BJOG - 2021 - Aiken
BJOG - 2021 - Aiken
BJOG - 2021 - Aiken
Objective To compare outcomes before and after implementation P = 0.557) and incidence of ectopic pregnancy (0.2% versus
of medical abortion (termination of pregnancy) without 0.2%, P = 0.796) were not different between models. In the
ultrasound via telemedicine. telemedicine-hybrid model, 0.04% were estimated to be over
10 weeks’ gestation at the time of the abortion; all were
Design Cohort analysis.
completed safely at home. Within the telemedicine-hybrid
Setting The three main abortion providers. model, effectiveness was higher with telemedicine than in-person
care (99.2% versus 98.1%, P < 0.001). Acceptability of
Population or sample Medical abortions at home at ≤69 days’
telemedicine was high (96% satisfied) and 80% reported a
gestation in two cohorts: traditional model (in-person with
future preference for telemedicine.
ultrasound, n = 22 158) from January to March 2020 versus
telemedicine-hybrid model (either in person or via telemedicine Conclusions A telemedicine-hybrid model for medical abortion that
without ultrasound, n = 29 984, of whom 18 435 had no-test includes no-test telemedicine and treatment without an ultrasound
telemedicine) between April and June 2020. Sample (n = 52 142) is effective, safe, acceptable and improves access to care.
comprises 85% of all medical abortions provided nationally.
Keywords Abortion, induced [E04.520.050], ambulatory care
Methods Data from electronic records and incident databases facilities [N02.278.035], health planning [N03.349], mifepristone
were used to compare outcomes between cohorts, adjusted for [D04.210.500.365.415.580], misoprostol [D23.469.700.660.500],
baseline differences. pregnancy complications [C13.703], telemedicine
[N04.590.374.800], termination of pregnancy.
Main outcome measures Treatment success, serious adverse
events, waiting times, gestation at treatment, acceptability. Tweetable abstract Compelling evidence from 52 142 women
shows no-test telemedicine abortion is safe, effective and improves
Results Mean waiting time from referral to treatment was
4.2 days shorter in the telemedicine-hybrid model and more
abortions were provided at ≤6 weeks’ gestation (40% versus Linked article This article is commented on by A Glasier and
25%, P < 0.001). Treatment success (98.8% versus 98.2%, L Regan, pp. 1475–1476 in this issue. To view this mini
P > 0.999), serious adverse events (0.02% versus 0.04%, commentary visit
Please cite this paper as: Aiken ARA, Lohr PA, Lord J, Ghosh N, Starling J. Effectiveness, safety and acceptability of no-test medical abortion (termination of
pregnancy) provided via telemedicine: a national cohort study. BJOG 2021;128:1464–1474.
1464 ª 2021 The Authors. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use,
distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
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Effectiveness, safety and acceptability of no-test medical abortion
most vulnerable,3 especially in resource-poor settings or medications to terminate a pregnancy without primary sur-
where care has to be self-funded. In its 2019 guideline on gical intervention and ‘EMA’ applies to these procedures,
abortion care, the National Institute for Health and Care commonly within the first trimester.13 The recommended
Excellence (NICE) stated that improving access to abortion EMA regimen uses the anti-progestogen mifepristone in an
was a key priority.4 oral dose of 200 mg, then, after 24–48 hours, 800 mcg of
Telemedicine, the use of information and communica- the prostaglandin analogue misoprostol by the sublingual,
tion technologies to improve patient outcomes by increas- vaginal or buccal route. In the UK, an additional dose of
ing access to care and medical information,5 has been misoprostol is recommended if expulsion has not occurred
noted to decrease costs and increase convenience and 3–4 hours after the first dose.8,14 Prior to telemedicine,
safety.6 It is an established service delivery model for abor- patients would have returned to clinic to receive this, but
tion care in many settings7 and it is recommended to in the new model the additional dose was provided in the
improve access.4 The COVID-19 pandemic required urgent treatment pack. Patients are advised to call the abortion
action to ensure delivery of essential health services, with provider on their 24-hour phone service in the event of
the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists any problems, if bleeding is unexpectedly light or heavy, if
(RCOG) publishing guidelines to safeguard abortion care pregnancy symptoms fail to resolve quickly or if a low-sen-
