Paper 11
Paper 11
Paper 11
Applied Energy
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Keywords: Battery state-of-health (SoH) estimation is a critical function in a well-designed battery management system
Lithium-ion battery (BMS). In this paper, the battery SoH is detected based on the dynamic characteristic of the charging current
State-of-health (SoH) during the constant-voltage (CV) period. Firstly, according to the preliminary analysis of the battery test data,
Constant-current constant-voltage (CCCV) the time constant of CV charging current is proved to be a robust characteristic parameter related to the battery
aging. Secondly, the detailed expression of the current time constant is derived based on the first order
Equivalent circuit model (ECM)
equivalent circuit model (ECM). Thirdly, the quantitative correlation between the normalized battery capacity
Current time constant
and the current time constant is established to indicate the battery SoH. Specifically, for the uncompleted CV
charging process, the logarithmic function-based current time constant prediction model and the reference
correlation curve are established to identify the battery capacity fading. At last, experimental results showed that
regardless of the adopted data size, the correlation identified from one battery can be used to indicate the SoH of
other three batteries within 2.5% error bound except a few outliers.
Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (J. Yang), [email protected] (B. Xia), [email protected] (W. Huang), [email protected] (Y. Fu), [email protected] (C. Mi).
Received 21 August 2017; Received in revised form 30 December 2017; Accepted 3 January 2018
0306-2619/ © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
J. Yang et al. Applied Energy 212 (2018) 1589–1600
based methods [14–17]. constant-voltage (CCCV) charging data. One of the commonly used
The battery capacity can generally be determined by two groups of methods is based on the incremental capacity (IC) or the differential
approaches: the model-based and the correlation-based techniques. voltage (DV) analysis [36–38]. With this type of technique, the battery
According to the employed battery model, the model-based tech- aging mechanisms (i.e., loss of lithium inventory and loss of active
niques can be further classified into two categories, namely, the black material) can be identified by analyzing the peaks on the IC or DV curve
box model-based and the equivalent circuit model (ECM)-based tech- [39]. However, since all the peaks on the IC or DV curve lie within the
niques. For the black box model-based techniques, artificial neural plateaus of the OCV curve which is vulnerable to the measurement
networks [18,19], support vector machine [20,21], sample entropy noise, it is difficult to identify the distinct peaks directly from the
[22,23] and sparse bayesian modeling [24] are generally employed to measured data set. Meanwhile, the IC and DV curves are generally
estimate the capacity fade in batteries. The advantage of these ap- derived from the pseudo or real OCV curve. It requires completely
proaches is that the exact knowledge of battery aging mechanism is not charging/discharging the battery with micro currents or recording the
considered, and only external behaviors of battery (e.g., voltage, cur- battery terminal voltage after a long-time relaxation process at SoC
rent, and temperature) are required. Therefore, they are relatively points covering the entire range. Both methods are time-consuming and
simple and straightforward. However, the accuracy of the black box thus are not suitable for the on-board application [39]. Ref. [40] es-
model is closely dependent on the quantity and quality of training data, tablished a quantitative correlation between battery capacity and IC
which requires extensive offline training investigations [25]. By con- peak value, and the support vector regression was employed to extract
trast, the ECM describes battery behaviors through a series of specific the IC peak value. Ref. [41] considered the normalized location interval
electric elements such as impedance components and voltage sources. of the DV curve as the characteristic parameter, and correlated it with
The battery capacity can be estimated alone or together with other the capacity loss. The improved center least squares method was em-
model parameters (e.g. impedance parameters, open circuit voltage ployed to extract the DV curve. These approaches utilized the battery
(OCV)) and SoC through a variety of filters or observers, such as EKF charging data directly to detect the battery capacity fading, and showed
[26,27], H-infinity filter [28], and recursive least squares algorithm robust performances against the measurement noise and data size. It
[29]. These methods can theoretically estimate the capacity and other has to be noted that better results would be expected using the OCV
parameters as precisely as the battery is modeled. However, it has to be curve to obtain IC and DV curves, instead of the charging data [39,42].
