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Joint Admission and Matriculation Board

Past Questions


➢ 2010 2011 2012

➢ 2013 2014 2015

➢ 2016 2017 2018


PAPER TYPE: A 4. The droplets of water observed

around a bottle of milk taken out
1. Which chemistry paper type is of the refrigerator is due to the
given to you fact that the

A. Type A A. water vapour in the air around

B. Type B the bottle gains some energy
C. Type C from the bottle
D. Type D B. temperature of the milk drops
as it loses heat into the
2. Which of the following is an surroundings
example of a mixture? C. saturated vapour pressure of
the milk is equal to the
A. Common salt atmospheric pressure
B. Blood D. water vapour in the air around
C. Sand the bottle loses some of its
D. Washing soda energy to the bottle

3. Calculate the percentage by 5. The volume of a given gas is

mass of nitrogen in calcium Vcm3 P mm Hg. what is the new
trioxonitrate (V) volume of the gas if the pressure
[Ca = 40, N = 14, O = 16] is reduced to half at constant
A. 8.5%
B. 13.1% A. 4 V cm3
C. 17.1% B. 2 V cm3
D. 27.6% C. ⁄2 cm3
D. V cm3
6. Moving from left to right across 9. The maximum number of

a period, the general rise in the electrons in the L shell of an atom

first ionization energy can be is

attributed to the
A. 2

A. decrease in nuclear charge B. 8

B. increase in nuclear charge C. 18

C. decrease in screening effect D. 32

D. increase in screening effect

10. Elements in the same period

7. How many unpaired electron(s) in the periodic table have the same

are there in the nitrogen sub-

levels? A. number of shells
B. atomic number

A. 3 C. chemical properties

B. 2 D. physical properties

C. 1
D. none 11. 1D + 3
2He +10n +energy
The reaction above illustrates

8. The stability of the noble gases

is due to the fact that they A. alpha decay
B. artificial transmutation

A. have no electron in their C. nuclear fusion

outermost shells D. nuclear fission

B. have duplet or octet electron

configurations 12. A noble gas with a high power

C. belong to group zero of the of fog penetration used in

periodic table aerodrome beacons is

D. are volatile in nature

A. krypton D. 0.25

B. argon
C. helium 16. Coffee stains can best be

D. neon removed by

13. Permanent hardness of water A. Kerosene

can be removed by B. turpentine

C. a solution of borax in water

A. filtration D. ammonia solution

B. adding slaked lime

C. adding caustic soda 17. Carbon (II) oxide is

D. boiling considered dangerous if inhaled

mainly because it

14. Substance employed as

drying agents are usually A. can cause injury to the nervous

A. amphoteric B. competes with oxygen in the

B. hydroscopic blood

C. efflorescent C. competes with carbon (IV)

D. acidic oxide in the blood

D. can cause lung cancer

15. Calculate the solubility in mol

dm-3 of 40g of CuSO4 dissolved in 18. The acid that is used to

100g of water at 120⁰C. remove rust is

[Cu = 64, S = 32, O = 16]

A. boric

A. 4.00 B. hydrochloric

B. 2.50 C. trioxonitrate (V)

C. 0.40 D. tetraoxosulphate (VI)

19. Calculate the volume of 0.5 A. HNO3(aq)

mol dm-3 H2SO4 that is neutralized B. H2O(l)

by 25 cm3 of 0.1 mol dm-3 NaOH C. PH3(g)

D. AgNO3(aq)

A. 5.0 cm3
B. 2.5 cm3 23. The IUPAC nomenclature of

C. 0.4 cm3 the compound LiAlH4 is

D. 0.1 cm3
A. lithiumtetrahydridoaluminate

20. The colour of methyl orange in (III)

alkaline medium is B. aluminium tetrahydrido lithium

C. tetrahydrido lithium aluminate

A. yellow (III)

B. pink D. lithium aluminium hydride

C. orange
D. red 24. Iron can be protected from
corrosion by coating the surface

21. Which of the following salts is with

slightly soluble in water?

A. gold

A. AgCl B. silver

B. CaSO4 C. copper

C. Na2CO3 D. zinc

D. PbCl2
25. What quantity of aluminium is

22. 6AgNO4(aq) + PH3(g) + 3H2O(l) deposited when a current of 10A is

→ 6Ag(s) + H3PO3(g) + 6HNO3(aq) passed through a solution of an

In the above reaction, the aluminium salt for 1930s?

reducing agent is [Al = 27, F = 96500 C mol-1]

A. 0.2 g 28. In the preparation of oxygen

B. 1.8 g by heating KClO3 in the presence

C. 5.4 g of MnO2, only moderate heat is

D. 14.2 g needed because the catalyst acts


26. In which of the following is

the entropy change positive? A. lowering the pressure of the

A. Thermal dissociation of B. increasing the surface area of

ammonium chloride the reactant

B. Reaction between an acid and C. increase the rate of the

a base reaction

C. Addition of concentrated acid D. lowering the energy barrier of

to water the reaction

D. Dissolution of sodium metal in

water 29.

27. If a reaction is exothermic

and there is a great disorder, it
means that

A. the reaction is static

B. the reaction is in a state of
equilibrium The graph above demonstrate the
C. there will be a large increase in effect of
free energy
D. there will be a large decrease A. surface area on the rate of
in free energy reaction
B. catalyst on the rate of reaction
C. pressure on the rate reaction D. NO

D. concentration on the rate of

reaction 32.

30. 2H2(g) + O2(g) ⇋2H2O(g) ΔH = -

ve. What happens to the
equilibrium constant of the
reaction above if the temperature
is increased?
In the diagram above, the gas
produced is
A. it is unaffected
B. it becomes zero
C. it decrease
B. NO2
D. it increases
C. N2O
D. N2O4
31. To a solution of an unknown
compound, a little dilute
33. Which of the following is used
tetraoxosulphate (VI) acid was
in rocket fuels?
added with some freshly prepared
iron (II) tetraoxosulphate (VI)
solution. The brown ring observed
after the addition of a stream of
C. H2SO4
concentrated tetraoxosulphate
D. HCl
(VI) acid confirmed the presence
34. In the diagram below, the
purpose of the asbestos to
B. Cl-
37. A compound gives an orange-
red colour to non-luminous flame.
This compound is likely to contain

A. Na+
B. Ca2+

A. absorb impurities C. Fe3+

B. catalyse the reaction D. Fe2+

C. solidify the gas

D. dry the gas 38. Stainless steel is used for

35. A constituent common to

bronze and solder is A. magnets
B. tools

A. lead C. coins and medals

B. silver D. moving parts of clocks

C. copper
D. tin 39. The residual solids from the
fractional distillation of petroleum

36. When iron is exposed to moist are used as

air, it gradually rusts. This is due

to the formation of A. coatings of pipes
B. raw materials for the cracking

A. hydrate iron (III) oxide process

B. anhydrous iron (III) oxide C. fuel for the driving tractors

C. anhydrous iron (II) oxide D. fuel for jet engines

D. hydrate iron (II) oxide

40. 43. Benzene reacts with hydrogen
in the presence of nickel catalyst at
180⁰C to give

A. xylene
B. toluene
The IUPAC nomenclature of the
C. cyclopentane
compound above is
D. cyclohexane

A. 4 - ethyloctane
44. Which of the following is used
B. 5 - ethyloctane
to hasten the ripening of fruit?
C. 5 - propylheptane
D. 3 - propylheptane
A. Ethene
B. Ethanol
41. Which of the following is used
C. Ethyne
as fuel in miners' lamp?
D. Ethane

A. Ethanal
45. The final products of the
B. Ethyne
reaction between methane and
C. Ethene
chlorine in the presence of
D. Ethane
ultraviolet light are hydrogen
chloride and
42. Which of the following organic
compounds is very soluble in
A. tricloromethane
B. dichloromethane
C. tetrachloromethane
D. chloromethane
B. C2H2
C. C2H4
46. The correct order of 49. Two hydrocarbons X and Y

increasing boiling points of the were treated with bromine water.

following compounds C3H7OH, X decolorized the solution and Y

C7H16 and C4H10 is did not not. Which class of

compound does Y belong?

A. C3H7OH → C4H10 → C7H16

B. C4H10 → C7H16 → C3H7OH A. Benzene

C. C7H16 → C3H7OH → C4H10 B. Alkynes

D. C4H10 → C3H7OH → C7H16 C. Alkenes

D. Alkanes

47. One of the major uses of

alkane is 50. The compound that is used as
an anaesthetic is

A. as domestic and industrial fuel

B. in the hydrogenation of oils A. CCl4

C. in the textile industries B. CH Cl3

D. in the production of plastics C. CH2Cl2

D. CH3Cl

48. The haloalkanes used in dry-

cleaning industries are ANSWER KEYS:

A. trichloromethane and 1. A 2. B 3. C 4. D 5. B 6. B 7. A

tetrachloromethane 8. B 9. B 10. A 11. C 12. A 13. C

B. chloroethene and 14. B 15. B 16. D 17. B 18. B

dichloroethene 19. B 20. A 21. B 22. C 23. A

C. trichloroethene and 24. D 25. B

D. chloroethane and 26. A 27. C 28. D 29. A 30. C

dichloroethane 31. D 32. A 33. A 34. B 35. D

36. A 37. B 38. C 39. A 40. D
41. B 42. A 43. D 44. A 45. C
46. D 47. A 48. A 49. D 50. B

PAPER TYPE: B C. Orderliness of particles

increases from gas to liquid
1. Which question Paper Type of D. Random motion of particles
Chemistry is given to you? increases from gas to solid

A. Type A 4. The principle of column

B. Type B chromatography is based on the
C. Type C ability of the constituents to
D. Type D
A. move at different speeds in the
2. What is the concentration of a column
solution containing 2g of NaOH in B. dissolve in each other in the
100cm3 of solution? column
[Na = 23, O = 16, H = 1] C. react with the solvent in the
A. 0.40 mol dm-3 D. react with each other in the
B. 0.50 mol dm-3 column
C. 0.05 mol dm-3
D. 0.30 mol dm-3 5.

