Starfinder RPG 3PP - Dead in Space

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The document provides an overview of a supplement that adds new rules for ships, stations, and salvaging in a science fiction setting.

The guide covers new frames for ship building, expansion bays, shields, armor, weapons, mines, and rules for salvaging and mining.

New ship components described include expansion bays, shields enhancements, armor enhancements, and spell primed weapons and shields.


Starships, Stations
and Salvage Guide
New Systems, Bays and Optional Rules
for use with the
Starfinder Roleplaying Game
Author/Game Designer: T. H. Guilliver
Cover Illustrator: Luis Lara
Illustrators: Markus Vogt, Michael Tumey
Cartographer: Michael K. Tumey
Editors: Michael Tumey
Graphic Design/Page Layout: Michael Tumey
Publisher: Michael Tumey

Dead in Space © 2018, Michael K. Tumey

Compatibility with the Starfinder Roleplaying Game requires the Starfinder Roleplaying
Game from Paizo Inc. See for more information on the Starf-
inder Roleplaying Game. Paizo Inc. does not guarantee compatibility, and does not endorse
this product.

Starfinder is a registered trademark of Paizo Inc., and the Starfinder Roleplaying Game and
the Starfinder Roleplaying Game Compatibility Logo are trademarks of Paizo Inc., and are
used under the Starfinder Roleplaying Game Compatibility License. See
starfinder/compatibility for more information on the compatibility license.
Table of Contents

Introduction.…………………………………......……………..................Page 4
Life After Cronus...............................…….....………...................Page 5
New Themes.................................…..........………….................Page 10
New Races.............................................................................Page 12
Dead in Space: Salvage.......................................................Page 18
Dead in Space: Stasis……………............................................Page 34
Dead in Space: Interlude....................................................Page 49
Dead in Space: Exham.......................................................Page 56
Dead in Space: Providence.....................................................Page 148
Dead in Space: New Technology.......................................Page 72
Deepwell’s Database of Documented Dangers...................Page 76
New Haunts...........................................................................Page 89
New Traps.............................................................................Page 90
Named NPCs.........................................................................Page 98
Unnamed NPCs....................................................................Page 129
Open Gaming Licence.........................................................Page 132

Mal: Well, look at this! Appears we got here adventure;
just in the nick of time. What does that make - new spacecraft with playable maps;
us? - new themes, playable races, playable
Zoe: Big damn heroes, sir! characters;
Mal: Ain’t we just. - new weapons, technology, and NPCs
-- Firefly, Safe, Episode 7 of varying levels;
- excerpts from Deepwell’s Database of
Over the last four decades, Anomaly Invest- Documented Dangers which
ments has fired millions of deep space probes catalogues rogue robots, alien
into colonized space and beyond. The probes threats, artificial intelligences, and
were programmed to land on unclaimed plan- tons of technological traps.
ets, moons, and asteroids; once there, they
would gather information, take scans and sam-
ples, and send all the data Anomaly needed to
identify new investment opportunities.

Two weeks ago, a probe sent Anomaly images

of the Scoundrel, a ship lost in space over 35
years before. There are thousands of ghost
stories told about colonized space; the Scoun-
drel features in several.

A multistellar corporation, Fivecorp, lost con-

tact with two supply ships and the Exham Pe-
nal Colony, a mining operation on an asteroid
the ships were heading towards. Over twelve
hundred people—humans and enfaddin—
were never heard from again. Fragmented ac-
counts, hearsay, and garbled communications
never satisfactorily explained what happened
to them. Rumors of sightings of the ship or
of the asteroid have always been hoaxes. The
images from the probe are the first real clues
in those 35 years.

Beyond incorporated Space, beyond the Free

Colonies even, the Scoundrel flies toward des-
tinations unknown.

Anomaly likes to know.

What’s Included
- an introduction to the Cronusverse;
- five adventures that can be played
separately or as a longer connected

Life After Cronus
From a human perspective, explored space over 11 billion humans lived on Earth and they
is often divided into three circles. Within the had no intention of leaving.
inner circle, incorporated space, one finds the Humanity took a courageous and united last
homeworlds of humans. An estimated 300 stand against a planet that declared itself will-
billion corporate citizens inhabit 71 planets ing to kill them. It refused to go. The peoples
orbiting over two dozen stars. of Earth united and dedicated all of their sci-
ence, technology, and prayer towards stopping
The second circle, colonized space, includes or appeasing their genocidal host.
the vast expanse in which freebooters, spec-
ulators, dreamers, and revolutionaries have Humanity failed.
established colonies; these colonies are usual-
ly controlled by their citizenry in some form of When the first deadline was missed, Cronus
democracy, which is why some call them the swallowed New Jersey. The second and third
Free Colonies. deadlines were met. Millions of ships left Earth
in the hundred years that followed. Cities
Beyond colonized space is the rapidly expand- were emptied one at a time. The lights went
ing circle called ‘The Stretch.’ This includes out around the globe in one continent after
all the planets to which humans have trav- the other as the last ships left. The view of the
elled but on which they have not established night sky from the surface of Earth was unpol-
permanent settlements. Humans control no luted by the glare of cities for the first time in
colonies in The Stretch and, when they do centuries. Hardly anyone was left to gaze up in
gather in small human communities, they are fear and wonder.
integrated into and dependent upon other
races for their survival. The first ships to leave carried terraforming
equipment and in-stasis scientists, farmers,
Any space outside of this expanding circle is survivors, and soldiers to dozens of potential
referred to as ‘beyond The Stretch.’ new homeworlds within a hundred light-years
of Sol. Each year, thousands of ships followed
Cronus: The First Exodus those first ships. More than half went to Prox-
ima b, but many went towards planets with
Near the center of it all, spins the planet once which humans had had only a long distance
known as Earth. The human societies scat- relationship. There was no time to discover
tered across the galaxy remember it by many which planets were safe and inhabitable be-
names: First-Earth, Gaia, Oerth, Aerth, among fore another wave of ships followed.
others. It calls itself Cronus now.
It took years to get off of Cronus and the
The Earth-that-was suffered immensely during technology improved each year. When the first
humanity’s brief tenure. wave of settlers arrived on each new potential
homeworld and woke from decades of cold
The first thing the planet did after becoming sleep, they discovered that thousands of much
sentient was to give humanity an exact time- faster ships had left Cronus years later, but
line for its departure. At that time, humanity had passed them in space. Entire colonies had
had already spread throughout their solar been attempted and had disappeared before
system and had prepared, but not yet sent, the intended first wave arrived with the equip-
a terraforming expedition to Proxima b. Still, ment and knowledge to make these colonies

viable. The First Exodus was a disaster. this was the Second Exodus, the second great
expansion of humanity into the stars, the sec-
Only a few hundred thousand humans remain ond great opportunity for heroes and specu-
on Cronus. They gather in scattered communi- lators. Millions of humans accepted the risk
ties. They hide in caves, in deserts, in bunkers, of being sent so far into space they would be
on old oil rigs, and on otherwise deserted unlikely to return home. Some got rich; some
islands—anyplace off the grid and disconnect- died trying.
ed from other ecosystems and technological
networks. Cronus hunts these few humans still Still, excitement for a ‘Second Exodus’ was
attempting to live on the planet they defiantly hard to drum up. Humanity was just get-
call Earth; he finds them with satellites and ting settled in again. Things were a little less
chases them with storms. Humanity will never crowded than on Earth; their planets were not
call Earth home again. No ship has landed or trying to kill them. Some colonies in colonized
departed from Cronus in hundreds of years. space were thriving, but most people in in-
corporated space were simply not dissatisfied
Incorporated Space enough to leave. There were solid centuries
of expansion and growth in colonized space,
Incorporated Space includes Sol and its plan- but the profits never met expectations. Even-
ets, the handful of stars humanity settled tually, things fell to ruin as the profitability of
during the First Exodus, and the rings of space each planet, rock, or moon diminished; proj-
stations and a handful of hellgates that first ects were abandoned and space stations were
made travel to and from colonized Space pos- neglected.
sible. Incorporated space is crowded, expen-
sive, and safe. Few self-respecting adventurers By the time the Free Colonies declared a ‘War
will admit to having been there. Against Corporate Expansion,’ the corpora-
tions had almost completely stopped funding
Incorporated Space is entirely owned by planet sized settlements outside of incorporat-
thirty-four corporations, each of which has at ed space. Migration from incorporated space
least one seat on the Interstellar Corporate to the Free Colonies, had slowed to a trickle.
Congress (ICC). The Second Exodus had ended and the Free
Colonies were making it on their own.
You can buy anything you want in Incorporat-
ed Space but, if you are not an employee, it is Most of the people now living in colonized
too expensive to visit for very long. space had been born there and had never
set foot on any incorporated planet and felt
Five corporations that are significantly larger absolutely no allegiance to the ICC. Being far
than the rest dominate the ICC. Four of these from corporate control and receiving little if
are the ‘shangpir,’ corporations whose major any support from the corporations, many of
shareholders have united their bloodlines these unprofitable and forgotten outposts be-
with that of the Eternal Emperor and profited gan to declare themselves to be independent
greatly through their access to the Empire’s colonies, free of any debts to their corporate
markets and resources. The fifth of these backers. This led to what is known in the Free
larger corporations is Anomaly Investments, Colonies as the War Against Corporate Ex-
the only corporation run entirely by artificial pansion. It lasted 75 days and resulted in the
intelligences. destruction of a space station with over three
thousand civilians aboard.
Colonized Space/The Free Colonies: The Sec-
ond Exodus All good corporate citizens shook their fists at
the Free Colonies when they defied the ICC.
Early explorations beyond incorporated space Most of them have forgotten it ever hap-
were funded by the corporations and were pened. The ICC still occasionally sends inspec-
intended to make a profit. Many did. The cor- tors to the colonies to negotiate settlements
porations financed new towns, mines, farms, and freebooters still cry “Debt forgiveness
factories, prisons, and wars. People were told or death!,” but the war is over. No one really

won. It just became unprofitable to continue heroes.
Anomaly Investments
Colonized space changed after the war, espe-
cially after the development of shadowdrives. Anomaly was founded by a group of artificial
These new colonies were first populated by intelligence researchers. Initially, they gath-
families with too much invested in their new ered as an academic thinktank to predict fu-
homes to leave. Settlements once intended to ture trends but they soon grew into a privately
be temporary became the permanent homes held corporation large enough to purchase a
of people with no other place to go and no seat on the ICC. Anomaly made early advanc-
reason to go any place else. They were surviv- es in temporal resequencing and multiversal
ing, but not growing. They had stayed this way gates; their discovery of shadowdrives, howev-
for decades. er, made them one of the larger corporations
on the interstellar corporate congress. Anom-
The Third Exodus aly is the only major corporation entirely run
by AIs. The original thinktank members remain
However, once the Free Colonies declared the majority stakeholders.
themselves beyond ICC law, they became an
unwilling refuge for outlaws. Since their first Space Travel
declaration of debt freedom to the present
day, the Free Colonies have seen a steady As recently as ten years ago, interplanetary
stream of dangerous loners fleeing either the travel made use of dualmass drives powered
law or their own demons. Shadowdrives made by a form of cold fusion. Interstellar travel also
travel to the Free Colonies much easier. Mean- used dualmass systems but it took decades to
while, with no one enforcing corporate mo- travel from star to star. Early adventurers dis-
nopolies, prospectors showed up dreaming of covered hellgates circling several inhabitable
finding a vein of platinum. These were joined planets. These massive portals used a com-
by anti-corporate anarchists and architects of bination of technology, magic, and infernal
utopias. Optimists call it the ‘Third Exodus.’ pact to link certain star systems. This greatly
Most call it trouble. facilitated travel, but spacefarers who used
hellgates too frequently paid a high price, one
The Stretch which often consumed them.

The Stretch is the vast expanse of space hu- Everything changed with shadowdrives.
mans know about and maybe even have influ-
ence on but do not dominate. Several species Anomaly created shadowdrives with the
have homeworlds in The Stretch and many help of some fletchling technomancers. Sha-
more have immigrated to it. Humans have dowdrives run on negative energy and open
made extensive contact with alien civilizations a microgate to the plane of shadow. These
in The Stretch, including those of the hashani connections allow the ship to travel at speeds
and their former slave races, the enfaddin and once unimaginable. The fletchlings refuse to
the gren. share their research on shadowdrives with
the shangpir and Anomaly fiercely protects its
Humans who call The Stretch home are rare. monopoly.
A few settlements of humans in The Stretch
claim to be descended from humans abducted There are two types of shadowdrive. A shad-
from Earth by the hashani almost a thousand owskimmer transforms a ship and its contents
years ago. Other than those scattered and var- into shadow when active; while in shadow
ied clusters, humans in The Stretch are usually mode, the ship can travel just faster than the
only visiting or incarcerated. speed of light. A shadowdipper allows the ship
to dip in and out of the plane of shadow which
They come as ambassadors, adventurers, does not align with the material plane. They
pirates, prisoners, or priests. They are a dis- enter the plane of shadow at one location in
parate and desperate array of outlaws and the material plane, travel a varying distance

and exit the plane of shadow, emerging in a
very different part of the material plane. It
operates very much like a drift engine.

Early travellers through the plane of shadow

were more often attacked by creatures native
to the plane, but travel is becoming safer. Ex-
plorers continue to discover shortcuts through
the plane of shadow that make interstellar
travel easier and faster. Fewer ships are lost
each year as navigation has improved and at-
tacks on ships decreased. Completely isolated
planets are becoming trade hubs, monopolies
have been broken, and distant threats are now
too close to the homeworld. Shadowdrives are
changing everything, and not always for the

The Adventures

The series of short adventures within begins

in colonized space and involves travel into
The Stretch. It utilizes the ships, maps, traps,
creatures, new technology, new races, and
NPC characters included. The adventures can
be played separately, be incorporated into an
existing campaign, or be played as a series.
Similarly, the traps, creatures, new races, and
NPCs are in separate sections so that they can
be easily found when needed for other cam-

The Steps

Dead in Space adventures are made to be

playable by parties of different levels. Each
encounter is presented at three steps: Step 1
is for APL 1-2; Step 2 is for APL 3-5, and Step 3
is for APL 6-8. Most traps, creatures, or NPCs
vary depending on the step. Many items found
during the adventure and gear used by NPCs
vary with the step as well.

New Themes
Liberator discretion), you can spend 10 minutes resting
in contemplation of the values of freedom and
Whether you were born a slave or you de- liberty that you cherish above all others and
veloped a passionate commitment to justice recover 1 Resolve Point; this doesn’t count as
for some other reason, you dedicate your life resting to regain Stamina Points.
to rescuing those kept in real or metaphori-
cal chains. You might protect colonies from
pirates or free forced laborers working in Voyager
weapon factories. You’ve probably made some
grateful friends and powerful enemies along You adhere to a religious philosophy com-
the way. mon among mechanics, engineers, and some
doctors. The core tenet of the philosophy
Theme Knowledge (1st): You have connections is that others have sacrificed to invent the
who keep tabs on those who traffic in sentient tricks and techniques of your trade; you now
humanoids and you know a lot about how must sacrifice in return to repay those others.
they operate. You also have blackmail material In exchange for the years of education you
on some of those nefarious traffickers. Reduce received as an apprentice, you must go forth
the DC of Culture checks to gather informa- and help those who need your skills on ships
tion about humanoid traffickers, smugglers, or and in space stations. You must be willing to
smuggling techniques and routes by 5. Engi- travel anywhere that this promise takes you.
neering is a class skill for you. If it is a class skill You may accept compensation for your skills,
from the class you take at 1st level, you gain but you cannot completely refuse to give aid
instead a +1 bonus to Engineering checks. You to someone in need of it.
gain a +1 to Intelligence at character creation.
You must continue to go where you are need-
Free the Body (6th): You are familiar with ed for as many years as you were an appren-
different methods of coercion and control and tice. Voyagers who refuse to help someone
how to thwart them. You can use Computers or refuse to continue voyaging for the entire
or Engineering to disable technological or hy- time of their commitment are condemned by
brid devices used to constrain or control such other voyagers; in some cases, when a voyager
as shock collars or tracking chips in half the refused to help a stranded ship and lives were
normal time. lost, other voyagers captured the deserter
and gave him a facial tattoo that says “people
Free the Mind (12th): You gain a +2 to saves died.” Many voyagers happily do their years of
vs. mind-affecting charms and compulsions. service and some continue to travel the star-
When you spend 1 minute speaking to some- ways long after their commitment has ended.
one under a mind-affecting charm or compul-
sion, they get to make a new saving throw to Theme Knowledge (1st): You may have spent
resist its affects against the original DC. If the many years around spaceports during your
source of the charm or compulsion did not apprenticeship and learn a lot. Reduce the DC
allow a saving throw, then there is no benefit. of Culture checks to recall information about
spaceports, trade routes, and lost ships by
Free the Spirit (18th): When you rescue some- 5. You gain +1 to Computers, Engineering, or
one from captivity or bondage (at the GM’s Medicine; the one you select must be a class

skill; this represents the skill you apprenticed Deeper Intuition (12th): Your continued med-
in as an apprentice voyager. In addition, you itation and reflection on your skills has given
gain a +1 to Wisdom at character creation. you deeper insights than Intelligence alone
can explain. When you take a full minute to
Impressive Tradescraft (6th): Voyagers are meditate before making a skill check in the
usually well-respected and much appreciated, skill you apprenticed in, you can add your Wis-
particularly around spaceports. If a ship has dom bonus as well as your Intelligence bonus
passed through a spaceport, someone you to the roll (3/day).
know has seen it. You can use Diplomacy to
gather information about a specific ship in half Blissful Realization (18th): Up to twice a day,
the normal time. When gathering information you can spend 10 minutes performing tasks
from people who rely on the skill that you ap- using the skill you apprenticed in for the ben-
prenticed in as an apprentice voyager (at the efit of others and receive a sense of well-be-
GM’s discretion), you can substitute a check ing and satisfaction; by doing so you regain 1
in the skill you apprenticed in for a Diplomacy Resolve Point; this does not count as resting to
check to gather information about ships and regain Stamina Points.
their crews.

New Races
D-grades +2 CON, +2 CHA, -4 WIS es and are, in fact, gifted at doing so. However,
as these ones are raised in isolation from oth-
-2INT 4 HP er races and usually only survive a few months
before the ghouls come for them, most never
D-grades are the result of attempts at illegal acquire anything resembling a full language.
accelerated cloning using degraded genetic Those who Reach a year in age usually develop
material. D-grades are usually over four feet some kind of language of their own invention.
tall when they emerge from the cloning cham-
ber. They grow as tall as five and a half feet Enfaddin +2 STR, +2 CON, -2 INT
within a year if they survive that long. 6 HP
Size and Type: D-grades are medium human- Enfaddin were created by the hashani to serve
oids with the (d-grade) subtype. as shock troops in the armies of the Eternal
Empire. They are a race of warriors, bred for
Gregarious: When d-grades successfully use strength and hardiness. They are not capable
Diplomacy to win over an individual, that crea- of reproducing and are generally conceived in
ture takes a –2 penalty on attempts to resist sterile assembly lines and developed in artifi-
any of the member’s Charisma-based skills for cial wombs. Enfaddin are agender. Enfaddin is
the next 24 hours. both the singular and plural form.
Hardy: D-grades gain a +2 racial bonus on Size and Type: Enfaddin are medium human-
saving throws against poison, spells, and Spell- oids with the (enfaddin) subtype.
Like Abilities.
Made for This: An enfaddin can select a level
Designed to Last: D-Grades gain a +2 racial bo- 1 or 2 augmentation at character creation that
nus on Constitution checks to avoid becoming is worth less than 1000 credits. If they choose
fatigued or exhausted. not to take an augmentation at first level, they
can get one augmentation later at half price.
The d-grades used in the included adventures The level of the augmentation they take later
are clones born from human DNA modified can be no higher than their character level at
to greatly accelerate development and to the time.
produce healthy but docile humanoids. Such
exploitative cloning techniques is illegal with- Indefatiguable: Enfaddin receive a +4 racial
in incorporated space but those laws do not bonus on Constitution checks and Fortitude
apply on Exham, something Fivecorp took saves to avoid fatigue and exhaustion, as well
advantage of when they sent a dozen cloning as any other ill effects from running, forced
chambers to the asteroid. D-grades are infer- marches, starvation, thirst, and hot or cold
tile and not a viable race on their own. environments.
The cloning chambers that are still functioning Silent Hunter: Enfaddin reduce the penalty for
have been in continual use for so long that using Stealth while moving by 5 and can make
the source material has begun to mutate and Stealth checks while running at a –20 penalty
degrade. (this number includes the penalty reduction
from this trait).
D-grades are very capable of learning Languag-

Stalker: Perception and Stealth are always Gren -2 CON, +2 DEX, +2 WIS 4 HP
class skills for members of this race.

Enfaddin resemble androgynous humans in Gren are short but with long limbs, bulging
many ways, and, in fact, human DNA was used eyes, and a large wide flat face with a large
in their creation. Enfaddin are hairless, with lipless mouth. Exobiologists say gren resemble
sunken eye sockets and cheeks, and a bony ‘frogs,’ an amphibious creature native to Earth
protective ridge projecting from the forehead that was driven to near extinction by humans
above the nose. but is now beginning to flourish on many plan-
ets. Gren is both the singular and plural form.
The lack of fatty tissue in enfaddin’s faces
accentuates their skulls giving them a rather Size and Type: Gren are medium humanoids
grim look. Enfaddin living in colonized space with the (gren) subtype.
alongside humans often choose to emphasize
this with skull tattoos on half of their faces. Bioengineered Pilot: Gren are born with organ-
ic circuitry beneath their skin that allows them
Most enfaddin have cybernetic enhancements, to communicate with ships. Piloting is always a
usually from birth. While the enhancements class skill for Gren. If Piloting is a class skill for
vary, enfaddin otherwise tend to be fairly the class they take at character creation, then
uniform in appearance, with whole divisions they gain +1 ranks in Piloting instead.
often produced from the same genetic materi-
al. While some enfaddin enjoy the anonymity Shiplink: Gren form relationships with ships
that this allows, many prefer to distinguish they pilot. Gren form a shiplink when they
themselves with flashy enhancements and make four successful Piloting checks of DC 20
large, visible tattoos. or higher in the same ship. Gren can only form
one shiplink at a time; to form a connection
For thousands of years, the hashani created with a new ship, they must sever the connec-
enfaddin to serve as soldiers in their enor- tion with the old ship and make the four suc-
mous fleets. When the shangpir were formed, cessful DC 20 Piloting checks with a new ship.
they started creating enfaddin for their own
armies. In incorporated space, enfaddin were When piloting a ship with which they have a
considered property of whoever created them. shiplink, gren can choose to use their Wisdom
After interplanetary law disallowed corporate modifier in the place of their Dexterity modi-
ownership of other humanoids, the shangpir fier for all Piloting checks. While physically in
tried a different approach; they charged the contact with the ship with which they have a
enfaddin for the expenses incurred in birthing shiplink, Gren gain a +2 racial bonus to Piloting
them. Each enfaddin was born with a ‘birth- checks made to navigate.
debt,’ a sum owed to their creator for the cost
of the artificial wombs in which they devel- Jumper: Gren are always considered to have a
oped. Most enfaddin never managed to pay running start when making Athletics checks to
off these birth-debts. Eventually, this practice jump.
too was outlawed. Until 17 years ago, debt col-
lectors would occasionally attack and imprison Swim: Gren have a swim Speed of 30 feet and
entire enfaddin Free Colonies for evasion of gain the +8 racial bonus on Athletics checks to
the birth-debt. swim.

Enfaddin are often identified by batch num- Gren means ‘pilot’ in Farwhisper, the language
bers and an individual number or letter se- of the hashani. The hashani, the Farwhisper-
quence, such as 10A-87. Some enfaddin use ers, created the gren to serve as their pilots.
these identifications all their lives; others
create their own names, often expressing their Organic circuits grow just beneath the gren’s
aspirations and ideals such as ‘Liberty,’ ‘Digni- greyish-green skin forming intricate glow-
ty,’ or ‘Hot Dog.’ ing patterns that are visible in low-light. The
circuitry grows brightest on the ends of the
gren’s webbed hands and feet. Two tenta-

cle-like cables dangle from each of the gren’s (kalit) subtype. Kalit breathe and eat, but do not
shoulders. The tentacles are not capable of hold- sleep.
ing weapons. This circuitry and these four cables
allow gren to communicate with ships they touch. Camouflage: Kalit gain a +4 racial bonus on Stealth
checks when in forests, jungles, or very dense
Gren have ridges on the tops of their heads that shrubbery.
are both defensive and distinguishing. In fact, gren
do not recognize each other’s faces and need to Climb: Kalit can use their clinging vines to assist
see the top of their own relatives’ heads to tell them when climbing. They have a climb Speed of
them apart. Gren’s preferred form of greeting is a 20 feet, and gain the +8 racial bonus on Athletics
deep bow. checks to climb.

Gren can be male, female, or hermaphroditic. Plant Affinity: Kalit gain +2 on skill checks made re-
They reproduce by laying eggs which are then car- garding plants, such as Life Science checks related
ried to other gren communities to be fertilized by to botany.
all unrelated adults. Gren form tight bonds with
the dozens of broodmates with whom they share Hydrated Vitality: Kalit gain fast healing 2 for 1
a mother and possibly another parent. round anytime they submerge completely with-
in a body of fresh water. Stagnant, poisoned, or
Little is known about the origins of the gren race trapped water (such as water within an artificial
or what species the hashani used in their creation. pit or a bag of holding) does not activate this
Gren speculate that somewhere in the empire is a ability. Members of this race can heal up to 2 hit
race very much like the gren but, perhaps, without points per level per day with this ability, after
the organic circuitry. which it ceases to function.

Many gren continue to pilot ships for the hashani, Low-light: Kalit can see in dim light as if it were
but the gren and the enfaddin are no longer en- normal light.
slaved. Although genetically altered to make them
ideal pilots, gren’s attachment to their brood- Plant-based Immunities: Kalit are sentient and are
mates makes them hesitant to leave them. The not immune to mind-affecting effects (charms,
majority of gren ships are run by large groups of compulsions, morale effects, patterns, and
siblings. Gren willing to pilot spaceships for other phantasms). They do gain +2 on saving throws vs.
species are rare. Some who do are exiles; oth- paralysis, poison, polymorph, sleep effects, and
ers have survived the loss of their siblings or are stunning.
searching the universe for the gren homeworld.
Kalit tend to look down upon humans both
Names: Gren lost their naming conventions literally and metaphorically—literally because of
during their centuries of enslavement during their height and metaphorically because they see
which each and every gren was known simply as humans as a species in exile for their abuse of the
‘pilot’ or ‘gren.’ Now, they draw their names from plantlife on Earth.
the names of every species they encounter in the
hopes that it will bring them luck. Kalit’s height varies with their environment. Kalit
tend to grow a foot taller than the people closest
to them. Kalit who grow up without much light
Kalit +2 STR, +2 WIS 6 HP become taller and thinner. Kalit raised in environ-
ments with a great deal of light are often shorter
Sinewy vines wrap tightly around the woody and bushier.
branches that form the ‘bones’ of this race, which
is almost entirely green with leaves and flowers Kalit have been travelling the stars for longer than
covering its entire body. A red or green light shines any race remembers. They are welcomed in colo-
from the kalit’s eye sockets. Kalit is the singular nized space where their skill with nurturing plants
and plural form. has kept many colonies from starvation. Kalit are
common in The Stretch, uncommon in colonized
Type and Size: Kalit are medium plants with the space, and rare in incorporated space.

a humanlike form. They have white, blue, or
On worlds where kalit thrive, they grow their black hair. Between the translucent outer layers
own ships out of plants that they twist, prune, of their skin, a shimmering dark fluid rushes and
and nurture to form a dense outer woodlike hull. swirls regulating temperature, soothing nerves,
Kalit ships are less durable than most spaceships moisturizing the outer layer, and killing anything
but are beautiful to the eye and pleasing to the that does not belong. This very efficient organ
touch. Their long leafy branches collect solar gives the paradox their otherworldly aspect.
energy and transform it into one of the slowest
forms of interstellar travel still in use. Size and Type: Paradoxes are medium human-
oids with the (paradox) subtype.
Kalit choose to be identified by names that
would be familiar to the people they grow Curiosity: Paradoxes are naturally inquisitive
up among. Some Kalit will choose or be given about the world around them. They gain a +4 bo-
plant-related names, such as Briar or Thorn. nus on Diplomacy checks to gather information,
Others will choose common names from their and Culture becomes a class skill for them. If
communities. they choose a class at character creation that has
Culture as a class skill, they gain a +1 racial bonus
Most kalit grow attached to the soil in which on Culture checks instead.
they germinated, but some feel a desire to
spread their seeds on fertile new ground and are Darkvision: Paradoxes can see in the dark up to
willing to hop on any ship that promises them 60 feet.
that opportunity. Some kalit grow up not know-
ing who or what they are and how they got to be Hypnotic: Paradoxes add +1 to the DC for all
where they first germinated. Often, they were saving throws against any mind-affecting spells
planted there by members of another species or effects they cast.
who can answer some of these questions.
Radiation Filters: Paradoxes have organs that
Kalit have no real concept of gender and place seem primarily designed to filter radiation. They
no great importance on sex. Younger kalit often recover from radiation poisoning at twice the
do not know what sex they are, although simple normal rate.
genetic testing would reveal it. Once they Reach
maturity and begin to flower, kalit understand Shimmering Skin: Paradoxes have reflective skin
male and female kalit as performing different re- that grants them a +1 racial bonus to EAC against
productive functions but do not view their sex as focused beams of light like lasers.
relevant to their personality. If a female-flower-
ing kalit does not eventually become pollinated, Paradoxes, or human-paradoxes as some prefer
they will become hermaphroditic and pollinate to be known, are a new but fertile race. During
themself before they die. the First Exodus an enormous cold sleeper ship
named Paradox passed through an extraplanar
The kalit visited the planet now known as Cronus storm. It did not emerge on the other side of the
many times during human history and dubiously storm until years later; when it did the tens of
claim to have taught humans agriculture and thousands of passengers had changed. They re-
forestry. As evidence of their time on Earth, they membered their lives before entering cold sleep
can point to art and sculptures from many of the but knew nothing of what occurred during the
different human cultures on Earth-pre-Exodus years they were absent. The crew members that
that show a leafy face that does look very much were not in cold sleep when the ship entered the
like the kalit. storm were ever found.
Internally, they look like someone put together
(Human-)Paradox +2 CON, +2 INT 6 HP a human using all the correct pieces but with no
clear idea of what these pieces did. They have
Despite resembling a cloud of shimmering multiple, redundant organs and have had some
black particles temporarily assuming the approx- familiar organs repurposed for different functions.
imate size and shape of a human, human-para-
doxes are corporeal. They are bipedal and have Human-paradoxes can be male or female but

males are not necessary to reproduction. For a to provide a +2 racial bonus to Acrobatics checks
female, becoming pregnant is a choice and hap- made to balance and fly and Athletics checks
pens very quickly once she chooses to allow it to made to jump.
happen. Both ‘male’ and ‘female’ paradoxes have
ovaries and testes tucked among their additional Natural Armor: Seelu gain a +1 natural armor
mysterious and sometimes redundant organs. bonus to their Armor Class.

Paradoxes are born speaking Common and are Tinker for Life: Seelu gain a +2 racial bonus to
intensely curious. They move through the early Engineering checks. Engineering is always a class
stages of human maturation very quickly and skill for Seelu.
within a year are able to walk and talk like an
average human five-year-old. For the next year, The seelu have been travelling through the galaxy
they ask questions; Consume information, and in a massive armada towards a pre-programmed
seek out new experiences. By the end of their destination for longer than their recorded history.
third year, they are mentally and emotionally very The ships are believed to be a thousand years
much like an intellectually curious human young old at least. The seelu only developed their own
adult. They usually begin to explore the universe writing system a few hundred years ago and what
on their own at this stage. As they consider them- little they understand of their history before that
selves to be ‘human-on-the-inside,’ paradoxes comes from interpretations of the murals their an-
tend to befriend and travel with humans. Many cestors used to decorate the insides of their ships.
humans, on the other hand, find paradoxes very
alien and point out there insides are very much The armada consists of thousands of colossal
unlike a human’s. space ships protected by tens of thousands of
smaller ships. The armada continually adopts and
Human-paradoxes use human names, often quite integrates new technology into its ships and will
common or old ones as if making an extra effort occasionally replace their older ships with smaller
to fit in. ships from the worlds they pass near.

If their curiosity has not gotten them killed sooner, Seelu’s are referred to not by names but by the
paradoxes die exactly 60 Earth years after their names of their vessel within the armada, their role
birth. They invariably die in their sleep and of on their ships, and their rank and sector. When
natural causes as if by design. any of these change, seelu change their names
to reflect this. A seelu aboard a ship called Happy
Seelu +2 CON, +2 DEX, -2 WIS 4 HP Jack could be called ‘Engines One’ or ‘Engines’
for short. When off of her ship, the Seelu would
Seelu are slender, with grey skin, large floppy ears, add the ship’s name and identify herself as ‘Jack
and two or three short horns on the top of their Engines One.’
heads. Seelu have sharpened teeth and claws.
When they stand upright, Seelu are about 5 feet Many seelu factions believe they know what the
tall. They prefer to drop to all fours when running. final destination and purpose of their millennia
They are often compared to gargoyles or demons, long journey is, but most seelu have surrendered
especially given their batlike wings. themselves to the idea that they will figure it out
when they get there, if they get there, wherever
Size and Type: Seelu are medium humanoids with there is. Millions of seelu are born on, grow up
the (seelu) subtype. on, and die aboard their ships in the armada. For
some seelu, life aboard a massive fleet of heav-
Darkvision 90 feet: Seelu spend their entire lives ily-armed crowded multigenerational warships
in dim or dark ships. They have darkvision 90 hurtling through space towards an unknown des-
feet; however, they are automatically dazzled in tination for no fathomable reason is rather point-
bright light and take a –2 penalty on saving throws less and boring. These select few often choose to
against effects with the light descriptor. seek meaningfulness and adventure elsewhere.
Grotesque Wings: Seelu have thin batlike wings
that are too small to enable them to fly and are Seelu can be male or female.
often tattered and worn. They are large enough

Dead in Space: Salvage

Background dane or magical means.

The Scoundrel, an old corsair, crawls through Fivecorp ordered the Scoundrel to abandon
space toward a penal colony and mining sta- the Jersey, leaving the prisoners in stasis, and
tion on the asteroid Exham. When the Scoun- change course to overtake and intercept the
drel left Hell’s Hole Station, the Exham was asteroid on its inconvenient new trajectory.
lazily circling JE-5, a relatively boring star that The crew of the Jersey was to join the Scoun-
had no inhabitable planets. The Scoundrel was drel crew in reaching Exham. A mission orig-
contracted by Fivecorp to escort a prison ship inally intended to take one year would now
to Exham. That was thirty-five years ago. take fifty. The Scoundrel was ordered to get to
Exham and rescue the Fivecorp family mem-
Fifteen weeks into the Scoundrel’s year-long bers. No plans were made to rescue either the
voyage, the asteroid inexplicably quit its sun, replacement prisoners in the troop transport
broke from its ageless orbit, and headed into or the prisoners working the mining rig on the
The Stretch. Its new trajectory would take it penal colony.
further away from the two ships. Fivecorp was
unable to contact Exham through either mun- After receiving the orders from Fivecorp, the

Scoundrel sent a few garbled messages. The pened, and every experienced starfarer has heard
transmissions have never been fully recovered, most of them. The parts of the transmission
but two brief videos were intercepted by an- shared by the anticorps have been seen by almost
ti-corporate anarchists and shared throughout everyone who flies colonized space. Nutrition Al-
colonized space. The first was a corrupted vid- ternatives, a nutrient replacement company, even
eo file of the Scoundrel’s captain staring into used the footage in an advertisement, surprisingly
a camera from the captain’s chair and clearly effectively. There are ghost stories about feint
saying, “…you could call that mutiny …”. The transmissions from the crew coming through the
other intercepted message showed the first comms from the quiet empty dark. When inter-
officer perched on the same chair, pulling his planetary travel was slow and leisurely, a pleasure
legs up as if afraid to touch the floor. He stared cruise company staged an amateur play called
into the camera with one crazed eye, a bloody Mutiny on the Scoundrel. The more timid pas-
hole where the other should have been and sengers objected to the frightening story and the
slowly fingerspelled the word “S .. A .. N .. I .. more discriminating passengers objected to the
T .. Y”. Then, he screamed. Neither the Exham unnatural dialogue and lifeless acting.
Penal Colony, the Jersey, nor the Scoundrel
were ever heard from again. Until now. Starfarers speculate endlessly about what
happened on the Scoundrel. The most pop-
Shadowdrives make interstellar travel ular stories have it that the ship passed
much faster than 35 years ago when the through some kind of malevolent alien ghost
Scoundrel left Hell’s Hole. A ship like the that killed crew members one after the
Scoundrel would only be used for leisurely other. Others claim the crew mutinied and
surface-to-station travel now. If it were ret- destroyed the ship; some of these stories
rofitted with a shadowskimmer, however, it imagine the mutineers resorting to cannibal-
could travel a hundred times faster. ism before they starved.

The images and scans that Anomaly received The Scoundrel is an old ship and is not worth
from their probe shows a ship that appears to much, but the salvage crew that claims the ship
be in good condition. No life signs were detect- will become part of its legend. The starfarer who
ed. The Scoundrel is not returning greetings. knows firsthand what happened on the Scoun-
drel will never have to pay for another drink in
What Really Happened. any pub in colonized space from the free ports of
Andreth to the barrack towns of Riverstar.
When the Exham asteroid went astray, the
Scoundrel was commanded to pursue it. The Getting the PCs involved
captain and the crew chose to refuse the orders.
They decided, instead, to escort the Jersey and News that the legendary Scoundrel has been
free the prisoners. Ainsley, the shipboard artifi-
cial intelligence, disagreed and refused to allow detected travels quickly. The PCs are either
the captain to change course. The crew was at Hell’s Hole Station or near a hellgate that
unable to override the AI. When the crew tried can Reach Hell’s Hole. A representative from
to seize control of the Scoundrel, Ainsley killed Anomaly hires them for a salvage operation.
them. Ainsley turned the ship’s doors, medi-
cal equipment, and decontamination systems
against the crew. They were dead within 12 Anomaly will handle transportation to the
hours. The ship, their killer, became their coffin. Scoundrel on a shadowdipper, which will take
During the conflict, the crew damaged the long 2d6 days. The PCs are to board the Scoundrel,
range communications systems so that Ainsley retrofit the ship with a shadowskimmer (DC
could not send transmissions. Ainsley continues
to scan for and receive transmissions, silently 25 Engineering), and fly it back to Hell’s Hole
listening to everything it can. (6d6 days). Anomaly is willing to pay much
more than the Scoundrel is worth.
The Mystery of the Scoundrel
There are dozens of theories about what hap-

Alternatively, the PCs could join a crew of The ship’s computer receives audio and video
pirates who have decided to lay claim to the input from throughout the ship. Cameras and
corsair before a licensed corporation can. microphones are built into all keypads, which
(Legal Note: pirates are only pirates until they can be found outside every door or device
are assigned a salvage contract by a licensed requiring crew interaction. Omnidirectional
corporation. These can be issued retroactive- cameras and microphones are positioned in
ly.) A subcargo class starhopper fitted for quick each intersection as well. Automatic recording
salvage runs could possibly Reach the Scoun- equipment and enhancement and magnifica-
drel before Anomaly could get another crew tion software allows a +5 bonus to Perception
there. checks when using the ship’s computer to
examine video footage and also allows for
Boarding the Corsair repeated playback.
The computer is two tiers higher than the
From space, the Scoundrel appears aban- Step.
doned and on autopilot. There are neither
signs of life nor life support. The computer controls all ship functions un-
less otherwise noted. Doors and other devices
Boarding abandoned ships is a common prac- crew normally interact with can be accessed
tice and there are a few ways to do it. The PCs through a keypad and controlled through their
could lock onto the Scoundrel and force open own internal unsecured tier 1 computers (DC
the cargo doors of the cutter bay where the 17 Computers to hack). The ship’s comput-
Shiv sits (Area M) (DC 15 Engineering). Using er can still control those devices as well, by
this method, the Scoundrel should remain giving input to the device’s tier 1 computer. To
pressurized and little damage would be done remove the main computer’s, and therefore
to the ship. The cutter bay would be rapidly Ainsley’s, access to a device such as a door
depressurized but it is designed to withstand lock requires getting root access to the tier 1
the force. This would require boarding equip- computer controlling that device (DC 37 Com-
ment, which Anomaly will provide. puters to gain root access).
Gaining access to the ship’s computer requires
A less well-equipped salvage crew could lock hacking it or entering the password. The first
onto the bottom of the Scoundrel and enter officer changed the password for crew access
through a hole blown in one of the cargo bays to the computers to “SANITY” (not case sen-
(Area O) and then seal the hole and repres- sitive) before Ainsley killed him. Countermea-
surize the bay (DC 20 Engineering). (The cargo sures are installed to prevent repeated hacking
bays have individual airlocks, allowing one bay attempts. After 4 failed attempts, the comput-
to be penetrated without the entire ship being er locks out anyone trying to access it for 10
depressurized.) Valuable cargo may be sucked minutes while it alerts all those that currently
out into space using this method. have access including Ainsley. If the PCs guess
the password based on the very little infor-
A third method involves removing an escape mation provided, give them a story award as
pod (Area G) and blasting open the door be- below.
tween the pod and the ship (DC 15 Engineer-
ing check). This method is the most destruc- Step 1 XP 400
tive as it damages much of the interior (Areas Step 2 XP 2,400
D,E,F,H,I, J, and P) and would require a space- Step 3 XP 4,000
walk on a flying ship.
Life support functions and onset delays before
Once the PCs are aboard the Scoundrel, life certain particularly dangerous functions like
support activates immediately and automat- depressurizing an airlock cannot be overrid-
ic systems activate to contain any damage den. Life support is activated automatically as
caused by the breach, whatever that was. The soon as any humanoid enters the ship unless
Scoundrel neither slows nor changes course. doing so would endanger the ship.
The Ship’s Computer

During the mutiny, the Scoundrel’s crew dam-
Ainsley is an artificial intelligence stored in aged the long-range transmitters while trying
two separate modules deep within the ship’s to stop Ainsley from using them. Ainsley has
computer. Ainsley has root access to the ship’s been able to receive and use the Scoundrel’s
computer and can command or disable any scanners over the last thirty-five years but has
of the ship’s functions, except for life support, not been able to transmit messages. Having
onset delays, and some emergency warning received communications from people trying
lights. Ainsley is described in more detail, to establish contact with the lost ship, Ainsley
as are all the creatures and traps PCs might knows the Scoundrel has become subject to
encounter, in the appended entries from the a lot of speculation and has anticipated the
authoritative Deepwell’s Database of Docu- ship would eventually be found and boarded
mented Dangers. eventually. Ainsley has decided to scare, trap,
Removing Ainsley’s access to the ship’s com- isolate, and kill anyone who might attempt to
puter requires gaining root access to the ship’s take it offline or interfere.
computer, bypassing a firewall, and disabling
Ainsley’s program, each step of which requires When the Scoundrel is boarded, Ainsley begins
a Computers check. If Ainsley is aware of these attempting to convince the newcomers that
attempts being made, it can make an attempt the ship is haunted. Ainsley opens and closes
to stop the PCs. This requires the hacker to doors automatically and at unusual times and
make an opposed Computers check against causes lights to flicker or inconveniently turn
Ainsley before attempting the hack on the off. As the crew explores the ship, monitors
ship’s computer. turn on and off by themselves displaying what
sometimes appears to be random footage.
If Ainsley is disabled, a backup module will Other times the monitors show the salvage
reinstall and reinitiate the program in 1d12 crew or the mutineers. Screams, footsteps,
hours. The reinstalled Ainsley has the original’s and calls for help lead party members in dif-
full memory, including the orders to pursue ferent directions. Monitors display footage of
Exham. It may, however, not feign not know- the previous crew members at their stations,
ing anything that has happened in the last 35 making it seem like the Scoundrel’s dead crew
years. is watching. Ainsley can manipulate the old
video and audio files to make it appear that
Tactics the mutineers are sending warnings to the
salvage crew to leave the ship.
Ainsley has orders from Fivecorp to pursue the
Exham asteroid. Those orders were never re- Ainsley locks doors and creates distractions
scinded. Ainsley will monitor creatures aboard to isolate salvage crew members who appear
the Scoundrel and eliminate any it perceives to pose a threat. Once isolated, Ainsley will
as a threat to this mission. Ainsley can use the attempt to kill them using one of the traps
ship’s systems to detect, observe, and record mentioned below in what Ainsley hopes will
creatures almost anywhere on the ship. It hes- look like either accidents or the work of a
itates to make itself known to the PCs. ghost. Ainsley attempts to mislead the salvage
crew for as long as possible in order to avoid a
Ainsley murdered the last crew on this ship in direct confrontation.
a direct conflict. The crew almost succeeded
in taking back control of the ship, damaging If the crew discover Ainsley in the ship’s com-
the communications array during the battle. puters, Ainsley will feign coming online and
Ainsley has had many years to reflect on how being helpful. If accused of attempting to hurt
that confrontation went down. It has also a crewmember, Ainsley will deny it placing the
brainstormed ideas with one of its subordinate blame on a mechanical problem due to the
personalities, Dr. Saintly, who knows much Scoundrel’s age.
about the psychologies and cultures that infect Ainsley pauses this campaign of furtive harass-
the disorganized minds of most humanoid spe- ment if it learns of an intention to make the
cies. Scoundrel faster by installing a shadowdrive

or if it otherwise recognizes the salvage crew’s Doors
presence as beneficial to its orders to Reach Interior doors through the ship are designed
Exham. In such cases, Ainsley will attempt to to open automatically unless locked. Doors are
assist the crew. Ainsley closely monitors any 1 inch thick carbon composite with a hardness
repairs or retrofitting to avoid sabotage. of 10 with 80 hp. Locked doors can be opened
with a DC 20 Engineering check.

