Awareness, farmers adoption of organic farming in India:
Organic Farming
The findings related to each item on the awareness scale are summarized in table. The
prominent items on which the respondents earned highest total score were observed to be
‘Organic farming (OF) is not a sustainable agriculture system’ and ‘Organic farming increases
soil fertility’. This means that respondents were aware that organic farming is a sustainable
agriculture system and they were aware of the fact that organic farming increases soil fertility.
Similarly, as in the case of the item that ‘Organic farming is not a sustainable agriculture
system’, other all respondents disagreed with the items ‘chemical fertilizers are allowed in
organic farming, ‘Synthetic herbicides, fungicides, insecticides and other pesticides’ are allowed
in organic farming’ and ‘organic farming causes more health hazards than conventional
farming’. The total score on these items were 216 with mean score being 3.
‘National Programme for Organic Production guidelines are framed for organic farming’
and ‘crop rotation with legumes reduces the soil fertility ‘were the next most commonly shared
statements of the respondents with the total score of 208 and 202 and mean scores of 2.9 and 2.8.
In other words, the awareness of respondents in these aspects revealed a tendency to be higher
than the midpoint in the continuum of the response categories, thereby showing awareness
regarding these aspects revealed fairly low awareness regarding conversion period as evidenced
through their mean scores of 2.02.
Four important factors were identified in a research accomplished by Sarker and Itohara
(2008) which could significantly influence the extent of practice of organic farming by the
farmers in Bangladesh.
The scores on the entire scale of each respondent were totaled to gain insight into the relative
position of respondents amongst themselves. The sample farmers were grouped under three
categories by their scores, namely, those with <25, 25 to 35 and >35 scores. The findings
summarized in Table 13 showed that majority of the respondents earned scores between 25 and
35 in plains and hills regions, i.e., 87.5 per cent and 79.16 per cent respectively. Out of the total;
respondents a good number of respondents, i.e., about 82 percent belonged to similar category.
On the contrary, relatively smaller proportion revealed higher level of awareness, that is, >35
scores. These results indicated that while the respondents were cognizant about some facts of
organic farming, they were not aware of all the aspects under study.
2.Factors influencing adoption of organic farming:
Lack of Awareness
It is a fact that many farmers in the country have only vague ideas about organic farming
and its advantages as against the conventional farming methods. Use of bio-fertilizers and bio
pesticides requires awareness and willingness on the part of the farming community. Knowledge
about the availability and usefulness of supplementary nutrients to enrich the soil is also vital to
increase productivity. Farmers lack knowledge of compost making using the modern techniques
and also its application. The maximum they do is making a pit and fill it with small quantities of
wastes. Often the pit is flooded with rainwater and result is the top of the compost remains under
composted the bottom becomes like a hard cake. Proper training to the farmers will be necessary
to make vermicompost on the modern lines. Attention on the application of composts/organic
manure is also lacking. The organic matter is spread during the months when the right moisture
level is absent on the soil. The whole manure turns into wastes in the process. The required
operation is of course labour intensive and costly, but it is necessary to obtain the desired results.
It is found that before the beginning of the cultivation of organic crops, their marketability
and that too at a premium over the conventional produce has to be assured. Inability to obtain a
premium price, at least during the period required to achieve the productivity levels of the
conventional crop will be a setback. It was found that the farmers of organic wheat in Rajasthan
got lower prices than those of the conventional wheat. The cost of marketing of both types of
products was also same and the buyers of wheat were not prepared to pay higher prices to the
organic variety
Shortage of Bio-mass
Many experts and well informed farmers are not sure whether all the nutrients with the
required quantities can be made available by the organic materials. Even if this problem can be
surmounted, they are of the view that the available organic matter is not simply enough to meet
the requirements. The crop residues useful to prepare vermi-compost are removed after harvest
from the farms.and they are used as fodder and fuel. Even if some are left out on the farms
termites, etc destroy them. Experiments have shown that the crop residues ploughed back into
soil will increase productivity and a better alternative is conversion into compost. The small and
marginal cultivators have difficulties in getting the organic manures compared to the chemical
fertilizers, which can be bought easily, of course if they have the financial ability. But they have
to either produce the organic manures by utilizing the bio-mass they have or they have to be
collected from the locality with a minimum effort and cost. Increasing pressure of population and
the disappearance of the common lands including the wastes and government lands make the
task difficult.
In spite of the adoption of the NPOP during 2000, the state governments are yet to formulate
policies and a credible mechanism to implement them. There are only four agencies for
accreditation and their expertise is limited to fruits and vegetables, tea, coffee and spices. The
certiiying agencies are inadequate, the recognized 58 green markets are non-existent, the trade
channels are yet to be formed and the infrastructure facilities for verification leading to
certification of the farms are inadequate.
The small and marginal farmers in India have been practicing a sort of organic farming in the
form of the traditional farming system. They use local or own farm renewable resources and
carry on the agricultural practices in an ecologically friendly environment. However, now the
costs of the organic inputs are higher than those of industrially produced chemical fertilizers and
pesticides including other inputs used in the conventional farming system. The groundnut cake,
neem seed and cake, vermi-compost, silt, cow dung, other manures, etc. applied as organic
manure are increasingly becoming costly making them unaffordable to the small cultivators.