3. Which of the following

properties is NOT peculiar to

A. kinetic energy of particles

increases from solid to gas From the diagram above, an ideal
B. Random motion of particles can be represented by
increases from liquid to gas
A. M C. 6.2

B. N D. 6.8

C. K
D. L 8. An isotope has an atomic
number of 15 and a mass number

6. Which of the following of 31. The number of protons it

questions is correct about the contain is

periodic table?
A. 16

A. The non-metallic properties of B. 15

the elements tend to decrease C. 46

across each period D. 31

B. The valence electrons of the

elements increase progressively 9. The molecular lattice of iodine is

across the period held together by

C. Elements in the same group

have the same number of electron A. dative bond

shells B. metallic bond

D. Elements in the same period C. hydrogen bond

have the number of valence D. van der Waal's forces

10. The arrangement of particles

7. The relative atomic mass of a in crystal lattices can be studied

naturally occurring lithium using

consisting of 90% Li and 10% Li is

A. X - rays

A. 6.9 B. γ - rays

B. 7.1 C. α - rays
D. β – rays
11. A. Electrovalent
B. Metallic
C. Covalent
D. Dative

14. Hardness of water is mainly

due to the presence of
From the diagram above, find the
amount of solute deposited when A. calcium hydroxide or
200 cm3 of the solution is cooled magnesium hydroxide
from 55⁰C to 40⁰C B. calcium trioxocarbonate (IV) or
calcium tetraoxosulphate (VI)
A. 0.10 mole C. sodium hydroxide or
B. 0.20mole magnesium Hydroxide
C. 0.01 mole D. calcium chloride or sodium
D. 0.02 mole chloride salts

12. The importance of sodium 15. A suitable solvent for iodine

aluminate (III) in the treatment of and nephthalene is
water is to

A. carbon (IV) sulphide

A. cause coagulation B. ethanol
B. neutralize acidity C. water
C. prevent goitre and tooth decay D. benzene
D. kill germs

16. Which of the following noble

13. What type of bond exits gases is commonly found in the
between an element X with atomic atmosphere?
number 12 and Y with
atomic number 17?
A. Xenon potassium aluminium

B. Neon tetraoxosulphate (VI)?

C. Helium
D. Argon A. 3
B. 4
17. N2O4(g) ⇋2NO2(g) ΔH = +ve C. 1
In the reaction above, an increase D. 2
in temperature will
20. Which of the following is NOT
A. increase the value of the an alkali?
equilibrium constant
B. decreases the value of the A. NH3
equilibrium constant B. Mg(OH)2
C. increase in the reactant C. Ca(OH)2
production D. NaOH
D. shift the equilibrium to the left
21. An effect of thermal pollution
18. CH3COOH(aq) + OH-(aq) ⇋ on water bodies is that the
CH3COO-(aq) + H2O(l)
In the reaction above, CH3COO-
A. volume of water reduces
(aq) is
B. volume of chemical waste
A. conjugate base
C. level of oxides of nitrogen
B. acid
C. base
D. level of oxygen reduces
D. conjugate acid

22. Which of the following is a

19. How many cations will be
deliquescent compound?
produced from a solution of
A. Na2CO3 C. concentration

B. CaCl2 D. light

C. CuO
D. Na2CO3. 10H2O 26. The condition required for
corrosion to take place is the

23. A chemical reaction which the presence of

hydration energy is greater than

the lattice energy is referred to as A. water and carbon (IV) oxide
B. water, carbon (IV) oxide and

A. a spontaneous reaction oxygen

B. an endothermic reaction C. oxygen and carbon (IV) oxide

C. an exothermic reaction D. water and oxygen

D. a reversible reaction

24. The function of zinc electrode

in a galvanic cell is that it

A. undergoes reduction
B. serves as the positive electrode
C. production electrons
In the diagram above, X is the
D. uses up electrons

A. enthalpy
25. CH4(g) + Cl2(g) → CH3Cl(s) +
B. enthalpy change
C. activation energy
The major factor that influence
D. activated complex
the rate of the reaction above is

28. The diagram below best

A. catalyst
illustrates the effect of decrease in
B. temperature
[Electrochemical equivalent]

A. M =

B. M = EQ
C. M =

The diagram above best illustrates D. M =

the effect of decrease in

31. The impurities formed during

A. concentration the laboratory preparation of
B. temperature chlorine gas are removed by
C. surface area
D. pressure A. H2O
B. NH3
C. H2SO4
29. MnO-4(aq) + Y + 5Fe2+(aq) →

2+ 2+ D. HCl
Mn (aq) + 5Fe (aq) + 4H2O(l)

In the equation above, Y is
A. 5H (aq)
B. 4H (aq)

C. 10H+(aq)
D. 8H (aq)

30. Given that M is the mass of a

substance deposited during
electrolysis and Q is the quantity of
electricity consumed, then
Faraday's first law can be written
32. The effect of the presence of
impurities such as carbon and
sulphur on iron is that they

A. give it high tensile strength

B. make it malleable and ductile
C. increase its melting point
D. lower its melting point

33. A few drops of concentrated

HNO3 is added to an unknown
solution and boiled for a while.
this produces a brown solution, the 36. The property of concentrated

cation presents are likely to be H2SO4 that makes it suitable for

preparing HNO3 is its

A. Pb2+
B. Cu2+ A. boiling point

C. Fe3+ B. density

D. Fe2+ C. oxidizing properties

D. dehydrating properties

34. The bleaching action of

chlorine gas is effective due to the 37. Bronze is preferred to copper

presence of in the making of medals because it

A. hydrogen chloride A. is stronger

B. water B. can withstand low temperature

C. air C. is lighter

D. oxygen D. has low tensile strength

35. In the laboratory preparation 38. The constituents of baking

of oxygen, dried oxygen is usually powder that makes the dough to

collected over rise is

A. hydrochloric acid A. NaHCO3

B. mercury B. NaOH

C. calcium chloride C. Na2CO3

D. tetraoxosulphate (VI) acid D. NaCl

39. Which of the following 42.

compound is used as a gaseous


A. CH3 – C = CH
B. CH3 – CH2 – CH3
The compound above exhibits
C. CH3 – CH2 – CH2 – COOH
D. CH3 – CH2 – CH2 – CH3
A. geometric isomerism
B. optical isomerism
40. The ability of carbon to form
C. structural isomerism
long chains is referred to as
D. positional isomerism

A. alkylation
43. An organic compound has an
B. acylation
empirical formula CH2O and vapour
C. catenation
density of 45. What is the
D. carbonation
molecular formula?
[C = 12, H = 1, O = 16]

41. Which of the following

compounds will undergo
polymerization reaction?
C. C3H6O3
D. C2H4O2
A. C2H4

C. C2H6
44. C6 H12O6 → 2C2 H5OH + 2CO2 +

energy 25°
The reaction above represented by D. hydroxyl and halo-group

the equation above is useful in the

production of 47.

A. propanol
B. butanol
C. methanol
D. ethanol Which of the following is a
primary amine?
45. The number of isomers that
can be obtained from C4H10 is A. A
B. B
A. 3 C. C
B. 4 D. D
C. 1
D. 2 48. Two organic compounds K
and L were treated with a few
46. drops of Fehling's solutions
respectively. K formed a brick red
precipitate while L, remains
unaffected. The compound K is an

A. alkanol
B. alkane
The functional groups present in
C. alkanal
the compound above are
D. alkanone

A. alkene and halo-group

B. hydroxyl and chloro-group
C. alkene and chloro-group
49. Which of the following 19. D 20. A 21. D 22. B 23. C

statements is true about 2- 24. C 25. D

methylpropane and butane

26. D 27. B 28. A 29. A 30. B

A. They are members of the same 31. A 32. D 33. D 34. B 35. D

homologous series 36. C 37. C 38. A 39. D 40. C

B. They have the same boiling 41. A 42. B 43. C 44. D 45. D

point 46. B 47. B 48. C 49. A 50. A

C. They have different number of

carbon atoms
D. They have the same chemical

50. CH3COOH + C2H5OH →

CH3COOC2H5 + H2O 2 4

The reaction above is best

described as

A. esterification
B. Condensation
C. saponification
D. neutralization


1. B 2. B 3. D 4. A 5. B 6. B 7. –
8. B 9. D 10. A 11. B 12. A 13. A
14. B 15. B 16. D 17. A 18. A

PAPER TYPE: RED C. 1.51 x 1023

D. 3.02 x 1023
1. Which Question Paper Type of
Chemistry is given to you? 4. 50 cm3 of gas was collected
over water at 10oC and 765 mm
A. Type Green Hg. Calculate the volume of the
B. Type Purple gas at s.t.p. if the saturated
C. Type Red vapour pressure of water at 10⁰C
D. Type Yellow is 5mm Hg

2. Which of the following methods A. 49.19 cm3

can be used to obtain pure water B. 48.87 cm3
from a mixture of sand, water and C. 48.55 cm3
methanoic acid? D. 48.23 cm3

A. neutralization with NaOH 5. An increase in the pressure

followed by filtration exerted on gas at a constant
B. neutralization with NaOH temperature result in
followed by distillation
C. fractional distillation A. a decrease in the number of
D. filtration followed by distillation effective collisions
B. a decrease in volume
3. How many atoms are present C. an increase in the average
in 6.0g of magnesium? intermolecular distance
[Mg = 24, NA = 6.02 x 1023 mol-1] D. an increase in volume

A. 1.20 x 1022 6. 2H2(g) + O2(g) → 2H2O(g)

B. 2.41 x 1022
In the reaction above, what A. Dative

volume of hydrogen would be left B. Covalent

over when 300 cm3 of oxygen and C. Ionic

1000 cm3 of hydrogen are D. Metallic

exploded in a sealed tube?

9. A hydrogen atom which has

A. 200 cm3 lost an electron contains

B. 400 cm3
C. 600 cm3 A. one proton only

D. 700 cm3 B. one neutron only

C. one proton and one neutron

7. l. Evaporation. D. one proton, one electron and

ll. Sublimation. one neutron

Ill. Diffusion.
IV. Brownian motion. 10. The electronic configuration of
Mg2+ is

Which of the above can correctly

be listed as evidences for the A. 1s2 2s2 2P6 3s2 3P2

particulate nature of matter? B. 1s2 2s2 2P6 3s2

C. 1s2 2s2 2p6

A. I and lll only D. 1s2 2s2 2P4

B. ll and lV only
C. l, ll and lll only 11. Group VII elements are

D. l, ll, lll and lV

A. monoatomic

8. If the elements X and Y have B. good oxidizing agents

atomic numbers 11 and 17 C. highly electropositive

respectively, what type of bond D. electron donors

can they form?