in the UK.8 These guidelines profoundly changed the way sitivity pregnancy test (1000 IU) is positive 3 weeks after
medical such care is delivered in Great Britain. Prior to the using misoprostol. This information is conveyed in a vari-
emergence of COVID-19, all patients seeking medical abor- ety of formats, including verbally at consultation, in writing
tion were required to attend in-person to receive an ultra- and through on-line resources. Women are offered self-
sound scan and have mifepristone administered within the assessment with a low-sensitivity pregnancy test to deter-
clinic. Under the new guidelines, consultations were mine success of the abortion, with instructions to report
encouraged to take place by telephone or video call; an back to the abortion provider if there are any ongoing
ultrasound scan was required only if indicated. By 30 issues or a positive test, in line with national guidelines15
March 2020, all the governments in Great Britain had and high quality evidence that self-assessment is safe, effec-
issued emergency legal orders to allow mifepristone to be tive and preferred by women.16
used at home along with misoprostol up to 10 weeks’ ges- Our dataset consisted of information on EMAs extracted
tation.9–11 These approvals permitted abortion providers to directly from each provider’s electronic records and
implement a fully telemedical service delivery model, included fully de-identified patient clinical and demo-
including ‘no test medical abortion’ and direct-to-patient graphic characteristics. Each providers’ clinical incident
delivery of abortifacient medications. database was cross-referenced to patients in each cohort to
Great Britain’s new pathway for no-test medical abortion determine rates of unsuccessful medical abortion and
is unusual among existing models because it is fully remote: adverse events. All data were extracted 6 weeks after the
no clinic visit, tests or ultrasound scan are performed and end of the study period to ensure the reporting of compli-
both mifepristone and misoprostol are delivered by mail or cations was as complete as possible. We also consulted with
collected from a clinic for use at home. This new service regulators and national agencies to ensure that we
model thus presents an important opportunity to evaluate a accounted for incident reports made directly to them. The
potentially better way to provide medical abortion that independent regulator of all health and social care services
could improve access and reduce the barriers posed by in- in England, the Care Quality Commission (CQC), con-
person care.12 We examined and compared the effectiveness, firmed that all cases reported directly to them through var-
safety and acceptability of medical abortion provided up to ious routes, for example, statutory notifications and the
10 weeks’ gestation before and after the widespread imple- central NHS database of patient safety incident reports (the
mentation of no-test telemedicine. National Reporting and Learning System [NRLS] and the
Strategic Executive Information System [StEIS]), were
known to the providers.
Two cohorts were defined. The ‘traditional’ cohort com-
Population and cohorts prises all patients having an EMA between 1 January and 1
The study population comprised all patients who accessed March 2020, prior to service model change. All patients in
an early medical abortion (EMA) at the three largest abor- this cohort received an in-person assessment and an ultra-
tion providers in England – British Pregnancy Advisory sound scan, had mifepristone administered in the clinic,
Service (BPAS), MSI Reproductive Choices (MSUK) and and were supplied with misoprostol for use at home. The
the National Unplanned Pregnancy Advisory Service ‘telemedicine-hybrid’ cohort comprises all patients access-
(NUPAS) – 2 months before and after the service model ing an EMA between 6 April and 30 June 2020, in a 2-
change. Medical abortion is defined as the use of month period after the service model change at each
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Aiken et al.
provider. Patients in this cohort were offered a consultation although a proportion of these will be pregnancy of
via phone or video call, during which an assessment of eli- unknown locations (PULs), which includes failed early
gibility for treatment via telemedicine was made. Patients intrauterine pregnancies. We analysed the proportion of
were deemed eligible for no-test medical abortion via tele- cases where treatment was reported to have occurred at
medicine if they had a low risk of ectopic pregnancy and ≥10 weeks’ gestation in the telemedicine-hybrid cohort.
