Iso 2859-2
Iso 2859-2
Iso 2859-2
ISO 2859-2:
Licensed Copy: Institute Of Technology Tallaght, Institute of Technology, Wed Jun 28 12:49:04 BST 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
Sampling procedures
for inspection by
attributes —
Part 2: Specification for sampling plans
indexed by limiting quality (LQ) for
isolated lot inspection
UDC 311.213.2:620.113.4:658.562.012.7
BS 6001-2:1993
British Standard
© BSI 02-2000
Amendments issued since publication
First published in
February 1984
Second edition January 1993 Amd. No. Date Comments
Licensed Copy: Institute Of Technology Tallaght, Institute of Technology, Wed Jun 28 12:49:04 BST 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
Committees responsible Inside front cover
National foreword ii
0 Introduction 1
1 Scope and field of application 1
2 Definitions 2
3 Choice of sampling plan 2
4 Rules for acceptance and non-acceptance 4
5 Double and multiple sampling plans 4
6 Examples illustrating how to use this part of ISO 2859 4
7 Compatibility with ISO 2859-1 5
Table A — Single sampling plans indexed by limiting
quality (LQ) (Procedure A) 6
Table B1 — Sampling plans for limiting quality 0,5 % 7
Table B2 — Single sampling plans for limiting quality 0,8 % 8
Table B3 — Single sampling plans for limiting quality 1,25 % 9
Table B4 — Single sampling plans for limiting quality 2,00 % 10
Table B5 — Single sampling plans for limiting quality 3,15 % 11
Table B6 — Single sampling plans for limiting quality 5,0 % 12
Table B7 — Single sampling plans for limiting quality 8,0 % 13
Table B8 — Single sampling plans for limiting quality 12,5 % 14
Table B9 — Single sampling plans for limiting quality 20,0 % 15
Table B10 — Single sampling plans for limiting quality 32,0 % 16
Table C — Relation between limiting quality (LQ) and
consumer’s risk quality (CRQ) 17
Table D1 — Summary of sampling plan properties for procedure A 18
Table D2 — Selected hypergeometric data for OC curves for
zero acceptance plans 19
Table D3 — Equivalent sample sizes for single, double and
multiple sampling plans 20
Table D4 — Equivalent acceptance numbers for single, double
and multiple sampling plans 20
Table D5 — Correspondence between lot sizes, AQL values in
ISO 2859-1 and LQ values (Inspection levels I and II, procedure B) 21
Table D6 — Correspondence between lot sizes and sample size
code letters (Inspection levels S-1 to S-4 and I to III, procedure B) 21
List of references Inside back cover
© BSI 02-2000 i
BS 6001-2:1993
National foreword
Licensed Copy: Institute Of Technology Tallaght, Institute of Technology, Wed Jun 28 12:49:04 BST 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
This Part of BS 6001, having been prepared under the direction of the Quality,
Management and Statistics Standards Policy Committee, supersedes
BS 6001-2:1984, which is withdrawn.
This revision is identical with ISO 2859-2:1985 Sampling procedures for
inspection by attributes — Part 2: Sampling plans indexed by limiting quality
(LQ) for isolated lot inspection, published by the International Organization for
Standardization (ISO). It follows the principles and procedures that were given
in the 1984 edition of BS 6001-2.
In this edition there has been a rearrangement in the sequence of the tables. The
illustrative examples, previously collected in an annex, have been brought into
the main body of the text. Other changes are of a minor editorial nature.
BS 6001 is published in the following Parts.
— Part 1: Specification for sampling plans indexed by acceptable quality level
(AQL) for lot-by-lot inspection;
— Part 2: Specification for sampling plans indexed by limiting quality (LQ) for
isolated lot inspection;
— Part 3: Specification for skip-lot procedures.
The publication of this revision of Part 2 coincides with the publication of a
revision of Part 3. It is envisaged that Part 0 will be published identical to
ISO 2859-0, which is in preparation.
Additional information. In addition to the textual errors which have been
found in the international text (see below), there are points in the text that will
benefit from some commentary.
In 0.1, paragraph 2, it is stated that acceptable quality level (AQL) is defined as
a process average. This statement contradicts 5.1 of ISO 2859-1:1989 which
asserts (paragraph 3) that the AQL should not be confused with the process
average. For guidance see 3.6 of ISO 2859-1 where AQL is defined as the quality
level which for the purpose of sampling inspection is the limit of a satisfactory
process average.
Footnote 1 to 1.1 quotes from ISO 2859-1. In line 3 delete “Tables 6 and 7 give
process levels” and substitute with “Tables VI and VII give percent
nonconforming levels” in order to bring the quote up to date with the current
edition of ISO 2859-1.
In 3.5.1, paragraph 2, line 5, “LQ10” introduces a notational convention which is
not explained in the text. This symbol means the limiting quality level for which
there is a 10 % chance of acceptance.
The statement in parentheses underneath the title of the OC curve plots in each
of the Table B1 to Table B10 is not complete. Therefore “(Curves are identified by
sample size code)” should be deleted and substituted with “(Curves are identified
by the sample size code letter and acceptance number)”.
For consistency, the limiting quality in the title of Table B4 should be stated
as 2,0 % rather than 2,00 %.
In Table D1 the purpose of the rectangular box may not be immediately clear. The
sentence underneath the box should be deleted and substituted with “Each cell in
the table has the above layout and shows the consumer’s risk (PLQ) and the
producer’s risk point (p, Pa) as indicated”.
International Standard Corresponding British Standard
ISO 2859 BS 6001 Sampling procedures for inspection by
ISO 2859-0a Part 0 Introduction to the BS 6001 attribute sampling
In preparation.
ii © BSI 02-2000
BS 6001-2:1993
Licensed Copy: Institute Of Technology Tallaght, Institute of Technology, Wed Jun 28 12:49:04 BST 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
Summary of pages
This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, pages i to iv,
pages 1 to 22, an inside back cover and a back cover.