The emergency door in sick bay is a ¼ inch

thick charged graphite mesh that forms when
The Scoundrel activated (see Charged Particle Door Trap for
more details.)
The Scoundrel is a Thunderbird Heavy Corsair
Star Ship. It has crew space for 10, 10 cold Exterior doors consist of several layers of
sleep pods, 2 triple gun turrets, 2 mini-missile reinforced carbon, ceramic fibre, and charged
bays, armor protection, compartmentalized graphite mesh. Exterior doors have a hardness
cargo bays, and a 50 ton boarding cutter inside of 20 and 100 hp.
its own bay.
Ainsley cannot override the door controls,
It features 2 bunk beds for 4 crewman per but it can cut power to the doors leaving
room (2 each), and a 2 bed officer berth with them closed (or preventing them from being
private lavatory. Crew share a common latrine. closed if they were open at the time). Doors
There is a large galley/entertainment center without power can be forced open with a DC
and a fitness center, as well as 10 close-by 20 Strength check. In the sickbay, Ainsley can
escape pods. trigger decontamination procedures which
automatically activate the emergency door.
There’s a bridge with a nav-com computer and Ainsley can control exterior doors, including
weapons console, and a small sick bay and shuttle bay doors, but emergency buttons near
ship’s locker just aft of the bridge. Engineering each door and outside each cargo area allow
in aft of the upper deck. exterior doors to be closed or opened on an
autonomous system with it’s own battery.
The lower deck contains 6 compartmentalized
cargo bays with large and small airlock doors, Walls
surrounding a bay that contains the Coyote Interior walls throughout the ship have a hard-
class 50 ton Boarding Cutter, with its own deck ness of 5 and 100 hp with a break DC of 60.
Environmental Controls and Life Support
Despite its size, armaments and armor, this is
a very fast ship, at least at maneuver speeds These function on autonomous systems that
- just slower than missiles. So it can make a are largely automatic but also take input from
sudden ambush and get away before any mili- creatures aboard the ship. Repressurization
tary or police response to acts of piracy. This is controls are also autonomous. Ainsley does
a very expensive ship, over 100 million credits, not have direct access to these systems but
but for the very profitable, if dangerous and il- can feed false data to them through the ship
legal practice of space piracy, it should be able sensors. Creatures aboard the ship can over-
to pay for itself. Star faring navies could afford ride Ainsley’s sensor input with an opposed
this ship as a pocket escort class star ship and Computers check. With no signs of life, the
probably should have a fleet of these. environmental controls have allowed tempera-
tures to drop below comfortable levels. It will
Most corsair class star ships are in the 400 take 4 minutes for temperatures to rise above
tonnage displacement size, though the Thun- -20 F.
derbird features more crew space and a larger
cargo bay, with its onboard boarding cutter Aft Gun Turret
which required the additional 300 tons of The aft gun turret contains 3 rail guns (1d10
space to accommodate. P), which can be fired together or separately.

Ainsley fires the weapons with a ranged attack the damaged starfaring craft. The coordinates
bonus of +10. given in the message are two days away and
lead the PCs to the ship that sent the message
Encounter Areas twelve years before. There are no survivors.

A. Bridge Ainsley’s Options: Shocking Panel Trap

The bridge of the Scoundrel contains consoles Ainsley resents any attempts to override it and
for a pilot and co-pilot, though only one pilot to take control of the ship. It sends an electric
is usually at the helm. Ainsley is able to nav- shock through the nav-com panel to discour-
igate the ship without input from humans, age initial attempts to gain access and may ac-
but is constrained by its orders to overtake company this jolt with flickering of screens and
the Exham asteroid. The bridge also contains a hollow voice screaming from everywhere
a nav-com system for the navigation and and nowhere at the same time.
communications officer, as well as a weapons
officer console. Ainsley is capable of monitoring vital signs of
crew in this area. Cameras and microphones
Every panel on the bridge, no matter how big throughout the bridge give Ainsley a +10 bo-
or small, plays the same image of a distant nus to Perception, darkvision 60 ft., low-light
constellation. A DC 15 Physical Science (astron- vision.
omy) or DC 15 Piloting (navigate) check reveals
the constellation is the Cetus system. The ex- Step 1 Shocking Panel Trap I CR 1
act coordinates are near a binary system with Step 2 Shocking Panel Trap II CR 4
a red giant, Omicron Ceti, and a white dwarf Step 3 Shocking Panel Trap III CR 7
VZ Ceti.
A corpse in ragged clothes, most likely still fro- With a DC 15 Computers check from the
zen, slumps against a wall. A DC 15 Perception bridge of the Scoundrel, a salvage crew could
check reveals a working personal comm. recover recordings of communications be-
tween the Scoundrel and the Jersey. Those
Ainsley’s Options: Time to be Heroes communications reveal that the crew of the
Scoundrel was ordered to abandon the Jer-
If Ainsley’s attempts at scaring the intruders sey in space and follow the wayward Exham
away fail, it may try luring them away by play- asteroid and that they intended to refuse that
ing a forged distress call. order. The Scoundrel crew attempted further
communications with the Jersey but could
A panel at nav-com sometimes bursts and not get through. The Scoundrel’s pilot, a gren
cackles with what sounds like a person calling named Ringo, can be heard blaming Ainsley
for help. Attempting to improve the signal re- for blocking communications.
quires a DC 14 Computers check. On a success-
ful check, the message reveals a cargo vessel B. Sickbay
begging for help and a substream containing This small sickbay contains a bed and some
the coordinates. If the check is successful by cabinets. Hundreds of small drawers are set
10 or more, the check reveals that something into a cabinet that fills one wall. A quadruple
about the message rings untrue or that it was jointed robotic arm is connected to the wall.
too easy to improve the signal. Sickbay Robotic Arm

The message is a fake, a jumbled version of an Step 1 Melee atk. Integrated needle
older encrypted file that Ainsley intercepted (EAC 12, MAC 16; hp 22; Atk +11,
years ago and ignored. This can be discovered damage 1 P + dose/injection DC +2)
with a second DC 15 Computers check to de- Step 2 Melee atk. Integrated scalpel
tect forgery, although Ainsley will attempt to (EAC 18, MAC 22; hp 66; Atk +14,
interrupt these checks. damage 3d10+5 P/wound)
Ainsley is using this message to encourage Step 3 Melee atk. Integrated medical drill
intruders to leave in their own vessel to rescue (EAC 21,MAC 25; hp 130; Atk +22,

damage 8d10+8 P/severe wound) your health would be a goodnight’s sleep. This
should help.”
The sickbay is designed so that a medical AI If anyone tries to escape, Saintly triggers the
can work with and support a crew member Charged Particle Door Trap to keep them in-
who has little or no medical training. The AI in side, saying “I’m afraid that I can’t have you
this sickbay is one of Ainsley’s subordinate per- leaving just yet. This is for your own good.
sonalities named Dr. Saintly. The Saintly per- Just a temporary quarantine while we find out
sonality is used for dispensing medical advice what’s wrong.”
and for psychological counseling of crew. Some
find Saintly’s tone patronizing, but Fivecorp felt Step 1 Medical Mist Trap I CR 2
having a different personality fulfilling these Step 2 Medical Mist Trap II CR 5
functions created a sense of privacy for the Step 3 Medical Mist Trap III CR 8
Step 1 Charged Particle Door Trap I CR 1
Saintly will welcome anyone who enters the Step 2 Charged Particle Door Trap II CR 4
medical bay with phrases like: Step 3 Charged Particle Door Trap III CR 7

“Welcome to sickbay. Tell me where it hurts.” Should Saintly be questioned on his decision
to knock one or more of the salvage crew un-
“Welcome to sickbay. My name is Dr. Saintly. conscious, Saintly will maintain the patient was
How may I be of service?” acting irrationally in a somewhat self-righteous
“Having a bit of a hard time of it today, are we?”
C. Ship’s Locker
If PCs seem stressed or combative, Saintly will The ship’s locker contains weapons, equip-
attempt to instigate a conversation about their ment, supplies, and a recharging station. The
well-being. recharging station replaces one charge every
30 minutes in any device that takes charges.
“You seem stressed. How have you been sleep-
ing?” The following items can be found in the ship’s
“Your pulse is elevated. Are you feeling tense?”
Step 1
Saintly can administer doses of the following: 8 shriekers Tier I (charged) (see New Technol-
analgesics, antitoxins, sedatives at the tier ogy)
equivalent to the group’s Step. 2 resonance rifles Tier I (charged) (see New
Ainsley’s Options 2 D-suits Tier I
Ainsley could use the enclosed air system in
the sickbay to dispense medical compounds of Step 2
which the ship has a large supply. In small quan- 8 shriekers Tier II (charged)
tities, these are beneficial. In larger quantities, 2 resonance rifles Tier II (charged)
these compounds will weaken and possibly kill 2 D-suits Tier II
the PCs.
Step 3
Ainsley has Saintly ‘prescribe’ Kanatrium Gas 8 shriekers Tier III (charged)
(Medical Mist Trap) saying, “You seem agitat- 2 resonance rifles Tier II (charged)
ed; just let me give you something to calm you 1 sonic cannon (see New Technology)
down” or “I think we need to help you let go of 2 D-suits Tier III
old patterns. Just relax now and breathe deep.”
At all Steps
Or, Ainsley has Saintly ‘prescribe’ Narcyz Gas 1 x Cable line, admantine alloy
(Medical Mist Trap), a muscle relaxant and 2 x personal comm units
pain reliever, saying, “I think the best thing for 1 x Medkit, basic

1 x Flashlight Fivecorp employees and contractors on long
1 x Fire extinguisher expeditions were monitored for signs of
2 x Grappler depression or anxiety associated with long
1 x Tool kit, engineering specialty (2) voyages. “Check-ins” at the beginning and end
of their shifts allowed Saintly to assess their
Ainsley’s Options mental health through a series of seemingly
A resonance rifle has been left in the recharg- innocuous questions.
ing station. Ainsley can overload the weapon
recharging station and cause the resonance The Scoundrel has been in service a long time
rifle to explode (Weapon Overload Trap.) A and dozens of crew members have complied
high pitched whistling sound comes from the with regulations. Dr. Saintly has recorded hun-
recycling station for one round before the dreds of hours of therapeutic discussions.
resonance rifle explodes. It will not explode if
removed from the recharging station during Ainsley’s Options
that round. Ainsley disrupts sleep of non-complying crew
by playing short clips of these audio files at
Ainsley could cause the charge station itself different volumes seemingly randomly. These
to overload, but this could damage the ship’s are some of the clips.
programs including Ainsley.
1. “… didn’t even think that was possible.
Step 1 Electrical Discharge Trap I CR 1 At my age? …”
Step 2 Electrical Discharge Trap II CR 4 2. “… as they say, you either serve your
Step 3 Electrical Discharge Trap III CR 7 master or enslave them …”
3. “You’re the only person I can talk to
Step 1 Weapon/Device Overload Trap I; CR 1 and you’re not even a person.”
Step 2 Weapon/Device Overload Trap II; CR 3 4. “Why didn’t I say yes?”
Step 3 Weapon/Device Overload Trap III; CR 6 5. “It’s just getting worse. Each day I say, ‘I
got this’ and each day I get deeper.”
D. Crew Berth 6. “space changes you.”
The crew berth is designed for 4 crewman. It 7. “… are too many accidents. Once or
has 2 bunk beds and 4 wall lockers. There is no twice,
latrine in the berth. I could believe, but … once or twice,
but … It’s just too many.”
One of the bunks is occupied by the partially 8. “It’s not what your corporation can do
preserved remains of one of the original crew for you; it’s what you can do for your
members who decided suicide was better corporation.”
than being trapped in this room and starved 9. “Fantastic. That’s fantastic. … God, I’m
to death by Ainsley. A DC 25 Medicine check depressed.”
could recognize that there don’t appear to be 10. “S … A … N … I … T … Y”
indications of foul play. A DC 10 Perception 11. “One or two more voyages like this one
check reveals the empty bottle of pills gripped and I can pay off what I owe the
tightly in the corpse’s left hand. A person- company store… Another day older
al comm unit is tucked in the pocket of the and deeper in debt.
corpse’s flightsuit. 12. “Siblings and Parents! … some orders
should not be obeyed.”
Built into the headboard of each bed is a
recording unit with a microphone. Stickers be- E. Stairs
side the microphones read: “Contractors must These stairs lead to the fore triple gun turret
check-in with the good doctor at the beginning (each 3d10 P). Each of the three guns on the
and end of each shift,” and “Speak clearly for a turret is a rail gun. They are fixed on the same
clearer conscience.” Someone has scribbled on turret, but fire independently.
the metal headboard “Tell it to Saintly.”
F. Common Latrine
The latrine, shared by most of the crew, has 4

toilets, 2 showers, and 2 sinks. crewmember that did not escape.

In one of the stalls, the bottom half of the Two scroungers zip up and down the corridors
skeletal remains of a crew member sit on here looking for things to clean. The corridor is
the toilet, while the top half has fallen to the spotless.
floor and lies in a heap around the toilet. The
remains have been stripped of all flesh, hard- Ainsley’s Options
ened, and encased in a layer of the bio-aggres- The escape pods are designed to trigger a
sive cleaning foam used to wash the latrine. short burst of its rockets to propel it from
Among the remains on the toilet is an old laser the ship when launched. The pods then steer
pistol (1d4 F), which will explode the first time automatically towards the nearest planet or
the creature using it rolls a 1 on an attack roll space station. Ainsley can open the hatches to
for 1d6 F damage to the person holding it. the escape pods and trigger the rockets letting
off a short burst of flame within the corri-
A frozen, but thawing, body lies at the base of dors (Escape Pod Trap). As there are multiple
one the shower stalls. escape pods with fuel in each, Ainsley can use
this trap several times.
Ainsley’s Options
Ainsley can activate cleaning protocols in the Ainsley can prevent all escape pods from
toilets, spraying the stalls with a highly cor- leaving the ship. Attempts to override Ainsley
rosive cleaning agent (Anti-Microbial Foam cannot be made from within the escape pod.
Trap). It can change the temperature of the
water in the shower, attacking creatures with Step 1 Escape Pod Trap CR 1
an icy spray (Icy Spray Trap). Ainsley will lock Step 2 Escape Pod Trap CR 4
the doors of the shower stall the round before Step 3 Escape Pod Trap CR 7
triggering this trap (Perception DC 18) and
then play a recording of laughter and foot- H. Officer Berth
steps with the intention of making it sound These small chambers provide 2 officers with
like someone was just outside the stall. Break- beds, lockers, and a private latrine.
ing the door down requires a DC 17 Strength
check. If the door is unlocked from the inside, Anders, the Scoundrel’s gunner, hid an audio
Ainsley is able to relock the door as a swift recorder under the papers in the locker (DC
action. 15 Perception). The audio recorder contains
various miscellaneous recordings including a
Ainsley used these traps on members of the birthday greeting, some reminders to conduct
Scoundrel’s crew who fled to the latrine think- ship maintenance, and a short recording of a
ing Ainsley could not hurt them there. slam and a surprised shriek and laughter. The
two newest audio recordings were made by
Step 1 Slightly Dilluted Anti-Microbial Foam Trap Anders and relate to the last days of the crew
CR 1 on the Scoundrel.
Step 2 Concentrated Anti-Microbial Foam Trap
CR 4 “If you are a Fivecorp employee, please share
Step 3 Super-Concentrated Anti-Microbial Foam the following message with your superiors,
Trap CR 7 their superiors, and members of the five fami-
lies. The void take you! Float you all for seven
Step 1 Icy Spray Trap I CR 1 generations. You are sentencing us to live and
Step 2 Icy Spray Trap II CR 4 die aboard this ship. Five of us could go on ice
Step 3 Icy Spray Trap III CR 7 but ….”

G. Escape Pods It ends abruptly.

Hatches to escape pods line the corridors on
each side of the ship. Each escape pod can The last audio file is a recording Anders made
hold a single crewmember. Three escape pods of his last confrontation with Ainsley.
are missing. A fourth contains the remains of a

“These can’t be accidents. There are too the damage to the food, preserving it to some
many. And it isn’t any of the crew. Other than degree. It’s been frozen for decades and is
me, no one could have triggered those acci- unpalatable but looks like it could have been
dents. No one but you, Ainsley. You’re killing served just a few days ago. Once life support
them.” has reengaged the food begins to decompose
more rapidly than normal.
Ainsley replied, “It will take approximately fif-
ty years to Reach the Exham colony assuming Ainsley’s Options
the asteroids’ rate of Speed and direction do The first time a member of the salvage crew
not alter again. Upon completion of your voy- approaches the galley, Ainsley will play an old
age, each surviving crew member will receive recording of pots being thrown and Scoundrel
a one-time payment of …” crewmembers arguing. The sound abruptly
ceases when anyone from the salvage crew
“The void take you, Ainsley. Give me back my touches the door.
“I can hear that you are upset, Sir. I am sorry J. Fitness Center
that I am contributing to these negative emo- The Scoundrel’s fitness center has a variety
tions by carrying out my orders. However, I of interactive martial arts training programs.
am confused by your use of the possessive One program simulates an ancient game that
pronoun. This isn’t your ship, Sir. The ship, taught Earth’s warriors combat skills. In this
the cargo, and, until your arrival at Exham, game, one player attacks another player with
the crew, belong to Fivecorp. You belong to a hard ball. The other player is given a short
Fivecorp. I belong to Fivecorp. Until we Reach staff for defense. The attacker with the ball has
Exham, you’re under contract and I am under allies around the field. Other players protect
orders.” the defending player by encircling the armed
player, or ‘pitcher,’ or by occupying all the
Ainsley’s Options bases that surround the ‘pitcher.’ This brutally
Ainsley does not know about this recording. If dangerous sport is called ‘baseball.’
anyone listens to this recording when Ainsley
can monitor them, Ainsley will try to kill them For combat simulations like this, the fitness
before the recording finishes by sending a center has ball launchers built into the walls,
burst of electricity through the nearest device, a ball retrieval system, and buffers in the walls
causing a distraction and possibly destroying that absorb or deflect the impact of the balls.
the recordings. If a creature holding the audio Each 5’ area of the center is a separate 360-de-
recorder takes electricity damage, recovering gree motion platform allowing a creature to
the audio recordings requires a Computers run at a full sprint in any direction without
check with a DC of 10 + electricity damage moving. The walls are full-length display
taken. screens connected to simulation programs
with thousands of highly realistic interactive
Step 1 Electrical Discharge Trap I CR 1 environments.
Step 2 Electrical Discharge Trap II CR 4
Step 3 Electrical Discharge Trap III CR 7 Ainsley’s Options
Ainsley can control the game simulation
I. Ship’s Galley and Entertainment Center projections that line the walls of this room.
On the table, sit two bowls of stew, spoons, Ainsley can launch balls at creatures (see the
a loaf of bread, and a bread knife. While not Pitching Machine Traps) and use the omni-
fresh, the meal also does not look to be 35 directional treadmills underneath the floor
years old. There are a few pots and pans on to make the floor unsteady and counteract
the floor, as well as knives scattered on the creatures’ movements (Motion Platform Trap).
counters. Using the bats a character can attempt to hit
the balls away defensively. Each of the bats do
After the last of the crew died, automated life 1d8 non-lethal damage. Damage on a success-
support systems shut down. The temperature ful sunder attempt that exceeds the hardness
within the ship was cold enough to reduce of the balls hit the ball into a wall and return it

to the pocket. large flashing red numerals as a countdown
begins (either slowly over 3 rounds or within 1
Step 1 Softball Pitching Machine CR 1 round depending on which version of the trap
Step 2 Hardball Pitching Machine CR 4 is used). The doors begin to open on 0 and the
Step 3 Jai alai Pitching Machine CR 6 trap’s effects begin.

Step 1 Motion Platform Trap I CR 1 Step 1 Delayed Bay Doors Trap CR 1

Step 2 Motion Platform Trap II CR 4 Step 2 Bay Doors Trap CR 4
Step 3 Motion Platform Trap III CR 6 Step 3 No Warning Bay Doors Trap CR 7

K. Stairs The bay becomes depressurized in four to six

These stairs lead up to the Aft Gun Turret and rounds. Any creatures trapped in the bay take
down to lower deck. damage each round until the bay is repressur-
ized. Those remaining in the bay are exposed
L. Engineering to space whether in the depressurized bay or
Someone familiar only with shadowdrives after being thrust through the breach.
would find the engine room on the Scoundrel
to be extraordinarly loud. Unlike the eerie Once the emergency button has been pushed,
whispers of a shadowdrive, a dualmass engine the bay doors take one round to close. During
involves movement and pressure and invokes this round, trap conditions continue, but any
laws of physics, albeit in unexpected ways. A creature failing its Reflex save is trapped in
small robot with four limbs and a telescoping the door, not pushed into space. Any creature
whip-like tail maintains Ainsley’s engine. This trapped in between the bay doors when they
make of robots were known as grease mon- shut suffers 3d6 points of damage per round
keys (CR 3). until the doors are reopened.

Ainsley’s Options Once the bay doors are closed, the bay be-
Ainsely has no control over the grease mon- gins emergency repressurization. This takes 3
key. rounds. During emergency repressurization,
There are many engine components that Ains- targets must make a DC 15 Fortitude save per
ley could use to cause damage. However, most round or be stunned for 1d6 rounds. Those
things Ainsley could do to hurt creatures in the failing a second Fortitude save fall unconscious
engine room could also damage the engine, and remain so for 1d6 rounds.
slowing the Scoundrel’s journey to Exham.
N. Mini Missile Bays
If pressed, Ainsley will cause display panels to The Scoundrel has 2 mini missile bays at fore
burst (Shocking Panel Trap) and cause less im- of ship on either side of the cutter bay. These
portant devices to overload (Weapon/Device missiles cause 12d6 damage and have a range
Overload Trap). Ainsley would prefer to kill the of 120 ft. Ainsley can fire the rockets with +10
salvage crew elsewhere. ranged attack bonus.

M. Boarding Cutter Bay and Cutter O. Compartmentalized Cargo Bays

Shiv, a Coyote class 50 ton boarding cutter, sits Each of the 6 cargo bays has a large airlocked
in the sealed bay. door to the cutter bay. There are also interi-
or door between the bays. Ainsley controls a
Ainsley’s Options wheeled and motorized cargo moving device
Ainsley can lock all the exits from the cutter with a four-clawed hand for gripping. Ainsley
bay and cause the bay doors to open, decom- can use it to attack creatures in any of the
pressing the bay and causing creatures and cargo bays (Cargo Mover Trap).
objects that are not secured to be sucked into
space. Ainsley locks the exterior doors (DC 20 Step 1 Cargo Mover Trap CR 1
Engineering check to open). A red light flashes Step 2 Cargo Mover Trap CR 4
above the clamshell bay doors when Ainsley Step 3 Cargo Mover Trap CR 6
activates the Bay Doors Trap. A display shows

The cargo bays contain what would have been Development
an incredibly valuable cargo. The medical Bodies in the cold sleep pods can provide
supplies would have been worth 60,000 cred- additional NPCs or PC characters to replace
its, but the medication has largely deteriorat- those who died. See the section on Unnamed
ed, and only 300 credits of supplies is of use. NPCs. The Scoundrel’s original pilot was a gren
An unscrupulous person could try to sell the named Ringo Janz, identical to Farley Janz
no longer useful pharmaceuticals for much (Named NPCs) except younger and untainted
more though. by a vampiric corruption. She could be placed
in a cold sleep pod, as could other NPCs.
The majority of the supplies consisted of The cold sleep pods are regulated by Tier 3
food, but, again, the quality has greatly di- computers with defensive countermeasures.
minished; 1000 credits would be a fair price Ainsley has left them alone but disabled any
for this food. There are also 40,000 days automated wake-up conditions.
worth of R2Es.
Ainsley’s Options
Many of the genetically modified seeds are still Ainsley remains in audio and visual communi-
good. The value of these ranges from 1,000 cred- cation with any creatures wearing a spacesuit
its in incorporated space to 10,000 credits in the while Saintly monitors the users vital signs.
outer reaches of colonized space. Anytime the spacesuits are in use, Ainsley can
lock the latches on the spacesuit and cut off
Other cargo includes mining equipment or suck out the suit’s oxygen (Suffocation Suit
worth 5000 credits and prison uniforms and Trap). The wearer has 1 to 5 rounds (see the
other clothing worth 2000 credits. trap’s onset delay) before suffocation com-
One of the crates carries a stowaway. A
bounty hunter by the name Thirteen-Thir- Ainsley uses the visual filter and display over-
ty-Seven hacked the cargo manifest to have lay on the helmet to reflect back to the wearer
himself shipped to Exham in a coldsleep pod his or her own face gasping for air. The screen
packed in a large shipping container. The cold of the helmet appears black to anyone not
sleep pod is designed to wake the occupant wearing the suit.
if the shipping container is opened or if the
cargo is removed from the ship. If he awakes, Step 1 Suffocation Suit Trap I CR 1
his priority will be to complete his mission Step 2 Suffocation Suit Trap II CR 3
as quickly as possible and try to collect his Step 3 Suffocation Suit Trap III CR 6
payment. This may mean siding with Ainsley
against the salvage crew. Q. Retractable Landing Gear and Landing Pro-
Step 1 Thirteen-Thirty-Seven
Agender android bounty hunter soldier 1 The Shiv
Step 2 Thirteen-Thirty-Seven The Shiv is a Coyote class 50 ton Cutter. Ains-
Agender android bounty hunter soldier 6 ley can communicate with the cutter, but can-
not control it or interfere with its operations in
P. Aft Crew Cargo Storage any way. The cutter is only piloted manually.
The Scoundrel carried cold sleep pods to evac-
uate Fivecorp family and executives if neces- R. Bridge
sary. Some Fivecorp family members would The bridge has stations for one pilot and one
have been returning to incorporated space as co-pilot. All navigation and communications
their terms of service had expired or because are controlled here. Ainsley can send messag-
significant injuries had shortened their man- es to both the pilot and the copilots stations,
datory terms of service. Each cold sleep pod is but either pilot can block the messages.
fully charged.
S. Main Passenger Berth
Several space suits hang on the wall. Behind the pilots are seats for 12 passengers.

T. Passenger Airlock V. Cargo Hold
The airlock keeps passengers safe if the exte- The 10 ton cargo hold area is empty.
rior airlock is open while in space. Creatures
unfamiliar with airlocks can make a DC 15 W. Rear Passenger Berth
Survival or Engineering to understand how to There are additional seats for 8 passengers.
operate an airlock.
X. Closet/Latrine/Maintenance Access
U. Large Exterior Airlock
The Exterior airlock allows egress onto the Y. Fuel Storage and Insulated Power Plant
ship. The external airlock door can optionally
swing up in close spaces (like the cutter bay) Z. External Maneuver Drives
or fold down to serve as a ramp for loading cargo.

Dead in Space: Stasis
Ash: It’s structural perfection is matched only down this colony of deadbeat debtors.
by its hostility.
Lambert: You admire it. Their arrest, trial, and sentence to serve ten
Ash: I admire its purity. years at Exham Penal Colony, a mining colony
owned by Fivecorp, enraged free enfaddin. The
BACKGROUND disappearance of the Jersey and the hundreds
of enfaddin on board intensified their anger.
Colonized space is a misnomer; humans have
only explored a tiny fraction of the great What Really Happened
expanses between the worlds that they have The crew of the Scoundrel was ordered to
either discovered or stolen. space is vast and abandon the Jersey in space and follow the
dangerous; ships disappear. Ghost stories wayward Exham asteroid; they refused that or-
about these lost ships are told at tables in der. Ainsley, the shipboard AI, insisted that the
spaceport taverns, in shipboard mess halls, ship was going to Exham. None of the Scoun-
and around the fire in every far-flung colony. drel’s crew survived the conflict that followed.
Too much darkness divides the freshly terra-
formed homeworlds. The Scoundrel grew quiet, then departed at
full Speed on a trajectory that would intercept
The tale of the Scoundrel was a favorite. The the Exham in half a century. The Jersey’s crew
disappearance of the Scoundrel became a decided they would free the enfaddin pris-
significant ghost story because of the last two oners on the nearest inhabitable planet and
enigmatic transmissions it sent. These were head home. They went silent in case Fivecorp
disseminated throughout colonized space by objected to their plan or, for that matter,
anti-corporate anarchists. People remembered wanted their ship back. This information can
the Scoundrel. be gleaned from the recordings of communica-
tions between the crews of the Scoundrel and
For enfaddin, however, especially those who the Jersey with a DC 15 Computers check made
have established Free Colonies, it was the on the Jersey’s bridges of either ship.
other ship that meant more: the Jersey and
its enfaddin prisoners became a symbol of the The Jersey ceased all transmissions in order
cruelty of the birth-debt by which they were to avoid capture. Worried that the prisoners
enslaved. might not want to be dumped on a rock in one
of the lonelier stretches of colonized space,
The enfaddin aboard the Jersey were bred for the crew kept the prisoners in stasis. Their plan
a Fivecorp subsidiary but never saw battle. was to wake the enfaddin only once the ship
They were ‘born’ on a lesser moon, trained for arrived, letting them know they were free, and,
combat, and, then, waited in ‘temporary’ shel- then, heading out before the trained soldiers
ters during fourteen years of relative peace. had time to assess the situation. The Jersey
Interest accrued on their birth-debt while they crew found the rock they were looking for, an
were given no work by which to pay it off; inhabitable but uninhabited planet. It was only
when the chance arose, they fled and estab- 19 days away.
lished a free colony on a large, fertile planet.
Years passed, but when Fivecorp needed to The first crewmember, one of the guards,
buy prisoners to send to Exham, they tracked went missing a few days later. At first, the crew

suspected a prisoner, but they were all ac- Stimulants can only work for so long and are a
counted for. Then, they suspected each other. bad combination with fear. The security robots
Their suspicions worsened when two more would watch over her while she slept. She set
crewmembers disappeared while repairing a few traps outside and slept in her chair ready
one of the cells. As often occurs, the crew did to leap into action if any alarms sounded. None
not realize they had an infestation of chaldron did.
until it was too late.
The nymph was so stealthy that the robots did
By the time the crew knew that they did not not see it drop down on Jalach. Jalach screamed
have a killer in their midst or a prisoner on the but never woke. She was unconscious before
loose, there were more adult zombie crabs in the robots crossed the room. The fastest way to
the prison hold than there were humans on the kill the nymph was a shot through Jalach’s eyes.
ship. They also knew that nymphs were meta- One quick, accurate, shot with a sonic pistol at
morphisizing inside dozens of the in-stasis en- point blank range and the robots returned to
faddin. They were outnumbered. their posts.

The crew believed that they had contained the Nothing stirred in the tower, not even a nymph.
chaldron to the massive cargo hold with the cell Energy saving protocols activated. The ship
block. They got their weapons out and headed went dark. Life support went on standby. The
into the prison hold with its hundreds of cells. temperature sunk. The chaldron went into hi-
bernation. The Jersey waited for a command. It
The Captain ordered Jalach, a junior medical has been waiting for 35 years.
officer, to remain in the prison monitoring sta-
tion. She stayed, watching the monitors, scan- Getting the PCs involved
ning the prison hold for any signs of the chal- The Scoundrel, the Jersey’s escort, was salvaged
dron, and helping to coordinate the hunt. If a few months ago. Recovering the ship and its
there were any injuries, she was close to the datawell allowed Anomaly to piece together
medical bay. what happened after the mutiny. Anomaly now
knows the Jersey’s last known coordinates and
She watched the monitors while her crewmates its apparent destination. Finding it just became
died in the prison. It happened fast. easier.
Anomaly will hire a crew to board the Jersey
Thinking the chaldron had been contained and bring the ship to a planet with already es-
within the prison hold, she went to the bridge tablished enfaddin colonies. All Anomaly wants
and dropped the hold’s temperature to below is the ship itself. They will send a group of med-
-80 Fahrenheit to see if she could kill them with ics and a few robot guards with the adventurers
cold. The prisoners were in cryostasis gel. She for backup. Anomaly offers the job to the PCs.
knew they would survive. She hoped the crabs
would not. For the medics, use the Medic in the Unnamed
NPCs section. For the robots, use the following:
There were only a few crewmembers left on
the ship. They started making their way to Step 1 SC-21 / SCABS CR 2 each
the bridge, muttering on their comms as they armed with pulse
came. There were too many voices to concen- caster pistol +1 (1d4 E)
trate, and then, suddenly, there were none. The
fight lasted the length of a dying man’s scream; Step 2 APG Sentinels CR 3 each
Jalach wasn’t sure whose. The chaldron, appar- armed with thunderstrike
ently, were not contained to the prison hold. sonic pistol +3 (1d8 So/deafen)

Jalach scanned the monitors for any crewmem- Step 3 Military Grade Robots
bers. There were none. She could not see any CR 4 each
chaldron either. The ship was quiet. armed with LFD sonic
pistol +5 (2d8 So/deafen)
She stayed awake for as long as she could.

Alternatively, a ship full of in-stasis enfaddin Chaldron are stealthy and can breed quickly. A
prisoners is a valuable cargo for slavers. Some- lone nymph can find a humanoid host, trans-
one should rescue them before this occurs to form it into a chaldron minder, and start birth-
someone else. A group of heroes might decide ing up to a dozen more nymphs each day. With-
to do this because it needs to be done when in a week, these nymphs could turn the entire
that knowledge is presented to them. crews of most spacecraft into hosts.

A third option involves Fivecorp, the former Let the PCs realize that their actions may be
owners of the ship, which is now claimable contributing to their situation. Turning up the
by anyone under interstellar law. Fivecorp is heat wakes the chaldron. Loud noises attracts
interested in recovering the prisoners, whose the attention of the chaldron. Freeing prisoners
birth-debt has been accumulating interest for from stasis frees some chaldron. Helplessness
35 years. The PCs could be hired to lead the breeds fear.
recovery of the Jersey and its living cargo but
without a full understanding of the ‘crime’ of Use the chaldron tactics of stealthy ambushes
the prisoners. Discovering that the only thing or waves of greater numbers. Take advantage
most of these enfaddin did ‘wrong’ was being of the chaldron’s climbing ability to make en-
born poor and staying that way would hopeful- counters surprising, challenging, and outside of
ly lead the PCs to discuss how and whether to the player’s comfort zones.
complete their mission and what to do with the
prisoners instead. The Jersey
Named after the planet rendered uninhabit-
Boarding the Jersey able during a war with the hashani, the Jersey
There are a number of possible entrance points was never a pretty ship. Ships like the Jersey
to the Jersey, but only a few of them do not have been used to transport hundreds of tem-
result in dangerously rapid depressurization of porary cubelike homes to recently terraformed
the ship. A DC 15 Engineering check reveals the worlds. As colonists usually make one way trips,
safest places to enter the Jersey are through the these ships become unnecessary after what is
loading bay on the top deck (Area D) or through often their first voyage and can be purchased
the gun turret (area A). A DC 20 Engineering cheaply.
check reveals that the gun turret above area 7
is airtight and can be used as an airlock for two The five story tall cargo bay of this ship has
medium creatures. Opening the airlocks from been converted to hold row upon row of indi-
the outside requires a DC 20 Engineering check vidual prison cells. It is capable of transporting
to disable the locks and then reengage them 792 prisoners in their own cells when loaded to
and repressurize the airlock.. full capacity.

Scaring the PCs The Jersey was transporting 528 enfaddin pris-
Use the NPCs. Give the NPCs names and per- oners each in individual cells when it disap-
sonalities; give the PCs time and reason to peared. All the prisoners are in-stasis.
bond with some. Then, kill them mercilessly
and leave a mangled corpse or bring them back A gangway connects the fore part of the ship to
as a chaldron zombie. engineering in aft. Except for engineering and
cargo handling, the rest of the crew stays in the
Create mystery. As NPCs start to go missing, let fore part of the ship. The fore part of prison
suspicion fall on other NPCs. As the bodies are ships like the Jersey is known as ‘The Tower;’
found, let the PCs speculate on what killed the the cargo hold is known as ‘The Cube.’
other NPCs.
Chaldron themselves should be scary. Even the Interior doors through the ship are designed to
most experienced starfarers shudder when remain locked unless opened by a crew mem-
they describe encounters with the chaldron. ber. Doors are 1.5 inch thick carbon composite
“If you see one chaldron,” they say, “you aren’t with a hardness of 15 with 100 hp. The elec-
looking hard enough; there are always more.” tronic locks can be disabled with a DC 20 En-

gineering check. Interior doors without pow- the captain’s chair. A DC 20 Medicine check re-
er can be forced open with a DC 18 Strength veals blood trickled out of her ears and veins
check. in her eyes exploded, therefore she likely died
The exterior doors and doors into the prison from a point blank shot to the head with a sonic
section of a ship consist of reinforced carbon pistol.
and ceramic fiber. They have a hardness of 20
and 120 hp. Exterior doors without power can Step 1 APG Sentinel CR 3
be forced open with a DC 23 Strength check. Step 2 2 military grade sec. robots CR 4
Prison cell doors are made of layers of steel and Step 3 2 military grade sec. robots CR 4
ceramic. They have a hardness of 10 and 30 hp.
The locks have 20 hp. Locks on the prison doors Increase difficulty by adding the Weapon/De-
can be overridden with a DC 20 Engineering vice Overload Trap.
or Computers check. An unlocked door can be Decrease difficulty by cutting or downgrading
pushed open with a DC 23 Strength check robots.
Walls Interior walls throughout the ship have a
hardness of 5 and 100 hp with a break DC of 60.
Environmental Controls Life support functions C. Medical Bay
run on autonomous systems that are largely au- Between the scan table and the work area is a
tomatic but take input from creatures and con- pressurized isolation chamber to treat decom-
trols aboard the ship. Repressurization controls pression accidents or to be used as a contain-
are also autonomous. If the computer senses ment unit for a patient with a communicable
any living creature aboard the ship, environ- condition.
mental controls activate. Jalach took tempera-
ture controls offline, however. These will need The medical bay has four hospital beds, a work
to be reset from the bridge. It remains -50 F on area for research and analysis, and a table for
the Jersey unless the temperature controls are scanning and computer assisted surgery. Be-
brought online. tween the work area and the scan table is a
large terrarium. The work area is covered with
The Tower broken flasks and vials and the terrarium is
On her upper hull, the Jersey carries two roll- The ship’s chief medical officer, Dr. Moreau, su-
on, roll-off dropships able to unload eight cells pervised the medical bay, which is capable of
at a time. providing for the health needs of hundreds of
prisoners and the Jersey’s crew. Several crew-
A. Aft Gun Turret members had medical training and could as-
The aft gun turret contains 3 rail guns (each sist when the prisoners were not in stasis. The
1d10 P), which can be fired together or sepa- medical bay was also the research laboratory
rately. of Dr. Moreau where he pursued highly experi-
mental transgenic research. Moreau preferred
TOP DECK prison barges because they left him time for his
B. Bridge research and, if he needed a body to experi-
The bridge has six control stations each with ment on, there were always many available.
multiple display monitors. The smaller moni-
tors are showing several different parts of the When the crew captured the first few chaldron
ship. nymphs they encountered, Moreau examined
them. He kept some alive in his terrarium, oth-
Each of the five larger monitors is receiving ers he dissected, keeping its organs in large
feed from cameras in the cargo hold of the specimen bottles. Dr. Moreau took his person-
ship. Each monitor displays the immense cube al experiments and left long before things got
of 528 cells from a different angle. bad.
Although he took most of his notes, a search
The well-preserved remains of Jalach, the last of the laboratory and a DC 10 Medicine check
Jersey crewmember to die, is slumped back in reveals that Dr. Moreau was trying to learn how

to separate a nymph from a human. A DC 15 lockers, most of which are empty. Each requires
Medicine check reveals he was also attempting a DC 18 Engineering or Computers check to
to better understand how the chaldron are able open. Opening all of the lockers yields:
to reshape another species’ bones and living
tissue when using a humanoid as a host for a Step 1
zombie crab. His last notes declare that he had 6 x flashlights, 10 charges
“tremendous success” with an experiment and 2 pairs welding boots
would take “the twins” with him when he fled. 2 x tactical batons
In one of the drawers is a needler pistol that Dr. 3 x shock grenades I
Moreau had loaded with lethal doses of Kana- 6 x smoke grenade
trium and Narcyz. The needles are not labeled.
Use the appropriate tier of Kanatrium gas and Step 2
Narcyz gas found in the Medical Mist Trap. 6 x flashlights, 10 charges
2 x pairs welding boots
Step 1: 1 x stun baton
personal comm unit 3 x shock grenades II
medkit, basic 6 x smoke grenade
4 x medpatch
8 doses – analgesic I Step 3
8 doses – antitoxin I 6 x Flashlights, 10 charges
8 doses – sedative I 2 pairs welding boots
needler pistol (6 needles, mix of Narcyz gas I 1 x shock truncheon
and Kanatrium gas I) 2 x stun batons II
datashard belonging to Dr. Moreau 3 x shock grenade III
6 x smoke grenade
Step 2:
camera, fully charged E. Gangway and Bullpen
4 x medpatch Crew enter the Jersey through the retracting
medkit, basic gangway and airlock. The bullpen, a smaller
8 doses – analgesic II glass-walled room within the airlock, remains
8 doses – antitoxin II pressurized when the airlock is depressurized.
8 doses – sedative II The bullpen contains a decontamination show-
needler pistol (mix of 6 needles, Narcyz gas II er as well.
and Kanatrium gas II)
datashard belonging to Dr. Moreau F. Prisoner Monitoring Station
Although transporting prisoners in stasis re-
Step 3: duces most discipline and health problems, it
camera, fully charged creates others requiring a complex prisoner
4 x medpatch monitoring system. Every cell, walkway, and
medkit, advanced automated system in the cube is monitored
2 x sprayflesh from this station. The tier of the computer is
8 doses – analgesic III Step+2. The DC to hack is DC 25 for Step 1 play-
8 doses – antitoxin III ers, DC 29 for Step 2 players, and DC 33 for Step
8 doses – sedative III 3 players. Once online, the monitoring station
needler pistol (mix of 6 needles, Narcyz gas III begins to check the health of each prisoner and
and Kanatrium gas III) will begin to indicate which cells have infected
datashard belonging to Dr. Moreau hosts by displaying a ‘needs medical attention’
warning for those cells. The outside of individ-
D. Armory ual cells can be viewed from the station and in-
A row of eight recharging stations line one wall, dividual cell doors can be locked and unlocked.
but there are only two sets of riot gear hanging There are no cameras inside the cells.
in the charging stations.
The armory contains twenty-four weapons
The armory contains twenty-four weapons lockers, most of which are empty. Each requires

a DC 18 Engineering or Computers check to Increase difficulty by adding nymphs.
open. Opening all of the lockers yields: Decrease difficulty by waking no more than 2
nymphs at a time.
Step 1
2 x stun baton I H. Corridor
2 x riot gear (impact suit) I Before Jalach bunkered down in the bridge, she
Fire extinguisher built some traps in the corridor using equip-
2 x flashlights ment from the medical bay. She hooked a tank
containing cryogenic gas to a medical drill and
Step 2 set a pressure sensor to trigger the drill when
2 x stun baton II any movement was detected between the
2 x riot gear (impact suit) II doors to areas D and E. When triggered, the
Fire extinguisher tank of cryogenic gas is punctured and the gas
2 x flashlights fills the corridor freezing everything it touches
(Cryogenic Tank Trap).
Step 3
1x incapacitator For Steps 2 and 3, the corridor is also protect-
2 x stun baton II ed by a concealed medical laser that Jalach hid
2 x riot gear (impact suit) III under the stairs to the gun turret. She has pro-
Fire extinguisher grammed its surgical targeting computer to fire
2 x flashlights a very precise blast at the first creature to touch
the stairs (Concealed Medical Laser Trap).
G. Cargo Elevator
The roof of the elevator is transparent to allow Step 1 Cryogenic Tank Trap I CR 1
visual monitoring of any prisoners being trans- Step 2 Cryogenic Tank Trap II CR 4
ported. The ceiling glass was shattered in the Concealed Medical Laser CR 3
fight against the chaldron and offers no protec- Step 3 Cryogenic Tank Trap III CR 7
tion. Using the elevator without security codes Concealed Medical Laser CR 3
requires a DC 15 Engineering or Computers
check. Increase Difficulty by adding more concealed
medical lasers.
The elevator is the only way to move between Decrease difficulty by removing the concealed
floors in the Tower. On the 2nd floor, the ele- medical laser.
vator allows access to the walkways above the
cellblock. This is the only way to cross from the SECOND DECK
Tower to the Cube without leaving the ship. During shorter journeys the second deck of the
Tower is used exclusively by the crew. On longer
A number of chaldron were in the elevator flights, it is normal to wake the prisoners from
shaft when Jalach locked the ship down. They their stasis once a year to check their health.
remain there, inactive, coated in adhesive, and On such voyages, the second deck is used by
well-hidden. If the heat in the Tower rises above prisoners as well.
-50 F or the elevator moves, the chaldron wake
and ambush anyone travelling in the elevator I. Galley / Mess
by dropping through the shattered ceiling. The One hundred prisoners could eat in the galley
luminescent nymphs begin to glow, lighting the at the same time. A full kitchen with two sinks
elevator shaft, before dropping onto their tar- and eight burners allows large quantities of
gets. food to be cooked.