12. Which of the following is used B. soluble sodium compounds

to study the arrangement of which from soluble solutions of

particles in crystal lattices? calcium and magnesium ions

C. soluble sodium compounds

A. Alpha-particles which from insoluble precipitates

B. Beta-particles of calcium and magnesium ions

C. Gamma-rays D. insoluble precipitates of

D. X-rays calcium and magnesium ions

13. I. It has a varied composition 15. Chlorination of water for town

from one place to another. supply is carried out to

ll. its constituents can be

separated by physical means A. make the water colourless

Ill. It contains unreactive noble B. remove germs from the water

gases which of the above shows C. make the water tasteful

that air is a mixture? D. remove odour from the water

A. I and ll only 16. The solubilities of different

B. ll and lll only solutes in a given solvent can be

C. l and lll only compared by

D. l, ll and lll
A. plotting their solubility curves

14. The chemicals used to soften on separate axes

hard water involves the addition of B. plotting their solubility curves

on the same axes

A. insoluble sodium compounds C. plotting some of the solubility

which from soluble solutions of curves on the x-axis and others on

calcium and magnesium the y-axis

D. plotting their solubility curves A. HNO3 + NaOH

on the x-axis only B. H2SO4 + KOH

C. HC +Mg(OH)2

17. Potassium trioxochlorate (V) D. HNO3 + KOH

has a solubility of 1.5 moldm-3 at

45⁰C. On cooling this solution to a 20. The number of hydroxonium

temperature of 20⁰C, the solubility ions produced by one molecule of

was found to be 0.5 mol dm-3. an acid in aqueous solution is its

What mass of KCIO3 was

crystalized out? A. basicity

[K = 39, Cl = 35.5 O =16] B. acid strength

C. pH

A. 1.00g D. concentration

B. 10.00g
C. 12.25g 21. During a titration experiment,

D. 122.50g 0.05 moles of carbon (lV) oxide is

liberated. What is the volume of

18. Which of the following gas liberated?

pollutants is associated with brain

damage? A. 22.40 dm3
B. 11.20 dm3

A. Carbon (ll) oxide C. 2.24 dm3

B. Radioactive fallout D. 1.12 dm3

C. Biodegradable waste
D. Sulphur (lV) oxide 22. A major factor considered in
selecting a suitable method for

19. Which of the following will preparing a simple salt is its

produce a solution with pH less

than 7 at equivalent point? A. Crystalline form
B. melting point C. 9.35 x 10-4 mole

C. reactivity with dilute acids D. 3.73 x 10-3 mole

D. solubility in water
26. A metal M displaces zinc from

23. The oxidation number of ZnCl, solution. This shows that

boron in NaBH4 is
A. electrons flow from zinc to M

A. -3 B. M is more electropositive than

B. -1 zinc

C. +1 C. M is more electronegative than

D. +3 zinc
D. zinc is more electropositive

24. 2Na2O2(s) + 2H2O2(l) → 4 than M

NaOH(s) +O2(s)
The substance that is oxidized in 27. CO(g) + H2O(g) → CO2(g) + H2(g)

the reaction above is Calculate the standard heat

change of the reaction above, if the

A. 2NaO2(s) standard enthalpies of formation of

B. NaOH(aq) CO2(g), H2O(g) and CO(g) and CO(g) in

C. H2O(l) KJ mol-1 are - 394, -242 and -110

D. O2(g)

25. What number of moles of Cu2+ A. + 262 KJ mol-1

will be deposited by 360 coulombs B. - 262 KJ mol-1

of electricity? C. + 42 KJ mol-1

[f = 96500 C mol-1] D. - 42 KJ mol-1

A. 5.36 x 10-4 mole 28. An increase in entropy can

B. 1.87 x 10-3 mole best be illustrated by

A. mixing of gases production of CO2 gas as dilute HCl

B. freezing of water is added?

C. the condensation of vapour

D. solidifying candle wax A. L
B. M

29. The highest rate of production C. N

of carbon (lV) oxide can be D. P

achieved using
31. 2CO(g) + O2(g) ⇋2CO2(g)

A. 0.05 mol-3 HCI and 5g

In the reaction above, high
powdered CaCO3
pressure will favour the forward
B. 0.05 mol-3 HCl and 5g lump
reaction because
C. 0.10 mol-3 HCI and 5g
A. high pressure favours gas
powdered CaCO3
D. 0.025 mol-3 HCI and 5g
B. the reaction is in dynamic
powdered CaCO3
C. the reaction is exothermic
D. the process occurs with a
decrease in volume

32. A piece of filter paper

moistened with lead (ll) ethanoate
solution turns black when the
2HCl(aq) + CaCO3(S) → CaCl2(s) +
paper is dropped into a gas likely
CO2(g) + H2O(l)
to be
From the reaction above, which of
the curves represents the
A. sulphur (VI) oxide
B. hydrogen chloride B. decompose it

C. sulphur (VI) oxide C. minimize its decomposition

D. hydrogen sulphide D. reduce it to water and oxygen

33. Which of the following gases 36. Which of the following

has a characteristic pungent smell, compounds will burn with a brick-

turns red litmus paper blue and red colour in a nonluminous

forms dense white fumes with Bunsen flame?

hydrogen chloride gas?


A. N2 B. NaCl

B. N2O C. CaClN2

C. CI2 D. MgClN2

D. NH3
37. The purest form of iron which

34. Commercial bleaching can be contains only about 0.1% carbon is

carried out using

A. pig iron

A. sulphur (IV) oxide and B. wrought iron

ammonia C. cast iron

B. hydrogen sulphide and chlorine D. iron pyrite

C. chlorine and sulphur (IV) oxide

D. ammonia and chlorine 38. A common characteristic
between zinc and the other

35. Mineral acids are usually transition elements is the ability to

added to commercial hydrogen

peroxide to A. have variable oxidation states

A. oxidize it
B. from complex ions 42. The isomers of C3H8O are

C. act as a catalyst
D. from coloured ions A. 1 - propanol and 2 - propanol
B. 1 - propanol and 1 - propanol

39. Which of the following metals C. 2 - propanol and 2 - propanone

is the least reactive? D. 2 - propanol and 1 - propanol

A. Pb 43. Carbohydrates are large

B. Sn molecules with the molecular

C. Hg formula Cx(H2O)y. In which of the

D. Au following pairs is x not equal to y?

40. Geometric isomerism can A. glucose and starch

exist in B. maltose and starch

C. sucrose and fructose

A. hex-3-ene D. maltose and starch

B. hexane
C. prop-1-ene 44. A compound contains 40.0%

D. 3-methyl but -1-ene C, 6.7% H 53.3% O. If the

molecular mass of the compound

41. Alkanals can be distinguished is 180, its molecular formula is

from alkanones by the reaction [C =12, H =1, 0]


A. Sudan lll stain B. C3H6O3

B. starch iodide paper C. C6H6O3

C. lithium tetrahydrido aluminate D. C6H12O6

D. Fehling’s solution
45. The alkyne that will give a A. alkanoic acid

white precipitate silver B. alkanoyyl halide

trioxonitrate (V) is C. alkanoate

D. alkanamide

A. CH3 CH2 C ≡ CCH2 CH3

B. CH3C ≡ CCH2 CH2 CH3 49. Ethanol reacts with

C. CH3 CH2 CH2 CH2 C ≡ CH concentrated tetraoxosulphate (V)

D. CH3 CH2 CH2C ≡ CCH2 CH3 acid at a temperature above 170⁰C

to form

46. The saponification of an

alkanoate to produce soap and A. ethanone

alkanol involves B. ethene

C. ethyne

A. dehydration D. ethanal

B. esterification
C. hydrolysis 50. An example of oxidation –

D. oxidation reduction enzyme is

47. 2 - methyl propan -2- ol is an A. amylase

example of a B. protease
C. lipase

A. primary alkanol D. dehydrogenase

B. secondary alkanol
C. tertiary alkanol ANSWER KEYS:

D. quaternary alkanol
1. C 2. D 3. C 4. D 5. B 6. B 7. D

48. The final oxidation product of 8. C 9. C 10. C 11. B 12. D 13. A

alkanol, alkanal and alkanoes is 14. C 15. B 16. B 17. D 18. B

19. C 20. B 21. D 22. D 23. D
24. A 25. B

26. B 27. C 28. A 29. C 30. No

answer 31. D 32. D 33. D 34. C
35. C 36. C 37. B 38. B 39. D
40. A 41. D 42. A 43. A 44. D
45. C 46. C 47. C 48. A 49. B
50. D


1. Which Question Paper Type of

Chemistry is given to you?

A. Type D
B. Type I
C. Type B
D. Type U
From the diagram above, an ideal
gas is represented by
2. The presence of an impurity in
substance will cause the melting
A. M
point to
B. N
C. K
A. be zero
D. L
B. reduce
C. increase
5. The rate of diffusion of a gas Y
D. be stable
is twice that of Z If the relative
molecular mass of Y is 64 and the
3. What volume of carbon (ll)
two gases diffuse under the same
oxide is produced by reacting
conditions, find the relative
excess carbon with 10dm 3
molecular mass of Z

