already spread which becomes diluted by rain shall be removed and replaced
before continuing with the work.

3.4.9 Hollow blocks where used shall be placed in a manner as shown on the Drawings and/or
as directed by the Engineer.

3.4.10 Block walls shall be built in stretcher bond, accurately special with each breaking joints with
the course below. Intersections of block walls shall be properly bonded in alternative
3.4.11 Generally, block work where exposed shall be flush jointed as the work proceeds. Joints of
those facings which are to receive external or internal plastering shall be raked out 20mm
deep when the mortar is still fresh so as to provide proper bond for the plaster.

3.4.12 All hollow blocks shall be filled at sides of openings and intersections with concrete mix
having a compressive strength at 28 days of not less than that of the block.

3.4.13 A solid or pre-filled course of block work shall be provided at sill level of openings and
under bearing of all in-situ concrete.

3.4.14 Pointing of exposed block work shall be as shown on the Drawings or as directed by the
Engineer. Pointing shall be done as the work proceeds.

3.4.15 Unless otherwise shown on the Drawings or specified, the spaces around frames and other
built-in-items shall be solidly filled with mortar, except the joints that are to be caulked shall
be raked out 20mm deep.

3.4.16 Work required to be built in with masonry including anchors; wall plugs and accessories
shall be built in, as the work progresses. Wood plugs and blocking shall not be built into

3.4.17 No masonry to be erected when temperature of outside air is below 40°F unless suitable
means as approved are provided to heat material protected from cold and frost and ensure
that material will harden without freezing.

3.4.18 When the masonry is to receive plaster on one side and pointing on the other, the block
shall be placed in such a way that the better face shall be on the side of pointing.


3.5.1 The Contractor shall provide chases and openings in block work required under other
sections to sizes and locations as shown in the Drawings.

3.5.2 The Contractor shall cooperate with other trades in setting built-in items; take special care
in cutting, fitting, setting units so that built-in members are in their true, respective positions.

3.5.3 The Contractor shall also coordinate during block work for the items provided in other
sections such as door frames, hold fasts, miscellaneous metal work occurring in the
masonry and sleeves, anchors, supports, nailing strips, braces, jambs etc. to be built-in the

3.5.4 Special care shall be taken in building walls of door frames. Contractor shall see that
frames are square and in plumb. Check frames before building block work around or
against them. The Contractor shall see that electric conduits are not housed into frames so
as to prevent extension of frame anchors.

3.5.5 The Contractor shall be responsible for any damage or abortive work due to lack of
coordination on his part or due to negligence of his Site supervisory staff in coordination of
various sections of Works and no compensation shall be made to the Contractor on such
account. The Contractor shall reinstate/make good such affected works at his own cost.


3.6.1 Surface of masonry not being worked on shall be properly protected to all times during the
construction operations. When rain is expected and the work is discontinued, the top of
exposed masonry walls shall be covered with a strong waterproof membrane, well secured
in place.

3.6.2 Exposed masonry surfaces shall be cleaned with water and fiber brushes or as directed by
the Engineer.

3.6.3 Protect adjacent work during cleaning operations. Make good any damages from neglect of
this account.


Samples of all kind of materials to be used on the job shall be submitted to the Engineer
and to be approved by him before quantities are procured for the Works. Source of supply
or quality or materials not be changed unless authorized in writing by the Engineer.


All the materials and completed masonry work shall be subjected to standard testing and if
found below the Specifications and BSS or ASTM standards, shall be rejected. Rejected
material shall be removed from the Site immediately at the Contractor’s expense. All testing
shall be done at the Contractor’s cost.


A. Tolerances: Lay masonry to following tolerances:

1. Walls: plumb within 6 mm in 3000 mm, 10 mm in any story or 600 mm, and 13
mm 1200 mm or greater.
2. External corners, expansion joints and other conspicuous lines and levels:
Plumb within 6 mm in any story or bay or 6000 mm, and 13mm in 1200 mm or
3. Level within 6 mm in any bay or 6000 mm maximum distance, and 13 mm in
12000 mm or more.
4. Located from position shown, and from related position of columns, walls and
partitions within 13 mm in any bay or 6000 mm maximum distance, and 19 mm
12000 mm or more.
5. Opening sizes within 6 mm of designated dimension.
6. Column and wall cross-section dimensions within minus 6 mm and plus 13
7. With joints to dimensions indicated +3 mm, but in no case greater than 13 mm.