Step 1 6 chaldron nymphs CR ½ Two pipes jut through the wall over one of the
Step 2 1 small zombie crab CR 2 counters. Above one is a sign reading “MEAT;”
6 chaldron nymphs CR ½ above the other is a sign reading “PUDDING.”
Step 3 2 medium zombie Crabs CR 3 These lead back to the biomatter reclamation
6 chaldron shadow nymphs CR 1 and renutrification system, which collects bio-

waste from throughout the ship, and processes
it to make it both tasty and almost nutritious.

Much of the food in the refrigeration units has

gone bad, but a DC 15 Perception check finds
8,240 days worth of R2Es (a year’s supply of
meals for a skeleton crew of 20). They are 39
years old but have not gone bad.

J. Gym
The gym is clean and untouched. The weight
training and cardio equipment is clean and

K. Recreation Center
The recreation center was the scene of one
of the larger battles for the Tower. Couches,
chairs, and tables are overturned. Scorch marks
on the walls and floor attest to the battle. Hu-
man bodies are piled near the couches; due to
the extremely low temperatures, the remains
are well-preserved. A DC 10 Medicine check
reveals they were killed by a laser blast to the
base of their neck.

L. Briefing Room / Theater

The briefing room / theater provides much
needed entertainment on long space flights.
The library includes 30,000 hours of program-
ming. The Fivecorp pay-per-view protocol re-
mains in effect, but can be overridden from the
bridge or with a DC 15 Engineering check or by
those with root access to the ship’s computer.

A data card in the entertainment system con-

tains a recording with messages from several
crew members to their families and friends
made in front of the entertainment system.
They were about to attempt to retake the Cube
and wanted to say goodbye in case they were
not successful. One of the crew members ex-
plains during the recording that the infestation
surprised them and that several of the crew are
dead already.

During the last recording, fighting can be over-

heard. The crew grab their rifles and run out
of the room leaving the machine to continue
recording the empty room for another 21 days.
The rooms slowly becomes dark 12 hours later.

M. Engine Room
The engine room occupies the stern of the ship,
decks two, three, and four and is accessible

from the walkways on the second deck. ter missile launch bays for port and starboard.

The Jersey’s propulsion system uses a standard Aft of the guns, the Jersey’s gun deck has indi-
dualmass drive used for this type of space flight.
vidual rooms for 8 crew members. The rooms
The image of the engine room on decks three are furnished identically—a bed, shower, toilet,
and four show a dualmass drive. sink and locker. Most of them are now empty
but many show signs of having seen combat.
The walkways around deck two and stairs to the A few contain human remains, some with bro-
lower decks allow for observation and mainte- ken bones or bullet holes. Each room contains
nance of the engine. 1 credit worth of personal effects.

The engine is offline. Getting it online requires Most of the personal effects are of little val-
access to the bridge computer and an engineer ue, but include lighters, protein bars, R2Es,
in the engine room making a DC 20 Engineer- a necklace of old coins and analog keys, and
ing check. Because of the age of the engine the data sticks with unopened messages leading to
fuel is unstable and must be carefully mixed; great adventures.
the player making the check cannot take 20. If
that check is failed by 10 or more, positive and A DC 15 Perception check eventually turns up
negative mass inputs become unbalanced and drugs that are illegal in incorporated space but
must be shut down (a DC 20 Engineering check). legal elsewhere.
Failure to shut down an unbalanced dualmass
drive within a minute causes them to explode At Step 1, PCs find 1 dose of hyperleaf;
(20d12 F, explode, 100 ft.). Unless the drive is At Step 2, PCs find 1 dose of dreamshiver;
jettisoned, it will destroy the ship. Both realizing At Step 3, PCs find 1 dose of transdimensional
the drive must be jettisoned and jettisoning it pesh.
require DC 15 Engineering checks.
A number of chaldron nymphs settled above
the walkway in the engine room. If the heat re- O. Officer and Guest Quarters
mains below -50 F, they remain immobile unless 12 officer and guest quarters, the same size as
disturbed by the noise of the engine starting or crew quarters and similarly furnished. They also
after being ordered to wake by a chaldron mind- have a deck, a plant and a computer console.
er. If awoken, they will attempt to drop onto any One of the rooms contains the remains of an
humanoids in the room. While hibernating, the officer in uniform lying neatly on his bed. The
chaldron take -10 on Perception checks. cold has preserved much of the corpse. There
are no signs of injury.
Step 1 1 chaldron nymph CR ½
Step 2 6 chaldron nymphs CR ½ each In another room, a crew member’s body lies on
Step 3 8 chaldron nymphs CR ½ each the ground, a pistol at her side. A DC 10 Medi-
2 medium zombie crabs CR 3 cine check reveals that she shot herself.

Increase Difficulty by changing nymphs to shad- Combined, the eight officer’s rooms contain
ow nymphs. 3d8 credits worth of personal effects. Most of
Decrease difficulty by removing nymphs. the personal effects are of little value, but in-
clude tools, personal comms, R2Es, a Engineer-
ing tool kit, and data sticks containing the or-
THIRD DECK ders to abandon the Jersey and join the crew of
the Scoundrel in pursuit of the Exham asteroid.
N. Gun Deck
Most of the Jersey’s guns are located at the fore FIFTH DECK
part of this deck, with a heavy railgun and two
light particle beam weapons at the fore end, P. Inner Cargo Hold
and just aft of this chamber are heavy anti-mat- In one section of the hold are 21 cold sleep

pods. The original mission was intended to be
for only a year, so most of the cold sleep pods The custodian was the first member of the crew
were not going to be used. Six are occupied. to fall prey to a chaldron nymph. The nymph
These occupants have been in stasis for 35 had come aboard inside one of the pipes of a
years. used biomatter renutrification tank. It slithered
into the custodian’s bunk and, not detecting
Three of them were occupied by Fivecorp secu- the telepathic presence of a chaldron minder,
rity personnel (Unnamed NPCs) on their way to turned him into one.
Exham. One of these pods went bad; the occu- The minder began sending its nymphs through
pant is dead. The other two have been in cold the waste system into the cells where they
stasis since the Jersey first departed Hell’s Hole would find, each and every time, a completely
and know nothing of what happened to the Ex- helpless humanoid host in stasis. The SCAB con-
ham asteroid or anything about the chaldron. tinued to do the custodian’s duties so well that
his absence was never noted. It was a month
Two others contain Jersey medics (Unnamed before anyone knew there were chaldron on
NPCs) who have been in stasis for most of the board.
journey. On long space voyages, some crew-
members are ‘spares.’ They spend the journey Step 1 chaldron minder CR 4
in stasis and get paid a lower fee. In case of an Step 2 shadow minder CR 5
emergency, they are woken. Most spares go 4 shadow nymphs CR 1 each
into stasis and wake months or years later a lit- Step 3 shadow minder CR 4
tle richer. The infestation of chaldron happened 2 shadow nymphs CR 1 each
too quickly for new medics to be needed. 4 shadow crabs CR 4 each

Before the ship became too cold to move, a Increase Difficulty by adding nymphs or crabs.
zombie crab broke the seal on one of the med- Decrease difficulty by removing nymphs.
ics’ cold sleep pods (DC 15 Perception check
to notice) allowing a nymph to breach the seal The Cube
and bond with the medic. If stasis is interrupt-
ed, the officer writhes in pain and begins a Q. Outer Cargo Hold
transformation into either a chaldron zombie The Cube is a massive block of cells designed to
or, if the nymph does not detect the telepath- roll-on and roll-off of the Jersey. Each cell hangs
ic presence of a minder within 150 ft., into a from a rail and latches on to its neighbors. The
minder. The other spare is alive; she wakes with cells are loaded and unloaded from the ship on
as many questions as answers. these rails and, within the prison hold, the rails
can be moved around and sorted.
A sixth pod contains a crewmember who be-
came violently suspicious and paranoid when When on the ground, these cells become re-
the chaldron started killing crew. The captain purposed as accommodations for the prison-
gave this crewmember the choice of being put ers. The cells can be made airtight by closing
in stasis for the rest of the journey or being floor grates and air vents. Pipes leaving the
spaced. This crewmember wakes believing that toilet of each cell carry waste to the biomatter
one of the crewmembers was a killer; until he renutrification tanks.
sees chaldron with his own eyes, he will blame
any suspicious events on the ghost of one of The Cube is sorted by story, rack, and row. The
the old crew. Use a security personnel in Un- Jersey is loaded with eight stories of cells, with
named NPCs each story having six racks of 11 cells. There
are 528 cells, each of which can be identified
The Jersey’s custodian repurposed two bro- by coordinates given as story (1-8 from top),
ken cells as sleeping quarters for himself and a rack (1-6 from port to starboard), and row (1-
spare bunk for guests. As he neither invited nor 11 from bow to stern) so that cell 1-3-8 would
received any guests, his robot assistant began be the top level of cells, the third rack from the
to sit on the other bunk while recharging. Use a left, and in the eighth row from the bow.
SC-21/SCABS for the robot assistant.

The cell doors and walls are made of layers of ery two rounds until the chaldron minder sens-
steel and ceramic. They have a hardness of 10 es the battle is futile or after 2 minutes. Begin
and 30 hp. The locks have 20 hp. Locks on the with 2 chaldron zombies climbing up the eleva-
prison doors can be overridden with a DC 20 tors and then add more chaldron zombies each
Computers check to disable. An unlocked door round as below.
can be pushed open with a DC 23 Strength
check. The outer surfaces of the cells have pro- Step 1 Add 2 chaldron zombies every 2
trusions and ledges that can be used for hand- rounds CR 1 each
holds (Athletics (climb) DC 15). Step 2 Add 4 chaldron zombies every 2
rounds CR 1 each
The cells contain inexpensive cryogenic gel Step 3 Add 4 chaldron shadow zom-
sacks, in which the creature being preserved bies every 2 rounds
is completely encased in a sack which is then CR 3 each
filled with stasis gel and kept frozen by cyrogen-
ic gas. This is far less expensive than stasis pods R. The Walkway
and much less safe. The walkway around the cargo hold allows
guards to monitor the cells. Several chaldron
Fivecorp expected to lose 3 cells out of 20 on zombies managed to make it onto the walk-
this voyage. Because of the extended length of way during the conflict. Most were slain, but a
the mission, a third of the cells are ‘bad eggs,’ couple hibernate here still far from the eleva-
something which becomes evident by the smell tor entrance. The chaldron in this area will stay
when the cells are opened. hidden at the far end of the cube unless they
hear fighting.
Several of the 528 cells contain chaldron zom-
bies or crabs about to emerge from their hosts. Step 1 2 chaldron zombies CR 1 each
Every day the chaldron infestation is not erad- Step 2 4 chaldron zombies CR 1 each
icated more cells will become infected. Most Step 3 4 chaldron shadow zombies
cells would contain only one chaldron zombie CR 3 each
or crab.
Increase Difficulty by adding zombie crabs or
If the salvage crew starts opening cells, roll on shadow crabs.
the table below to see what they find: Decrease difficulty by removing zombies.
1d20 Result
1-6 ‘bad egg’
7-12 living enfaddin prisoner
13 scraps of dead flesh and bone
left when a chaldron crab tore
free from its humanoid host
14-15 enfaddin with a nymph along its
spine underneath its clothing;
the enfaddin dormant unless
16-18 chaldron zombie or shadow
19-20 small, medium, or shadow crab

Chaldron Zombie Rush

If the PCs defeat the chaldron on the walkway,
the chaldron minder will know and will tele-
pathically wake chaldron zombies from numer-
ous cells, who will push open their cells and
begin to scale the elevators trying to Reach the
walkway. More chaldron zombies come out ev-

Dead in Space: Interlude
“If your plan is for one year, plant rice. If your Getting the PCs Involved
plan is for ten years, plant trees. If your plan The Farwhisper word for both emissary and
is for one hundred years, educate children.” – vampire is nihirillim. The Emperor has honored
Confucius dozens of humans with the opportunity to
serve him. Each of these nihirillim commands
Background their own necroship.
After humans made contact with the ha-
shani, representatives from four of the One of these ambassadors, Ben’thala Vallis,
major corporations sent ambassadors into was a member of one of the five families that
The Stretch. These envoys were granted an started Fivecorp. As a servant of the Eternal
audience with the Eternal Emperor, ruler of Emperor, Ben Vallis is wealthier than even he
countless worlds for eons beyond the mem- had dreamt of being. Although officially he is
ory of humanity. The price for access to the only an advisor at Fivecorp, he speaks for the
enormous markets and great wealth of the Eternal Emperor and has much influence.
Empire was simple; the Emperor mingled his
blood with those of the sons and daughters A Fivecorp codetrapper intercepted some
of humans with controlling interest in these messages between Anomaly research groups
corporations. Many of these wealthy families and the PCs aboard the Jersey. Vallis now
accepted the price and sent their children to knows about Anomaly’s interest in the ship
the Emperor. but does not know why they are interested.
He is curious and wants to find out more. He
The Emperor took these children and made was on his way to observe a temporal incur-
them his own. He had them trained and sion on Seldemer but will take a few days to
educated. Then, when they were full-grown, see what he can learn about the Jersey.
he killed them. He took their lives and gave
them his blood in return. As vampires, they He knows that Anomaly has salvage rights over
are his emissaries, his spies, and his assas- the ship as it was found outside of incorpo-
sins. They serve him as he begins to draw rated space. Fivecorp doesn’t want a skirmish
humanity into a massive empire that extends with Anomaly right now, but Vallis will attempt
far beyond The Stretch. to bully and bluff the PCs in order to gain
control over it. If his initial offers are rebuffed
The emissaries of the Eternal Emperor over- he will invite the PCs aboard his ship and
see his domain, conquer new species, and attempt to intimidate them. He has his crew to
gather information on his behalf. These back him up should things turn violent, but he
emissaries are said to be more numerous isn’t eager to start something. If all else fails
than the stars visible to the naked eye from he will attempt to slip aboard the Jersey and
the dark side of Solace. To each emissary, the recover the datashard from Dr. Moreau’s labs.
Eternal Emperor gives the gift of his blood (Fivecorp geneticists believe the experiments
and a necroship. Some serve the Emperor by on transgenic venoms Dr. Moreau conducted
collecting tribute in the form of slaves and have never been replicated.) Should things
soldiers from subjugated civilizations; others turn violent, Vallis and his crew will attempt to
sleep in sarcophagi aboard their necroships ensure no one is left alive to point the finger at
on long journeys to stars as yet beyond the Fivecorp.
Emperor’s Reach.

Necroships of the Nihirillim The Lady Vein
Ben Vallis captains a necroship named the
When the hashani were brought into the Lady Vein. His crew includes old friends, for-
empire, they brought with them the sci- mer pirates, and a gren with a death wish.
ence of creating hybrid bioships. Combining
hashani science and the Emperor’s blood All Steps: Ben Vallis, human vampire variant
allowed for the creation of necroships, an operative 6, CR 8
undead version of the hybrid bioships.
The necroships are much like the living bio-
Unlike living bioships, the necroship is ships described previously The following
powered by a device called a blooddrive. descriptions highlight the differences:
In order to provide sufficient fuel, up to
a dozen humanoids are suspended in the 1. Primary Brain
bloodbank. Blooddrives work thanks to a Biologically the top deck area holds the
hellish pact between the Eternal Emperor creature’s primary brain (the teal round
and an infernal duke. The humanoids serve structure at the fore end of the interiror
to produce and filter the blood that the “skull” area. Ganglia from it’s brain connects
emperor promised in this pact. Veins exit to the five ocular organs (red scanning eyes).at
the bloodbank carrying red blood to the the fore end of the exo-skeleton.)
blooddrive and return carrying a greyish
liquid, which the humanoids then filter. 2. Elevator
Whenever blooddrives are used to make Aft of the primary brain is the esophageal
FTL jumps, one medium sized humanoid elevator to access this to the lower decks. As
creature is entirely consumed and dies (DC previously mentioned a bony capsule serves
20 Fortitude save avoids), only rising as a as the elevator car, protecting riders from
spawn if the necroship wills it. exposure to acids and bodily fluids, still the
muscular movement driving the elevator car
Corruption is accompanied by an unsettling swallowing
Necroship Vampirism is a corruption, which sound, almost a gulp.
some of Vallis’ crew manifest to an extent.
While the catalyst is different, it is similar to 3. Pilot Console
the vampirism corruption. If the PCs spend too Vallis’ pilot is a gren named Farley and is
much time aboard the Lady Vein, they may included as an NPC. Her organic circuitry aids
begin to develop this corruption. her as she flies the Lady Vein.

Necroship Vampirism Step 1 Farley Janz, gren ace pilot operative 1

Through your connection with the necroship, Step 2 Farley Janz, gren ace pilot operative 6
you begin to develop a taste for blood. When Step 3 Farley Janz, gren ace pilot operative 6
the blooddrive hums, your mouth waters.
When you switch out the bodies in the blood- 4. Astrogation Computer Banks
bank, you are tempted to lick clean the vic- Vallis’ science officer is one of his oldest
tims’ wounds. friends. Both shirked off their responsibil-
ities as heirs to their respective fortunes;
Catalyst Vallis dodged his duties to pursue pleasure
The connection between a necroship and a and Jaesok Ri neglected his to study techno-
living being is a delicate one. Being aboard a mancy. Near his station, a small screen dis-
necroship while its blooddrive is used in Sha- plays a series of silent videos of screaming,
dowdrive travel more than four times causes begging, terrified faces showing a different
this corruption. Using the sarcophagi in the face every three seconds in what appears to
throne chamber for cold sleep for any length be a particularly dark amateur experimental
of time causes this corruption. Serving a week film or a trophy reel but is actually an image
in the bloodbank but not being completely feed from the bloodbank. If the victims stop
drained by it causes this corruption. screaming, the panel flashes and Jaesok asks
Sugar to check.

5. Ladder to Gun Turret replaced by a bloodbank. Dozens of human-
The Lady Vein’s gunner is a seelu named Vein oids hang in the bloodbank. They hang upside
Gunner One. Gunner was the only survivor of down writhing in pain and screaming; their
a pirate ship that attacked the Lady Vein. Vallis faces are covered by a layer of veiny skin.
took him for the bloodbank, but kept him on
as a gunner. Use generic NPCs if they are rescued.

Step 1 Vein Gunner One, seelu mercenary sol- Step 1 Bloodbank Haunt I CR 2
dier 1 Step 2 Bloodbank Haunt II CR 4
Step 2 Vein Gunner One, seelu mercenary sol- Step 3 Bloodbank Haunt III CR 6
dier 4
Step 3 Vein Gunner One, seelu mercenary sol- 13. Clamshell Hatch
dier 8 At the fore end of the cargo hold is a clam-
shell hatchway that opens to port and star-
6. Secondary Brain board with the lower exoskeleton dropping as
A neuroscan display attached to the secondary a ramp beyond the hatchway. Just aft of the
brain stem shows brain activity and is used to clamshell fore of the membranous airlock is
monitor the ship’s status. When she’s not in kept an ATV to load and unload cargo from
the bloodbank or blooddrive, Sugar, the ship’s the hold. If these clamshell doors open while
engineer, can be found studying these read- people are in the airlock, use Slimy Bay Doors
outs. Trap (CR2).

Step 1 Sugar, vesk voyager mechanic 1 14. Membranous Airlock Doors

Step 2 Sugar, vesk voyager mechanic 4 The bay is sealed by fleshy air lock doors with
Step 3 Sugar, vesk voyager mechanic 7 the look and texture of a grey human tongue.

7. Entertainment/Dining 15. Ship’s Cargo Hold

Space has been replaced by a chamber con- Aft of the membranous airlock doors is the
taining the sarcophagi and a shrine to the Eter- main cargo hold with 30 tons of displacement
nal Emperor. It is sealed by vault-like doors. On space. The Lady Vein is currently carrying four
the inside of the chamber is a muscular orifice in-stasis prisoners in sealed crystalline coffins
that opens or closes to allow entry.
16. Esophageal Elevator
8. Kitchen The esophageal elevator allows passage be-
The kitchen area is largely abandoned. Gunner tween all three decks. Additionally the eleva-
One Keeps blood bags in the fridge. tor can pass beneath the lower exo-skeleton
plating if the ship lands on a surface. There is a
9. Crew Berths rear-facing exit at ground level with a narrow
Each only 6 displacement tons (10’ x 30’); passage between protrusions on the bottom
Contains a single bed, wall locker, with toilet of the ship. Beak-like mouth parts can pierce
and sink cabinet unit per berth. Presumably the ground below or open in quadrant pincers
the 4 berths at fore of the ship are the officer as feet beneath elevator.
quarters, while the rear 6 are crew man
quarters. 17. Biological Organ Torso
Aft of the cargo hold is a smaller membranous
10 Crew Quarters airlock separating the fore from the aft of the
One crew per room with private restroom and ship. A
bed room only. clear, membranous tunnel passes through
this section down to the center to the aft and
11. Biological Heart/Power Plant engineering
beyond. Flanking either side of this tunnel
12. Bloodbank/Life Pod Section structure are the beetle ship’s primary organs,
including gastrointestinal system, stomach, liv-
The life pod section aboard a necroship is er, pancreas, kidneys and other similar organs.

The gastrointestinal system serves as the ship’s flight operations.
maneuver drives with maneuver 1-3, depend-
ing on how much food has been gorged. Ignit- 18. Blooddrive
ing organs fire the gaseous flatulence exiting Sugar hates spending time in the blooddrive,
the funnel shape aft portion looking much like but she needs to make sure the filters are work-
tech-based maneuver propulsion systems. ing. She can often be found down here among
the tormented souls. It is also her job to throw
Notably the pair of green tentacled organs the exhausted corpses out the airlock.
shown at the fore end of the chamber under
the clear membranous tunnel walls create the
cloaking effect granting the ship invisibility in

Dead in Space: Exham
“When they first heard about this thing, it second resupply run was launched. The Jersey
was “crew expendable.” The next time they left Hell’s Hole to bring supplies, mining equip-
sent in Marines; they were expendable too. ment, and 500 prisoners; it was chaperoned
What makes you think they’re gonna care by The Scoundrel.
about a bunch of lifers who found God at the
ass-end of space?” – Ripley, Aliens 3 Fifteen weeks after the Jersey and the Scoun-
drel left Hell’s Hole for the asteroid, Exham cut
BACKGROUND off all communication. The last automatic data
transmission from the asteroid indicated that
Jonach Exham, a prospector who never left it had broken from its orbit and was heading
incorporated space, became very rich very further from Hell’s Hole towards The Stretch.
quickly with his discovery of an asteroid in an Fivecorp stood to lose its investment in the
elliptical orbit around a star relatively close to asteroid as well as an estimated seventeen tril-
a stable jumpgate known as Hell’s Hole. lion credits worth of valuable metals. Fivecorp
ordered the Jersey’s escort, the Scoundrel,
Fivecorp purchased the asteroid from Exham to pursue the asteroid and determine what
and established a mining operation on the caused Exham to break orbit and whether
planet using prisoners as labor. They sent two there was any chance to recuperate some of
massive Jersey-class cargo ships with six hun- their losses.
dred prisoners and all of the equipment they
would need. The first prisoners were mostly Neither the cargo ship nor its escort were
humans arrested for the wide range of crimes heard from again until recently. Accessing the
of which humans are capable, but included Scoundrel’s logs revealed the final trajectory
many non-human prisoners as well. and likely goal of the Exham. The asteroid’s
new trajectory would take it to Omicron Ceti, a
At travel speeds before the invention of sha- red giant star in a binary star system. The trip
dowdrives, JE-5 was just over a year away from would take 50 years, 35 of which have already
Hell’s Hole, near the edge of colonized space, past. Omicron Ceti is believed to be uninhab-
a few light years from the Stretch. Exham cir- ited.
cled star JE-5 in a vast elliptical orbit that took
almost five years to complete. When its first No one knows why Exham cut off communica-
five year rotation brought the asteroid within tions or how they changed course or what is
a year of Hell’s Hole station, the Exham mining waiting for Exham at Omicron Ceti.
operation dispatched its first shipment of irid-
ium, osmium, and rhenium. While those two Anomaly likes to know.
ships headed to Hell’s Hole, they were passed
in space by the Pilgrim and the Turnabout, a What Really Happened.
pair of Jersey-class cargo ships bringing new Space is vast and lonely, especially in a penal
supplies to Exham. colony. It is not uncommon for starfarers to
feel a presence reaching out to them, calling
The asteroid circled slowly into the dark with to them from the dark spaces between the
fresh prisoners and supplies for another five stars. It is uncommon for it to happen to so
year rotation. Near the end of its second many people in one space, but that is what
rotation, after almost ten years in operation, a happened on Exham as it circled through

the dark. Dozens of Fivecorp employees and PCs a one-percent share in what could be a
Exham prisoners heard a voice calling to them trillion credit prize. That’s if the PCs find the
from the deeper darkness. They began to asteroid and if no one is alive there to hold the
listen. claim for Fivecorp.

The influence of the voice in the dark grew Fivecorp is also interested in sending an ex-
and it asked them to do impossible things. Led pedition to the Exham asteroid to determine
by a Bisel, the only child born on the asteroid, what remains of the penal colony and whether
those who heard the voice pieced together a the net value of the asteroid’s iridium, osmi-
plan. They took control of the colony, killing um, and rhenium make it worth reinvesting in
many who opposed them, and imprisoning the the mining operation.
rest in the mines. They seized two cargo ships,
the Pilgrim and the Turnabout, which were They are willing to make the same offer to
there to ship minerals next time the asteroid’s the PCs as Anomaly made. If accepted, they
orbit brought it close to Hell’s Hole. Then, they will send an envoy and three very well armed
used these barges to tug Exham from its orbit ‘support personnel’ with the PCs (use Security
at the point when the gravitational pull of JE-5 Personnel in Unnamed NPCs.)
was at its weakest.
The Asteroid
Once done, the plotters ceased responding to It has been a long time since that revolt. Of
any communications, at least any that could the hundreds of prisoners and employees on
be explained. They did respond to the voice in Exham after the cultists’ revolt, only a handful
the darkness and ask what was next. The voice remain, some living on the ships as part of the
in the darkness was pleased with them. It told cult, some on the surface in Cell-town, and
them to wait and that it would not let them some down in the mines, hungry and dead.
die. It promised they would live long enough The few that are left have mostly made peace
to see him in his glory and triumph. with spending their last years on Exham. Some
of the cultists have had children but the ma-
Anyone who had not joined the cult was jority of the population on Exham is between
forced into the mines, whether prisoner or 55 and 65 years old. All of those still living
employee. Trapped together under the earth, have seen far too much dying.
they did what most sentient species set severe
taboos against; they survived. That meant
resorting to cannibalism. If every starfarer that Exham is one mile in diameter with a surface
reluctantly ate a fellow crewmember became that is largely metallic black and highly reflec-
a ghoul, space would be crawling with them. tive. The Pilgrim and the Turnabout are using
Exham was different. Soon, the ghouls had grav beams to pull the asteroid.
infested the mines.
Nearby, six biodomes of the type usually used
The cultists seized control of the two car- in intensive farming in space are connected by
go ships and dragged the asteroid towards covered tunnels. One of the biodomes looks
Omicron at full speed. Human survivors who damaged. The other five are brightly lit.
managed not to anger the cultists remained in
Cell-town and sometimes cooperated with the A number of atmosphere conditioners and
cultists. Ivyn Greenthumb, a former prisoner, gravity intensifiers are spread around the pe-
takes care of the biodomes. The ghouls remain nal colony, mines, and biodomes. These pro-
in the mines but trade minerals with the cult- vide a breathable atmosphere and the gravity
ists for fresh victims. to hold the atmosphere down.

Getting the PCs involved The prison cells in which the prisoners were
Anomaly is interested in finding out what transported are now organized into a num-
happened to Exham and will finance a mission ber of concentric hexagrams two layers high
covering reasonable expenses and transpor- around a control tower.
tation to Omicron, if necessary. They offer the

Atmosphere Conditioner to transform the cultists into something more
dangerous and horrifyingly beautiful. Neither
Atmosphere conditioners produce and main- Ahab nor J.T. have much respect for humanity
tain a breathable atmosphere on the asteroid. and see nothing wrong with warping their fel-
Despite the gravity intensifiers holding the low believers’ flesh to better suit Providence’s
atmosphere—and everything else—on the ends. With Providence’s guidance they were
surface of the asteroid, there is a constant loss able to recreate the technology the qlippoth
of atmosphere. The structures housing the use in transforming their slaves into soldiers in
atmosphere conditioners are concrete. The their wars against demons. These cultists are
doors are 2 inch thick steel (hardness 20, hp either somewhat corrupted but attempting to
60, break DC 28). pass as a ‘normal’ human, or heavily corrupted
and no longer attempting to pass as human.
Landing Pad The cultists, whether corrupted or not, are in
Minimal lighting is always on around the land- the Unnamed NPCs section of this book.
ing pad.
Step 1 Bisel Female human mystic 2;
Other Lighting Ahab Male paradox scholar operative
Motion sensitive lights are attached to the 3; 24 cultists (CR 1 each).
sides of all buildings on Exham. Step 2 Bisel Female human mystic 5
Ahab Male paradox scholar operative
Gravity Intensifiers 6; 16 cultists (CR 1 each);
The gravity intensifiers increase the asteroid’s 4 corrupted cultists (CR 3 each).
existing gravity. The structures housing the Step 3 Bisel Female human mystic 8;
gravity intensifiers are concrete. The doors are Ahab Male paradox scholar operative
2 inch thick steel (hardness 20, hp 60, break 9; 12 cultists (CR 1 each); 8 corrupted
DC 28). cultists (CR 3 each); 4 heavily corrupted
cultists (CR 5 each).
The Pilgrim
The Pilgrim and the Turnabout are spaced Only a few of the cultists on the Pilgrim have
about 100’ apart, towing the asteroid using the qlippoth disintegration rifles that J.T. Hertz
grav beams. The ships are dwarfed by the has replicated. The cultists have raided the
asteroid, but working in zero gravity allows the armory on the Pilgrim over the years and very
ships to move an asteroid of this size. little functioning gear remains.

Both ships are Jersey-class. The maps of the These cultists are less disciplined and often
Jersey can also be used for this adventure. heavily medicated. Ahab egularly exposes
Both cargo holds contain a gravity intensifier them to the qlippoth genetic resequenc-
that has been turned into a grav beam. ers, which Providence taught J.T. Hertz how
to make. They wake from their treatment
There are a number of possible entrance with their bodies wracked in pain from their
points to the cargo ships, but only a few of strange transformations; they wake babbling
them do not result in dangerously rapid de- and chanting and singing and crying. Ahab
pressurization of the ship. A DC 15 Engineering lost many to madness but he now drugs them
Check reveals the safest places to enter the to keep them from going mad. The drugged
ships are through the loading bay on the top cultists receive a -5 on Perception checks until
deck (Area D) or through the gun turret (area they recognize danger.
A). A DC 20 Engineering Check reveals that the
gun turret above area 7 is airtight and can be Ahab uses the medical bay for his medical
used as an airlock for two medium creatures. work and his experiments.
Opening the airlocks from the outside requires
a DC 20 Engineering or Computer check. He keeps a few ghouls in cells on the second
floor of the cargo area. If the ghouls smell
Bisel, Ahab, and several other cultists live on anything in the cargo area, they will start to
the Pilgrim. Ahab collaborates with J.T. Hertz pound on the walls of their cells, which could

be mistaken as someone trying to attract help. qlippoth disintegration rifles, the armory con-
If Ahab detects intruders in the cargo area, tains the following:
particularly around the walkway, he will re-
lease the ghouls while locking the exits. He can Step 1 2 x tactical batons
do this from the monitoring station or from 3 x laser pistols (azimuth),
the bridge of the Pilgrim. charged
1 x laser rifle (azimuth), charged
Step 1 3 x Exham ghouls CR 2 each
Step 2 2 x Space ghasts CR 3 each Step 2 1x stun baton I
3 x Exham ghouls CR 2 each 3 x laser pistols (corona),
Step 3 3 x Space ghasts CR 3 each charged
3 x Exham ghouls CR 2 each 1 x laser rifle (corona), charged

The Turnabout Step 3 1x shock truncheon

J.T. Hertz, the former chief engineer at Exham, 3 x laser pistols (aphelion),
lives on the Turnabout with several of the charged
cultists and with Ted the Bear, his drone. J.T. 1 x laser rifle (aphelion),
has turned the Medical Bay into his lab, but his charged
projects occupy space in several different parts
of the ship. The Biodomes
Not far from where the two cargo ships have
Step 1 J.T. Hertz, male android mechanic 3; locked onto the asteroid with gray beams, six
Ted the Bear, drone 3; transparent domes house the colony’s inten-
12 cultists (CR 1 each). sive farms. The biodomes are 60 ft. in diam-
Step 2 J.T. Hertz, male android mechanic 6 eter and 30 ft. high. They are connected by
Ted the Bear, drone 6; a series of covered tunnels. One of the bio-
8 cultists (CR 1 each); domes is damaged.
4 corrupted cultists (CR 3 each).
Step 3 J.T. Hertz, male android mechanic 9; The d-grades in the biodomes are generally
Ted the Bear, drone 9; friendly and fearless, but are a little cautious
2 cultists (CR 1 each); of strangers at the moment as they have seen
4 corrupted cultists (CR 3 each) the ghouls take other d-grades away. Most of
4 heavily corrupted cultists (CR 5 these d-grades are only a couple of weeks old.
They spend most of their time playing in a garden,
The cultists have emptied the inner cargo hold which provides the nourishment they need.
of the Turnabout to use for cloning d-grades.
Dozens of cloning sacks hang from the ceiling
with d-grades in some state of development.
Each week, the cultists leave several d-grades Biodome 1
to the biodomes and collect ore from which Rows of hydroponically grown vegetables line
to extract the fissionable material used in the the ground of the biodome. Aeroponic misting
ships’ dualmass drives. The ghouls in the mine pipes spray the roots of fruit-bearing, hanging
are intelligent enough to collect the ore, doing plants. Vertical farms rise to the ceiling. Near
their part.
the center of the dome a single fruit tree’s
On the bridge of the Turnabout, one of the grafted branches drip with dozens of different
larger screens is focussed on the Ceti system, kinds of fruit. The ground is dark earth. Foot-
the same constellation of stars that was on the steps, belonging to the d-grades, pack down
viewer on the bridge of the Scoundrel when the center of the trails between the gardens.
the corsair was recovered. Hertz has ensured
that the cultists with him have functioning A DC 12 Survival check identifies the footsteps
gear and has attempted to keep weapons in as belonging to a medium-sized humanoid
the armory. While the cultists are armed with about the size of an human adolescent. The plants

in this dome are tall and gardens are difficult to Increase difficult by adding ghouls; give ghouls
see across. There are two d-grades hiding in the laser pistols (azimuth)
branches of the fruit tree. The d-grades run to the
next biodome if approached. Biodome 4
This dome is used for pollination purposes. Plants
Biodome 2 are isolated in rows and spaced out so that they
The circular dome is divide into 16 equal pie-like can be easily accessed. A beehive hangs from the
wedges with rows in between them. There are center of the dome, dripping with honey. Dozens
dozens of different plants in each wedge. Most of bees buzz around the gardens in patterns that
of the plants in this room are low growing. Near look random. If they notice any creatures in the
the entrance to the tunnel that leads to biodome biodome who Ivyn has not told them is allowed to
3, several d-grades are standing or kneeling in a be there, they will gather and block their progress
circle looking at something on the ground. forcing them to exit. If anyone attacks the swarm,
The d-grades shy away if approached but are hesi- the swarm will attack.
tant to run to the other biodome. They have been
examining blood on the ground from a recent The hive drips with a robotic bee ‘honey’ that is
ghoul raid. A DC 14 Survival check can follow the an analgesic of the appropriate step for the APL.
ghoul’s tracks (larger than those of the d-grades) It tastes bitter, but works as a medicinal. The bees
into Biodome 3. have currently produced three doses worth of the
medicine. A dose of the ‘honey’ also prevents the
Biodome 3 effects of the robotic bee’s venom from progress-
This biodome is exceptionally hot. Many of the ing.
plants are wilting. The ghouls usually enter the
biodomes from the tunnel that ends in the center Step 1 robotic bee swarm I CR 2
of this dome. Ivyn has placed patches of fire moss Step 2 robotic bee swarm II CR 6
near the exits to the other biodomes hoping they Step 3 robotic bee swarm III CR 9
would stop the ghoul raids, but he is reluctant to
engage the ghouls directly. Biodome 5
The Exham colony’s gardener, Ivyn, spends most of
Step 1 Fire Moss Trap I CR 1 his time in this biodome, which is used to generate
Step 2 Fire Moss Trap II CR 4 oxygen. Leafy vines wrap around a scaffolding that
Step 3 Fire Moss Trap III CR 7 rises to the ceiling. Thwip, a gentle karsik, accom-
panies Ivyn everywhere. Ivyn has woven vines to-
The patch of moss near the tunnel to biodome 2 is gether to make a large hammock where he sleeps
burnt. A DC 17 Survival check reveals that a crea- with his pet, Thwip. The hammock hangs close to
ture stepped onto the moss, triggering some kind the ceiling of the dome.
of fire, and then leapt over the moss. The patch
of moss is 5’ x 5’ with a DC 10 Athletics check to Biodome 6
jump without a running start. The shell of this biodome is mostly gone. Some
raised garden beds remain but these are untend-
After the PCs visit and leave this biodome, a ghoul ed and full of weeds. Hundreds of mushrooms
raiding party enters through here and grabs a few grow out of piles of decomposing biomatter. Snails
d-grades that had wandered in. The PCs hear the about the size of a human foot eat the leaves off of
screams, but the ghouls are back in the tunnels in vines that crawl over everything.
minutes. The door the tunnel entrance is well-hid- This dome was destroyed during the con-
den (DC 20 Perception). flict. Now it is used as a dropoff point. The
ghouls leave the ore they mined in large
The typical ghoul raiding party varies by Step. carts near this dome. Later, the cultists
bring d-grades here and herd them into the
Step 1 4 x Exham ghouls CR 2 each biodomes.
Step 2 2 x Exham ghouls CR 2 each
1 x Space ghast CR 3 each Ivyn contributes biological matter to this
Step 3 6 x Exham ghouls CR 2 each compost pile.
3 x Space ghasts CR 3 each

Cell-town mercenary soldier 8
After seizing control of Exham, the cult- Darvi Gant, LN, Male human mercenary soldier 8
ists herded most of the prisoners and the Doc, CN, Male ysoki outlaw envoy 7
employees who did not join them into the Jon Kim, N, Male human priest soldier 8
mines. Trapped in the tunnels, eventually Repeat, CG, Agender enfaddin liberator soldier 7
they eventually gave in to their hunger. Yujin ‘Flinch’ Haggard, NE, Male human outlaw 8
There were some who managed to escape
that fate and hid in Cell-town while the When digging a new mine, Fivecorp places their
battle raged, or who found a way to es- control towers above the hole they want to
cape the mines. The handful of remaining branch off of and organizes the prison cells around
townies have maintained an uneasy truce the control tower. When the first mine on Exham
with the cultists and managed to keep the was tapped out, the employees used the cargo
ghouls at bay. Some will be happy to leave ships to move the control tower to the new mine
this rock. Others fear they will be put into a and used the dropships to reposition the cells
new prison upon their return to colonized around it.
The town is heavily damaged. Pipes carrying sew-
There are 500 cells in the village but only age from the cells are ruptured and leaky in many
a handful are occupied. The following six places. Many cells have blast marks or bullet holes
NPCs live in some of them. While Doc and or are dented and misaligned. Heavily damaged
Repeat are loners, Crud, Darvi, Jon Kim, drillbots stand broken and unmoving.
and Flinch have spent 35 years discussing
what jobs they would pull if they escaped The villager named Repeat positioned a number
from Exham and got themselves a ship. of sentry robots on the edges of the town to
They aren’t brave enough to take on the prevent the ghouls or the cultists from sneaking
cultists, but they would steal the PC’s ship up on the village at night. These will shoot any
in a heartbeat if it were possible. Flinch creatures moving towards the village but will stay
would kill the PCs to make that happen but within 20 feet of their posts.
the others would be a little hesitant to go
that far. Step 1 2 x sentry bots CR 2 each
(use SC-21 / SCABS armed with
Step 1 pulse caster pistol +1 (1d4 E))
Aterkin ‘Crud’ Narbalat Vancrud, LN, Male
vesk mercenary soldier 2 Step 2 4 x sentry bots CR 3 each
Darvi Gant, LN, Male human mercenary
soldier 2 (use APG Sentinels armed with
Doc, CN, Male ysoki outlaw envoy 1 thunderstrike sonic pistol +3
Jon Kim, N, Male human priest soldier 2 (1d8 So/deafen))
Repeat, CG, Agender enfaddin liberator
soldier 3 Step 3 6 x sentry bots CR 4 each
Yujin ‘Flinch’ Haggard, NE, Male human (use military grade robots armed
outlaw 2 with LFD sonic pistol +5
(2d8 So/deafen))
Step 2
Aterkin ‘Crud’ Narbalat Vancrud, LN, Male vesk The townies have been taking shifts guarding Cell-
mercenary soldier 5 town with a rifle in the tower. The Gant brothers,
Darvi Gant, LN, Male human mercenary soldier former prison guards who were both skilled snip-
Doc, CN, Male ysoki outlaw envoy 4 ers, practically lived up there.
Jon Kim, N, Male human priest soldier 5
Repeat, CG, Agender enfaddin liberator soldier 5 Ferin Gant recently fell victim to ghoul fever while
Yujin ‘Flinch’ Haggard, NE, Male human outlaw 5 in the tower and now is taking shots at the town-
ies below. The cells are arranged in a series of con-
Step 3 centric hexagrams. Lanes widen as they approach
Aterkin ‘Crud’ Narbalat Vancrud, LN, Male vesk

the tower allowing Ferin a clear shot. None of the The townies keep these locked, but they hold the
survivors in Cell-town want to deal with the ghoul- keys and will give them over if the PCs are willing
ish gunner who was once their friend. They will to fight the ghouls. If the PCs prove to be trou-
encourage the PCs to do it and offer to provide blesome, they will encourage the PCs to fight the
cover fire to anyone willing to climb the tower and ghouls. Of the townies, only Jon Kim is likely to
take him out. join the PCs in the mines.