This standard has been updated (see copyright date) and may have had
amendments incorporated. This will be indicated in the amendment table on the
inside front cover.
BS 6001-2:1993
Licensed Copy: Institute Of Technology Tallaght, Institute of Technology, Wed Jun 28 12:49:04 BST 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
ISO 2859-1 sub-clause 12.6.2, states: “If the lot or batch is of an isolated nature, it may be desirable to limit the selection of
sampling plans to those, associated with a designated AQL value, that provide not less than a specified limiting quality
protection. Sampling plans for this purpose can be selected by choosing a limiting quality (LQ) and a consumer’s risk to be
associated with it. Tables 6 and 7 give process levels for which the probabilities of lot acceptance under various sampling plans
are 10 % and 5 %, respectively.” This part of ISO 2859 establishes preferred values for the LQ and allows the consumer’s risk to
vary as indicated above.
© BSI 02-2000 1
BS 6001-2:1993
Licensed Copy: Institute Of Technology Tallaght, Institute of Technology, Wed Jun 28 12:49:04 BST 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
NOTE The plans in ISO 2859-1 are indexed by a preferred 3.2 Choice of sampling procedure
series of AQL values and inspection levels. During the inspection
of a continuing series of lots the application of switching rules Although procedure A is based on the
helps to ensure that the process average in that series of lots is hypergeometric distribution for sampling results,
kept below the specified AQL. Limiting quality does not have the this distribution is well approximated by the
same direct relationship with the process average (see 3.5.1).
binomial distribution for plans with non-zero
1.2 Field of application acceptance numbers in procedure A. Hence the OC
Alternative procedures are provided in this part of curves for these plans are well approximated by the
ISO 2859 to cater for two situations often met in tabulated performance of the same plans in
practice: procedure B. However, procedure A uses plans with
a) Procedure A, to be used when the supplier acceptance number zero and with sample sizes
and consumer both wish to regard the lot in based on the hypergeometric distribution of
isolation. The tables are based on random sampling results while procedure B excludes accept
sampling from finite lots for both consumer and zero plans, replacing them with 100 % inspection.
producer risks. This procedure shall be used The choice between the procedures is dominated by
unless there is a specific instruction to use the attitude towards accept zero plans. Procedure A
procedure B. uses accept zero plans linking the sample size and
b) Procedure B, to be used when the supplier the lot size by the hypergeometric distribution until
regards the lot as one of2) continuing series but the proposed plan corresponds to the accept zero
the consumer considers the lot received in plan in ISO 2859-1 corresponding to that limiting
isolation. The tables are based on random quality. Thereafter the progression of sampling size
sampling from a finite lot for consumer’s risk at and acceptance number with lot size is based on the
the limiting quality, but random sampling from a inspection levels available in ISO 2859-1. The
process for the producer’s risk and the tabulated overall effect of procedure A resembles inspection
values of the operating characteristic (OC) level II for limiting quality less than 8 % and level I
curves. The plans used are a selection of the plans for limiting quality greater than 8 % with 8 % being
available in ISO 2859-1 so that a producer can intermediate between these levels.
maintain consistent procedures for customers Procedure B provides greater flexibility in the choice
whether or not they receive individual lots or a of inspection levels. The tabulated OC curves are
continuing series of lots. This procedure is based on the probability of producing a
suitable for inclusion in product standards or nonconforming unit so they are approximately
specifications that contain sampling clauses. The correct for small sampling fractions but as the
manufacturer will be concerned with all of sampling fraction increases the curves (and tables)
his_production, but the individual consumer only underestimate the probability of acceptance for good
with the_particular lot received. quality and underestimate the probability of
rejection for poor quality. For sufficiently small lots,
2 Definitions procedure B requires 100 % inspection.
The definitions given in ISO 2859-1 shall apply. Both procedures treat the limiting quality (LQ) as
the actual percent nonconforming units in the
3 Choice of sampling plan submitted lots and the probability of acceptance at
this limiting quality can be found in Table D1 for
3.1 Specifying a sampling plan procedure A and Table B1 to Table B10 for
When reference is made to this part of ISO 2859 in procedure B. Procedure B is indicated as the
a contract or specification, it is necessary to specify appropriate procedure if the manufacturer is
the procedure to be used (i.e. either A or B). In the concerned with a continuing series of lots; whether
absence of any reference to either procedure, then or not these go to the same consumer. Procedure A
procedure A shall be used. is indicated as the appropriate procedure when the
lot is a single lot and shall be used if accept zero
plans are required to be part of the sampling
3.3 Procedure A (use Table A)
A plan is identified by the lot size and the limiting
quality (LQ).
See national foreword for details of textual error.
2 © BSI 02-2000
BS 6001-2:1993
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With the specified lot size and limiting quality as This enables the producer/supplier to provide lots of
indexing values, the sampling size3) (n) and the desired quality and still have a reasonable
acceptance number (Ac) are, given in Table A. probability of acceptance for the submitted lots, at
Although the primary index to these tables3) is the least for acceptance numbers 3, 5, 10 and 18. For
limiting quality (LQ), the producer/supplier needs acceptance number 1 plans the lots have to have a
guidance on the quality level required if lots are to quality better than LQ10 and for acceptance number
have a high probability of acceptance. Information zero plans the lots have to be perfect or nearly
on the producer’s risk point is contained in perfect before the probability of acceptance rises
Table D1. Information on the probability of to 0,95 or greater. The limiting values are restricted
acceptance of relatively good lots by accept zero to a set of preferred values and the plans are
plans is given in Table D2. intended to be used with these preferred values. If
these plans are introduced where a non-standard
3.4 Procedure B (use Tables B) limiting quality is already specified, the plans
A plan is identified by the lot size, limiting quality should be entered with the preferred value (LQ)
(LQ) and the inspection level (unless otherwise corresponding to the interval containing the
specified, level II shall be used). non-standard value (L) listed in column 4 of Table C.