A. 32
A. 5 dm 3
B. 4
B. 20 dm 3
C. 8
C. 15 dm 3
D. 16
D. 10 dm 3
6. The radioisotope used in A. pyramidal

industrial radiography for the rapid B. linear

checking of faults in welds and C. angular

casting is D. tetrahedral

A. Carbon-14 10. Which of the following

B. phosphorus-32 molecules is held together by

C. cobalt-60 hydrogen bond?

D. iodine-131
A. CH4

7. How many unpaired electrons B. HBr

are in the p-orbitals of a fluorine C. H2SO4

atom? D. HF

A. 3 11. The bond formed between two

B. 0 elements with electron

C. 1 configurations 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 and

D. 2 1s2 2s2 2p4 is

8. The radioactive emission with A. metallic

the least ionization power is B. covalent

C. dative

A. α-particles D. ionic

B. X-rays
C. γ-rays 12. The constituent of air that

D. β-particles acts as a diluent is

9. The shape of the carbon (lV) A. nitrogen

oxide molecule is B. carbon (IV) oxide

C. noble gases D. 58.100

D. oxygen
16. The solvent used for removing

13. Steam changes the colour of grease stain is

anhydrous cobalt (ll) chloride from

A. turpentine

A. white to red B. ammonia solution

B. blue to white C. ethanol

C. blue to pink D. solution of borax in water

D. white to blue
17. In a water body, too much

14. An example of a hygroscopic sewage leads to

substance is
A. a decrease in the temperature

A. CuO(S). of the water which cause in death

B. MgCl2(S). of aquatic animals

C. CaCl2(S). B. an increase in the number of

D. NaOH(S). aquatic animals in the water

C. an increase in the bacterial

15. If 24.4g of lead (ll) population which reduces the level

trioxonitrate (V) were dissolved in of oxygen in the water

42 g of distilled water at 20⁰C; D. a decrease in the bacterial

calculate the solubility of the solute population which increases the

in gdm-3. level of oxygen in the water

A. 581.000 18. 10.0 dm3 of water was added

B. 0.581 to 2.0 moldm-3 of 2.5dm3 solution

C. 5.810 of HCl. What is the concentration

of the final solution in mol dm-3?
A. 0.4 B. double decomposition

B. 8.0 C. the action of dilute acid on an

C. 2.0 insoluble base

D. 0.5 D. the reaction of metals with an


19. Three drops of a 1.0 mol dm-3

solution of HCl was added to 20cm3 22. 2H2O(l) + 2F2(g) → 4HF(aq) +

of a solution of pH6.4. The pH of O2(g)

the resulting solution will be In the reaction above, the

substance that is being reduced is

A. close to that of pure water

B. less than 6.4 A. O2(g)

C. greater than 6.4 B. H2O(l)

D. unaltered C. F2(g)
D. HF(aq)
20. Which of the following
substances is not a salt? 23. Zn(s) + CuSO4(aq) → ZnSO4(aq)
+ Cu(s)
A. Aluminium oxide In the reaction above, the
B. Sodium hydrogen oxidizing agent is
trioxosulphate (V)
C. Sodium trioxocarbonate (V) A. CuSO4(aq)
D. Zinc chloride B. ZnSO4(aq)
C. Cu(s)
21. An insoluble salt can be D. Zn(s)
prepared by
24. In an electrochemical cell,
A. the reaction of trioxocarbonate polarization is caused by
(V) with an acid
A. chlorine In the reaction above, the

B. oxygen concentration of SO3(g) can be

C. tetraoxosulphate (Vl) acid increased by

D. hydrogen
A. decreasing the pressure

25. Calculate the volume in cm3 of B. decreasing the temperature

oxygen evolved as s.t.p. when a C. increasing the temperature

current of 5 A is passed through D. the addition of catalyst

acidified water for 193s

{F = 96500 Cmol-1, Molar volume 28. The minimum amount of

of a gas at s.t.p. = 22.4 dm3} energy required for a reaction to

take place is

A. 224.000 dm3
B. 0.056 dm3 A. lattice energy

C. 0.224 dm3 B. ionization energy

D. 56.000 dm3 C. activation energy

D. kinetic energy

26. In an endothermic reaction, if

there is a loss in entropy the 29.

reaction will

A. be indeterminate
B. be spontaneous
C. not be spontaneous
D. be at equilibrium

In the graph above, the activation

27. 2SO2(g) + O2(g) ⇋2SO3(g)
energy of the catalyzed reaction is
ΔH = −395.7kJmol−1

A. 100KJ
B. 300KJ A. prevent condensed water from

C. 250KJ breaking the reaction flask

D. 200KJ B. enable the proper mixing of the

reactions in the flask
30. 3Fe(S) + 4H2O(g) ⇌ Fe3O4(s) + C. enhance the speed of the
4H2(g). reaction
The equilibrium constant, K, of the D. prevent formation of
reaction above is represented as precipitate

A. 33. Which of the gases is

employed as an anaesthesia?

C. A. N2O

D. B. NO2
C. NH3
31. Which of the following D. NO
compounds is a neutral oxide?

34. Sulphur (IV) oxide is a strong

A. Carbon (IV) oxide reducing agent in the presence of
B. Sulphur (Vl) oxide water due to the formation of
C. Sulphur (IV) oxide
D. Carbon (ll) oxide A. hydroxide ion
B. sulphur (Vl) oxide
32. In the laboratory preparation C. hydrogen sulphide
of ammonia, the flask is placed in D. trioxosulphate (IV) salt
a slanting position so as to

35. A metal that forms soluble

trioxosulphate (IV) ion is
A. barium trioxonitrate (V) acid because

B. potassium aluminium

C. manganese
D. aluminium A. has a silvery-white appearance
B. has a low density

36. Copper is displaced from the C. does not react with the acid

solution of its salts by most metals D. does not corrode

because it
39. 2-methylbutan-2-ol is an

A. is a transition element example of a

B. is at the bottom of the activity

series A. dihydric alkanol

C. is very reactive B. tertiary alkanol

D. has completely filled 3d- C. secondary alkanol

orbitals D. primary alkanol

37. The coloured nature of 40. The reaction between

transition metal ions are ammonia and ethyl ethanoate

associated with their partially filled produces

A. f- orbital A. propanol and ethanamide

B. s- orbital B. propanol and propanamide

C. p-orbital C. ethanol and propanamide

D. d-orbital D. ethanol and ethanamide

38. Aluminium containers are 41. The decarboxylation of

frequently used to transport ethanoic acid will produce carbon

(IV) oxide and
A. methane 44. Which of the following

B. ethane compounds in solution will turn red

C. propane litmus paper blue?

D. butane


45. The dehydration of

ammonium salt of alkanoic acids
produces a compound with the
general formula

The compound above is an

A. alkanone
B. alkanoate
C. alkanal
D. alkanol
46. Which of the following fraction
43. The compound that will react is used as raw material for the
with sodium hydroxide to form salt cracking process?
and water is
A. kerosene
A. C6H12O6 B. lubricating oil
B. (CH3)3COH C. bitumen
C. CH3CH=CH2 D. diesel oils
47. An organic compound with a D. 2-methylpent-4-ene

pleasant smell is likely to have a

general formula 50. An organic compound
contains 60% carbon, 13.3%

A. CnH2n+1CHO hydrogen and 26.7% oxygen.

B. CnH2n+1COOH Calculate the empirical formula

C. CnH2n+1COOCnH2n+1 (C=12, H =1, O=16)

D. CnH2n+1COCnH2n+1
A. C5H12O

48. A primary amide is generally B. C3H8O

represented by the formula C. C6H13O2

D. C4H9O


D. RCONR2 1. B 2. B 3. B 4. A 5. D 6. C 7. C
8. C 9. B 10. D 11. D 12. A 13. C

49. 14. A 15. A 16. B 17. C 18. A

19. B 20. A 21. B 22. C 23. A
24. D 25. B

26. C 27. B 28. C 29. A 30. C

31. D 32. A 33. A 34. D 35. B
36. A 37. D 38. B 39. D 40. D
The IUPAC nomenclature for the 41. A 42. A 43. D 44. C 45. B
compound above is
46. B 47. B 48. B 49. A 50. B

A. 4-methylpent-1-ene
B. 3-methylpent-2-ene
C. 2-methylpent-1-ene

PAPER TYPE: E 3. What is the percentage of

sulphur in sulphur (IV) oxide?
1. Which Question Paper Type of
Chemistry is given to you? A. 66%
B. 25%
A. Type F C. 40%
B. Type E D. 50%
C. Type L
D. Type S 4. A gas X diffuses twice as fast as
gas Y. If the relative molecular
2. A mixture is different from a mass of X is 32, calculate the
compound because relative molecular mass of Y.

A. the properties of a compound A. 128

are those of its individual B. 8
constituents while those of a C. 16
mixture differ from its constituents D. 64
B. a mixture is always
homogeneous while a compound is 5. 200cm3 of a gas at 25⁰C exerts
not a pressure of 700 mmHg. Calculate
C. the constituent of a compound its pressure if its volume increases
are chemically bound together 350 cm3 at 75⁰C.
while those of a mixture are not
D. a mixture can be represented A. 342.53 mmHg
by a chemical formula while a B. 1430.54 mmHg
compound cannot C. 467.11 mmHg
D. 400.00 mmHg
6. An element X has electron C. co-ordinate

configuration 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p5. D. ionic

Which of the following statements

is correct about the element? 9. How many protons, neutrons
and electrons respectively are

A. lt has a completely filled p- present in the element 60


B. lt has 5 electrons in its A. 27, 33 and 33

outermost shell. B. 33, 27 and 27

C. lt belongs to group ll on the C. 27, 33, and 27

periodic table D. 60, 33 and 60

D. lt is a halogen
10. The radioactive radiation used

7. Beryllium and aluminium have in studying the arrangement of

similar properties because they particles in giant organic molecules


A. are both metals

B. belong to the same group A. γ- rays

C. belong to the same period B. α- particles

D. are positioned diagonally to C. X- rays

each other D. β – particles

8. If the difference in 11. A silicon-containing ore has

electronegativity of elements P 92% 28

Si, 5% 29
Si and 3% 30

and Q is 3.0. The bond that will be Calculate the relative atomic mass

formed between them is of the silicon.