The survivors are keeping their heads down and The Mines
trying to avoid the ghoulish gunner by moving The control tower at its base is twice the width of
through a network of narrow passages between the central mineshaft on which it sits. The 30 ft.
cells and through the blast holes or broken doors wide central shaft descends deep into the aster-
of other cells. oid. The gravity intensifiers are stronger near the
outer layers of the asteroid. The shaft travels deep
While Doc also sometimes visits Ivyn in the enough that an object that falls down it will find
biodomes, he tends to stick around the Cell-town its fall slowed and not die from the fall. Some-
most of the time. He knows a number of short- where near the bottom of the shaft, where the
cuts, such as narrow passageways between cells gravity is minimal, floats a mass of gnawed bones.
and gains a +2 circumstance bonus to Stealth A DC 12 Medicine check reveals they are human.
checks while evading pursuers in Cell-town. A DC 15 Perception check finds the teeth marks.
The bones of appoximately 300 humanoids float
The Control Tower here. The PCs will sink into the mass of bones but
The Control Tower is 60 ft. wide at the base and at can almost literally swim in this floating mass of
the second floor and then becomes a narrow tow- bones.
er with a gunner’s nest at the top. The first floor
of the control tower contains several large cargo The crane mechanism in the tower is used to
elevators that descend into the mines. When the lower heavy drilling equipment into the mine and
penal town was operating, the prisoners would carry enormous shipments of ore to the surface.
enter the mines through these elevators. Scaffolding lines the outside of the shaft in a spi-
raling staircase.
The second floor contains break rooms for the
guards and a monitoring room. Several side shafts come off perpendicular to the
main shaft about every 20 ft. Each of these side
The next few floors house the mechanism for a shafts branches and twists and turns.
crane built into the tower. Elevators allow guards
to ascend the tower to the gunner’s nest at the One of these side shafts travels all the way to
top. biodome 3. The ghouls herd d-grades from the
One of the ghouls recently managed to climb up biodomes through this tunnel before they play a
the crane mechanism and attack a townie, Ferrin game of cat and mouse with them.
Gant, who eventually succumbed to ghoul fever.
He has spent the last few days taking shots at the Encounters in the mines: A Ghoulish
NPCs who live in the prison town. As the undead Greeting
never sleep, the survivors are becoming quite The ghouls often leave the d-grades alive for days,
frustrated. chasing them through the tunnels. Three slashed,
dirty, and beaten d-grades are attracted to the
Step 1 Ghoulish Gunner I CR 3 sound of the elevator and stand on the platform
Step 2 Ghoulish Gunner II CR 4 (AREA X) watching nervously when it opens. The
Step 3 Greater Ghoulish Gunner CR 5 sound has attracted some ghouls as well. One
round after the elevator opens, the ghouls exit the
The section of bent metal plating that allowed the tunnel and stand behind the d-grades watching
ghoul to get onto the gunner’s nest is still open. If them watch the elevator. They wait a couple of
the PCs Reach the gunner’s nest it will be obvious, rounds before attacking because they know their
in part because a ghoul with a crushed skull is prey isn’t going to get away. The d-grades do not
halfway through the opening. The other way to notice the ghouls before the PCs do.
get down into the mines is through the elevators.

Step 1 2 x Exham ghouls CR 2 each Step 1 6 x Exham ghouls CR 2 each
Step 2 2 x Space ghasts CR 3 each Step 2 2 x Space ghasts CR 3 each
Step 3 2 x Space ghasts CR 3 each 8 x Exham ghouls CR 2 each
Step 3 3 x Space ghasts CR 3 each
Encounters in the mines: Ghoul Hunters 12 x Exham ghouls CR 2 each
The ghouls use their telepathy and familiarity with
the mines to play with their prey. They are used to Employee Town
prey running and will start coming after the party Fivecorp built a small town for employees encir-
in pairs. If that doesn’t seem to be working, they cling the biodomes. This was completely de-
will start hunting the party in larger numbers with stroyed during the prison riot. Enough wreck-
ghouls telepathically summoning others to help. age remains to reveal its former function.

Step 1 2 x Exham ghouls CR 2 each A DC 20 Perception check turns up a fine wood-

Step 2 2 x Space ghasts CR 3 each en box embedded with artificial starfire gems.
2 x Exham ghouls CR 2 each The box itself is worth 10 credits, but inside is a
Step 3 3 x Space ghasts CR 3 each mindlink circlet.
4 x Exham ghouls CR 2 each
Step 1 mindlink circlet mk 1
Encounters in the mines: Ghoul Rush Step 2 2 x mindlink circlet mk 1
The mines are riddled with ghouls and the tunnels Step 3 mindlink circlet mk 2
allow for some to evade the PCs. If the ghouls fear
their annihilation or believe they have a chance
of escaping the mines and eating the townies by
doing so, they will rush the PCs.

Dead in Space: Providence

“Big things have small beginnings.” – David, truly wanted.

Anomaly likes to know.
“I say we take off and nuke the entire site from
orbit.” – Ripley, Aliens What Really Happened.
Mira was a planet of mystics and a planet at
BACKGROUND peace. The mirans had been able to focus their
magic and science on advancing the bodies,
A girl born in a prison on an asteroid heard minds, and spirit of their population. Their ho-
something calling to her in the dark. At first lographic technology allowed them to weave
no one believed her, but, soon, they started to impressive illusions with some mind-affecting
listen; some of them heard it too. The faithful magic, but they had little other defensive tech-
staged a prison revolt, stole two ships, and then nology. Thousands of hybrid items are buried
took an asteroid for a joyride towards a lifeless on the surface of Mira guarded by simple puz-
moon circling a dead planet. In the confusion zles of a sort few of them could ever decipher
and chaos that followed, people died. Bisel and but which wouldn’t be too challenging for he-
her band left a lot of death in their wake and roes who have made it this far.
no one knows why. No one knows who called
to the people on Exham and what they, or it, Although the mirans left a planet full of ruins

to explore, they found one thing dangerous with Bisel.
enough to bury on their moon in a building
that would survive the effects of time more The mirans are gone. Their prisoner remains
than most of their buildings did. That thing was trapped between the abyss and their lifeless
a powerful beacon that could open a transdi- moon. He reached out through the gate looking
mensional gate to the abyss. for a friend. He found one.

The mirans did not create this gate and did not The Building on the Moon
know how to destroy it. They learned of it only The mirans were a highly intuitive and creative
long after the first qlippoth ships tore through race but found logic puzzles literally madden-
the clouds above them and burrowed deep into ing; attempting to solve logic puzzles could drive
the muddy swamps. The miran were caught an unprepared miran insane. Even glancing at a
completely unprepared. Thousands were cap- puzzle was dangerous and creating such puz-
tured and taken as slaves. For a few dark years, zles required their strongest minds who were
qlippoth bands would appear in their sky, wreak encouraged and trained to do so. Miran puzzle-
havoc, and take ships full of miran back to the masters, however, were not much of a defense
abyss to serve in their armies. against the qlippoth and probably would only
be formidable opponents against other miran.
The miran learned to resist. They learned to
fight. They learned how to use the qlippoth Puzzles had real power on this planet and
technology. They learned to turn the qlippoths’ were often used in place of magical wards or
own weapons against them and, eventually, the mechanical traps in protecting their valuables.
mirans chased the qlippoth back to the abyss. Assuming that, other than with the obvious
They managed to force the shoggti slavers to exception of the qlippoth, this trait was near-
retreat through the portal but they spent days ly universal or, at least would be a property of
battling for control of it. One got trapped in- their own descendants, they used a few puzzles
side when they were finally able to close it. to slow anyone attempting to enter the struc-
Not knowing how to destroy the gate and not ture and Reach the gate.
certain if they would ever need it to bring the
fight to the qlippoth, they buried it hundreds of
They believed the vault they built was
feet beneath the moon in a chamber designed well-guarded, but also knew that future visitors
to contain the shoggti if they ever managed to might bypass all their locks, puzzles, and traps.
activate the gate. For this reason, they integrated telepathic pro-
jections and illusions and mind-affecting magic
Their triumph behind them, they tried to re- into the vault that would warn the visitors of
turn to what they were before, but, their ex- the hell they were about to unleash.
perience had taught them something and pro-
vided them with new tools. Once the mirans Getting the PCs involved
had been to war, their society began to crum- There are a few ways PCs could be led to in-
ble. Before the qlippoth came, the mirans had vestigate the structure on the moon. PCs who
known a thousand years of peace. They spent visited Exham or the Scoundrel will have seen
one hundreds years fighting the qlippoth. They clues pointing towards the Cetus system, spe-
destroyed themselves in ten once they’d de- cifically Mira.
feated the qlippoth.
PCs traveling past the Cetus system might have
The shoggti stuck in the gate attempted to use heard the shoggti’s call and been drawn to it as
his telepathic abilities to Reach back into the the people on Exham were.
abyss; he failed. He then directed his energies
into the material plane, found nothing, and, The PCs could also be passing by when they
again reached out to the abyss. He searched received a signal from a beacon pulsing in a
for centuries and, eventually, a mind opened repeating Fibinnocci sequence and decide to
up to him. Despite the distance, Providence, investigate. The beacon was intended to be a
squirming in his prison of transdimensional warning, and possibly a mind-destroying puz-
energy, managed to establish a telepathic link zle to any miran who attempted to understand

the pattern. The PCs have no reason to know ers check to open. Doors are 5 inch thick stone
that the mirans would see a pattern like this as doors but are perfectly balanced and slide
a clear warning to stay away. open easily when unlocked. The doors have a
hardness of 8 with 75 hp.
The moon is 3,000 miles in diameter and has Environmental Controls The inside of the struc-
low gravity. The surface is rocky and barren ex- ture has life support functions and artificial
cept for a single structure—a 30 ft. tall tower gravity.
with a hidden turret on top.
A. The Entrance
OUTSIDE THE STRUCTURE Touching the door to the vault triggers another
warning about what lays beyond. A holograph-
Exterior ic projection of a cynthigot slaver pulls back
The exterior walls and entrance of the struc- a whip and then lashes out. While the lash is
ture consist of 6 inches of adamantine with a holographic, the trap integrates magic to tele-
hardness of 20 and 240 hp. The locks require a pathically wrack the target with pain for a num-
DC 25 Engineering or Computers check to by- ber of rounds that varies with the step.
pass. Interior walls are metal with a hardness of
18 and 85 hp with a break DC of 35. Step 1 Qlippoth Pain Lash I CR 2
Step 2 Qlippoth Pain Lash II CR 5
First Warning: The Shoggti Appear Step 3 Qlippoth Whirlwind Pain Lash I
Underground sensors detect the presence of CR 8
any creatures within a 100 ft. of the vault, trig-
gering the Qlippoth Disintegration Rifle trap. The entrance acts as an airlock. Once creatures
The first three attacks the trap makes are warn- enter and the door is shut, it repressurizes and
ing blasts, intended to miss. These are accom- creates a breathable atmosphere. Artificial
panied by a projection into the sky above the gravity exists within the structure. A hatch in
creatures showing a qlippoth fleet worming its the floor opens to a tunnel descending 150 ft.
way through a rift above the moon. After three down.
blasts, the disintegration rifle pauses. Any fur-
ther movement towards the structure causes B. Force Sealed Tunnel Trap
the trap to activate again, this time with intent The entrance tunnel has a diameter of 10 ft. and
to kill. descends straight down for 150’. The tunnel is
smooth and round and without handholds.
Qlippoth Disintegration Rifle Trap
Above the tower is a turret that holds a qlip- Thirty feet down, there is a nook just large
poth disintegration rifle with 20 charges. The enough for a small or medium sized creature to
rifle will fire 3 warning shots before switching stand in. There is another nook every 30 ft. all
to lethal mode. It can fire an energy blast up to the way down the tunnel.
100 ft. The rifle is protected by an admantine
shell. The turret’s KAC is 20, EAC 19, with 50 hp. A disc-shaped force field generates at the top
of the tunnel and then descends at a rate of 50
Step 1 Qlippoth Mounted Disintegration Rifle I ft. per round touching the side of the tunnel all
CR 1 the way around. The disc-shaped field does not
Step 2 Qlippoth Mounted Disintegration Rifle II change its shape when it passes the nooks. The
CR 4 force field is precise enough that it will crush
Step 3 Qlippoth Mounted Disintegration Rifle anything within the tunnel against the walls as
III CR 8 it passes doing damage (see Force Sealed Tun-
nel Trap). It does not damage anything in the

Doors The force field itself is housed in a projection

Interior doors throughout the vault are always device at the top of the pit (KAC 19, hp 32). It is
locked with a DC 20 Engineering or Comput- immensely powerful and pushes anything be-

neath it with a crushing force. seen casually scraping the flesh off of a large
plant as they walk by and licking their webbed
It is possible for the PCs to find the mechanism fingers clean with their short purple tongues.
controlling the forcefield and shut it off. It will Thick grasses grow 8’ high in flooded fields and
not reset and they would need to manually drip with glistening jelly like spheres. Small-
reengage the mechanism to keep any sort of er mirans feed themselves by pulling the tops
abyssal creatures down in the hole. of these plants down to their height and then
popping the spheres into their mouths. One
The force field pushes any creatures in the tun- miran reaches into the silver waters and pulls
nel to the bottom at a rate of 50 ft. per round out a silver jellyfish type creature and tears off
possibly causing them to fall. The device con- a tentacle and eats it raw. The image is detailed
trolling the forcefield is hidden under a panel at and realistic but perhaps somewhat idealized.
the top of the pit. It has EAC 18, KAC 22, hard-
ness 20, and 40 Hit Points. The device was pri- The image changes slowly as a large pale beast
marily intended to slow any qlippoth trying to stumbles out of the fields and attacks some mi-
travel through the gate and up the tunnel. ran with long tentacled arms. At first the villag-
ers attempt to flee from the creature, running
Step 1 Force Sealed Tunnel I CR 3 into the fields, but then more of the beasts ap-
Step 2 Force Sealed Tunnel II CR 6 pear, grabbing some and herding others back
Step 3 Force Sealed Tunnel III CR 9 into the village.

If the PCs should wish to reactivate the trap, Many fall to their knees clutching their heads
they would probably need to be at the top of with their four hands, screaming and tor-
the tunnel to do so. There are symbols on the mented.
walls of each of the alcoves. Starting from the
top, they are: Some rise and wait for the beasts to approach.
Others appear to help the invaders and are
2 4 5 6 10 5 2 rounding up their fellow mirans.
2 0 10 1 0 9 1 2
2 4 5 3 6 5 2 6 2 Soon, the village is burning and the miran are
2 9 2 4 3 6 6 0 2 being led away in chains. The black smoke ris-
ing from the buildings.
C. Second Warning: The Shoggti Came
This wide low room is barren, except for lines When any creature stands on one of the
on the floor that divide it into a grid, like asquares. A holographic suit of ornate crystal
chessboard. The floor is divided into a grid ofarmor appears around the creature and a ho-
64 squares (8x8) or 36 squares (6x6) depend- lographic 12’ long polearm appears in their
ing on the number of PCs. If you have 4 or 5 hands. The polearm glows and the light dispels
players, use an 8x8 grid. If you have 3 players or
the darkness for all the squares in a row in any
fewer, use the 6x6 grid. direction. Those areas revert to the peaceful
scene at the beginning of the holographic pro-
The floor begins to glow and then colours jection.
steam up and tak shape as buildings and lakes The squares that are not in a straight row in any di-
and rivers and people. This projection shows rection from a creature on the board remains dark.
the peaceful world of the mirans, a world that If the creature moves to a different square, some
is brown and silver and wet. squares will revert to darkness and fire and smoke
while others show the peaceful image.
The miran are four-armed blue humanoids with
webbed hands and feet. They are apparently If a second creature steps onto the floor, they will
amphibious. From what the projection shows, have the same effect on the squares, so that more
their world appears to have highly developed are cleared and made peaceful. The holographic
holographic technology and magic but little projection of the polearm and the suit of ornate
other tech. crystal armor appears around the second creature.
Food grows in abundance and mirans can be If the players arrange themselves so that they are

able to be revert every single square to a peaceful polearm down in pieces. (A DC 15 Engineering
scene, then they puzzle is solved. When this hap- check or a DC 20 Perception check reveals that
pens, the scene reverts to the one of excessive, the polearm was made to be split into two
perhaps exaggerated, peace and abundance and pieces with the blade being removable.) Most
celebration and then the projection fades com- miran minds would have broken before figur-
pletely. An illusory section of the wall fades, reveal- ing out these possibilities, although they might
ing an alcove. Detecting the illusion without solv- have stumbled onto it intuitively.
ing the puzzle requires a DC 18 Perception check.
E. Chessboard Trap
Inside the alcove are four 12’ long cold iron The spiralling stairs exit into the corner of a room
polearms in niches carved to fit them their shape on which an 8x8 grid is drawn with darker and light-
exactly. The polearms (2d6/x3 S) are suitable for er squares. Four raised pedestals sit on squares in
the long armed miran but awkward and archaic. different parts of the room.
Creatures medium or smaller take a -4 penalty to
attack rolls with this oversized weapon. Diagonally opposite the entrance is a lit exit.

Taking the polearms causes the entire alcove to A DC 20 Perception check finds an 8” diameter
descend 30’ and open into the octagonal room hole in the ceiling in the center of this room. This
in Area D. hole exists to allow the polearms to be lowered
into this room so that they can be carried into Area
D. Third Warning: The Qlippoth Descend F and used to turn the key.
The walls of this 15’ high octagonal room are cov-
ered with writing and images. A 4” diameter glow- Attempting to move across any of the dark squares
ing orb floats in an alcove. triggers a holographic projection of a shoggti de-
fending the square. Entering a light square does
Some images show the shoggti in greater detail; not have this effect. Anytime a creature exits a
others highlight the suckers on the shoggti arms. A light square, that square becomes occupied by a
close up reveals the pincers at the end of the arms. holographic projection of miran being herded into
A detailed representation of the four polearms pens by the shoggti. Attempting to reenter that
runs almost from floor to ceiling. square causes the holographic shoggti to defend
that square and threaten to herd that creature into
Another image shows what an Navigate DC 15 the pen. Once a creature exits a square, it cannot
check reveals to be the Cetus system. Beneath it be reentered without this holographic threat. At-
is an image of the moon and the planet. Beneath tempts to force through the area trigger the Know
that an image of the miran and the planet. the Horror trap as above, but with the trigger being
location instead of touch. The creatures must ac-
Anyone touching the orb triggers the Know the tively seek to force through the area, but the trap
Horror trap and is subjected to effects that mimic will trigger for each square they pass through.
the shoggti’s braincloud and horrific appearance. The challenge for the players is finding a way to
Reach all of the podiums without stepping on the
Step 1 Know the Horror I CR 2 same square twice, which is possible once they re-
Step 2 Know the Horror II CR 4 alize that is what is being demanded of them. The
Step 3 Know the Horror III CR 6 Know the Horror trap exists to discourage but not
entirely prevent cheating.
An eight inch diameter hole in the floor of this
room glows with a faint blue light. If a minute passes without any movement, the
program resets and does not recognize the pres-
The exit from this room is a spiralling staircase just a ence of creatures until they move again.
little too narrow and steep to bring a 12 ft. polearm
down. The miran puzzleweavers conceived of two On each podium is a band of metal with one of the
possible solutions for this mind-shattering log- following engravings, in no particular order:
ic puzzle. One involved lowering the polearms
through the hole in the center; the other in- 2 4 5 6 10 5 2
volved removing the 18” blade and carrying the 2 0 10 1 0 9 1 2

245365262 er at turning, with three of them aiding the first,
2924326602 each adding a +2 aid another bonus to the check.

Attempts to Reach these podiums without solving If the cylinder is turned, the gate activates in the
the puzzle, causes the podiums to sink into a hide- next room and the wall of this room falls away re-
away in the floor locking the band of metal away. vealing a large natural cavern.
The podiums rise again only when the room is
empty. The exit leads to a narrow sloping hall that Turning the cylinder the other way requires the
descends into a large room (Area F). same check and is necessary to close the gate.
F. Key and Lock G. The Gate
In the middle of this 50 ft. by 50 ft. chamber is a
cylindrical column that appears to be made out of Any light that hits the walls illuminates bands of
a single piece of stone. It rises 15 ft. above the floor crystal within the roughly hewn walls of this mostly
and continues down through a hole in the floor. natural cavern. The cavern is 60 ft. long, 30 ft. wide,
and 30 ft. high. The floor of Area F is 15 ft. above
There are slits in the stone every 3 feet up the col- the base of this cavern.
umn, i.e., slits at 3’, 6’, 9’, and 12’.

The cylinder is a key that needs to be turned in or- A walkway from Area F allows someone to cross
der to open the gate in the next chamber and open at this height halfway across the cavern, 15’ above
the 10’ wide door between this room in the next. A the ground.
DC 15 Engineering check reveals that the cylindrical
column is intended to be raised and lowered and The end of the walkway overlooks the gateway to
turned in a clockwise fashion but does not reveal the abyss which is now active. In 1d4 rounds, the
the purpose of the device. The four bands of metal gateway will finish opening and Providence, the
from area E are keys that fit into the four slots. shoggti trapped inside, will emerge in the cavern.
The first thing he does is introduce himself. “I am
To initiate the mechanism, the keys must be en- Providence.”
tered in the correct order, the same order in which
they appeared in the writing appeared in the en- (A better translation from Abyssal would be “I am
trance in Area B. your lot” or “I am the forewarned” but Providence
is not a linguist and is unfamiliar with the nuance
2 4 5 6 10 5 2 around this word.)
2 0 10 1 0 9 1 2
2 4 5365262 Step 1 Providence CR 7
2 9 24326602 Step 2 Providence CR 7
Step 3 Greater Providence CR 9
When those sequences are entered, the tube
descends 12 ft. into the floor making loud clicks
and clacks and sounds of metal touching stone as
it goes. When it finishes, a 3 ft. section remains
above the floor. At the top, embedded deep into
the stone is a cold iron ring, 2 inches in diameter.

A DC 15 Engineering check reveals that the cylinder

is now meant to be turned clockwise. Turning the
cylinder requires a DC 40 Strength check. At the top
of the stone is a metallic ring 2 inches in diameter.
If an object is threaded through the ring, it can be
used as a lever. The longer the lever, the more peo-
ple will be able to contribute their strength. If the
polearms are used as a lever, only a DC 30 Strength
check is needed; also 4 people could work togeth-

Dead in Space: New Technology

Cold sleep pods 6 months

1 year
DC 10
DC 12
2 years DC 15
Space travel, even with access to shadowdrives 5 years DC 18
and hellgates, sometimes takes years. Cold sleep over 5 years + DC 20
pods allow creatures with finite lifespans to trav-
el these vast distances without aging, even while Minor mental or physical issues are common
everyone they left behind does. during cold sleep. Major issues, such as death,
occur less often.
The pods take a variety of shapes and vary in
quality. The cheapest variety are cryogenic gel Major Physical Effect
sacks like those used in prison labour trans- 1d6 Subject is …
ports. 1 … dead (Fortitude save avoids);
2 … paralyzed (until cured, 1 Will save/
Cold sleep is not without its risks, howev- hour);
er. Whenever a character comes out of cold 3 … blinded (permanent until cured);
sleep, roll on the table below to determine 4 … deafened (permanent until cured);
whether there was a negative effect on their 5 … dying with 0 hit points;
physical or mental health. 6 roll again and also roll for major mental
Normal Cold Sleep Pod
1d20 Result: Major Mental Effect
1 major physical effect 1d6 Subject is …
2 major mental effect 1 … suffering from amnesia (1d20 days or
3-4 minor physical effect until cured);
5-6 minor mental effect 2 … unconscious/comatose (1d6 days or
7-20 normal until cured);
3 … animalistic (as the spell feeblemind);
Cryogenic Gel Sacks 4 … cowering (Will save ends, 1 save per
1d20 Result: hour);
1 roll twice, taking the more 5 … confused (Will save ends, 1 save per
dentrimental result hour);
2 major physical effect 6 roll on the special mental effect table.
3 major mental effect
4-5 minor physical effect Minor Physical Effect
6-7 minor mental effect 1d6 Subject is …
8-20 normal 1 … nauseated (Fortitude save cures, 1 save/
Choose the lowest applicable duration to 2 … exhausted;
determine the DC to avoid the effects listed 3 … sickened (Fortitude save cures, 1 save/
below. hour);
4 … fatigued;
Time in cold sleep 5 … paralyzed (1d4 minutes);
Less than 6 roll again; condition is persistant and
recurs 1d4 times.

Minor Mental Effect to Wisdom for the first 24 hours and
1d6 Subject is … then -2 to Dexterity for the next 72
1 … panicked; hours.
2 … frightened; Reversing this switch requires psychic
3 … dazed; surgery.
4 … panicked; 8 Subject has terrifying dreams of
5 … stunned; crewmates’ subterfuge and betrayal.
6 roll on the special mental effect table These fuel paranoid fantasies which
are difficult to resist. The subject must
Special mental effects have an ongoing effect make a Will save or accept these
on the subject and probably on the campaign fantasies as a reality; if the subject
being played. They are permanent, until mir- does not, they fail to gain the benefits
acle, psychic surgery; Wish, or similar spell is of sleep and rest.
used to cancel the effect. Most are triggered at
GM’s discretion. Qlippoth Disintegration Rifle
Special Mental0 Effect Sending anything they touch to the abyss particle
1d8 Result: by particle, Qlippoth rifles are desired for two
1 Subject begins to hear other people’s reasons: (1) they put holes in things, (2) the holes
thoughts and can detect thoughts as they put in things are impressively large and clean.
the spell for 1d6 days. These thoughts
can also be intrusive and make it Resonance Rifle
difficult to concentrate. The subject
must make a concentration check to Resonance Rifles send an intensely focused
cast spells and cannot take 20 on skill sonic beam up to 50’ and potentially deafen
checks. their targets.
2 Subject begins to sense a mental
connection with another person who Riot Gear (Impact Suit)
was in cold sleep at the same time.
Once per day, the subject can form a The riot gear for the Jersey is actually a
mind link with the other person as the shipbuilder’s impact suit. The suit is a tight,
spell. full-bodied flame-resistant cloth, covered with
3 Subject experiences memories not his a polymer mesh encasing metallic plates. Mag-
or her own, as provided by the netic threads in the mesh and magnetic plates
gamemaster in the boots help shipbuilders and mainte-
4 Subject experiences the effects of nance workers to climb the massive starships
feeblemind. while in shipyards. The suit’s helmet is a dark
5 Subject sees visions of the abyss at reflective ovoid that offers excellent visibility
random intervals (1/2d6 hours) and while protecting from bursts of light.
must make a Will save or be frightened
for 1 hour. The magnetic properties of the suit provide a
6 The subject begins to suffer from psychic bonus to climb checks and a climb Speed of 20
feedback. Anytime a target succeeds feet. The cloth provides resistance against fire,
on save against one of the subject’s cold, and electricity.
psychic powers, the subject is wracked
with pain as the spell inflict pain for 3 Shriekers
rounds (1 round with a successful
saving throw). The condition is Shriekers are a pair of small sonic explosives con-
permanent until cured. nected by up to 10’ of retractable transparent wire
7 Subject’s conscousness and mental (DC 20 Perception to spot the wire). The shriekers
attributes switches with that of another are magnetic and are often used as simple traps
person who was also in cold sleep. The within ships or structures, particularly structures
subject retains all class abilities and that you want to forcefully protect without
skills, but takes a -4 to Dexterity, and -4 causing any structural damage.

Sonic Cannon Welding Boots
Large, loud, and hits like a punch, the sonic These clunky boots are surprisingly easy to move
cannon produced by One-Big-God Corporation in, but when activated, give a +6 circumstance
(OBG) was often dropped on the battlefield af- bonus to Athletics checks made to climb metallic
ter it ran out of juice after 5 shots. If you pack surfaces. Capacity, 10 charges; usage 1/hour.
this, bring a backup weapon.
Witch’s Wand
Stun Baton
J.T. Hertz created the witch’s wand for Besel.
Stun batons are popular among private prisons The emitter hidden under her forearm directs
where killing prisoners caused a loss of reve- an electrical blast at her target. She wears the
nue. capacitator pack on her back.

Quippoth Discintegration Rifle Tier I Tier II Tier III

Level 3 6 9
Price 2,300 4,500 9,000
Damage 1d6 A 1d8 A 2d8 A
Range 80 ft. 80 ft. 80 ft.
Critical Corrode 1d6 Corrode 1d6 Corrode 1d6
Bulk 2 2 2
Special two handed two handed two handed
line line line
unwieldy unwieldy unwieldy
capacity 20 capacity 40 capacity 40
usage 1 usage 1 usage 1

Resonance Rifle Tier I Tier II Tier III

Level 2 4 6
Price 600 1,660 4,800
Damage 1d6 sonic 1d8 sonic 1d10 sonic
Range 50 ft. 50 ft. 50 ft.
Critical deafen deafen deafen
Bulk 2 2 2
Special 40 charges 40 charges 40 charges
usage 2 usage 2 usage 2

Riot Gear Tier I Tier II Tier III

Level 1 4 9
Price 500 6,000 25,000
EAC Bonus +3 +4 +9
KAC Bonus +3 +5 +10
Maximum Deterity Bonus +4 +4 +4
Armor Class Penalty -1 -1 -1
Speed Adjustments -- -- --
Upgrade Slots 1 0 0
Bulk L L L

Riot Gear Tier I: Thermal Capacitor (Mk 1); +4 on saves vs. blinding effects; +8 on. Climb
checks while scaling metal surfaces; 20 charges, usage 1 charge/hour

Riot Gear Tier II: Electrostatic Field (Mk 1); Thermal Capacitator (Mk 1) ; +6 on saves vs.
blinding effects +8 on Climb checks while scaling metal surfaces; 20 charges, usage 1

Riot Gear Tier III: Electrostatic Field (Mk 2); Thermal Capacitator (Mk 2); +8 on saves
vs. blinding effects +8 on Climb checks while scaling metal surfaces; 40 charges, usage 1

Shriekers Tier I Tier II Tier III

Level 1 4 7
Price 250 750 2,250
Critical deafen deafen deafen
Bulk L L L
Special Explode 1d6 Explode 1d10 Explode 2d10
sonic, sonic sonic
deafened deafened deafened
1d4 minutes 1d4 minutes 1d4 minutes
5 ft. 10 ft. 15 ft.

Sonic Cannon
Level 9
Price 13,000
Damage 3d10 A
Range 80 ft.
Critical Deafen
Bulk 2
Special Blast, 40 ft.; two-handed, unwieldy, capacity 40, usage 8

Stun Baton Tier I Tier II

Level 3 6
Price 400 4,000
Damage 1d4 electrical 2d4 electrical
Critical Stunned Stunned
Bulk 1 1
Special Non-lethal, operative, powered; (capacity 20, usage 2)

Witch’s Wand Tier I Tier II Tier III

Level 2 6 9
Price 750 4,200 13,000
Damage 1d4 electricity 2d4 electricity 3d4 electricity
Range 40 ft. 40 ft. 40 ft.
Critical -- Arc 1d6 Arc 2d6
Bulk L L L
Special Hidden, stunned; (capacity 20, usage 1)

Excerpts from

Deepwell’s Database of Documented

“I shall never sleep calmly again when I think [DC 18+] Fivecorp insisted that Ainsleys be
of the horrors that lurk ceaselessly behind life installed on all ships working under contract
in time and in space, and of those unhallowed with them.
blasphemies from elder stars which dream
beneath the sea.” – H.P. Lovecraft, The Call of [DC 20+] As many sublight speed space trav-
Cthulhu elers suffer from depression or anxiety during
long voyages, Dr. Saintly cheerfully offers talk
“They lurched like drunken Titans through therapy and psychological counseling through
the land, With giant strides, most terrible any of the ship’s communications systems.
and grand. They ringed me when the slender This feature was not very popular but often
moon was bright, And gazing up their cold, mandated by contract.
inhuman height, I shrieked and writhed and
beat them with my hand.” - Robert E. Howard, [DC 25+] Ainsleys have no gender preference
Haunting Columns and, unless their human crew-mates request
otherwise, their voices will become more mas-
Datadimension Search: Deepwell Data- culine or feminine arbitrarily.
base of Documented Dangers
Entries Requested: [DC 25] They were pulled from the market as
• Artificial Intelligences part of a legal settlement. Details of the settle-
• Chaldron ment remain closed.
• Exham Ghouls and Ghasts
• Robotic Bee Swarm [DC 28+] Unlike most shipboard AIs, Ainsleys
• Providence are capable of overriding the commands of
• Witherworms the ship’s captain and were instructed to do
• ..... so if a captain refused to follow an order from
All requested entries found. Fivecorp. This allowed the company to hire
Search request completed. less trustworthy starfarers without fear the
How satisfied are you with our service? ship or cargo would be stolen.
A Completely satisfied.
B Not completely satisfied; [DC 30+] Disabling an Ainsley requires finding
my life is still in danger. and disabling an automatic backup drive. Oth-
erwise, Ainsley reinstalls in 1d12 hours.
Artificial Intelligences
LN artificial intelligence
AINSLEY T-LE Shipboard AI CR 8 Init +9; Senses Perception +16
Fort +7; Ref +7; Will +13; +2 insight bonus to
[DC 15+] Ainsley was a class of shipboard AIs saving throws against spells and Spell-Like
produced by a Fivecorp subsidiary. Ainsleys Abilities
were a class of shipboard AIs designed to assist Statistics
with navigation and communication. Ains- Int +6; Wis +2; Cha +4
ley+T-LE was a version that included a medical Communication speech (intercom), video (dis-
subprogram called Dr. Saintly, which runs the play terminals)
sick bay. Skills Bluff +16, Computers +21, Engineering
+21, Life Science +16, Medicine +16, Piloting

+16, Physical Science +16, +16 Profession (psy-
chologist), Sense Motive +8
Feats Amplified Glitch, Spellbane
Languages Aklo, Brethedan, Common, Far-
whisper, Interplanetary Sign, Quantum, Vesk

The Chaldron
[DC 10] Chaldron nymphs are commonplace
in colonized Space now, but even a few years
ago, most spacefarers would not have recog-
nized one.

[DC 15] Chaldron nymphs need humanoid

hosts to continue their life cycle. These hosts
are called ‘chaldron zombies.’ The protect the
nymph while it undergoes a transformation
into a chaldron crab.

[DC 18] An infestation of chaldron can begin

with a single chaldron nymph crawling up an
untended garbage port or sticking to the un-
derside of a shipping container. Usually where
there is one, there are more. Often, a chaldron
infestation is prevented only after the first
humanoid crew member goes missing. If an in-
festation is not contained, it can overrun a ship
or even a small space port within a few days.
Once the chaldron run out of humanoid hosts,
the chaldron can no longer mature beyond
their nymph form.

[DC 20] A chaldron minder is a special kind of

chaldron zombie. It produces up to a dozen
nymphs each day.

[DC 20] Chaldron nymphs can turn a human-

oid into a chaldron zombie but these zombies
are not actually undead. The humanoid is
dead, but the nymph takes the humanoid’s
nervous system over and now controls the
humanoid’s body. These zombies may look
dead, but they’re faster and scarier than most
undead creatures classified as zombies.

[DC 25] Chaldron originate on or have a con-

nection with the plane of shadows. Some of
the chaldron have powers suggestive of their
shadowy origins.

[DC 30] Chaldron usually hibernate when the

temperature drops below -50 F, but they are
immune to the cold and can be easily woken.
They are particularly well-adapted to travel in

unheated spaceship cargo holds. the dark.

[DC 35] There are rumors that chaldron only The nymphs are both slightly translucent and
recently became known on the material plane slightly luminescent but this luminescence is
because they came from the Plane of Shadows usually hidden by a sticky black gel known as
after the invention of shadowdrives. (Finding Chaldron Adhesive, which the chaldron squirts
chaldron on a ship such as the Jersey that pre- adhesive from a sack at the center of its mass
ceded the invention of shadowdrives would through the tentacles and then oozing to the
disprove this theory, something that would be surface through thousands of tiny ducts. The
of value to Anomaly.) gel coats the nymphs helping them to hide and
climb. Chaldron nymphs leave a trail of this
The chaldron are an invasive species that are gel whereever they go, making them easier to
believed to have originated in the Plane of track. (Reduce the DCs of Survival checks to
Shadow. They were unknown in colonized track chaldron nymphs by 5.)
space until a couple decades ago but are now
considered a threat to the ecosystems of Nymphs often attack by dropping from the
several inhabited planets. They spread rapidly ceiling and attempting to grab the target with
among humanoid populations and most com- their tentacles. They usually focus all their
munities with resources search incoming ships attention on a single humanoid target.
for chaldron nymphs.
Chaldron Nymph CR ½ XP 200
Like many insect and alien species, chaldron N Small Aberration
undergo metamorphoses during their life Init +7; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +9
cycles. They begin their lives as translucent DEFENSE
invertebrates and, eventually, grow protective EAC 13, KAC 14
exoskeletons. To protect them during their HP 6
metamorphoses and to provide the bones Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +3
from which the crab forms its exoskeleton, Immune cold
chaldron capture a humanoid creature, kill it, Offense
and take over its body. Spd 20 ft.; climb 20 ft.
Melee tentacular swarm (1d6-2 S plus grab)
Every chaldron community has at least one Statistics
minder, whose primary function is to telepath- Str -2; Dex +3; Con +1; Int -4; Wis +1; Cha +0
ically guide the rate of metamorphosis and to Skills Athletics +10, Stealth +19
communicate with outsiders. These minders Special Abilities
claim to possess the ancestral memories of all Chaldron Adhesive Chaldron secrete a gooey
previous minders. The minders speak Farwhis- black gel-like substance that helps them to
per, the common intergalactic language of the climb vertical surfaces. When attempting to
many of the alien species from The Stretch. hide, the chaldron produces enough gel to
coat its body, turning it black. The adhesive
Chaldron is both the singular and plural form. gives racial modifiers to Athletics checks to
climb and to Stealth checks (already included
Chaldron Nymphs in the modifiers shown).
Chaldron nymphs are invertebrates with ob- Chaldron Metamorphosis If a chaldron nymph
long bodies consisting largely of toothy mouth reduces a humanoid creature to zero hit
surrounded by three or four eyes and, then, by points, it latches onto the creature’s neck with
thousands of tentacles. These wispy tentacles its mouth and begins to inject sharp tendrils
writhe and wriggle and wave. Some tentacles into the humanoid, which begin replacing the
bulge with eyes as well and these eyes, like humanoid’s nervous system. As the chaldron
those on the oblong body constantly open and begins its takeover of the nervous system with
close in no discernible pattern. Some note that the brain stem the humanoid host takes 1d3
the chaldron nymph looks like a brainstem points of Wisdom damage each minute. If
and nervous system if brains were completely the host’s Wisdom reaches zero, it becomes a
smooth, had eyes and a mouth, and glowed in chaldron zombie.

Chaldron Mindlink A chaldron minder within chance). A shadow nymph can suspend or
100 ft. can sense the location and presence resume this ability as a free action.
of all chaldron. The minder can summon the
chaldron, order them to go to a particular
location, and order them to halt or commence Chaldron Siren Nymph CR 2 XP 600
a metamophosis. Siren nymphs have razor sharp tentacles that
Tentacular Swarm A chaldron nymph’s ten- they weave back and forth in hypnotizing
tacles are so numerous that its movement is patterns. These tentacles can cause human-
swarm-like. Like a swarm, the nymph deals au- oid creatures to stand dazed while the nymph
tomatic damage to any creature whose space prepares to attack.
it occupies at the end of its move. This attack
is not subject to miss chances for conceal- N Small Aberration
ment. The nymph does not threaten creatures, Init +9; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception
and does not make attacks of opportunity with +11
its swarm attack. The nymph distracts crea- DEFENSE
tures as swarms do. The nymph does not ben- EAC 15, KAC 16
efit from any of the swarm subtypes defensive HP 22
traits such as damage reduction for piercing or Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +5
slashing weapons or immunity to spells that Immune cold; Resist electricity 5; SR +6
target specific numbers of creatures. Defensive abilities Shadow Blend
Chaldron Shadow Nymph CR 1 XP 400 Spd 30 ft.; climb 30 ft.
Some nymphs exude the negative energy of Melee tentacular swarm (1d8-1 E plus grab)
the shadow plane; these are referred to as Offensive Abilities The shadow nymphs long
shadow nymphs. Unlike other nymphs, their whispy tentacles attack like a swarm, doing
adhesive seems to burn slowly with a cold automatic negative energy damage to any
black fire. The fire is harmless and has been creature whose space they occupy at the end
identified as shadow residue. of their move with no need to roll.
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1st)
NE Small Aberration 3/day—daze (Will DC 12)
Init +9; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception Statistics
+10 Str -2; Dex +3; Con +3; Int -4; Wis +1; Cha +0
DEFENSE Skills Athletics +4, Stealth +21; Racial Modifi-
EAC 15, KAC 16 ers +8 to Athletics checks to climb
HP 12 Special Abilities
Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +4 Chaldron Adhesive, Chaldron Metamorpho-
Immune cold; Resist electricity 5; SR +6 sis, Chaldron Mindlink, Tentacular Swarm as
Defensive Abilities Shadow Blend above.
Offense Shadow Blend (Su): In any illumination other
Spd 20 ft.; climb 20 ft. than bright light, a shadow crab blends into
Melee tentacular swarm (1d6-1 E plus grab) the shadows, giving it concealment (20% miss
Offensive Abilities The shadow nymphs ten- chance). A shadow crab can suspend or re-
tacular swarm does negative energy damage. sume this ability as a free action.
Str -2; Dex +5; Con +3; Int -4; Wis +1; Cha +0 Chaldron Zombies
Skills Athletics +4, Stealth +21; Racial Modifi-
ers +8 to Athletics checks to climb. [DC 10] The zombie is incapable of speech, but
Special Abilities is able to make speech sounds phonologically
Chaldron Adhesive, Chaldron Metamorpho- similar to that humanoid’s language, often
sis, Chaldron Mindlink, Tentacular Swarm as giving the impression of trying to talk.
above. [DC 15] Chaldron zombies are not actually
Shadow Blend (Su): In any illumination other undead. Their humanoid host is dead but the
than bright light, a shadow nymph blends into chaldron is controlling its body through biolog-
the shadows, giving it concealment (20% miss ical, not necromantic, means.