The specified limiting quality is used to select the Columns 2 and 3 of Table C contain information
appropriate table from Table B1 to Table B10. on the consumer’s risk qualities (CRQ) found in
Within each table the specified lot size and Table B1 to Table B10 for consumer’s risks of 10 %
inspection level indicate the appropriate sample and 5 %.
size (n) and acceptance number (Ac). Although the Example:
primary index to the table is the limiting quality The limiting quality has previously been set
(LQ), the producer/supplier needs guidance on the at 3,5 %. This is not a preferred value and the
quality level required if lots are to have a high tables shall be entered by using the nominal
probability of acceptance. Each table gives limiting quality LQ = 3,15 %, since 3,5 % lies in
information on the equivalent AQL and details of the range 2,5 % u LQ < 4,0 %.
the OC curves. The OC curves are indexed by the
sample size code letter used in ISO 2859-1 and the 3.5.2 Inspection level
acceptance number. In the ISO 2859-1 procedures, increased sample size
The OC curves given under Table B1 to Table B10 corresponds to a greater protection for the
are based on the Poisson/binomial distribution; the consumer. In this part of ISO 2859, consumer
actual operating characteristic will be more protection is held approximately constant and the
discriminating than these curves by accepting with effect of increasing sample size is to permit the
greater probability when the indicated probability supplier greater latitude in the permitted process
is W 0,90 and with a smaller probability when the averages. If the consumer is satisfied by the
indicated probability is < 0,10. protection provided against an occasional poor lot by
the nominal limiting quality, then the inspection
3.5 Choice of parameters for the sampling level is primarily of interest to the supplier,
procedures especially if the costs of the sampling inspection are
3.5.1 Limiting quality (LQ) borne by him. A process average well below the
Unlike the AQL, which provides a guide for the limiting quality (better quality) would allow the use
producer on the level or quality he needs to produce of smaller sample sizes. Conversely, if the consumer
so that he can satisfy the acceptance criteria is concerned with actual rather than limiting
(sampling clause) most of the time, the limiting quality, or if he pays for the sampling costs, then
quality does not provide a reliable guide for the greater inspection levels are not necessarily
consumer as to the true quality of the accepted lots. advantageous. For this reason, inspection level III
For this reason the limiting quality should be provided by ISO 2859-1 has not been incorporated in
chosen realistically at a minimum of three times the this part of ISO 2859 for limiting qualities greater
desired quality. than 5 %.3) When sample sizes have to be kept small
and other considerations are secondary, specifying
level S-2 has the effect of providing a fixed sample
size for all lot sizes, the sample size depending only
on the limiting quality.
See national foreword for details of textual error.
© BSI 02-2000 3
BS 6001-2:1993
Licensed Copy: Institute Of Technology Tallaght, Institute of Technology, Wed Jun 28 12:49:04 BST 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
See national foreword for details of textual error.
4 © BSI 02-2000
BS 6001-2:1993
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© BSI 02-2000 5
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BS 6001-2:1993
© BSI 02-2000
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S-1 to S-3 S-4 I II III AQL n Ac 0,95 0,90 0,50 0,10 0,05 max. min.
> 800 d
> 800 > 800 801 to 500 000 801 to 150 000 0,065
d d d d
800 1 P 0,044 4 0,066 5 0,210 0,486 0,593 0,091 0,000
> 500 000 150 001
500 000 0,10 1 250 3 Q 0,109 0,140 0,294 0,534 0,620 0,129 0,129
> 500 000 0,10 2 000 5 R 0,131 0,158 0,284 0,464 0,526 0,066 0,066
See national foreword for details of textual error.
Probability calculatedby the Poisson approximation.
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The exact acceptance probabilities calculated from the hypergeometric distribution vary with lot size, the maximum and minimum values attained for permitted lot sizes are
given for each plan.
For fewer than 801 in the lot, 100 % inspect the lot.
BS 6001-2:1993
Quality of submitted lots (percent nonconforming)
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Table B2 — Single sampling plans for limiting quality 0,8 %
BS 6001-2:1993
ISO 2859-1 Tabulated values of submitted quality Acceptance
Lot sizes for inspection levels Single sampling plan accepted with designated probabilitiesa probabilities for
(Normal inspection) (quality as percent nonconforming) limiting qualityb
S-1 to S-3 S-4 I II III AQL n Ac 0,95 0,90 0,50 0,10 0,05 max. min.
> 500 000 > 150 000 0,40 1 250 10 Q 0,494 0,562 0,853 1,23 1,36 0,089 0,089
Probability calculated by the Poisson approximation.
The exact acceptance probabilities calculated from the hypergeometric distribution vary with lot size, the maximum and minimum values attained for permitted lot sizes are
given for each plan.
For fewer than 316 in the lot, 100 % inspect the lot.
BS 6001-2:1993
Quality of submitted lots (percent nonconforming)
Licensed Copy: Institute Of Technology Tallaght, Institute of Technology, Wed Jun 28 12:49:04 BST 2006,
Table B4 — Single sampling plans for limiting quality 2,00 %
BS 6001-2:1993
ISO 2859-1 Tabulated values of submitted quality Acceptance
Lot sizes for inspection levels Single sampling plan accepted with designated probabilitiesa probabilities for
(Normal inspection) (quality as percent nonconforming) limiting qualityb
S-1 to S-3 S-4 I II III AQL n Ac 0,95 0,90 0,50 0,10 0,05 max. min.
