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(Professional Elective-IV)
Course Code: 22CE2260 L P C
3 0 3

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course the student will be able to
CO1 Describe the development of tall building structure including loading and other
serviceability parameters.
CO2 Discuss about various types of loads, combinations and its influence on tall buildings.
CO3 Demonstrate various types of structural forms and its applications.
CO4 Modelling for analysis of Rigid frame building structure.
CO5 Analyseshear wall system, wall frame system of tall buildings.

UNIT- I (10 Lectures)

Introduction – Factors affecting growth, Height and structural form – Tall building structure –
Philosophy – Design criteria– Design process– Design philosophy – Loading – Strength and
Stability – Stiffness and Drift limitations – Human comfort criteria – Creep, shrinkage and
temperature effects – Fire – Foundation settlement and soil-structure interaction.
Learning outcomes:
1.Design and development of tall structures (L1)
2.Demonstrate the influence of various design parameters and limitations in the design of tall
structures (L2)
UNIT- II (10 Lectures)
Introduction – Gravity loading including live load and its reduction – Impact load due to
elevators – Construction loads.
Wind loading - Load Combinations as per BIS-Methods of Design
Learning outcomes:
1.Understand various loads acting on tall building structure including its combinations (L1)
2.Demonstrate various methods of design of tall buildings (L2)
UNIT- III (10 Lectures)
Introduction – Braced frame structures – Rigid frame structures – In-filled frame Structures –
Flat plate and Flat slab structures – Shear wall structures including coupled walls– Dual
structures(wall frame structures)– Framed-Tube structures – Outrigger-Braced

Structures – Suspended structures – Core structures – Space Structures – Hybrid Structures-
Different R.C. floor systems.
Learning outcomes:
1.Understand suitable form and configuration of structural systems (L1)
2.Evaluate the selected form for analysis of tall buildings (L2)
UNIT- IV (10 Lectures)
Introduction – Approaches to analysis – Assumptions – High-Rise Behavior – Modeling for
Approximate analysis – Modeling for Accurate Analysis – P-Delta effects –Wide Column
Deep beam analogies etc.
Introduction – Rigid frame behavior – Approximate Determination of member forces caused
by gravity loading - Approximate Analysis of member forces caused by horizontal loading –
Approximate analysis for Drift - Computer analysis of Rigid frames(only for practice and
not included in the exam).
Learning outcomes:
1.Understandmodeling of the structure and its behaviour (L1)
2.Carryout various approximate analysis and compute the forces for design (L2)

UNIT- V (10 Lectures)

Introduction – Behavior of shear wall structures – Analysis of proportionate wall systems -
and Non proportionate structures and its behavior - Effects of Discontinuities at Base –
coupled shear wall structure –Behaviour – Methods of Analysis (limited to theory only –
Computer analysis. ) (only for practice and not included in the exam)
Introduction – Behavior of symmetric wall frames – Approximate theory for wall frames –
Computer Analysis (only for practice and not included in the exam).
Learning outcomes:
1.Understand the behavior of shear wall structures and its analysis (L1)
2.Carryout the analysis of dual structures and compute the design forces (L2)
Text Books:
1.Bryan Stafford Smith and Alex Coull, Tall Building Structures Analysis and Design, Wiley
India Pvt. Ltd., 2011.
2.Bungale S. Taranath, Wind and Earthquake Resistant Buildings, Structural Analysis and
Design, Marcel Dekker, 2005.

Reference Books:
1.John D Holmes, Wind Loading of Structures,Spon Press, 2003.
2.PankajAgarwal and Manish Shrikhande, Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures, 9th
edition, PHI Learning Private Limited,New Delhi, 2011.
3.IS 456 : 2000 or latest.
4.IS 1893 (Part 1) : 2016 or latest
5.IS 13920: 2016 or latest
6.IS 875 (Part 1 to Part 5) latest.
7.IS 16700 : 2017 : Criteria for structural safety of Tall Concrete Buildings.


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