Notes - Recreational Activities
Notes - Recreational Activities
Notes - Recreational Activities
BE NE FI T S OF ACT IV E RE CRE ATI ON An individual may voluntarily participate in many recreational activities,
either as a spectator or an active participant. The scope of recreation is wide
1. Reduced the risks of heart disease and stroke enough to cover the many activities which an individual may freely choose
2. Reduced risk of developing high blood pressure from. These activities may be performed either indoors or outdoors. Below
3. Prevention of some cancer are some of the activities:
4. Reduced risk of becoming overweight
5. Reduced risk of developing diabetes
6. Better bone and muscle development 1. Social Recreation
7. Improved muscle flexibility, strength and endurance 2. Cultural Activities
8. Improved quality of sleep a. art
b. dance
CH AR ACT ER IST ICS O F RE CR E AT ION c. Literacy, Mental and Linguistic
d. Drama
• It is an activity as opposed to idleness. The activity may be mental, e. Music
physical, emotional, social, spiritual, or a combination of the five that 3. Outdoor Activities
requires personal participation. 4. Fitness Activit
• Recreation occurs in leisure. Your time for recreation is the unobligated 5. Fitness-based activities
hours, where you are free to do what you like as you choose. 6. Hobby Activities
• The choice of activity is voluntary. Your participation is on voluntary 7. Special Events Activities
basis and not by compulsion of someone. You are free to choose 8. Sports and Games
activities that interest and reward you. No outside pressure to compel
you, but rather your free will prevails.