> 200c > 200c 201c 201c 201c
to to to
150 000 10 000 3 200 0,25 200 1 L 0,178 0,266 0,839 1,95 2,37 0,089 0,000
150 001 10 001 3 201
to to to
500 000 35 000 10 000 0,40 315 3 M 0,433 0,533 1,17 2,12 2,46 0,124 0,111
> 500 000 35 001 10 001
to to
150 000 35 000 0,40 500 5 N 0,523 0,630 1,13 1,86 2,10 0,065 0,061
> 150 000 > 35 000 0,65 800 10 P 0,771 0,878 1,33 1,93 2,12 0,075 0,073
Probability calculated by the Poisson approximation.
The exact acceptance probabilities calculated from the hypergeometric distribution vary with lot size, the maximum and minimum values attained for permitted lot sizes are
Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
> 35 000 > 10 000 1,00 500 10 N 1,231 1,40 2,13 3,08 3,39 0,083 0,078
Probability calculated by the Poisson approximation.
The exact acceptance probabilities calculated from the hypergeometric distribution vary with lot size, the maximum and minimum values attained for permitted lot sizes are
given for each plan.
For fewer than 126 in the lot, 100 % inspect the lot.
BS 6001-2:1993
Quality of submitted lots (percent nonconforming)
Licensed Copy: Institute Of Technology Tallaght, Institute of Technology, Wed Jun 28 12:49:04 BST 2006,
Table B6 — Single sampling plans for limiting quality 5,0 %
BS 6001-2:1993
ISO 2859-1 Tabulated values of submitted quality Acceptance
Lot sizes for inspection levels Single sampling plan accepted with designated probabilitiesa probabilities for
(Normal inspection) (quality as percent nonconforming) limiting qualityb
S-1 to S-3 S-4 I II III AQL n Ac 0,95 0,90 0,50 0,10 0,05 max. min.
> 80 c
> 81
81 c
to to to to
500 000 10 000 1 200 500 0,65 80 1 J 0,444 0,666 2,09 4,78 5,80 0,086 0,000
> 500 000 10 001 1 201 501
to to to
35 000 3 200 1 200 1,0 125 3 K 1,09 1,40 2,94 5,35 6,20 0,124 0,092
35 001 3 201 1 201
to to to
150 000 10 000 3 200 1,0 200 5 L 1,31 1,58 2,84 4,64 5,26 0,062 0,048
> 150 000 > 10 000 > 3 200 1,5 315 10 M 1,96 2,23 3,39 4,89 5,38 0,081 0,072
Probability calculated by the Poisson approximation for code letters K, L and M. Binomial distribution for code letter J.
The exact acceptance probabilities calculated from the hypergeometric distribution vary with lot size, the maximum and minimum values attained for permitted lot sizes
are given for each plan.
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For fewer than 81 in the lot, 100 % inspect the lot.
35 000 3 200 1,5 125 5 K 2,09 2,52 4,54 7,42 8,41 0,059 0,051
> 35 000 > 3 200 2,5 200 10 L 3,09 3,51 5,33 7,70 8,48 0,069 0,064
Probability calculated by the Poisson approximation for code letters K and L. Binomial distribution for code letters H and J.
The exact acceptance probabilities calculated from the hypergeometric distribution vary with lot size, the maximum and minimum values attained for permitted lot sizes are
given for each plan.
For fewer than 51 in the lot, 100 % inspect the lot.
BS 6001-2:1993
Quality of submitted lots (percent nonconforming)
Licensed Copy: Institute Of Technology Tallaght, Institute of Technology, Wed Jun 28 12:49:04 BST 2006,
Table B8 — Single sampling plans for limiting quality 12,5 %
BS 6001-2:1993
ISO 2859-1 Tabulated values of submitted quality Acceptance
Lot sizes for inspection levels single sampling plan accepted with designated probabilitiesa probabilities for
(contrôle normal) (quality as percent nonconforming) limiting qualityb
S-1 to S-3 S-4 I II III AQL n Ac 0,95 0,90 0,50 0,10 0,05 max. min.
> 32 c
33 c
33 c
to to to to
500 000 10 000 1 200 280 1,5 32 1 G 1,13 1,67 5,19 11,6 14,0 0,078 0,000
> 500 000 10 001 1 201 281
to to to
35 000 3 200 500 2,5 50 3 H 2,77 3,54 7,30 12,9 14,8 0,114 0,094
35 001 3 201 501
to to to
500 000 10 000 1 200 2,5 80 5 J 3,32 3,98 7,06 11,3 12,7 0,055 0,043
> 500 000 > 10 000 > 1 200 4,0 125 10 K 4,94 5,62 8,53 12,3 13,6 0,077 0,070
Probability calculated by the Poisson approximation for code letter K. Binomial distribution for code letters G, H and J.
The exact acceptance probabilities calculated from the hypergeometric distribution vary with lot size, the maximum and minimum values attained for permitted lot sizes are
given for each plan.
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For fewer than 33 in the lot, 100 % inspect the lot.
35 000 3 200 500 4,0 50 5 H 5,34 6,42 11,3 17,8 19,9 0,048 0,037
> 35 000 > 3 200 > 500 6,5 80 10 J 7,91 8,95 13,3 18,6 20,3 0,056 0,049
Probability calculated by the binomial distribution.
The exact acceptance probabilities calculated from the hypergeometric distribution vary with lot size, the maximum and minimum values attained for permitted lot sizes are
given for each plan.
For fewer than 21 in the lot, 100 % inspect the lot.
BS 6001-2:1993
Quality of submitted lots (percent nonconforming)
Licensed Copy: Institute Of Technology Tallaght, Institute of Technology, Wed Jun 28 12:49:04 BST 2006,
Table B10 — Single sampling plans for limiting quality 32,0 %
BS 6001-2:1993
ISO 2859-1 Tabulated values of submitted quality Acceptance
Lot sizes for inspection levels Single sampling plan accepted with designated probabilitiesa probabilities for
(Normal inspection) (quality as percent nonconforming) limiting qualityb
S-1 to S-3 S-4 I II III AQL n Ac 0,95 0,90 0,50 0,10 0,05 max. min.