noted that three disadvantages exist concerning this type of technique. In addition, because of the extensive computational power required, the
Firstly, a sufficient time is required to ensure the estimated capacity robust parameter extraction algorithm employed in these methods is
converge to the stable value [26]. Secondly, the accuracy of the esti- generally not applicable for the on-board implementation. Besides the
mation results strongly depends on the precision of the battery model, IC or DV based methods, Ref. [43] calculated the battery pack capacity
while an accurate battery model can significantly increase the compu- by transforming the charging voltage curve during the constant-current
tational cost [30]. Thirdly, the cross interference terms among the es- (CC) charging period, and only simple mathematical calculations were
timated variables can also compromise the estimation performance in needed. However, the authors made the critical assumption that the
terms of the numerical stability and accuracy [31]. battery should experience a complete CC charging cycle, which rarely
From the perspective of correlation-based techniques, the battery happens in real applications, especially in EVs. Ref. [44] used the vol-
capacity is indirectly determined based on the specific characteristic tage-capacity rate curve to identify the battery capacity, and the genetic
parameter, and the mapping relationship between capacity degradation algorithm was carried out to find the optimum transformation para-
and the related parameter variation should be established in advance. meter. Nevertheless, the performance of the voltage-capacity rate curve
Typically, there exists several methods to derive the characteristic is sensitive to the sampling frequency and the measurement noise
parameter from the dynamic discharging process [32,33]. However, [40,45]. Moreover, the adopted genetic algorithm is still complicated
besides the aging state, the battery model parameters are generally for the on-board applications. Different from the methods described
changeable with SoC, temperature and C-rate of the load current under above, Ref. [46] recognized the battery capacity loss according to the
the operating condition [12], and the accuracy of SoH estimation will constant-voltage (CV) charging data. The simple mathematical function
be reduced without considering these influences. Ref. [32] selected the was proposed to simulate the battery current behavior during the CV
solid electrolyte interphase (SEI) resistance to predict the battery re- charging period, and an obvious linear correlation between the model
maining capacity by the appropriate correlation function. This ap- parameter and the battery capacity was exploited. Although the ver-
proach was found to be insensitive to discharge C-rate and effective in ification results show that the simulated CV current matches well with
estimating the battery remaining capacity. Specifically, the average SEI the experimental data, the parameters in the developed function had no
resistance with respect to the specific SoC range was utilized to reduce explicit physical meaning. Besides, a complete CV charging period is
the influence of SoC. However, the battery parameters are generally required to determine the accurate battery capacity loss, which is in-
identified online from dynamic operating conditions with a random SoC feasible from a practical point of view.
range. Thus, obtaining the average value covering the specific SoC
range in practice is a challenging task. Ref. [33] developed a formula to 1.2. Contributions of the paper
determine the battery capacity based on the estimated diffusion capa-
citance. The temperature dependency of diffusion capacitance was In this paper, the battery capacity fading is detected through the
considered to improve the robustness of the fitting function. None- dynamic characteristic of the charging current during the CV period.
theless, extensive laboratory investigations were required to obtain an The main contributions of this paper are:
accurate correlation. Some methods were developed based on the re-
laxation data after the current interruption. With this kind of methods, (1) The time constant of CV charging current is firstly introduced to
the battery capacity can be derived based on the change in the OCV indicate the battery aging state. Compared with the CV charging
before and after a driving event [34,35]. Since only the SoC-OCV cor- time, the current time constant is a more robust characteristic
relation was employed as a characteristic parameter, which was nearly parameter related to the battery aging. Based on the employed
unchanged by the battery aging state, these methods enabled a high ECM, the CV charging current is expressed in the recursive form to
accuracy of capacity estimation over the battery lifetime. However, the obtain the detailed expression of the current time constant.
long-time relaxation period is required for the precise OCV measure- (2) An online battery SoH estimation method is developed based on the
ment, which is not suitable for real applications. Recently, many re- quantitative correlation between the normalized battery capacity
searchers have concentrated on predicting the battery capacity based and the current time constant. Experimental results show that there
on the characteristic parameter extracted from the constant-current exist a strong linear regression between the normalized battery
J. Yang et al. Applied Energy 212 (2018) 1589–1600
Capacity test CCCV charging test
TCP/IP Reach EoL?