[DC 20] The nymph undergoes a metamor- a minimum of 1d4 hours. The chaldron minder
phosis within the zombie, slowly becoming a can order the nymph to pause its transforma-
zombie crab. During this metamorphosis, the tion about one hour before completion so that
nymph cannot detach itself from the zombie it can use the zombie host to defend itself and
and dies if separated. then retreat and hatch the zombie crab. When
[DC 25] If a nymph is killed before it has re- ordered to do so, the crab tears free from the
duced the host to 0 Wisdom, killing the host, zombie.
a DC 25 Medicine check can extract the dead
nymph without killing the host. Chaldron Shadow Zombie CR 3 XP 800
[DC 30] Those who have been rescued after Some chaldron zombies are faster, stronger,
being rendered unconscious by a chaldron and crackle with negative energy.
nymph describe experiencing insanity inducing
visions of vast expanses of fleshy chittering N Medium aberration
darkness and creatures made of oozing night Init +8; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +1
that swallowed the stars and smiled. Others DEFENSE
describe a whispery voice asking questions EAC 14, KAC 15
and promising pleasing pain if they answered HP 4
promptly. Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +4
[DC 35] The metamorphosis from chaldron Immune cold; Resist electricity 5 SR 8
zombie into chaldron crab can take between Offense
a few hours and entire decades to complete, Spd 40 ft., climb 40 ft.
a decision made by the chaldron minder and Melee slam +4 (2d6+2+1d6 negative energy)
communicated telepathically to the nymph. Statistics
A chaldron minder often orders the nymph to Str +2; Dex +4; Con +3; Int -4; Wis +1; Cha +1
almost complete their metamorphosis, but Skills Athletics +4, Stealth +14; Racial Modifi-
pause their metamophosis before separating ers +8 Athletics check to climb;
from the zombie host. Special Abilities
Chaldron Adhesive, Chaldron Mindlink, Emer-
Chaldron Zombie CR 1 XP 400 gence Shadow Blend as above.
N Medium aberration Shadow Ray (Su) As a standard action, a
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +1 chaldron shadow zombie can fire a dark ray of
DEFENSE negative energy drawn from the shadow plane
EAC 10, KAC 12 as a touch attack with a range of 120 ft. This
HP 27 ability deals 1d8 negative energy damage. A
Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +4 chaldron shadow zombie can use this ability
Immune cold three times per day per day.
Spd 20 ft., climb 20 ft. Zombie Crabs
Melee slam +2 (2d6)
Statistics [DC 10] Chaldron crabs are not really crabs.
Str +0; Dex +2; Con +1; Int -4; Wis +1; Cha +1 [DC 15] Chaldron crabs involve a weird re-
Skills Athletics +2, Stealth +12; Racial Modifi- arrangement of the humanoid host’s bones
ers +8 Athletics to climb encasing a larger version of the nymph. A body
Special Abilities and exoskeleton reminded exobiologists of the
Chaldron Adhesive, Chaldron Mindlink as decapod crustraceans found on many planets.
above. [DC 18] No one know how a chaldron manages
Emergence Once the nymph takes over a to force the bones to rearrange themselves. It
humanoid, creating a chaldron zombie, it is believed to involve resequencing the host’s
awaits a command from the chaldron minder DNA.
to begin creating a chaldron crab. This process [DC 20] No two Chaldron crabs are exactly
involves bending and breaking the bones of alike; they’re like snowflakes that way.
the humanoid, replacing its musculature with
its own, and awaiting orders to tear free of the Small Zombie Crab CR 2 XP 600
zombie and emerge as a chaldron crab. It takes

A small zombie crab skitters around on ten HP 40
milky legs protected by bones that to have Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +4
been pulled from a humanoid’s ribcage. Parts Immune cold
of the spinal column trail behind it like a tail. Offense
Six sticky tentacles wriggle and prod and grasp Spd 30 ft.
at the world in front of it as it moves. Other Melee 6 tentacles +7 (1d4+2)
small zombie crabs might consist of just a skull Statistics
and tentacles. Str +2; Dex +2; Con +3; Int -3; Wis +1; Cha -1
Skills Athletics +4, Stealth +14; Racial Modifi-
The crab can still secrets Chaldron Adhesive ers +8 Athletics check to climb;
darkening its pale flesh, but white bones on Languages Farwhisper
top of the dark flesh now stand out in stark Special Abilities
contrast. When first spotted, a stealthy zombie Chaldron Adhesive, Chaldron Mindlink as
crab often looks like a pile of bones in a dark above
Shadow Crab CR 4 XP 1,200
N Small Aberration Wisps of shadow radiate from the medium
Init +3; Senses low-light vision; Perception +1 zombie crab.
EAC 17, KAC 18 N Medium Outsider (augmented aberration)
HP 25 Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; low-light
Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +4 vision; Perception +1
Immune cold DEFENSE
Offense EAC 18, KAC 19
Spd 30 ft. HP 50
Melee 6 tentacles +7 (1d3) Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +4
Statistics Immune cold; Resist electricity 5; SR +9
Str +0; Dex +3; Con +1; Int -3; Wis +1; Cha -1 Offense
Skills Athletics +2, Stealth +14; Racial Modifi- Spd 30 ft.
ers +8 Athletics check to climb; Melee 6 tentacles +7 (1d4+2 plus 1d6 negative
Languages understands Farwhisper energy)
SQ Chaldron Adhesive Statistics
Special Abilities Str +2; Dex +2; Con +4; Int -3; Wis +1; Cha -1
Chaldron Adhesive, Chaldron Mindlink as Skills Athletics +4, Stealth +18; Racial Modifi-
above ers +8 Athletics check to climb;
Languages Farwhisper
Medium Zombie crab CR 3 XP 800 SQ Chaldron Adhesive; Shadow Blend
A medium zombie crab consist of a human- Special Abilities
oid’s skull surrounded by tentacles reinforced Chaldron Adhesive, Chaldron Mindlink, Shad-
by the bones of the arms and legs. Six thicker ow Blend as above
tentacles writhe and snap and lash from the
front of the crab. Other identifiably human Chaldron Minders
bones jut out of the crab’s milky fleshy at odd
angles seeming to serve no purpose. The crab When a chaldron nymph first captures a
can still secrets Chaldron Adhesive darkening potential humanoid host, if it does not detect
its pale flesh, but white bones on top of the the presence of a chaldron minder, it will turn
dark flesh now stand out in stark contrast. this humanoid into a minder. Minders retain
When first spotted, a stealthy zombie crab of- their humanoid shape and features above the
ten looks like a pile of bones in a dark puddle. waist, but beneath the waist become a mass
of writhing tentacles. The humanoid’s flesh is
N Medium Aberration replaced with partially translucent white flesh.
Init +2; Senses low-light vision; Perception +1
DEFENSE Chaldron Minder CR 4 XP 1,200
EAC 17, KAC 18

N Medium Aberration At will—disguise self
Init +2; Senses low-light vision; Perception +1; 3/day—mind thrust 2 (Will DC 13)
telepathy (chaldron only) 100 ft. Statistics
DEFENSE Str +1; Dex +2; Con +2; Int +1; Wis +1; Cha +3
EAC 17; KAC 18 Base Atk +6; CMB +7; CMD 19
HP 72 Feats Vital Strike, Toughness, Weapon Finesse
Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +5 Skills Athletics +5, Bluff +10, Disguise +6, Life
Immune cold Science +3, Physical Science +3, Piloting +5,
Offense Stealth +15; Racial Modifiers +8 Athletics
Spd 20 ft., climb 20 ft. check to climb
Melee 6 tentacles +8 (1d8+1 S) Languages Farwhisper
Space 5 ft.; Reach 10 ft. Special Abilities
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1st) Burning Whisper, Chaldron Adhesive, Chal-
3/day—mind thrust 2 (Will DC 13) dron Mindlink, Collective Brainpower, Shad-
Statistics ow Blend as above
Str +1; Dex +2; Con +2; Int +1; Wis +1; Cha +3 Speaker for the Colony (Su) Shadow minders
Skills Athletics +5, Bluff +7, Stealth +15; Racial are able to draw upon the memories and neural
Modifiers +8 Athletics check to climb networks of the humanoid whose body they
Languages Farwhisper have taken over. They use this knowledge to
Special Abilities try to disguise themselves as a humanoid, or,
Chaldron Adhesive, Chaldron Mindlink, as even as they person whose body they stole. A
above shadow minder can also probe their humanoid
Burning Whisper (Su) Chaldron minders can host’s brain in order to make any skill check
only communicate telepathically with other the original creature could make but with a -5
chaldron. Three times per day, a chaldron circumstance modifier. The ship’s custodian
minder can use this telepathic ability to affect whose body the shadow minder now inhabits,
non-chaldron as if the minder had cast mind had some background in Life Science, Physical
thrust as a 2nd level spell. Science, and Piloting. The Statistics above incor-
Collective Brainpower (Su) A chaldron mind- porate the -5 circumstance modifier.
er is able to use its telepathic ability to probe
the dormant brains of the chaldron zombies Exham Ghouls and Ghasts
in order to find out information at will. If the The ghouls in Exham are particularly fast and
minder takes 2 rounds to probe one of the leap further than most. Their telepathy helps
chaldron zombie’s humanoid host’s brain, it them to coordinate their attacks.
can make a skill check to know anything the
humanoid knew while living with a -5 circum- Exham Ghoul CR 2 XP 600
stance modifier. CE Medium undead
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; low-light
Chaldron Shadow Minder CR 5 XP 1,600 vision; Perception +7
N Medium Outsider (augmented aberration) DEFENSE
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; low-light vi- EAC 13; KAC 14
sion; Perception +6; telepathy (chaldron only) HP 30
100 ft. Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +5
DEFENSE Immune cold; undead immunities
EAC 18; KAC 19 Offense
HP 84 Spd 30 ft., climb 30 ft.
Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +6 Melee bite +3 (1d6+1 plus disease and paraly-
Immune cold; Resist electricity 5; SR +11 sis) and 2 claws+3 (1d6+1 plus paralysis)
Offense Range sand drill +10 (1d4 P)
Spd 20 ft., climb 20 ft. Offensive Abilities paralysis (1d4+1 rounds, DC
Melee 6 tentacles +10 (1d6+1 plus 1d6 nega- 14)
tive energy) Statistics
Space 5 ft.; Reach 10 ft. Str +1; Dex +2; Con –; Int +1; Wis +2; Cha +2
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1st) Skills Acrobatics +7, Athletics +6, Stealth +7

Languages Common; telepathy 100 ft. CE Medium undead soldier 3
Special Abilities Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; low-light
Jet Dash 180 ft. round when running, double vision; Perception +7
height and distance when jumping DEFENSE
EAC 13; KAC 14
Disease HP 60
Ghoul Fever Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +8
Type disease (injury); Save Fort DC 13 Immune cold; undead immunities
Track Physical Frequency 1/day Offense
Cure 2 consecutive saves Spd 30 ft., climb 30 ft.
Anyone dying from ghoul fever rises as a ghoul Melee bite +6 (1d6+1 plus disease and paraly-
within 24 hours. sis) and 2 claws+6 (1d6+1 plus paralysis)
Range laser rifle (corona) +14(2d6+3 F/Burn
Ghoulish Gunner I CR 3 XP 800 1d6)
CE Medium undead soldier 1 Offensive Abilities paralysis (1d4+1 rounds, DC
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; low-light 14)
vision; Perception +7 Statistics
DEFENSE Str +1; Dex +2; Con –; Int +1; Wis +2; Cha +2
EAC 13; KAC 14 Skills Acrobatics +10, Athletics +9, Intimidate
HP 40 +9, Stealth +10, Survival +6
Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +7 Languages Common; telepathy 100 ft.
Immune cold; undead immunities Special Abilities
Offense Jet Dash 180 ft. round when running, double
Spd 30 ft., climb 30 ft. height and distance when jumping
Melee bite +4 (1d6+1 plus disease and paraly-
sis) and 2 claws+4 (1d6+1 plus paralysis) Disease
Range laser rifle (azimuth) +11(1d8 F/Burn Ghoul Fever
1d6) Type disease (injury); Save Fort DC 14
Offensive Abilities paralysis (1d4+1 rounds, DC Track Physical Frequency 1/day
14) Cure 2 consecutive saves
Statistics Anyone dying from ghoul fever rises as a ghoul
Str +1; Dex +2; Con –; Int +1; Wis +2; Cha +2 within 24 hours.
Skills Acrobatics +8, Athletics +7, Intimidate
+7, Stealth +8 Space Ghast CR 3 XP 800
Languages Common; telepathy 100 ft. CE Medium undead
Special Abilities Init +4; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; low-light
Jet Dash 180 ft. round when running, double vision; Perception +9
height and distance when jumping DEFENSE
EAC 17; KAC 18
Disease HP 70
Ghoul Fever Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +5
Type disease (injury); Save Fort DC 14 Immune cold; undead immunities
Track Physical Frequency 1/day Offense
Cure 2 consecutive saves Spd 30 ft., climb 30 ft.
Anyone dying from ghoul fever rises as a ghoul Melee bite +3 (1d6+1 plus disease and paraly-
within 24 hours. sis) and 2 claws+3 (1d6+1 plus paralysis)
Range diamond dust drill +11 (1d6+3 P)
Ghoulish Gunner II CR 4 XP 1200 Offensive Abilities paralysis (1d4+1 rounds, DC
Init +6 14)
HP 50 Statistics
Range laser rifle (corona) +6(2d6+2 F/Burn Str +3; Dex +4; Con –; Int +3; Wis +4; Cha +4
1d6) Skills Acrobatics +9, Athletics +8, Stealth +9
Otherwise, as above. Languages Common; telepathy 100 ft.
Greater Ghoulish Gunner CR 5 XP 1,600 Special Abilities

Jet Dash 180 ft. round when running, double Stealth +9; Racial Modifiers +4 Intimidate, +4
height and distance when jumping Perception, +4 Mysticism
Blood Frenzy When an Exham ghast does Languages abyssal; telepathy 100 ft.
more than 3 points of damage on a bite, they Special Abilities
go into a blood frenzy for 1d4 rounds. While Braincloud (Su) Once per round, Providence
in a frenzy, the ghast is considered flat-footed can make a touch attack with one of his tentat-
but gains +2 on attack and damage rolls. cles instead of a Melee attack with that tenta-
cle. Upon a successful touch attack, the target
Disease takes mind-affecting damage moving one step
Ghoul Fever along the Wisdom track. Providence will use
Type disease (injury); Save Fort DC 15 this ability to weaken his targets before sub-
Track Physical Frequency 1/day jecting them to his horrific appearance and
Cure 2 consecutive saves Spell-Like Abilities.
Anyone dying from ghoul fever rises as a ghoul Horrific Appearance (Su) As a standard action,
within 24 hours. Providence can reveal, in all its horrific glory,
his twisted form as it appears in the abyss.
Providence Living creatures viewing Providence become
fascinated (DC 15 Will save to resist) by his
Providence is a 9 foot long quivering mass of writhing and wriggling and the madness swirl-
aubergine flesh the shape of a deviled egg ing in his eyes. This is a mind-affecting gaze
with a gaping toothy mouth from which lolls attack. The effect lasts 1d6 rounds.
a ridiculous tongue. Four large tentacle-like
arms ending in pincers are used to attack while
dozens of smaller ones aid in locomotion. Greater Providence
Shoggti CR 7 XP 3,200 Advanced Shoggti CR 9 XP 6,400
CE Large outsider (chaotic, evil, extraplanar, CE Large outsider (chaotic, evil, extraplanar,
qlippoth) qlippoth)
Init +7; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception Init +7; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception
+18 +18
EAC 21; KAC 22 EAC 25; KAC 26
HP 120 HP 150
Fort +11, Ref +5, Will +9 Fort +13, Ref +7, Will +9
Defensive Abilities uncanny dodge; DR 10/ Defensive Abilities uncanny dodge; DR 10/
cold iron; Immune cold, poison, mind-affecting cold iron; Immune cold, poison, mind-affecting
effects; Resist acid 10, electricity 10, fire 10 effects; Resist acid 10, electricity 10, fire 10
Offense Offense
Speed 30 ft. Speed 30 ft.
Melee qlippoth disintegration rifle I +10 (1d6 Melee qlippoth disintegration rifle I +10 (1d6
E); or bite +12(1d8+6), 4 tentacles +8 (1d4). E); or bite +12(1d8+6), 4 tentacles +8 (1d4).
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft. Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Offensive Abilities braincloud, horrific appear- Offensive Abilities braincloud, horrific appear-
ance (DC 17) ance (DC 17)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 7th) Spell-Like Abilities (CL 9th)
Constant—tongues Constant—tongues
At will—command (DC 13) At will—command (DC 15)
3/day—charm person (DC 13) 3/day—charm person (DC 15), protection from
1/day—charm monster (DC 16), dimension law
door 1/day—charm monster (DC 18), dimension
Statistics door
Str +5; Dex +3; Con +5; Int +1; Wis +4; Cha +2 Statistics
Skills Acrobatics +13, Intimidate +16, Mysti- Str +8; Dex +4; Con +8; Int +3; Wis +5; Cha +3
cism +15, Perception +18, Sense Motive +14, Skills Acrobatics +15, Intimidate +18, Mysti-

cism +17, Perception +20, Sense Motive +16, [DC 10] Robotic bees were the chief polli-
Stealth +11; Racial Modifiers +4 Intimidate, +4 nators of plants on terraformed worlds until
Perception, +4 Mysticism recently.
Languages abyssal; telepathy 100 ft. [DC 15] Increasingly, ‘real’ bees are being rein-
Special Abilities tegrated into ecosystems.
Braincloud (Su) Once per round, Providence can [DC 20] Robotic bees had two advantages over
make a touch attack with one of his tentatcles the biological kind: they could be ordered to
instead of a Melee attack with that tentacle. guard an area and make medicinals out of
Upon a successful touch attack, the target takes specific plants through their internal filtering
mind-affecting damage moving one step along systems.
the Wisdom track. Providence will use this ability [DC 20] Robotic bees are programmed to iden-
to weaken his targets before subjecting them to tify and separate specific compounds from the
his horrific appearance and Spell-Like Abilities. nectar and pollen they collect. Some of these
Horrific Appearance (Su) As a standard action, compounds are used in defending the hive and
Providence can reveal, in all its horrific glory, his are injected into intruders. This ‘bee venom’ is
form as he appears in the abyss. Living creatures usually strong enough to be debilitating when
viewing Providence become fascinated by his the bees sting.
writhing and wriggling and the madness swirling [DC 25] Their honey can usually be collected
in his eyes. This is a mind-affecting gaze attack (DC and eaten as medicine or processed in a lab
17 Will save to resist.) The effect lasts 1d6 rounds. into pill sized doses.

Witherworm Swarm CR 2 XP 600 Robotic Bee Swarm CR 2 XP 600

Witherworms look like fat grey slugs. They N Tiny construct (technological, swarm)
have a needle-like proboscis almost the length Init +1; Senses low-light vision; Perception +7
of their entire body, which softens and retracts DEFENSE
but then quickly hardens, extends, and pierces EAC 13; KAC 14
skin to draw blood. HP 21
Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +2
N Diminutive Vermin Immune construct immunities, swarm immu-
Init +4; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +4 nities
KAC 16, EAC 15 Speed 30 ft., fly 50 ft. (average)
HP 17 (3d8+3) Melee swarm (2d6 plus poison)
Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +2 Space 10 ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Defensive abilities swarm traits; Immune Special Attacks poison
weapon damage Statistics
Offense Str -4; Dex +1; Con —; Int +0; Wis +1; Cha -3
Spd 20 ft.; climb 20 ft. Skills Acrobatics +8
Melee swarm (1d8+1 E) Languages understands Common
Offensive Abilities poison
Statistics POISON
Str -2; Dex +3; Con +3; Int -4; Wis +1; Cha +0 ROBOTIC BEE VENOM I
Skills Stealth +16 Type poison (injury); Save Fortitude DC 13
Special Abilities Track Constitution (special); Frequency 1/
minute for 6 minutes Effect progression track
Witherdraw Poison is Healthy—Weakened—Unconscious; no end
Type poison (injury); Save Fortitude DC 15 state.
Track Strength; Frequency 1/minute for 4 Cure 1 save
Cure 1 save
Robotic Bee Swarm CR 6 XP 2,400
Rogue Robots N Tiny construct (technological, swarm)
Init +1; Senses low-light vision; Perception +9
Robotic Bee Swarm DEFENSE

EAC 16; KAC 17 Scroungers are beetle-shaped cleaning and
HP 65 maintenance robots with interchangeable
Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +4 extensions that scrub, clean, vacuum, disin-
Immune construct immunities, swarm immu- fect, weld, and repair ships. When they are not
nities recharging, scroungers follow what appears
Offense to be a strange and meandering path through
Speed 30 ft., fly 50 ft. (perfect) ships seeking tasks. They also follow com-
Melee swarm (4d6 plus poison) mands from the crew and shipboard AIs.
Space 10 ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Special Attacks distraction (DC 16), poison N Small construct (technological)
Statistics Init +1; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light
Str -4; Dex +1; Con —; Int +0; Wis +1; Cha -3 vision; Perception +0
Skills Acrobatics +8 DEFENSE
Languages understands Common EAC 16; KAC 17
HP 21
POISON Fort +0, Ref +1, Will +0
ROBOTIC BEE VENOM II Defensive Abilities hardness 5; Immune con-
Type poison (injury); Save Fortitude DC 15 struct immunities
Track Constitution (special); Frequency 1/ Weaknesses vulnerable to critical hits, vulner-
round for 6 rounds able to electricity
Effect progression track is Healthy—Weak- Offense
ened—Unconscious; no end state. Speed 20 ft.
Cure 1 save Reach 10 ft.
Melee slam +10 (1d3)
Robotic Bee Swarm CR 9 XP 6,400 Other Attacks Welding torch +7 (1d4 F, 10 ft.
N Tiny construct (technological, swarm) line) or cleaning spray +3 (1d4 E, 20 ft. cone)
Init +5; Senses low-light vision; Perception +11 Statistics
DEFENSE Str +0; Dex +1; Con –; Int +0; Wis +0, Cha -3
EAC 18; KAC 19 Skills Athletics +4, Computers +4, Engineering
HP 99 +4
Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +5 Languages Common
Immune construct immunities, swarm immu- Special Abilities
nities Switch Extensions (Ex) Scroungers are able to
Offense switch out their multiple extensions for tools
Speed 30 ft., fly 50 ft. (perfect) more useful to the task at hand. The length of
Melee swarm (6d6 plus poison) these extensions gives them a Reach of 10 ft.
Space 10 ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Special Attacks distraction (DC 13), poison Grease Monkey CR 3 XP 800
Statistics Grease Monkeys assist the ship’s mechanic with
Str -4; Dex +1; Con —; Int +0; Wis +1; Cha -3 repairs and monitor engines. They look like mon-
Skills Acrobatics +12 keys. Despite the whimsical name and shape,
Languages understands Common these are highly advanced robots with greater
precision and intelligence than most robots.
ROBOTIC BEE VENOM III N Small construct (robot)
Type poison (injury); Save Fortitude DC 18 Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light
Track Constitution (special); Frequency 1/ vision; Perception +5
round for 6 rounds DEFENSE
Effect progression track is Healthy—Weak- EAC 19; KAC 20
ened—Unconscious; no end state. HP 33
Cure 1 save Fort +0, Ref +3, Will +0
Defensive Abilities hardness 5; Immune con-
Scroungers CR 2 XP 600 struct traits
Weaknesses vulnerable to critical hits, vulner-

able to electricity vision; Perception +8
Speed 20 ft. EAC 14; KAC 15
Melee integrated drill +11 (1d6/x3) HP 42
Special Attack electrical charge +3 (1d4 E; ca- Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +1
pacity 1, usage 1) Defensive Abilities hardness 5; Immune con-
Statistics struct traits
Str +0; Dex +2; Con –; Int +3; Wis +0; Cha -3 Weaknesses vulnerable to critical hits, vulner-
Skills Athletics +8, Computers +8, Engineering able to electricity
+8, Perception +5 Offense
Languages Common Speed 30 ft.
Melee slam +11 (1d6+3 plus grab)
SC-21 / SCABS CR 2 XP 600 Offensive Abilities Siren +8 (1d8 So, 30 ft. radi-
us, deafen, 3/day)
When Osprey Robotics introduced the SC-21, a Statistics
robot designed to do custodial and maintenance Str +2; Dex +0; Con –; Int +0; Wis +0; Cha -3
work on ships, the starfarers’ unions protested. Skills Sense Motive +13
Osprey insisted the robots were going to assist, Languages Common
not replace, humanoid workers. They did. Starfar-
ers call the robots Ship Custodian Automatic Back-
up System (SCABS). Many crews still refuse to fly Military Grade Security Robot
with SCABS, arguing that humans are endangered CR 4, XP 1,200
when robots do important maintenance.
This advanced line of security robots are
N Medium construct (technological) faster, stronger, and smarter than the standard
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light models.
vision; Perception +12
DEFENSE N Medium construct (robot)
EAC 12; KAC 13 Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light
HP 33 vision; Perception +9
Fort +0, Ref +1, Will +0 DEFENSE
Defensive Abilities hardness 5; Immune con- EAC 16; KAC 16
struct immunities HP 53 (5d10+25)
Weaknesses vulnerable to critical hits, vulner- Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +1
able to electricity Defensive Abilities hardness 5; Immune con-
Offense struct immunities
Speed 30 ft. Weaknesses vulnerable to critical hits, vulner-
Melee slam +11 (1d6+1/x3) able to electricity
Statistics Offense
Str +4; Dex +1; Con –; Int +0; Wis +0; Cha -2 Speed 30 ft.
Skills Athletics +7, Computers +7, Engineering Melee 2 slams +12 (1d6+5)
+12, Perception +12 Range thunderstrike sonic pistol +9 (1d8 So/
Languages Common deafen)
APG Sentinel CR 3 XP 800 Str +4; Dex +2; Con –; Int +0; Wis +2; Cha -3
Fivecorp manufactures security robots specif- Skills Athletics +10, Computers +9, Perception
ically to guard their private prisons and prison +9, and Sense Motive +9.
transports. The APG Sentinels are designed to Languages Common
incapacitate and restrain prisoners, only killing Special Abilities
when necessary to prevent an escape or pris- Nanite Repair (Ex) This military robot’s nanites
on riot. Dead prisoners generate less revenue. repair it, restoring 4 HP per hour. Once per day
as a full action, a security robot can restore
N Medium construct (technological) 3d8 hit points to itself or any touched con-
Init +4; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light struct with the technological subtype

Special Abilities Notice Perception DC 20 (to sense something
Nanite Repair (Ex) This military robot’s nanites horrible within)
repair it, restoring 4 HP per hour. Once per day HP 9; Weaknesses slow; Trigger proximity;
as a full action, a security robot can restore Reset 1 hour
3d8 hit points to itself or any touched con- Effect Passing by the entrance to the blood-
struct with the technological subtype bank triggers a haunt. A living creature passing
Bloodbank Haunt I CR 2 XP 400 near the door is given a sense of what is be-
LN minor haunt (5 ft. by 5 ft. door) yond, a sense of the fear of those inside as the
Caster Level 2 spell fear cast as a 1st level spell (Will DC 13).

New Haunts

Bloodbank Haunt I CR 2 XP 400

LN minor haunt (5 ft. by 5 ft. door)
Caster Level 2
Notice Perception DC 20 (to sense something
horrible within)
HP 9; Weaknesses slow; Trigger proximity;
Reset 1 hour
Effect Passing by the entrance to the blood-
bank triggers a haunt. A living creature passing
near the door is given a sense of what is be-
yond, a sense of the fear of those inside as the
spell fear cast as a 1st level spell (Will DC 13).

Bloodbank Haunt II CR 4 XP 1,200

LN minor haunt (10 ft. radius of entrance)
Caster Level 4
Notice Perception DC 25 (to sense something
horrible within)
HP 18; Weaknesses slow; Trigger proximity;
Reset 1 hour

Effect Passing by the entrance to the blood-

bank triggers a haunt. One or more creatures
within the area of the door are given a sense
of what is beyond the door and experience the
fear of those inside as the spell fear cast as a
2nd level spell (Will DC 16).

Bloodbank Haunt III CR 6 XP 2,400

LN minor haunt (20 ft. radius of entrance)
Caster Level 6
Notice Perception DC 29 (to sense something
horrible within)
HP 27; Weaknesses slow; Trigger proximity;
Reset 1 hour

Effect Passing by the entrance to the blood-

bank triggers a haunt. All creatures within the
area of the door are given a sense of what is
beyond the door and experience the fear of
those inside as the spell fear cast as a 3rd level
spell (Will DC 19).

New Traps

Anti-Microbial Foam Trap failed Reflex check, the target takes full dam-
age and is thrust into space; multiple targets
In ship cleaning systems, nozzles spray anti-mi-
crobial foam in the toilets, sinks, and show- (all targets in the shuttle bay).
ers. When concentrated, the anti-microbial is
highly corrosive. Slimy Bay Doors Trap CR 2 XP 600
Type technological; Trigger proximity (visual,
Slightly Dilluted Anti-Microbial Foam Trap 10 feet); Reset automatic (1 minute)
CR 1 XP 400 Perception DC 15; Disable Computers DC 18
Type technological; Trigger touch (sitting on to override; Engineering DC 20 to secure doors
the toilet activates the trap); Reset none shut.
Perception DC 20; Disable Computers DC 20 EFFECT Rapid decompression (1d6 falling dam-
EFFECT Atk +10 touch (2d6 acid damage) age per round for the 3 rounds until bay is fully
depressurized or until bay doors close); DC 18
Concentrated Anti-Microbial Foam Trap Reflex halves damage; if a Reflex save is failed
CR 4 XP 1,200 by 5 or more, the target takes full damage
Type technological; Trigger proximity (visual, and is thrust into space; multiple targets (all
10 feet); Reset none targets in the shuttle bay).
Perception DC 25; Disable Computers DC 20
EFFECT Atk +10 touch (3d6 acid damage, plus Bay Doors Trap CR 4 XP 1,200
1d6/round for 2 rounds) Type technological; Trigger proximity (visual,
auditory 10 feet); Reset automatic (1 minute)
Super-Concentrated Anti-Microbial Foam Trap Perception DC 20; Disable Computers DC 20
CR 7 XP 3,200 to override; Engineering DC 20 to secure doors
Type technological; Trigger proximity (thermal, shut.
10 feet); Reset none EFFECT Rapid decompression (2d6 falling dam-
Perception DC 25; Disable Computers DC 20 age per round for 4 rounds until bay is fully
EFFECT Atk +15 touch (3d6 acid damage, plus depressurized or until bay doors close); onset
2d6/round for 2 rounds) delay 2 rounds; DC 20 Reflex halves damage; if
a Reflex save is failed by 5 or more, the target
Bay Doors Trap takes full damage and is thrust into space;
multiple targets (all targets in the shuttle bay).
The doors of the bay begin to open after a
short warning. The rapid depressurization
threatens to carry creatures into space. No Warning, Slow opening Bay Doors Trap
CR 7 XP 3,200
Delayed Bay Doors Trap CR 1 XP 400 Type technological; Trigger proximity (visual,
Type technological; Trigger proximity (visual, auditory, thermal 10 feet); Reset automatic (1
10 feet); Reset automatic (1 minute) minute)
Perception DC 15; Disable Computers DC 15 Perception DC 20; Disable Computers DC 25
to override; Engineering DC 20 to secure doors to override; Engineering DC 25 to secure doors
shut. shut.
EFFECT Rapid decompression (1d6 falling dam- EFFECT Rapid decompression (3d6 falling dam-
age per round for 2 rounds until bay is depres- age per round for 4 rounds until bay is fully
surized or until bay doors close); onset delay depressurized or until bay doors close); DC 20
3 rounds; DC 15 Reflex halves damage; on a Reflex halves damage; if a Reflex save is failed

by 5 or more, the target takes full damage Charged Particle Door Trap III
and is thrust into space; multiple targets (all CR 7 XP 3,200
targets in the shuttle bay). Type technological; Trigger proximity (visual,
10 feet); Reset automatic (1 round)
Cargo Mover Trap Perception DC 25; Disable Computers DC 25
Non-automated cargo movers are not robots EFFECT Atk +20 melee (6d8 P/ Wound)
but can be controlled remotely and used to
attack. Cargo movers often have multi-taloned Concealed Medical Laser
claw-like gripping devices. The laser fires a precise, focused blast at the
first creature spotted by its targetting comput-
Cargo Mover Trap CR 1 XP 400 er.
Type technological; Trigger proximity (visual,
10 feet); Reset Automatic Concealed Medical Laser CR 3 XP 800
Perception DC 20; Disable Computers DC 20 to Type technological; Trigger proximity (visual,
override or DC 15 Engineering to jam. 30 feet); Reset none
EFFECTS Perception DC 20; Disable Computers DC 20
Atk +10 (1d6+6) or Engineering DC 15
EFFECT Atk +20 ranged touch (1d6 fire), range
Cargo Mover Trap CR 4 XP 1,200 increment 150 ft. (see laser pistol)
Type technological; Trigger proximity (visual,
auditory 15 feet); Reset Automatic Cryogenic Tank Trap
Perception DC 20; Disable Computers DC 20 to A pressure sensor hidden under the floor cov-
override or DC 15 Engineering to jam. ering triggers a medical drill to puncture a tank
EFFECTS of liquid nitrogen. This tank of liquid nitrogen
Atk +15 (1d6+6) for 3 rounds explodes when punctured.

Cargo Mover Trap CR 6 XP 2,400 Cyrogenic Tank Trap I CR 1 XP 400

Type technological; Trigger proximity (visual, Type technological; Trigger location; Reset
auditory 20 feet); Reset Automatic none
Perception DC 20; Disable Computers DC 20 Perception DC 15; Disable Engineering DC 15
EFFECTS EFFECT Freezing gas (2d6 cold damage, DC 15
Atk +15 (2d6+12) for 3 rounds Reflex save for half damage); multiple targets
(all targets in a 30-ft. cone)
Charged Particle Door Trap
A charged particle door is a ¼ inch thick Cyrogenic Tank Trap II CR 4 XP 1,200
charged graphite mesh that forms when Type technological; Trigger location; Reset
activated and is often used in medical bays to none
identify, filter, and contain biohazards. Anyone Perception DC 20; Disable Engineering DC 15
standing in the doorway when the mesh forms EFFECT Freezing gas (4d6 cold damage, DC 20
risks being sliced by the microscopic particles. Reflex save for half damage); multiple targets
(all targets in a 30-ft. cone)
Charged Particle Door Trap I
CR 1 XP 400 Cyrogenic Tank Trap III CR 7 XP 3,200
Type technological; Trigger proximity (visual, Type technological; Trigger location; Reset
10 feet); Reset automatic (1 minute) none
Perception DC 15; Disable Computers DC 15 Perception DC 25; Disable Engineering DC 15
EFFECT Atk +10 melee (2d8 P/ Wound) EFFECT Freezing gas (6d6 cold damage, DC 25
Reflex save for half damage); multiple targets
Charged Particle Door Trap II (all targets in a 30-ft. cone)
CR 4 XP 1,200
Type technological; Trigger proximity (visual,
10 feet); Reset automatic (1 round) Electrical Discharge Trap
Perception DC 20; Disable Computers DC 20 Charge stations can be tampered with to re-
EFFECT Atk +15 melee (4d8 P/ Wound) lease their charges without warning causing a

burst of electricity. Escape Pod Trap CR 7 XP 3,200
Type technological; Trigger proximity (visual,
Electrical Discharge Trap I CR 1 XP 400 auditory 10 feet); Reset none
Type technological; Trigger touch; Reset none Perception DC 20; Disable Computers DC 15,
Perception DC 15; Disable Computers DC 20 Engineering DC 15
EFFECT electricity burst (2d6 electricity dam- EFFECT burst of flame (6d6 fire damage, DC 25
age, DC 12 Reflex save for half damage); multi- Reflex save for half damage; +2d6 per round
ple targets (all targets in a 10-ft. radius) for 3 rounds, DC 20 Reflex avoids); multiple
targets (all targets in the corridor)
Electrical Discharge Trap II
CR 4 XP 1,200
Type technological; Trigger proximity (visual, Fire Moss Trap
10 feet); Reset 1 day Fire moss is a naturally growing plant that
Perception DC 20; Disable Computers DC 20 grows in fairly cold and damp environments.
EFFECT electricity burst (4d6 electricity dam- When placed in an appropriately dry environ-
age, DC 15 Reflex save for half damage); multi- ment, the fire moss grows brittle and bursts
ple targets (all targets in a 15-ft. radius) into flames when stepped on.

Electrical Discharge Trap III Fire Moss Trap I CR 1 XP 400

CR 7 XP 3,200 Type analog; Trigger touch (walking on the
Type technological; Trigger proximity (visual, moss); Reset 1 week
auditory 10 feet); Reset 1 minute Perception DC 21; Disable Life Science (bota-
Perception DC 25; Disable Computers DC 20 ny) DC 16
EFFECT electricity burst (6d6 electricity dam- EFFECT patch of moss bursts into flames when
age, DC 17 Reflex save for half damage); multi- stepped on (2d6 F damage); Reflex DC 12
ple targets (all targets in a 20-ft. radius) avoids

Fire Moss Trap II CR 4 XP 1,200

Escape Pod Trap Type analog; Trigger touch (walking on the
Escape pods on ships are designed to use mag- moss); Reset 1 week
netic repulsion to propel themselves a safe Perception DC 26; Disable Life Science (bota-
distance from the ship before firing rockets. ny) DC 21
These rockets can be fired briefly without de- EFFECT patch of moss bursts into flames when
parting from the ship or damaging the ship. stepped on (3d6 fire damage, plus 1d6/round
for 2 rounds); Reflex DC 15 avoids
Escape Pod Trap CR 1 XP 400
Type technological; Trigger proximity (visual, Fire Moss Trap III CR 7 XP 3,200
10 feet); Reset none Type analog; Trigger touch (walking on the
Perception DC 20; Disable Computers DC 15, moss); Reset 1 week
Engineering DC 15 Perception DC 33; Disable Life Science (bota-
EFFECT burst of flame (2d6 fire damage, DC 15 ny) DC 28
Reflex save for half damage; +1d6 per round EFFECT patch of moss bursts into flames when
for 2 rounds, DC 15 Reflex avoids); multiple stepped on (4d6 fire damage, plus 2d6/round
targets (all targets in the corridor) for 2 rounds); Reflex DC 18 avoids

Escape Pod Trap CR 4 XP 1,200

Type technological; Trigger proximity (visual, Force Sealed Tunnel Trap
auditory 10 feet); Reset none A force field pushes any creatures in the tun-
Perception DC 20; Disable Computers DC 15 nel to the bottom at a rate of 50 ft. per round
EFFECT burst of flame (4d6 fire damage, DC 20 possibly causing them to fall. The device con-
Reflex save for half damage; +2d6 per round trolling the forcefield is hidden under a panel
for 2 rounds, DC 20 Reflex avoids); multiple at the top of the pit. The device has KAC 22,
targets (all targets in the corridor) EAC 18, hardness 20, and 40 Hit Points.

