The Changing HR Function: Survey Report September 2007
The Changing HR Function: Survey Report September 2007
The Changing HR Function: Survey Report September 2007
The changing HR
Introduction 4
Conclusions 26
Background 27
Acknowledgements 28
References 28
• Fifty-three per cent of organisations have restructured of centres of expertise were identified, the most
their HR function in the last year and 81% have done common being deeper professional knowledge.
so in the last five years. By far the most common Other commonly perceived benefits are in the
reason for restructuring was to enable the HR consistency of HR advice, the quality of advice
function to become a more strategic contributor. given to HR partners and making the function a
• Three out of ten respondents whose HR function more strategic contributor.
has been restructured say that it now reflects the • In general, the most common difficulties
three-legged ‘Ulrich model’ and a further 28% say encountered in restructuring the HR function are
that this is partially true. However, only 18% of HR in defining new roles (42%), having insufficient
functions actually had in place all three elements resources (40%), dealing with skills gaps (38%),
of this model (shared services, business partners having ineffective technology (35%) and resistance
and centres of expertise). Among HR functions to change within HR (23%). Respondents also
that were said not to reflect the ‘Ulrich model’, report on specific challenges in implementing each
by far the most common structure is a single HR element of the so-called ‘Ulrich model’.
team incorporating generalists, specialists and • When asked about the main objectives of the HR
administration. function, recruitment and retention was given
• Centralised provision of HR administrative services as the highest priority, followed by developing
exist in 28% of organisations responding to the competencies and maximising employee
survey. Over two-thirds of these organisations involvement and engagement. Meeting business
currently deliver their shared services wholly in strategy or goals is the most important driver of
house and a quarter partially outsource. A range of future people management policies and practices.
benefits are identified in having shared services, the • The HR function has over the last three years
most common of which are repositioning the HR doubled the proportion of time it spends on
function, making it a more strategic contributor, strategic inputs, at the expense of administrative
helping focus HR work on more value-added activities. Further movement in the same direction
services and improving HR service quality. is expected over the next three years. However,
• HR business partners are present in 38% of though developing HR strategy and policy and
organisations. A number of benefits were observed contributing to business strategy are the most
in having business partners, the most common important tasks for respondents, providing support
of which is that HR is becoming a more strategic to line managers and HR administration are their
contributor. Other common benefits are that HR is most time-consuming tasks.
more business-focused, people management issues • Areas of devolution of people management
are given more importance and the HR function activities are largely unchanged from the
has improved its credibility. CIPD’s 2003 survey. HR still takes the lead on
• Centres of expertise are found in 29% of remuneration and implementing redundancies; the
respondent organisations. The most common line has prime responsibility for work organisation;
expertise areas are training and development while for a third group (recruitment, employee
(79%), recruitment (67%), reward (60%) and relations, and training and development) matters
employee relations (55%). A range of benefits are more shared.
The great majority of respondents (81% of the 787) more strategic contributor, this being indicated by 54%
report that their HR function has changed its structure of respondents whose organisations have changed
in the last five years, with just over half of these (53%) their structures in the last five years.
having done so in the last year. This section focuses on
the structures that have been adopted, in particular in Somewhat less prevalent, but nonetheless common,
relation to the three-legged ‘Ulrich model’. We also drivers are a need to improve services (34%), increased
discuss the main drivers for restructuring the HR business focus (30%) and cost reduction (29%).
function, the size of the HR function and what benefits Closely following these reasons are a need to fit the
and challenges respondents identified in the various wider organisational model and repositioning the HR
elements of the ‘Ulrich model’. The section finishes function (24%) and a need for a more responsive
with some key lessons that respondents feel they have customer service (23%).
learned from the restructuring process.
The 41 individual responses citing ‘other’ reasons for
The roles and responsibilities of the HR function, restructuring the HR function include mergers, business
including the extent to which HR-related activities were growth, reductions and increases in workforces and a
devolved to line management, and the impact change of HR director or other senior personnel.
restructuring the function has had on careers in HR are
discussed separately (see pages 15 and 24). Size of the HR function
The average (median) size of the HR function is 10
Drivers for change in structure staff, with a third (32%) comprising 1 to 5 staff, and
Respondents cite a range of drivers for changing the half (51%) between 6 and 50. Eight per cent have over
structure of HR. Among these, by far the most 100 staff in their HR functions and the highest number
common reason given is to enable HR to become a recorded is 3,000 (see Figure 1).
