Rel - Ed Final
Rel - Ed Final
Rel - Ed Final
Module 7
1. What consist of the New Testament, who is our Lord Jesus Christ According to the
stories of faith?
The New Testament consists, 27 books written in Greek by 15 or 16 different authors
between 50 C.E and 120 C.E. It can be divided into 4 groups: Gospels, Acts of the
Apostles, Epistles, and Apocalypse. It has also 20 letters, one history book, one sermon,
and one book of apocalyptic literature. The New Testament was written by the followers
of Jesus Christ in the 1st century AD and is one of the most influential set of documents
in history. It is a record of historical events, the ‘good news’ events of the saving life of
Jesus Christ, and is sacred history written under the supernatural guidance of the Holy
2. Give examples of Miracles of Jesus and write a reflection about your faith.
He can heal people.
God is working “miracles” each day in our lives, but we cannot assume that all of us are
in tune with these “miracles”. This is so since we are frequently as well caught up in our
claim day by day work, ventures, concerns, busyness, and boisterous life that we relate to
God as although He is as it were of auxiliary significance to us. If God is of auxiliary
significance to us, at that point in our living, He is shown to us as it were within the
foundation of what happens to us, and we go to Him as it were when we are in require
and are confronted with torments, trials, and emergencies of our lives. This implies that
indeed as God is working so many “miracles” in our lives every day, we are going take
them as standard happenings, and utilize expressions like, “We are so fortunate to induce
the work or fortunate we were not harmed amid a mishap and the like.”
Module 8
Salvation History
1. What is the meaning of Salvation for Christians, is it an essential learning in being in the
Christian Faith?
Salvation means being saved from sin, and Christians believe that salvation is
essential to have a relationship with God while on earth, and to have eternal life
with God in heaven after death.
2. Roman’s Road are just one of the many presentation about Salvation of our Lord Jesus
Christ, can you understand what it is presenting? Why?
Romans Road is a way of sharing the Gospel of salvation using verses from the
Biblical book of Romans. It is a simple yet powerful method of explaining why
we need salvation, how God provided salvation, how we can receive salvation, and
what are the results of salvation.
3. How do you know that you have a relationship with our Lord Jesus? Can you feel, see
and know what it is to be a Christian, please feel free to write your testimony on knowing
our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ.
coming to the place where you understand and accept that the Bible is true when it
talks about who Jesus is and I need Him as my Savior.
Yes we can feel His presence as we serve our fellow man.
I was born and raised in the church. Though I attended mass every Sunday, went to
Sunday school, got baptized, received the Holy Communion, and took classes for
confirmation, I wasn’t a true Christian.
I went to church every Sunday only because my mother forced me. During mass,
my mind always wandered, and I rarely paid attention to what the pastor said. And
I certainly didn’t apply it. I rarely opened the Bible, let alone read it, and I didn’t
even have a Bible. I saw religion as something I had to do, like going to school. I
didn’t have any relationship with God and barely knew Him.
But glory be to God I am not that person anymore! I want to share with you how
Jesus changed me. Here is my salvation testimony; it is a tale of love and grace,
and how it came into my life. Come and hear what Jesus has done for me; how He
turned me from these dead bones of mines and made them alive.
Module 9
The Kingdom of God
1. What is the meaning of Kingdom of God?
Kingdom of God, also called Kingdom Of Heaven, in Christianity, the spiritual
realm over which God reigns as king, or the fulfilment on Earth of God's will. The
phrase occurs frequently in the New Testament, primarily used by Jesus Christ in
the first three Gospels.
4. Is it possible that God is working to make within us new beings in Christ? How?
Yes, as it was quoted to this verse that ‘God is able and determined to create in us
His own divine nature (2 Peter 1:4). "For He made Him [Christ] who knew no sin
to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him" (2
Corinthians 5:21)’.
Module 10
UCCP statement of Faith #6
4. What is your reflection about the Ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ?
Reflect, today, upon the fact that God is able to use all things for our good. Be it in
the midst of corruption, persecution, discord, sin, illness or any other evil in life,
when we turn to God in faith and surrender, He is able to transform all things and
bring forth an abundance of good fruit through them if we only let Him and trust in
faith. Prayerfully surrender over to God, today, any of the above concerns that
have affected us, and allow our self to believe the simple truth that nothing can
keep us from the glorious fulfilment of the will of God. All things can help toward
the salvation of our soul and end in God’s eternal glory.
5. Do you believe that the life story of our Lord Jesus, his life, death and resurrection still be
relevant today, especially in your life?
Yes I believe because, the resurrection of Jesus confirms that God accepted Christ's
sacrifice for sin on the cross and gives us access to a right relationship with Him.