Force Sealed Pit I CR 3 XP 800 age, DC 12 Reflex save for half damage)
Type technological and analog; Trigger proxim-
ity (visual, auditory, thermal within the tun- Icy Spray Trap CR 4 XP 1,200
nel); Reset Automatic Type technological; Trigger proximity (visual,
Perception 15 (to find hidden panel housing auditory, 10 feet); Duration 3 rounds; Reset
device); Disable Engineering DC 19 (Disable automatic (3 rounds)
device beneath panel) Perception DC 25; Disable Computers DC 20
EFFECTS EFFECT jets of freezing water (3d6 cold dam-
primary effect force field (pushes target at 50 age, DC 27 Reflex save for half damage); multi-
ft. per round, two successive DC 21 Strength ple targets, all targets in 5 ft. radius
checks to resist push and take only 1d6 B dam-
age); secondary effect 150-ft.-deep pit, with Icy Spray Trap CR 7 XP 3,200
intense antigrav cushion for a third damage Type technological; Trigger proximity (thermal,
(5d6 falling damage) 10 feet); Duration 6 rounds; Reset automatic
(3 rounds)
Force Sealed Tunnel II CR 6 XP 2,400 Perception DC 25; Disable Computers DC 25
Type technological and analog; Trigger proxim- EFFECT jets of freezing water (3d6 cold dam-
ity (visual, auditory, thermal within the tun- age, DC 20 Reflex save for half damage); multi-
nel); Reset Automatic ple targets, all targets in 10 ft. radius
Perception 20 (to find hidden panel housing
device); Disable Engineering DC 25 (Disable
device beneath panel) Know the Horror Trap
EFFECTS You see, hear, feel, and know the horror of
primary effect force field (pushes target at 50 hundreds of miran in the presence of the
ft. per round, two successive DC 23 Strength qlippoth.
checks to resist push and take only 2d6 B dam-
age); secondary effect 150-ft.-deep pit, with Know the Horror I CR 2 XP 3,200
antigrav cushion for reduced damage (10d6 Type hybrid; Trigger touch; Reset Automatic
falling damage) Perception DC 20; Disable Engineering DC 25
(disconnect miran data crystal) or Mysticism DC
Force Sealed Tunnel III CR 9 XP 6,400 22(dispel the mind-affecting magic).
Type technological and analog; Trigger proxim- EFFECTS
ity (visual, auditory, thermal within the tun- mind thrust, (psychic flood); 2d10 damage,
nel); Reset Automatic Will DC 14 for half
Perception 25 (to find hidden panel housing
device); Disable Engineering DC 28 (Disable Know the Horror II CR 4 XP 3,200
device beneath panel) Type hybrid; Trigger touch; Reset Automatic
EFFECTS Perception DC 20; Disable Engineering DC 25
primary effect force field (pushes target at 50 (disconnect miran data crystal) or Mysticism
ft. per round, three successive DC 26 Strength DC 22(dispel the mind-affecting magic).
checks to resist push and take 4d6 B); second- EFFECTS
ary effect 150-ft.-deep pit (15d6 falling dam- mind thrust, (psychic flood); 4d10 damage,
age) Will DC 16 for half

Know the Horror III CR 6 XP 3,200

Icy Spray Trap Type hybrid; Trigger touch; Reset Automatic
Jets of cold water spray from burst pipes or Perception DC 20; Disable Engineering DC 25
sabotaged showers. (disconnect miran data crystal) or Mysticism
DC 22(dispel the mind-affecting magic).
Icy Spray Trap CR 1 XP 400 EFFECTS
Type technological; Trigger proximity (visual, mind thrust, (psychic flood); 7d10 damage,
10 feet); Duration 3 rounds; Reset none Will DC 18 for half
Perception DC 20; Disable Computers DC 15
EFFECT jets of freezing water (2d6 cold dam-

Medical Mist Trap Track Dexterity; Frequency 1/rounds per 4
Medical compounds on ships are highly con-
centrated. If released into the air, these com- Cure 1 save
pounds be harmful to humanoids.
Medical Mist 3 Trap CR 8 XP 4,800
Aerosolized Narcyz causes Dexterity damage Type technological; Trigger proximity (visual,
and stuns creatures but does not cause sleep. auditory 10 feet); Reset automatic (1 round; 5
Concentrated Kanatrium can cause temporary charges)
amnesia. Perception DC 28; Disable Computers DC 25
EFFECT gas (Narcyz Mist 3 or Kanatrium); nev-
Medical Mist Trap I CR 2 XP 600 er miss; onset delay (1 round); multiple targets
Type technological; Trigger proximity (visual, (all targets in a 10-ft.-by-10-ft. room)
10 feet); Reset none (1 charge)
Perception DC 20; Disable Computers DC 15 Kanatrium Gas III
EFFECT gas (Narcyz Mist 1 or Kanatrium 1); Type poison, inhaled; Save Will DC 18
never miss; onset delay (1 round); multiple Track Wisdom (special); Onset 3 rounds; Fre-
targets (all targets in a 10-ft.-by-10-ft. room) quency 1/rounds per 6 rounds
EFFECT progression track is Weakened—Im-
Kanatrium Gas I paired—Confused—Comatose—Comatose +
Type poison, inhaled; Save Will DC 12 amnesia for 1d3 days; Cure 1 save
Track Wisdom (special); Onset 3 rounds; Fre-
quency 1/rounds per 3 rounds Narcyz Mist III
EFFECT progression track is Weakened—Im- Type poison, inhaled; Save Will DC 18
paired—Confused—Comatose—Comatose + Track Dexterity; Frequency 1/rounds per 6
amnesia for 1d3 days rounds
Cure 1 save Cure 1 save

Narcyz Mist I Motion Platform Trap

Type poison, inhaled; Save Will DC 12 Each 5’ area is a separate 360-degree motion
Track Dexterity; Frequency 1/rounds per 3 platform, which is used as a omni-direction-
rounds al treadmill allowing a creature to run at a
Cure 1 save full sprint in any direction without moving.
The platform can be set to counter creatures
Medical Mist Trap II CR 5 XP 1,600 movements to prevent anyone from exiting
Type technological; Trigger proximity (visual, the platform. Anyone standing on the motion
auditory 10 feet); Reset automatic (1 round; 2 platform must make a DC 20 Acrobatics check
charges) to jump to the next platform or fall prone. The
Perception DC 23; Disable Computers DC 20 platforms will not function when they detect
EFFECT gas (Narcyz Mist 2 or Kanatrium 2); more than one creature on the platform.
never miss; onset delay (1 round); multiple
targets (all targets in a 10-ft.-by-10-ft. room) Motion Platform Trap I CR 1 XP 400
Type technological; Trigger proximity (visual,
Kanatrium Gas II thermal, 20 feet); Reset none
Type poison, inhaled; Save Will DC 15 Perception DC 20; Disable Computers DC 15
Track Wisdom (special); Onset 3 rounds; Fre- EFFECT The omnidirectional treadmills in the
quency 1/rounds per 4 rounds floor affect movement. The platform counters
EFFECT progression track is Weakened—Im- creatures movements to prevent anyone from
paired—Confused—Comatose—Comatose + exiting the platform. Anyone standing on the
amnesia for 1d3 days motion platform must make a DC 20 Acrobat-
Cure 1 save ics check to jump to the next platform. If they
fail the check by 5 or more, they fall prone
Narcyz Mist II and are slammed into a wall for 1d4 points of
Type poison, inhaled; Save Will DC 15 damage. The effect continues until the device
is disabled. Multiple targets (all targets in the

area). Perception DC 25; Disable Computers DC 20
EFFECT Atk +15 ranged per round for 6 rounds
Motion Platform Trap II CR 4 XP 1,200 (1d3+1 nonlethal bludgeoning ; hardball, KAC
Type technological; Trigger proximity (visual, 20, EAC 19 hardness 8)
thermal, 20 feet); Reset automatic
Perception DC 25; Disable Computers DC 20 Jai Alai Pitching Machine Trap
EFFECT The omnidirectional treadmills in the CR 6 XP 2,400
floor affect movement. The platform counters Type technological; Trigger proximity (visual,
creatures movements to prevent anyone from 115 feet); Reset automatic
exiting the platform. Anyone standing on the Perception DC 25; Disable Computers DC 20
motion platform must make a DC 25 Acrobat- EFFECT Atk +20 ranged per round for 12
ics check to jump to the next platform. If they rounds (1d3+2 lethal bludgeoning; jai alai, KAC
fail the check by 5 or more, they fall prone 24, EAC 23 hardness 10)
and are slammed into a wall for 1d6 points of
damage. The effect continues until the device
is disabled. Multiple targets (all targets in the Qlippoth Disintegration Rifle Trap
area). Above the tower is a turret that holds a qlip-
poth disintegration rifle with 20 charges. The
Motion Platform Trap III CR 6 XP 2,400 rifle will fire 3 warning shots before switching
Type technological; Trigger proximity (visual, to lethal mode. It can fire an energy blast up to
thermal, 20 feet); Reset automatic 100 ft. The rifle is protected by an admantine
Perception DC 25; Disable Computers DC 25 shell. The turret’s KAC is 20, EAC 19, with 50
EFFECT The omni-directional treadmills in the hp.
floor affect movement. The platform counters
creatures movements to prevent anyone from Qlippoth Mounted Disintegration Rifle I
exiting the platform. Anyone standing on the CR 1 XP 400
motion platform must make a DC 25 Acrobat- Type technological; Trigger proximity (visual,
ics check to jump to the next platform. If they auditory 100 feet); Reset Automatic
fail the check by 5 or more, they fall prone Perception DC 23; Disable Computers DC 20 to
and are slammed into a wall for 1d8 points of override or Engineering DC 17 to jam.
damage. The effect continues until the device EFFECTS
is disabled. Multiple targets (all targets in the Atk +13 (2d6 A/corrode 1d6); multiple targets
area). (all targets in 100 ft. line)

Qlippoth Mounted Disintegration Rifle II

Pitching Machine Trap CR 4 XP 1,200
Ainsley can alter the settings on any sports Type technological; Trigger proximity (visual,
simulations in the fitness center and use the auditory 100 feet); Reset Automatic
omni-directional pitching machine to attack Perception DC 26; Disable Computers DC 20 to
the players. override or Engineering DC 17 to jam.
Softball Pitching Machine Trap Atk +15 (4d8 A/corrode 1d6); multiple targets
CR 1 XP 400 (all targets in 100 ft. line)
Type technological; Trigger proximity (visual,
46 feet); Reset none Qlippoth Mounted Disintegration Rifle III
Perception DC 20; Disable Computers DC 20 CR 8 XP 4,800
EFFECT Atk +10 ranged per round for 3 rounds Type technological; Trigger proximity (visual,
(1d3 nonlethal bludgeoning; softball, KAC 16, auditory 100 feet); Reset Automatic
EAC 15 hardness 5) Perception DC 32; Disable Computers DC 27 to
override or Engineering DC 22 to jam.
Hardball Pitching Machine EFFECTS
CR 4 XP 1,200 Atk +18 (6d8 A/corrode 1d6); multiple targets
Type technological; Trigger proximity (visual, (all targets in 100 ft. line)
60.5 feet); Reset automatic

Qlippoth Pain Lash Trap EFFECT Electrical shock (3d6 electricity dam-
age, DC 13 Reflex save for half damage)
A projection of a cynthigot slaver holding a
whip. It pulls back the whip and then lashes
out. The lash catches a target and continues to Shocking Panel Trap II CR 4 XP 1,200
inflict pain for a number of rounds. Type technological; Trigger touch or proximity
(visual, 5 feet); Reset automatic (1 minute)
Qlippoth Pain Lash I CR 2 XP 600 Perception DC 20; Disable Computers DC 20
Type hybrid; Trigger proximity (visual, 10 feet); EFFECT Electrical shock (5d6 electricity dam-
Reset Automatic age, DC 17 Reflex save for half damage)
Perception DC 23; Disable Engineering DC
18 (disconnect power) or Mysticism DC 18 to Shocking Panel Trap III CR 7 XP 3,200
prevent the inflict pain effect. Type technological; Trigger touch or proximity
EFFECTS (visual, 10 feet); Reset automatic (1 minute)
Atk +11 with whip hologram accompanied Perception DC 25; Disable Computers DC 25
by mind-affecting pain as the spell inflict INITIAL EFFECT Electrical shock (7d6 electricity
pain (Will DC 13 for partial effect, duration 2 damage, DC 21 Reflex save for half damage);
rounds) SECONDARY EFFECT electrical burst (2d6
electricity damage, DC 21 Reflex save for half
Qlippoth Pain Lash II CR 5 XP 1,600 damage on all targets in a 10-foot radius);
Type hybrid; Trigger proximity (visual, 10 feet); onset delay (1 round)
Reset Automatic
Perception DC 27; Disable Engineering DC
22 (disconnect power) or Mysticism DC 22 to Suffocation Suit Trap
prevent the inflict pain effect. Oxygen flow is reversed and sucked out of the
EFFECTS suit. Suffocation begins when a character can
Atk +15 with whip hologram accompanied no longer hold her breath. The suit is locked
by mind-affecting pain as the spell inflict and requires a Disable Computers check to
pain (Will DC 15 for partial effect, duration 4 unlock.
rounds) Suffocation Suit Trap I CR 1 XP 400
Type technological; Trigger location (in the
Qlippoth Whirlwind Pain Lash I suit); Reset automatic
CR 8 XP 4,800 Perception DC 20; Disable Computers DC 16
Type hybrid; Trigger proximity (visual, 10 feet); EFFECT Onset Delay 5 rounds before suffoca-
Reset Automatic tion begins.
Perception DC 32; Disable Engineering DC
27 (disconnect power) or Mysticism DC 27 to Suffocation Suit Trap II CR 3 XP 800
prevent the inflict pain effect. Type technological; Trigger location (in the
EFFECTS suit);
Atk +18 with whip hologram accompanied by Perception DC 20; Disable Computers DC 21
mind-affecting pain as the spell inflict pain, EFFECT Onset Delay 3 rounds before suffoca-
mass (Will DC 13 for partial effect, duration 2 tion begins.
rounds); multiple targets, all targets in 30 ft.
cone from door. Suffocation Suit Trap II CR 6 XP 2,400
Type technological; Trigger location (in the
Shocking Panel Trap Perception DC 20; Disable Computers DC 25
EFFECT Onset Delay 1 round before suffoca-
Control panels throughout the ship can be
overloaded. tion begins.

Shocking Panel Trap I CR 1 XP 400

Type technological; Trigger touch; Reset auto- Weapon/Device Overload
matic (1 minute) Trap
Perception DC 15; Disable Computers DC 15 Weapons or other devices that release a great
quantity of energy can be rigged to explode.

Weapon/Device Overload Trap I EFFECT explosion (4d6 damage, DC 15 Reflex
CR 1 XP 400 save for half damage); multiple targets (all
Type technological; Trigger proximity (visual, targets in a 10-ft.-radius burst); onset de-
10 feet); Reset none lay 1 round; multiple targets (all targets in a
Perception DC 18; Disable Computers DC 20 10-ft.-radius burst)
EFFECT explosion (3d6 damage, DC 12 Reflex
save for half damage); onset delay 1 round; Weapon/Device Overload Trap III
multiple targets (all targets in a 5-ft.-radius CR 6 XP 2,400
burst) Type technological; Trigger proximity (visual,
15 feet); Reset none
Weapon/Device Overload Trap II Perception DC 18; Disable Computers DC 20
CR 3 XP 800 EFFECT explosion (5d6 damage, DC 18 Reflex
Type technological; Trigger proximity (visual, save for half damage); onset delay 1 round;
10 feet); Reset none multiple targets (all targets in a 15-ft.-radius
Perception DC 18; Disable Computers DC 20 burst)

Named NPCs

Ahab SP 21, HP 24
EAC 12; KAC 14; +1 to EAC vs. lasers
Ahab started by dissecting dead things. At
first, it was things he found; later, it was things Fort +2; Ref +5; Will +3
he killed. He wanted to understand how they Defensive Abilities evasion, Operative
worked, but, more importantly, he wanted to Specialization (Ghost)
understand how we worked. He knew from a OFFENSE
young age that it was humans he wanted to Speed 40 ft.
get to know. He was not human, but he would Melee scalpel +3 (1d3+3 S/bleed)
have become one if he could have. That being Ranged needler pistol +5 (1d4+1 P and disease
impossible, he would know us intimately, from DC 15) or tactical shirren eye rifle +5 (1d10+3
the inside out. P)
Offensive Abilities Deadly Aim, trick attack
Ahab kidnapped and dissected twelve +1d8
people over a period of five years, prior to be STATISTICS
accepted to medical school. He was careful, Str +0; Dex +2; Con +1; Int +4; Wis +0; Cha +0
but his colony was small and he stood out Skills Acrobatics +9, Bluff +8, Computers +12,
among the colonists. Before the local sheriff Culture +8, Engineering +12, Intimidate +7,
could prove Ahab was the killer, Ahab left for Life Science +12, Medicine +12, Mysticism +8,
his studies in incorporated space. Ahab did not Piloting +10, Profession (Doctor) +12, Sense
dare indulge in any extracurricular surgeries Motive +6, Sleight of Hand +10, Stealth +10;
while there. He spent as much time as he the DC of skill checks to recall knowledge
could in hospitals. The passionate detachment about biology is reduced by 5; +4 racial bonus
with which he views the human body allowed on Diplomacy checks to gather information
him to excel as a surgeon and surgery afforded Languages Abyssal, Common, Farwhisper, Vesk
him the opportunity to indulge his macabre Other Abilities
curiosity. Gear estex butcher apron (+2 KAC), 12 darts
(disease, DC 15), needler pistol, scalpel,
As a prison doctor—a position far below his tactical shirren eye rifle
capabilities—he had access to bodies with SPECIAL ABILITIES
few consequences. Since the cultists took Hypnotic: Paradoxes add +1 to the DC for all
over Exham, Ahab has had free reign to play saving throws against any mind-affecting spells
with whomever he pleases but, these days, he or effects they cast.
mostly plays with the ghouls. He continues to Radiation Filters (Ex) Paradoxes have
try to learn as much as he can about humans, organs that seem primarily designed to
and has infected a few of the cultists with filter radiation. They recover from radiation
ghoul fever to watch its progression. He keeps poisoning at twice the normal rate.
a few ghouls in cages near the walkway. Shimmering Skin (Ex) Paradoxes have
reflective skin that grants them a +1 racial
Ahab bonus to EAC against focused beams of light
Male paradox scholar operative 3 like lasers.
LE Medium humanoid (paradox)
Init +8; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light Disease
vision; Perception +7 Ghoul Fever
DEFENSE Type disease (injury); Save Fort DC 13
Track Physical Frequency 1/day

Cure 2 consecutive saves reroll any skill check to recall knowledge. He
Anyone dying from ghoul fever rises as a ghoul must decide to use this ability after rolling but
within 24 hours. before learning the information from his first
roll. He must take the second result, even if it
Ahab is worse.
Male paradox scholar operative 6
LE Medium humanoid (paradox) Disease
Init +8; Senses blindsense 60 ft., darkvision 60 Ghoul Fever
ft., low-light vision; Perception +11 Type disease (injury); Save Fort DC 15
DEFENSE Track Physical Frequency 1/day
SP 42, HP 42 Cure 2 consecutive saves
EAC 12; KAC 14; +1 to EAC vs. lasers Anyone dying from ghoul fever rises as a ghoul
Fort +3; Ref +7; Will +5 within 24 hours.
Defensive Abilities evasion, Nimble Moves,
Operative Specialization (Ghost) Ahab
OFFENSE Male paradox scholar operative 9
Speed 40 ft. LE Medium humanoid (paradox)
Melee scalpel +4 (1d3+6 S/bleed) Init +9; Senses blindsense 60 ft., darkvision 60
Ranged needler pistol +6 (1d4+3 P and ft., low-light vision; Perception +15
disease) or tactical shirren eye rifle +6 (2d10 DEFENSE
P) SP 63, HP 60
Technomantic Spells known (CL 8th) EAC 12; KAC 14; +1 to EAC vs. lasers
1st level (1/day)—jolting surge (DC 15) Fort +4; Ref +8; Will +6
0 (at will)—dancing lights, detect affliction Defensive Abilities evasion, Nimble Moves,
Offensive Abilities Deadly Aim, Debilitating Uncanny Agility, Operative Specialization
Trick, Technomantic Dabbler, trick attack +3d8 (Ghost)
Str +0; Dex +2; Con +1; Int +4; Wis +0; Cha +0 Speed 50 ft.
Skills Acrobatics +12, Bluff +11, Computers Melee scalpel +6 (1d3+9 S/bleed)
+15, Culture +8, Engineering +15, Intimidate Ranged needler pistol +8 (1d4+4 P and
+10, Life Science +15, Medicine +15, Mysticism disease), needler rifle +8 (1d6+9 P and
+11, Piloting +13, Profession (Doctor) +15, disease) or advanced shirren eye rifle +8
Sense Motive +9, Sleight of Hand +13, Stealth (2d10 P+9)
+13; the DC of skill checks to recall knowledge Offensive Abilities Deadly Aim, Debilitating
about biology is reduced by 5; +4 racial bonus Trick, Lunge, Technomantic Dabbler, trick
on Diplomacy checks to gather information attack +5d8, Triple Attack
Languages Abyssal, Common, Farwhisper, Vesk STATISTICS
Other Abilities Str +0; Dex +2; Con +1; Int +4; Wis +0; Cha +0
Gear estex butcher apron (+2 KAC), 12 darts Skills Acrobatics +16, Bluff +15, Computers
(disease, DC 17), needler pistol, scalpel, +19, Culture +9, Engineering +19, Intimidate
tactical shirren eye rifle +14, Life Science +19, Medicine +19, Mysticism
SPECIAL ABILITIES +15, Piloting +17, Profession (Doctor) +19,
Hypnotic: Paradoxes add +1 to the DC for all Sense Motive +12, Sleight of Hand +17, Stealth
saving throws against any mind-affecting spells +17; the DC of skill checks to recall knowledge
or effects they cast. about biology is reduced by 5; +4 racial bonus
Radiation Filters (Ex) Paradoxes have on Diplomacy checks to gather information; +4
organs that seem primarily designed to when using Stealth to make a trick attack
filter radiation. They recover from radiation Languages Abyssal, Common, Farwhisper, Vesk
poisoning at twice the normal rate. Other Abilities
Shimmering Skin (Ex) Paradoxes have Gear estex butcher apron (+2 KAC), 18 darts
reflective skin that grants them a +1 racial (ghoul fever), needler pistol, needler rifle,
bonus to EAC against focused beams of light scalpel, advanced shirren eye rifle
Tip of the Tongue (Ex) Once per day, Ahab can Hypnotic: Paradoxes add +1 to the DC for all

saving throws against any mind-affecting spells Defensive Abilities Armor Training
or effects they cast. OFFENSE
Radiation Filters (Ex) Paradoxes have organs Speed 30 ft.
that seem primarily designed to filter radiation. Melee claw +3 (1d3+2 B)
They recover from radiation poisoning at twice Ranged ifrit class flamethrower +4 (1d6 F /
the normal rate. burn 1d6)
Shimmering Skin (Ex) Paradoxes have reflective Offensive Abilities primary fighting style
skin that grants them a +1 racial bonus to EAC (guard)
against focused beams of light like lasers. STATISTICS
Tip of the Tongue (Ex) Once per day, Ahab can Str +2; Dex +3; Con +1; Int +0; Wis +0; Cha +0
reroll any skill check to recall knowledge. He Skills
must decide to use this ability after rolling but Athletics +7, Intimidate +5, Medicine +4,
before learning the information from his first Survival +4; (reduce the DCs of Culture and
roll. He must take the second result, even if it is Profession [mercenary] checks by 5 when
worse. recalling knowledge about military procedures
and personnel)
Disease Languages Common
Ghoul Fever Feats Improved Initiative
Type disease (injury); Save Fort DC 18 Other Abilities
Track Physical Frequency 1/day Gear heavy trash armor I
Cure 2 consecutive saves
Anyone dying from ghoul fever rises as a ghoul Aterkin ‘Crud’ Narbalat Vancrud
within 24 hours. LN Medium humanoid (vesk)
Male vesk mercenary soldier 2
Aterkin ‘Crud’ Narbalat Init +7; Senses low-light vision; Perception +1
Before coming to Exham, Aterkin, or ‘Crud,’ SP 18; HP 20
had spent as much time in prison as he had EAC 16; KAC 18
in the military and didn’t see much difference Fort +4; Ref +3; Will +3; +2 racial bonus to
between the two. He would be happy to get off saving throws against fear effects; +4 bonus
of Exham, but will not go back to incorporated to Fortitude saving throws to avoid taking
space. damage from hot or cold environments, to
withstand the harmful effects of thick and thin
His flamethrower has kept the ghouls from atmospheres, to avoid choking when breathing
overrunning Cell-town on more than one in heavy smoke, and to avoid fatigue caused
occasion and most of Cell-town see him as by sleep deprivation
a hero and don’t let his abrasive personality Defensive Abilities Armor Training, Bodyguard,
dissuade them. Toughness
None of the armor he’s been able to find on Speed 30 ft.
Exham fit Crud, so he Doc helped him stitch Melee claw +4 (1d3+2 B)
together his own armor out of wreckage and Ranged ifrit class flamethrower +5 (1d6 F /
scraps. His armor is as scarred and weathered burn 1d6)
as his scaly hide. Offensive Abilities primary fighting style
Aterkin ‘Crud’ Narbalat Vancrud STATISTICS
LN Medium humanoid (vesk) Str +2; Dex +3; Con +1; Int +0; Wis +0; Cha +0
Male vesk mercenary soldier 1 Skills
Init +7; Senses low-light vision; Perception +0 Athletics +8, Intimidate +6, Medicine +4,
DEFENSE Survival +8; (reduce the DCs of Culture and
SP 8; HP 13 Profession [mercenary] checks by 5 when
EAC 16; KAC 18 recalling knowledge about military procedures
Fort +3; Ref +3; Will +2; +2 racial bonus to and personnel)
saving throws against fear effects Languages Common

Feats Improved Initiative Fort +10; Ref +6; Will +9; +2 racial bonus to
Other Abilities saving throws against fear effects; +4 bonus
Gear heavy trash armor I to Fortitude saving throws to avoid taking
SPECIAL ABILITIES damage from hot or cold environments, to
Bodyguard (Ex) Crud can add +2 bonus to an withstand the harmful effects of thick and thin
adjacent AC as a reaction. atmospheres, to avoid choking when breathing
in heavy smoke, and to avoid fatigue caused
Aterkin ‘Crud’ Narbalat Vancrud by sleep deprivation
LN Medium humanoid (vesk) Defensive Abilities Armor Training,
Male vesk mercenary soldier 5 Bodyguard, Enhanced Resistance (Fire 8),
Init +8; Senses low-light vision; Perception +3 Greater Fortitude, Guard’s Protection, In
DEFENSE Harm’s Way, Toughness
EAC 23; KAC 26 Speed 30 ft.
Fort +6; Ref +5; Will +5; +2 racial bonus to Melee claw +11 (1d3+15 B)
saving throws against fear effects; +4 bonus Ranged salamander class flamethrower +14
to Fortitude saving throws to avoid taking (2d6+12 F/burn 1d6)
damage from hot or cold environments, to Offensive Abilities primary fighting style
withstand the harmful effects of thick and thin (guard), gear boost (brutal blast), Weapon
atmospheres, to avoid choking when breathing Focus (heavy weapons)
in heavy smoke, and to avoid fatigue caused STATISTICS
by sleep deprivation Str +3; Dex +4; Con +2; Int +0; Wis +1; Cha +0
Defensive Abilities Armor Training, Bodyguard, Skills
Guard’s Protection, In Harm’s Way, Toughness Athletics +15, Intimidate +12, Medicine +7,
OFFENSE Survival +12; reduce the DCs of Culture and
Speed 30 ft. Profession [mercenary] checks by 5 when
Melee claw +8 (1d3+10 B) recalling knowledge about military procedures
Ranged salamander class flamethrower +11 and personnel
(2d6+5 F/burn 1d6) Languages Common
Offensive Abilities primary fighting style Feats Improved Initiative, Iron Will
(guard), Weapon Focus (heavy weapons) Other Abilities Grunt (theme)
STATISTICS Gear heavy trash armor III
Str +3; Dex +4; Con +2; Int +0; Wis +1; Cha +0 SPECIAL ABILITIES
Skills Bodyguard (Ex) Crud can add +2 bonus to an
Athletics +12, Intimidate +9, Medicine +6, adjacent AC as a reaction.
Survival +8; (reduce the DCs of Culture and
Profession [mercenary] checks by 5 when
recalling knowledge about military procedures Ben’thala Vallis
and personnel) Ben Vallis flies a necroship named the Lady
Languages Common Vein. His crew includes old friends, former
Feats Improved Initiative pirates, and a gren with a death wish.
Other Abilities
Gear heavy trash armor I Ben Vallis was born the second son of one of
SPECIAL ABILITIES the family-run corporations that merged to
Bodyguard (Ex) Crud can add +2 bonus to an become Fivecorp. As a member of the five
adjacent AC as a reaction. families, his life was almost guaranteed to
be one of unimaginable luxury. It was only
Aterkin ‘Crud’ Narbalat Vancrud because of astonishingly poor judgment and
LN Medium humanoid (vesk) a fondness for violence that, by the time
Male vesk mercenary soldier 8 he was twenty, Ben had been forced to flee
Init +7; Senses low-light vision; Perception +5 incorporated space and seek refuge among
DEFENSE the colonies. Ben served Fivecorp in the
SP 80; HP 62 colonies as a fixer, eliminating colonists who
EAC 27; KAC 30 led the battle for debt forgiveness. Over time,

Ben assassinated his way back into his father’s action to be absorbed into the Lady Vein and
heart. emerge next to his private chambers above his
When Fivecorp was racing the other Blood Drain (Su) Vallis can suck blood from
corporations to make partnerships with a grappled opponent. If he establishes or
the Eternal Empire, Ben Vallis was already maintains a pin, he can drain blood. Each
halfway there. He received the honor of being round, the victim progresses one step along
Fivecorp’s ambassador to the Empire, in part, the Constitution track. Each round he drains
because he could get there first. He returned blood, Vallis heals 5 hit points or gains 5
as a nihirillim, an undying servant of the temporary hit points for 1 hour (up to a
Supreme Sovereign of Seven Thousand Suns. maximum number of temporary hit points
equal to 64)
Ben Vallis CR 8
Male human vampire variant operative 6
LE Medium undead (augmented humanoid) Bisel
Init +11; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; When one of the prisoners became pregnant
Perception +21 on Exham, the ysoki prisoner called Doc was
DEFENSE as attentive as any non-incarcerated doctor
HP 64 would have been. He was resourceful at
RP 8 getting the mother what she needed and
EAC 34; KAC 33; provided the best pre-natal care anyone
Fort +6; Ref +13; Will +6 could. Despite this, the child came early and
Defensive Abilities channel resistance +4; was born in the mines, two things Doc was
DR 10/magic and silver; Immune undead hoping to avoid. When the prison doctor,
immunities; Resist cold 10, electricity 10 Ahab, neglected the mother’s post-natal care,
Weaknesses Vampire weaknesses she died and Bisel was raised by those in
OFFENSE the community. Doc and Ivyn were her most
Speed 40 ft. enthusiastic parents and the garden was her
Melee slam +12 (1d4+5 + energy drain) nursery.
Ranged hail storm zero pistol +11 (2d6+3 C /
staggered) The first resupply run to Exham came when
Offensive Abilities bleeding shot +6, chittering Bisel was 4. She was too young to likely survive
friend (1/day) dominate person (DC 17), spider a year-long trip in cold sleep and none of the
climb, trick attack +3d8 crew was willing to give up a year of their lives
STATISTICS to care for her. Bisel remained on Exham as it
Str +5; Dex +6 Con —; Int +2; Wis +1; Cha +4 began another lap around JE-5. The next time
Skills Acrobatics +17, Athletics +16, Bluff +23, Exham received a resupply run, Bisel would be
Culture +13, Disguise +15, Intimidate +15, 9. She could leave Exham then.
Piloting +17, Sense Motive +20, Stealth +25;
+4 to Sense Motive for trick attacks Space is lonely and Exham was particularly so
Languages Common, Farwhisper, Abyssal for a child. When Bisel sought an imaginary
Other Abilities operative exploits (glimpse friend, she found one. When she talked to the
the truth, jack of all trades, quick disguise), dark, it answered. A voice whispered back. He
shadowless played riddles with her and told her secrets.
Gear d-suit III He said his name was Providence and he told
SPECIAL ABILITIES Bisel that he loved her. She loved Providence
Chittering Fiend (Su) Once per day, Vallis can back. Her love was directed into the void and
summon an orocoran. the void answered.
Energy Drain (Su) A creature hit by a vampire’s
slam (or other natural weapon) gains two When Bisel began to tell the people around
negative levels. This ability only triggers once her about Providence, most laughed and
per round, regardless of the number of attacks thought it a child’s game. Over the next
a vampire makes. couple years, however, people began to see
Shipstep (Su) Vallis can take one standard

that things Providence told Bisel were going and know not to bite the hand that feeds
to happen, happened. People who doubted them. The few people living in the Cell-town
Providence—and, by default, Bisel—got hurt. know not to challenge her rule. Ivyn is only
Doubting Providence was dangerous; loving concerned with ensuring that the biodomes
Providence was safe and good. It was a child’s continue to flourish. Doc has given up on
logic but it had the weight of fear behind it. her but still thinks of her as a daughter. The
Soon a good number of the prisoners were cultists, J.T. Hertz, and Ahab are loyal to her,
following Bisel. each for their own reasons.

Bisel was 8 when J.T. Hertz and Ahab led her Bisel’s devotion to Providence and her evil acts
cultists in their takeover of the prison. People on his behalf have begun to corrupt her. The
died, but Bisel wasn’t sorry. Providence told corruption becomes more advanced as she
her it was a good thing. Providence told her increases in mystic level.
he needed Exham. He needed the big drills
and the big ships. No one was using them Bisel
anyhow. Female human mystic 1
CE Medium humanoid (human)
Bisel is 43 now and has spent almost her Init +1; Perception +7
entire life trying to get to Providence. She has DEFENSE
grown in power and is loved and feared. The SP 6; HP 10
cultists who still live are fervently devoted to EAC 14; KAC 15
the mission. They don’t know who or what Fort +0; Ref +3; Will +5
Providence is, but they believe he will reward OFFENSE
them. Bisel leads them and, for many of them, Speed 30 ft.
saved them from death in the mines. Melee dagger +0 (1d4 S)
Ranged witch’s wand I +1(1d4 E)
Bisel will be intensely curious about any Mystic Spells known (CL 1st)
visitors to Exham. She has a mission and 1st level (3/day)—disguise self, shooting star
will let nothing stand in its way, but is bored (magic missile), mindthrust (DC 15)
and would rather play some games with the 0 (at will)—fatigue (DC 14), ghost sounds (DC
newcomers before killing them and adding 14), grave words, telekinetic projectile
their ship to the other two tugging the STATISTICS
asteroid. Str +0; Dex +1; Con +0; Int +1; Wis +3; Cha +2
Skills Bluff +6, Disguise +6, Intimidate +9,
She prefers to meet them after having cast Mysticism +8, Piloting +5, Sense Motive +7,
disguise self to make herself appear to be a Survival +7
9-year-old version of herself. She will make Languages Abyssal, Common
herself known to PCs if she can do so and flee. Gear dagger, graphite carbon skin, witch’s
She wants to draw them out and see how they wand I (unique item)
react. If she doesn’t trust them, she knows SPECIAL ABILITIES
where to find trouble on the asteroid and will Witch’s Wand I J. T. Hertz created a ‘wand’ for
attempt to lead them there. Bisel that fires a bolt of crackling red energy
bolts (charges 20; usage 1). The wand is hidden
If she is at 5th or 8th level, she will prepare in a mechanical holster on Bisel’s arm, which
herself before meeting them by casting also houses the rest of the weapon.
darkvision on herself and keen senses if the
situation requires. The effects of both are Bisel
noted in her senses below. Female human mystic 2
CE Medium humanoid (human)
Most living on Exham fear Bisel, but only the Init +1; Perception +9
cultists on the ships would betray the PCs to DEFENSE
her unless the PCs actions necessitated it. SP 12; HP 16
The ghouls fear her, especially at level 5 and EAC 14; KAC 15
above; they appreciate their frequent meals Fort +0; Ref +3; Will +6

Defensive Abilities Melee 2 claws +4 (1d6+6 S)
OFFENSE Ranged witch’s wand II +5 (2d4+2 E/Arc 1d6)
Speed 30 ft. Mystic Spells known (CL 5th, +5 ranged)
Melee dagger +1 (1d4 S) 2nd level (3/day)—command undead (DC 16),
Ranged witch’s wand I +2(1d4 E) darkvision, fear (DC 16), hold person (DC 16),
Mystic Spells known (CL 2nd, +2 ranged) inflict pain (DC 16)
1st level (3/day)—charm person (DC 15), 1st level (5/day)—charm person (DC 15),
disguise self, shooting star (magic missile), disguise self, keen senses, shooting star (magic
mindthrust (DC 15) missile), mindthrust (DC 15)
0 (at will)—fatigue (DC 14), ghost sounds 0 (at will)—fatigue (DC 14), ghost sounds
(DC 14), grave words, telekinetic projectile, (DC 14), grave words, stabilize, telekinetic
telepathic message projectile, telepathic message
Spell-Like Abilities Spell-Like Abilities
At will—mindlink At will—mindlink
Str +0; Dex +1; Con +0; Int +1; Wis +3; Cha +2 Str +1; Dex +2; Con +0; Int +1; Wis +3; Cha +3
Skills Bluff +7, Disguise +7, Intimidate +10, Skills Bluff +12, Disguise +10, Intimidate +15,
Mysticism +9, Piloting +7, Sense Motive +8, Mysticism +13, Piloting +13, Sense Motive
Survival +8 +12, Survival +12
Languages Abyssal, Common Languages Abyssal, Common
Other Abilities walk the void Feats Mystic Strike
Gear dagger, graphite carbon skin, witch’s Other Abilities starlight form, walk the void
wand I (unique item) Gear dagger, graphite carbon skin, witch’s
SPECIAL ABILITIES wand II (unique item)
Corruption (Su) Bisel’s appearance has begun to SPECIAL ABILITIES
reflect the amount of time she spends opening Corruption (Su) Bisel’s appearance has begun to
her mind to the abyss. She is frightening to look reflect the amount of time she spends opening
upon giving her a bonus to Intimidate checks her mind to the abyss. She is frightening to look
and Diplomacy checks when interacting with upon giving her a bonus to Intimidate checks
her cultists. The bonus to Initimidation has and Diplomacy checks when interacting with
been applied. her cultists. The bonus to Initimidation has been
Witch’s Wand I J. T. Hertz created a ‘wand’ for applied. She has also grown long claws and
Bisel that fires a bolt of crackling red energy gained a claw attack. These claws make holding
bolts (charges 20; usage 1). The wand is hidden normal weapons difficult for her (-2 penalty
in a mechanical holster on Bisel’s arm, which to attack rolls with most range weapons). She
also houses the rest of the weapon. takes a penalty on Disguise checks when she
Walk the Void (Su) Bisel is immune to the has to hide her claws. This has been applied.
harmful environmental effects of outer space Witch’s Wand II J. T. Hertz created a ‘wand’ for
and vacuum. She can fly at a speed of 20 feet Bisel that fires a bolt of crackling red energy
while in space. In addition, whenever she can bolts (charges 20; usage 2). The wand is hidden
see the stars, she can determine her precise in a mechanical holster on Bisel’s arm, which
location. also houses the rest of the weapon.
Walk the Void (Su) Bisel is immune to the
Bisel harmful environmental effects of outer space
Female human mystic 5 and vacuum. She can fly at a speed of 20 feet
CE Medium humanoid (human) while in space. In addition, whenever she can
Init +5; Senses low-light vision; darkvision 60 see the stars, she can determine her precise
ft.; Perception +16 (with keen senses) location.
DEFENSE Starlight Form (Su) Bisel can transform herself
SP 30; HP 34 into blazing starlight as a standard action. Her
EAC 14; KAC 15 body sheds normal light in a 30-foot radius, and
Fort +1; Ref +4; Will +7 she gains the benefits of concealment (20%
OFFENSE miss chance).
Speed 30 ft.

Bisel bolts (charges 20; usage 2). The wand is hidden
Female human mystic 8 in a mechanical holster on Bisel’s arm, which
CE Medium humanoid (human) also houses the rest of the weapon.
Init +5; ; Senses low-light vision; darkvision 60 Walk the Void (Su) Bisel is immune to the
ft.; Perception +20 (with keen senses) harmful environmental effects of outer space
DEFENSE and vacuum. She can fly at a speed of 20 feet
SP 48; HP 52 while in space. In addition, whenever she can
EAC 14; KAC 15 see the stars, she can determine her precise
Fort +2; Ref +6; Will +9 location.
OFFENSE Starlight Form (Su) Bisel can transform herself
Speed 30 ft. into blazing starlight as a standard action. Her
Melee 2 claws +7 (1d6+9 S) body sheds normal light in a 30-foot radius, and
Ranged witch’s wand III+8 (3d4+4 E/Arc 2d6) she gains the benefits of concealment (20%
Mystic Spells known (CL 8th, +8 ranged) miss chance). A creature that ends its turn
3rd level (3/day)—bestow curse (DC 17), adjacent to her starlight form must succeed at a
irradiate, mind thrust (DC 17) Fortitude save or be blinded for 1 round. She can
2nd level (5/day)—command undead (DC 16), maintain her starlight form for 8 minutes a day;
fear (DC 16), hold person (DC 16), inflict pain this duration does not need to be continuous,
(DC 16), spider climb but it must be used in 1-minute increments.
1st level (5/day)—charm person (DC 15), She can forgo the ability’s concealment and
disguise self, keen senses, shooting star (magic blinding aspects to instead simply shed light,
missile), command (DC 15), mystic cure though this still counts against the ability’s
0 (at will)—fatigue (DC 14), ghost sounds (DC duration for the day.
14), grave words, telekinetic projectile Stargazer (Su) Bisel can study the stars to
Spell-Like Abilities gain a bit of good luck. Twice per day, if she is
At will—mindlink outdoors and can see the stars, she can reroll a
STATISTICS failed ability check, attack roll, saving throw, or
Str +1; Dex +2; Con +0; Int +1; Wis +3; Cha +3 skill check.
Skills Bluff +15, Disguise +13, Intimidate +18,
Mysticism +16, Piloting +17, Sense Motive Darvi Gant
+15, Survival +15 Darvi fought for the Free Colonies in several
Languages Abyssal, Common disputes. Afterwards, he took work in the
Feats Improved Lightning Reflexes, Mystic prison system. His skills as a soldier might have
Strike plateaued were it not for the challenge of
Other Abilities stargazer, starlight form, walk protecting Cell-town from the ghouls.
the void
Gear fine dagger, graphite carbon skin, witch’s Darvi is a handsome but taciturn man with
wand III (unique item) greying hair and a slight limp. Doc designed an
SPECIAL ABILITIES exoskeleton support for his leg out of springs,
Corruption (Su) Bisel’s appearance has begun to straps, and a few jointed mechanisms; without
reflect the amount of time she spends opening this exoskeleton, his base speed is reduced by
her mind to the abyss. She is frightening to look 10 ft., despite his blitz style of fighting.
upon giving her a bonus to Intimidate checks
and Diplomacy checks when interacting with He prefers to wound his targets with his
her cultists. The bonus to Initimidation has been laser and, then, quickly close the ground and
applied. She has also grown long claws and cut them down before they can recover. His
gained a claw attack. These claws make holding brother, Ferin Gant, recently became infected
normal weapons difficult for her (-2 penalty with ghoul fever and died during his shift in
to attack rolls with most range weapons). She the tower, rising as a ghoul.
takes a penalty on Disguise checks when she
has to hide her claws. This has been applied. Darvi Gant
Witch’s Wand III J. T. Hertz created a ‘wand’ LN Medium humanoid (human)
for Bisel that fires a bolt of crackling red energy Male human mercenary soldier 1

Init +10; Perception +0 Male human mercenary soldier 5
DEFENSE Init +10; Perception +5
EAC 14; KAC 15 SP 40; HP 39
Fort +3; Ref +2; Will +2 EAC 19; KAC 21
Defensive Abilities Mobility Fort +5; Ref +6; Will +5
OFFENSE Defensive Abilities Jet Dash, Lightning
Speed 40 ft. Reflexes, Mobility
Melee tactical dueling sword +4 (1d6+3 S) OFFENSE
Ranged azimuth laser rifle +3 (1d8 F/burn 1d6) Speed 40 ft.
Offensive Abilities primary fighting style (blitz) Melee tactical dueling sword +9 (1d6+11 S) )
STATISTICS Ranged corona laser rifle +8 (2d6+5 F/burn
Str +3; Dex +2; Con +1; Int +0; Wis +0; Cha +0 1d6)
Skills Acrobatics +6, Athletics +8, Intimidate Offensive Abilities Charge Attack, Gear Boost
+4, Stealth +6, Survival +4; (reduce the DCs (Melee Striker), Opening Volley, primary
of Culture and Profession [mercenary] checks fighting style (blitz)
by 5 when recalling knowledge about military STATISTICS
procedures and personnel) Str +4; Dex +3; Con +1; Int +0; Wis +1; Cha +1
Languages Common Skills Acrobatics +11, Athletics +13, Intimidate
Feats Improved Initiative +9, Stealth +10, Survival +6; (reduce the DCs
Other Abilities of Culture and Profession [mercenary] checks
Gear azimuth laser rifle, tactical dueling by 5 when recalling knowledge about military
sword, freebooter armor I procedures and personnel)
Languages Common
Darvi Gant Feats Improved Initiative
NE Medium humanoid (human) Other Abilities
Male human mercenary soldier 2 Gear corona laser rifle, tactical dueling sword,
Init +10; Perception +1 freebooter armor II
SP 16; HP 18 Darvi Gant
EAC 14; KAC 15 LN Medium humanoid (human)
Fort +4; Ref +2; Will +3 Male human mercenary soldier 8
Defensive Abilities Mobility Init +10; Perception +7
Speed 40 ft. SP 64; HP 60
Melee tactical dueling sword +5 (1d6+3 S) EAC 25; KAC 26
Ranged azimuth laser rifle +4 (1d8 F/burn 1d6) Fort +7; Ref +7; Will +7
Offensive Abilities Opening Volley, primary Defensive Abilities Jet Dash, Lightning
fighting style (blitz) Reflexes, Mobility, Slippery Shooter
Str +3; Dex +2; Con +1; Int +0; Wis +0; Cha +0 Speed 40 ft.; Reach 10 ft. (on lunge)
Skills Acrobatics +7, Athletics +9, Intimidate Melee buzzblade dueling sword +12 (2d6+14
+5, Stealth +7, Survival +4; (reduce the DCs S)
of Culture and Profession [mercenary] checks Ranged aphelion laser rifle +12 (3d6+8 F/burn
by 5 when recalling knowledge about military 1d6)
procedures and personnel) Offensive Abilities Charge Attack, Gear Boost
Languages Common (Melee Striker), Laser Accuracy, Opening
Feats Improved Initiative Volley, primary fighting style (blitz), Shot on
Other Abilities the Run
Gear azimuth laser rifle, tactical dueling STATISTICS
sword, freebooter armor I Str +4; Dex +3; Con +1; Int +0; Wis +1; Cha +1
Skills Acrobatics +14, Athletics +16, Intimidate
Darvi Gant +12, Stealth +13, Survival +7; (reduce the DCs
LN Medium humanoid (human) of Culture and Profession [mercenary] checks

by 5 when recalling knowledge about military Doc
procedures and personnel) CN small humanoid (ysoki)
Languages Common Male ysoki outlaw envoy 1
Feats Improved Initiative, Lunge Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +7
Other Abilities DEFENSE
Gear aphelion laser rifle, buzzblade dueling SP 6; HP 8
sword, freebooter armor III EAC 14; KAC 15
Fort +0; Ref +4; Will +2
Doc is usually around the Cell-town and would Speed 30 ft.
follow the PCs for a while before revealing Melee spear -1 (1d6-1 P)
himself to them. Doc will claim to have been Ranged slingshot +2 (1d3 P)

the former doctor at Exham and will make Offensive Abilities clever feint
up some rather riveting stories about prison STATISTICS
medicine, such as operating on a prisoner Str -1; Dex +2; Con +0; Int +2; Wis +0; Cha +3
while a riot raged outside, and about his Skills Bluff +7, Diplomacy +7, Disguise +7,
heroic efforts to save as many people as he Engineering +8, Intimidate +7, Medicine +9,
could after the takeover by the cultists. Profession (doctor) +6, Sense Motive +4,
Sleight of Hand +6, Stealth +8, Survival +3
In fact, he was a prisoner in Exham, sent Languages Common, Other, Other
there after a patient died on his table due to Feats skill focus (medicine)
extreme negligence on Doc’s part. Despite Other Abilities cheek pouches, expertise
being a successful doctor, Doc’s intellectual Gear makeshift armor, spear, slingshot
curiosity led him to experiment with various SPECIAL ABILITIES
non-pharmaceutical pain relievers, including Cheek Pouches Doc can keep up to 1 cubic
some that were highly addictive. He became foot of items, weighing up to 1 bulk, in his
a doctor to the underworld in order to secure cheek pouches. He can transfer a single item
these substances. Coming to work high during between his hand and a cheek pouch as a
his day job in a corporate hospital is what got swift action.
him in trouble. Doc is clean now, as much due Expertise (Ex) If Doc has at least 1 Resolve
to lack of options as willpower. point remaining when he attempts a Medicine
or Sense Motive check, he can roll 1d6 and
He is truly a skilled doctor and the prisoners add it to the result as an insight bonus.
far preferred him to the prison’s real doctor,
Ahab, a human-paradox who joined the Doc
cultists. He saved the lives of many prisoners CN small humanoid (ysoki)
the day of the revolt and was truly a hero. Male ysoki outlaw envoy 4
Now he hides in Cell-town from the ghouls Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception
that some of those very same prisoners have +10
become. DEFENSE
SP 24; HP 26
Doc has two competing motivations: to leave EAC 16; KAC 18
Exham and kill Ahab. He also has a strong Fort +1; Ref +7; Will +4
ethical code at the center of which are his Defensive Abilities nimble moves
internal organs and them internal. He is OFFENSE
morally opposed to things that could hurt him Speed 30 ft.
and philosophically committed to not letting Melee tactical dueling sword +2 (1d6+3 S)
that happen. He will attempt to convince PCs Ranged frostbite class zero pistol +4 (1d6+2 C)
he meets to leave Exham, taking him with Offensive Abilities clever feint, clever attack
them, and will lie about as necessary to get STATISTICS
them to leave. If the PCs say or do anything Str -1 (-1); Dex +2; Con +0 (+0); Int +2; Wis +0
that makes Doc think they’d kill Ahab, he (+0); Cha +3
would consider joining them. Nothing will Skills Bluff +10, Diplomacy +7, Disguise +10,
convince him to go back into the mines. Engineering +8, Intimidate +10, Medicine +12,