Percentage of respondents
20 18
10 8 8
0 1–5 6–10 11–20 21–50 51–100 101+
Number of staff in HR
Table 1: Changes in the size of the HR function over the previous three years (row percentages)
Stayed the
Grown same Reduced Base
Senior managers 32 55 13 745
Mid-level managers 45 41 15 730
Administrative/junior staff 32 37 31 733
Figure 2: Percentage of all organisations that have implemented the three legs of the ‘Ulrich model’
40 38
Percentage of respondents
30 28
Shared services Business partners Centres of expertise
Wholly in-house
Partially outsourced
Wholly outsourced
Base: 214
Wholly outsourced
Base: 214
respondents expect that these will be wholly Twenty-nine per cent of all organisations (36% of
outsourced in three years’ time, 47% expect them to those with new HR structures) have implemented
be partially outsourced and 42% expect them to be centres of expertise. These exist for a range of areas
wholly in-house. that vary by organisation (see Figure 4). However, the
Figure 4: Subject with their own centres of expertise as a percentage of organisations with centres of expertise
Reward 60
Recruitment 67
Organisational development 43
Employee relations 55
Talent management 36
Health/welfare 32
Communications 26
Training/development 79
Management information 30
Social responsibility 8
0 20 40 60 80 100
Percentage of respondents
Base: 229
Single HR team
Corporate HR team aligned to business units
This section describes the benefits and challenges that by a quarter of the respondents who noted
respondents associate with introducing different HR challenges (see Figure 6).
structures, in particular shared services, business
partners and centres of expertise. Shared services
Although a number of respondents feel that the HR Respondents whose organisations have shared services
functions are too early in the process of change to see were asked whether its introduction has resulted in ‘no
any benefits, many are able to identify both benefits of change’, ‘some change’ or ‘major change’ in a range of
introducing the three elements of the ‘Ulrich model’ relevant areas (see Table 3). It was most commonly
and problems associated with doing so. noted that ‘some change’ has been achieved, with
between 45% and 60% of respondents selecting this
General challenges in implementing changes option for each question. Overall, there is some degree,
Respondents were asked about general challenges but not a great deal, of variance between the responses,
they have experienced in implementing changes to average (mean) scores ranging from 0.8 to 1.2 (where
the structure of the HR function. The most common 0=no change, 1=some change and 2=major change).
problems cited were defining new roles (42% of
those who noted challenges), having insufficient Nonetheless, some benefits are seen to be greater than
resources (40%), dealing with skills gaps (38%) and others. In particular, a third of respondents (34%) note
having ineffective technology (35%). Resistance to major change in repositioning the HR function, with
change in HR is also relatively common, being cited only 18% noting no change. The extent to which HR
Defining roles 42
Ineffective technology 35
Insufficient resources 40
Inadequate consultancy 3
Recruitment difficulties 13
Other 6
0 10 20 30 40 50
Percentage of respondents with restructured HR function
Base: 614
has become a more strategic contributor, which as improvement in the credibility of the HR function,
noted above is the most common driver for change, there is greater variance of opinion. Here, a third of
is also fairly marked – half of respondents noting some respondents (34%) note major change and a quarter
change and 31% noting major change. note no change.
There are also some benefits that are generally seen to The benefits to cost reduction are also relatively small,
be less marked than others. Especially muted is the only 13% noting major change and over a quarter
increase in satisfaction among HR staff, in which two- (27%) noting no change.
fifths (38%) of respondents note no change and only 1
in 6 (17%) note major change. It is likely that this Challenges
finding partially reflects a time lag from the By far the most common problem encountered in
implementation of changes to effects on staff introducing shared services is boundary disputes (Figure
satisfaction. In another long-term factor, namely 7) between parts of HR, as recognised by 56% of
Customer complaints 35
Boundary disputes 56
HR communication difficulties 36
None 13
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Percentage of respondents
Base: 614
Repositioning of HR function 53
Cost reduction 7
None 1
0 20 40 60 80 100
Percentage of respondents
Base: 291
there is better awareness of external good HR practice dissemination of this expertise through advisory services.