A. metallic A. 14.00

B. covalent B. 29.00
C. 28.11 B. deliquescence

D. 28.00 C. hygroscopy
D. hydrolysis

12. The nitrogen obtained from

air has a density higher than the 15. 16.55g of lead (ll)

one from nitrogen-containing trioxonitrate (V) was dissolved in

compounds because the one from 100g of distilled water at 20⁰C,

air is contaminated with calculate the solubility of the solute

in moldm-3

A. water vapour [Pb = 207, N = 14, O = 16]

B. oxygen
C. rare gases A. 0.05 g

D. carbon (IV) oxide B. 2.00 g

C. 1.00 g

13. Water is said to be D. 0.50 g

temporarily hard when it contains

16. The dispersion of a liquid in a

A. Ca(HCO3)2 and Mg(HCO3)2 salts liquid medium will give

B. Ca(HCO3)2 and CaCO3 salts

C. Mg(HCO3)2 and CaSO4 salts A. an emulsion

D. CaSO4 and Ca(HCO3)2 salts B. a fog

C. a gel

14. On exposure to the D. an aerosol

atmosphere, a hydrated salt loses

its water of crystallization to 17. The major and most effective

become anhydrous. This way of controlling pollution is to

phenomenon is referred to as

A. efflorescence
A. improve machinery so that the A. log10 [OH-]

substances released from B. log10

combustion are less harmful C. log10 [H3O+]

B. pass strict laws against it by D. log10
individuals and companies
C. educate people on the causes 21. Which of the following salts
and effects of pollution will turn blue litmus red?
D. convert chemical wastes to
harmless substances before A. Sodium tetrahydroxozincate (ll)
releasing them into the B. Potassium hydrogen
environment tetraoxosulphate (lV)
C. Sodium trioxocarbonate (lV)
18. The basicity of CH3COOH is D. Zinc chloride hydroxide

A. 4 22. Zn(s) + CuSO4(aq) → ZnSO4(aq)

B. 1 + Cu(s)
C. 2 In the reaction above, the
D. 3 oxidation number of the reducing
agent changes from
19. The colour of litmus in a
neutral medium is A. 0 to +4
B. 0 to +2
A. purple C. +1 to +2
B. pink D. +1 to +3
C. yellow
D. orange 23. H2O(g) + C(s) → H2(g) + CO(g)
The oxidizing agent in the reaction
20. The mathematical expression above is
of pH is
A. CO(g)
B. C(s)
C. H2O(g)
D. H2(g)

24. Calculate the quantity of

electricity in coulombs required to
liberate 10g of copper from a A. heat of reaction
copper compound B. activation energy
[Cu=64, F = 96500 Cmol-1] C. free energy
D. entropy of reaction
A. 32395.5
B. 30156.3 27. If the change in free energy of
C. 60784.5 a system is -899 Jmol-1 and the
D. 15196.5 entropy change is 10Jmol-1k-1 at
25°C, calculate the enthalpy
25. How many faraday of change.
electricity is required to produce
0.25 mole of copper? A. +2081 Jmol-1
B. -2081 Jmol-1
A. 1.00F C. -649 Jmol-1
B. 0.01F D. +649 Jmol-1
C. 0.05F
D. 0.50F 28. In an equilibrium reaction,
which of the following conditions
26. Z in diagram below indicates that maximum yield of
represents... the product will be obtained?
A. Equilibrium constant is very 31. Which of the following will

large liberate hydrogen from dilute

B. ΔH - TΔS = 0 tetraoxosulphate (VI) acid?

C. Δ H > T Δ S
D. Equilibrium constant is less A. Lead

than zero B. Magnesium

C. Copper

29. In a chemical reaction, the D. Gold

change in concentration of a
reactant with time is Use the diagram below to
answer question 32 and 33.

A. entropy of reaction
B. enthalpy of reaction
C. rate of reaction
D. order of reaction

30. 2O2- +HO ⇌ 2CrO2

7( ) 2 (l) 4( )
32. In the diagram, the function
+2 +
( )
of the concentrated H2SO4 is to
What happens to the reaction
above when the hydrogen ion
A. purify the gas
concentration is increased?
B. dry the gas
C. liquefy the gas
A. more of the products will be
D. remove odour

B. the reaction will not proceed D. the equilibrium position will

C. the equilibrium position will shift to the left.
shift to the right
33. The gas that is removed by
the water in the flask is

A. O2
B. SO2
C. HCl C. calcium ions

D. H2 D. aluminium ions

34. Fluorine does not occur in the 37. In the electrolytic extraction

free state in nature because of calcium from calcium chloride,

the cathode is

A. it is a poisonous gas
B. it belongs to the halogen family A. zinc

C. it is inert B. graphite

D. of its high reactivity C. platinum

D. iron

35. In the extraction of sodium

from fused sodium chloride, the 38. A few drops of NaOH solution

anode is made of platinum was added to an unknown salt

because forming a white precipitate which

is insoluble in excess solution. The

A. sodium is formed at the anode cation likely present is

B. chlorine is formed at the anode

C. sodium does not react with A. Zn2+

platinum B. Pb2+

D. chlorine does not react with C. Ca2+

platinum D. Al3+

36. A compound that gives a 39. The general formula of

brick-red colour to a non- luminous haloalkanes where X represents

flame is likely to contain the halide is

A. copper ions A. CnH2n-1X.

B. sodium ions B. CnH2nX.

C. CnH2n+2 X A. isoprene

D. CnH2n+1X B. polythene
C. ethanol

40. D. benzene

43. Due to the unstable nature of

ethyne, it is stored by dissolving in

A. ethane-1,2-diol

The IUPAC nomenclature of the B. propanol

compound above is C. ethanoic acid

D. propanone

A. 2-bromo-3-chlorobutanol
B. 3-bromo-2-chlorobutanol 44. The process of converting

C. 3-chloro-2-bromobutanol starch to ethanol is

D. 2-chloro-3-bromobutanol
A. cracking

41. The alkanol obtained from the B. distillation

production of soap is C. fermentation

D. oxidation

A. propanol
B. ethanol 45. The polymer used in making

C. glycerol car rear lights is

D. methanol
A. Perspex

42. Ethyne is passed through a B. Bakelite

hot tube containing organo-nickel C. polystyrene

catalyst to produce D. polyacrylonitrile

46. CH3COOC2H5(l) + H2O(l) ⇌ A. lightness
CH3COOH(aq) + C2H5OH(aq) B. low density
The purpose of H+ in the reaction C. high density
above is to D. high compressibility

A. increase the yield of products 49. The process of converting

B. maintain the solution at a linear alkanes to branched chain
constant pH and cyclic hydrocarbons by
C. increase the rate of the heating in the presence of a
hydrolysis catalyst to improve the quality of
D. decrease the rate of the petrol is referred to as
reverse reaction

A. refining
47. A hydrocarbon has an B. cracking
empirical formula CH and a vapour C. reforming
density of 39. Determine its D. blending
molecular formula.
[C = 12, H = 1] 50. The petroleum fraction that is
used in heating furnaces in
A. C2H6 industries is
B. C3H8
C. C3H4 A. diesel oil
D. C6H6 B. gasoline
C. kerosene
48. Polystyrene is widely used as D. lubricating oil
packaging materials for fragile
objects during transportation
because of its

1. B 2. C 3. D 4. A 5. C 6. D 7. A
8. D 9. C 10. C 11. D 12. C 13.
A 14. A 15. No Answer 16. C 17.
C 18. B 19. B 20. B 21. B 22. B
23. C 24. B 25. D

26. A 27. A 28. A 29. C 30. D

31. B 32. B 33. C 34. D 35. C
36. C 37. D 38. C 39. D 40. D
41. C 42. D 43. D 44. C 45. D
46. A 47. D 48. B 49. C 50. A

1. Which of the following gives a white precipitate which is

statements is correct? soluble on boiling. Solution Y
A. The average kinetic enemy of a
gas is directly proportional to its A. Ag+ ion
temperature B. Pb2+ ion
B. At constant temperature, the C. Pb4+ ion
volume of a gas increases as the D. Zn2+ ion
pressure increases.
C. The pressure of a gas is 4. Methane is a member of the
inversely proportional to its homologous series called
D. The temperature of gas is A. alkenes
directly proportional to its volume. B. alcohols
C. esters
D. alkanes
2. Which are the correct IUPAC
names for H–CO2 CH3 and CH≡CH 5. Which of the following bonds
exists in crystalline ammonium
A. Methyl methanoate and ethene chloride (NH4CL)?
B. Metanoic acid and ethyne
C. Ethyl methanoate and ethyne A. ionic covalent
D. Methyl methanoate and ethyne B. ionic and co-ordinate
C. ionic, covalent and co- ordinate
3. A solution X on mixing with D. covalent, co-ordinate and
AgNO3 solution, gives a white metallic
precipitate soluble in NH3(aq). A
solution Y, when added to X, also
6. Some copper (II) sulphate A. 1

pentahydrate (CuSO4 5H2O), was B. 2

heated at 120°C with the following C. 3

results: Wt of crucible = D. 4

10.00 g; Wt of crucible +
CuSO4.5H2O = 14.98g; Wt of 8. 12.0g of a mixture of

crucible + residue = 13.54g. How potassium carbonate and

many molecules of water of potassium chloride were dissolved

crystallization were lost? [H= 1, Cu in a 250cm3 standard flask. 25cm3

= 63.5, O =16, S = 32] of this solution required 40.00cm3

of 0.1M HCI neutralization. What is

A. 1 the percentage by weight of K2CO3

B. 2 in the mixture

C. 3 (K = 39, O = 16, C = 12)

D. 4
A. 60

7. B. 72
C. 82
D. 92

9. Which of the following, groups

of physical properties increases
from left to right of the Periodic
Which of the curves shown above
represents the relationships
1. Ionization energy
between the volume (v) and
2. Atomic radius
pressure (p) of an ideal gas at
3. Electronegativity
constant temperature?
4. Electron affinity A. 3
B. 5

A. 1 and 2 C. 15

B. 1, 2 and 3 D. 31

C. 3 and 4
D. 1, 2, 3 and 4 13. 10.0 dm3 of air containing
H2S as an impurity was passed

10. An element Z, contained 90% through a solution of Pb(NO3)2

of 8Z 16 and 10% of 8Z 18 . its until all the H2S had reacted. The

relative atomic mass is precipitate of PbS was found to

weigh 5.02 g. According to the

A. 16.0 equation:

B. 16.2 Pb(NO3)2 + H2S → PbS + 2HNO3

C. 17.0 the percentage by volume of

D. 17.8 hydrogen sulphide in the air is

11. What are the possible A. 50.2

oxidation numbers for an element B. 47.0

if its atomic number is 17? C. 4.70

D. 0.47

A. -1 and 7
B. -1 and 6 14. A quantity of air was passed

C. -3 and 5 through a weighed amount of

D. -2 and 6 alkaline pyrogallol. An increase in

the weight of the pyrogallol would

12. How many valence electrons result from the absorption of

are contained in the element

represented by 31
15P? A. nitrogen
B. neon
C. argon 18. In general, an increase in

D. oxygen temperature increases the

solubility of a solute in water

15. Water for town supply is because

chlorinated to make it free from

A. more solute molecules collide

A. bad odour with each other

B. bacteria B. most solutes dissolve with the

C. temporary hardness evolution of heat

D. permanent hardness C. more solute molecules

dissociate at higher temperatures

16. 4.0 g of sodium hydroxide in D. most solutes dissolve with

250cm3 of solution contains absorption of heat.

A. 0.40 moles per dm3 19. The relatively high boiling

B. 0.10 moles per dm3 points of alkanols are due to

C. 0.04 moles per dm3

D. 0.02 moles per dm3 A. ionic bonding
B. aromatic character

17. A major effect of oil pollution C. covalent bonding

in coastal waters is the D. hydrogen bonding.