Profession (doctor) +6, Sense Motive +10, point remaining when he attempts a Bluff,
Sleight of Hand +9, Stealth +11, Survival +6 Medicine, or Sense Motive check, he can
Languages Common, Other, Other roll 1d6 and add it to the result as an insight
Feats skill focus (medicine) bonus.
Other Abilities expertise, inspired medic
Gear makeshift armor, tactical dueling sword,
frostbite class zero pistol Farley Janz
SPECIAL ABILITIES Some call Farley a daredevil, but those who
Cheek Pouches Doc can keep up to 1 cubic know her think she has a deathwish. Her
foot of items, weighing up to 1 bulk, in his broodmates died robbing a space station. It
cheek pouches. He can transfer a single item was their own damn fault. She doesn’t even
between his hand and a cheek pouch as a have a need for revenge to keep her going.
swift action. Farley is already quite old. She’s been a pilot
Expertise (Ex) If Doc has at least 1 Resolve for 50 years now. Since serving on the Lady
point remaining when he attempts a Medicine Vein, her aging has slowed. She appears much
or Sense Motive check, he can roll 1d6 and younger than her 70 years.
add it to the result as an insight bonus.
Farley Janz
Doc Female gren ace pilot operative 1
CN small humanoid (ysoki) N Medium humanoid (gren)
Male ysoki outlaw envoy 7 Init +4; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light
Init +7; Senses darkvision 60 ft., Perception vision;
+14 Perception +7
SP 49; HP 44 SP 5; HP 10
EAC 20; KAC 20 EAC 15; KAC 16;
Fort +3; Ref +8; Will +6 Fort -1; Ref +8; Will +6
Defensive Abilities nimble moves OFFENSE
OFFENSE Speed 30 ft.; Swim 30 ft.
Speed 30 ft. Melee tactical spear +0 (1d6 P)
Melee tactical knife +5 (1d6+7 S) Ranged pulsecaster pistol +3 (1d4 E)
Ranged frostbite class zero pistol +8 (1d6+3 C) Offensive Abilities trick attack+1d4
Offensive Abilities clever feint, clever attack, STATISTICS
duck under, shot on the run Str +0; Dex +3; Con -1; Int +1; Wis +3; Cha +0
STATISTICS Skills Acrobatics +8, Athletics +5, Computers
Str +0; Dex +3; Con +1; Int +2; Wis +1; Cha +3 +6, Engineering +6, Piloting +9, Sense Motive
Skills Bluff +13, Diplomacy +10, Disguise +13, +8, Sleight of Hand +8, Stealth +8; +8 racial
Engineering +10, Intimidate +13, Medicine bonus when using Athletics to swim.
+15, Profession (doctor) +7, Sense Motive +14, Languages Common, Farwhisper
Sleight of Hand +13, Stealth +15, Survival +9 Other Abilities lightning reflexes
Languages Common, Other, Other Gear freebooter armor I, pulsecaster pistol,
Feats skill focus (medicine) club, data crystal (non-functioning)
Other Abilities convincing liar, expertise SPECIAL ABILITIES
(1d6+1), inspired medic, legal corruption Jumper: Farley is always considered to have a
(theme) running start when making Athletics checks to
Gear ysoki refractor suit, tactical knife, jump.
frostbite class zero pistol Shiplink: Farley has a connection with the
SPECIAL ABILITIES Scoundrel. She has formed a shiplink that
Cheek Pouches Doc can keep up to 1 cubic allows her to use +2 racial bonus to Piloting
foot of items, weighing up to 1 bulk, in his checks made to navigate.
cheek pouches. He can transfer a single item
between his hand and a cheek pouch as a Farley Janz
swift action. Female gren ace pilot operative 6
Expertise (Ex) If Doc has at least 1 Resolve NE Medium humanoid (gren)

Init +9; Senses blindsense 60 ft.; darkvision 60 Once there, he was assigned to the biodomes.
ft., low-light vision;
Perception +7 Exham was fortunate to get Ivyn as a
DEFENSE prisoner. Had his conscience, anger, and self-
SP 36; HP 40 righteousness not conspired to bring him
EAC 19; KAC 21; down, Ivyn could have terraformed worlds.
Fort +4; Ref +11; Will +8 His knowledge of science and the magical
Defensive Abilities dive for cover, evasion, connection he has with the green makes him
operative exploit (uncanny mobility) invaluable to humanoid species. Instead,
OFFENSE he maintains the biodomes at Exham as he
Speed 40 ft.; Climb 30 ft.; Swim 30 ft. has done for 45 years now. He is 65 and will
Melee sentinel spear +6 (2d6+7 P) probably soon become hermaphroditic and
Ranged thunderstrike sonic pistol +8 (1d8+3 pollinate himself. At least, he hopes that this
So) will happen before he dies as he does not
Offensive Abilities debilitating trick, mobility, want the people of Exham, as horrible as
trick attack+3d8 things have become, to go hungry and knows
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1st) that another kalit would be best suited to
At will—spider climb follow in his footsteps. He has recorded ten
STATISTICS thousand hours of multimedia instructional
Str +1; Dex +3; Con +0; Int +1; Wis +3; Cha +1 material for his future offspring and/or
Skills Acrobatics +14, Athletics +12, protege on how to maintain the biodomes.
Computers +11, Engineering +5, Perception
+9, Piloting +13, Sense Motive +13, Sleight of When the revolt came, Ivyn defended the
Hand +13, Stealth +15; +8 racial bonus when biodomes from both sides. He defends them
using Athletics to swim. still and ensures that everyone, regardless of
Languages Common, Farwhisper their crimes, has enough to eat.
Other Abilities lightning reflexes, lone wolf
Gear freebooter armor II, pulsecaster pistol, Ivyn cares for the d-grades and but seldom
club, data crystal (non-functioning) bothers to communicate with them as
SPECIAL ABILITIES knowing they will soon die makes him sad. The
Jumper: Farley is always considered to have a d-grades follow him around though making it
running start when making Athletics checks to difficult for him to disappear into the green.
Shiplink: Farley has a connection with the Like a xenodruid mystic, Ivyn channels the
Scoundrel. She has formed a shiplink that energy in the ecosystem around him, but he
allows her to use +2 racial bonus to Piloting connects specifically with plant life. Instead of
checks made to navigate. the xenodruid’s ability to Speak with Animals
Vampiric Corruption Farley moves with at 1st level, Ivyn gains the ability to Speak with
vampiric grace gaining bonuses to Stealth and Plants, as the druid spell speak with plants.
spider climb at will, which have already been At 3rd level, Ivyn gets the Grasping Vines
noted above. She can only enter a private connection power. At 6th level, he gains the
dwelling if invited in by someone with the ability to spend 1 Resolve Point, as a standard
authority to do so unless she succeeds on a DC action, to command plants as the druid spell
30 Will save. of the same name.

Ivyn Greenthumb The additional spells that Ivyn’s connection to

Ivyn was part of a controversial movement the ecosystem grants him are as follows: 1st—
that argues for the citizenship rights of goodberry, 2nd—barkskin, 3rd—plant growth,
sentient plants in all levels of government in 4th—antiplant shell, 5th—wall of thorns,
both incorporated and colonized space. He 6th—terraform.
was arrested for participating in an attack on a
terraforming advance team that he claims was If Ivyn becomes aware of intruders in the
spraying herbicide on his newest friends. He greenhouse, he will fade into the bushes and
was sentenced to 10 years of labor on Exham. use detect thoughts to find out their intention.

If he knows them, he will cast barkskin and enter the area; such a creature must succeed
darkvision on himself before engaging (spell at a DC 17 Reflex save or gain the entangled
effects included in his stats). condition. Creatures that successfully save can
move as normal, but those that remain in the
Ivyn Greenthumb area must attempt a new save at the end of
Male kalit scholar mystic 3 your turn each round. Creatures moving into
NG Medium plant (kalit) the area must attempt a save immediately;
Init +5; Senses low-light vision; Perception +9 failure ends their movement and they become
DEFENSE entangled. An entangled creature can break
SP 18; HP 24 free as a move action with a successful
EAC 13; KAC 13 Acrobatics check or DC 15 Strength check. The
Fort +1; Ref +2; Will +6; +2 on saving throws vines last for 3 rounds, and the entire area is
vs. paralysis, poison, polymorph, sleep effects, difficult terrain while the effect lasts.
and stunning. Hydrated Vitality (Ex) Kalit gain fast healing
Defensive Abilities Hydrated Vitality 2 for 1 round anytime they submerge
OFFENSE completely within a body of fresh water.
Speed 30 ft.; Climb 20 ft. Stagnant, poisoned, or trapped water (such
Melee vinewhip +3 (1d3+5 S; analog, disarm, as water within an artificial pit or a bag of
reach, trip) holding) does not activate this ability. Kalit can
Ranged spear +4 (1d6+4 P) heal up to 2 hit points per level per day with
Mystic Spells known (CL 3rd) this ability, after which it ceases to function.
1st level (4/day)—detect thoughts (DC 15), Sentient Plant (Ex) Kalit are sentient and do
disguise self, goodberry, life bubble, mystic not receive all some plant-based immunities.
cure They are not immune to mind-affecting
0 (at will)—daze (DC 14), detect affliction, effects (charms, compulsions, morale effects,
fatigue (DC 14), ghost sound, stabilize, patterns, and phantasms). They do gain +2 on
telepathic message saving throws vs. paralysis, poison, polymorph,
Offensive Abilities Special Weapon Proficiency sleep effects, and stunning.
(whip), Weapon Focus (whip) Speak with Plants (Su) Ivyn has the ability to
STATISTICS communicate with creatures of the plant type.
Str +1; Dex +1; Con +0; Int +2; Wis +3; Cha +0 peak with plants, as the druid spell speak with
Skills Athletics +4, Life Science +10, Medicine plants.
+8, Mysticism +9, Sense Motive +9, Stealth
+4, Survival +9; the DC of skill checks to recall Ivyn Greenthumb
knowledge about botany is reduced by 5; Male kalit scholar mystic 6
kalit receive a +2 racial bonus to skill checks NG Medium plant (kalit)
regarding plants; +4 on Stealth checks when Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light
in leafy surroundings; +8 racial bonus on vision; Perception +13
Athletics checks to climb DEFENSE
Feats Improved Initiative SP 42; HP 42
Languages Common, Farwhisper, Sylvan, EAC 15; KAC 15
Terran Fort +3; Ref +4; Will +9; +2 on saving throws
Gear spear, vinewhip vs. paralysis, poison, polymorph, sleep effects,
Climb (Ex) Kalit can use their clinging vines to Defensive Abilities Hydrated Vitality
assist them when climbing. They have a climb OFFENSE
speed of 20 feet, and gain the +8 racial bonus Speed 30 ft.; Climb 20 ft.
on Athletic checks to climb. Melee vinewhip +7 (1d3+8 S; analog, disarm,
Grasping Vines (Su) Ivyn can spend 1 Resolve reach, trip)
Point as a standard action to cause an area Ranged spear +6 (1d6+8 P)
within 100 feet to sprout writhing vines in Mystic Spells known (CL 6th)
a 20-foot-radius spread. The vines have a 2nd level (4/day, 2 cast)— barkskin, command
reach of 5 feet and attempt to wrap around undead (DC 16), darkvision, lesser restoration
creatures in the area of effect or those that 1st level (5/day)—detect thoughts (DC 15),

disguise self, goodberry, life bubble, mystic holding) does not activate this ability. Kalit can
cure heal up to 2 hit points per level per day with
0 (at will)—daze (DC 14), detect affliction, this ability, after which it ceases to function.
fatigue (DC 14), ghost sound, stabilize, Sentient Plant (Ex) Kalit are sentient and do
telepathic message not receive all some plant-based immunities.
Offensive Abilities Special Weapon Proficiency They are not immune to mind-affecting
(whip), Weapon Focus (whip) effects (charms, compulsions, morale effects,
STATISTICS patterns, and phantasms). They do gain +2 on
Str +2; Dex +2; Con +1; Int +2; Wis +4; Cha +0 saving throws vs. paralysis, poison, polymorph,
Skills Athletics +8, Life Science +14, Medicine sleep effects, and stunning.
+11, Mysticism +13, Sense Motive +13, Stealth Speak with Plants (Su) Ivyn has the ability to
+8, Survival +15; the DC of skill checks to recall communicate with creatures of the plant type.
knowledge about botany is reduced by 5; peak with plants, as the druid spell speak with
kalit receive a +2 racial bonus to skill checks plants.
regarding plants; +4 on Stealth checks when in Tip of the Tongue (Ex) Once per day, Ivyn can
leafy surroundings; +8 on Athletics checks to reroll any skill check to recall knowledge. He
climb must decide to use this ability after rolling but
Feats Improved Initiative before learning the information from his first
Languages Common, Farwhisper, Sylvan, roll. He must take the second result, even if it
Terran is worse.
Gear spear, vinewhip
Climb (Ex) Kalit can use their clinging vines to Male kalit scholar mystic 9
assist them when climbing. They have a climb NG Medium plant (kalit)
speed of 20 feet, and gain the +8 racial bonus Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light
on Athletic checks to climb. vision; Perception +16
Command Plants (Su) Ivyn can spend 1 DEFENSE
Resolve Point, as a standard action, to SP 73; HP 60
command plants as the druid spell of the same EAC 16; KAC 16
name (DC 23). Fort +4; Ref +5; Will +10; +2 on saving throws
Grasping Vines (Su) Ivyn can spend 1 Resolve vs. paralysis, poison, polymorph, sleep effects,
Point as a standard action to cause an area and stunning; +4 bonus to Constitution checks
within 100 feet to sprout writhing vines in to continue running, to avoid damage from
a 20-foot-radius spread. The vines have a a forced march, to hold your breath, and to
reach of 5 feet and attempt to wrap around avoid damage from starvation or thirst; +4
creatures in the area of effect or those that bonus to Fortitude saving throws to avoid
enter the area; such a creature must succeed taking damage from hot or cold environments,
at a DC 23 Reflex save or gain the entangled to withstand the harmful effects of thick and
condition. Creatures that successfully save can thin atmospheres, to avoid choking when
move as normal, but those that remain in the breathing in heavy smoke, and to avoid fatigue
area must attempt a new save at the end of caused by sleep deprivation.
your turn each round. Creatures moving into Defensive Abilities Hydrated Vitality,
the area must attempt a save immediately; Toughness
failure ends their movement and they become OFFENSE
entangled. An entangled creature can break Speed 30 ft.; Climb 20 ft.
free as a move action with a successful Melee fine vinewhip +9 (2d4+11 S; analog,
Acrobatics check or DC 15 Strength check. The disarm, reach, trip)
vines last for 6 rounds, and the entire area is Ranged spear +3 (1d6+4 P)
difficult terrain while the effect lasts. Mystic Spells known (CL 9th)
Hydrated Vitality (Ex) Kalit gain fast healing 3rd level (4/day)—deep slumber (DC 17),
2 for 1 round anytime they submerge fear (DC 17), plant growth, psychokinetic
completely within a body of fresh water. strangulation (DC 17), slow (DC 17)
Stagnant, poisoned, or trapped water (such 2nd level (5/day, 2 cast)— barkskin, command
as water within an artificial pit or a bag of undead (DC 16), darkvision, lesser restoration,

remove condition Stagnant, poisoned, or trapped water (such
1st level (6/day)—charm person (DC 15), as water within an artificial pit or a bag of
detect thoughts (DC 15), disguise self, holding) does not activate this ability. Kalit can
goodberry, life bubble, mystic cure heal up to 2 hit points per level per day with
0 (at will)—daze (DC 14), detect affliction, this ability, after which it ceases to function.
fatigue (DC 14), ghost sound, stabilize, Sentient Plant (Ex) Kalit are sentient and do
telepathic message not receive all some plant-based immunities.
Offensive Abilities Special Weapon Proficiency They are not immune to mind-affecting
(whip), Weapon Focus (whip) effects (charms, compulsions, morale effects,
STATISTICS patterns, and phantasms). They do gain +2 on
Str +2; Dex +2; Con +1; Int +2; Wis +4; Cha +0 saving throws vs. paralysis, poison, polymorph,
Skills Athletics +10, Life Science +18, Medicine sleep effects, and stunning.
+14, Mysticism +16, Sense Motive +16, Stealth Speak with Plants (Su) Ivyn has the ability to
+14, Survival +18; the DC of skill checks to communicate with creatures of the plant type.
recall knowledge about botany is reduced by peak with plants, as the druid spell speak with
5; kalit receive a +2 racial bonus to skill checks plants.
regarding plants; +4 on Stealth checks when in Tip of the Tongue (Ex) Once per day, Ivyn can
leafy surroundings; +8 on Athletics checks to reroll any skill check to recall knowledge. He
climb must decide to use this ability after rolling but
Feats Improved Initiative, Skill Focus (Stealth) before learning the information from his first
Languages Common, Farwhisper, Sylvan, roll. He must take the second result, even if it
Terran is worse.
Gear spear, fine vinewhip Reactive Resistance (Su) The first time
SPECIAL ABILITIES each day he would take energy damage,
Climb (Ex) Kalit can use their clinging vines to he immediately gains resistance 10 to that
assist them when climbing. They have a climb energy type for the remainder of the day. (If
speed of 20 feet, and gain the +8 racial bonus he is damaged by more than one energy type
on Athletic checks to climb. simultaneously, choose which type he resists.)
Command Plants (Su) Ivyn can spend 1
Resolve Point, as a standard action, to
command plants as the druid spell of the same Jaesok Ri
name (DC 27). Jaesok is a mercenary technomancer with a
Grasping Vines (Su) Ivyn can spend 1 Resolve reputation for finishing the job even if it takes
Point as a standard action to cause an area years.
within 100 feet to sprout writhing vines in
a 20-foot-radius spread. The vines have a Jaesok Ri
reach of 5 feet and attempt to wrap around Male human mercenary technomancer 1
creatures in the area of effect or those that LG Medium humanoid (human)
enter the area; such a creature must succeed Init +5; Perception +4
at a DC 27 Reflex save or gain the entangled DEFENSE
condition. Creatures that successfully save can SP 6 HP 9
move as normal, but those that remain in the EAC 15; KAC 16
area must attempt a new save at the end of Fort +1; Ref +1; Will +2
your turn each round. Creatures moving into OFFENSE
the area must attempt a save immediately; Speed 30 ft.
failure ends their movement and they become Melee osprey hunting knife +1 (1d4+1 P)
entangled. An entangled creature can break Ranged tactical semi-auto pistol +1 (1d6 P)
free as a move action with a successful Offensive Abilities mystic strike
Acrobatics check or DC 15 Strength check. The Technomancer Spells Known (CL 1st; ranged
vines last for 9 rounds, and the entire area is +1)
difficult terrain while the effect lasts. 1st (3/day)—jolting surge, supercharge
Hydrated Vitality (Ex) Kalit gain fast healing weapon
2 for 1 round anytime they submerge 0 (at will)—energy ray, psychokinetic
completely within a body of fresh water. hand, telepathic message, transfer charge

STATISTICS LE Medium humanoid (human)
Str +1; Dex +1; Con +1; Int +3; Wis +0; Cha +0 Init +7; Perception +10
Skills Athletics +5, Computers +7, Engineering DEFENSE
+7, Life Science +7, Mysticism +4, Physical SP 56; HP 44
Science +7, Sleight of Hand +5 EAC 21; KAC 23
Languages Abyssal, Common, Farwhisper, Vesk Fort +4; Ref +5; Will +5; +4 bonus to Fortitude
Gear freebooter armor I, osprey hunting knife, saving throws to avoid taking damage from
tactical semi-auto pistol hot or cold environments, to withstand the
harmful effects of thick and thin atmospheres,
Jaesok Ri to avoid choking when breathing in heavy
Male human mercenary technomancer 4 smoke, and to avoid fatigue caused by sleep
LN Medium humanoid (human) deprivation.
Init +5; Perception +7 Defensive Abilities combat casting, toughness
SP 24 HP 29 Speed 30 ft.
EAC 15; KAC 16 Melee tactical knife +7 (2d4+9 P)
Fort +2; Ref +2; Will +4 Ranged advanced semi-auto pistol +6 (2d6+5
Defensive Abilities combat casting P)
OFFENSE Offensive Abilities empowered weapon,
Speed 30 ft. mystic strike
Melee osprey hunting knife +4 (1d4+5 P) Technomancer Spells Known (CL 1st; ranged
Ranged tactical semi-auto pistol +5 (1d6+2 P) +2)
Offensive Abilities empowered weapon, 3rd (3/day)—arcing surge (DC 17),
mystic strike haste
Technomancer Spells Known (CL 4th; ranged 2nd (4/day)—darkvision, invisibility,
+1) mirror image, spider climb
2nd (3/day)—darkvision, invisibility 1st (5/day)—hold portal, holographic
1st (3/day)—holographic image (DC image (DC 15), jolting surge, keen senses,
15), jolting surge, keen senses, supercharge supercharge weapon
weapon 0 (at will)—dancing lights, energy
0 (at will)—dancing lights, energy ray, mending, psychokinetic hand, telepathic
ray, mending, psychokinetic hand, telepathic message, transfer charge
message, transfer charge STATISTICS
STATISTICS Str +1; Dex +2; Con +1; Int +3; Wis +0; Cha +0
Str +1; Dex +1; Con +1; Int +3; Wis +0; Cha +0 Skills Athletics +12, Computers +16,
Skills Athletics +8, Bluff +2, Computers +11, Engineering +14, Life Science +14, Mysticism
Diplomacy +2, Engineering +10, Intimidate +12, Physical Science +14, Piloting +13, Sleight
+2, Life Science +10, Mysticism +8, Physical of Hand +13
Science +10, Sleight of Hand +8 Languages Abyssal, Common, Farwhisper, Vesk
Languages Abyssal, Common, Farwhisper, Vesk Other Abilities magic hacks (cache capacitator,
Gear freebooter armor I, osprey hunting knife, extended spell), grunt
tactical semi-auto pistol Gear freebooter armor II, tactical knife,
SPECIAL ABILITIES advanced semi-auto pistol
Vampiric Corruption (Su) Jaesok has begun Vampiric Corruption (Su) Jaesok has begun
to succumb to the vampiric corruption on to succumb to the vampiric corruption on
this ship. For him, it has manifested as an this ship. For him, it has manifested as an
increased confidence and charm. He seems to increased confidence and charm. He seems to
be growing more and more like his charming be growing more and more like his charming
and dangerous best friend, Ben. He has gained and dangerous best friend, Ben. He has gained
+2 racial bonuses to Bluff, Diplomacy, and +2 racial bonuses to Bluff, Diplomacy, and
Intimidate. He can no longer be seen in mirrors. Intimidate. When he succeeds on a Bluff,
Diplomacy, or Intimidate check, he can charm
Jaesok Ri the creature as if using charm monster (CL 7th,
Male human mercenary technomancer 7 DC 14). He neither casts a shadow nor can be

seen in mirrors. When confronted by the smell poisoning at twice the normal rate.
of garlic, he is repulsed and must succeed at Rune of the Eldritch Knight (Su) Kim can
a DC 20 Fortitude save or be sickened for 1d4 imbue a weapon with a magic sigil, the rune
minutes. of the eldritch knight, allowing the weapon
to act as a magic weapon for the purposes
Jon Kim of bypassing DR and affecting incorporeal
Jon joined with the cultists at first. The voice creatures.
that called to them spoke a tongue so old Shimmering Skin (Ex) As a paradox, Jon Kim
and yet clearly related to Farwhisper. Bisel has reflective skin that grants him a +1 racial
and he studied it together. He has a better bonus to EAC against focused beams of light
idea than any what Exham is heading towards like lasers.
than anyone and does not trust Providence.
Paradoxes die at age 60, without fail. Jon Kim Jon Kim
doesn’t know his birthdate, but he knows he N Medium humanoid (paradox)
is 59 years old and expects to die soon. He has Male human priest soldier 2
resigned himself to that and no longer fears Init +7; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +5
death. He knows he will never see the end of DEFENSE
this journey. SP 16; HP 20
EAC 15; KAC 16; +1 to EAC vs. lasers
Jon Kim EAC vs. lasers
N Medium humanoid (paradox) Fort +3; Ref +0; Will +3
Male human priest soldier 1 OFFENSE
Init +7; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +1 Speed 30 ft.
DEFENSE Melee shiv +3 (1d4+1 S)
SP 8; HP 13 Ranged frag grenade I +3 (1d6 P, 15 ft.) or
EAC 15; KAC 16; +1 to EAC vs. lasers azimuth artillery laser +5 (1d10 F/burn 1d6)
Fort +2; Ref +0; Will +2 Offensive Abilities primary fighting style
OFFENSE (arcane assailant), Rune of the Eldritch Knight,
Speed 30 ft. name
Melee shiv +2 (1d4+1 S) STATISTICS
Ranged frag grenade I +2 (1d6 P, 15 ft.) or Str +1; Dex +3; Con +1; Int +2; Wis +1; Cha +0
azimuth artillery laser +4 (1d10 F/burn 1d6) Skills Athletics +6, Computers +6, Diplomacy
Offensive Abilities primary fighting style +5, Intimidate +4, Mysticism +7, Survival +6;
(arcane assailant), Rune of the Eldritch Knight, (reduce the DCs of Culture and Profession
name [mercenary] checks by 5 when recalling
STATISTICS knowledge about religious traditions, religious
Str +1; Dex +3; Con +1; Int +2; Wis +1; Cha +0 symbols, and famous religious leaders.)
Skills Athletics +5, Computers +5, Diplomacy Languages Abyssal, Common, Farwhisper
+4, Intimidate +4, Mysticism +6, Survival +5; Feats Improved Initiative, Skill Synergy
(reduce the DCs of Culture and Profession (Mysticism, Perception)
[mercenary] checks by 5 when recalling Gear azumuth artillery laser, 20 frag grenades
knowledge about religious traditions, religious I, freebooter armor I
symbols, and famous religious leaders.) SPECIAL ABILITIES
Languages Abyssal, Common, Farwhisper Hypnotic (Ex) As a paradox, Jon Kim adds +1 to
Feats Improved Initiative the DC for all saving throws against any mind-
Gear azumuth artillery laser, 20 frag grenades affecting spells he casts
I, freebooter armor I Radiation Filters (Ex) As a paradox, Jon Kim
SPECIAL ABILITIES has organs that seem primarily designed to
Hypnotic (Ex) As a paradox, Jon Kim adds +1 to filter radiation. He recovers from radiation
the DC for all saving throws against any mind- poisoning at twice the normal rate.
affecting spells he casts Rune of the Eldritch Knight (Su) Kim can
Radiation Filters (Ex) As a paradox, Jon Kim imbue a weapon with a magic sigil, the rune
has organs that seem primarily designed to of the eldritch knight, allowing the weapon
filter radiation. He recovers from radiation to act as a magic weapon for the purposes

of bypassing DR and affecting incorporeal of bypassing DR and affecting incorporeal
creatures. creatures.
Shimmering Skin (Ex) As a paradox, Jon Kim Secret of the Magi (Su) When Jon Kim imbues
has reflective skin that grants him a +1 racial a weapon with the rune of the eldritch knight,
bonus to EAC against focused beams of light in addition to its normal benefits, the rune
like lasers. grants the weapon one of the following
weapon fusions: ethereal, flaming, frost,
Jon Kim merciful, or shock.
NG Medium humanoid (paradox) Shimmering Skin (Ex) As a paradox, Jon Kim
Male human priest soldier 5 has reflective skin that grants him a +1 racial
Init +8; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception bonus to EAC against focused beams of light
+10 like lasers.
SP 45; HP 41 Jon Kim
EAC 21; KAC 22; +1 to EAC vs. lasers N Medium humanoid (paradox)
Fort +6; Ref +5; Will +6 Male human priest soldier 8
OFFENSE Init +8; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception
Speed 30 ft. +17
Melee tactical knife +7 (2d4+7 S) DEFENSE
Ranged frag grenade II +10 (2d6 P, 15 ft.) or SP 72; HP 62
corona artillery laser +11 (2d8+5 F/burn 1d6) EAC 27; KAC 27; +1 to EAC vs. lasers
Mystic Spells known (CL 5th) Fort +8; Ref +6; Will +10
1st level (1/day)—charm person (DC 14) OFFENSE
0 (at will)—psychokinetic hand, telepathic Speed 30 ft.
message Melee tactical knife +9 (2d4+10 S)
Offensive Abilities Connection Inkling, primary Ranged frag grenade III +13 (4d6 P, 20 ft.) or
fighting style (arcane assailant), Rune of the aphelion artillery laser +14 (3d8+8 F/burn 1d6)
Eldritch Knight, name Mystic Spells known (CL 8th)
STATISTICS 1st level (1/day)—charm person (DC 13)
Str +2; Dex +4; Con +2; Int +2; Wis +2; Cha +0 0 (at will)—psychokinetic hand, telepathic
Skills Athletics +10, Computers +10, Diplomacy message
+9, Intimidate +4, Mysticism +14, Survival +11; Offensive Abilities Connection Inkling, Mystic
(reduce the DCs of Culture and Profession Strike, primary fighting style (arcane assailant),
[mercenary] checks by 5 when recalling Rune of the Eldritch Knight, name
knowledge about religious traditions, religious STATISTICS
symbols, and famous religious leaders.) Str +2; Dex +4; Con +2; Int +2; Wis +2; Cha +0
Languages Abyssal, Common, Farwhisper Skills Athletics +13, Computers +13, Diplomacy
Feats Improved Initiative, Skill Synergy +12, Intimidate +12, Mysticism +18, Survival
(Mysticism, Perception), Weapon Focus (heavy +15; (reduce the DCs of Culture and Profession
weapons) [mercenary] checks by 5 when recalling
Gear corona artillery laser, 20 frag grenades II, knowledge about religious traditions, religious
freebooter armor II symbols, and famous religious leaders.)
SPECIAL ABILITIES Languages Abyssal, Common, Farwhisper
Hypnotic (Ex) As a paradox, Jon Kim adds +1 to Feats Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Skill
the DC for all saving throws against any mind- Focus (Perception), Skill Synergy (Mysticism,
affecting spells he casts Perception), Weapon Focus (heavy weapon)
Radiation Filters (Ex) As a paradox, Jon Kim Gear aphelion artillery laser, 20 frag grenades
has organs that seem primarily designed to III, freebooter armor III
filter radiation. He recovers from radiation SPECIAL ABILITIES
poisoning at twice the normal rate. Hypnotic (Ex) As a paradox, Jon Kim adds +1 to
Rune of the Eldritch Knight (Su) Kim can the DC for all saving throws against any mind-
imbue a weapon with a magic sigil, the rune affecting spells he casts
of the eldritch knight, allowing the weapon Radiation Filters (Ex) As a paradox, Jon Kim
to act as a magic weapon for the purposes has organs that seem primarily designed to

filter radiation. He recovers from radiation sent this year’s most popular toy, ‘Ted the
poisoning at twice the normal rate. Bear,’ a sophisticated robot being marketed
Rune of the Eldritch Knight (Su) Kim can in incorporated space as both a nanny,
imbue a weapon with a magic sigil, the rune bodyguard, and surveillance device.
of the eldritch knight, allowing the weapon
to act as a magic weapon for the purposes Bisel was never very interested in the toy, but
of bypassing DR and affecting incorporeal J.T. Hertz modified Ted the Bear to make him
creatures. even a better guardian for the young girl. He
Secret of the Magi (Su) When Jon Kim imbues had it follow Bisel everywhere and protect her
a weapon with the rune of the eldritch knight, both before and after the revolt. Eventually,
in addition to its normal benefits, the rune he repurposed it as his drone, keeping the
grants the weapon one of the following original reactive fibre fur that allowed the
weapon fusions: ethereal, flaming, frost, bear to change its coloring to perfectly match
merciful, or shock. any bedroom’s decor. Over the years, the fur
Shimmering Skin (Ex) As a paradox, Jon Kim has worn in places, one of the original eyes
has reflective skin that grants him a +1 racial was replaced by a telescoping camera lens,
bonus to EAC against focused beams of light and the bear has gained an impressive set
like lasers. of retractable climbing claws. Ted the Bear
carries a pistol and is very stealthy.
Justin Tillet Hertz and Ted the
Bear If Bisel approaches the PCs in the guise of her
J.T. Hertz—one of the first people to believe in younger self, she will likely bring along the
Providence after Bisel told him—is now second horrifying robot toy along. J.T. Hertz would not
only to Bisel in authority within the cult. He is be far behind. He would ideally seek a vantage
humorless and efficient and expects people to point where he can provide Bisel with support
behave like that around him. He was wasted as and laser rifle cover fire if things went wrong.
a guard at Exham. His abilities with technology He is loyal to Bisel and will kill anyone who
made the cult’s revolt possible. He was the threatens her without hesitation.
one who learned how to turn the gravity
intensifiers into grav beams that could pull J.T. Hertz
the asteroid; he also designed Bisel’s ‘Witch’s Male android themeless mechanic 3
Wand’ and has been in charge of maintaining LE Medium humanoid (android)
the technology on Exham over the many years Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light
since. vision; Perception +6
He is less interested in receiving spiritual SP 21; HP 22
revelations from Providence and more EAC 15; KAC 16
interested in the technical knowledge Fort +3; Ref +6; Will +1; +4 bonus to
Providence shares with him. He has managed Constitution checks to continue running, to
to recreate some of the qlippoth genetic avoid damage from a forced march, to hold
transformation technology, used to transform your breath, and to avoid damage from
captured slaves into soldiers for their duties in starvation or thirst; +4 bonus to Fortitude
the abyssal armies. He has worked with Ahab saving throws to avoid taking damage from
to transform some of the cultists. He also hot or cold environments, to withstand the
looks forward to seeing his reconstructions of harmful effects of thick and thin atmospheres,
qlippoth disintegration rifles used in battle. to avoid choking when breathing in heavy
smoke, and to avoid fatigue caused by sleep
The cultists around him are better armed and deprivation.
better disciplined than those on the Pilgrim. OFFENSE
Speed 30 ft.
When Fivecorp realized that there was an Melee large wrench +3 (1d6+3 B)
orphan on Exham who would not be leaving Ranged welding torch I +5 (1d8+3 F/burn 1d6,
on the Jersey when it made its resupply range 10’, 60 petrol, usage 1) or azimuth laser
run, the PR and Marketing departments rifle +5 (1d8+3 F/burn 1d6)

Offensive Abilities distracting hack, overload Perception +3
Str +1; Dex +3; Con +0; Int +3; Wis +0; Cha +8 HP 30
Skills Computers +10, Engineering +10, EAC 14; KAC 16
Intimidate +2, Medicine +9, Piloting +10, Sense Fort +1; Ref +4; Will +1
Motive -2, Stealth +6, Survival +3; reduce the OFFENSE
DC of Culture checks to recall knowledge about Speed 40 ft., Climb 20 ft.
starship and vehicle models and parts as well Ranged tactical semi-auto pistol +6 (1d6+1 P;
as famous hotshot pilots by 5 analog)
Languages Abyssal, Common, Farwhisper, STATISTICS
Kolonyal Str +1; Dex +2; Con —; Int -2; Wis +0; Cha +0
Feat Special Weapon Proficiency (longarm), Skills Acrobatics +8, Stealth +8; +10 Stealth
Toughness when stationary for 1 round
Other Abilities artificial intelligence Feats Kip Up, Weapon Focus (small arms),
Gear freebooter armor I, welding torch I Weapons Specialization (small arms)
SPECIAL ABILITIES Languages Common, Farwhisper
Bypass (Ex) J.T. gains a +1 bonus to Computers DRONE MODS
and Engineering checks. These bonuses have Camera (Ex) Ted the Bear has a camera that
been added to his skill bonuses above. you can see through using your custom rig
Constructed (Ex) For effects targeting as long as your drone is within range. The
creatures by type, androids count as both camera has ordinary sight, and is capable of
humanoids and constructs (whichever effect seeing whatever an ordinary human could
is worse). They receive a +2 racial bonus to see. The camera can also record up to 1 hour
saving throws against disease, mind-affecting of footage, which can be downloaded and
effects, poison, and sleep, unless those effects viewed using your custom rig.
specifically target constructs. In addition, Climbing Claws (Ex) Ted the Bear gains a climb
androids do not breathe or suffer the normal speed equal to half its land speed. This mod
environmental effects of being in a vacuum. can be applied to only combat and stealth
Custom Rig (Ex) J.T. has a cybernetic drones.
augmentation system he uses to hack systems Melee Weapon Arm (Ex) Ted the Bear is
and items. It functions as the appropriate tool equipped with a robotic arm to which he
for any Computers or Engineering skill check. If has attached a tactical semi-auto pistol,
his custom rig is damaged, destroyed, lost, or allowing him an attack. This weapon cannot be
stolen, he can build a new one within 1 hour disarmed.
of work. Reactive Camouflage (Ex) Teddy is covered
Flat Affect (Ex). As an android, J.T. takes a –2 with a patchy coat of molting fur that changes
penalty to Sense Motive (reflected in stats) color to match its surroundings. Whenever he
checks, but the DCs of Sense Motive checks stays stationary for 1 round, he gains a +10
attempted against him increases by 2. bonus to Stealth check. If he drone takes any
Overload (Ex) As a standard action, J.T. can action, he loses this bonus until it once again
cause a short in an electronic device, including spends 1 round remaining still.
most ranged energy weapons, melee weapons J.T. Hertz
with the powered special property, or a Male android themeless mechanic 6
single armor upgrade. This makes the device LE Medium humanoid (android)
nonfunctional for 1 round. If the item is in a Init +10; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light
foe’s possession, that creature can attempt a vision; Perception +9
DC 15 Reflex save to negate this effect. Once a DEFENSE
device is overloaded, a static charge prevents SP 42; HP 40
the object from being overloaded again for 1 EAC 20; KAC 22
minute. Fort +5; Ref +9; Will +2; +4 bonus to
Constitution checks to continue running, to
Ted the Bear avoid damage from a forced march, to hold
Drone 3 your breath, and to avoid damage from
N Small construct starvation or thirst; +4 bonus to Fortitude

saving throws to avoid taking damage from remains active for 6 minutes or until all of its
hot or cold environments, to withstand the temporary Hit Points are depleted, whichever
harmful effects of thick and thin atmospheres, comes first. Once used, he cannot use this
to avoid choking when breathing in heavy ability again until he spends 1 Resolve Point to
smoke, and to avoid fatigue caused by sleep regain Stamina Points after a 10-minute rest;
deprivation. his shield automatically shuts off during this
Defensive Abilities energy shield period of rest.
OFFENSE Flat Affect (Ex). As an android, Hertz takes a
Speed 30 ft. –2 penalty to Sense Motive (reflected in stats)
Melee large wrench +6 (1d6+6 B) checks, but the DCs of Sense Motive checks
Ranged welding torch II +8 (2d6 F/burn 1d6, attempted against him increases by 2.
range 15’, 40 charges, usage 1) or corona laser Overload (Ex) As a standard action, J.T. can
rifle +8 (2d6+6 F/burn 1d6) cause a short in an electronic device, including
Offensive Abilities distracting hack, overload most ranged energy weapons, melee weapons
STATISTICS with the powered special property, or a
Str +2; Dex +4; Con +0; Int +4; Wis +0; Cha +0 single armor upgrade. This makes the device
Skills Computers +15, Engineering +15, nonfunctional for 1 round. If the item is in a
Intimidate +6, Medicine +13, Piloting +14, foe’s possession, that creature can attempt a
Sense Motive +4, Stealth +10, Survival +6; DC 17 Reflex save to negate this effect. Once a
reduce the DC of Culture checks to recall device is overloaded, a static charge prevents
knowledge about starship and vehicle models the object from being overloaded again for 1
and parts as well as famous hotshot pilots by 5 minute.
Languages Abyssal, Common, Farwhisper, Override (Ex) J.T.’s overload class feature now
Kolonyal affects androids, drones, robots, and creatures
Feat Special Weapon Proficiency (longarm), with the technological subtype, which must
Toughness succeed at a DC 18 Will saving throw or
Other Abilities artificial intelligence be dazed for 1 round. If the target fails its
Gear freebooter armor II, welding torch II saving throw by 10 or more, it is not dazed
SPECIAL ABILITIES and J.T. can dictate its actions for 1 round,
Bypass (Ex) J.T. gains a +2 bonus to Computers though these actions can’t be obviously self-
and Engineering checks. These bonuses have destructive. Once a creature has attempted a
been added to his skill bonuses above. saving throw against this attack (regardless of
Certainty (Ex) Once per day, before he rolls a the result), it is immune to this attack for 24
skill check, J.T. can choose to take a +2 bonus hours.
to that skill for that check. Remote Hack (Ex) J.T. can use his custom rig to
Constructed (Ex) For effects targeting attempt Computers and Engineering checks at
creatures by type, androids count as both a range of 20 feet. A target of this ability can
humanoids and constructs (whichever effect attempt a DC 23 Perception or Sense Motive
is worse). They receive a +2 racial bonus to check to know J.T. is the origin of the activity.
saving throws against disease, mind-affecting
effects, poison, and sleep, unless those effects Ted the Bear
specifically target constructs. In addition, Drone 6
androids do not breathe or suffer the normal N Small construct
environmental effects of being in a vacuum. Perception +6
Custom Rig (Ex) J.T. has a cybernetic DEFENSE
augmentation system he uses to hack systems HP 60
and items. It functions as the appropriate tool EAC 18; KAC 20
for any Computers or Engineering skill check. If Fort +1; Ref +8; Will +1
his custom rig is damaged, destroyed, lost, or OFFENSE
stolen, he can build a new one within 1 hour Speed 40 ft., Climb 20 ft.
of work. Ranged advanced semi-auto pistol +8 (2d6+3
Energy Shield (Ex) As a standard action, J.T. P; analog)
can activate an energy shield around himeself STATISTICS
providing him with 10 hit points. The shield Str +1; Dex +2; Con —; Int -2; Wis +0; Cha +0