their self-reported last menstrual period (LMP) indicated a
gestation of <10 weeks. Medications were then delivered to Acceptability
patients via post or were made available for collection from Given the constraints of delivering healthcare during
a clinic for use at home. Those deemed ineligible for no- COVID-19, it was not possible to follow up all patients to
test medical abortion via telemedicine had an in-person capture patient-reported outcomes. Two of the providers
assessment with ultrasound as per the ‘traditional’ model. (BPAS and MSUK) collected patient feedback during the
After the in-person assessment, medications for this group study period. Patients were invited to provide feedback 1–3
were then provided from the clinic for home use. The weeks after treatment, either by telephone using a structured
medications provided to both groups in the hybrid cohort interview tool (MSUK)18 or using an online form (BPAS).19
were the same. Providers followed organisation-specific evi- We analysed data on questions reporting on satisfaction,
dence-based policies informed by the RCOG8 and associ- future preference and privacy. Although the questions were
ated decision aid17 (Figures 1 and 2) and earlier RCOG similar, only the MSUK survey included questions on the
and NICE guidelines.14,15 privacy of teleconsultation. All contact was by a non-clini-
cian who had not been involved in the patient’s care.
Outcome measures
Access The primary analysis was to assess whether the telemedi-
Waiting time and gestation at treatment were used to assess cine-hybrid model was non-inferior to the traditional
how the two models impacted access. Waiting time was model. We compare effectiveness and safety in the two
defined as the interval from first contact with the abortion cohorts by testing the hypotheses that the telemedicine-hy-
provider to when medication was dispensed (either in-per- brid model is less effective and has a higher complication
son in clinic or posted). Gestation was recorded as that rate.
applicable on the date mifepristone was dispensed or pro- We first compared patient demographic and clinical
vided. Analysis was of mean gestation and the proportion characteristics between the cohorts to assess the need to
of abortions performed at ≤6 weeks’ gestation. covariate-adjust our hypothesis tests for systematic differ-
ences in the two groups that might affect outcomes of
Effectiveness abortion. All hypothesis tests were covariate adjusted for
Effectiveness was defined as the proportion of medical patient age, race/ethnicity, gestational age, parity and prior
abortions that were successful. Success was defined accord- abortions using logistic regression and weighted risk differ-
ing to the MARE Guidelines as successful expulsion of an ences.20
intrauterine pregnancy without need for surgical interven- We evaluated effectiveness by testing the alternative
tion,13 using the sub-categories as listed in Table 2. hypothesis that the rate of successful medical abortion in
the telemedicine-hybrid cohort is lower than in the tradi-
Safety tional cohort using a covariate-adjusted test of difference in
Safety was defined according to the proportions of medical proportions. We also performed a Chi-square test to evalu-
abortions that involved one or more significant adverse ate whether the distribution of unsuccessful abortion sub-
events. We defined significant adverse events as haemorrhage categories differed between the cohorts. We evaluated safety
requiring transfusion, significant infection requiring hospital by testing the alternative hypothesis that significant adverse
admission, major surgery and death. We also examined the events occurred at higher rates in the telemedicine-hybrid
incidence of ectopic pregnancy and when it was diagnosed in cohort than in the traditional cohort using a covariate-ad-
the care pathway. For the analysis of ectopic pregnancies, we justed hypothesis test for difference of proportions. We
included all abortion consultations rather than all abortions reported one-sided P-values for both of these tests. We also
provided because some patients with suspected ectopic preg- evaluated whether the prevalence of ectopic pregnancies
nancies were referred to Early Pregnancy Assessment Units managed before EMA and after EMA were different
(EPAU) and did not proceed to abortion. All patients between the traditional and telemedicine-hybrid cohorts
referred for further diagnostics (e.g. serial human chorionic using Chi-square difference of proportion tests.