A. destruction of marine life 20. Given that 15.00cm3 of H2SO4

B. desalination of the water was required to completely

C. increase in the acidity of the neutralize 25.00cm3 of 0.125 mol

water dm3 NaOH, calculate the molar

D. detoxification of the water concentration of the acid solution

A. 0.925 mol dm3

B. 0.156 mol dm3 B. AgCl> Agl > AgBr

C. 0.104 mol dm3 C. AgBr > AgCI > Agl

D. 0.023 mol dm3 D. AgCI > AgBr > Agl

21. What volume of 0.1 mol dm3 24. A metal m displaces Zinc from

solution of tetraoxosulphate (VI) Zinc chloride solution. This shows

acid would be needed to dissolve that

2.86g of sodium trioxocarbonate

(IV) decahydrate crystals? A. M is more electronegative than

A. 20cm3 B. Zinc is above hydrogen in the

B. 40cm3 series.

C. 80cm3 C. M is more electropositive than

D. 100cm3 zinc.

[H = 1, C = 12, O = 16, S= 32, D. electrons flow from zinc to m.

Na 23].
25. Steam changes the colour of

22. The solution with the lowest anhydrous cobalt (II) chloride from

pH value is
(A) blue to pink

A. 5 ml of ⁄10 HCL (B) white to red

B. 10 ml of ⁄10 HCL (C) white to green

C. 15 ml of ⁄5 HCL (D) blue to white

D. 20 ml of ⁄8 HCL
26. When at equilibrium, which of

23. In which order are the the reactions below will shift to the

following salts sensitive to light? right if the pressure is

A. Agl > AgCl > AgBr

increased and the temperature is 29. When a crystal was added to

kept constant? the clear solution of its salt, the

crystal did not dissolve and the

A. 2SO3(g) === 2SO2(g) + O2(g) solution remained unchanged. This

B. 2CO2(g) === 2CO(g) + O2(g) showed that the solution was

C. 2H2(g) + O2(g) === 2H2O(g)

D. 2NO(g) === N2(g) + O2(g) A. supersaturated
B. concentrated
27. 2CO(g) + O2(g) → 2Co2(g) C. unsaturated

Given that ΔH [CO] is -110.4 D. saturated

kJmol-1 and ΔH [CO2] is -393.0

kJmol-1, the energy change for the 30. If the electron configuration of
reaction above is an element is 1s2 2s2 2p5, how
many unpaired electrons are

A. -503.7 kJ there?
B. -282.6 kJ
C. +282.6 kJ A. 2
D. +503.7 kJ B. 5
C. 1

28. Which of these properties D. 4

gives a solid its definite shape?

31. The substance that is used in

A. Strong intermolecular the steel industry for the removal

attraction of carbon, sulphur and phosphorus

B. High melting point impurities from pig iron is

C. High boiling point
D. Weak intermolecular attraction A. oxygen
B. chlorine
C. nitrogen 35. Mineral acids are usually

D. hydrogen added to commercial hydrogen

peroxide to

32. Hydrogen sulphide gas can

act as A. Oxidize it
B. decompose it

A. an oxidizing agent C. minimize its decomposition

B. a dehydrating agent D. reduce it to water and oxygen.

C. a bleaching agent
D. a precipitating agent. 36. Aluminium containers are
frequently used to transport

33. Which of the following is used trioxonitrate (v) acid because

as a rocket fuel? aluminium

A. HNO3 A. has a low density

B. CH3COOH B. does not react with the acid

C. H2SO4 C. does not corrode

D. HCI. D. has a silvery - white


34. The bleaching action of

chlorine is effective due to the 37. Ethyne is passed through a

presence of hot tube containing organo-nickel

catalyst to produce

A. Hydrogen chloride
B. Water A. Isoprene

C. Air B. polythene

D. Oxygen C. ethanol
D. benzene
38. The process of converting B. concentration of SO2 decreases

starch to ethanol is C. concentration of SO2 increases

D. SO2 gas becomes unreactive

A. cracking
B. distillation ANSWER KEYS:

C. fermentation
D. oxidation 1. A 2. D 3. B 4. D 5. C 6. D 7. C
8. D 9. C 10. B 11. A 12. B 13. C

39. An endothermic reaction is 14. D 15. B 16. A 17. C 18. C

one during which heat is and can 19. D 20. C

be represented by the symbol .

Which of the following 21. D 22. D 23. D 24. C 25. A

combinations can be used 26. C 27. B 28. A 29. D 30. C

accurately to complete the above 31. A 32. D 33. A 34. B 35. C

definition? 36. B 37. D 38. C 39. D 40. C

A. liberated -ΔH
B. liberated +ΔH
C. absorbed -ΔH
D. absorbed +ΔH

40. Consider the following

exothermic reaction 2SO2(g) + O2(g)
= 2SO3(g). If the temperature of the
reaction is reduced from 800⁰C to
500°C, and no other change takes
place, then

A. the reaction rate increases


1. An element X has two isotopes C. Atomic number

20 22
10X and 10X present in the ratio D. Electronegativity
1:3. The relative atomic mass of x
would be 4.

A. 20.5
B. 21.0
C. 21.5
D. 22.0

2. 200cm3 of oxygen diffuse The diagram above represents an

through a porous plug in 50 atom of
seconds. How long, will 80cm3 of
methane (CH4) take to diffuse A. magnesium
through the same porous plug B. helium
under the same conditions? C. chlorine
D. neon
A. 40sec
B. 20sec 5. Which of the following gases is
C. 14sec the most dangerous pollutant?
D. 7sec
A. Hydrogen sulphide.
3. Which of the following terms B. Carbon Monoxide
indicates the number of bonds C. Sulphur(iv)oxide
that can be formed by an atom? D. Carbon Dioxide

A. oxidation number 6. A Side effect or Soft water is

B. Valence that.
A. It gives offensive taste D. >C = 0

B. excess calcium is precipitated

C. it attacks lead contained in 9. The oxidation state of Cr in

pipes K2Cr2O7 is

D. it encourages the growth of

bacteria. A. +7
B. +6

7. Farmlands affected by crude oil C. +5

spillage can be decontaminated by D. 4

A. adding acidic solutions 10. 2Na2O2(s) + 2H2O(l) → 4Na0H(s)

B. using aerobic bacteria + O2

C. pouring water on the affected The substance that is oxidized in

area the reaction above is

D. burning off the oil from the

area A. 2Na2O2(s)
B. NaOH(aq)

8. Which of the following C. H2O(l)

functional groups will give gas D. O2(g)

bubbles when treated with a
saturated solution of sodium 11.

hydrogen trioxocarbonate(iv)?

A. —NH3

Z in diagram above represents

C. —OH
A. heat of reaction
B. activation energy solution using platinum

C. free energy electrodes?

D. entropy of reaction
A. Oxygen gas is given off at the

12. The nucleus of an atom cathode

contains B. Hydrogen gas is given off at

the anode

A. protons only C. Sodium metal is deposited at

B. neutrons only the cathode

C. protons and electrons D. Alkalinity at the cathode

D. protons and neutrons increases.

13. Which of the following does 15. Which of the following

NOT happen when a Zinc rod is statements is INCORRECT?

introduced into a solution of

Copper (II) sulphate? A. Fractional distillation of crude
petroleum will give the following

A. Electrons flow towards the zinc hydrocarbon fuels in order of

rod increasing boiling point. Butane <

B. The Zinc rod dissolves Petrol < Kerosene

C. The temperature of the soil B. H2C = CH2 will serve as a

chances monomer in the preparation of

D. The blue colour of the solution polythene

gradually disappears. C. both but-i-ene and but-i-yne

will decolourize bromine readily

14. Which of the following D. Calcium carbide will react with

statements is correct during the water to form any alkyne

electrolysis of a caustic soda

16. The iron (iii) oxide impurity in soluble in excess sodium

bauxite can be removed by hydroxide solution?

A. fractional crystallization in acid A. (NH4)2CO3

solution B. ZnCO3

B. dissolution in sodium hydroxide C. Al2(SO4)3

and filtration D. PbCO3

C. extraction with concentrated

ammonia and reprecipitation 19. The least easily oxidized of

D. electrolysis of molten mixture the metals below is

17. Aluminium is extracted A. Cu

commercially from its ore by B. Na

C. Zn

A. heating aluminium oxide with D. Al

coke in a furnace
B. the electrolysis of fused 20. Which of the following

aluminium oxide in cryolite chlorides would exhibit the least

C. treating cryolite with sodium ionic character?

hydroxide solution under pressure

D. heating sodium aluminium A. MgCl2

silicate to a high temperature. B. CaCl2

C. LiCl

18. Which of the following D. AlCl3

compounds gives a yellow residue

when heated and also reacts with 21. Which of the following

aqueous sodium hydroxide to give CANNOT be obtained by fractional

a white gelatinous precipitate distillation of petroleum?

A. Ether C. used with a metal of lower

B. Methane electropositive potential

C. Butane D. initially coated with tin

D. Hydrogen
25. The removal of rust from iron

22. Which of the following is used by treatment with

as an antiknock in automobile tetraoxosulphate (vi) acid is based

engines? on the

A. tetramethylsilane A. hydrolysis of the iron

B. lead tetraethyl B. reaction of acid with base

C. Glycerol C. oxidation of the rust

D. n-heptane D. dehydration of the iron.

23. The Avogadro number of 24g 26. The substance often used for

of magnesium is the same as that vulcanization of rubber is

A. Chlorine

A. 1g of hydrogen molecules B. hydrogen peroxide

B. 16g of oxygen molecules C. Sulphur

C. 32g of Oxygen molecules D. tetraoxosulphate (vi) acid

D. 35.5g of chlorine molecules.

27. Metals of the first transition

24. In an electrolyte set-up to series have special properties

protect iron from corrosion, the which are different from those of

iron is groups I and II elements because

they have partially filled.

A. made the cathode

B. made the anode A. s-orbitals
B. p-orbitals C. M is more electronegative than

C. d-orbitals Zinc

D. f-orbitals D. Zinc is more electropositive

than M.