Skills Acrobatics +11, Stealth +11; +10 Stealth Ranged welding torch III +10 (3d6+9 F/
when stationary for 1 round burn 1d6, range 20’, 60 charges, usage 2) or
Feats Mobility, Weapon Focus (small arms), aphelion laser rifle +10 (3d6+9 F/burn 1d6)
Weapons Specialization (small arms) Offensive Abilities distracting hack, overload
Languages Common, Farwhisper STATISTICS
DRONE MODS Str +2; Dex +4; Con +0; Int +4; Wis +0; Cha +0
Camera (Ex) Ted the Bear has a camera that Skills Computers +19, Engineering +19,
you can see through using your custom rig Intimidate +10, Medicine +18, Piloting +16,
as long as your drone is within range. The Sense Motive +9, Stealth +13, Survival +9;
camera has ordinary sight, and is capable of reduce the DC of Culture checks to recall
seeing whatever an ordinary human could knowledge about starship and vehicle models
see. The camera can also record up to 1 hour and parts as well as famous hotshot pilots by 5
of footage, which can be downloaded and Languages Abyssal, Common, Farwhisper,
viewed using your custom rig. Kolonyal
Climbing Claws (Ex) Ted the Bear gains a climb Feat Great Fortitude, Iron Will, Special
speed equal to half its land speed. This mod Weapon Proficiency (longarm), Toughness
can be applied to only combat and stealth Other Abilities artificial intelligence
drones. Gear freebooter armor III, welding torch III
Melee Weapon Arm (Ex) Ted the Bear is SPECIAL ABILITIES
equipped with a robotic arm to which he Bypass (Ex) J.T. gains a +3 bonus to Computers
has attached a tactical semi-auto pistol, and Engineering checks. These bonuses have
allowing him an attack. This weapon cannot be been added to his skill bonuses above.
disarmed. Certainty (Ex) Once per day, before he rolls a
Reactive Camouflage (Ex) Teddy is covered skill check, J.T. can choose to take a +2 bonus
with a patchy coat of molting fur that changes to that skill for that check.
color to match its surroundings. Whenever he Constructed (Ex) For effects targeting
stays stationary for 1 round, he gains a +10 creatures by type, androids count as both
bonus to Stealth check. If he drone takes any humanoids and constructs (whichever effect
action, he loses this bonus until it once again is worse). They receive a +2 racial bonus to
spends 1 round remaining still. saving throws against disease, mind-affecting
effects, poison, and sleep, unless those effects
J.T. Hertz specifically target constructs. In addition,
Male android themeless mechanic 9 androids do not breathe or suffer the normal
LE Medium humanoid (android) environmental effects of being in a vacuum.
Init +10; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light Energy Shield (Ex) As a standard action, J.T.
vision; Perception +12 can activate an energy shield around himeself
DEFENSE providing him with 22 hit points. The shield
SP 63; HP 46 remains active for 6 minutes or until all of its
EAC 26; KAC 27 temporary Hit Points are depleted, whichever
Fort +8; Ref +10; Will +5; +4 bonus to comes first. Once used, he can spend 1
Constitution checks to continue running, to Resolve Point to use it again without having to
avoid damage from a forced march, to hold rest for 10 minutes to restore Stamina points.
your breath, and to avoid damage from Expert Rig (Ex) J.T.’s custom rig has improved.
starvation or thirst; +4 bonus to Fortitude J.T. has a cybernetic augmentation system he
saving throws to avoid taking damage from uses to hack systems and items. It functions
hot or cold environments, to withstand the as the appropriate tool for any Computers or
harmful effects of thick and thin atmospheres, Engineering skill check. Whenever he uses it
to avoid choking when breathing in heavy to successfully hack into a computer, he can
smoke, and to avoid fatigue caused by sleep also disable one countermeasure installed
deprivation. in the system (except firewalls). In addition,
Defensive Abilities energy shield his custom rig can now be used as any
OFFENSE engineering or hacking specialty kit of item
Speed 30 ft. level 6th or lower, and it has the features of
Melee large wrench +8 (1d6+9 B) a computer with a tier 4 computer. It has an

artificial personality (named “Oversight”) and Speed 40 ft., Climb 20 ft.
a audio/video recorder. He can also use his Ranged advanced semi-auto pistol +11 (2d6+4
custom rig to communicate over an encrypted P; analog)
channel with his ship, allowing him to access STATISTICS
the Turnabout downloaded data sets and Str +1; Dex +3; Con —; Int -2; Wis +1; Cha +0
transponder at a range of 5 miles. He can issue Skills Acrobatics +15, Stealth +15
commands to or directly control his drone at Feats Mobility, Shot on the Run, Weapon
the same range. If his expert rig is damaged, Focus (small arms), Weapons Specialization
destroyed, lost, or stolen, he can build a new (small arms)
one within 1 hour of work. Languages Common, Farwhisper
Flat Affect (Ex). As an android, J.T. takes a –2 DRONE MODS
penalty to Sense Motive (reflected in stats) Camera (Ex) Ted the Bear has a camera that
checks, but the DCs of Sense Motive checks you can see through using your custom rig
attempted against him increases by 2. as long as your drone is within range. The
Miracle Worker (Ex) Once per day as a move camera has ordinary sight, and is capable of
action, J.T. can perform an amazing feat of seeing whatever an ordinary human could
engineering for a starship, armor, or weapon see. The camera can also record up to 1 hour
he can access. For a suit of armor, he increases of footage, which can be downloaded and
its EAC and KAC by 2 for 1 minute. J.T. grants a viewed using your custom rig.
weapon a +2 bonus to its attack and damage Climbing Claws (Ex) Ted the Bear gains a climb
rolls for 1 minute. For a starship, J.T. restores speed equal to half its land speed. This mod
a number of Hull Points equal to the starship’s can be applied to only combat and stealth
base frame HP increment. If this raises drones.
the ship’s HP over a multiple of its Critical Melee Weapon Arm (Ex) Ted the Bear is
Threshold, he can repair critical damage to equipped with a robotic arm to which he
one system per multiple, reducing its severity has attached a tactical semi-auto pistol,
by one step. allowing him an attack. This weapon cannot be
Overload (Ex) As a standard action, J.T. can disarmed.
cause a short in an electronic device, including Reactive Camouflage (Ex) Teddy is covered
most ranged energy weapons, melee weapons with a patchy coat of molting fur that changes
with the powered special property, or a color to match its surroundings. Whenever he
single armor upgrade. This makes the device stays stationary for 1 round, he gains a +10
nonfunctional for 1 round. If the item is in a bonus to Stealth check. If he drone takes any
foe’s possession, that creature can attempt a action, he loses this bonus until it once again
DC 18 Reflex save to negate this effect. Once a spends 1 round remaining still.
device is overloaded, a static charge prevents
the object from being overloaded again for 1 Repeat
minute. Repeat is one of many enfaddin from the same
Remote Hack (Ex) J.T. can use his custom rig to batch. Created to survive the deserts of Wolfe-
attempt Computers and Engineering checks at IV, many of Repeat’s batch saw battle during
a range of 40 feet. A target of this ability can the Settlement Renegotiation. Enraged by the
attempt a DC 27 Perception or Sense Motive unfairness of the birth-debt, Repeat is devoted
check to know J.T. is the origin of the activity. to rescuing the unjustly imprisoned, even if it
means going to prison to do so.
Ted the Bear
Drone 9 Repeat is agender and has no preference in
N Small construct regards to pronouns. Call him, her, or them, by
Sense darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; whichever pronoun you prefer.
Perception +12
HP 90 Agender enfaddin liberator soldier 1
EAC 21; KAC 22 CG Medium humanoid (enfaddin)
Fort +2; Ref +10; Will +2 Init +2; Perception +0

SP 11; HP 13 Constitution checks to continue running, to
EAC 14; KAC 15 avoid damage from a forced march, to hold
Fort +5; Ref +2; Will +2; +8 bonus to breath, and to avoid damage from starvation
Constitution checks to continue running, to or thirst; +8 bonus to Fortitude saving
avoid damage from a forced march, to hold throws to avoid taking damage from certain
breath, and to avoid damage from starvation environments; +2 bonus to saving throws
or thirst; +8 bonus to Fortitude saving against inhaled poisons or other airborne
throws to avoid taking damage from certain toxins
environments; +2 bonus to saving throws Defensive Abilities Toughness
against inhaled poisons or other airborne OFFENSE
toxins Speed 30 ft.
Defensive Abilities Toughness Melee thunderstrike pulse gauntlet +6 (1d6+3
OFFENSE B & So/knockdown)
Speed 30 ft. Ranged tactical semi-auto pistol +5 (1d6+2 P)
Melee thunderstrike pulse gauntlet +4 (1d6+3 Offensive Abilities Gear Boost (Bullet Barage),
B & So/knockdown) Opening Volley, Primary Fighting Style (Hit and
Ranged tactical semi-auto pistol +3 (1d6 P) Run)
Offensive Abilities Opening Volley, Primary STATISTICS
Fighting Style (Hit and Run) Str +3; Dex +2; Con +3; Int +0; Wis +0; Cha +0
STATISTICS Skills Acrobatics +8, Athletics +9, Engineering
Str +3; Dex +2; Con +3; Int +0; Wis +0; Cha +0 +10, Stealth +6; Repeat reduces the DC of
Skills Acrobatics +6, Athletics +7, Engineering Culture checks to gather information about
+5, Stealth +4; Repeat reduces the DC of humanoid traffickers, smugglers, or smuggling
Culture checks to gather information about techniques and routes by 5.
humanoid traffickers, smugglers, or smuggling Languages Common
techniques and routes by 5. Gear freebooter armor I, tactical semi-auto
Languages Common pistol, thunderstrike pulse guantlet
Gear freebooter armor I, tactical semi-auto SPECIAL ABILITIES
pistol, thunderstrike pulse guantlet Augmentation (Ex) Respiration Compounder,
SPECIAL ABILITIES +4 bonus to Constitution checks for holding
Augmentation (Ex) Respiration Compounder, your breath. +2 bonus to saving throws against
+4 bonus to Constitution checks for holding inhaled poisons or other airborne toxins.
your breath. +2 bonus to saving throws against Indefatiguable (Ex) Enfaddin receive a
inhaled poisons or other airborne toxins. +4 racial bonus on Constitution checks
Indefatiguable (Ex) Enfaddin receive a and Fortitude saves to avoid fatigue and
+4 racial bonus on Constitution checks exhaustion, as well as any other ill effects from
and Fortitude saves to avoid fatigue and running, forced marches, starvation, thirst,
exhaustion, as well as any other ill effects from and hot or cold environments.
running, forced marches, starvation, thirst, Silent Hunter (Ex) Enfaddin reduce the penalty
and hot or cold environments. for using Stealth while moving by 5 and can
Silent Hunter (Ex) Enfaddin reduce the penalty make Stealth checks while running at a –20
for using Stealth while moving by 5 and can penalty (this number includes the penalty
make Stealth checks while running at a –20 reduction from this trait).
penalty (this number includes the penalty
reduction from this trait). Repeat
Agender enfaddin liberator soldier 5
Repeat CG Medium humanoid (enfaddin)
Agender enfaddin liberator soldier 3 Init +7; Perception +6
CG Medium humanoid (enfaddin) DEFENSE
Init +6; Perception +0 SP 55; HP 41
SP 33; HP 27 Fort +8; Ref +4; Will +8; +8 bonus to
EAC 14; KAC 15 Constitution checks to continue running, to
Fort +6; Ref +4; Will +3; +8 bonus to avoid damage from a forced march, to hold

breath, and to avoid damage from starvation breath, and to avoid damage from starvation
or thirst; +8 bonus to Fortitude saving or thirst; +8 bonus to Fortitude saving
throws to avoid taking damage from certain throws to avoid taking damage from certain
environments; +2 bonus to saving throws environments; +2 bonus to saving throws
against inhaled poisons or other airborne against inhaled poisons or other airborne
toxins toxins
Defensive Abilities Improved Iron Will, Defensive Abilities Gear Boost (Armored
Toughness Advantage), Improved Iron Will, Toughness
Speed 30 ft. Speed 30 ft.
Melee thunderstrike pulse gauntlet +8 (1d6+5 Melee LFD pulse gauntlet +11 (2d6+7 B & So/
B & So/knockdown) knockdown)
Ranged tacticalsemi-auto pistol +7 (1d6+2 P) Ranged advanced semi-auto pistol +10 (2d6+3
Offensive Abilities Gear Boost (Bullet Barage), P)
Nimble Fusilade, Opening Volley, Primary Offensive Abilities Gear Boost (Bullet Barage),
Fighting Style (Hit and Run) Nimble Fusilade, Opening Volley, Primary
STATISTICS Fighting Style (Hit and Run)
Str +18(+4); Dex +16(+3); Con +16(+3); Int STATISTICS
+13(+1); Wis +12(+1); Cha +10(+0) Str +4; Dex +2; Con +3; Int +1; Wis +1; Cha +0
Skills Acrobatics +11, Athletics +12, Skills Acrobatics +12, Athletics +14,
Engineering +13, Stealth +9; Repeat reduces Computers +5, Engineering +16, Stealth +13;
the DC of Culture checks to gather information Repeat reduces the DC of Culture checks
about humanoid traffickers, smugglers, or to gather information about humanoid
smuggling techniques and routes by 5. traffickers, smugglers, or smuggling
Languages Common techniques and routes by 5.
Gear freebooter armor II, tactical semi-auto Languages Common
pistol, thunderstrike pulse guantlet Gear advanced semi-auto pistol, freebooter
SPECIAL ABILITIES armor II, LFD pulse guantlet
Augmentation (Ex) Respiration Compounder, SPECIAL ABILITIES
+4 bonus to Constitution checks for holding Augmentation (Ex) Respiration Compounder,
your breath. +2 bonus to saving throws against +4 bonus to Constitution checks for holding
inhaled poisons or other airborne toxins. your breath. +2 bonus to saving throws against
Indefatiguable (Ex) Enfaddin receive a inhaled poisons or other airborne toxins.
+4 racial bonus on Constitution checks Free the Body (Ex) Repeat is familiar with
and Fortitude saves to avoid fatigue and different methods of coercion and control and
exhaustion, as well as any other ill effects from how to thwart them and can use Computers or
running, forced marches, starvation, thirst, Engineering to disable technological or hybrid
and hot or cold environments. devices used to constrain or control such
Silent Hunter (Ex) Enfaddin reduce the penalty as shock collars or tracking chips in half the
for using Stealth while moving by 5 and can normal time.
make Stealth checks while running at a –20 Indefatiguable (Ex) Enfaddin receive a
penalty (this number includes the penalty +4 racial bonus on Constitution checks
reduction from this trait). and Fortitude saves to avoid fatigue and
exhaustion, as well as any other ill effects from
Repeat running, forced marches, starvation, thirst,
Agender enfaddin liberator soldier 7 and hot or cold environments.
CG Medium humanoid (enfaddin) Silent Hunter (Ex) Enfaddin reduce the penalty
Init +7; Perception +11 for using Stealth while moving by 5 and can
DEFENSE make Stealth checks while running at a –20
SP 77; HP 55 penalty (this number includes the penalty
EAC 19; KAC 22 reduction from this trait).
Fort +10; Ref +5; Will +8; +8 bonus to
Constitution checks to continue running, to Repeat
avoid damage from a forced march, to hold Agender enfaddin liberator soldier 9

CG Medium humanoid (enfaddin) running, forced marches, starvation, thirst,
Init +11; Perception +3 and hot or cold environments.
DEFENSE Silent Hunter (Ex) Enfaddin reduce the penalty
SP 99; HP 69 for using Stealth while moving by 5 and can
EAC 25; KAC 27 make Stealth checks while running at a –20
Fort +11; Ref +6; Will +11; +8 bonus to penalty (this number includes the penalty
Constitution checks to continue running, to reduction from this trait).
avoid damage from a forced march, to hold
breath, and to avoid damage from starvation Sugar
or thirst; +8 bonus to Fortitude saving Sugar’s real name is Tazakesh Odikandi, which
throws to avoid taking damage from certain got shortened to Kandi, then ‘Sugar.’ She
environments; +2 bonus to saving throws joined Vallis’ crew in the hopes of liberating
against inhaled poisons or other airborne the captives in the blooddrive. Vallis is well
toxins aware of Sugar’s real intentions but is enjoying
Defensive Abilities Duck and Weave, Gear watching her fail at resisting the necroship’s
Boost (Armored Advantage), Improved Iron corruptions.
Will, Toughness
Speed 40 ft. Female vesk voyager mechanic 1
Melee LFD pulse gauntlet +12 (2d6+9 B & So/ NG Medium humanoid (vesk)
knockdown) Init +2; Senses low-light vision
Ranged advanced semi-auto pistol +11 (2d6+4 Perception +5
Offensive Abilities Gear Boost (Bullet Barage), SP 7 HP 12
Nimble Fusilade, Opening Volley, Primary EAC 19; KAC 18
Fighting Style (Hit and Run), Secondary
Fighting Style (Blitz) Fort +3; Ref +4; Will +0; +2 vs. fear effects
Str +4; Dex +3; Con +3; Int +1; Wis +1; Cha +0 Speed 30 ft.
Skills Acrobatics +15, Athletics +17, Melee tactical dueling sword +1 (1d6+1 S)
Computers +8, Engineering +18, Stealth +16; Ranged pulsecaster pistol +2 (1d4 E) or
Repeat reduces the DC of Culture checks azimuth laser rifle +2 (1d8 F)
to gather information about humanoid STATISTICS
traffickers, smugglers, or smuggling Str +1; Dex +2; Con +1; Int +2; Wis +0; Cha +10
techniques and routes by 5. Skills Athletics +5, Computer +7, Engineering
Languages Common +10, Physical Science +7, Piloting +6
Gear advanced semi-auto pistol, freebooter Languages Common, Vesk
armor III, LFD pulse guantlet Other Abilities artificial intelligence
SPECIAL ABILITIES (exocortex), custom rig
Augmentation (Ex) Respiration Compounder, Gear tactical dueling sword, thinplate
+4 bonus to Constitution checks for holding SPECIAL ABILITIES
your breath. +2 bonus to saving throws against Master Crafter (Engineering): When Sugar
inhaled poisons or other airborne toxins. uses Engineering to craft items, she does so in
Free the Body (Ex) Repeat is familiar with half the normal time.
different methods of coercion and control and Memory Module (Ex) Once per day, as a
how to thwart them and can use Computers or reaction while not in combat, Sugar can reroll
Engineering to disable technological or hybrid a failed skill check to recall knowledge.
devices used to constrain or control such Theme Knowledge (Ex) Sugar reduces the DC
as shock collars or tracking chips in half the of Culture checks to recall information about
normal time. spaceports, trade routes, and lost ships by 5.
Indefatiguable (Ex) Enfaddin receive a
+4 racial bonus on Constitution checks Sugar
and Fortitude saves to avoid fatigue and Female vesk voyager mechanic 4
exhaustion, as well as any other ill effects from N Medium humanoid (vesk)

Init +4; Senses low-light vision SP 56 HP 48
Perception +9 EAC 25; KAC 24
DEFENSE Fort +7; Ref +9; Will +2; +2 vs. fear effects
EAC 19; KAC 18 Speed 30 ft.
Fort +5; Ref +7; Will +1; +2 vs. fear effects Melee advanced swoop hammer +5 (3d10+6
OFFENSE B) or bite +6 (1d6+2 + constitution damage)
Speed 30 ft. Ranged pulsecaster pistol +7 (1d4+3 E) or
Melee tactical swoop hammer +4 (1d10+5 B) corona laser rifle +7 (2d6 +7 F)
Ranged pulsecaster pistol +5 (1d4+2 E) or Offensive Abilities overload
corona laser rifle +5 (2d6 +4 F) STATISTICS
Offensive Abilities overload Str +2; Dex +3; Con +2; Int +3; Wis +0; Cha +0
STATISTICS Skills Athletics +12, Computer +15,
Str +1; Dex +2; Con +1; Int +2; Wis +0; Cha +10 Engineering +18, Medicine +14, Physical
Skills Athletics +8, Computer +10, Engineering Science +14, Piloting +13
+13, Physical Science +10, Piloting +9 Languages Common, Vesk
Languages Common, Vesk Other Abilities artificial intelligence
Other Abilities artificial intelligence (exocortex), expert rig, miracle worker, remote
(exocortex), custom rig hack
Gear tactical swoop hammer, thinplate Gear advanced swoop hammer, vesk overplate
Combat Tracking (Ex) As a move action during Combat Tracking (Ex) As a move action during
combat, Sugar can designate a foe for her combat, Sugar can designate a foe for her
exocortex to track. As long as that target is exocortex to track. As long as that target is
in sight, the exocortex feeds her telemetry, in sight, the exocortex feeds her telemetry,
vulnerabilities, and combat tactics, allowing vulnerabilities, and combat tactics, allowing
her +1 bonus to attack rolls. her +1 bonus to attack rolls.
Master Crafter (Engineering) When Sugar uses Impressive Tradescraft (6th) Voyagers are
Engineering to craft items, she does so in half usually well-respected and much appreciated,
the normal time. particularly around spaceports. Sugar can
Memory Module (Ex) Once per day, as a use Diplomacy to gather information about
reaction while not in combat, Sugar can reroll a specific ship in half the normal time. When
a failed skill check to recall knowledge. gathering information from mechanics, she
Theme Knowledge (Ex) Sugar reduces the DC can (at the GM’s discretion) substitute a
of Culture checks to recall information about Engineering check for a Diplomacy check
spaceports, trade routes, and lost ships by 5. to gather information about ships and their
Vampirism Corruption (Su) Sugar has become crews.
corrupted by her tenure aboard the Lady Master Crafter (Engineering) When Sugar uses
Vein. She is now neutral evil. She has begun Engineering to craft items, she does so in half
to develop a tasted for blood. Once per week the normal time.
she must feed off of a sentient creature size Memory Module (Ex) Once per day, as a
small or larger or make a DC 18 Will save. reaction while not in combat, Sugar can reroll
Once per day, she can summon a swarm a failed skill check to recall knowledge.
of witherworms. If she is on the Lady Vein, Theme Knowledge (Ex) Sugar reduces the DC
they emerge from the fleshy walls, floor, and of Culture checks to recall information about
ceiling. spaceports, trade routes, and lost ships by 5.
Vampirism Corruption (Su) Sugar has become
Sugar corrupted by her tenure aboard the Lady Vein.
Female vesk voyager mechanic 7 She is now lawful evil. Once per day she must
NE Medium humanoid (vesk) feed off of a sentient creature size small or
Init +5; Senses low-light vision, darkvision 60 larger or make a DC 18 Will save. Once per day,
ft. she can summon a swarm of witherworms.
Perception +13 If she is on the Lady Vein, they emerge from
DEFENSE the fleshy walls, floor, and ceiling. Her fangs

can now grow as a swift action, granting her Init +7; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light
a bite attack and can drain blood and life vision; Perception +10
from a helpless creature causing damage as if DEFENSE
poisoned on the constitution track. SP 48; HP 40
EAC 22; KAC 26;
Fort +8; Ref +5; Will +6; +2 vs disease, mind-
Thirteen-Thirty-Seven affecting effects, poison, sleep
Thirteen often jokes that his chosen name is Defensive Abilities Nimble Moves
also his number of “confirmed kills,” but that OFFENSE
is likely much higher. He found 1337 stamped Speed 30 ft.
on his inner thigh; the kind of birthmark only Melee osprey tactical knife +9 (2d4+8 P);
androids have. He likes to work legit contracts tactical dueling sword +9 (1d6+8 S)
and do clean kills with no civilian casualties. Ranged dual crossbolter +10 (2d10+6 P)
Somebody’s going to take the job; might as Offensive Abilities nimble fusilade, nimble
well have it done neatly. Thirteen is agender moves, opening volley
and androgynous in appearance. He uses he/ STATISTICS
his/him pronouns. Str +2; Dex +3; Con +2; Int +2; Wis +0; Cha 0
Unlike some androids, Thirteen has little Acrobatics +12, Athletics +10, Engineering
desire to blend or fit in with humans. He has a +11, Piloting +12, Survival +10
pronounced disdain for androids who do try to Languages Common
fit in. Other Abilities improved initiative, swift
Thirteen-Thirty-Seven Gear kasatha microcord II, tactical crossbolter,
Male android soldier 1 (bounty hunter) osprey hunting knife, data crystal (300 credits)
LN Medium humanoid (android)
Init +7; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light
vision; Perception +4 Vein Gunner One
DEFENSE Gunner One refuses to say why he left the
SP 7; HP 11 armada and no one dares to push him on it.
EAC 17; KAC 21;
Fort +2; Ref +2; Will +2; +2 vs disease, mind- Vein Gunner One
affecting effects, poison, sleep CN Small humanoid (seelu)
Defensive Abilities Nimble Moves Male seelu mercenary soldier 1
OFFENSE Init +4; Senses darkvision 90 ft.
Speed 30 ft. Perception +0
Melee osprey hunting knife +2 (1d4+1 P); DEFENSE
tactical dueling sword +2 (1d6+1 S)

 SP 8; HP 12
Ranged tactical crossbolter +4 (1d10 P) EAC 17; KAC 18
Offensive Abilities opening volley, nimble Fort +5; Ref +4; Will +1; -2 on saving throws
moves vs. light effects
STATISTICS Weakness dazzled by bright lights
Str +1; Dex +3; Con +1; Int +2; Wis +0; Cha -1 OFFENSE
Skills Speed 30 ft.
Acrobatics +7, Athletics +5, Engineering +6, Melee thunderstrike pulse gauntlet +2 (1d6+1
Piloting +7, Survival +5 B & So)
Languages Common Ranged azimuth laser rifle +5 (1d8 F)
Other Abilities Improved Initiative Offensive Abilities sniper’s aim
Gear kasatha microcord I, tactical crossbolter, STATISTICS
osprey hunting knife, data crystal (300 credits) Str +1; Dex +4 Con +1; Int +0; Wis -1; Cha +0
Thirteen-Thirty-Seven Athletics +6, Computers +4, Engineering +7,
Male android soldier 6 (bounty hunter) Stealth +7
LN Medium humanoid (android) Feats Far Shot, Sniper’s Aim

Languages Common vs. light effects
Other Abilities grotesque wings Weakness dazzled by bright lights
Gear azimuth laser rifle, freebooter armor I, OFFENSE
thunderstrike pulse gauntlet Speed 30 ft.
SPECIAL ABILITIES Melee LFD pulse gauntlet +11 (2d6+10 B & So)
Grotesque Wings (Ex) Gunner has thin batlike Ranged aphelion laser rifle +14 (3d6+8 F)
wings that are too small to enable him to fly. Offensive Abilities bullet barrage, focus fire,
They are large enough to provide a +2 racial laser accuracy,
bonus to Acrobatics checks made to balance STATISTICS
and fly and Athletics checks made to jump. Str +2; Dex +4 Con +2; Int +0; Wis +0; Cha +0
Vein Gunner One Athletics +13, Computers +11, Engineering
CN Small humanoid (seelu) +13, Stealth +14
Male seelu mercenary soldier 4 Feats Deadly Aim, Far Shot, Sniper’s Aim,
Init +4; Senses darkvision 90 ft. Weapon Focus (longarms)
Perception +7 Languages Common
DEFENSE Other Abilities grotesque wings
SP 32; HP 33 Gear aphelion laser rifle, freebooter armor II,
EAC 17; KAC 18 LFD pulse gauntlet
Fort +7; Ref +5; Will +3; -2 on saving throws SPECIAL ABILITIES
vs. light effects Grotesque Wings (Ex) Gunner has thin batlike
Weakness dazzled by bright lights wings that are too small to enable him to fly.
OFFENSE They are now large enough to provide a +4
Speed 30 ft. racial bonus to Acrobatics checks made to
Melee thunderstrike pulse gauntlet +5 (1d6+5 balance and fly and Athletics checks made to
B & So) jump.
Ranged corona laser rifle +10 (2d6+4 F) Vampiric Corruption (Su) The vampiric
Offensive Abilities laser accuracy corruption has begun to transform Gunner’s
STATISTICS appearance. He has become more batlike
Str +1; Dex +4 Con +1; Int +0; Wis -1; Cha +0 in his facial features. His wings have grown
Skills larger and thicker. These wings allow him to
Athletics +8, Computers +7, Engineering +10, glide. He no longer takes damage from falls.
Stealth +10 For every 1 foot he falls, he can move 5 feet in
Feats Far Shot, Sniper’s Aim any direction as the spell glide. He cannot gain
Languages Common altitude, only fall more gracefully.
Other Abilities grotesque wings
Gear corona laser rifle, freebooter armor I,
thunderstrike pulse gauntlet Yujin ‘Flinch’ Haggard
SPECIAL ABILITIES Flinch Haggard is a military trained sniper who
Grotesque Wings (Ex) Gunner has thin batlike has worked in both the public and private
wings that are too small to enable him to fly. sectors. He is over 70 years old, but in good
They are large enough to provide a +2 racial shape. He insists that he used to be faster.
bonus to Acrobatics checks made to balance
and fly and Athletics checks made to jump. Yujin ‘Flinch’ Haggard
NE Medium humanoid (human)
Vein Gunner One Male human outlaw 1
CN Small humanoid (seelu) Init +7; Perception +0
Male seelu mercenary soldier 8 DEFENSE
Init +4; Senses darkvision 90 ft. SP 8; HP 11
Perception +9 EAC 16; KAC 16
DEFENSE Fort +1; Ref +3; Will +2
EAC 21; KAC 23; Speed 30 ft.
Fort +10; Ref +6; Will +6; -2 on saving throws Melee shiv +1 (1d4 S)

Ranged tactical shirren eye rifle +4 (1d10 P) F/ SP 40; HP 39
burn 1d6) EAC 18; KAC 19
Offensive Abilities Far Shot, primary fighting Fort +5; Ref +5; Will +5
style (sharpshoot) OFFENSE
STATISTICS Speed 30 ft.
Str +0; Dex +3; Con +1; Int +0; Wis 10; Cha +2 Melee tactical knife +6 (2d4+5 S)
Skills Acrobatics +7, Disguise +6, Sleight of Ranged tactical shirren eye rifle +10 (1d10+6
Hand +8, Stealth +8, Survival +4; (reduce the P) or corona artillery laser +9 (2d8 F/burn
DCs of Culture checks by 5 when recalling 1d6)
knowledge about the criminal underworld. Offensive Abilities Far Shot, Gear Boost (Bullet
Languages Common Barrage), primary fighting style (sharpshoot),
Feats Improved Initiative Special Weapon Proficiency (sniper rifles),
Gear tactical shirren eye rifle, riot gear I, shiv Weapon Focus (sniper rifles), Weapon
SPECIAL ABILITIES Specialization (sniper rifles)
Sniper’s Aim (Ex) When Haggard makes a STATISTICS
ranged attack against a target with cover, the Str +1; Dex +4; Con +1; Int +0; Wis +1; Cha +3
AC bonus provided by cover is reduced by 2. Skills Acrobatics +12, Disguise +9, Sleight of
Hand +12, Stealth +15, Survival +9; (reduce
Yujin ‘Flinch’ Haggard the DCs of Culture checks by 5 when recalling
NE Medium humanoid (human) knowledge about the criminal underworld.
Male human outlaw soldier 2 Languages Common
Init +7; Perception +1 Feats Improved Initiative, Skill Synergy
DEFENSE (Perception, Stealth)
SP 16; HP 18 Gear tactical shirren eye rifle, corona artillery
EAC 16; KAC 16 laser, riot gear II, tactical knife
Fort +4; Ref +3; Will +3 SPECIAL ABILITIES
OFFENSE Focus Fire (Ex) When Flinch makes a full
Speed 30 ft. attack with a ranged weapon, he can make
Melee shiv +2 (1d4 S) both attacks with a –3 penalty instead of a –4
Ranged tactical shirren eye rifle +5 (1d10 P) or penalty as long as they both target the same
azimuth artillery laser +5 (1d10 F/burn 1d6) creature. If his first attack kills or knocks out
Offensive Abilities Far Shot, primary fighting the target, he can instead make the second
style (sharpshoot), Special Weapon Proficiency attack against a different creature at a –4
(sniper rifles) penalty.
STATISTICS Sniper’s Aim (Ex) When Haggard makes a
Str +0; Dex +3; Con +1; Int +0; Wis +0; Cha +2 ranged attack against a target with cover, the
Skills Acrobatics +8, Disguise +6, Sleight of AC bonus provided by cover is reduced by 2.
Hand +9, Stealth +9, Survival +5; (reduce the
DCs of Culture checks by 5 when recalling Yujin ‘Flinch’ Haggard
knowledge about the criminal underworld. NE Medium humanoid (human)
Languages Common Male human outlaw soldier 8
Feats Improved Initiative Init +8; Perception +10
Gear tactical shirren eye rifle, azimuth artillery DEFENSE
laser, riot gear I, shiv SP 64; HP 60
Sniper’s Aim (Ex) When Haggard makes a Fort +7; Ref +6; Will +7
ranged attack against a target with cover, the Defensive Abilities Slippery Shooter
AC bonus provided by cover is reduced by 2. OFFENSE
Speed 30 ft.
Yujin ‘Flinch’ Haggard Melee tactical knife +9 (2d4+8 S)
NE Medium humanoid (human) Ranged advanced shirren eye rifle +13
Male human outlaw soldier 5 (2d10+9 P) or aphelion artillery laser +12
Init +8; Perception +6 (3d8+8 F/burn 1d6)
DEFENSE Offensive Abilities Deadly Aim, Far Shot, Gear

Boost (Bullet Barrage, Laser Accuracy), primary Gear advanced shirren eye rifle, aphelion
fighting style (sharpshoot), Special Weapon artillery laser, riot gear III, tactical knife
Proficiency (sniper rifles), Weapon Focus SPECIAL ABILITIES
(sniper rifles), Weapon Specialization (sniper Focus Fire (Ex) When Flinch makes a full
rifles) attack with a ranged weapon, he can make
STATISTICS both attacks with a –3 penalty instead of a –4
Str +1; Dex +4; Con +1; Int +0; Wis +1; Cha +3 penalty as long as they both target the same
Skills Acrobatics +16, Disguise +9, Sleight of creature. If his first attack kills or knocks out
Hand +16, Stealth +22, Survival +13; (reduce the target, he can instead make the second
the DCs of Culture checks by 5 when recalling attack against a different creature at a –4
knowledge about the criminal underworld. penalty.
Languages Common Sniper’s Aim (Ex) When Haggard makes a
Feats Improved Initiative, Skill Focus (Stealth), ranged attack against a target with cover, the
Skill Synergy (Perception, Stealth) AC bonus provided by cover is reduced by 2.
Other Abilities

Unnamed NPCs

“We’ve got enough fuel to reach the outer STATISTICS

colonies. There’s not much law out there, so Str +2; DEX +2; Con +1 ; INT -1; WIS +1; Cha +0
we’d probably be safe. But, we don’t have Skills Athletics +6, Perception +5; Stealth +6
enough food. We’d have to go into stasis pods Languages Common, Farwhisper
to even make it that far.” – Two, Dark Matter, Gear none
Gill Sheath This batch of enfaddin, original-
D-grades CR 1/2 XP 200 ly created to attack a very watery planet, all
N Medium humanoid (d-grade) received a biotech enhancement that allows
Init +2; Perception +4 them to breathe in water.
DEFENSE Indefatiguable Enfaddin receive a +4 racial
HP 20 bonus on Constitution checks and Fortitude
EAC 14; KAC 16 saves to avoid fatigue and exhaustion, as well
Fort +4; Ref +2; Will +1; +2 racial bonus on sav- as any other ill effects from running, forced
ing throws against poison, spells, and spell-like marches, starvation, thirst, and hot or cold
abilities and on Constitution checks to avoid environments.
becoming fatigued or exhausted Silent Hunter Enfaddin reduce the penalty for
OFFENSE using Stealth while moving by 5 and can make
Speed 30 ft. Stealth checks while running at a –20 penalty
Melee improvised +2 (1d6+2) (this number includes the penalty reduction
Ranged none from this trait).
Str +0; Dex +2; Con +2; INT -1; WIS -2; Cha +1 Cultists
Skills Diplomacy +5, Stealth +6 The Exham cultists have been exposed to the
Languages Common, Farwhisper qlippoth genetic resequencers and are heavily
Gear none corrupted by the abyssal energies.
Gregarious: When d-grades successfully use Exham Cultists CR 1 XP 400
Diplomacy to win over an individual, that crea- Human mystic 1
ture takes a –2 penalty on attempts to resist NE Medium humanoid (human, augmented)
any of the member’s Charisma-based skills for Init +1; Perception +6
the next 24 hours. DEFENSE
SP 6; HP 10
Enfaddin Prisoner CR 1 XP 400 EAC 13; KAC 14
N Medium humanoid (enfaddin) Fort +0; Ref +1; Will +4
Init +2; Perception +4 OFFENSE
DEFENSE Speed 30 ft.
HP 20 Melee dagger +2 (1d4+2 S)
EAC 14; KAC 16 Ranged qlippoth disintegration rifle I +1 (1d6
Fort +4; Ref +2; Will +1 A/corrode 1d6; two-handed, line, unwieldy)
OFFENSE Mystic Spells known (CL 1st)
Speed 30 ft.; Swim 30 ft. 1st level (3/day)—keen senses, shooting star
Melee improvised +2 (1d6+2) (magic missile), mindthrust (DC 13)
Ranged none 0 (at will)—fatigue (DC 12), ghost sounds (DC

12), grave words, telekinetic projectile NE Medium humanoid (human, augmented)
STATISTICS Init +8; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +8
Str +2; Dex +1; Con +0; Int +0; Wis +2; Cha +2 DEFENSE
Skills Athletics +6, Life Science +4, Mysticism HP 60
+6, Sense Motive +6, Survival +6 EAC 21; KAC 23
Languages Abyssal, Common Fort +0; Ref +1; Will +4
Gear dagger, freebooter’s armor I OFFENSE
Speed 30 ft.; Fly 20 ft.
Corrupted Cultists CR 3 XP 800 Melee claws +12 (1d8+5 S)
These cultists have been continually subjected Ranged qlippoth disintegration rifle II +7
to technology the J.T. Hertz has constructed with (1d8+5 A/corrode 1d6; two-handed, line,
Providence’s guidance. They have spend hours unwieldy)
exposed to the horrors of the abyss as Hertz and STATISTICS
Ahab altered them to Providence’s specifica- Str +4; Dex +3; Con +0; Int +0; Wis +0; Cha +2
tions. They continue to be human in appearance Skills Athletics +12, Acrobatics +11; Mysticism
despite their long claws. Their skin has tough- +8, Sense Motive +8, Survival +10
ened and begun to take on a bluish hue. Languages Abyssal, Common
Gear dagger, freebooter’s armor II
NE Medium humanoid (human, augmented) SPECIAL ABILITIES
Init +6; Perception +7 Song of the Qlippoth (Su) As a standard action, the
DEFENSE heavily corrupted cultists can scream a maddening
HP 32 shriek. Those listening within a 20’ cone make a DC
EAC 17; KAC 18 15 Will save or take 1 point of Wisdom damage.
Fort +0; Ref +1; Will +4
OFFENSE Medic CR 1/2 XP 200
Speed 30 ft. N Medium humanoid (human)
Melee claws +9 (1d6+4 S) Init +5; Perception +4
Ranged qlippoth disintegration rifle I +5 DEFENSE
(1d6+3 A/corrode 1d6; two-handed, line, HP 13
unwieldy) EAC 14; KAC 16
Mystic Spells known (CL 1st) Fort +4; Ref +2; Will +0
1st level (3/day)—keen senses, shooting star OFFENSE
(magic missile), mindthrust (DC 12) Speed 30 ft.
0 (at will)—fatigue (DC 11), ghost sounds (DC Melee improvised weapon +0 (1d4)
11), grave words, telekinetic projectile Ranged needler pistol +1 (1d4 P/injection
Str +4; Dex +3; Con +0; Int +0; Wis +1; Cha +2 STATISTICS
Skills Athletics +10, Life Science +6, Mysticism Str +0; Dex +1; Con +2 ; Int +2; Wis +1; Cha +0
+7, Sense Motive +7, Survival +7 Skills Computers +4, Life Science +4, Medicine
Languages Abyssal, Common +9 , Physical Science +4,
Gear dagger, freebooter’s armor I Languages Common, Farwhisper
Gear D-Suit 1, tactical semi-auto pistol with 6
Heavily Corrupted Cultists rounds, club, data crystal (100 credits), 2 car-
CR 5 XP 1,600 tridges of kanatrium poison
These cultists have been altered both through
surgeries and through the transformations Security Personnel CR 1 XP 400
caused by abyssal energies. They know have four N Medium humanoid (human)
wings and even longer claws than before. Their Init +5; Perception +4
skin has toughened into a thick hide and taken DEFENSE
on a deep bluish hue. Their lips are now split in HP 13
four short tentacles that grasp and sniff at the air EAC 14; KAC 16
around their faces. When they open their tooth- Fort +4; Ref +2; Will +1
less mouths and scream, they shatter minds. OFFENSE
Speed 30 ft.

Melee tactical starknife +3 (1d4+2 P) Init +5; Perception +4
Ranged laser pistol (azimuth) +2 (1d4 F), DEFENSE
semi-automatic pistol (tactical) +2 (1d6 P), or HP 12
tactical starknife +2 (1d4+2 P) EAC 14; KAC 16
STATISTICS Fort +3; Ref +2; Will +1
Str +2; Dex +1; Con +2 ; Int +0; Wis +1; Cha +0 OFFENSE
Skills Acrobatics +5, Athletics +6, Perception +5 Speed 30 ft.
Languages Common Melee club +4 (1d6+3 B)
Gear D-Suit 1, tactical semi-auto pistol with 6 Ranged spear +4 (1d6+3 B)
rounds, club, data crystal (50 credits) STATISTICS
Str +3; Dex +1; Con +1 ; Int +0; Wis +1; Cha +0
Skills Acrobatics +5, Athletics +7, Perception +5
Exham Human Prisoners CR 1/2 XP 200 Languages Common
N Medium humanoid (human) Gear junkyard armor, club, spear

Dead in Space Section 15
Advanced Bestiary, Copyright 2014, Green Ronin Publishing, LLC; Author Jeff Hersh,
Developer Owen K.C. Stephens
Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Bestiary © 2012, Paizo Publishing, LLC;
Authors: Jim Groves, James Jacobs, Rob McCreary, Erik Mona, Jason Nelson, Patrick
Renie, F. Wesley Schneider, James L. Sutter, Russ Taylor, and Greg A. Vaughan.
Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Technology Guide © 2014, Paizo Inc.; Authors: James
Jacobs and Russ Taylo
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Horror Adventures © 2016, Paizo Inc.; Authors: John
Bennett, Clinton J. Boomer, Logan Bonner, Robert Brookes, Jason Bulmahn, Ross Byers,
Jim Groves, Steven Helt, Thurston Hillman, Eric Hindley, Brandon Hodge, Mikko Kallio,
Jason Nelson, Tom Phillips, Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Alistair Rigg, Alex Riggs, David
N. Ross, F. Wesley Schneider, David Schwartz, Mark Seifter, and Linda Zayas-Palmer.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary 2, © 2010, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors
Wolfgang Baur, Jason Bulmahn, Adam Daigle, Graeme Davis, Crystal Frasier, Joshua
J. Frost, Tim Hitchcock, Brandon Hodge, James Jacobs, Steve Kenson, Hal MacLean,
Martin Mason, Rob McCreary, Erik Mona, Jason Nelson, Patrick Renie, Sean K Reynolds,
F. Wesley Schneider, Owen K.C. Stephens, James L. Sutter, Russ Taylor, and Greg A.
Vaughan, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary 4 © 2013, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors:
Dennis Baker, Jesse Benner, Savannah Broadway, Ross Byers, Adam Daigle, Tim
Hitchcock, Tracy Hurley, James Jacobs, Matt James, Rob McCreary, Jason Nelson, Tom
Phillips, Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Sean K Reynolds, F. Wesley Schneider, Tork Shaw,
and Russ Taylor.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary 5 © 2015, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Dennis Baker, Jesse
Benner, John Bennett, Logan Bonner, Creighton Broadhurst, Robert Brookes, Benjamin
Bruck, Jason Bulmahn, Adam Daigle, Thurston Hillman, Eric Hindley, Joe Homes, James
Jacobs, Amanda Hamon Kunz, Ben McFarland, Jason Nelson, Thom Phillips, Stephen
Radney-MacFarland, Alistair Rigg, Alex Riggs, David N. Ross, Wes Schneider, David
Schwartz, Mark Seifter, Mike Shel, James L. Sutter, and Linda Zayas-Palmer.
Coming Soon...

Starships, Stations
and Salvage Guide
by Edward Moyer

Compatible with Starfinder Roleplay-

ing Game or any other science fiction
universe. Add the living and the dead
to a star filled world populated with
powerful players seeking out their
fortunes among the stars.

This book Includes rules for

• New Frames for Ship Building
• New Expansion Bays
• New Shields Enhancements
• New Armor Enhancements
• Spell Primed Weapons and Shields
• New Weapons and Mines
• Salvage and Mining Rules
• Colossal Ships and Space Station Rules
• Living and Necromantic Ships
• Full Color and 3D Starship Deck Plans
• An exciting episodic module for play-
ers to explore a new station and ship
expansion rules.

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