gonadotropin [bhCG] monitoring) but who had no further The secondary analysis was to compare effectiveness
treatment are included in the ectopic pregnancy group, and safety of medical abortion for patients who received
1466 ª 2021 The Authors. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
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Effectiveness, safety and acceptability of no-test medical abortion
Collect (with minimal contact) / pack & post: Clinicians must be confident the woman can speak privately without
• Aboron medicaon
• Any addional medicaon (e.g. analgesia,an-emec)
• Low sensivity pregnancy test
• Wrien advice and informaon
• Plan for remote follow-up
Figure 1. Summary of early medical abortion care management during COVID-19 pandemic (adapted with permission from RCOG Coronavirus
[COVID-19] Infection and Abortion Care – Information for Healthcare Professionals8).
fully remote no-test telemedicine versus in-person care in adverse events in the telemedicine versus in-person
the telemedicine-hybrid cohort, primarily to assess groups.
whether any differences between the cohort service mod- All analyses were performed using R, version 3.6.2 (R
els were driven by one particular group. We performed Foundation for Statistical Computing, c/o Institute for
covariate-adjusted hypothesis tests under the null hypoth- Statistics and Mathematics, Vienna, Austria). Statistical sig-
esis of equal effectiveness and equal rates of significant nificance was defined using an alpha level of 0.05.
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Aiken et al.
• Abdominal (“tummy”) or pelvic pain which is more on one side, and vaginal bleeding / spotting in
the last five days?
• An intrauterine device (e.g. “contraceptive coil”, “Mirena”, “Jaydess”, “Kyleena”, “Levosert”) in
4 place when you conceived?
• A previous ectopic pregnancy?
• Been told, following an operation or scan, that your Fallopian tubes (which connect the ovaries to
the womb) are damaged?
• Had surgery on your Fallopian tubes?
Figure 2. Decision aid for early medical abortion without ultrasound (adapted with permission from RCOG Coronavirus (COVID-19) infection and
abortion care – information for healthcare professionals; 2020-06-04-decision-aid-for-early-medical-abortion-without-ultrasound.pdf []17)
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Effectiveness, safety and acceptability of no-test medical abortion
Mean waiting time to treatment declined from 10.7 days evidence that significant adverse events were higher in the
(SD 19.9) in the traditional pathway to 6.5 days (SD 13.5) telemedicine-hybrid cohort (P = 0.557).
in the telemedicine-hybrid cohort (P < 0.001). Mean gesta- The overall incidence of ectopic pregnancy was equiva-
tional age at treatment also declined in the telemedicine- lent in both cohorts – 39 (0.2%) in the traditional cohort
hybrid cohort, resulting in 40% of abortions performed at and 49 (0.2%) in the telemedicine-hybrid cohort,
6 weeks’ gestation or less versus 25% in the traditional P = 0.796 (Table 4). The proportions managed after EMA
cohort (P < 0.001). were not significantly different between the cohorts (0.01%
in the traditional pathway and 0.03% in the telemedicine-
Effectiveness hybrid pathway, P = 0.123). There were 11 cases (0.04%)
Rates of successful medical abortion were high under both in the telemedicine-hybrid cohort where the gestational age
service delivery models (Table 2) – 98.2% in the traditional after abortion was reported by the patient or an admitting
cohort versus 98.8% in the telemedicine-hybrid cohort. We hospital as being greater than the expected 10 weeks. In all
found no evidence of a lower success rate with the teleme- these cases, the abortion was completed at home without
dicine-hybrid pathway (P > 0.999). The distribution of the additional medical complications.
different sub-categories of unsuccessful medical abortion
did not differ between the cohorts (P = 0.268). Acceptability
Patient-reported outcome data were available from 2453
Safety respondents: 96% were ‘satisfied’ or ‘very satisfied’ with
Significant adverse events in both cohorts were rare their care, or rated their experience as ‘good’ or ‘very
(Table 3). Haemorrhage requiring transfusion was reported good’; 80% reported that they would choose telemedicine
in eight (0.04%) cases in the traditional cohort and in in the future or that it was their preferred option, with
seven (0.02%) cases in the telemedicine-hybrid cohort. No 13% choosing in-person care and the remainder being
cases of significant infection requiring hospital admission, unsure. No patient reported that they were unable to con-
major surgery or death were reported. We found no sult in private using teleconsultation (n = 1243).
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Aiken et al.