28. A particle that contains 11

protons, 12 neutrons and 10 31. Calculate the quantity of

electrons is probably a electricity in coulombs required to

liberate 10g of copper from a

A. Neutral non-metal copper compound.

B. metallic ion
C. non-metallic ion A. 32395.5

D. neutral metal. B. 30156.3

C. 60784.5

29. A catalyst increases the rate of D. 15196.6

a chemical reaction by providing a [Cu 64 F = 96500c]

path that
32. The IUPAC names for the

A. raises the activation energy compounds CH3COOH and

B. increases the temperature CH2=CH2 are respectively

C. lowers the activation energy

D. increases the concentration A. acetic acid and ethane
B. ethanoic- acid and ethene

30. A metal M displaces Zinc from C. methanoic acid and ethylene

ZnCl2 solution. This shows that D. ethanol and ethene.

A. electrons flow from Zinc to M 33. The boiling point of water is

B. M is more electropositive than higher than that of methanol

Zinc because
A. water is an oxide while 4. removing the products as soon

methanol is an alcohol as they are formed.

B. inter-molecular forces in water 5. Powdering the reactant if solid

are stronger than those in

methanol A. 1, 2 and 3

C. Water is an inorganic B. 1, 3 and 5

compound while methanol is C. 2, 3 and 5

organic D. 3 and 4

D. Water is a compound while

methanol is a covalent compound 36. An element with atomic
number twelve is likely to be

34. If an element x of atomic

number Z and mass number y is A. electrovalent with a valency of

irradiated by an intense 1

concentration of neutrons, the B. electrovalent with a valency of

relevant nuclear equation is 2

C. covalent with a valency of 2.
A. x+ 1
n→ y-1
x D. covalent with valency of 4.
Y 0 z+1

B. YZx + 1
0n → y+1 zx
C. Zx + 1
0n → y
z+1 x 37. Which of the following
D. Zx + 1
0n → y+1
z-1 x physical properties decreases
across the periodic Table?
35. Which combination of the
following statements is correct? A. ionization potential
B. Electron affinity
1. Lowering the activation energy C. Electronegativity
2. conducting the reaction in a D. Atomic radius.
gaseous state.
3. Increasing the temperature.
38. If a gas occupies a container ANSWER KEYS:

of volume 146cm3 at 18⁰c and

0.971 atm, its volume in cm3 at 1. C 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. D 6. C 7. A

s.t.p is 8. B 9. B 10. A 11. A 12. D 13. A

14. D 15. D 16. B 17. B 18. B

A. 133 19. C 20. D

B. 146
C. 266 21. D 22. B 23. C 24. D 25. D

D. 292 26. C 27. C 28. B 29. C 30. B

31. D 32. B 33. B 34. B 35. B

39. 50cm3 of carbon (ii) oxide 36. B 37. D 38. A 39. C 40. C

was exploded with 150cm3 of air

containing 20% oxygen by
volume, which of the reactants was
in excess?

A. Carbon (ii) oxide

B. Carbon (iv) oxide
C. Oxygen
D. Nitrogen

40. The formula CH2O for ethanoic

acid is regarded as its

A. molecular formula
B. general formula
C. empirical formula
D. Structural formula

1. The flame used by welders in H2SO4(l). Given the heats of

cutting metals is formation for SO3(g), H2O(l) and
H2SO4(l) as -395KJmol-1, -
A. butane has flame 286KJmol-1 and –811KJmol-1
B. acetylene flame respectively, the enthalpy change
C. Kerosene flame accompanying this reaction is
D. Oxy-acetylene flame.
A. -1032KJ
2. At room temperature (300k) in B. -130KJ
fig 1 below C. +130KJ
D. +1032KJ.

4. In two separate experiments

0.36g and 0.71g of chlorine
combined with a metal X to give Y
and Z, an analysis showed that Y
and Z contain 0.20g and 0.40g of
X respectively. The data above
represents the law of

A. Y is twice as soluble as X.
A. multiple proportion
B. X is twice as soluble as y
B. conservation of mass
C. X and Y are soluble to the
C. constant composition
same extent
D. reciprocal proportion.
D. X is three times as soluble as Y

5. If an element x of atomic
3. Tetraoxosulphate (vi) acid is
number z and mass number y is
prepared using the chemical
irradiated by an intense
reaction SO3(g) + H2O(s) →
concentration of neutrons, the A. 6.7 atm

relevant nuclear equation is B. 15.0 atm

C. 60.0 atm

A. y
zx + 1
0n → y-1
D. 66.0 atm

B. YZx + 1
0n → y+1 zx
C. Y
Zx + 1
0n → y
z+1 x
8. A liquid begins to boil when
D. Zx + 1
0n → y+1
z-1 x

A. its vapour pressure is equal to

6. The vapour density of a gas the vapour pressure of its solid at

may be defined as the given temperature

B. molecules start escaping its

A. the mass of a unit volume of surface

the gas compared to an equal C. its vapour pressure equals the

volume of water vapour. atmospheric pressure

B. the mass of a unit volume of D. its volume is slightly increased.

the gas compared to an equal

volume of hydrogen. 9. Four elements W, X, Y and Z

C. the mass of a unit volume of have atomic numbers 2, 6, 16 and

the gas compared to an equal 20 respectively. Which of these

volume of oxygen. elements is a metal?

D. The mass of a unit volume of

the gas minus the vapour pressure A. X

of water. B. W
C. Z

7. 30cm3 of oxygen at 10 D. Y

atmosphere pressure is placed in a

20dm3 container. Calculate the 10. When cathode rays are

new pressure if temperature is deflected unto the electrode of an

kept constant.
electrometer, the instrument B. an oxidizing agent

becomes C. a dehydrating agent

D. a reducing agent.

A. negatively charged
B. positively charged 13. Smoke consists of

C. neutral
D. bipolar A. solid particles dispersed in

11. When large hydrocarbon B. solid or liquid particles

molecules are heated at high dispersed in gas

temperature in the presence of a C. gas or liquid particles dispersed

catalyst to give smaller molecules, in liquid.

the process is known as D. Liquid particles dispersed in


A. disintegration
B. Polymerization 14. In the electrolysis of dilute

C. cracking sulphuric acid using platinum

D. degradation electrodes, the products obtained

at the anode and cathode are:

12. If concentrated sulphuric acid Anode Cathode

is added to sugar and warmed A. sulphur hydrogen
B. hydrogen oxygen
gently, the sugar changes from
C. oxygen hydrogen
white to brown and finally to a D. hydrogen sulphate ions
black mass of carbon. In this
reaction, concentrated sulphuric
15. P(g) + Q(g) ⇋ 3R(s) + S(g) ΔH is
acid is acting as
Which of the following will
A. a drying agent

increase the yield of R?

A. using a larger closed vessel 18. If the electron configuration of

B. increasing the temperature an element is 1S2 2S2 2p5, how

C. Removing some S many unpaired electrons are

D. Adding a positive catalyst there?

16. The mass of silver deposited A. 2

when a current of 10A passed B. 5

through a solution of silver salt for C. 1

4830s is D. 4

A. 108.0g 19. Which of the following gases

B. 54. 0g can best be used for

C. 27.0g demonstrating the fountain

D. 13.5g experiment?

17. CO(g) + H2O(g) →CO2(g) + H2(g) (i) Nitrogen

from the reaction above, calculate (ii) Ammonia

the standard heat change if the (iii) Nitrogen (i) oxide

standard enthalpies of formation of (iv) Hydrogen chloride

CO2(g), H2O(g) and CO2(g) in KJmol-1

are -394, -242 and -110 A. (ii) and (iii)

respectively. B. (i) and (iii)

C. (ii) and (iv)

A. -282KJmol-1 D. (ii) only

B. -42KJmol-1
C. +42KJmol-1 20. The coloured nature of

D. +262KJmol-1 transition metal ions are

associated with their partially filled
A. f-orbital 23. In the reaction: 3CuO + 2NH3

B. S-orbital → 3Cu + 3H2O + N2 how many

C. P-orbital electrons are transferred for each

D. d-orbital mole of copper produced?

21. Which of the following A. 4.0 x 10-23

separation processes is most likely B. 3.0 x 10-23

to yield high quality ethanol (≥ C. 1.2 x 1024

95%) from palm wine? D. 6.0 x 1024

A. fractional distillation without a 24. The electronic configuration of

dehydrant an element is 1s2 2s2 2p6 3S2 3p3.

B. simple distillation with a How many unpaired electrons are

dehydrant there in the element?

C. fractional distillation with a

dehydrant A. 5

D. column chromatography B. 4
C. 3

22. The products formed on D. 2

hydrolysis of
25. 8.0 g of an element X reacted
with an excess of copper (II)
tetraoxosulphate (VI) solution to
deposit 21.3g of copper.
The correct equation for the
reaction is

A. X(s) + CuSO4(aq) → Cu(s) +

B. X(s) + 2CuSO4(aq) → 2Cu(s) + 27.

C. 2X(s) + CuSO4(aq) → Cu(s) +
D. 2X(s) + 3CuSO4(aq) → 3Cu(s) +
The electrons of two atoms Y and
Z are arranged in shells as shown
[Cu = 64].
above. The bond formed between
the atoms of Y and Z is
26. In the manufacture of iron in
the blast furnace, iron (III) oxide is
A. ionic
mixed with coke and limestone,
B. covalent
and different reactions occur in the
C. dative
process. Which of the following,
D. metallic.
statements are true with respect to
these reactions?
28. A gas sample with an initial
volume of 3.25 dm3 is heated and
A. The coke is a powerful reducing
allowed to expand to 9.75 dm3 at
agent and easily converts the iron
constant pressure. What is the
oxide to iron.
ratio of the final absolute
B. The calcium carbonate reacts
temperature to the initial absolute
with SiO2, an earthly impurity in
the ore, to form calcium silicate
C. The coke will react with the iron
A. 3:1
produced to form steel
B. 5:2
D. The calcium carbonate
C. 5:4
decomposes to give calcium oxide,
D. 8:3
which then forms calcium silicate
with the earthly impurity.
29. The chemical used for
coagulation in water purification is
A. aluminium tetraoxosulphate B. the Avogadro number

(VI) C. the gas constant

B. copper tetraoxosulphate (VI) D. the number of electrons.

C. sodium tetraoxosulphate (VI)

D. calcium tetraoxosulphate (VI) 33. Which of the following terms
indicates the number of bonds that

30. A liquid that will dissolve fat is can be formed by an atom?

A. hydrochloric acid A. Oxidation number

B. calcium hydroxide B. Valence

C. kerosene C. Atomic number

D. water D. Electronegativity

31. When air, which contains the 34. The structural formula of

gases: oxygen, nitrogen. carbon ethanoic acid is

dioxide, water vapour and the rare

gases, is passed through alkaline
pyrogallol and then over quicklime,
the only gases left are:

A. nitrogen and carbon dioxide 35. Environmental pollution is

B. the rare gases worsened by the release from

C. nitrogen and oxygen automobile exhausts of

D. nitrogen and the rare gases

A. water vapour

32. The number of atoms in one B. steam

mole of a substance is equal to C. smoke

D. heavy metals

A. the atomic number

36. What volume of 0.5 mol dm-3 B. A decrease in volume and an

H2SO4 will exactly neutralize 20cm3 increase in the pressure of the

of 0.1 mol dm-1 NaOH solution? reactants.