Unclear role 25
Failure to be strategic 40
Inadequate knowledge 12
Customer resistance 21
0 10 20 30 40 50
Percentage of respondents
Base: 271
Repositioning HR function 38
Cost reduction 11
Other 4
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Percentage of respondents
Base: 227
None 9
Other 7
0 10 20 30 40 50
Percentage of respondents
Base: 215
Cut/control costs 16
Other 3
0 20 40 60 80
Percentage of respondents
Base: 784
Future drivers of change many respondents (51% and 46% respectively). Cost
Respondents were asked to rate the importance of a pressure is lower in importance as a driver of future
range of factors as drivers of change in their people change compared with 2003, just as it is less important
management policies and practices over the coming as a current priority. Less than a third of respondents
three years. Each of the 12 factors listed is thought to think that employment regulation would be very
be ‘important’ or ‘very important’ by the majority of important as a change driver. In 2003 the figure was
respondents (between 70% and 99%); but some 57%. Employee needs as a very important contributor to
factors are nonetheless generally considered more HR change also fell from 47% in 2003 to 29% in 2007.
important than others (Table 4).
Using five scales indicating different continuums,
In line with the CIPD’s 2003 survey, by far the most respondents were also asked to describe their vision of
important drivers are business strategy and goals – where they believe the HR function needs to be in the
almost 9 out of 10 respondents (88%) identify them as future compared with its current position. Figure 13
very important drivers for the coming years and only 1% overleaf shows the mean scores of these results.
identify them as unimportant. Also extremely important, Overall, significant shifts are thought necessary for the
and again unchanged from 2003, are the culture and function in all five continuums, towards becoming more
values of the organisation and the views of senior strategic, proactive, tailored, business-driven and
management, with over half of respondents predicting specialist. However, the greatest changes thought to
that they would be very important drivers and only 1% be needed are for the HR function to become more
or 2% considering them unimportant. HR’s own strategy proactive and for it to shift from being generally
and cost pressures are also considered very important by operational to being generally strategic.
strategic operational
proactive reactive
tailored practice off-the-shelf
business-driven employee-driven
specialist generalist
1 2 3 4 5
Future Mean score Now
Figure 14: Where the HR function is now and where it needs to be in the future (mean scores) 2003
strategic operational
proactive reactive
tailored practice off-the-shelf
business-driven employee-driven
specialist generalist
1 2 3 4 5
Future Mean score Now
Administrative activities
39% Operational HR
Strategic input
Base: 611
Administrative activities
Operational HR
41% Strategic input
Base: 626
35% 69%
Administrative activities
Operational HR
Base: 607
Figure 16: Percentage of respondents listing activity areas as among three most important/most time-consuming
Business strategy 58
Implementing HR policies 16
Developing HR strategy and input 28
Providing specialist HR output 30
Providing support to line managers 71
Helping employees 26
Change management 49 Most important
Updating own HR knowledge 9 Most time-consuming
HR administration 52
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Percentage of respondents
Base: 775
HR responsibility %
Lead Part/joint None Base
Organisational design 22 67 11 771
Facilities management 12 22 66 753
Internal communications 24 63 13 770
Health and safety 35 42 22 771
Corporate social responsibility 14 57 29 761
Corporate branding 4 43 53 759
Table 6: The allocation of responsibility and line management in how decisions are taken
2003 2007
Work area Line/ Mainly Line/ Mainly
mainly line Shared HR/HR mainly line Shared HR/HR
Recruitment/selection 31 52 17 29 55 16
Pay and benefits 8 29 62 7 28 65
Employee relations 8 40 52 6 40 54
Training and development 12 44 43 10 49 42
Implementing redundancies 6 34 59 4 34 62
Work organisation * – – – 54 37 9
* not included in 2003 survey questionnaire
Priorities 1.40
Disposition 1.11
Training 1.11
Time 1.35
Skills 1.31
0 1 2
Mean scores
0 = not at all 1 = a fair amount 2 = a great deal
Indeed, the great majority (72%) of respondents report Technological limitations are typically acknowledged in
that their line managers currently take less responsibility the self-service capability for both line managers and
for people management than had been intended. The employees, in each case nearly 8 out of 10 respondents
reasons for this are thought to lie particularly with the (78% and 79% respectively) recognising that it restricts
attitudes and abilities of line managers and to a lesser progress ‘a fair amount’ or ‘a great deal’.
degree with technology. Overall, the HR functions
themselves are seen as far less problematic. Performance measurement
Respondents were asked to indicate the ways in which
It is likely that the general thrust of these answers reflects they measure five key aspects of HR performance.
the fact that respondents are themselves HR managers, The results are shown in Figure 18 overleaf. The most
and very different responses may be obtained from line measured aspects are the efficiency and effectiveness
managers themselves. Nonetheless, the results do give an of the HR function, with relatively fewer measurements
indication of the key obstacles to greater devolvement in taken of the quality of the HR service, people
people management from the perspective of senior HR management practice and the impact of the HR
managers. This can be seen in Figure 17. function on organisational performance.