Host computer Arbin BT2000 End test
aging and the characterization tests. All of the tests are conducted at
Table 1
Specifications of the tested battery. -2.5
Type LiFePO4 -5 T1 T2
Nominal capacity 2.5 Ah -7.5
Nominal voltage 3.2 V
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120
Charge cutoff voltage 3.65 V Time (s)
Discharge cutoff voltage 2.0 V
Fig. 3. The current profile of HPPC pulses.
J. Yang et al. Applied Energy 212 (2018) 1589–1600
1400 1.25
Battery #1 0150 cycles
1200 Battery #2 0450 cycles
Battery #3 1 0900 cycles
Battery #4 1500 cycles
CV charging time (s)
1800 cycles
2100 cycles
Current (A)
600 0.5
0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
150 450 900 1500 1800 2100
Time (s)
Fig. 6. Comparison of CV charging current after different aging cycles.
Fig. 4. Comparison of CV charging time for all four batteries.
may also cause the battery to finish the CV period earlier. Compared
effectiveness of identified model parameters. In the UDDS test, the in- with the complete CV charging process, the shorter TCV would be ob-
itial SoC is 90% and the cycle is repeated without rest until the SoC tained from either of the above two scenarios, which in turn causes a
reaches 20%. significant SoH estimation error. For example, TCV extracted after 2000
cycles of battery #1 is 1158 s, and the corresponding Cn should be
2.3. Preliminary CV charging current analysis 0.8782 (i.e., point A in Fig. 5). Nevertheless, if the CV charging process
is terminated when TCV equals 1000 s, the estimated Cn is 0.9195 when
Fig. 4 shows the CV charging time of all four batteries after different substituting TCV into the correlation curve, as illustrated in Fig. 5. Thus,
aging cycles. For this study, all the CV charging data is extracted from TCV is highly sensitive to the external interference, and a more robust
the 5th cycle in the capacity test. It can be seen from Fig. 4 that the CV method is needed.
charging time (TCV) generally possesses the increasing tendency with The CV charging current of battery #1 after different aging cycles
the growing aging cycles. It indicates that the battery aging state can be are plotted in Fig. 6. It can be observed from Fig. 6 that with the
directly investigated from the CV charging time. In order to quantify the growing aging cycles, the charging current reduces to the cut-off value
correlation between the battery capacity and TCV, the normalized ca- at a slower variation rate, which in turn leads to a longer duration of the
pacity (Cn) of battery #1 (battery #1 is considered as the reference CV period. Since the current variation rate is closely associated with the
battery in this paper) is plotted versus the corresponding TCV in Fig. 5. relevant time constant, the current time constant (τI) for the CV char-
The normalized capacity, as defined in (1), is adopted in this paper due ging period can thereby be adopted to investigate the battery aging
to the inconsistency among different batteries. state. Unlike TCV, which should be obtained when the whole CV char-
Cactual ging process is completed, τI can be extracted from the partial CV
Cn =
Cinitial (1) charging data, which will be discussed in great detail in Section 4.2.
Hence, τI is a more robust characteristic parameter related to the bat-
where Cactual is the battery capacity obtained after each characterization tery aging, in comparison to the CV charging time.
test, and Cinitial is the battery capacity derived after the first char-
acterization test.
It can be seen from Fig. 5 that Cn shows a monotonically decreasing 3. Current time constant identification
relationship with TCV. The solid line in Fig. 5 denotes the fitted linear
correlation between Cn and TCV. Fig. 5 demonstrates that with the 3.1. Battery model and parameter identification
complete CV charging process, the battery capacity can be obtained by
substituting TCV into the correlation established beforehand. However, A proper battery model plays an important role in a high-perfor-
it has to be noted that some batteries in the practical application cannot mance BMS. Theoretically, the dynamic characteristic of a battery can
reach the cut-off current value due to the uncompleted charging pro- be accurately described by the ECM with infinite resistor-capacitor (RC)
cess. In addition, the noise disturbance on the current measurement networks [47]. However, this is an impractical battery model because