Table 2. Comparison of effectiveness of medical abortions conducted in the traditional and telemedicine-hybrid cohorts (n = 52 142). n (%)
As explained in the methods section, the P-value for successful medical abortion is the co-variate-adjusted P-value (i.e. all differences in patient
clinical and demographic characteristics, including gestational age, are controlled for) and was calculated using a hypothesis test where the null
hypothesis is that the traditional cohort has the same effectiveness rate as the telemedicine-hybrid cohort and the alternative hypothesis is that
the traditional cohort has a higher effectiveness rate than the telemedicine-hybrid cohort. The P-value for unsuccessful medication abortion is the
Chi-square test of whether the distribution of types of failure differ between the cohorts.
Table 3. Comparison of significant adverse events following Table 4. Significant outcomes among patients presenting for
medical abortions conducted in the traditional and telemedicine- medical abortion in the traditional and telemedicine-hybrid cohorts
hybrid cohorts (n = 52 142). n (%) (n = 52 218). n (%)
As explained in the methods section, the P-value was calculated The column numbers include patients who presented for an EMA
using a hypothesis test where the null hypothesis is that the but did not receive one because their ectopic pregnancy was
traditional cohort has the same rate of adverse events as the identified pretreatment.
telemedicine-hybrid cohort and the alternative hypothesis is that the *The column numbers for the gestational age later than expected
traditional cohort has a lower rate of adverse events than the category are the same as those in Table 3, (all EMAs performed in
telemedicine-hybrid cohort. the two cohorts, i.e. n = 52 142).
Secondary outcome measures and access to abortion care is better, with both waiting
Comparison of clinical outcomes for the telemedicine ver- times and gestational age at the time of the abortion signif-
sus in-person groups in the telemedicine-hybrid cohort is icantly reduced. Although gestation could be influenced by
shown in Tables S1–S3. Rates of successful medical abor- different behaviour during the pandemic, resulting in ear-
tion were higher in the telemedicine group (99.2% versus lier presentation, in most other areas of healthcare, access
98.1%, P < 0.001), but rates of significant adverse out- has been severely impacted, with waiting times increasing
comes were not significantly different between the two substantially,24 and so reductions in both seem relevant.
groups – three (0.02%) for telemedicine versus four Even small reductions in waiting time are significant –
(0.03%) for in-person (P = 0.532). NICE noted that a reduction of 1 day resulted in annual
savings of £1.6 million to the health services in England
owing to reduced complications and fewer needing to opt
for a surgical abortion.4 Further evidence that the new tele-
Main findings medicine-hybrid model improves access comes from a
We found that no-test medical abortion via telemedicine study showing that the rate of women seeking abortion
without routine ultrasound up to 10 weeks’ gestation is an medication outside the formal healthcare setting was signif-
effective, safe and acceptable service model. Clinical out- icantly reduced in the UK following its implementation.25
comes with telemedicine are equivalent to in-person care The implication is that those previously too vulnerable to
1470 ª 2021 The Authors. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
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Effectiveness, safety and acceptability of no-test medical abortion
attend in-person have been able to access care through tele- findings, the consequences for most are unlikely to be med-
medicine, potentially benefitting from the safeguarding, ically significant.35 The 10-week gestation limit in the Eng-
counselling and contraceptive services provided by regu- lish government’s approval order is arbitrary and is not
lated providers.26 based on evidence of safety or effectiveness. The Scottish
Our study confirms previous literature that medical government did not stipulate a limit, leaving the decision
abortion is safe and effective. Our findings of low rates of to the discretion of the clinician in consultation with their
significant complications and failure are similar to those patient. Moreover, the reported success of self-managed
reported from other high quality studies.27,28 The slight terminations of pregnancy at >12–24 weeks’ gestation is
increase in effectiveness we observed in the group that 93%, with safety similar to that expected in earlier gesta-
received telemedicine – even after controlling for lower tions.36,37
average gestational age compared with the in-person group
– may be due to the ability of patients to control better the Strengths and limitations
time at which they took the medication. Although the study is not a clinical trial, we were able to
The telemedicine-hybrid model resulted in very low rates evaluate the outcomes of both the telemedicine-hybrid and
of undiagnosed ectopic pregnancy and later than expected traditional in-person services as they operate in the real
gestations. Although the rate of ectopic pregnancy in the world, and we were able to adjust for key covariates. A
general population in the UK and USA is reported as 1– key strength of the study is the generalisability of our find-
2%,29,30 the rate reported among patients having a termina- ings, given that our sample included 85% of all medical
tion of pregnancy is 10 times lower,31 which is consistent abortions provided in England and Wales during the study
with our findings. Ultrasound is not used to screen for period.