Within line management, particular challenges are Particularly common measurements of the HR function’s
thought to lie with the work priorities and time efficiency are costs, business performance measures,
pressures of line managers, which are cited as restricting outcomes and ratios, each of which is used by half of
progress ‘a great deal’ by 47% and 43% of respondents. Outcomes and business performance
respondents respectively. The skill-sets of line managers measures are also common measurements of the
are also thought to be a significant challenge, with over effectiveness of the HR function, used respectively in
half (55%) reporting that they restrict progress ‘a fair 56% and 50% of cases.
amount’ and a further two-fifths (38%) ‘a great deal’.
Respondents were asked to rate how they think their Compared with 2003, the results have improved in three
chief executives would score the performance of the HR areas – contribution to business performance, influence
function in a number of different dimensions. The on board decisions and closeness to the business.
Figure 19: How do you think your CEO would score the performance of the HR function? (mean score)
Respondents were presented with a list of competencies There are differences in the results between the two
and capabilities and asked to identify which they see as surveys, but similarities too. Given that these are not
the three most important for establishing the credibility matched samples, interpretation should be cautious.
and effectiveness of the HR function. They were then The key changes are that business knowledge is
asked to identify the competencies or capabilities that recognised as more important this year than in the 2003
they think are the most challenging to acquire or survey, and, as to the most challenging, there have been
develop. Table 7 shows the percentages of respondents reversals in the ability to deliver against targets (less
who indicated the various items given. It also compares challenging) and willingness to innovate (more so).
this 2007 survey with the 2003 one where the same
questions were asked. A range of methods are used to address skills gaps
among HR staff, including various modes of study and
The most important competencies are viewed as training, work placements and recruitment (see Figure
strategic thinking (identified by 54% of respondents) 20 overleaf). However, the most commonly used method
and influencing skills (51%). Business knowledge is sending staff on external training courses, reported by
(45%) and the ability to deliver against targets (40%) more than 7 out of 10 respondents (72%). Other
are also commonly rated as among the most common practices are CIPD study (57% of respondents),
important. In general, the competencies identified as and conferences and internal courses (both 52%).
the most important are also identified as the biggest ‘Other’ training and development interventions used
challenges to develop. include coaching and mentoring, job shadowing and job
swaps, networking groups and secondments.
2003 2007
Most Biggest Most Biggest
important challenge important challenge
(to HR’s (to developing (to HR’s (to developing
Work area effectiveness) these skills) effectiveness) these skills)
Influencing/political skills 61 64 51 58
Understanding of HR practices 26 10 27 8
Empathy/communication/listening skills 24 15 16 8
Leadership ability 35 26 34 34
Strategic thinking 46 48 54 53
Ability to deliver against targets 39 40 40 29
Business knowledge 32 34 49 38
Negotiating skills 11 19 8 11
Integrity 25 5 23 4
Willingness to innovate 13 17 17 34
CIPD study 57
Internal courses 52
External courses 72
Temporary cover 12
Recruitment 36
External conferences 52
Temporary cover 13
Short-term assignments 24
Other 10
0 20 40 60 80 100
Percentage of respondents
Base: 763
Finally, respondents were asked how the changes they’ve has become easier to move between HR roles (31%).
witnessed in the structure of the HR function have Various negative effects were also noted by some
affected careers within HR (see Figure 21). By far the respondents, including that it has become more difficult
most often recognised effect is that it has created more to enter the function and for the function to develop
opportunity (cited by 65% of respondents) and a people, and that HR careers have become more siloed.
substantial proportion of respondents also think that it
Other 4
0 20 40 60 80
Percentage of respondents
Base: 710
3% 4%
Head of HR function
HR manager
Business partner
HR expert
Base: 784
The CIPD is very grateful to all those organisations We would also like to thank Jonny Gifford from the
and individuals who gave their time to take part in Institute of Employment Studies (IES), who was the
this survey. author of this survey report for the CIPD.
CIPD. (2003) HR survey: where we are, where we are REILLy, P. (forthcoming) The changing HR function:
heading. Survey report. London: Chartered Institute of transforming HR. London: Chartered Institute of
Personnel and Development. Personnel and Development.
Issued: September 2007 Reference: 4225 © Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development 2007
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