of the heavy computational effort. Hence, considering the tradeoff be-
1.02 tween the model fidelity and computational complexity, the first order
1 Measured capacity ECM is adopted in this paper.
Normalized capacity
0.98 Fitted curve The architecture of the first order ECM is shown in Fig. 7. It com-
0.96 prises a voltage source which represents the OCV, an Ohmic resistance
0.94 (Ro) and an RC network (Rp//Cp). It should be noted that the above
0.92 model parameters are generally represented as functions of SoC and
0.9 temperature (T). Besides, the polarization resistance (Rp) and OCV also
0.88 depend on the C-rate of the load current (CI) [12] and hysteresis effect
A H [48], respectively, i.e.:
0.84 VOC = VOC (SoC ,T ,H ), Rp = Rp (SoC ,T ,CI ), Cp = Cp (SoC ,T ),
600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300
CV charging time (s) Ro = Ro (SoC ,T ) (2)
Fig. 5. Correlation between Cn and TCV of battery #1.
where Cp represents the polarization capacitance.
J. Yang et al. Applied Energy 212 (2018) 1589–1600
IL (z ) z−exp(−Ts / Rp Cp)
H (z ) = = Based on the aforementioned analysis, dVoc/dt ≈ 0 and dRo/dt ≈ 0
Vt (z )−Voc (z ) Ro [z−exp(−Ts / Rp Cp)] + Rp [1−exp(−Ts / Rp Cp)] hold for the charging condition, thus (11) can be rewritten as
dIL Rp + Ro V −V
where Ts is the sampling period and is equal to 1 s in this paper. + IL = t OC
dt Cp Rp Ro Cp Rp Ro (14)
This function can be rewritten as
where Vt − VOC is considered as a constant item during one sampling
IL,k = IL,k − 1 θ1 + (Vt ,k−Voc,k ) θ2 + (Vt ,k − 1−Voc,k − 1) θ3 (7)
period, and the impedance parameters (Cp, Rp and Ro) can be identified
where in advance through the algorithms mentioned above. Based on the
general solution of the first order linear differential equation, IL can be
θ1 = exp(−Ts / Rp Cp)−(Rp / Ro)[1−exp(−Ts / Rp Cp)] solved as
θ2 = 1/ Ro
θ3 = −(1/ Ro)exp(−Ts /Rp Cp) (8) ( ∫ bdt)
IL = IL,t0 exp −
The regression form of (7) can be expressed as + exp (− ∫ bdt ) ∫ ⎡ (V −V t OC )exp (∫ bdt) c⎤ dt
⎣ ⎦ (15)
IL,k = φk θ (9)
where IL,t0 is the initial load current, b = (Rp + Ro)/(CpRpRo), and
where c = CpRpRo. Defining tk = t0 and tk+1=t0 + Ts, Eq. (15) can be simpli-
fied as
φk = [ IL,k − 1 Vt ,k−Voc,k Vt ,k − 1−Voc,k − 1]
IL,k + 1 = IL,k exp(−bTs ) + [(Vt ,k−VOC ,k )/ d][1−exp(−bTs )] (16)
θ = [θ1 θ2 θ3 ]T (10)
where IL,k and IL,k+1 represent the load current at time tk and tk+1,
Among the parameters in (10), IL and Vt can be measured directly,
respectively, and d = Rp + Ro.
and VOC can be obtained through a lookup table, which is normally
In the system expressed by (16), Vt-VOC can be regarded as the
identified by the HPPC test in advance. Besides, the impedance para-
system input, and the load current IL is considered as the system re-
meters (Ro, Rp and Cp) can be obtained by solving (9) with the discrete-
sponse. If the system input is zero, the system response will decrease to
time least squares (DT LS) method, which is widely implemented in the
36.79% of its initial value when Ts = 1/b. Similarly, for an increasing
real applications. The algorithmic procedure of the DT LS method is not
step input, if the initial current equals 0, the system response will reach
detailed in this paper, but can be referred to Ref. [49].
63.21% of its stable value when Ts = 1/b. Hence, it can be concluded
that the time constant for the CV charging current can be expressed as
3.2. Expression of current time constant
1 Cp Rp Ro
τI = =
In order to analyze the kinetic characteristic of the CV charging b Rp + Ro (17)
current, the detailed expression of the load current is needed.
