Notes - Recreational Activities

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• Recreation provides enjoyment.

activity you do participate offers

R ECRE ATI ONAL ACTI VI TIE S feeling of enjoyment.
• Satisfaction is immediate and inherent in the activity. Recreation has
Recreation - as any form of enjoyable leisure experience in which the
built-in satisfactions and rewards. Once you involve in the activity, the
participant voluntarily engages and compensates with satisfaction and
needs and desires may be immediately satisfied or at a later timea
pleasure. (Carlson, et al., 1963).
• It provides a change of pace. Your participation and involvement in
Leisure - Latin word "licere“, pertains to the period of time at the complete recreation results in ai refreshing experience, to maintain your physical
disposal of an individual after he completed his work and fulfilled his other and/or mental equilibrium. Recreation provides a change of pace or
obligations change of focus from work to pleasure. Example; a professional
basketball player who writes poems during leisure time or plays
It is an activity performed during his free time which provides one with joy,
basketball with relatives and friends.
satisfaction and an outlet for his physical, mental and creative powers.
• Recreation is a broad concept. Recreation encompasses a multitude of
(Vanniers, 1977).
choices to serve attitudinal needs, desires and interest like drama,
Recreation - Latin word RECREARE, which means refreshing of strength or hobbies, music, outdoor recreation and others. Recrea is for people of
spirits after work. (Merriam Webster, 2004). all ages, w/ individual differences, different identities and status in life.
• Recreation should be wholesome, constructive, and socially
Recreation - "fun". An expenditure of time in manner designed to gain
acceptable. 3 objectives describing recreation conjure connotations
therapeutic refreshment of ones body&mind
dependent upon the opinions of people and the society in which they
Recreation Activities are experiences in which you actively participate in an live. What is wholesome to one person may be destructive and
organized activity, generally with others, to have fun and enjoy life. degenerating to another. Local mores often dictates what is socially
accepted. (Wieskopf, 1978)
A few individuals view recreation as largely non-productive, even trivial.
Excessive recreation is not considered healthy, and may be labeled as I M POR T ANCE OF RE CR E ATI ON
However research has shown that recreation contributes to life satisfaction, MENTAL HEALTH
quality of life health & wellness & that the use of recreation as a diversion PHYSICAL HEALTH - A large part of recreation is physical in nature, like some
may have clinical applications to individuals with chronic pain and other forms of games, sports, and dances that are essential to physical fitness
health impairments.
EMOTIONAL STABILITY - People who balance work and recreation find their
Recreation is essential to longevity of human beings, especially because it life fulfilling and their existence meaningful.
helps counteract stress. According to a research cited in Healthy Options
lifestyle news digest, stress is a major factor in many of the leading causes of SOCIAL WELL-BEING -Recreation can be a source of happiness and
death in the United States. (Healthy Options Digest, Feb. 2010). satisfaction. A happy person can easily adjust to his or her peers,
subordinates, and superiors. As a social force, recreation is a means of
DI FFERE NT T I MES I N RE CR E ATI ONAL ACT IV ITI ES establishing unity among individuals. It develops a well-rounded personality.
It also helps restrain or control delinquency, lessens (if not totally eliminates)
the problems of community disorganization, and offers varied opportunities
Existence Time - is the time spent for biological needs like having meal, for better social relations
sleeping and other personal care.
PHYSIOLOGICAL AWARENESS - Leisure and recreation can relax and recharge
Subsistence Time - the hours spent for economic purposes such as going to the overworked individual. Frustration is a result of mental stress. Satisfying
work, chores, and for students the hours spent in school and school work. and worthwhile activities that relax a tired mind during spare time can
overcome frustration. Recreation also offers opportunities to develop and
Free Time - refers to the remaining time.
enhance skills, as well as creativity.
T Y PE S OF RE CR E ATI ON OCCUPATIONAL - Recreational activities usually translate into monetary
benefits for people engaged in business. Amusement parks, internet cafes,
Passive recreation - activities like strolling on beach or taking a walk on the gyms, and arcades are some examples of businesses that profit from
riverside, listening to ,music, watching concerts recreational activities.
Active Recreation - Activities like engaging in adventure, sports, and outdoor

BE NE FI T S OF ACT IV E RE CRE ATI ON An individual may voluntarily participate in many recreational activities,
either as a spectator or an active participant. The scope of recreation is wide
1. Reduced the risks of heart disease and stroke enough to cover the many activities which an individual may freely choose
2. Reduced risk of developing high blood pressure from. These activities may be performed either indoors or outdoors. Below
3. Prevention of some cancer are some of the activities:
4. Reduced risk of becoming overweight
5. Reduced risk of developing diabetes
6. Better bone and muscle development 1. Social Recreation
7. Improved muscle flexibility, strength and endurance 2. Cultural Activities
8. Improved quality of sleep a. art
b. dance
CH AR ACT ER IST ICS O F RE CR E AT ION c. Literacy, Mental and Linguistic
d. Drama
• It is an activity as opposed to idleness. The activity may be mental, e. Music
physical, emotional, social, spiritual, or a combination of the five that 3. Outdoor Activities
requires personal participation. 4. Fitness Activit
• Recreation occurs in leisure. Your time for recreation is the unobligated 5. Fitness-based activities
hours, where you are free to do what you like as you choose. 6. Hobby Activities
• The choice of activity is voluntary. Your participation is on voluntary 7. Special Events Activities
basis and not by compulsion of someone. You are free to choose 8. Sports and Games
activities that interest and reward you. No outside pressure to compel
you, but rather your free will prevails.

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