> 13 c
14 c
14 c
to to to to
3 200 500 280 90 4,0 13 1 E 2,81 4,16 12,6 26,8 31,6 0,047 0,000
3 201 501 281 91
to to to to
35 000 1 200 500 150 6,5 20 3 F 7,13 9,03 18,1 30,4 34,4 0,077 0,062
35 001 1 201 501 151
to to to to
500 000 10 000 1 200 280 6,5 32 5 G 8,5 10,2 17,5 27,1 30,1 0,031 0,022
> 500 000 > 10 000 > 1 200 > 280 10,0 50 10 H 12,9 14,5 21,2 29,1 31,6 0,044 0,042
Probability calculated by the binomial distribution.
The exact acceptance probabilities calculated from the hypergeometric distribution vary with lot size, the maximum and minimum values attained for permitted lot sizes are
given for each plan.
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For fewer than 14 in the lot, 100 % inspect the lot.
Table C — Relation between limiting quality (LQ) and consumer’s risk quality (CRQ)
Preferred value of Corresponding range of CRQ Corresponding range of CRQ Corresponding intervala
limiting quality (LQ) in Table B1 to Table B10 in Table B1 to Table B10 for non-standard value
% (at 10 % consumer’s risk) (at 5 % consumers risk) of limiting quality (L)
0,5 0,46 < CRQ < 0,54 0,52 < CRQ < 0,62 0,4 u L < 0,65
0,8 0,74 < CRQ < 0,84 0,84 < CRQ < 0,97 0,65 u L < 1,0
1,25 1,16 < CRQ < 1,34 1,31 < CRQ < 1,55 1,0 u L < 1,6
2,0 1,86 < CRQ < 2,12 2,10 < CRQ < 2,46 1,6 u L < 2,5
3,15 2,94 < CRQ < 3,34 3,34 < CRQ < 3,88 2,5 u L < 4,0
5,0 4,64 < CRQ < 5,35 5,26 < CRQ < 6,20 4,0 u L < 6,5
8,0 7,42 < CRQ < 8,16 8,41 < CRQ < 9,39 6,5 u L < 10,0
12,5 11,3 < CRQ < 12,9 12,7 < CRQ < 14,8 10,0 u L < 15,0
20,0 17,8 < CRQ < 19,7 19,9 < CRQ < 22,5 15,0 u L < 25,5
32,0 26,8 < CRQ < 30,4 30,1 < CRQ < 34,4 25,0 u L < 40,4
These plans are intended to be used with the preferred series of limiting qualities. If these plans are introduced where a
non-standard limiting quality is already specified, the plans should be entered with the preferred value (LQ) corresponding
to the interval containing the non-standard value (L).
© BSI 02-2000 17
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Table D1 — Summary of sampling plan properties for procedure A
BS 6001-2:1993
Sample size/acceptance No. (n/Ac) Probability of acceptance at the limiting qualitya (PLQ)
Percent nonconforming (p) Probability of acceptance at quality (p)b
Each cell in the tables shows the consumer’s risk (PLQ) and the producer’s risk point (p, Pa).
151 to 280 0 1,0 0 1,0 0 1,0 0 1,0 0 1,0 0 1,0 0 1,0 1,79 0,96 2,86 0,95
every item
280/0 0,089 220/0 0,097 155/0 0,095 105/0 0,092 80/0 0,061 50/0 0,067 32/0 0,068 32/1 0,071 20/1 0,065 20/3 0,072
281 to 500
0 1,0 0 1,0 0 1,0 0 1,0 0 1,0 0 1,0 0 1,0 1,00 0,97 1,80 0,95 7,20 0,95
380/0 0,101 255/0 0,098 170/0 0,100 125/0 0,069 125/1 0,081 80/1 0,079 50/1 0,078 32/1 0,075 32/3 0,090 32/5 0,029
501 to 1 200
0 1,0 0 1,0 0 1,0 0 1,0 0,250 0,97 0,417 0,96 0,667 0,96 1,08 0,95 4,42 0,95 8,50 0,95
1 201 to 430/0 0,099 280/0 0,095 200/0 0,074 200/1 0,083 125/1 0,088 125/3 0,119 80/3 0,106 50/3 0,112 50/5 0,047 50/10 0,042
3 200 0 1,0 0 1,0 0 1,0 0,188 0,95 0,281 0,95 1,13 0,95 1,75 0,95 2,78 0,95 5,38 0,95 12,9 0,95
3 201 to 450/0 0,099 315/0 0,076 315/1 0,091 200/1 0,087 200/3 0,120 200/5 0,061 125/2 0,058 80/5 0,055 80/10 0,056 80/18 0,041
10 000 0,010 0,96 0,010 0,97 0,110 0,96 0,180 0,95 0,690 0,95 1,32 0,95 2,12 0,95 3,32 0,95 7,92 0,95 16,1 0,95
10 001 to 500/0 0,080 500/1 0,089 315/1 0,094 315/3 0,123 315/5 0,066 315/10 0,080 200/10 0,069 125/10 0,077 125/18 0,069 80/18 0,041
35 000 0,009 0,96 0,071 0,95 0,111 0,95 0,437 0,95 0,834 0,95 1,97 0,95 3,99 0,95 5,01 0,95 10,2 0,95 16,1 0,95
35 001 to 800/1 0,090 500/1 0,090 500/3 0,128 500/5 0,065 500/10 0,083 500/18 0,086 315/18 0,077 200/18 0,078 125/18 0,069 80/18 0,041
150 000 0,044 0,95 0,071 0,95 0,273 0,95 0,524 0,95 1,23 0,95 2,50 0,95 3,99 0,95 6,31 0,95 10,2 0,95 16,1 0,95
150 001 to 800/1 0,091 800/3 0,118 800/5 0,060b 800/10 0,075 800/18 0,082 500/18 0,086 315/18 0,077 200/18 0,078 125/18 0,069 80/18 0,041
500 000 0,044 0,95 0,170 0,95 0,328 0,95 0,771 0,95 1,56 0,95 2,50 0,95 3,99 0,95 6,31 0,95 10,2 0,95 16,1 0,95
1 250/3 0,0129 1 250/5 0,066 1 250/10 0,089 1 250/18 0,090 800/18 0,082 500/18 0,086 315/18 0,077 200/18 0,078 125/18 0,069 80/18 0,041
> 500 000
0,109 0,95 0,209 0,95 0,494 0,95 1,00 0,95 1,56 0,95 2,50 0,95 3,99 0,95 6,31 0,95 10,2 0,95 16,1 0,95
The stated probability of acceptance is the maximum for lots of limiting quality in the size range and the minimum for lots with percent nonconforming p. These probabilities are
based on the hypergeometric distribution. The producer’sb risk is (p, Pa), the consumer’s risk point is (LQ, PLQ).