Since Vp cannot be measured directly, the removal of Vp term from
(3) and (4) is desired in order to obtain the current expression. Hence, 3.3. Parametric sensitivity to sampling frequency
substituting (4) into (3), the differential equation can be rewritten as
The sampling frequency is crucial for the performance of DT LS
Rp IL = Cp Rp ∂t X + (Vt −VOC−Ro IL) (11) method. Without considering the limitation of on-board storage and
J. Yang et al. Applied Energy 212 (2018) 1589–1600
Current (A)
meter identification [52]. Hence, the sensitivity of τI to fs is worth in-
vestigating. 0.7
Generally, the location of the eigenvalue in the z-domain can be 0.5
expressed as
z = exp(λTs ) (18)
where λ is the eigenvalue of the system, and |λ| = 1/τI. 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
Based on (18), the sensitivity of τI with respect to eigenvalue loca-
Time (s)
tion in the z-domain is expressed as [49]:
(a) 150 cycles
z ∂τI 1
SzτI = = = τI fs
τI ∂z |λ|Ts (19) 1.3
It can be inferred from (19) that the higher sampling frequency Experiment
yields higher sensitivity of identified τI. In a practical BMS, the sampling Estimate
frequency can be 100 Hz, and τI identified after 2300 cycles is 233.8 s. 0.9
Current (A)
Based on (19), the sensitivity can be as high as 23,380, which indicates
that τI estimation is extremely sensitive to the eigenvalue location. 0.7
Hence, to guarantee a good numerical stability, the sampling frequency 0.5
in real application is recommended to limit to lower than a certain
level. 0.3
3.4. Battery model verification 0 200 400 600 800 1000
Time (s)
To verify the accuracy of the identified model parameters and the
derived current expression during the CV charging period, the com-
(b) 1500 cycles
parison results of battery #1 after 150, 1500 and 2200 cycles are shown 1.3
in Fig. 8. Two evaluation criterions, including the Root Mean-Square
Error (RMSE) and the R-square (R2), are employed to evaluate the 1.1 Experiment
waveform similarity, as listed in Table 2. The definitions of RMSE and Estimate
Current (A)
R2 are described as
1 n
RMSE = ∑k =1 (yexp,k −yest,k )2 (20)
n 0.5
∑k = 1 (yexp,k −yest ,k )2 0.3
R2 = 1− n
∑k = 1 (yexp,k −yexp )2 (21) 0.1
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
where yexp,k and yest,k denote the experimental and the estimated values,
respectively, yexp is the mean value of the experimental data, and n is the Time (s)
data size. (c) 2200 cycles
It can be inferred from (20) and (21) that a lower RMSE (closer to 0)
Fig. 8. Comparison between measured and estimated CV charging current after different
and a larger R2 (closer to 1) indicate a better fitting performance. It can cycles.
be concluded from Fig. 8 and Table 2 that the estimated current mat-
ches well with the measured charging current, which confirms that the
extracted parameter set and the derived current expression can describe Table 2
Evaluation criterions of estimation performance after different cycles.
the transient behavior of the CV charging current with high fidelity.
Cycles RMSE R2
4. SoH estimation based on the correlation between Cn and τI
0150 0.02812 0.9855
1500 0.02812 0.9870
4.1. Correlation identified from the complete CV charging data 2200 0.02455 0.9905
where x and y correspond to Cn and τI, respectively, and x and y where a1 and b1 are the fitting function coefficients which can be
J. Yang et al. Applied Energy 212 (2018) 1589–1600
1.02 1
1 Measured capacity 0.98 ld =300
Normalized capacity
Normalized capacity
0.96 0.96 ld =600
0.94 0.94
0.92 0.92
0.88 B
0.86 0.88
0.84 0.86
120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 90 110 130 150 170 190 210 230 250
Current time constant (s) Current time constant (s)
Fig. 9. Correlation between Cn and τI of battery #1. Fig. 11. Comparison of correlations between Cn and τI with respect to different ld.
Table 3 Table 4
Curve fitting results of battery #1. Curve fitting results with respect to different ld.