Promotion of organic agriculture both for export and domestic consumption, the requirements of
food security for millions of the poor, national self-sufficiency in food production, product and
input supplies, etc. are vital issues which will have to be dealt with in an appropriate agriculture
policy of India. These are serious issues the solution for which hard and consistent efforts along
with a national consensus will be essential to go forward. Formulation of an appropriate
agriculture policy taking care of these complexities is essential to promote organic agriculture in
a big way.
The developing countries like India have to design a plethora of national and regional
standards in attune with those of the developed countries. The adoption and maintenance of such
a regulatory framework and its implementation will be costly. The cost of certification, a major
component of which is the periodical inspections carried out by the certifying agencies, which
have freedom to fix the timings, type and number of such inspections appears to be burdensome
for the small and marginal farmers. Of course, the fees charged by the international agencies
working in India before the NPOP were prohibitive and that was a reason for the weak response
to organic agriculture even among the large farms in the country. No financial support as being
provided in advanced countries like Germany is available in India. Supports for the marketing of
the organic products are also not forthcoming neither from the State nor from the Union
governments. Even the financial assistance extended to the conventional farming methods are
absent for the promotion of organic farming
Low Yields
In many cases the farmers experience some loss in yields on discarding synthetic inputs on
conversion of their farming method from conventional to organic. Restoration of full biological
activity in terms of growth of beneficial insect populations, nitrogen fixation from legumes, pest
suppression and fertility problems will take some time and the reduction in the yield rates is the
result in the interregnum. It may also be possible that it will take years to make organic
production possible on the farm. Small and marginal farmers cannot take the risk of low jaelds
for the initial 2-3 years on the conversion to organic farming. There are no schemes to
compensate them during the gestation period. The price premiums on the organic products will
not be much of help, as they will disappear once significant quantities of organic farm products
are made available.
The demand for organic products is high in the advanced countries of the west like USA,
European Union and Japan. It is 60 reported that the US consumers are ready to pay a premium
price of 60 to 100 per cent for the organic products. The upper classes in India are also following
this trend as elsewhere. The market survey done by the International Trade Centre (ITC) during
2000 indicates that the demand for organic products is growing rapidly in many of the world
markets while the supply is unable to match it. India is known in the world organic market as a
tea supplier and there is a good potential to export coffee, vegetables, sugar, herbs, spices and
vanilla. In spite of the several initiatives to produce and export organic produces from the
country, the aggregate production for export came to only about 14000 tonnes. This also includes
the production of organic spices in about 1000 ha under certification. Some export houses like
Good Value Marketing Ltd and Burmah Trading Corporation are also engaged in exporting of
organic fruits, vegetables and coffee from India. The country could export almost 85 per cent of
the production indicating that demand is not a constraint in the international markets for organic
Vested Interests
Hybrid seeds are designed to respond to fertilizers and chemicals. The seed, fertilizer and
pesticide industry as also the importers of these inputs to the country have a stake in the
conventional farming. Their opposition to organic farming stems from these interests.
Lack of Quality Standards for Biomanures
The need for fixing standards and quality parameters for biofertilizers and biomanures has
arisen with the increasing popularity of organic farming in the country. There are a very large
number of brands of organic manures, claiming the high levels of natural nutrients and essential
elements. But most farmers are not aware of the pitfalls of using the commercially available
biomanure products. While the concept of organic farming itself lays great stress on the manures
produced on the farm and the farmers' household, many of the branded products available in the
market may not be really organic. Elements of chemicals slipping into the manures through
faulty production methods could make the product not certifiable as organic. The process of
composting which is a major activity to be carefully done is achieved usually 61 by one of the
two methods, vermi-composting or microbe composting. While the former is ideal for segregated
waste material without foreign matter, microbe composting is suitable for large scale
management of solid wastes, especially in cities and metres. Even though the farmers are using
manure produced by different methods, proper parameters for biomanure are yet to be finalized.
Most farmers are still unaware of the difference between biomanure and bio-fertilizer, it is point
out. While biomanure contains organic matter, which improves the soil quality, bio-fertilizers are
nutritional additives separated from the organic material, which could be added to the soil, much
like taking vitamin pills. Biofertilizers do nothing to enhance soil quality while the loss of soil
quality has been the major problem faced by farmers these days.
An understanding of the real costs of erosion of soil and human health, the loss of welfare
of both humans and other living things and the computation of these costs are necessary to
evaluate the benefits of organic farming. These costs will have to be integrated to a plan for the
implementation of organic agriculture. A recent study shows the inappropriateness of the cost
and return accounting methods adopted to find out the economics of the organic farming
(Prakash, 2003). An economic evaluation of the bad effects of inorganic agriculture and their
internalization through environmental taxes is proposed for a market based approach to promote
organic farming in India.