See national foreword for details of textual error.
No lot in this size range can be ofb limiting quality since this implies a fractional number of nonconforming.
© BSI 02-2000
BS 6001-2:1993
Licensed Copy: Institute Of Technology Tallaght, Institute of Technology, Wed Jun 28 12:49:04 BST 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
Table D2 — Selected hypergeometric data for OC curves for zero acceptance plans
A sample of size n is drawn from a lot containing R nonconforming items. The lot is accepted if therea are
nonconforming items in the sample (Ac = 0)a, the probability of acceptance for the lot (Pa) is shown below
for the minimum and maximum lot sizes in the lot size range and the various sampling plans “n/0”
(printed in bold type).
Limiting quality (LQ)
0,5 0,8 1,25 2,0 3,15 5,0 8,0 12,5 20,0 32,0
380/0 255/0 170/0 125/0 17/0 13/0 9/0 6/0
Lot size Lot size Lot size Lot size Lot size Lot size Lot size Lot size
501 1 200 501 1 200 501 1 200 501 1 200 16 25 16 25 16 25 16 25
R Pa Pa R Pa Pa R Pa Pa R Pa Pa R Pa Pa R Pa Pa R Pa Pa R Pa Pa
0 1,00 1,00 0 1,00 1,00 0 1,00 1,00 0 1,00 1,00 0 1,00 0 1,00 1,00 0 1,00 1,00 0 1,00 1,00
1 0,24 0,68 1 0,49 0,79 1 0,66 0,86 1 0,75 0,90 1 0,32 1 0,19 0,48 1 0,44 0,64 1 0,63 0,76
2 0,06 0,47 2 0,24 0,62 2 0,44 0,74 2 0,56 0,80 2 0,09 2 0,03 0,22 2 0,18 0,40 2 0,38 0,57
3 0,01 0,32 3 0,12 0,49 3 0,29 0,63 3 0,42 0,72 3 0,02 3 0,00 0,10 3 0,06 0,24 3 0,21 0,42
4 0,00 0,22 4 0,06 0,38 6 0,08 0,40 8 0,10 0,41 4 0,01 4 0,00 0,04 4 0,02 0,14 4 0,12 0,31
5 0,00 0,15 5 0,03 0,30 7 0,05 0,34 10 0,05 0,33 5 0,00 5 0,00 0,01 5 0,00 0,08 5 0,06 0,22
6 0,00 0,10 10 0,00 0,09 15 0,00 0,10 20 0,00 0,11 6 0,00 6 0,00 0,01 6 0,00 0,05 7 0,01 0,10
8 0,00 0,05 13 0,00 0,04 19 0,00 0,05 27 0,00 0,05 7 0,00 7 0,00 0,00 7 0,00 0,02 9 0,00 0,05
430/0 280/0 200/0 28/0 22/0 15/0 10/0 6/0
Lot size Lot size Lot size Lot size Lot size Lot size Lot size Lot size
1 201 3 200 1 201 3 200 1 201 3 200 26 50 26 50 26 50 26 50 26 50
R Pa Pa R Pa Pa R Pa Pa R Pa Pa R Pa Pa R Pa Pa R Pa Pa R Pa Pa
0 1,00 1,00 0 1,00 1,00 0 1,00 1,00 0 1,00 0 1,00 1,00 0 1,00 1,00 0 1,00 1,00 0 1,00 1,00
1 0,64 0,87 1 0,77 0,91 1 0,83 0,94 1 0,44 1 0,15 0,56 1 0,42 0,70 1 0,62 0,80 1 0,77 0,88
2 0,41 0,75 2 0,59 0,83 2 0,69 0,88 2 0,19 2 0,02 0,31 2 0,17 0,49 2 0,37 0,64 2 0,58 0,77
3 0,26 0,65 3 0,45 0,76 3 0,58 0,82 3 0,08 3 0,00 0,17 3 0,06 0,33 3 0,22 0,50 3 0,44 0,68
5 0,11 0,49 9 0,09 0,44 13 0,09 0,43 4 0,03 4 0,00 0,09 4 0,02 0,23 4 0,12 0,40 7 0,12 0,38
7 0,04 0,36 11 0,05 0,36 16 0,05 0,36 5 0,01 5 0,00 0,05 5 0,01 0,15 6 0,03 0,24 9 0,05 0,28
16 0,00 0,10 25 0,00 0,10 35 0,00 0,10 6 0,00 6 0,00 0,02 6 0,00 0,10 9 0,00 0,11 15 0,00 0,10
21 0,00 0,05 33 0,00 0,05 46 0,00 0,05 7 0,00 7 0,00 0,01 8 0,00 0,04 12 0,00 0,05 19 0,00 0,05
450/0 315/0 50/0 44/0 34/0 24/0 16/0 10/0 8/0
Lot size Lot size Lot size Lot size Lot size Lot size Lot size Lot size Lot size
3 201 10 000 3 201 10 000 51 90 51 90 51 90 51 90 51 90 51 90 51 90
R Pa Pa R Pa Pa R Pa Pa R Pa Pa R Pa Pa R Pa Pa R Pa Pa R Pa Pa R Pa Pa
0 1,00 1,00 0 1,00 1,00 0 1,00 1,00 0 1,00 1,00 0 1,00 1,00 0 1,00 1,00 0 1,00 1,00 0 1,00 1,00 0 1,00 1,00
1 0,86 0,96 1 0,90 0,97 1 0,02 0,44 1 0,14 0,51 1 0,33 0,62 1 0,53 0,73 1 0,69 0,82 1 0,80 0,89 1 0,84 0,91
2 0,74 0,91 2 0,81 0,94 2 0,00 0,19 2 0,02 0,26 2 0,11 0,38 2 0,28 0,54 2 0,47 0,67 2 0,64 0,79 2 0,71 0,83