−0.001063 1.143 0.0113 0.9761 ld = 300 −0.002348 1.218 0.01496 0.8912 −0.9440
ld = 400 −0.00222 1.239 0.008814 0.9622 −0.9809
ld = 600 −0.00196 1.252 0.007512 0.9731 −0.9865
determined through curve-fitting method. Whole −0.001163 1.155 0.00701 0.9761 −0.9880
0.98 +2.5% the data with size of ld,ref. Although the correlation curve identified
0.96 from the whole data size exhibits the best fitting performance, as illu-
0.94 strated in Table 4, it is impractical to employ it as the reference cor-
0.92 relation curve, because the complete CV charging time cannot be ob-
Battery #1
0.9 Battery #2 tained in advance. On the other hand, it can be concluded from Fig. 4
0.88 Battery #3 that the shortest complete CV charging time is slightly more than 600 s.
Battery #4 -2.5% Hence, the correlation curve identified from the former 600 sampling
data is selected as the reference correlation curve in this paper.
120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260
Current time constant (s)
4.2.2. Current time constant prediction
Fig. 10. Correlation between Cn and τI of all four batteries.
In order to predict τI,ref, the functional relationship between τI and ld
J. Yang et al. Applied Energy 212 (2018) 1589–1600
250 200
Current time constant (s)
ld,ref = 600
0 0
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Data length Data length
Fig. 12. Relationship between τI and ld after different cycles. (a) 600 cycles
should be determined firstly. Scatter plots of τI versus ld after different 200 ld,ref = 600
actual τI points covering the former 800 sampling data are also plotted 200 ld =400
in Fig. 13. It shows that the identified curves match well with the actual
160 ld =300
points. This can also be observed in Table 6, where the relative errors
between the predicted and the actual τI,ref are all less than 10% in six 120
cases. In addition, compared with the predicted τI,ref based on the IJI
former 300 sampling data, the values obtained based on the former 400 80 fitted curve (ld=300)
sampling data have a lower overall error. This is because more fitted 40 fitted curve (ld=400)
data points yield more information to predict the variation tendency of
τI. Considering the accuracy of the predicted τI,ref, at least 300 s of the 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
CV charging period is required for the tested batteries. Data length
(c) 2300 cycles
4.3. Developed SoH estimation scheme Fig. 13. Comparison between prediction curves and actual τI points after different cycles.
J. Yang et al. Applied Energy 212 (2018) 1589–1600
J. Yang et al. Applied Energy 212 (2018) 1589–1600
Table 8
SoH estimation results with ld = 320 of all four batteries.
Battery #1 Battery #2
SoHref SoHest_1 SoHerr_1 SoHest_2 SoHerr_2 SoHref SoHest_1 SoHerr_1 SoHest_2 SoHerr_2
98.15% 99.24% 1.082% 96.33% −1.824% 98.07% 98.24% 0.1745% 95.41% −2.655%
95.87% 98.28% 2.419% 95.07% −0.7923% 95.99% 96.91% 0.9141% 94.62% −1.376%
94.74% 95.56% 0.8257% 92.36% −2.375% 94.91% 95.94% 1.031% 92.69% −2.214%
93.77% 93.64% −0.1323% 91.49% −2.284% 93.01% 92.73% −0.2856% 89.47% −3.546%
92.78% 95.26% 2.478% 92.81% 0.02934% 90.31% 91.15% 0.8382% 88.96% −1.350%
90.12% 90.04% −0.07813% 87.93% −2.189% 89.23% 89.90% 0.6685% 86.43% −2.802%
89.12% 90.20% 1.085% 87.75% −1.370% 88.57% 90.32% 1.747% 88.35% −0.2163%
87.82% 88.93% 1.110% 86.73% −1.091% 87.02% 89.75% 2.729% 87.29% 0.2675%
Battery #3 Battery #4
SoHref SoHest_1 SoHerr_1 SoHest_2 SoHerr_2 SoHref SoHest_1 SoHerr_1 SoHest_2 SoHerr_2
98.86% 100.5% 1.641% 97.33% −1.529% 99.46% 99.31% −0.1487% 97.13% −2.333%
97.81% 99.57% 1.767% 96.20% −1.603% 96.74% 98.05% 1.308% 95.15% −1.597%
95.27% 97.45% 2.188% 94.67% −0.5999% 95.80% 96.56% 0.7582% 93.74% −2.055%
92.53% 93.51% 0.9769% 91.23% −1.299% 94.74% 95.80% 1.063% 92.58% −2.158%
90.51% 91.52% 1.012% 88.57% −1.938% 92.94% 92.29% −0.6482% 90.08% −2.857%
89.91% 87.78% −2.127% 87.56% −2.346% 90.51% 90.38% −0.1354% 89.15% −1.363%
89.33% 90.34% 1.007% 88.05% −1.285% 88.19% 90.65% 2.462% 91.03% 2.846%
87.94% 85.81% −2.132% 84.20% −3.740% 87.72% 85.62% −2.099% 82.38% −5.340%
Note: SoHest_1 and SoHerr_1 are obtained based on the τI,ref prediction model, and SoHest_2 and SoHerr_2 are obtained based on the Cn-τI correlation curve with respect to ld = 300.