C. A decrease in temperature and

A. 2.0 cm3 an increase in the concentration of

B. 5.0 cm3 the reactants.

C. 6.8 cm3 D. An increase in temperature and

D. 8.3 cm3 an increase in the concentration of

the reactants.

37. Which of the following is an

electrolyte? 39. Which of the following
substances has the lowest vapour

A. Alcohol density?

B. Sodium acetate solution

C. Solid potassium in hydroxide A. Ethanoic acid

D. Mercury B. Propanol
C. Dichloromethane

38. Na2S2O3(aq) + 2HCl(aq) → D. Ethanal.

2NaCI(aq) + H2O(l) + SO2(g) + S(s) [O=16, CI = 35.5, H = 1, C = 12]

Which of the following would 40. The presence of an impurity in

introduce the greatest increase in a substance will cause the melting

the rate of the chemical reaction point to

A. be zero

A. An increase in temperature and B. reduce

a decrease in the concentration of C. increase

the reactants. D. be stable


1. D 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. B 6. B 7. B
8. C 9. C 10. A 11. C 12. C 13. B
14. C 15. C 16. B 17. B 18. C
19. B 20. D

21. B 22. C 23. C 24. C 25. A

26. D 27. B 28. A 29. A 30. B
31. D 32. B 33. B 34. D 35. C
36. A 37. B 38. D 39. D 40. B

1. The periodic classification of In the above experiment (Fig. 1)

the elements is an arrangement of the litmus paper will initially
the elements in order of their
A. be bleached
A. atomic weights B. turn green
B. isotopic weights C. turn red
C. molecular weights D. turn blue
D. atomic numbers
4. A correct electrochemical series
2. If 1 litre of 2.2M sulphuric acid can be obtained from K, Na, Ca, Al,
is poured into a bucket containing Mg. Zn, Fe, Pb, H, Cu, Hg, Ag, Au
10 litres of water, and the resulting by interchanging
solution mixed
thoroughly, the resulting sulphuric A. Al and Mg
acid concentration will be B. Zn and Fe
C. Zn and Pb
A. 2.2 M D. Pb and H
B. 1.1 M
C. 0.22 M 5. A basic postulate of the kinetic
D. 0.11 M theory of gases is that the
molecules of a gas move in
3. straight lines between collisions.
This implies that

A. collisions are perfectly elastic

B. forces of repulsion exist
C. forces of repulsion and
attraction are in equilibrium
D. collisions are inelastic. C. Elements in the same group
have the same number of electron

6. On which of the following is the shells

solubility of a gaseous substance D. The non-metallic properties of

dependent? the elements tend to decrease

across each period.

I. Nature of solvent
II. Nature of solute 8. The boiling of fat and aqueous

III. Temperature caustic soda is referred to as

IV. Pressure
A. hydrolysis

A. I, II, III and IV B. esterification

B. I and II only C. acidification

C. II only D. saponification

D. I, III and IV only.

9. Which of the following pairs of

7. Which of the following substances will react further with

statements is correct about the oxygen to form a higher oxide?

periodic table?
A. CO2 and H2O

A. Elements in the same period B. NO and H2O

have the same number of valence C. CO and CO2

electrons D. SO2 and NO

B. The valence electrons of the

elements in the same period 10. In the preparation of oxygen

increase progressively across the by heating KCIO3 in the presence

period. of MnO2, only moderate heat is

needed because the catalyst acts
A. lowering the pressure of the be liberated from its salt by the

reaction same quantity of electricity?

B. increasing the surface area of

the reaction A. 2.7 g

C. increasing the rate of the B. 1.2 g

reaction C. 0.9 g

D. lowering the energy barrier of D. 0.3 g

the reaction. [Al = 27, Ag = 108].

11. Methanoic acid mixes with 13. Suitable reagents for the

water in all proportions and has laboratory preparation of nitrogen

about the same boiling point as are

water. Which of the following

methods would you adopt to obtain A. sodium dioxonitrate (III) and

pure water from a mixture of sand, ammonium chloride

water and methanoic acid? B. sodium trioxonitrate (V) and

ammonium chloride

A. Fractional distillation C. sodium chloride and

B. Filtration followed by ammonium trioxonitrate (V)

distillation D. sodium chloride and

C. Neutralization with sodium ammonium diozonitrate (III).

hydroxide followed by distillation

D. Neutralization with sodium 14. The number of electrons in

hydroxide followed by filtration the valence shell of an element of

atomic number 14 is

12. A quantity of electricity

liberates 3.6 g of silver from its A. 1

salt. What mass of aluminium will B. 2

C. 3
D. 4 B. 3-methylbutane
C. 2-methylbutane

15. What volume of oxygen will D. 1 -dimethylpropane

remain after reacting 8cm3 of

hydrogen gas with 20cm3 of 18. An aqueous solution of a

oxygen gas? metal salt M, gives a white

precipitate with NaOH which

A. 10cm3 dissolves in excess NaOH. With

B. 12cm3 aqueous ammonia, the solution of

C. 14cm3 M also gives a white precipitate

D. 16cm3 which dissolves in excess

ammonia. Therefore, the cation in

16. If one of the following oxides is M is

heated with hydrogen or carbon

using a Bunsen burner, it is not A. Zn2+

reduced to the metal. Which one is B. Ca2+

it? C. Al3+
D. Pb2+

A. lead oxide
B. Magnesium oxide 19. What is the concentration of a

C. Copper oxide solution containing 2g of NaOH in

D. Tin oxide 100cm3 of solution?

17. The name for A. 0.40 mol dm-3

B. 0.50 mol dm-3
C. 0.05 mol dm-3
D. 0.30 mol dm-3
[Na = 23, O =16, H =1]

A. 1 -methylpentane
20. How many atoms are present In the equation above, the

in 6.0g, of magnesium? equilibrium constant is given by

A. 1.20 x 1022 A.
B. 2.41 x 1022
C. 1.51 x 10 23

D. 3.02 x 1023 C.

[Mg =24, NA =6.02 x 1023 mol-1]. D.

21. The radio isotope used in

24. (i) 3CuO(s) + 2NH3(g) ⇄ 3Cu(s)
industrial radiography for the rapid
+ 3H2O(l) +N2(g)
checking of faults in welds and (ii) 2NH3(g) + 3CI2(g) ⇄ 6HCI(g) +
casting is N2(g)
(iii) 4NH3(g) + 3O2(g) ⇄ 6H2O(l) +
A. carbon - 14 2N2(g).

B. Phosphorus - 32 The reactions represented by the

C. Cobalt equations above demonstrate the

D. Iodine - 131
A. basic properties of ammonia

22. Beryllium and Aluminium have B. acidic properties of ammonia

similar properties because they C. reducing properties of


A. are both metals D. oxidizing properties of

B. belong to the same group ammonia

C. belong to the same period

D. are positioned diagonally to 25. The salt that reacts with dilute

each other hydrochloric acid to produce a

pungent smelling gas which

23. mE + Nf ⇄pG + qH
decolourizes acidified purple C. i and ii only

potassium tetraoxomanganate D. i and iv.

(VII) solution is
28. A balanced chemical equation

A. Na2SO4 obeys the law of

B. Na2SO3
C. Na2S A. conservation of mass

D. Na2CO3 B. definite proportions

C. multiple proportions

26. The refreshing and D. conservation of energy

characteristic taste of soda water

and other soft drinks is as a result 29. A given amount of gas

of the presence in them of occupies 10.0 dm3 at 4 atm and

273°C. The number of moles of the

A. carbon (IV) oxide gas present is

B. carbon (II) oxide

C. soda A. 0.89 mol

D. glucose B. 1.90 mol

C. 3.80 mol

27. Which of the following are D. 5.70 mol

mixtures? [Molar volume of a gas at stp. =

22.4 dm3]

i. Petroleum
ii. Rubber latex. 30. According to Charles' law, the

iii. Vulcanizer's solution volume of a gas becomes zero at

iv. Carbon (II) sulphide

A. 0°C

A. i, ii and iii B. -100°C

B. i, ii and iv C. -273°C
D. -373°C 34. The type of bonding in
[Cu(NH3)4]2+ is

31. A substance that is used as a

ripening agent for fruits is A. coordinate
B. electrovalent

A. ethene C. metallic

B. propane D. covalent.

C. methane
D. butane 35. Which of the following is an
example of a chemical change?

32. The Sulphide which is

insoluble in dilute hydrochloric acid A. dissolution of salt in water

is B. rusting of iron
C. melting of ice

A. FeS D. separating a mixture by

B. CuS distillation

C. ZnS
D. Na2S 36. To what temperature must a
gas at 273K be heated in order to

33. What is the pH of 0.001 double both its volume and

moldm-3 solution of the sodium pressure?

A. 298K

A. 14 B. 546K

B. 13 C. 819K

C. 12 D. 1092K

D. 11
37. According to the Kinetic
Theory, an increase in
temperature causes the kinetic A. CH

energy of particles to: B. CH2

C. CH3

A. decrease D. CnHn

B. increase
C. be zero ANSWER KEYS:

D. remain constant
1. D 2. C 3. D 4. A 5. B 6. D 7. D

38. An element used in the 8. D 9. D 10. D 11. A 12. D 13.

production of matches is A 14. D 15. D 16. B 17. C 18. A

19. B 20. C

A. nitrogen
B. aluminium 21. C 22. A 23. C 24. C 25. B

C. copper 26. A 27. A 28. A 29. A 30. C

D. Sulphur 31. A 32. D 33. D 34. A 35. B

36. D 37. B 38. D 39. B 40. B

39. Which of the following gases

may not be dried with
concentrated sulphuric acid?

A. HCl(g)
B. NH3
C. CI2
D. SO2

40. Consecutive members of an

alkane homologous series differ by

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