3 0,63 0,87 3 0,73 0,91 3 0,00 0,08 3 0,00 0,13 3 0,03 0,24 3 0,14 0,39 3 0,31 0,55 3 0,51 0,70 3 0,59 0,75
15 0,10 0,50 22 0,10 0,49 4 0,00 0,04 4 0,00 0,06 4 0,01 0,14 4 0,07 0,28 6 0,09 0,30 10 0,09 0,29 12 0,10 0,30
20 0,05 0,40 29 0,05 0,39 5 0,00 0,01 5 0,00 0,03 5 0,00 0,09 5 0,03 0,20 8 0,04 0,19 12 0,05 0,22 15 0,05 0,22
50 0,00 0,10 72 0,00 0,10 6 0,00 0,01 6 0,00 0,02 6 0,00 0,05 7 0,01 0,10 11 0,01 0,10 18 0,01 0,09 22 0,01 0,10
65 0,00 0,05 93 0,00 0,05 7 0,00 0,00 7 0,00 0,01 7 0,00 0,03 9 0,00 0,05 14 0,00 0,05 22 0,00 0,05 27 0,00 0,05
500/0 90/0 80/0 55/0 38/0 26/0 18/0 13/0
Lot size Lot size Lot size Lot size Lot size Lot size Lot size Lot size
10 001 35 000 91 150 91 150 91 150 91 150 91 150 91 150 91 150
R Pa Pa R Pa Pa R Pa Pa R Pa Pa R Pa Pa R Pa Pa R Pa Pa R Pa Pa
0 1,00 1,00 0 1,00 1,00 0 1,00 1,00 0 1,00 1,00 0 1,00 1,00 0 1,00 1,00 0 1,00 1,00 0 1,00 1,00
1 0,95 0,99 1 0,01 0,40 1 0,12 0,47 1 0,40 0,63 1 0,58 0,75 1 0,71 0,83 1 0,80 0,88 1 0,86 0,91
2 0,90 0,97 2 0,00 0,16 2 0,01 0,22 2 0,15 0,40 2 0,34 0,56 2 0,51 0,68 2 0,64 0,77 2 0,73 0,83
3 0,86 0,96 3 0,00 0,06 3 0,00 0,10 3 0,06 0,25 3 0,19 0,41 3 0,36 0,56 3 0,51 0,68 3 0,63 0,76
45 0,10 0,52 4 0,00 0,02 4 0,00 0,05 4 0,02 0,16 4 0,11 0,31 7 0,09 0,26 10 0,10 0,27 14 0,10 0,26
58 0,05 0,43 5 0,00 0,01 5 0,00 0,02 5 0,01 0,10 5 0,06 0,23 8 0,06 0,21 13 0,04 0,18 17 0,05 0,20
160 0,00 0,10 6 0,00 0,00 6 0,00 0,01 6 0,00 0,06 8 0,01 0,09 12 0,01 0,09 17 0,02 0,10 23 0,02 0,10
208 0,00 0,05 7 0,00 0,00 7 0,00 0,00 7 0,00 0,04 10 0,00 0,05 15 0,00 0,05 22 0,00 0,05 30 0,00 0,05
170/0 130/0 95/0 65/0 42/0 28/0 20/0
Lot size Lot size Lot size Lot size Lot size Lot size Lot size
151 280 151 280 151 280 151 280 151 280 151 280 151 280
R Pa Pa R Pa Pa R Pa Pa R Pa Pa R Pa Pa R Pa Pa R Pa Pa
0 1,00 0 1,00 1,00 0 1,00 1,00 0 1,00 1,00 0 1,00 1,00 0 1,00 1,00 0 1,00 1,00
1 0,39 1 0,14 0,54 1 0,37 0,66 1 0,57 0,77 1 0,72 0,85 1 0,81 0,90 1 0,87 0,93
2 0,15 2 0,02 0,29 2 0,14 0,44 2 0,32 0,59 2 0,52 0,72 2 0,66 0,81 2 0,75 0,86
3 0,06 3 0,00 0,15 3 0,05 0,29 3 0,18 0,45 3 0,37 0,61 3 0,54 0,73 3 0,65 0,80
4 0,02 4 0,00 0,08 4 0,02 0,19 4 0,10 0,35 7 0,10 0,32 11 0,10 0,31 15 0,11 0,32
5 0,01 5 0,00 0,04 5 0,01 0,12 5 0,06 0,26 9 0,05 0,23 14 0,05 0,22 20 0,05 0,23
6 0,00 6 0,00 0,02 6 0,00 0,08 9 0,01 0,09 14 0,01 0,10 21 0,01 0,10 29 0,01 0,10
7 0,00 7 0,00 0,01 7 0,00 0,05 11 0,00 0,05 18 0,00 0,05 27 0,00 0,05 38 0,00 0,05
280/0 220/0 155/0 105/0 80/0 50/0 32/0
Lot size Lot size Lot size Lot size Lot size Lot size Lot size
281 500 281 500 281 500 281 500 281 500 281 500 281 500
R Pa Pa R Pa Pa R Pa Pa R Pa Pa R Pa Pa R Pa Pa R Pa Pa
0 1,00 1,00 0 1,00 1,00 0 1,00 1,00 0 1,00 1,00 0 1,00 1,00 0 1,00 1,00 0 1,00 1,00
1 0,00 0,44 1 0,22 0,56 1 0,45 0,69 1 0,63 0,79 1 0,72 0,84 1 0,82 0,90 1 0,89 0,94
2 0,00 0,19 2 0,05 0,31 2 0,20 0,48 2 0,39 0,62 2 0,51 0,71 2 0,68 0,81 2 0,78 0,88
3 0,00 0,08 3 0,01 0,17 3 0,09 0,33 3 0,24 0,49 3 0,36 0,59 3 0,55 0,73 3 0,69 0,82
4 0,00 0,04 4 0,00 0,10 4 0,04 0,23 5 0,09 0,31 7 0,09 0,29 12 0,09 0,28 18 0,11 0,30
5 0,00 0,02 5 0,00 0,05 5 0,02 0,15 6 0,06 0,24 9 0,05 0,21 15 0,05 0,20 24 0,05 0,20
6 0,00 0,01 6 0,00 0,03 6 0,01 0,11 10 0,01 0,09 13 0,01 0,10 21 0,01 0,10 33 0,01 0,10
7 0,00 0,00 7 0,00 0,02 8 0,00 0,05 13 0,00 0,04 17 0,00 0,05 28 0,00 0,05 43 0,00 0,05
a See national foreword for details of textual error.