ectopic pregnancy in the general population – it is only The main limitation of this study is that we were unable
used where signs and symptoms suggest a need.30 Routine actively to follow up patients after their abortion. There is
screening of symptom-free women is associated with a high a potential gap in the consistency of reporting incidents,
false-positive rate when the prevalence of ectopic pregnancy due to some complications not meeting the threshold of
is low, as is the case in women seeking abortion, and there- serious incidents, multiple routes of entry into the NHS
fore it is unlikely there would be significant benefits.32 and informal communication between the NHS and abor-
There is no clinical justification for maintaining this incon- tion providers. Although it is possible that some patients
sistency in care between women wishing to continue their presented to other providers and a significant adverse event
pregnancies and those choosing EMA.33,34 was not reported in our dataset, the risk management and
However, given that over 200 000 people access abortion reporting systems within the NHS are well defined, with
care each year in the UK alone, some will inevitably have serious incidents being routinely shared. The governing
an asymptomatic ectopic pregnancy and so will proceed body of the NHS in England alerted all commissioners of
with having mifepristone and misoprostol either through the need to report incidents relating to telemedicine and
telemedicine or after a false-negative scan. The essential there were review meetings of key stakeholders to ensure
issue for safety is that these are detected prior to causing compliance. No additional cases were identified from regu-
harm rather than prior to beginning the medical abortion lators that were not already recorded by the providers’ clin-
treatment; treatment with mifepristone and misoprostol in ical incident processes. More importantly, there is no
itself will have no effect on an underlying ectopic preg- reason that any under-reporting would be systematically
nancy. Indeed, the reduction in waiting times afforded by more likely in either cohort to introduce bias. Although
the telemedicine model may facilitate earlier detection than patient behaviour may have been altered in the pandemic,
traditional pathways where women present later or are sent it seems unlikely patients would not have reported prob-
away to give additional time to visualise an intrauterine lems to their provider given that there is immediate access
pregnancy on scan. Proceeding with early medical abortion to help via 24-hour telephone services. It is also possible
without a scan may permit earlier diagnosis of a developing that with NHS acute services (e.g. early pregnancy units)
ectopic pregnancy owing to increased surveillance and harder to access, patients would be more likely to engage
index of suspicion, for example where there is minimal with their abortion provider first. Finally, evidence from an
bleeding after misoprostol.8,15 equivalent population to ours in Scotland gave almost
The proportion of cases where gestational age was later identical results. This was a smaller cohort study that fol-
than expected based on LMP was low, as might have been lowed up all patients (n = 663) and cross-checked NHS
expected given the evidence that women can determine the hospital records (reporting successful medical abortion
gestational age of their pregnancy with reasonable accuracy 98%, haemorrhage requiring transfusion 0%, infection
by LMP alone.33 Nevertheless, inadvertent treatment of ges- requiring hospital admission 0%, choosing telemedicine
tations over 10 weeks is inevitable and, consistent with our again in future 71%).39
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Effectiveness, safety and acceptability of no-test medical abortion
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(BSACP). Coronavirus (COVID-19) Infection and Abortion Care.
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10 Scottish Government. Abortion – Covid-19 – Approval for
that no important aspects of the study have been omitted;
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Supporting Information
13 Creinin MD, Chen MJ. Medical abortion reporting of efficacy: the
Additional supporting information may be found online in MARE guidelines. Contraception 2016;94:97–103.
14 Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG), Faculty
the Supporting Information section at the end of the
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