A. General: Provide continuous masonry joint reinforcement as required. Install entire

length of longitudinal side rods in mortar with a minimum cover of 5/8 inch (16 mm) on
exterior side of walls, 1/2 inch (13 mm) elsewhere. Lap reinforcement a minimum of 6
inches (150 mm).

1. Space reinforcement not more than 16 inches (406 mm) o.c.

2. Provide reinforcement not more than 8 inches (203 mm) above and below wall
openings and extending 12 inches (305 mm) beyond openings.

B. Cut or interrupt joint reinforcement at control and expansion joints, unless otherwise

C. Provide continuity at corners and wall intersections by using prefabricated "L" and "T"
sections. Cut and bend reinforcing units as directed by manufacturer for continuity at
returns, offsets, column fireproofing, pipe enclosures, and other special conditions.


A. Anchor masonry to structural members where masonry abuts or faces structural

members to comply with the following:

1. Provide an open space not less than 1 inch (25 mm) in width between masonry and
structural member, unless otherwise indicated. Keep open space free of mortar or
other rigid materials.
2. Anchor masonry to structural members with flexible anchors embedded in masonry
joints and attached to structure.
3. Space anchors not more than 24 inches (610 mm) o.c. vertically and 36 inches (915
mm) o.c. horizontally.


A. General: Install control and expansion joints in unit masonry as per acceptable
standards. Build-in related items as masonry progresses. Do not form a continuous
span through movement joints unless provisions are made to prevent in-plane restraint
of wall or partition movement.

B. Form control joints in concrete masonry as follows:

1. Install preformed control-joint gaskets designed to fit standard sash block.

C. Build in horizontal, pressure-relieving joints where indicated; construct joints by

inserting a compressible joint filler of width required for installing sealant and backer rod.


A. Inspect and report on mortar materials and on compressive strength of mortar samples
as laying of masonry progresses. Provide six 50 mm cubes of mortar from samples
taken randomly at the site, for each test, as directed.
B. Immediately following each inspection and/or testing submit a copy of reports to


A. Remove and replace masonry units that are loose, chipped, broken, stained, or
otherwise damaged or that do not match adjoining units. Install new units to match
adjoining units; install in fresh mortar, pointed to eliminate evidence of replacement.
B. Pointing: During the tooling of joints, enlarge voids and holes, except weep holes, and
completely fill with mortar. Point up joints, including corners, openings, and adjacent
construction, to provide a neat, uniform appearance. Prepare joints for sealant
C. In-Progress Cleaning: Clean unit masonry as work progresses by dry brushing to
remove mortar fins and smears before tooling joints.
D. Final Cleaning: After mortar is thoroughly set and cured, clean exposed masonry as
1. Remove large mortar particles by hand with wooden paddles and nonmetallic
scrape hoes or chisels.
2. Clean masonry with a proprietary acidic cleaner applied according to
manufacturer's written instructions.


A. Recycling: Unless otherwise indicated, excess masonry materials are Contractor's

property. At completion of unit masonry work, remove from Project site.
B. Disposal as Fill Material: Dispose of clean masonry waste, including broken masonry
units, waste mortar, and excess or soil-contaminated sand, by crushing and mixing with
fill material as fill is placed.
1. Crush masonry waste to less than 4 inches (100 mm) in each dimension.
2. Mix masonry waste with at least two parts of specified fill material for each part
of masonry waste.

3. Do not dispose of masonry waste as fill within 18 inches (450 mm) of finished
C. Excess Masonry Waste: Remove excess, clean masonry waste that cannot be used
as fill, as described above, and other masonry waste, and legally dispose of off
Employer's property.



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