© BSI 02-2000 19
BS 6001-2:1993
Licensed Copy: Institute Of Technology Tallaght, Institute of Technology, Wed Jun 28 12:49:04 BST 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
Table D3 — Equivalent sample sizes for single, double and multiple sampling plans
Type of Sample size code letter and cumulative sample sizesa in accordance with ISO 2859-1
sampling plan E F G H J K L M N P Q R
Single 13 20 32 50 80 125 200 315 500 800 1 250 2 000
1st 8 13 20 32 50 80 125 200 315 500 800 1 250
2nd 16 26 40 64 100 160 250 400 630 1 000 1 600 2 500
1st 3 5 8 13 20 32 50 80 125 200 315 500
2nd 6 10 16 26 40 64 100 160 250 400 630 1 000
3rd 9 15 24 39 60 96 150 240 375 600 945 1 500
Multiple 4th 12 20 32 52 80 128 200 320 500 800 1 260 2 000
5th 15 25 40 65 100 160 250 400 625 1 000 1 575 2 500
6th 18 30 48 78 120 192 300 480 750 1 200 1 890 3 000
7th 21 35 56 91 140 224 350 560 875 1 400 2 205 3 500
a Fordouble and multiple sampling plans, the tabulated entries are the cumulative sample sizes. In each case the successive stages
of sampling take a fresh sample equal in size to that taken in the first stage. This sample is aggregated with the samples from
previous stages and the combined sample is then tested by the criterion in Table D4.
Table D4 — Equivalent acceptance numbers for single, double and multiple sampling plans
Approximate relative Acceptance number codes
Type of sample sizes at 1 3 5 10 18b
sampling plan each stagea
n Ac Re Ac Re Ac Re Ac Re Ac Re
Single 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 10 11 18 19
0,63 0 2 1 4 2 5 5 9 9 14
0,63 1 2 4 5 6 7 12 13 23 24
c c c
0,25 2 3 4 0 5 1 8
0,25 c
2 0 3 1 5 3 8 6 12
0,25 0 2 1 4 2 6 6 10 11 17
Multiple 0,25 0 3 2 5 3 7 8 13 16 22
0,25 1 3 3 6 5 8 11 15 22 25
0,25 1 3 4 6 7 9 14 17 27 29
0,25 2 3 6 7 9 10 18 19 32 33
Discrimination ratio
10,9 4,89 3,55 2,50 b
(Procedure B) P10/P95
Probability of acceptance at AQL
0,91 0,96 0,98 0,98 b
(Procedure B)
These relative samples are approximate only. The exact values are given in Table D3 for each sample size code letter.
This acceptance number is only used in procedure A.
Acceptance of the lot is not permitted on the samples examined.
20 © BSI 02-2000
BS 6001-2:1993
Licensed Copy: Institute Of Technology Tallaght, Institute of Technology, Wed Jun 28 12:49:04 BST 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
Table D5 — Correspondence between lot sizes, AQL values in ISO 2859-1 and LQ values
(Inspection levels I and II, procedure B)
Table D6 — Correspondence between lot sizes and sample size code letters
(Inspection levels S-1 to S-4 and I to III, procedure B)
Special inspection levels General inspection levels
Lot size
S-1 and S-2 S-3 S-4 I II III
2 to 90 E E E E E F
91 to 150 E E E E F G
151 to 280 E E E E G H
281 to 500 E E E F H J
501 to 1 200 E E F G J K
1 201 to 3 200 E E G H K L
3 201 to 10 000 E F G J L M
10 001 to 35 000 E F H K M N
35 001 to 150 000 E G J L N P
150 001 to 500 000 E G J M P Q
> 500 000 E H K N Q R
NOTE The sample size code letter indicates the appropriate row in Table D5; it does not always indicate the sample size to
be used directly since this can depend on the limiting quality. Levels S-1 and S-2, for example, give sample sizes independent
of lot size but dependent on limiting quality, ranging from 13 to 800.
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Licensed Copy: Institute Of Technology Tallaght, Institute of Technology, Wed Jun 28 12:49:04 BST 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
© BSI 02-2000
See national foreword.
List of references
BS 6001-2:1993
BS 6001-2:
ISO 2859-2: BSI — British Standards Institution
Licensed Copy: Institute Of Technology Tallaght, Institute of Technology, Wed Jun 28 12:49:04 BST 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
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