Table 9
SoH estimation results with ld = 420 of all four batteries.
Battery #1 Battery #2
SoHref SoHest_1 SoHerr_1 SoHest_2 SoHerr_2 SoHref SoHest_1 SoHerr_1 SoHest_2 SoHerr_2
98.15% 98.56% 0.4072% 96.54% −1.616% 98.07% 97.97% −0.09717% 96.06% −2.009%
95.87% 97.05% 1.184% 95.10% −0.7621% 95.99% 96.25% 0.2590% 95.08% −0.9134%
94.74% 95.11% 0.3717% 93.20% −1.535% 94.91% 94.78% −0.1376% 92.92% −1.992%
93.77% 92.98% −0.7898% 91.82% −1.954% 93.01% 91.61% −1.405% 89.58% −3.432%
92.78% 94.27% 1.491% 92.81% 0.02712% 90.31% 90.40% 0.08593% 88.80% −1.513%
90.12% 89.93% −0.1905% 88.60% −1.519% 89.23% 89.45% 0.2200% 86.66% −2.572%
89.12% 89.51% 0.3883% 88.19% −0.9307% 88.57% 88.52% −0.0469% 86.78% −1.790%
87.82% 89.24% 1.422% 87.15% −0.6690% 87.02% 89.43% 2.407% 88.16% 1.145%
Battery #3 Battery #4
SoHref SoHest_1 SoHerr_1 SoHest_2 SoHerr_2 SoHref SoHest_1 SoHerr_1 SoHest_2 SoHerr_2
98.86% 100.0% 1.141% 97.97% −0.8868% 99.46% 99.49% 0.02794% 98.20% −1.264%
97.81% 98.96% 1.158% 97.31% −0.4918% 96.74% 97.14% 0.4014% 95.35% −1.390%
95.27% 97.09% 1.820% 95.28% 0.01479% 95.80% 96.37% 0.5701% 94.21% −1.588%
92.53% 92.37% −0.1679% 90.56% −1.971% 94.74% 95.35% 0.6095% 93.63% −1.110%
90.51% 90.75% 0.2417% 88.57% −1.943% 92.94% 91.80% −1.143% 90.42% −2.522%
89.91% 88.99% −0.9155% 86.14% −3.775% 90.51% 90.34% −0.1729% 89.51% −1.002%
89.33% 89.25% −0.07653% 87.85% −1.477% 88.19% 90.91% 2.724% 90.37% 2.183%
87.94% 86.86% −1.081% 85.25% −2.693% 87.72% 85.27% −2.449% 83.93% −3.796%
Note: SoHest_2 and SoHerr_2 are obtained based on the Cn-τI correlation curve with respect to ld = 400.
CV charging process, the reference correlation curve with respect to the the adopted data size.
specific data length is employed to estimate the battery SoH. Besides,
the logarithmic function-based prediction model is identified from the
partial CV charging data to predict τI,ref. Four LiFePO4 batteries are Acknowledgments
employed under test to verify the feasibility of the proposed method.
The results demonstrate that the correlation coefficient between Cn and The authors would like to acknowledge the funding support from
τI can reach −0.9880. Moreover, the correlation function extracted the China Scholarship Council (CSC) – China; the US DOE Graduate
from one battery is able to evaluate the SoH of other three batteries Automotive Technology Education (GATE) Center of Excellence; the
with less than 2.5% absolute error except a few outliers, regardless of National Science Foundation; and Nanjing Golden Dragon Bus Co., Ltd.
J. Yang et al. Applied Energy 212 (2018) 1589–1600
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